HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-24, Page 1VOL. 47 NO. 17 $1.5c)per A1111014 Ila Advance __
P1111 1111111111 I 111111111111111111110 esoa 1111111110a11111111111111111111111111111111111111lll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 E
15 m Q
In Farmers - (tel r
Bank P.
E Here
Just mail your cheques to us --
we deposit them to your credit
and send you a prompt ackno -
P w _
!f you need cash we c sh your cheques
by mail, too, sending you the money in a
registered letter.
We understand the Farmer's problems
and gladly assist him in every way possible.
We will welcome your account
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital 6 6,600,000 F. M. GII,ROY
Reserve Fund • 12,000,000 Manager
Resources - • 110,000,000 Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
For sale -Viral. Little,
Repairing -J. G. ,Toho(,
Do f t note -A, E. Hersey.
Pigs for sale -Geo. Fraser.
Pigs for sale -Roy Tnrvey,
Fight the Flu -l', R. Smith,
Moving Sale --Carswell Bros.
Ewes tar sale -George Davis,
Farm for sols -W, A. Gilbert.
Austion Salo -Jas. MoFodzean,
Mail Contract -Chas, E. El, Fisher.
Auction Snle-Lott 0 McDonald,
Girls-Wiliiama, Greene 00 Rome.
Sittings of Revising Oftloers-L. H,-Diokson.
MiStri.Ct Reins
Sister ,Grated Rogers died of pneumon-
is at Davhsville Hospital, Toronto,
early Saturday morning, She was
4 +
+ j
a �
I with to state to the public that 4.
.I. I have opened up a new Meat +
v Market in the
+ where I will keep a choice stock
X of the best Meats to be obtained,
1, Will also handle all kinds c,'
+ Smoked and Ouved Meats and a
.I, full line of Cooked Meats.
, Goods Delivered on Short Notice
4. to all parts oftho town.
' Will be pleased to receive a
Aare of the patronage and will
guarantee satisfaction,
r Cash Paid for Hides, Phone 69
+ N
D. B. McDonald
.Brussels Granite &Marble Works
born in Listowel where her parents
still reside and is a sister of Mrs. Wal-
ter Moore, 155 Glendale avenue, rand
Mrs, Ii'red. Wilson, both of Tor-
onto, She graduated from Fort Wil-
liam last Spring and signed up for
overseas. She first wee attached to
College street -hospital, then transfer-
red to Brant Military Hospital at
Hamilton, and 3 mouths ago was
again transferred, this time
to Davisville.
Miss Gertrude Reid, daughter of J.
H. and Mrs. Reid, is critically ill with
Lieut, D. S. and Mr's. Scott, of Ham-
ilton, were guests at the home of Mrs,
J. P, Brine.
Miss Ella Elder, who is teaching in
Wroxeter, spent the holiday at her
1I0me here.
L. Fleurchentz, who had several of
his fingers badly lacerated some weeks
ago, is recovering,
Miss Bertha Robb, daughter of John
Robb, left a few days ago to report at
the Base hospital in Toronto,
Do It Now!
IF you want to know what Mon -
omental Service means, give
ins your ceder and you will
appreciate my work in every way.
A Monument or Marker is more
than i0st a carved piece of stone.
10 is Lhe last tribute to those whose
lives helped to brighten yours.
It is positively 080ee8ary, in or-
der to have 10 erected next Som -
Muer, that; yen place your order
this Fall,
A. E. HCRSEY, Proprietor.
We regret to record the death
11dLY afternoon at ler Immo of l(n
B1'n11fi[ a
f wife Ile e ( •
B Oehler.
1 developed l
d 711liL followingdl(rI
lSpanish .A. hnsbnn7 who
is seriously ill with the Hattie disease,
and two children san'vive,
Walton Bed Cross Society is busy tie
Owiog to the "fin" church and
school work has been badly disorgan-
ized but they will probably soon be
set to rights again.
The Women of St. Geo!go's Church
Guild pur )ase holding a 12800(1- ort
Thursday November 21st. Put' furth-
er particulars see bine.
We ale sorry to state that William
Duncanson, 17011 Oon, Grey township,
has been finite ill but we hope he will
soon regain his usual health.
The far me of Robert Coutts were
tint sold last week but the sale of farm
stock, &o., went with a gond swing.
14'. S. Scott was auctioneer, Mr,
Coutts' eons are wearing the Icing's
colors and he finds farming alone
rather a 10120ricus job.
The Stratford Herald of Oetober 15111,
says :-Word was received by his rela-
tivesSunday night of the death fol-
lowing wounds received at the front,
of Pte. Richard Hamilton Sebben,
Stratford (formerly of 14th eon., of
McKillop.) Pte. Sebben 00155000 in
the 208th Battalion (Irish Fusiliers) at
Toronto early in 1016 and eller train-
ing in.Canada antl England went to
France in March, 1017 with a draft to
reinforce the 54th Battalion, When
with the 208th Pte. Sebben was quart-
ermaster Sergeant but he was revert-
ed to private in order to get into acti-
on with the 54th when the opportunity
occurred, Before going overseas he
married Miss Margaret McIntosh, of
Stratford, who surviveslifm. He al-
so leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
John Sebben of Shakespeare Road,
and three brothers and one sister to
Muni his loss, The brothers are De,
J. F. Sebben, of Preston,•Lorne and
William at porno, and the sister, .Miss
Hattie, at home." Henry Hamilton,
now of Vancouver and formerly of Mc-
Killop is an uncle to deceased,
Mrs. A. Holmes is at present visiting"
relatives at Toronto.
Miss Elsie Keyes, Elmira, visited
friends here last week,
Miss Mary Duff who has been on
the sick list is improving we are glad
to state.
Whit. Stewart is under the Dr's
care but we hope he will soon be able
to be around again,
Misses Mary Stewart and Flo.
Aitchison are home on account of
their schools being closed.
No cases of influenza in the village
yet, but as there were only 4 scholars
at school it was decided to' close it for
a while.
Mrs, Howard Stewart has gone to
London, where her husband has a
good position. They intend taking up
light housekeeping for the Winter,
Geo, Haney y w11s at Toronto this
week seeing his son,
y, who ha
been on the sick list. Harvey enlisted
with the R. A, F. a couple of weeks
By joint request of the Health
Boards of Morris and Turnbeety, to
prevent spread of influenza, the ser-
vices in the Methodist churches Blue -
vale circuit, will be cancelled for next
Pte. Albert Thomas, who recently
returned home from overseas, has
gone to Burlington Hospital for
treatment. Bert enlisted 110.d went
overseas about 3 years ago. We hope
he will soon be o. k.
The Jubilee Services of Knox
church, Bluovale, have been postpon-
ed indefinitely 011 account of ;the epi-
demic of influenza. Oongregatiou
hope, however, that some time daring
the labs Fall or early Winter the Oele-
bealine may be held.
Bluevale, was the scene of a quiet
wedding on Friday, when Ruple, only
daughter of Rev, Crawford and Airs.
Tette, was married to J. P. Ferguson,
of ,Calgary, son of the late P. Fer-
guson and Mrs. Ferguson of Drayton.
The ceremony was conducted by Rev•'
NIT. Taite in the presence of itutnedi-
ate relatives. The bride wore a gown
of ivory French meteor tattle trimmed
svlL•h Georgette, The bridal veil of
Keep the home bright and cheery so it will be ready to welcome thg WS,
when they come back from " over there."
Music is a vital necessity In times like these. No other money 005 80,
effectively "turn the dark clouds inside out" as the stirring songs, born of the
terrible war.. You can have these songs played by the greatest mIlrtry bgndo,
sung by the best singers, and loin in the chorus yourself, if you Nivea
The Brant-oia plays all recor1oq enually well, so nil the pntNetic songs cad 0
played to your home. And it is built Ina variety of styles 9f 000tnels, so too ekvigt)
of one to suit your home and your pulse will be easy,
The Brant -ole Is made fn'seven different styles, - l+tnlshed In Walnut, Fltft4 E
Oak or Mahogany. It will play any make of disc mord,
Aak yo,tr deafer io dmflon.
strato this beautiful
. instrument to you.
J, Oliver
sat it Blraptford SarlcBr)l( tf�i
-, Perate ,eeSte'M`'t�^•�°neas'-": teeet a« t RANTP()Rpa CiANAI) �t
Head of
Meseta. Lott, k McDonald will hold an
Auction Sale of 40 Head of (Attie at
The Central Hotel Yards
on Saturday,Nov, ind
5 Fresh Cows with calf at foot,
J Springer ()n f99,
15 'Two-year-olde,
15 Yearlings."
All High-grade Cattle and in
good condition.
Lott & McDonald,
JAS. TAYLOR, Auo, Proprietors,
tulle was baud -embroidered and was
held by orange blossoms. After the
wedding breakfast Mr, and Mrs, Fer-
guson left on the afternoon train for
points lust before leaving for their
llolne in Oalgary,
WVm, and Mrs. Robertson received
the sad news Tuesday night that their
daughter, Airs. Stanley Johnston (nee
bliss Agnes Robertson) passed away
At Scott., Sastre on !Monday Oct. 21st,
The body is being brought home Inc
burial. Mt', and Mrs. Robertson have
the sympathy of the community.
WATO(t RatATRING(ETo.-J. wG. Joneshes-
tJueweedprd0o savndtoiaal workome
entrusted to hint.
Telford Sellers jumped from the
threshing machine table in A. McDon-
ald's barn to the floor and landing on
the end of a plank broke his right
A, G. Bishop and Alex. Yuill were
at Fordwich Fall Palr and took a
number of awards, Miss Bishop won
tbe hitching Lace and the prize for
lady driving.
Mrs, L. A Wright and son, William
Arthur, and little daughter, Mary
J1lizabeth, of Carberry, Manitoba, are
visiting at the parental home of Mrs,
H. McGloarlie,
Mr. and Mrs."Collis j1-., P. and Mrs.
Arnett and Wm. 111ibte have return-
ed home after an enjoyable visit with
Chas. and :firs. Milne at Hamilton.
They called en old friends and rela-
tives in Preston, Kitchener, Heidel-
burg and other places on their way.
They went by motor, with Ed. Collis
at the wheel,
An Auction ,Sale is announced.. by
James McFadzean, Lot 3, Con. 16, for
Tuesday, November 5th, which will
include Farm stock, implements, etc.
as he has sold his farm to Fred.
Oster. The list may be read in anoth-
er column. Many 010 friends hope
Mr. McFadzean will locate near by.
L0.8t Friday
Oliphant and Mrs, Smith, well known
residents its of the 51)h Oon., celebrated
the 25th anniversary of their marriage,
About 85 guests were present and the
time was spent in social chat, vocal
and instrumental music, dancing,
games and hu10h, The 0 children of the
home were present, excepting laugh,
who is in the West. The bride and
groom wore their wedding outfits and
In addition to hearty congratulations
were the recipients of many gifts.
Mts. Smith was Miss Joan Ireland and
the marriage ceremony was perform-
ed by the late Rev. Samuel Jones, of
Brussels, assisted by Rev. Dr, Ross,
Molly good wishes are extended to
Mr, and Mrs. Smith in the hope, of
celebrating their Golden Wedding.
WATcn Rsteseai'tta ETo,-J, G. Jones, ex•
Port Jeweller and optleian io now xt h(s home
in Brnssets nod prepared to attend to ani work
entrusted to Mtn,
Mrs. G. S. Holmes, of Stratford, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Jno, and Mrs. Watson, 4111 line.
We are sorry to report Miss Hazel,
riatightee of Alex, and Mrs. Nichol,
6th line, arrived home from Seaforth,
and has since been under the doctor's
Dare from an attack of Spanish influ-
enza, Tier many' friends hope fnr a
speedy recovery.
'i'he farm of Robert Shedder] was
not sold on the date of the Auction
Sale of1
t t0 f ai ]ntool
s cd
nn it
en Le Me.
and Mts. Sh dri u
e e will con -
1100(e to live 011 it in the meantime
and as It is seeded clown thele will not
be much work ;looking after it not
disposed of.
Alfred Brewer died at the home of
his son in Detrnit. Mr, Brewer was
at one time a prominent miller in Sea -
emelt community, having lmilt and op-
erated the Winthrop mill and one
Chet formerly stood at Roxboro, De-
t a8 a
v brother to the late Geo.
Brewer, 4012 line, and an uncle to Win.
MI and Fred. Brewer and Mrs, Wm.
Wilkinson, well known here,
PRtzta \V INNERS AT S. S. No 5, -In
the contest for the Prizes given by R.
Procter, ,T. P., the Sec. -Trees. of 5, S.
No, 5, Morrie, for best hoed alai best
marigolds by the boys and the best 2
()limns showed by the girls, Richie
Prnet.er wen lot prise, $1.50, for his
row of marigolds 40 rods, tvhich weigh -
1075 lbs, IVillie Parsons won 2nd
prize, $1,00 foe his tow of marigolds,
weighing I220 lbs, Edna Jacitsnn
won 1st prize, 51.50, for best two
citrons Held Mildred Russell won and
prize, 51 00, This being the first time
prizes were awarder) in No. 5 it is to
be hoped that more boys and girlie
will take an interest in the week,
:Think of 1075 lbs. of malgoida what
nidi feed a bpy 'could have for some
you» calves and think how 1apllHliz-
some stormy night, Keep at it boys
00)01 girls
aul there/tee smut.
Mr, Plnt ter deserves thaulkx for the
interest he has taken 11, formulating
this go ahead p(ngranl,
Geo. Special, Toronto, spent the week
end at his home hate,
Caen, Mapletolt, Trordwich, wax ill
the village 01, Monday,
Jn the report of Red (boas work
last week the neuter; of 11,11.4 la Ifitelleti
and Mrs, Win. Ro111110on were uenittell
11010 the net of mitt 0114.
Board (it' Health hay ordered the
churches and school altered for 2 week..
There ie still no iodicatinu of len out-
break of influenza here and if every
one exercises due precaution it may he
The many friends of Ross and Mrs.
Smith London, former residents here,
sympathiee with 01)811) in the death
of their only child, Bessie Louise,
girl of 16 years, She was a victim of
Mise Celia Ralhwell i8 quite ill with
pneumonia het we hope for early con-
Miss Jessie Menzies is home for a
brief holiday froth Toronto her school
being closed owing to the epidemic.
We are sorry to heel. that Pte, Fred,
Hunter has been wounded in the hand
and arm in the fierce fighting over-
seas. Many old frieuds hope he will
soon be o, k.
Cranbrook postofflce will be closed
after Ootobee 3181 and all patrons
served by the Rural. It is over 00
year's 91I108 the office was established
here, Postmaster Scott, Beneee)s,
carried the mail on horseback front
Morriedale (151 miles North of Walton)
58 years ago.
E, and Mrs. E. Collie, Fred. and
Mrs. Bela, Miss Mary Halmos and Mee,
S. Ferris visited at the home of 1'I.
Gorselitz, and called on old Ceembro1,k
friends. Mrs, Perlis tend Miss Dlehms
are Meters and formerly lived in Cran-
brook, Mrs, Collis is also an old Oran -
brook girl. Mr. and Mrs. Reit, ate
cousins to the'Got•salitz family. The
Dahmes girls are now of Port Huron.
nesday of last week, after v heroic
battle fore life for the peat 5 years,
John Hoist died at his home here in
his 47th year. He was the youngest
son of David and Mrs. Hoist, Brussels,
and was born in Grey township. 20
years ago deceased was united hu mar-
riage to Mee Maud Barrows, who
with a 80n (Elton) and 2 daughters
(Vera and Velma) survive. The cause
of death was pernicious lanaemia.
Mr. Hoist was a most indosltione and
thrifty going man, obliging in his
manner and kindly natured. The fun-
eral took place Friday afternoon to
Brussels cemetery, service being con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Carswell, deceas-
ed's pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr, Gen-
tly, of Walton. The subject of This
notice is survived by his parents, in
Brussels ; and three brothers,
Wil -
lam of A
of b
fordi and Henry,oFGrindvtone Oity,Mich;a. Mrs, Heist
and faintly
share in the sympathy of a wide circle
of friends in their bereavement.
They will continue to live on their
farm, adjoining Winthrop, in the
meautime, but may sell the property.
Deceased was a member of the Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters at Brus-
Threshing is almost done in this
neighborhood and everybody seems to
have more grain than they expected.
A quantity of dishes belonging to
Patriotic Society are at Barr's store,
Would the owner please call and get
Churches will not be open next Sun-
day and public school is having a holi-
day all on account of the generosity
of the Spaniards.
The Patriotic Girls met at the home
of Miss Verde Pollard Monday night
and arranged to sbi p 20 boxes overseas
this week for the soldier's.
We have a number of cases like a
mild type of the "Flu" but so far the
scare is worse than the disease. They
have all reached land so fee,
Ethel High School students wont to
Listowel but bad to come home again,
school being closed. Same was true
with those going to Brussels school,
Rev. Mr. Douglas arrived from Tor-
onto on Saturday night to take the
services in the Presbyterian church
but when
t he
here he found the
door was gout owing to the prevailing
We are sorry to hear that Norman
Lamont, while threshing at Gen,
Brown's neer Molesworth, fell tbroogh
the trap door in the barn Boor to the
cement floor in basement, a distance of
10 Feet, Re was severely, if not criti-
cally injured. Hope to hear of early
BIER o.'' s
IO t PNIt 1-v t.xo. v -
IA. -Ethel and community were sadly
shocked oh Saturday morning when it
became known that 11, and Mrs, Dob-
son hod received a message from Ot-
tawa, saying their snn, Pte. Elwyn
had died in Davenport hospital Eng-
land, from pneumonia, It makes the
shock )none severe as he only left home
about middle of September. He went
into training last Spring but had been
on Harvest leave and could not kava
had more thee time to land In Eng-
land, At time of writing no further
details are to hand. Elwyn was 23
Years old and is eervived by his par-
ents, a elate). and brother. Re was a
fine steady young man and a member
of the Methodist church.
At a meeting of the congregations of
Whitechurch sod Lsagelde, ,held in
Laugsido church on Monday afternooncall MRS
lug 1 t. ish of 011,0008 foe a boy or girl Mcg tyre, Ontderi to Rev, Mr, Senhio,
Expert Watchmaker
11(18 returned to Bl'nxx(4a and 50
prepared to tlo 411 kinds of
Watch and Clock Work
Vette; may be a Tapable t,iure-
i keeper hitt by inenrnpr't)ut 1•e -
pairing yeti Il+tve lost faith 111 it.
131•ing it 10 rue. I will repair the
worst wreaked welch or (luck
annd will 111, it reset tltrbly,
Work may be left 01 Vey home.
Call 'P'hone No, au for iuforma-
Eyes Tested and
Glasses Supplied
The Campaign for the Victory Loan
n1,11nn"ores next ht ondaty Ort. 213111,
and every Pal 1iu11r' Cann/14W is ask-
ed to mime, l,i, p(01(fotistu by invest-
ing all he ran iu 13(udx. Security is
Lhe best --nolle bel ter -and the rttte of
interest is g01 gaud ae is being path nn
;thee investments that ettn not he
compared with this ax to security,
The Canvassers for Brussels aml
Grey are A. 11. Mo0uuald for Ethel
Iaa t
1,Y, .
Le t 22. Far nil Month
of Con. 10 John McDonald. 1Yellin),
and l+, S. Scott for Brussels end all
Nnrt•h Irl Con, 1l. Lat, all be ready to
invest•. Uauvaxcers will he pleased to
lexplai(t everything. het the amount
he (t 111t(11(fel` 111Vettnlellf. 1,1(80 year
it exeeedl(d.6130,000,00, let it be a great
deal wore as utero 10 10008 money in
the country and In the bemire at 3i
than there was( last year, and remem-
ber every dollar' you invest is spent, in
Canada, your country, to buy supplies
for 3000' coils ovefaeae.
Corp. Harold Campbell
instantly gilled
This brave lad, who made the 50-
preme 500)1iiee 111 France on Sept,
27th, fighting for she Empire in the
great cause of Freedom, ens horst in
Brussels, being the 5th sou of Angus
and Mre. Campbell, Mill street,. He
would have been 23 years of age nn
November 6t11, He event overseas in a
draft from 1110 70th Battalion in No-
vember, 1415, going to France in
llaroh 1010, and being tht'o ever
since. Wounded in the arm last
April but et tithing to France and
Jting his
4(11C an dl ,A un_
N , (',nap, Campbell was n Lieu-
tenant in ('armada with the Ifilst Hue-
una, but was anxious to get ovet'seas
and well as a private and was Made
Cneporalfor brave deeds and atten-
tion to duty on the battlefields. Ile
leaves to mourn his death, itis mother,
father, sister and brother at Brussels ;
8 sisters and e, brother reside in Lon -
cion and a brother in Sarnia, Stanley
Campbell, who is also a Corporal was
in the same battalion in France is
another brother. The following letter
ferrite the latter gives interesting par-
ticulars of stirring scenes and shows
the hernic fire th(ttburned in the
heart of our young townsman :--
DE.tle A1,THER AND D.uiny,-T
don't know how to tell volt but I sup-
pose you will have heard the terrible
news of one dear Harald being killed
on Sept. 27111, My God, I am !(bout
crazy. I will tell you just how it hap-
pened. Our Coy. was first to attach
turd it was in 11 very bad place, The
Huns were in a deep canal, about 20
yards wide, with deep dugouts (01 the
sides, They had this canal full of
Men 11Len0lug to attack 1,0 hot our
bombardment started about 4 0, m.
and killed most of them, Some of
them kept down in the dugouts till we
got peat and over the 0(011. We
coached out: objective and Harold
came over to me Inst tie cool ale if he
were not in the battle at all and we
thought how lucky we were getting
through shell
Whet; s d
u den(
the (Tuned
up with trench mortar
guns tight on our backs nom the
canal, Harold and his oiileer, with
some 11te11, went back to clean up the
canal and they were both Ithllet� ins-
tantly, 'i'he poor laddie got it right
through the tread. Ile did not 11110 to
groan, One thing T am thankful for is
that he didn't know what h11 hien, it
was an sudd011. This all happened be-
fore 4.30 rt. in. anti I didn't. know till
about, iIn
the noon Men e p
1 1 lltat
he was
killed. T walked back when I heard
it about 2 miles and found his body.
T can't realize yet that 11e is gone, al-
though 1 saw hila buried Lhis after.
111(0(1 with about 30 others. He is
right beside a Major. There were 2
ministers at the grave, When they
get the (clot fixed up I will send you a
photo of it. Harold ceetainly died a
soldier from head to foot, He told me
When I treed to keg of hien in my lel.••
ten's nut to collie back to France, that
lie was not afeaid to die. Ily God, I
always have felt, that 1 would gladly
give up my owe life if it would only
send him home to yen again for .I
know he was always w1112 you and
you will miss him more but T suppose
will all hay() to be brava and try to
e 10, although it is mighty hard,
no ho came back he bas been with
night and day. All .those Hues iu
canal wore cut to pieces who got
mat -
how young or old he is itthab I see,
W. 1. H. RR, Froj»setor
1I, •n
little 1 hinter(
h8had t
(,u,u(, Fa vend Lhen, te Fred. sena h to
keep r
C I (,o 1 1 kl od and I he l( 1
well tend put them ell Reserved
ytul letters 11,t otttt 1111- WA yet.
Mother tied I1.1ddt dear my heart
101-1(1,0 for you nota am- what ie t1) ba
will be anti it ix ie pie 110,000 of a
iligllel• power we nee Orb'. With
heaps ofloveI retrain,
Tout loving eon,
Harold was it piense.t:t fared youth,
kindly, th,utgittful rantd genial in his
matte -Up and 1,a 1.1- unlnst.pia+,ls, usual-
ly working will. his father and hoped
to be spared to get back to 1)18 loved
ones and many trier(ds i11 Brussels.
}lie death he very sadly regretted and
the fancily deeply °ympat1(ised, with,
more eepecia117 Ir' e dat;atter, fa in
very poor htralt}I ie Latelen at the
prettier! time.
Harold had been reemmalen0ed for
devoeat.ion and was every ;le+ a sol-
dier, and wee :1 grata( f:,.•orife with
both officers 411,,1 torn. 1356d,l:,1 woods
to his mutlur w, -re '•D m'l worry as I
can't die in a hecto' rause." tie was a
Lieut. in Ilie Vnh1111,ei' C,1-. of 1110 010
33,0 Battalion (and oat• etre 1,2• pro-
motion had hie life f,<'vr1 eeereri,
Alex, fraserls Death Accidental
Grand Trunk Relieved of any Blame.
Monday formeem the xu loomed in-
towet over the 11,-etil at _).lex. Fraser.
who was killed al the (3- T. R. itemis-
ing, Henfryn, by being sit rink by the
lumntlatiye an 1101 (rain going Eaat,
Monday ;atm men, of bast week, was
resumed in the Town Mtn, Brussels,
before Coronet 11,•, 3111:,,-, n all Crown
Attorney Seager, Clodeulch, conduct-
ing the case.
The jury WAR ern paoellerl with Rob-
ert Shaw, Biu.•v,tle as fie ennui, and
Mrs, Hamilton (oil d(utg!,ter, Mrs,
Martin, Mrs. 1bo11,0,w, flits, Collis,
Engineer Mime, heed, ('onduelor Lag -
al, fireman, haggng,•nian, huakestnall,
Dorton( IlclSan tu,,,..,u,1 JIoRoo, who
trade the post new; ern, gave evidence_..
A9 to the ('axe.
After eu111niing 111) the Mtge it was
referred to the .1111 ynn.., who render-
ed at verdict of aeri,irot,1i death and
exnerating the rail,v,ly ant hot itiea
from any blame. Train was said to
be running I5 mile., rue hour at the
Ma','Preset had evidently misjudged
the speed of the expre.-: or expected
train to stop at the vtatian Ra he was
almost clear of the track when the en-
gine caught him. Death wile instan-
taneous as his skuli was badly crushed
in addition to others0ilo0-4 ir,jut•ies.
It WAS an Unfortunate tinrula'enee
and is another trai ring people young
and old, should heed to take no such
Church Chimes
Sunday, November 31(1 will be the
r„t1- Sunday and ods of
give a good boost to the cease ofhPro-
hibition ton and it •v per et maaeut maintenance.
Rev. Thomas W1Json, formerly pastor
of Rnox Church, Walkerton, has been
called to Medicine Hat. Alberta, at
salary of So,000, use of tnanse and
moatb's vacation.
The Provincial Sabbath School Con-
vention that was to be held in Toronto
this week has been called off until an in-
definate date owing to the widespread
epidemic of influenza,
The union evangelistic series os sere -
ices being held in Goderich, by Rev.
Mr, Johnston and assistants, was called
off ou account of the closing of the
churches, in compliance with the Board
of Health.
Rev. Father McCormick, of. Kings-
bridge, died Thursday morning, Oct.
Toth following an uperatiou for appendi-
citis a few days ago. He was very
popular in his parish, where be had lab-
ored about 16 veers.
Tee Cooference ,just closed is estimat-
ed to have cost the church sod the dele-
gates something like 5.35 000. It
brought together 37a delegates from
Newfoundland on the East to British
Columbia on the West.
Regular quarterly Communion service
will be observed in the Methodist church
Brussels, nu Sunday, Novemher 3rd, at
et a, m. Testimony meeting at to
o'clock, Epworth League will meet at
the close of evening preaching service
on same date.
rile order of the Ana(•
d of Health altb b
not beet) c0uite±macdrd reg9rding the
Nosing of the churches in ssfevuarding
the public health during the influenza
epidemic hence there will he uo public
services next Sabbath but it is exsected
that tbe following Sunday the doors
may be thrown open for worship at the
regular hours.
The following officers were elected for
Centre Huron Sunday School Associa-
tion for the ensuli g year ;-President,
C. 14,H
d, Clint u • v'
Pr(s'lontH L ,rM0ot
ureaA. T. Copr011010n mede.
pertinent, Rev, W. B Moulton. Clinton ;
Elementary de erttueat, Miss M. Attie -
en, Goderich ; Young People's departs
merit, George Raithbv, Auburn ; Mis•
sionary depertmeit, Miss H. I. Graham,
Seaforth ; Aduit department W,
Bailie, Nile ; Teacher training, ltov, A,
L G. Clarke, Goderich ; Temperance
John McNay, Egmoodville,
A leading Spanish physician says :---
Guru camphor --cinnamon cammlphora--
te two small bags of muslin carried
about, elle iUside the breast pocket of
the coat and the other in one of the side
pockets of the trousers of overcoat, will
prevent catching the dreadful disease,
The hag near tbe breast's to serve as R
permanent disinfectant of a, • "
air before it enters the Meas.
other bag is to be taker.: ,, t oL s'„ ea.
aid applied to the nostt,.2.