HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-24, Page 9PRO LEMS ......... 1 ; at the rigor, thrift and F.rteu'rnoe of the vegetnides 1.114 well ae rb•:. OVUM 1 . . Wel °Mailed& from a ogee. Yeee Orel. BY 6 ' adding I lie Animal a to ilea, len of 'out- MuMELEN IfAW l'Itira the oil will imerove ?0 01'1' /Orden/lig wi'I be n profitable plat, feeteet0(2) 4141, III Mothore and daughters of eli ages aro cordially invited to wrtto to trite department, initial* only will be published with each question and I a antiwar as a means of Identification, but full name and address must bo given In each letter. Write on one slue of paper enly. Antiwore will be mailed direct if tamped and addressed envelope la enclosed, Address all correepondence for thla departme`ot to Mrs. Helen Law, 233 Woodbine Ave,, Toronto. Reader:- 1. Baked beans, brown bread nut. eendwithee, eaten, apples pumpkin pie, douglunate and nut Would make a good, old-faeltionee Hallowe'en euener. Anil.. th 11 1.1(to dell) hLve. and drawere. Pi , trim mei emel Iii fo • Stem wood - work will make it easy to keep clean a triad) of the work rd rurryhv' from one Leona to in ;her may b s saved. way. 'elle '(--time flalloweem neen is in lar the mo t up to date one! If prefer annething a lit tie more ‘'egt.fleri broiled oys terz, ellen 1 celery salad in hollow ed-oue aep!,,-, ore lee ev wine molded abate of \\le:eh he: '. In the old-feehioned menu eel kin !a of Falul V You can Scarcely hare too Mall e cinsets. One for linen should hav ure. Straw, grass and leave-, nee. greatly help in maietainiee ea. ar I feetility of your rata 'oil. '11g,y are espeebilly rieli in pieta reed mei arganie wetter. It ie for Ode lei !ton 1,11nt forC..ir 1ard when Met, cleared produces each abundant maps. 1 reeve; ehauld never be burned, If you have Milo quantilIes, haul them , into cornee-of the garden and pile I t•horn, mixing first a Uirk layer o ...eves an I then a layer of dirt, 4 If tile, '..evee and grass are handled e in tale mariner, they will soon decay and form n rich organic compoet, fine / for all garden crepe, apd especially goad for forcing. ' • ••41.. ellzatria Women can do the sane. Whether king in ,spare time or full 'time, :he tiepperette wil•I find th- te easy e eel. very remuneratiee "bringing on (pri urms 1,0144 ie money and iu 1eal.,11. Sumeone murd, replace the ' treppers gone to was, The country alvritys preeenea u fine marlat for fur witchee-aie willing to pay u good priee for the right kind. Here is woman'e thanes to be genuinely fill in eupplying this demand and be paid well for her %%wk. Wine wte men me beginning to embrace the lwai•thiell and Prentable life of the Women and Trapping. ereerpm ate. The exodus of melt to the war and f the war induetriem hag given oecaeie and a good quality of weidoweelass flee/eat), 11, - It" 4* • INTERNATIONAL LESSON OCTOBER 27. - nal give equal titifa...th, 0. IVIany up-tietleite 11011 A oi have a s.leepingeporch. Build one now oe plot • to add it Inter. wichee can be stthstitreai fur Lite baked beane and sweet e:_leir fee the toffee. 2, 1h2 three -bowl fete le a very old one; -take three howls the semi :4120, 011 one weth ceear water the eeeond with .eteseey water, and :ewe: tele th'ird one empty; fah) lie the a.-eirant for knowledge and instret hi le or ter to v the third finger 1)1. tql:? :art hand (wedding ring linger:. If V? .1!11,3 into the clear 1\ lila future mate twill be young and good leaking, if into the eceitey liquid, the mate will be a wieew or widower, and if into the empty bevel. no tnatT,nge for a year. ott eew i :-To build e new house thin e :Trine with all pomible labor 0)01101 devieel and with electric pow- '1- -pelts IA indeed .a plea - emit leek and 1 am happy to make eugee-tiena Arrane,e for Meath - mem.. ,n ail your ermine so that you ran tha carious eledrri.al opoil- a11,TA. Von will want a vacuum, eleanee, eourse. Yoe can also use l'''' tbie ..Trer for ktund-y work. cooking and the ,.nwing-Inachine. An open lire is it never ending. amine. ,,f plan to have Die or nem. open beertbe. A '1 th ditto from., the 110411 ani sc ond 11 ma, to the basement saves many ,400., fer sreled chee 'et , -)re simply dropped deem the chute into 000&-p)-:-44 le I, :low. Cennect the f,i-- naeo 1,y OA WithLIp, boors above, so that :Wefts nati be turned on or off a about a trip to the eviler. Well planned and well -lighted lior stairs add much to the cemfort. of the . women foll.s. The beet plumb- ing and tietueee 44-00 rote tea good. To- gether with the lighting fixtures they should he plain hi construction and pattern. but the best you can eiford. A lavatory on the filet floor is a' great eenvenience, while a welt -equip -I pe ci laund,ry is meet de'sirable. Place: your woodleox and yore refrigeratm; iso that they can be tilled from the!i oubside. prevents 'bite trackittir of dirt into the houee. The Icitelem; treads special attenbion. A convene t ent arnangeinent of sink and stove! f honed be provided for, as well as' b good cupboards and- cabinet. If blue leteer ie placed ',URI:duet the dining - t etom wan, opening into both rooms, h Jidita-flope chests vary greatly 11 size. The small ones ine about thirtysix inches in length, while the large ones takes up as much room ac , a box couch. Ceder is the favorite wood, as the cedar keeps moths away; • some chests Df mahognay and wale not are cedar lined, although there me others of plain mahogany, wale nut, cherry or similar woods. e The engaged girl usually keeps all of her household ;Mem gored- in a clung of this kind, sheets, pillow casee, towels, ceniaveeeeea etu. I -am enable to furnleh you with the names of stogies . at uleleti these cheats can lie• bought or the prices santo, but as all the large stores keep them in stock you can easily obtain this information by writing. • •e Vivicttea---You will be sorry to learn, Viviette, that the class to be held for dalevinaide at Guelph haa been postponed. and that instead of startieg about the let of October it will etart some time in January, Carione;-Following Is a list of the "ranee, meats" available on the mar Led at a lower rate than the primal, Leeson IV. lsaae and Rebekah - Genesis 24. Golden Text, .Prov. 3. 3, 4. Time and Plc,-4,me was about forty years old at the time of his • mailiegeand made his home at Beer- ' label -roe near thee edge of the wild- erness. came to his father's en- emerpment to await the remit of lellezer's meek, The distance from Bemtheba 11 Haran wee above four hundred 101100. Verses 1-9. Thou ehalt go unto met , canary, and to my kindred -In Pale- stine to ibis clay the father takes the, initiative in the son marriage. The great significance of the event js in - (Heated in the care Abraham took in' : au -ling conetnnmiat.ioii, ITO selected the most honored retainer in : his lieu:el-mid and, placing him inkier • Ike ealemn oath, charged him to the moot solemn oath, charged him to kindred in Maeopotamia. The mare liege was a religious matter, there- cute, but little used by the average ; fore it mnat he with a woman 1010 WEIS houyewitet Beef brains, sheep a worshiper of the true God, The Mood of the chosen people must !ee pork brains, Iamb fries, beef keet pure from the idolatrouetrain fries, calf and pork feet, calf, bum' of the C ariaanfto e : ' t' The end pork heads, Lair, veal, beef, pork, vita received full power to negotiate' and 411011 livers, ealf, pork and sheep the marriage. It was a marriage by, plucks, beef and pork tripe, beef and proxy, calf sweetbreads, pork and ox 12, 14. 0 Jehovah, the Gml of my ;eek ears. beef hanging tenders, beef, maeter, Abraham, ---The servant hoe. pork and sheep hearts, jowls, pork kid- fall power to act, but he casts himself upon the fav -or of the God of Abra-; neye, perk snouts, p ork lips, pork tonguee, lamb, beef and calf tongues. And in this connection, how many housawives of this busy generation know of the careful economies of our pioneer grandmo•thees? Of the cow or the hog kired and used to the hut half ounce of its food value? In the evolution of time the factory took charge of the killing -out and dressed and placed on our shop counters the feat, and high-priced roast and steak and chop. But we seem to have gra- lually forgotten about many parts of lie animal. Pig's and cows still have Set and legs 12,11C1 liven and back.. ones, snouts and ears, tails and ton - gum, notwitbeetanding the fact that heseuse of these toetheeme deinties a> become unfashionable. 1 0. CLEAN UP THE GARDEN Lae in the fall after the farm work' as time well smlt. *All gardens alai especia..y 01)11 emerge garden need the addition If plant hod and 0102110 matte. ;his P.1", I If o done, one of fleet 01101214 about the farm yard that deserves attention Is thee of ceeanilig up the rubbish, leacl plants and wectie. During the into the sod; it ailmake it loose, past silIntner the faun garden came frieblee and eaelly marked in spite of into more prominence than ever. It tee baking sun, beating rain 01. 0010 18 well to plan now on getting the tOnied trampIng, maximum production from this source Nothing will so quiokly tiad °free - next summer when it will ,prebahly be tivelybring about these reeults us more important thau ever to have u will a liberal application of barnyard good home-grown supply 01' geirden manure. Give your garden a coating eitutT tenet vegetahlee. Dead weeds, six inches deep if you eat ebtain it, temato vines anti all other litter len ilo it now. ehould naked into heaps and Ineen-1 Burn Garden Refuse ed. Stieb.rubbiesh, if left through the Before applying the meenne clean 'Winter. Provide* -04101L'ar for 1200101.15' up and burn 21111 the refuse and teeth bisects and pestle that will hibernate, of last yooriz garden ne furnishes a through the eeld woollier, reproduce spleadid •place for diseases and inseets their speedos and be ready to 1)0(11108 to 5.11,011,(1 the winter. By eleanieg up upon 1412(1 injure the new garden. I the gerden you a,re.taketig the first Manure Garden in Fall 1 atop iieceesory for a pest -free garden After the garden Is raked and clean- lles.t, au -miner, ed, a good 00,01, •or manilla should 'be 1 SPe6arl 1,118 manure over. ,the loth spread over the ground and pi,n.wed, evenly and then plow ot fork it under, undue Pohl plowing not only 1125110125 but do not attempt to loval, suite the the deetter of the matinee, but it de-; rough, ridge-like effect Trill allow all ham. Ile proposed, a test by which the, will of the Lord, might be made; known; the maiden 11410 should freely give him drink from .the well and draw water for -his camels ohould bet ;the chosen one. In itself this would be an indication of the girl's ehara-j eter courtesy and friendliness ar8. valuable indecallons daf are often determine •by very eimple eter among any eeope. Teat 1580e9 tietions. 22-28. The man took a, golden riag, ete.-This .was not the bridal present or dowry, but a gift as a reword for the leindeees ahown and a token of the standing. and wealth of the family to, whom the servant was attached.1 master Abraham -He worshiped God Blessed be Jehovah, the God of ellY on account of the succese of his nits-, ahem Be bad been directed to the, family of Nailer, the close kindred cf Almahane oleaely a providential face; 00, The th-ing proceedeth from 1 Jehowth-Laban and Betthuel re-' cognize the •providential lending in the matter; they couhl not speak one way or the other; the matter wets decided.: 5'7-59. We will call the damsel, and, inquire at her moulth-The relatives had agreed to the surrender of Ite- belcah, but ,they pleaded for delay.; Jacob had to wait long for his bride in this very .place. Ellezer wee unwill-; ing to terry; he knew the dilatory: ways of Ms own East, His was 0 high commission from the servant u.f the living God. The negotiations be - tweet the messenger arid the gill's ; kindred merle to at end; ,the must' give her coment, This cons -Batt would practleally complete ithe fore' nealitiee of marriage. All that 19- 1 mained was to convey •bh,e bride to the! home of the bridegroom. I will ge-1 She took the matter in how own bailey As the sequel ehoves, -she am a wo-1 man of energy and decision. lean/. Noes meditative mut devout; his life had few changee anti no adrepturee„ Be lucked the initiative, of Abraham! and the energetic sihreweineve of i jacola Rebekah supplied his laok in bhese resp.ects. 60. Our glister, be thou the Mathew o r thousands, etc. -This stroy,e a good matey grubs and cot- the warter to :teak in and more quickly uponbll01.4 Ike 81*-4 valtie 1)44146' posterity by the liehreeve, 111 20011118, For beet restilts, plenty oftha ridges quickly dry and the is even so with modern Sews. Perd fertilliwer is required on garden sou,: garden may be platted at ;Wet a Week. entheod the highest honer and A main garden properly managed earliel:. . greatest evidenee Z lite twee a God,.I can be made to .furtileit more' vege.:• No one thing will tend to increase To be 1410 0)04111280 *11 a great 7001)481 fablet for table use than one several the produotiveness -of your garden or \vete • , n, th,7ereetest hle ssing a wgomreean %neits size impropeely eared fo,,, make it easier to handle than marline, emliieg 43.21(1 wee reT,ere len e1100 ear penle,and lobe of it. You will be urprised fn , "114 iandea:rehecarfer12 11011 T eass Mr °ary toment 1 andwoment° emseuetev tee ,, 61101441 115 and th ehieket I ave. al•low- ed f nee rango, then it is 41, good plan to fence off a good garden space with chicken tight fence this winter so it will bo reedy to ,peoteet the garden text ,spning, Clear Away 'Untidy Thinge Afeer the gr210111 10 &Wit, 410411111 geed teeny old bones and olicke wilt be found In the yaoid whore they were depee'ted by the family dog. Such thiege look nubbly slid should he car - lied 01T to the roble'sh, hemp, Old 'bill cane and the like, tecenchow get into vonspicuotes, placem, possibly tiee t1111-0 a 31a008n10 01 1)10 etnagest boy 011 1.41e 110.001. 31. -bkeR only a Yule time to gear itway emelt untidy things front 4111101(11 ±14.41 yard, and it 01111 be counted ANTED Highest Priem Paid Prompt, Returns -No Commiselon P. POULIN & CO. • ge vonireeettre Market - Montrose neyamaxteacoroogom.... ..rog LTRY of tat Wilde. Better quality DrOterrod. Minto for prime:. STANFORD'S, Limited Montelleld St, - • Montreal personage is approaehing. Womeal elite frequently refuse to ride in the' emcee° of mon. Th Ourrant had. infotanect Rebekah that the 111521) whom site saw approaching wee hoe future; husband; the theref,ote tool( at veil and covered hereelf. The pu'tb121g on or the veil hi 0 part of the 11184. 21124.1)0 !ceremony. The bridegroora is net !permitted to see hie brides features until .0114 Is abet:Mutely eomtnibeted, to Ilia ....teem beano brought into .m.obiter'e tente-Savalit tiled -three vets before. 'Po lead Rebekahto 121)1 mother's teat 20I118 to Metall her ogle'. elly as the recognized wee of his 01,1141, r,:oet was conamited After beeolerthe toe deet12-'1his indlentoe :the Pre-, minenoe of (41,0 po.eition of women hi the )de ti of 1b patriarchs. Her niece wee subordinate, 1)11 )1(1)' preeogatives were defile:4e and her influelice great, 44 for the women to display their versa a has heretofore bean coneidered man' d,011,121)fl tility in doing mach of the work which exclusive property, In city en, country alike, women are Wing many of the vimaneive in the iireeet (t'. impatiens tweeted by the ,te veer. of the men. Litele Wonder .ttt h 401', then i when we hear that a good number of the gentler sex have gone in for that aotivity which has hitherto been 1.01- ,pietely dominated by- inesculinity-- , trapping. "f he plemares and profits of trap- ping will not be long overlooked by' women when they illerover the increase ing scarcity of men who were form- ! erly engaged at this occupation. The !war is getting its -hare of ti appals. ' Every trapper that gem; to war leaves behind a valuable fur harreet which is Mee to be lost untese emre- one is there to take his plare. Every- thing eat for the entrance of the woman trapper or, following the rules of modern ear'unce, the trap- , perette. The women who have alru eady micr- taken trapping }rive found the tam- ping life to be a complete eurpr:se in its healthful aspeets, reemetentin,g, ac it does, the 2220111refreehing mei in- vigorating exerciee. 'file actual work ng. of trappi12 not 102 heavy for the ordinary woman; in feet, atn tlin and life in the open iefalliblv builds up new streeeth end vigor in the feminine sex, From the wornen's stenripoint, too, trapping ie one of the most int ere., eieg arta eit les hi which :he can 0(44,11)0. A few months of trapping will undoubtedly eive the new teepee: et te a number and variety of experiences she has never met with before. Trapping is riot so hard to !earn as me may thinrequire a little time fur the woman to 'become an expert in triteiiing; but an ade- quate proficiency can be acquired within a very short rime, and aster that new knowledge vapidly and eon- tinuou,sly comes to the trapperette with a corresponding increase in her skill. Many women have aleeady shown the skill and ability of veteran trappers. e Perhaps the most appealing side of trapping to the woman is the real pro- fits that lie therein. Men trappers coneletenly engaged at this activity 121211 121(1010 a great deal of monev. The average person when eonfront ed with the eorrie a hemmed ra- tion," kilawe retie or caree 115 to it. menning. "Poultry" or "bird," are seldem alluded to he him --he 'keeps "Irene." - Earth year the variette eounties have their Paine and poultre, shows; to these large numbers of country • folk go, -but what do they learn from the exhibi•t? What do they want with a "show bird?" What need to worry about "etrain"? -"Ilene is h " • Now it seems the, e should be a happy medium. It is uot neceeeury that the farmer ehould equip his hen house with the lateet scientific. views to make his petetry business a -meccas; but it ie ueeeslary for him to have good, puro lions, and kie.w how to feel them. „, ieere ore two 111)1)2 11)04 things for the beginner to renumber: First, to decide on the breed advisaide for the lecality; seeond, to start in a ernall way. Better a pen of pure-bred pill lets than a barnyard fEled wi.h hum- grel,‘ "Every shew better one" ie ilto sloiran of the Toronto Pat htwk Show, and the 14118 Show p0o10i2e4 to be no exception. The elite which follows the 512021' is attended by (4,'.. (04 ;rum an over the imminent aml each year the priees paid are better than preehme prices. There is alwayc! a demand for hoiee meet at Christ- 111115 tirrie, and farmers are realizing the hie' advantage of marketing their 4 wit this WIY. TORONTO The Show that produces the good butcher stock WAR.TIME CLIPPINGS A henna occupution far winter even. Inge that has interest and fascination, adds greatly to the family fOtare of knowledge, and solves TAPAS' of the houselteepeez problerne, le that of gathering and arranging systemetic- ally a home-made reference library of elippinge gleaned from neweerapers, and breaks the sale megueines and •pictoriail reeeews. Suoh a library preserves valuable price records, data, information and pictures for the intimate and immediate use of a UNION STOCK YARDS fainliiy. end is of great value both for the present moment and for tihe fa - tore in preeerving a ehrorecrligical or individual history of the great war. The first step is to get the actual contents of magazines. That is easily ateompPebed Fret remove the bind. ing etaplee end advertimineats. Then, 0/Very artiole, StOty or map 11 211 is , worth saving should Le helm et 11; And meurely fe,ererl with wire clips. Next, that material should be plaeed with tether znaterial of similar chara- cter, and filed under a definite and (fe- rmiP tive hearliug. I Let utt nuppose, rer exem.oe, ; you treat forty fifty magazines 112 11111441 a ay. You will gee from three I to five hundred arae a geed pro- portion of which wi:1 be biographical. Othees will , h:etorleal, some de- seriptive, and many w111 deal wiele vital queetien of the day. The best (1400(4 fi,tion :tad veree may also be gathered; yeeOe 11oris may be made ;la e v1"tt10, 11 entire -that rilight reit you a .1o!iar 0 mere in the hoOlistures. Th.. Leer way to pre,,ervo rou clip- ping.: is te (eel) them 11) 911(00 Manna (taro. To.: Or fr.'dors }About teen 1110108 The envE,10p85 ebould be 1)14 tipri,cht 0 drawers Or hoxoti, into which they should fit enugly, and the December 5th & 6th My Fifty Dollar Bond, My little fifty dollar bond Will help to win this war, Will make me learn a little more of what we're fighting, for. My little fifty dollar bond Will teach me how to filIVV. Will also keep some hero from Another soldier grave. My little fifty dollar bond, With many thousands more, From all this Nation's workers Will WIN this war! lea et the conteeee of each envelope i Our wenderful boot: reveals old trapper? favor. to me, how to.rm.pora s1...ins, i,• hall,' 01» ('1. The tur.',:,1,,pef; w:il thila '4 '1' 17.,,,..1-',11,4 114t.1120,10 of o:i. • ,i.;ii;;.ation -an ita tied; but 121111hornernatie lib - a.. 'pry ir is it-eil 'o fellow a einiale plan. Pile ell 2,4. '(11(4 articlee„ portrait; end newepaper lie'oente of pereotis in ' i.,11:. ci,!vision and arrange them alpla ebeiitelly. .ertielee on pitieee will : form mealier group, and should be ,,Cf cl;..siiified 1..1 euentriee or elates, Such . • sehjeete ai earietilture, trees, plants and flolveri, tnny fent another divi- sion, nal -oral hietory anotlier,, and a mis valianenv : cV,,, ccill take care of a great part Of l'ie 12)4,' 1141, Pictures a0,1 01,A,,gieplie always aId to the vailie of a etilleetlen. Brief news itEm, 002 '1' find ehort pare- grarlts ten l', pr,:t.r. i on eheete of thin Manila paper nall enough to go int() one of the onre:i,i,,,,, A :Angle sheet will thus aro.:,intit-!,itd several -clip- ping e, an.' SO ei.011,011,,i'ai epaee anti paper. The de Le of metal ic.ation ehotild elways lye written or ,stansped en each itetn, together with ,the 11,02110 of the magazine or periodical from which it %13'. taken. Sueh a well -arranged eolleetion of the ver,tatite of elle beet miegazinels, will form the lasis of an encyclo- ettelie reference ,3,1'stant, whieh OM% o.,11,;,:,tre111.y. expanded by adding art,bdvA, alippinge, peniehlets, cat. legeies, 1.kturez, lo and ether materia. 'The student of 51)1" '11.121, for eeenee'..e, will want 1.4.' :1V. 'h-rtie'Ati from his favorites farm- irg rer:0:k..a13, .;,titer with the • earmei.e. bulletiee tale other reporee of tlie varimm national •agrieultatell, (feel-eternal/l. The horeekeeper will, aish to file ever recipe', patterns. aud the thousand and one household sag- ge etiuns that are noW publieted to '.2, 2.111 mei 11 '..Li4. roti a system ihe enn make use of that material tete-limit loss f.:;' eitne or energy. Boys and giro eall keep their road - jug matter about enie anti stamp eel. /teeing hi ord elle, fermi, aired they ean oleo Me lots at .good booke and other tillage eltat appeal to thens in- ' divitlually, If you want to find the articles tee :illy deeired earbjeet that have aleetedl epeaared in eeir.t.,. consult the ma-ge- eine bid:axes that every pulite library hex mid that laill 'be found lacifspena- able in &se:teeing yen In your fienireh, You e'en then obtain back numbers of' eeriedicals fee. /IVO Or ten center each, ,,I. lets, et eecondlhand boolcasteree ill every large eity, and from thole yeet eau extrace the tpeelal articilee thael, you will to add to year eallatition, The flexibility of ouch a enceilleat "locee-leaf" method Of terianging ipr rorntetion le not its lea•se Advantage, , Clipplogs tan be found and rernovod beeterntly and reekeetellect at will. The bttilty eeraphooke, formerly et penally, were neceeeatily ihnited to rertigli '1;:14,%t11111(t'P'1411111;g:'jilt.' 'aranv:i1''1111LIN.;kh'.41111; elle:I'llin?It1i,042'15r4 1)08)24) 10, col11,1 110,i, be removed. retr solo. • beeke ere need now. except foe light Vli.8e et. souvenir texet cards or, ley • mine. as a Iciril ef family record Imola, !• Stull a method of ervettiging in- fermetien is inexperizive, oonip4O,t4 ; toonveniont end orderly. NO on • 1. inngnslyte aril newapapsa. artiolles, 1181) only filo ovontt. of the pr000nt wool.; war, hat pamphlets, repovtis., letbstil, . . .1.ttaiht tototkff ll'i oho" orntill''' ayli. or rannonsaifs., and ap ponto !term 4,, iiiforthetieri, thetyae...r De yod.e silt r,....r 111,11 fantittr tr,tr .1)11111 34011, ... ,„..,..,...• ,1 : • nib y.11111611 nonaber4 of •the himisp,- 114141 will find the erteeerie of Nttliall:..votsn'tic,b111:41thliti...blio141111'Y.5)44.?ifil:11104$4. anti olastolfying tits matter mr111 pfoll hdeiresting nad Inetraeldve to Ilieln*, -, en ,lilto resulth4 oollootkon velli be oo Vitilift• trol'ul tO Ohl ',W1614 fanny, • sivntA rr '11wbere tad1(415totrap,beat baI S twelleninIhea:eIwroft ; Co, tirt43, etc. Cur 022,1,11 1e1.,L5 t. WM FONSTIV39 EZRO.S. ^ 8th,PIM 311'.1\ Fungterinkt. L'ON1.fl .a.j. 12 if Yon Wait the Highest, Market Prices Slap il yoUr to as- nu tuattor what quantity we gutkrantoti eetteMetton and pa,;, all express thereee ABBEY FUR COMPANY Louis AsiNOVITcH Manager (111 inosines Tar 30 yaat. . 310 5T. PAUL ST. W. . . . . MONTREAL. P.O. Reference. Bank of lit1,11.31Hg41, 4.1 Henry, Montreal. V-Itintallthil821.1.Mirtneana. Com11 s .de corn by oell classed 3€nisi: men t,, all Meal/ 1,43. L,ioe he, -trmiit, narrow recede toe Imo 1eel-44(1de Neck, Pot p01040 Prke,$7.00 k Good rake and How to Get it "TOUR interest, go a member of the consuming, public, an.. 1 ours as Canada's largest manufacturers of. shoes, aro really identical. They may be sununed up in a single phrase: "Quality Shoes at Fair Prices." A fair price today is g higher price than usual, because the cost of every item of material and labor which res into a of shoes has Increased greatly ghd is still increasing, In order that you may continue to got quality at fair riceo‘ we shall feature in advertisements certain specific: shoes which we know will give you good -value. From our knowledge and experience, WO will Suggest to you the best methods of buying, whether you select shoes of our manufacture or not, We ask you, to buy for service rather than merely for style; to go to tt reliable dealer, and to look for the manufacturcr`$ trade -mark on the shoes, By 80 doing you may be .assured Of good value for your money, AMES HOLDEN McCREADY Wri,JOUN MONTIMAti "Shoemakers f a the Nation" ruttrran 001tONTO When yon buy Shoes took for-. nse WINNIrgti 11,12N1'0141111.,? YANt,O,OWIM --ibis rtade.rnatft an vvery dere *3 Ire-eateeentr-talriar,O.,, ,.......eieeeeeee-ageeiweetesextettettielliell,