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The Brussels Post, 1918-10-24, Page 10
4 etik a C3 .F: C+++•i-e+•+•+•+e+•+•6'•AO•t•O+O+•+♦+•+•+O+•+O+♦+•+•+O+/+ Fight the "Flu" sLID1 DO YOUR PART BY TRYINCT TO KEEP OUT OF YOUR HOUSE. The Spanish Influenza, which is raging at the present time, has been little short of a plague in many parts of Canada, It is up to all of us to do everything in our power to prevent the spread of the disease. Here are some of the things that are being used : IT 3pr,ys! 'e. flexed Catarrh Jelly For the Throat and Nose Is Antiseptic and clears the Air Passages. Comes in a handy tube, 35c, ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION LISPERINE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE REXALL SORE THROAT GARGLE ATOMIZERS from 65c up Catarrhozone 3 sizes -25C, 500 RINI $1.00 Ops Eucalyptus ' Camphor Reliable Cough Medicines TOMOS CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP Two sizts--25c and 5oc. Also Remedies for Severe Colds- Vinol $1.00 bottle Wampole's Cod Liver Oil, $I.00 BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE Rexaf Prep. Cod Liver Oil, $1.00 The old reliable -25c and soc. Scott's Emulsion, 750 3 $e 50 Cold Tablets LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE REXALL COLD TABLE QUININE. CAPSULES ASPIRIN TABLETS TS Your Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully Filled, F. R. RUTH The ' Store Druggist and Stationer O + O + • • + • • + • •+ •+• coxal $bpm Items SHARP frosts, FINE weather. THE PosT gives the news. LOCAL newe on other pages. Tiny up for the coming of Winter. HALLOWE'EN Tbnrsday of next week. Subscribers clear up arrearages to THE POST THE ban leas been lifted from Sunday automobiiing. Hime Foch win Freedom tby tak. ing a Victory Bond. FRIDAY of next week will usher in the month of November. A, C. DAMES shipped a car of cattle to Buffalo market last week, CANADIAN cash will hasten the crash. Help the Victory War Loan. READ the bargains offered by Carswell Bros. in their page advt. this week, A CAR of cider apples was sbipped by R. Thomson last week from Brussels. HAvE you had the influenza 7 is the customary interrogation when friends meet these days. LAST week 70 boxes were mailed to the gallant soldier boys from this locality overseas. It's a good work, TAX COLLECTOR OLIVER will soon call on you for 19/8 taxes, 5% added after December 14 on all sums unpaid. LOCAL and district news items always welcome at THE POST, either in written form or by telephone, Our 'phones are Nos. 31 and 32. THE streets are receiving their Fall millinery trimming in the shape of loads Ly gravel at the crossings and where rater was disposed to lie. A Ford touring car was bought by 1,'>'ill. Ament last week from Samuel Carter, the local agent. The former is busy touring the country purchasing heading for next season's work at the fcctory here, ',come is being pushed ahead at the new Batik of Nova Scotia, delayed wait- ing on necessary material. It promises to be a fine property when the overhaul- ing is completed, which will oeeupy some weeks yet probably. Now MAJOR MooRE,-M. H. Moore, V. S., Listowel, received a card from England that his brother, Capt. Will, Moore, M, D.,: has been promoted to Major, Major Moore has been over - :teas almost since the beginning of the war. His many friends here extend beerty congratulations to him on his promotion. HAD A STRoxs,-A few weeks ago Peter McMartin, brother to Mrs, Wm, Brussels, who iv Section boss Wilton,n of B usse , on the railway at Waterford, Ont„ was strickeu with paralysis. His right side is affected and also leis speed Mr, Mc. Martin is 54. years of age and formerly lived in town, We hope he will 'soon re- gain his old time vigor, DIen FROM WotsNns,-Corp. Arthur Daniel McGillicuddy is reported to have died from wounds received on Oet, 6. Be was the youngest son of Mrs, D. Mo• Glllicuddl', 85 East Bloor street, Toron- to, He enlisted in the 2o4tb Beaver Battalion, but • transferred and went overseas with the 95th Battalion, He CARSWELL BROs„ rerchauts, will re• move from Brussels but will hold a sweeping Sale before going, P. Sco•rT took end money at Wing ham Fall Fair in the 2 3o trot with 'Silk Vail," his speedy 'rotting horse, THE Posy regrets to hear of the death of Chas. New'on, Goderich, He was a brother -3n -law to Rev, Geo, P. Salton, of Winnipeg, formerly of Bruseela. WE are agents for one of the best and most reliable Counter Cheek Book Com- panys in the country. See our samples and get prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at THE POST 10 young pigs 8 weeks old. Phone 1116, ROY TORIRY, Morrie. 8o Leicester Ewes for sale, Aptly to GEonon DAvls, Lot 24, Con. 5, Morrie. Brussels P. 0, DRrvn eo Horse, 7 years old, end flrns-olnae 2ndhand Buggy for sale. Apply to 17.61 Win. LITTLE, Bruseele. 14 pigs 5 weeks old for sale. Lot 14, Con. 5, Grey. ORO. FRAeER, Ethel P, 0. church,lastgFiday, Owner is near questedlto prove property and pay for this advt. En. quire, M19a CoLINA CLARA, Walton, House and 1 85 scree of land for sale, con- veniently located. For price, terms, ems apply to ALEX, STEWART, Queen street Weet, 16.8 Brussels, A NUMesa of strong oolon[ee of Bees for nate. Apply to FLETCHER Roy, Lot 8, Con. 8, Grey. Phone 2818. 16-2 AT a bargain prioe. One'eet'of second-hand single harness, RICHARDS & CO. Fon SALE -Several well bred Leicester Ram Iambs. W. R. BROAbsooT, Lot 2, Con. 15, Phone 2710. Grey. WE have the Celebrated Granby Rubbers. They wear like iron, RICHARDS & CO. FOUR year old driving mare for sale, Quiet and not afraid of autos, WM, RonB, Thomas street, ldruseele. COAr. Heater for sale ata bargain, Apply to Mas. A. 0, DAwEs, Hones and Lot for sale, eligibly located. Good well, cistern, cellar, stable, &o, For fur. ther particulars apply to MBs. Oslo. HENDERaos, Brnneels, ROOMY house, large lot, stable, &o., for Bale on James street at a bargain. If not sold will be to rent, D Ew.tx. Dn. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, vieits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronio and nervous dineeees suceeesfnlly treated, Visits residences. Consultation at 6 neen'e Hotel, A new drain from the house cellar and the installation of electric light are im• provements at the home of Walter and Mrs. Rose, Frederick street. HELP the Sock Brigade. A lend call has come from over the seas for a large supply. Now is a good time to get busy. Yarn will be supplied by Mrs. Jane Thompson or Mrs. Alfred Lowry. MRs. WM, LANE DIED, -Mrs, Wm, Lane,wife of the Count Treasurer, wf t County o er 11 passed away n in G d e w o Sunday, Oct P Y Y, 13th, atthea age ear,and6 month e, g y s mots, and the sympathy of a very large circle of friends is with Mr. Lena end hie sons in their loss. The funeral look place Thursday afternoon, MATRIMONIAL --A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of James anti Mrs. Walker, Wingham, nn Saturday, Oct. 12th, at high noon, when their daughter Reta became the bride of C. te, Melutyr's, of the Bank of Nova Scotia. 'Toronto, and only son of C. F. and Mrs. McIntyre, Peterboro. The had been in most of the big engage- bride, wbo was unattended, was given 511ent5 since Vimy Ridge, The father away by ber father, looked very pretty of the soldier was Dan. MuGilliouddy, in a navy blue suit with bat to match one of the firm wbo established THE and a taupe lynx cape, gift of the groom, Rev, E. F. Armstrong, B. D., perform- ed the ceremony. Mrs. A. J. Walker, sister in-law of the bride, played the Wedding Mare)/ "The Bride's Promen- ade," During Lhe signing of the regist- er, Miss, Madelene Walker, sister of bride, sang, "Love's Coronation," After a dainty luncheon Mr. and Mrs, McIntyre POST in Brussels. TRoosr.Rs never come singly, is an old saying and it sometimes seems so. Duro lug the past week Mrs. Catherine Oakley, Brussels, North, wee called to Kitchener by the death of her second son Oscar, from pneumonia. A wife and son are left. There was such a large number of FALL apple picking has been ou the psogtam. Crop is light, 25 CENTS seon'es Tae Po8'r for the bahmce 015958 • Send it to the absent- ees if you get it. Tux bouse of Chris. Seel has been purchased by Thus Davidson, who gets early possessioe. MAuniz C, BRyANs announces her Office will be open Thursday, Friday autl Saturday, Out 24, 25 and 26. Tone's the than behind the gun, And the man who tv e'ds the hoe ; Butte win we need another one, The man who'll laud the dough, Wolin MIS received this week that Pte. Alvin Oakley, eon of Mrs L atlter- ine Oakely, Brussels. North, was %vonutl- ed in the leg, while doing duty overseas We hope the wound will not prove seri- Gus. Ile 18 now fn the hoepitel, 'I`HR Post' is sorry to learn that Rev U B. McRae's eyesight is much impair- ed during the past tew years, If good wishes of many old ftteuds would cameo improvement complete restoration would soon ensue. He resides in Kineardine. Tire Posy hope,: to see - Good trade this Wall. Big supply of stove wood. Long spell of good weather, Early diseppearaueea of influenza, Honorable Peace proclaimed 6000. Victory Bond sale go with asweep. Less' Sunday Mrs, Michael Walker, passed away at the home of her son, Elisha, of East Wavanosh, in her 83rd v'-ar. She was mother of James Walker, of Wiugham,foruierly of Brussels. In- terment waw made at Wiugham day afternoon. Deceased was a fine old lad v. Tees - NEW AMUSEN[ENT Tex, -The Prairie. chit Treasurer's department has decided to advance the tax on all tickets to places of amusement after Nov. 1. New scale will be: -Tickets, costing up to 150, 10 ; 150 tO 450, 20 ; 450 tO 950, 5c : 950 t0 $I 45, 100 ; $1 45 10 $1 95, 550 ; $1 95. to $2, 200 ; over $2, 250 W. H. and Sirs, Green, Rainy River, purpose returning to Wiugham to re. sire. Mr. Green recently sold the elect- ric plant in Rainy River and as soon as the corporation c•tn secure a man to take charge of plant, Mr. Green will return to Wingbarn. They were former Brus- selites. DANGEROOSLY WOUNDED -Such is the unwelcome news that came to Mrs. A. D. McGillicuddy, of Dunbar road, Toronto, of her husband, Corp. A. D. McGillicuddy. c illi Corp.p. McGillicuddy is a Y son of Thos. McGillicuddy, Toronto, formerly of Brussels. He enlisted with the 2043b Battalion and went to France with a draft for the 3rd M. G, Battalion. This is the first time he has been wound- ed. Druggist Jno McRae, left Brussels, last Friday for Kitchener, where Mrs McRae was and started on the return trip to their home at Vancouver, B, C., where the former has spent the past 20 years, Mr. and. Mrs. McRae came via Prince Rupert an.1 the Grand Trunk Pacific but go back by Chicago, visiting en route. It is 6 years since Mac, was here but we hope it will not be so long before he returns. Is reporting the Wiogham Fair, a former Brusselite is spoken of as fol. lows :-George Phippen exhibited sev- eral large paintings, the work of his brush over twenty years ago. They were the cause of considerable comment and the work is certainly good when it is taken into consideration that they were each done on an average of about eight hours, and the paints Used are merely common house paints. VOTERS' LISTS FOIL NORTH HURON BYE ELECTION, -The Voters' lists to be used in the forthcoming bye -election in North Huron are being prepared under the direction of the Registration board for the County of Huron composed of the County Judges, Dickson and Lewis, County Crown Attorney Seeger, Sheriff Reynolds and the Register of High Court, D. McDonald, Enumerators pre- pare the lists of the various polling sub divisions ; these are submitted to the Registration board and are printed or typewritten, and provision is thea made for the hearing of appeals. The system is a new one which bas come into effect along with the extension of the franchise of women. Election takes place De- cember 2nr1, MCCALL BROS, 1N FRANCE -The fol- lowing note from Chatham refers to sons of Druggist and Mrs. A. L McCall, former residents of Brussels and related to the McCall families of this locality :- "Word was received last Sunday that Signaler Herbert McCall was ednhittted to hospital ou October 12, suffering from shell gas. He is the second sou of Druggist and Mrs. A, I. McCall, and formerly a '1'orouto boy. His elder brother Lou, is in hospital in England suffering from wounds, The br ys went over together in the 24101 Batlaliou, and Lou reverted from the rank of Lieuten- ant to that of private to get to France as a signaller, A few weeks ago Herbert suffered a slight attack of gas, but re- covered quickly," Numerous friends here hope the boys will be able to return home in the near fttlure. Mrs, McCall is a daughter of the late Adam and Mrs. Reid, old time Brueselites and well known to many readers of THE Pose'. Mr, McCall studied drugs in the G. A. Deadman store in town, now owned by F. R. Smith, DEATH of Mao, HUGH MCIN'rosH '-- THE OST heal with deepregret, last` P1st week of the demiseof Mrs HughMc- Intosh, of Lsmond, Alto,Her maiden name was Elia Ain lay, eldest daughter of Watson and Mrs Ainlay, formerly of Brussels. She had not been having very rugged health for over a year, Bright's disease being the cause of death. The sad event took piece on October 7111. She was married 16 years ago and leaves to mourn ber demise her husband and 5 sons (Cameron, Harty, Fret , Gordon, and Kenneth) eldest boy 52. sed youngest 4 years old. Her father, 2 brothers (Harry, of Edmonton, and Wil- bert, of Lomond,) and sister (Mrs. Won. roe also survive. Deceased was a kind hearted woman, ready to do a good turn any time and will be much missed in her home and community. Bur.al took place at Lomond alongside her mother, at her request on the 9th inst. The family came East la:at Winter, spending Christmas here, in the hope of improving Mrs Mclntosh'e health but the visit proved unavailing, Mrs. Mc. Intosh was born in Brussels and on her burials the funeral had to be delayed to left oe the afternoon train for Montreal marriage went to McKillop township to secure undertaker. In addition to this and points E' s1, and on their return live, They went West 10 years ago. sad account came the news of Alvin will reside in their home in Ridley The bereaved Share in the sympathy of a Oakley being wounded in Franee and Gardens, 'Toronto. The bride's parents wide circle of friends ie this community Charlie, the only sou home, hes been ill were former well known residents of who regretted to hear of Mrs. Melt - With infittenua, Brussels. tosb's early demise, err'[) 1075 IIE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA f1f8AP ofIrmG8; - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the .world. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMS, Et ®® Mar'-••neer. 234 ti People We Talk About tt 1: t# Ward 130eh6080 is home from Hamil- ton on a visit. Miss Ruth Sinclair accompauied iMrs. R. M. Sinclair to'Dreeclen fora visit, Miss Gertrude Mckenzie has been dome from Stratford Business College, Jas. and Mrs. Cummings, Buffalo, N. Y , are here visiting Win, and Mrs. Oakley. Mrs, Wm. (Miley has been quite poorly but we hope she will soon regain fret healtb, Miss Lilian Davidson has taken a posi- tion on the stiff of the Central Tele- phoue oBiice. Miss Eva McCracken is home from a visit with relatives at, Peterboro and other points. Mr. and Mrs Burkett, Wingham, both died tbis week of pneumonia. The lat- ter was a Miss Vannorman. Miss Nellie Grainger, Listowel, was a visitor with Mrs. I. C. Richards, town. She was a termer resident. Miss luneve Taylor is home owing to the closing op of ber school for a while owing to the influenza epidemic. Gunner Leslie Lamont was home dur- ing the past week from Toronto where he is now attending Medical College. Mrs. Gordon McDonald, of town has been ill at the home of her parents at Blyth, but is improving nicely now. john and Miss Mary Grainger, of Listowel, formerly of Brussels; are away 0 o a bolida i fora y tryfew months in the West. Sam. Lockridge, Wingbarn, who was in Brussels several times this season playing base ball, died Tuesday of pneumonia, Rev. Mr. Hind, Hespeler, was here last week and accompanied Mrs, Hind and children home. Mrs. Hind was formerly Miss Mae Deadman, Alex., son of Mrs. George Sperling, Brussels, has gone to Varna where he will pursue a course in Agriculture, under the direction of his uncle. Clifford and Mrs. Sherrie and Harry end - Miss Pearl Champion, motor- ed from Galt last week, glad to get away from the influenza epidemic which was going strong there. Mrs. L. A. Wright and son, William Arthur and little daughter, Mary Eliza. beth, of Carberry, Mau„ were welcome visitors with Mrs. W. F. Stretton at Killarney Heights. Miss Beatrice Harris, who came home for Thanksgiving, was granted extended holidays by the Trustee Board at Port Credit owing to tee closing of the school on account of influenza. Miss Hazel Lowry, Miss Lovette Bal- lantyne and Miss M. Sperling were home during the past week as their re- spective schools were closed to prevent the spread of the influenza epidemic , Among the Toronto teachers off duty owing to the influenza are Misses Carrie McCracken, Jean Armstrong, Berea Bryans and Tessie Menzies are bolidsy- ing at their homes in this vicinity, Walter S. Scott has been dangerously ill during the past week from a severe attack of pneumonia, following influenza, but, is now past the crisis and will soon regain his accustomed vigor his many friends hope. He had a close call. By notice elsewhere it will be seen that Miss Pearl Gibson, of Listowel, died of pneumonia last Sunday in Toronto. She was buried in her home town on Tuesday, Miss Gibson was a warm friend of Misses Brown, former reside ents of Brussels, and frequently visited here. A neioe or J. T. and Mrs. Wood, Brussels, died in 'Toronto last Saturday morning in the person of Mrs. Chas, G. Fraser Jr., Toronto, of pneumonia, She was a splendid woman and is survived by ber husband Sud 4 children, Inter- ment was shad Mouday. Lloyd Tacksou. R. N, 0, V, R., when returning from Brussels to Ottawa, where be is training was turned back at Toronto on account of the influenza epidemic at the capital, He came back home 'Thursday of last week and left Wednesday of this week. The work is proving most congenial, He looks the part in his blue snit with brass buttons and white cap, Pte, Jno. McGregor, who has been visiting els sister, Mrs. Walter Lowry, has been to the clutches of influenza, along with the Lowry household. BORN Psn2ELr,,-In Clinton, on 001, let, 1958, 00 Df r, nod Airs, Ernest Hazel], a dnugllter,-Ruth ivndell RoLe1ON-2n Wroxeter on Oet, 16th, to 5.1r, and Mrs. R Rolaton, n eon, TaIBIDEAu-In Lietowel, on 001, 411i, 1918, to Mr, and Mrs. John A. Thibldenu, 8 son ,- Douglee Haig, • MARRIED Fenorrens-TAPre.-A0 the manse, Bluevale, on October 18th, 1018, by Rev. Crawford. Tette, father of the bride, Mr. ,T, P. For - Ronan, o0 Calgary, to Miss Ruple Tarte, Bluevele. MOINTYaa-WAT.ttait,-At the home of the bride's parents, on Oct, 12th, by Rev. 1➢. F, Armstrong, Mr. 0. C. McIntyre, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, to Miss Seta, dao�gqlnter of Hr. and Mrs, .letnee Walker, Wingham, DIED OAevRLL.-At Belmont Man., on Oct, 6t1r,1018, lassie Johnstone, widow of the Into Win, Castell, forineely of Fordtvfch, In her 71st DAVTneON.-In Fullerton, on Oct, 18th,, 1018, Jn,nee Davidson, aged 77 yearn FEARER -At her Into reeidenre, 784 Manning avenue, Toronto, Oe' 19th, 1910, of pnea- mlmlla, myrtle, daughter of Wm. Watson, and beloved wife of Chas, G. Fraser, jr., Science Mester, learboard Collegiate In- etitute, Toronto, and son of Principe! Fr,,e- er, of Mannine Avenue Settee', Toronto, GlnaoN: On Oat. 20th, 1918, at Private Pavili- on, Toronto, of pneumonia, Pearl Lulu Gibeon, only and dearly beloved daughter of W. T. and lure, Gibson, Regina Seek., formerly m rl 's y of ei Listowel. $AIBT.-L1 filcIti'iiloP township, on Oatobar 10th, 1018, John Hniet, aged 46 yoerR, 4 men- the and 8 days, Lanka. -L, Goderich, On Oct. lath, Hanna Stewart, beloved wife of Wm, Lane, 00. Treasurer, aged 61 genre 6 months end 1 daMohvTosn.-At Lomond, Alberta, on October 7th, 1818. Eleanor Emily Ainlay, beloved wife of Hugh Meintosh, aged 89 years, NEWTON, -In Goderich, on Oct, 17th, 1918. Chas. 0. Newton, in hie 67th year. ROGERS-On Ontober 19th, at Dnvisville milit- eryHospital, Nursing Slater Grace Rogers, dearly beloved daughter of Janes and Mrs, Rogers, Lietowel, Ont. WALKER -On October 201h, 1918 et rho home of her son, Mishit, 12th Oonceseion, Eget Wavanosh, Mary Jackson, relict of the late Miebael Walker, in her 88rd year, IN MEMORIAM GOaaALTTE-In memory of our dear and faithful Mother, Wllhelmine Goreatite, who passed away one year ago, Oct 12th, 1917, "Sleep on dear Mother and take thy rest, We miss her most who loved her beet." Signed by THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 8210 6210 Spring Wheat 2 05 2 05 Oats Peas 2 25 2 25 Butter 1 98 146 Eggs Wool1766 1.7 P5 Hay 10 00 10 00 Potatoes per bag 1 60 1 60 Wool (unwashed) 00 00 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM ST007, I4- ptantruems, ORATN. &O.- John Pavia, Auctioneer, lee renewed instructions from the nndernigned proprietor to sell by Public Auc• Mon at Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey Twp., on Tuesday, Nev. 6151, at I o'clock the following valuable property 7-1 horse 1'0 yeare old, 1 horse 7 years old, 1 mare 6 yearn old, 1 registered shorthorn heifer rising 8 genre in gaff, 1'reale. tared heifer 2 years old iu onlf to an inn ported bull, 2 grade cows supposed in calf, 0 steers rising 2 years, 1 heifer rising 2 years 6 calves, 9 pigs 8 weeks old, 1 Yorkshire cow, about 82 Ilene, 1 Deering binder 7 foot nut, 1 Brantford InoWe• 5 foot out, 1 hey rake 10 0t., 1 bay redder, 1 manure R (read• e•,1 seed drill 15 hoes 1 tilos harrow 14 diems,1 miring tooth anitivniior, 2 seta he•rowe, 1 Oliver tiding plow, 1 walking plow, 1 drill plow and potato digger, 1 pen harvester, 1 Bordner, 1 pulper, t turnip sower, 1 trunk wagon, 14 wagon and hox,1 democrat wagon, 1 baggy, i. hay rank, 1lint reek with roller see - Mon. 1 pie rack,1 scat box, 1 gravel box, 1 set 80001h, Reales with stook platform, 1 Olmthnnt fanning mill and bagger, 1 wheelberrow, 1 Rack barrow,1 post hole auger, 1 grain cradle, 1 buggy and nutter pole, 2 nets teen farness, 1 Melotte cream separator, 5 dozen groin begs, 4 earner posts, 100 bus. burley, 160 bus, mixed grain, 1000 bus. oats, quantity of mangolde, po- tatoes and turnips, laddera,pig orates, chicken coops and other articles too numerous to omen• Mon, all in good repair. Sale without reserve as the proprietor hat sotd'hie farm. Terme:- Alt sums of 010.00 end under cash; over that nmotlnt 8 menthe oredit given on furnlahinqq approved joint notes. 4 per cent off fee melt on oredit amounts, TAS, MOFADZItAN, Prop, mimuuuuuiuiummuiuiuuluumiuuuuuumuuu�umuuuuuimuuuui�uilumiuiuiuullllll�uiulllluulumuluuluuuimumluloluluuuuuuliuluiuiumuuuluuummuumll�ll�llm�uloluuiu IMPEMEMEMIM GIRLS CAN SECURE LIGHT GLEAN WORK AT GOOD WAGES. PAID WHILE LEARNING. Williams Greene Rome Oompany, Limited Cor. Benton & St. George Sts., KI'TCHENER '� Write for partiouiars ll�lll�illlWl fur f 1111 EGUI I t : 2! I ISI 1hl1 ISIVIU1IWlllli 111111 110 II�IWIIUIIIIVIIIIIIQ�VG I(IIVfIVI�IIV�I 1 11' i 1," • . . panish Ioflvenza t1 .Y,EtIit55 mfr ,Ttti2+ Y ittelaie n@ieYBlV ' i 0 o 6 u 1' is conceded by most itnlitmities that the dfsnnee 1 line ie now es • endlet1 " Spani�h influenza" is lltrtite Similar Lo the dievnee railed '♦ a "Russiail LaG11p pe" o1 somal 20 years itgo. 'The beginning or re e9 this disease is quite Muffler to an ordinary en Id in the head and top • sore Ilii eta, bub ie rapidly goes much Name. fever ie di'vrlopell m ,0 • and soreness le all the n)uaefes and great danger of developing o • pueunaouiit. o O 'l be following may be used with generally good resulIa berote, + of clueing and after an attack of Lhis Leonine ;-Some gond Throat to O Lozenge such as tg o Paraformie Threat Lozenge or o Formolid Throat Ease 0 a • or a good gargle will keep the mouth antiseptic and as the air pas• a m enges are the snores or infection by the genote of Lhis disease the e O • above tall help greatly to peravenL the Indguleut of enol germs. e As a gr urrPl 1.'oni0 to keep _the physielul condition up to plan we e © • strongly reecfunlend 'et •o Penslar Palatable Cod rvL er a L '0 " " `'yr01 9 Y0u will find this a splenoid builder. 'then there is Benin() (enin- 0 o ine Tablet% Penslar Laxative Cold Breakers, Aspirin Tablets, m o Hydrogen Peroxide, Oil of Eucalyptus, Gum Camphor, all of which et 6 are very useful, a ea• ,_tir,-/nritealt. 11 "�' a so wwi66iiL.. O STORE DRUG STORE e a 41'°° 06)4106""ole000ssossps • sssssssse�®e000a000aernmsmeess AUCTION SALES TUEenAy, NOV. 6. -Herm stocir, implements, etc., Lot 8, Con, I6, Grey towueh la. ea10 un- reeervedatlp. m. ,Tiw. MoFadz eon, Proprie• tor, John Purvis, Auc. Farirlli for Sale Tenders will be received rip to November 14, 1018, for the sale of the Weal half of Lot 18-, Con 15, Township of Grey County of Enron,k ,nJohn es the ohn Wortley faun) Thee is a frame hoose end burn on the property. It meet be sold In order to wind up the estate. Address 13, WOIRTLEY, 10.2 Executor, Woodstock, Ont, Tenders Wanted The Municipality anof the township r v ni or ria. P y Mo le tweet Pottenders for the trees on elderead rs between Lots 10 and 11, in (loll. B Tenders will be opened nt the Township Anil, on Tuesday, Oct. 29t1t, at 8 °'alae) p, m. The low- est or any tender not ueooseorily accepted. A. afoEWEN Clerk, Bluevale P, 0. Farm for Sale 160 pores, one utile West of Brnsele, on the mune. Good soil, tilled and well fenced. Good bank barn awl frame dwelling. 05011 for an offer at $00.00 per sere. For further particulars write W. A. GIf.13E10T. 911 Realest., Toronto, Ont. 4. MAIL CONTRACT Staled Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received lit Ottawa until noon, on lrritley, the 2211 day of November, 1918, for the conveyance of Rio Mnjesty'e Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, Nix times Per week, over Welton No, 4 Burnt Route, from the 156 of April 1910, Printed otiees nontainin h farther information t conditions orinooTe Contract be beeeen end the Po t Oes ofe of Walton, may be olltelted at the Myth, Post Odio 0 of the st OiSe and tealo and 71t the ofAre of0 the Poet Office Int• epeutoc. CHAS. E. H. IrISAE$, Post 0flioe Inapeotor, London, lith October, 1818. ' ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1913 Notice of Sittings of Revising officers ELECTORAL DISTRICT Of NORTH HURON TO WIT: TAKIS NOTICE that the Bets of velars for Polling Subdivision numbered 1, 2, 8, 4, o` and 6, in the Municipality of the Township of Howick ; numbered 1 in the Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter ; 1 2, 3. 4 and 5, In the Munici- pality of the Town of Wingham ; 1, 2, 3 and 4 fu the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry ; 1 and 2 in the Muuieipality of tlxe Village of Blyth ; 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 6, in the 14iuhlicipelity of the Township of Morris ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, in the Municipality of the Township of Ashfield ; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Municipality of the Township of East Wawanoeh, and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Municipality of the' Township of West Wawanosh : have been prepared by the Enumerators and have been delivered to the Olurk ilf this Board by the Returning Officer. AND THAT His Honor, Judge E. N, Lewis has been appointed Revising Otiicee for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as tp the said Lists for the township of Howiek and the Village of Wroxeter ; His Honor Judge Lewis H, Dickson has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hear. Mg complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the TOM; of 1Vitigham and elle Township of lornberry, D. McDonald, )squire, has been appointed' Re. vising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals at to the said lists for the Village of Blyth and the Township of Moteris, 11. G. Reynolds, Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- plaints and appeals as to the said lists of the Township of Ashfield. 0. Seeger, Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- plaints and a'ppeale as to the said lists for the Ti 'vnships of Ems, Wawanosh and West Wavanosh. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTIOE that the sitl.i•nbs of the Raid Revising Officers will beheld as follows :- In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on Friday, the 151 11 day of November, 1018t to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions in the Village of Wroketer, • In the,irown Hall, Gorrie, on Saturday the lOth'day of Novembtn•, 1018, to bear complaints as to the said list of voters for the Polling Subdivisions in the Township of Howlett. In the Town Hall, Winghfm or Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 1018, to hetet• complaints as to the said lilt of voters for the Polling Subtlivis- ious in the Town of Wiughiuu, In the Township Hall, Bluevale, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, 1018, to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters I'm, the Polling Subdivis- ions in the'Tptvnahip of'I'uruberry. In the Industrial Hall, Blyth, on Wednesday, the 13th clay or November, 1018, to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for elm Polling Subdivisions in the Village of Blyth. Int the Township Hall, Morels, on Thursday, the 141h day of November, 1918, to 11801 coanplaints as to the said vohers' lists fm' the Polling Subdivieione in the Townehip of Morris. In the Township Hall, Ash field, on Wednesday, Lhe 1:311) day of Nevem. bee, 1018, t0 heal: complaints a8 10 the said velem+. liras fol' elle Polling Sub- divisions numbered 1, 2 and 8, in the T,otvitahip of Ashlieltl, and tit the Town. ship Hall, Ashfield, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, 11118, eo hear 1 tints to the said voters' lists t nom as v s foe Polling Subdivisions nt m byre 1 1 5 pp g c 4 6 and 7 in the Township of Aabfi'lel ' a In the Foresters Hall, Bolgrave on Wednesday. the 181.11 clay of Nevem. ber, 1918, to hear complaints as to the said vobers' lists for the Polling Stub. divisions in the 'Township of Haab Wawanoeh, and in the Township Hall, West Wawanoeh, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, 1018, to )tear con - plaints as to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions in the said Township of West Wawanoeh. Each Bitting commencing ab 10 30 o'clock in the forenoon. AND FURTHER 'TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to rout, plain that the names of any persons onbitled to be entered on the said Bete have been omitted from the same, or Haat the names of peeeons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered on the Bete, may, not leak 6111,11 5 clear days before the dates fixed for the sittings of Revising Office's, apply, coin. plain or appeal to have his own name or the nam56 nt' any Otho!' P31161113 ear• reefed In, Mitered on or remnvos from the lists, prepared antler the Onl:urin Mleotion Act, 1018, AND FU11TW2R TAKE NOTICE that such appeals mutt be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by the tompbdnent and given m• left for him at his residence 01' placer n business, on or before the e saiti date, to the (Dierks of the Revising OfBcere as follows :- Mee. L. Walkee, Garde, as t0 appeals for the Township of llotvink ; 1), ]Si. 14Ic'laviah, Wroxeter, for the Village cf Wr'0xetet' ; ,l. '1', Clrnvwe �X'ingham, for tlae Town of Wingham ; .Pou1 Powell, W inghorn, for the 'rntvnshlp of '.rnrnberry ; A. 171dei', IlIyLh, for she Village of Blyth ; Jnec•pil fit,+thrrp, Blyth, for the Township of ,Morels ; T. G. Allen, Megan/ion, foe rho Tow1 - ship of A01111151 ; A. Poet el field, i4rlgreve for the •1 ownehip or Ileat. Wn• wattow.; ; W, AVtNot, LGcknow P, O., for 1,1111Townslrip or Weae Wawanoeh, LEWIS H. DICKSON, Ohairman Voters' .Ctegistration Board, Oottuty of Moron, • 1