HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-24, Page 804404000400000414.000404040400ee00e00®•0'04404 offrea00` 0.0 4 44040..000000040 0l0004101440404004.00004004040ee eve•seee..e....0....e00 eau a 4004iiKW0Q0 0A44044000y.00' ea, 0a we. .,........Oe`0 ... 9 a f% fi '';:;,9.P!Ill,,i:"!';IlNillllllll!NII'111111!I11!!i!Il!1IIIIlilNllllll'lIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII!II!!!IIIfliIN181111111111111111111111111NIINllllllllfl!I!IIIIIIIIiIIIIINIIINIiIIINllllllllllfN'II!IIIVIIIIII!NIIIIIIIIIIINI II Ill: t�'ll�lul'i!"p It I IINIIVIIIIIIJIL .I. a V��,I,1t,ti,Vl11IVr1NIIIIINIlINIGNIN!lllkIINHVIIINIVIIIi�VVIViIIVIIIIIiIVN.lIVVVIIIINViUYWWVININU1uINIIIIIIINVNIINIWNIIUIIIVNIINIbIIIllIINIVNINIIIIIIIJpI@IIIIIINNIINIIINIIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIVIINpI t5 �f*m Lvkig 1 Il Pal:' `; 7 t� llrive Y f1t�y nus e sI'mh 1.s r9vs a �lla?W I . "'' r 11 ._-I: ,-.. II "°I I!I� Il it l:jld; 'I IhlI..�I. 111 till I,F,c'�i)'II �ITL:d,;Illlil, li+�lillllli:iNllllli ililu.L.161111ilhililil!IIIIIIiAi6; 'I (:! i.l un :. ., INliniiViV,iVii!IhuIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)IIVVIIIIIIIIVIR�IIIVIIIi iiiiNfllllll!NIRIIIIiIIINIIIIIIIININNIIIIIIIiIIIIIN iiliI +"i' ""' f `'n IINUIIIIIIINIIILtIu, r l Iu.rlla,.6. Ilulllll lulull,pl!I uq,IgIIIIIIIIiIIINIIIV&ill!'111f11i1lIIIIG�N!((IIIIN;NINIi:'IIINiIIIiIIIdIiiIIIIIIIIiINHIIIIINNIIINIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIINIiIIIIIIIIIIItIVIiIINIIIVNIIVIIIIIIIIVVIIWJN^'I'Vli Thr. Lt tU(:al Mutnent is ❑r,w at �aud- uss is our time is Hulked. Our doors will short -Ca swe 1 ifk ly close forret r as our lease has expired r" r st Leaving �""' anal we must vacate thithiu 13 days. • Sale Starts Saturday, nether 26th at A a.m. Throw their entire $40,000 Stock of Old Quality Merchandise on the Mar- ket at 75c on the Dollar. A Whirlwind of pp®rtaanities for everybody. '4 P 13 Days' ir e endoos yin • e • s e 4 • e 4 s 4 e A a e a A 0 e 4 1 4 4 4 e A e ' 4 4 a 0 •4 4 4 1 4 A P A 1 6 A A s fl t> q+ 4 0 O 4 . A e e 1 • YOUR LAST CH ;';♦CE Here is the reason -our lease has expired and we must get out of the store in 13 days. We have a stock amounting to $4o,000 or High Grade Dry Goods, Mantles, Furs, Ready -to -wears, Men's Furnishings, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc. It must be turned into cash -and that must be done in the next 13 days. With the tremendous advance in prices and the scarcity of goods now is your opportunity to secure your supply below present mill prices. We are com- pelled to sell our stuck for what it will bring as our lease has expired and we must give up busi- ness in Brussels. Our time is short ; we must act quick ; a Sale that will sweep everything before it with the force of a cyclone ; an event of price wrecking, Words utterly ]ail to describe the bar- gains which you will find at this Monster Moving Sale, Store will be dosed Friday, October 25, to re -mark and rearrange the stock and will open Saturday, October 2Gth, at 9 a. m, Stere Closed friday, October 25th Cutting clown Prices for this Monster Sale. Opening day of Moving Sale Saturday, October 26, at 9 a. m. trite aturday Oct, 16 t at:.r aYt Nothing Like it :ef re Nothing Like it may Ever Occur Agan This will be the most mighty avalanche of Majestic Bargains ever brought together by any one firm in Ontario, The only question is : Can you dare do injustice to yourself and family by overlooking opportunities of this kind ? It may be hard to,,believe that a big concern like this would sacrifice such an immense stock, but it is the Gospel truth and all we ask is a visit which will convince the most skeptical of the sensational low prices that prevail during this Monster Moving Sale. We hereby guarantee to sell precisely as advertised and every price we quote is strictly bona fide, and every quotation is absolutely correct. Below we quote you a few of the AREPN Bargains we' are putting forth and remember there are thousands we cannot mention here. Entire $253000 Stock of Dry Goods to be F!+ reed Out. Nothing Bargain Batteries are being turned loose Demolishing High Prices. eerVed® ci4'�', 1014•11.1001...*•.100.10•• ffAIMMMIN.y....q.....,.., ‘ Li 1 rt aresStud) Gress Goods Staple Bargains 800 yards Dress Goods, 65c for.,,,,,.,,,. 39 1200 yards Skirtings 45 for Table Linen500 yards Dress Goods $1.25 fot'..... .... 89 500 yards Black Denim 05 for83 200 yards Tableis Linen 75 for 49 800 yards Dress Serge *2 00 for t 39 150 orals Union Tcveed 1.00 for 100 yards Table Linen 1.00 for.,.,,..,.... 09 45 000 yards Dress Goods$3 50 fory 05 75 yards Bleached Linen 1.75 for .,...,,. 1 25 1 95 800 yard; Ticking 50 for. 39 150 yards Bleached Linen 2.25 for. 200 yards Ticking 75 For 49 y 1 69 Velveteens 3000 yards Prints 00 For .. 2,2 20 doe. Napkins 4.00 for 2 95 2000 yards Factory Cotton 80 for ..... „ lA 10 doz. Napkins 3.75 for 1 95 800 yards Velveteen all shades 50 50)) yards Factory Cotton 40 in. 35 for. 25 300 yards Corded Velveteens all shades 75 lai(H) yards Bleached Cotton 85 tor.,..... 22j Towels Coatings 500 yards Longcloth 35 for 25 700 Turkish Towels 20 For,....... 750 yards Towelling 26 for 10 20(1 `L'nrkish'fnrvels 25 for I33 BOO yards Coating 3,50 for 1 Ski 300 yards Blenrtted Sheeting 110 for... (19 100 Turkish Towels 75 for 19 10)) yards Contin 5,00 for$6r, all Linen 1'atvellin. fou ......... .. n 10- 55 Coating 95 lye Tea Towelling forg • . • 19 Huck Towels 40 For. 20 Zoe White or Colored Flannelette for. 19 Corsets :30, \Vhiie or Colored Flannelette for, 25 Silks 100 pair Corsets reg. 1.00 for.. ..... ... .... 75 40r English Flannelette tor........... ,.. 29 500 yards 30 in, Dress Silks 2.00 for 1 45 200 pair Corsets sets reg. 1.75 for.1 3S1 75 pr Corsets reg, 2 011 fofor1 09 Women's Gowns Hosiery Specials 90 p ur Corsets 10g. 2 50 for pair l 96 1 50 Flannelette Gowns. 1 10 35e Women's Bose for 19 2 00 Flannelette Gowns ................ .... 1 59 60e Women's l ecec1 tette Hose fors.. 35 Women's Underwear 250 Flannelette Gowns 75c Wo,ne,,s•Fleececl Hose for.,,.,,...,. 45 1 95 1,25 Women's Cashmere Hose 10 doz. Vests and Drawers 50 for... 3A 75 25 doz. Vests and Drawers is fur ........ 45 Underskirts 1.501.26 Women's Women's Worsted looses • 95 15 dot Vests anti Drawers 1,00 for .... 75 1.50 Billet( Sateen (or 95 1.00 Boys' Worsted sHosel 8 to 10 95 5 dyv H lee ed Vests and Drawn is 1.`355 95 2.00 Black Sateen for 1 39 1.....0 Boys' Worsted Hose 8 to 10........1 19 5 dY z I leeeetl Vests and Drawers 1,50 1 19 1,75 Knit Skirts for 1 39 '1 0 Boys' Ribb Hose 7 to 10 for.........25 250 Natural Wool Vests or Drawers„ :3.(1(1 Coruhinations for 1 95 ? Boys' Worsted Hose 0 to 8 ...45 to (85 39 5 dr Zen Corset Covers 50 for ........ ,,, d'2 I 1.76 \Vonl Shawls for Girls Child's Cashmere Hose n" is 8 39 or 29 2.50 Wool Shawls for ...... ............. .... 1 96 5U0 Child's Cashmere Iiose 43 to 01 for 29 Children's Underwear 3,25 Wool Shawls for ........ ................ 2 US) 9ta, d z Vest', and i)rauets Special 19 to 50r. Too Snails and Scarfs 25 dr'. Vests and Dracut rs Special 2S) to 090 Girl's Wool Mitts -IOn all ne),n Srat'fe for 20 18 dos Vests and Drawers Special 135 to ow 35e Gitl's Wool Mitts for 1 50. Bt`ltslletl Wool Scarfs for ..... ....... 95 5 doz, Sleepers Speeiatl . 49 In 95e 50,i Girl's \Vool 1113Lts for 29 650 all \Vool Toques 35 1,119 all Wool Craps for 46 75 $151000 00 Mock of''? en's Goods goes on Sae to be Closed Prices that Will astonish the Entire Population of this Community. �� Shawls Curtain Muslins 500 yards Curtain 14iusii,, 25 for........., 15 350 yards Curtain 14ousiin 30 for ..,., ., , 22,E Art Sateens 100 yards Art Sateen 80 for 22 75 yards Art Sateen40 for • 100 yards 36 in. Art Sateen 50 for 33 Cretonnes 150 yards Cretonne 25 for 70 200 yards Tap, covering 1.50 for Yarns 200 lbs, Factory Yarn 2,25 for 1 60 200 lbs. Fingering Yarn 3.00 for ... 2 45 Mantle Bargains 10,00 Ladies' Mantles Special ......,., .., 1 05 12.00 Ladies' Mantles Special 8 95 15 00 Ladies' Mantles, Slack 9 95 90.00 Ladies' Mantles for 18 96 30.00 Ft,,' Collar Mantles for .• 10 1)0 95,00 Fut' Collar Mantles for 14 95 Misses' Coats 15 00 Coats, ages 10 to 1.6 year's 9 05 10 only Child's Reefers, Special Ori Women's Raincoats 10.00 Craveuette Coats for .............. . 2 95 7.50 Paramatta Coats for • 4 45 Infant's Coats fess 25% ianket Values 4,00 Blankets Extra Large for . 3 60 3 50 Blankets Large Size for. 2 95 20 Pair Wool Blankets 12.00 for.,....,.,. g 95 10 Pair Wool Blankets 14.00 for 10 50 Comforters 12 only Comforters 1.50 for ......... 3 69 8 only Cuntforlurs 4.00 for,.... ....... 2 05 Apron Bargains 5 doz. Aprons 1.25 for , 3 doz. Aprons 1 00 for . House Dresses 6 doz House Dresses 1.50 for 95 3 dos. House Dresses 2.00 for .........,. , 1 45 Furs Slaughtered 50,00 Astrachan Coats for . , 8 95 75,00 Rat -lined Coats for 25 00 7.50 For Sat, fs for 10.00 Ftte.Stoles roe. ..... ...•4 O5 12 50 Fur Ruffs for 6 95 10 only For Sets less 25% Sweater Coats 5.33) \Vunren's Sweaters fol' 2 95 1.50 Child's Wool Sweaters for...... 95 2.51) 1.130'y Wool Sweaters for 1 69 3.00 Girl's Wool Sweaters for....... ,... 2 89 3 Skirt Bargains 29,5 895 495 86 69 ' Men's Underwear 1 25 P'leeeed Shirts and Drawers for... 85 1 00 Fleeced Shirts and I),a 1 7.5 \Von) Rib)) Shirts and nu IMF,' a.•• 1 19 2 25 Wool (tibb Shirts and Ih'awet-s..,. 1 0)) 250 \Vont Rihh Shirts and Drawers.,.. 1 05 1.75 17 MI Wool Shirts and Drawers 139 2 59 N.tI'.1ii-j l Wire) 811irt', and Drawels i 95 5 CO Nalura) \Vuui Combinations 3 95 250 Elastic Itibb Combinations ., 1 95 4 00 Elastic Bibb Combinations ,2 05 Boys' Underwear 750 Fleece Shirts and Drawers 21 to 28 551 85n Fleece Shirts and Drawers 30 to 32 115 1.75 Natural Wool 1 39 1 25 Bibb Wool 22 to 20 - , 95 175 Ribh Wool 28 to 32 1 39 Socks and Mitts 25c heavy Union Socks for 19 40e. ROA) Won( Socks for 2)) (.1(1 Heavy \Void S,.eks for, 4,1 75c Heavy Wool Soaks for 5fi 1.00 Khaki \Vool Socks for (19 75c Blank Woof Socks for 19 75e Black Cashmere fin 55 1.75 Auto Gauntlets for., .,...••,.... 1 39 1.25 Anti, Gauntlets for 05 50031ntFaun(leis for "' 1.25 Lined Leather 141iILa..................,, if3 1 50 Lined Leather NB( Cs ....., 06 Men's Trousers - 5 00 Worsted 'Trousers for ............... 3 05700 Worsted Trousers for .,.. 4 95 • .Boys' Trousers 1.50 Boy's Knickers 28 to 82.... ...... ,., O5 2.00 Boy's Bloomers 28 to 84 .. . 1 80 Q " $1,000 Worth of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girl's Shoes at Moving eOut Sale Prices, e 4 For Next 1 Days m + We will see what Price Smashing will really do, Remember we are closing out our Stocks and quitting business in Brussels for ever, Men's Suits 25.00 Tweed Snits for 19 00 20,00 Tweed Snits rot - 18 95 13) Oil Mei go and Tweed Suits fun 23 05 300 Odd Vests fat 1 89 Overall Bargains 200 Blue Striped Overalls........ ..... 1 69 2.6013Iaek Bibb Own ails. ..... ...... 1 89 2.51) Cnttoruade Pants 1 89' 3.00 133ne Stripe Heavy.,., 2 89 Boys' Overcoats 12.50 Overcoats 29 to 86 ................ . .. 9 86' 18.00 Overnoats 32 to 85 13 95. 6.00 Boy's Reefers 22 to 28 . 2 95' Big Discounts Gloves, Suspenders, Neck Scarfs, Collars„ Ties, etc, x� • 4 4•,4440.44.044.44•S444.4.4 4 {Next door to ;garter's Garaije] Men's Overcoats ''0 00 Dress Overcoats for.. . . 13 105 15.00 .Dress Overcoats for .............. 9 85 25 00 Heavy Ulster Overcoats . 18 96 20,00 Heavy Meter Overcoatst,..... , ,, 13 115 22.50 Heavy Ulster Overcoats 16 95 Raincoats 10 00 Paramatl.a Raincoats for 6'96 12.50 Paraniatta Raincoats .For 8 95 15.00 Tweets Raincoats for 10 96 Boys' Suits 0.50 Tweed Suits 25 to 20 .,,,• ,•,,,, 4 95 7.50 Tweed Suits 28 to 82 5 95 10.00 Serge and Tweed 10 only Boy's 011 Coats Special 8 95 Shirt Specials 1 25 Black Striped Drill 95 1 50 Khaki 01' Grey . 1 19 200 Extra Heavy Drill .......... 1 89 1.50 Flue Negligee • Caps l educed 1.00 Bny's Tweed Caps ..,. 59 1.26 Men's ball Claps ' 76 1.50 Aden's Fur Baud Caps...... 95 2.25 Nleo's !fnr Band Caps .. ............... 1 69 3.00 Soft and Stiff Hats 189 Sweater Coats 10.00 Men's Sweater Coate.• .......... ... 5 95 6,00 Men's Sweater Coats 8 95 1.75 Boy's Sweater Coats. 1.89 8.00 Boy's Sweater Coats - 1 05 xtSirs' Worth of Men's Tweed and Serge Suitiiigs. ra Old Quality Goods, Moving Out Sale Price $16.95 This is to be a I3ig Moving Out Sale in a Big Way CAR -SWELL , THE HIQH PRICE SMASHERS 0.04.0.neseei0.00e.040,0404 easeaeoae es••...000r/..004.1/a. r000000A40004,.0.90.400 A Saie Like this Comes Only Once in a Lifetime TWO 131G STORES TWO BIG STOCKS TWO BIG SALES 040.0404004004400040000000000.004•.04444.'.r 3 1 a (1' A 0 b •