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The Brussels Post, 1918-10-17, Page 6
Heel IIBlack or Preserved and Sold only la F'i' d Cookers Will Save Your Fuel Green Sealed Air -tight 'g Iso prr1 gbi Houabtets ;dint; Company by spade.: 'arrangement with t'IIAI'Tl';R 1\I. M tt ^e ,ferry opened the door of ; :e Ap :11 amt 1t, he watt at onee made aavare that the clue t stie 0o51411110041 were ale,» ala.. Ilia ntotiIt-r's room, width '!Vas alao eltting•-roorn, 'sae Harte, lee tna, light from tite hO :way he ;rot: s.t 1114 0 s111011ltct..0t1110;,beep. Ma- to ...i 111•1e on the tufa, and lana t lv' the 414413 I' 1 t1 sang 414.1 7 l.,' that 11 .105,((4! 05 13.:. r tvh,,,ro I've gonet' hed, Jane. 18,x4 t h." !a :lt Its 11tt0 hht 11-.1.1 1•.::' 1 .•-.1 h:' t %1t4.1 :'!1X(10(41. • -I hr n 'ti said your all ..t 5 tee u . 1 :. s ,..t,d t, Veep Y -t 1'13 '•N t , ne i t+ 1310 =i p • vara tfle matte with Peter?" "1141 80' t31101-1 t 11 c4ho;. 1,y' efes e0,: 1 t : tern home. H:, 04.41 h 11' il} he t F le,•t , 011,1 a.: .00 t.. 1 5:13 1 of ,o t,ct :..111 up the st:ai fl,• h u1 !1 fever; the oo::t r E( 1.' .' t .S11'..1 1 r Yet bepneu- monia, p n •u t1mon1 Yee know len:: 11'0.1 a "411,:1111 ell: a' 1, ',1. rt ; • loll Celt I ce, tarn " ''ti 1 o3..Lf0 rt '1: ,!rap :,f :. 1 1' ,,.4 nt arn1. leek in a1', 1„111.' +!e ,"•v'a 110 ,,00f1 13,:. 4.141 h t /lilt L -.'d 84111 ign la: 4-0,041 ft,ty, le „4;a„1 Ulu14 1)41..0 ir tehentera. Yee, tan, 11,441 'ear ,i• '' 414 4t., .11 .,,,ti i:e'rn i. U v ,r.C.1i(111e 1, If ie 1 12 J I 1. 14n 1 hlo! • t : ii. , , ;;r, ,:,tai 11: . b eit- eec Thele i e',.v is 1.'1: nem' lira. l)ete e r3 1's ,t1• 1, 1 111811, f (met i_(:iy h n , ,.,e .4 w'.ri'k. , cu ;l beL-er t .' in �tald eet yee.r. eeer.:terve; Ihn 11.:,. %". ha : t e 1. .Tet 1 (11 :upper, a 1e - .: 1 Y to do,13. h did tn:, ( L I v wh,=tlt : . -.sae c'id or lit,. 11 was lc c s', h e,nxi0 ft+s; I'm 1 n � n, s alat'rn,. d ih lu. I t 1 a 1 hart:we :r hid 111•:8 11 n 41.,11 little ,froth's I'It paled 1' g131 for the P 5; pater poop f i ;"thing tatial l per to th l0 1 . 7: Be 11x.1 7 - et gen anybody , ohoro .l li- n,.' eug.u,._4l Mr'. i Ilrl.t in one tiny hull, au it ar-d orin:elit.•, 4044" i'1a hll•; 1' on account of it. I'etcr mets v be all right. If • eete/lintg -1114''341 hap- pen to Pers, Ire y'a lnmgin, i' fic•w nl t_at'.. , Kate 1 I :t'a:etf. • •:Sftrtz settee, ,l1'; Weill 1 :, u !Luke. uyuiril:sii4oftt t1F h611p..,.t i -I0 fund thla it } tt-1 4:11 s n I aft' Moon ctrl }. a seized 'anal' tons, 41 51(1 Mee. Bennet it, paroxysm e1 terror had- 1 et n 1 , !lawn to Mrs,Donohue who him 1 piungcd it into a hot Tette an:hon- .eumn Ik) the 1i ,' or, Now 1 4 asleep 114 0481:x.1 quit ne tao.t1 teat I ]ate. h no,ztt was eft nn.a:,'001 11):11 1 .:he sill neaeleel the aupl n't o:' Mr,. - t t .}nmoh.Et 5 :le 1'n e. I it should have another 44(14il.. ;011 eau weren't , here, I don't knee: wi,at 1 ,e ,,'d do 11 Mrs,. P4':1 tett, had 41113'), and the 43,'34 ul e pad been irresiatibk, ' ~, Tli mt arra ate, J•v t In 1 r TI p e: i v i t , ,uuit4•. t :him t la e r h i h. the 11 1£ rp5(n_d 404:4:113 1 Ben t apartment; 1'.t; and 1t 1 :,h 3 ked 14(1443' 'ho her ,crneho v. t--,3,11 In - on 1t y I don't ereew where I uunitt to be," she c4atd. "But if Kate accel 010, 1 -:n n come ).0 m1'', ln:l 1'11 ananage f0 k<, • to he:< „zne•hnb, f;on4ne's kpmv,; •3 it net i 11 Inst it pout. Th inga B a1•wu;t h ppee 111 a bunch e 3 else they , t Thea, Ansa tete 41:14,.;) on the maete>lpiece ticked on WO on, and there was no cltange, Jet y watched with deepening anxiety Presently tame a etrengling cough, tore -runner of a paroxysm: Jerry rats- 1 ed the hey heart and sllaulder . and he'd hint while the terrifying. i y'irg spasm; l•a ed To feet the lett38 frame so racked n(+d ahaltee sent 14 pang of tends roots to Jerry's v's heart. and when I it was 2111 over, bett'+•c 1 suing the boy's I head ,n the pillow, he kieeed the y: 11. lit :10 hollow its the leek .1'f that; vast .: lute neat.. Ile est the Loy +town gently; in a. few moments, to Jerry's immense re - 1 lien Peter 41'11 asleep, 'Pl44 watch, -e thoughts, at filet i11 t:1' 1 en the patient, -travel gradually a.s tit haeh, aresalt:m; cniwneed to: bl 151141'and res iri:lg. They' went heel: to Nara; the!, returned to titx mon,tin; note su maty years a,^ wh h she inel 1' called to hits mina met It , . 1i t l the light of this imp, b,ll- aie ee,a.rience. took oa afresh vivid- nche Sorts lied theta '441441; hardly older 1'•]tN 11 17tc ;..,- 11°11. To recapture in imagination the None of Chet div the .Jetty at tile: day. nala too poigeare a,, eflcnt. Fate Dad Peter ami ay •i , l to ,1, lel from sunt misery ez, Anitne es lied a: ,alien Nora and els B ',081'1' 'tote1. n, me,a emit: S,Ienitatod 3,t. the re:leo:1,0e he he one to rE • nee . 11- titin: 111 • 1,314 4• sal1 p1441110: t;;. In :.ills trnul'e•:1a •e, yr 1 fa-, e:lg.: r ..I when F.'t [0,11 to r?='t 1, 1:e L . '441 i'.•1' 111 ally t at ,.111' 'v.t. +1'3 all nor ;L -'tor, bin . .air. aha,. nnee Sat, wa 11:14, nursing radial,,• in do, and 4133 :men .,0: 1:,1 nn 1 3 ae .:,1u,th t. , tit 01t est. leeher the 841,.o need that 11 1n, ire v1•i„t he add. -he showed hi the n. ,-.in,. that Pete was to hav t vnkp made hlnl promise to, 1'::'1 he, t its. he amc :alarmed about et 1 , a8. rho room quickly and; Tal -v e, r!ghte, and a's quickly and eu } smoothed ,oft Peter's he. h n (0,018 111111, Jctry' watehp 1 i :h ehr,n Orion 1, r lir e, nulse,t..: • 4cr, re a Treat au,>r, ,tate I shots,! a1m, sr like, to ho 411 se the. -,a1 8'.011 lock after me.” Its. .e1' nee .huw(,l a Momentary l;:1' to -r th..a•- tee, v ::1 lite,if you wceen t very Supply, Few of us were 1u. t eufferere from lark of fuel east winner, and w•, are likely to have even greater troubles this wilnter. It 11,'1141 'e4 (tet then, to save fuel in every Way w1 ran against the time when we will need it to keep us warns as well as fur cooking. (Inc of the hest ways to conserve is by us- ing :t fireless cooker. Of louse, the ideal situation is reached when you can afford to hay one of the newest electric• cookers, with ventilating "`system" so that 1111 odors of cooking are t•e.maved, This iyothe only sort of evoker, that is, the ones with the ventilators, in w'hieh you can ('oak vegetables s:stieniet1rily, as 0eegtclbles shou141 always be molted with the caves loose enough to al- low odore to escape with the steam, The light cooker, whether home-made or bought in the store, does not give good r4esulrs. Potatoes rooked in it are .vvuggy and black, and strong flav- ored vegetables, of course, are nut appetising. But even she hone -matte fireleu cooker and the older style ones, can sive you. marry times their cost i you use them for cooking foods which require long slow cooking. Tough fowls, soup meats and boiling pieces may all be started on the stove and finished slowly in the cooker with much better results than a stove would get, for in the evoker no,ateam e(,rape' and the water can not bell 0Way and demand refilling of the ket.• Go. Oatmeal may be started in the cooker and left to cook all night. Most cookers will keep it hot enough to e,erye in the morning, but if they should not it takes only five or ten minutes to reheat it, and you know the cereal is cooked .sufficiently and without undue waste of heat. Beans may be cooked for several hours in the ranker, than allot 'l 41411 lour in the oven. Some hou.eiceepel•.44 even :lee a fireless cooker to cook 331(1141 and ctltl+er0es which they :1•e afraid of ▪ burning on the etuve. if you have e one, numerous uses will 911;rgeeal them - ✓ selves to you. Anything 811111) 1414441 to be coaled Iong and :timely, and w'11ich does net need to be ventilated 1' as it cool:;. linty he etednd in the • cteteer. if you are 4,,,10.1; a 114511'- " made 0111, hc• sure that your• food is e; boiiin•,3 11„t before yon put it in the cooker. Tee, minutes is none too 1'n son r for meat to boil, and five mi - e' flute:, for ecrnals, 4, the food will dept vl sm largely on the Eire you rise in making the cooker, and in getting the food stated, that' it will be necessary for you to experi- ment. The tighter your p'i'llows and covers ft, the more hat you retain and tato leas time will be needed for cooking. All day Is atone too long to cook soup hones, tend five _or nix hours for tough meat in the Monte• made cooker. If the food gots colt, it can be taken out, reheated and set to cooking again without.any harm. Do not expee<t these cookers to per- form miracles. They etre a great con- venience, and a great saver of fuel, but they aro not as tattisfaltnl'v; for things which require quick, direct heat as the stove. Neither can you cook vegetables nicely in them, that is in the homemade ouee, and in the pat- ented ones hay.ij'Ig no ventilators. ll(uselvork by the Clock. "You seem to have so much time for other things besides the care of your house," Raid one woman wiet- filly to another. s' "But I didn't used to have, my. Food will wig. the 1 war; don't waste e i is Left -overs aro made palatable and nourishing bythe I6 addition of a shall quantity of r• aoo� Tommy Atkins' Hardships, New Remedy for Rose Mildew, "They put me in hayracks," wrote tt young soldier to his parents, "They took away my clothes and put me in khaki. They gave me a Run and a blanket, a short -handled shovel and a pick, 11111 5110legh tin dishes to stock a kitchen. They took away my name, and made me No, 576. They took me to a church where rd never been before, Ind they made ale listen to a sermon foe forty minutes. Then the parson said: No. 575, Art thou I wear', art thou languid?' and I got seven days In the guardhouse because I said I certainly was," Cornmeal, boiled rive and barley flour make excellent griddle ekes, • An English experimenter reports that spraying with sulphuric - acid, one part in fifteen hundred, parts of water, Is a certain cure for mildew on roses. The proportion h eighty drops in a gallon of water. If you have uuthin better. a eyrup� mil or a honey pail with tight fitting 1 w•'11 do for a 41:31 to took in,1 Clf Bourse. a granite or porcelain pail, is better. ; you will nee:) to be very; „4! careful to dry the tin every time it is u1e4 to keep it from rusting. But , just 144(10 ;.1101) wt' are tieing asked to sic , use every thi'1g WO have in 34'.;4,•8 of 1>44,,'.. new, the s'e'tup mile do Mee ri y, 7 h; idea of the hl :lees cooker • s pimply to keep 11' the heat. Matey sic(. I '11141 lova, is v"hen Pettr in 00111e14 are ('5,311' 11 Fatal pail as a fireleu cooker. The pail should be .- tilie'I with hay ,,r excelsior. packed. • tightly, and with a hole 10;038 in the "lightly, jtiot large enough to 133:,1 the' 1. (11'11 ,you I17e to rioti the food in. t.MHakt a eu t 1 c 1 n t 1t the •u> of h • CAD per.f0t.1I.y 1111d ,.It' it With hay or exas;. t't your fond44141141(1(4, lt re11 1, the ..est' In the heel pal: >1 411:4'. t'eaer anet,dywith th ,04 - hen pit ett the pal! lemon oe3 4.e 1 t e f 1 a• ry r" h Tho h; ].. 1;1.11 t'm.' meet ,:1'y to 4 t,E,l< „lv a torte 4.54.1." "That teat a (1. h<. A0011, I'm some. God Kate, and de n't awak 11 1 4111.1: 1 o tn': .J,j4-o1 of reit tot >t11 4 141,. [ 1 � , 1 fuwld 1 I 4 .'(n 1.1 etc 11I iho11'a,tc F:i41•1 alit now and then 1',k (141,h i ly i <e licmt O 'P hat t,41.'e W00'13 e. 41(0l 1te ,f yea ,roperbe. 1t 1 ieteparmtl to 'eter Then t t t Ica qu 84811 ken n mei f u, 41 c 1y 01,311t tan v. terns't ,1'4 1'01344;41, have': ,i14'111..0 101 Nos., ,light t„ok 1'f hi. Ile drifted into t soatitiloutol i 1ei11m 1 nal of 11t 3:: dos, whoa 1e'„1 n- t t remaat! 1'C, Il..: a•14 4511:31 1'un101141e hall ea O14T3 ,1 t.. 411111 un 1 113,5(1")' poor • n 1 head. I1 o:e3,.'•Cd his (('411 of n and ;rt his men fit d ml'u 1 y pot h, 1f •e t 1 1 ! t a' ,(4 4 J i>'Itln 1 !, 11 meth mane in at nil -Might and baht in the: hall. ''13t et is Peter, -ferry:” "She pithy, l'an you g to heti etv?" "Yes. Tht'. Lady 4101ins all t 1311, nd Mr.I1 •aneti. hie got bark, s 4Ir•e. moot fe 'is easier. Mr. Been } t is Thingeht,adet 1144 v(an - to (4peak 355 dear,” answered the other. "Ii41s only sine the war that I've become; 3. so efficient as 1:0 do my work in two-, thirds the time that it formerly took i me. Some one caked me to help m war work and I said that I hadn't the' time. Shortly afterward I learned; that one of my neighbors who hoe' three children was giving two 1norn- 'a l �� and i r r a°f h:Ast(terissa lit 9 MQ1UTFs ess 1`,‘"",d, t •w�'rorr.;Make,.Iern. hekaome toad, r it etc, ualluet 41,1,3,, Soe, f,.,, .,,d Lelpa comma •�� _ n the Nation,ieed !d �•�-4�' .upplr C:mu•n,rat Quirk a4,4 alai --hal h da 44', to rh,1000h. U Ile,ed an charge's paid t, your (wait, or through ilia driller- tour loaf axe 12 75. eight loaf '4,u t•3 35. • $gE. T. W RIGHT OO „d.. "ca"ATO(l oa lags a week to Red Crass work, yet I, with only one child, was a slacker, "Yet I had told the truth, 1 really j had very little time indeed for out- side work. To shorten my story, l called on my,neighbor and talked the, ma(.te11 over with Ler. She advised IRO to work by the clock, to allow so; much time for the doing of a certain' task and -to do it an that tinge or less,: 'And be mare to wear a wrist watch,'; 4111c said. 'The eonstanl presence of, ata•zs the time will prod you on and keep you from being a laggard.' "It was a small 'scrvire watch' that she wore and she said that the very sight of its military face reminded her of he 'duty to the Government and to the men on the (41110 • side, and kept her from wasting • precious mi- nutes. `, there Is tha secret of the time that hot), t), abe and I have to give for 11he great cause," 1 ''��, sea Lawn t(lr•V _. 4 1 Canada's Cod Resources. &. veoits n.tr %t' Face Powder It 1s every Woman's duty to ap- pear as attractive as possible. So when your skin begins to look oily sad shiny just apply a light touch of Itegran.'s Vetveola Souv- eralne Face Powder, It makce your complexion smooth and clear, hides the small blemishes, and stays on until washed vii; It is so fine i1'• texture that you can scarcely see it, (50c) For the sake. of a fresh healthful complexion use Ingrain's Milk- weed Cream, Iteleanses the tiny pores. s80th.+0 and softens 11,1 skin tissue, and keeps the com- plexion healthful because of its therapeutic properties, Two sizes, 50c. and $1,10. Your drnegist can show you a complete line of In - gram's toilet aids, including Zodenta for the teeth, 25c, W.1R ('(31N('11}141M'ES. Which lire Queerer—'s'hrrn :1n1'ilting 1.1 1'it'tiept, 'J'ite 10841' 1111; 6(1(111:9,1. to 11.412'4 toady curl)rimy,:' and almost here li hie colneitlence:., that were it. a-'1 fee the absolute authenticity 114 llc re - e00118 one mi.;ld retol!ly be r•<ru.:ed showing 11 little doubt on the truth of these stittements It is to the; Anne 11 bat we 111.01 u - +1011ul for the:nejead, 01 311 t .. eeteee of the tttexplit,d-h vagi is 4:' Pate. Before the war two members en the Liverpool Polite FroeV 11111 1001A .flu Ret w 1134 1''f4Ot-1101. s:' '1osa fri':tuix c,nd 511+0(4:11 too, llc4,1(11: n+.:nhuc•,1, .,he of these boys eullgraed to the end the other to Australis:. \Yat' was declared each 01' 1h''.1n : ,'1:: •1 a Colonial unit in his adopted e,,:,ntr alai in due enters.'' 11•neh(41 the Wean Fn;nt• Plarll took part in sevoral big bate Bee i:1 France, and had many narrow' escapes from death, Then both the soldiers were (4,31131'- tcd into hospital and sent to Pale-. land, and, after yell'., of septu•atn 1, they found themselves in beds aide 'n• side in a military Hospital at (lxfor.l. Another hospital supplies us with a :neat remarkable le had almost Mot•+•l- ible story, Al ('llieheater hospital a buy 1020 bl•ott;llt in saff-1•iitg tram snJel•iee eaused by a motor accitleur. He w'ah placed in the Ilett had to a wounderl Colonial soldier, :1s the bov began to get better the two re -v ft:en/fly, and once day the soldieroak, ed the lad his n:ur40, When he told he e>'chunl'ed; 'Why, that's the mime which •sas written (.n the that egg I received :, . the D,10dllnelles, from anemia 'ho 4e sent out from England," At Blyth, the relatives of four met, elm had distinguished themselves as the Front were called at a public pre. set)tution to receive the ined1110 awarded tc, 4118418 brave ((len, I1nru,5 1110 ceremony it 81(8 stute11 that the four men hall been 1'r{ends, im4 n11 enlisted un the -:ante day, had all won their medals on the same da), else, tl.ou401 in differcau ways, and had a'1 t:cen kilted on the same day. Two cthel' 1011i('('-1 le 111e'r", mimed Walden, after not seeing each other 1111mher of ),1111'5, tincxpe'te,dy fated themselves face to face at the l\'at' Office, i'lach lied set off from Feat c ill 1he ante time, h:el ;443'1 1 in Lorelon by the same train on the tee day, .111,1 had both hecu .101)3 for m 4:41,41 to he ctf'red eonoul1'- stns seri • •gent 'lops Issued by Cuta11a I'otel Board, Over 200,000,004) mends of laude fcelt were caught and landed in Nova Senile, New Brun wick and Quebec :eat year. The fresh cod exported 1+1)10Ur,:ed to u,732, too pound_,, of w hich 3,0(33.,100 pounris went to the 1"nited States, The dry salted cod exported, amount ed80,725,000 putouts, tothe salted an; pi.kle41 variety t•> 11,8:31000 pounds tont the mol<ad cod to 1 1 ' lits n u 1 15 It 1 est11 1io:l that oma ]e1e be lweBa e ll full).ft11n at4,1 100,004,1,804 3)014114141 4i rod •1101,1.! he :available for t pl>"t thn 1 r ii retorted fresh or i 4 en, end 4_ _.. •veeal 51,:10,00+) and 1i ettecal.f,iO 08111111. 31 ellt'@n, e1' AP'icture With Each Purchase Each time you buy a ilao0age of Ina, raaa'a 2bitot aids or Perfume your 01,7glctw ,1130 re you, without ahurge• Alargoro t a tofaw•nrld=ntnedra,tinn picnlr a t1' 4s. Each time you ort a din, rev, portrait 40 you 0,81.1 a 51411ne- 1(0t1 for your horse. Ask your druari t, ? y, E°S�i�7i�� -a. ''i..ntvw air'° •r u ai�'-"1i0GYt U' gat 1,+(,3,114(3519581 gTORONTO CANADA :^,' n"iso'.1'ar4411.inti..ti 1511•c<".fj'r' ifalt;'1/ F. F. Ingram Conepait y Whetter, Ontesto, (1141 112 1111111 111 1 t1 11111111•llWl 11111 x1111111! 1 1 1Jr 111111 2 Com! • 1a1�i{r1'I _ 1� - •,� - � gs-04\ _ "_ S '-•, C ■ C a }•Sty R�;1 u1' kz: , ,u , a._ ax „td e , . � F .,. �.,. �' �^�•,•+1�.e'z'�'''"'���, Bungalow Model, THE a �'rl 6(I%La,%AMS _ Canada's 1'"y' gh• w.F-r„ ..:1'.a... f. qq= •ts. PIANO Oldest r ifs• , C :l •+t.1'' $450.00 CO., and )4( HE A thatdistinguishes Williams is an worth. Into a f r n Idealscraftsmanship a, that enduring LIMITED, Largest Plano M J outward a, New index of ideals ever one Y u o s Instruments— of make for quality, �65&lAlldA, Makers beauty a Scale Piano Its intrinsic are bulit of these the moat ONT. E. — 11 1111 IIt� �(ili1T11--11Tt1Ti11' '('II i'. t<I' BM All I ."l : (;.1)1 E. >angers and 'thrills of laid: -sad Seek on the fleas, We have learned as nateh u1 ' he submarine game in the last ,itt 1101 111,4 as we learned in the previous ix years, say American subin:u'i'•e 'slicers with whom I have talked says an English writer. "Solve or' it we have picked tap ourselves, but most of it we have learned from i;:itia}, submarine officers." It is the impression among -these (,,toot':• that enemy' submarines have (u bested in the qualit ,yof their nevi - seem: and the rapidity with which they can submerge. They say the piss periscopes uae11 on U-hoats pro - ably have the same range that our criscopes have, but they aur easier n 11.,, eyes. All periscopes impose certain amount. of eye -strain; but a wo-horn' periscope watch in all 111tu•m submarine is tan lout;', those like+ say, With an American mid - Nape, one hour of it is enough, they' aye More is likely to girt 1'_n ufii• ((1' pe 1'808 rte eye." They believe stere, too, that the „1'ltotu, hellaet ttulke are equipped itlt bigger sea -valves than ours, ane, u 11'i, 111 ll v1 1' v with 1'n elso. Our boats p 1 ,o erre 1 c b tlla t- :auk > , � a t m to nhm.,t.,e y rarity only, and they dive in about xly seconds: They tell here of Germans who have- sebmcr'eed In went' iee•nnd , v s The e are the onlyeoncesri01t< yielded to the Min, Enemy boats are a !rand deal larger than ours, his 7, T: from i . 4 , , nuc t 3cu, T3 , r. hard t m1' ...n a. vroh- 11 Ile fie law of real property t'aat it x114. ably 1.14(51' l:efore in its h,attmy, 1_ tTo he routin,lyd•1 The u•t0ei:s :,t food hike been wiped . ss don't 1 11 1 11 ret ail It.'.1,"01,007F, 1 f en ton, it. 0114 v- will h (:o_ 111 anythin.40 ti where I'm u erne 1. Jerry went 341441( 10 hl1 0811 ('(11ns t aid p1'1•rsuade,i Kate to let hit watch for a while. The lamp 'wr1.s ah?41ed c, cu than it dial 1 ,r chi c its light et:11y on Peter's f Ir. 1 ut ,ferry eou:d y gee •!het 143 >•uain8tl half open] n and th4t from time to tan, litslip: h, were .nl .tit 11, ;" inaudih1y. And 1 ° ' h aat�. -_• Yet 1 0u ;-moment. I'll slaty with Peter .'1 4 45 eome, Is hate (sleep?, "I hope x11, 1 ".ol;l her 1,1 watch naught," Jetty steep al into the dimly ] eht: 1 hal!; Bennett came (l ye to hint, " d Ir 811 Donohoe I ll4 t to tell ou hue, geateful aye .ate to your lather; ; 1 'loo's kerne v' 111,4 ml1',0)11 ave happened to the kid if it h:nrin't eon for her. She'+ s geed neigh• or all right;. I'm 1.,>rr4 (.o inter 11114111 soy.,' "Yea, i,ut. I hope hell he bt((4o' in :he morning." " 81 re he will-- Thar! s •t filthy, I learned tlri: 3418 Donohue n nntg, --story tante into the office just before I loft; I set it tip. Sran,an a t ether -you ,.now, the fel:ow that's just boot 0011 vlett.d hi.. father Ord and killed his, 6(>71'in'law, tt il.,low named Corcoran,. this owning, .11.1 then kii,fed 31110,8;1, Walked into f 0teoratl'a •:i•tore, went. right up to him, pulled e revolver, and pmt a bullet tl.rough his heed, 'Then', turned 111e gun on •lt'im4rlf. They hay f'<41'holan sad 1119 w'lff, had quaereltrtl,, ems ht ) gone home to trio f1' 1 , _, ; p;4bol li e :cite'd her 111 01(4' 11-dfnit iv1M • " l.istenE 1 -i, •' 4.11„tv vrt 1 hu, .I:,l;eel itn:illy a.al. "I 1441,1: '.3 tlloy'v11 runt. :.011,8 anal 111 tela 'ate;.” T3 n that wasn't in the tat,04W , n Till3 ne t, 444111'1 lip 3ho ..tan-, and .1(.1.17 (;111 ird41 to wilt,, lay 'retorts. Exoelien ortunit• it +atYotdeu overt' Fath`cr and &b,t:her to start a Son 011 the rlabt road to prosperity. 4 few dollars inveeted monrh, Ip through our Partial Payment Pian la a Very abort time. give him a dividend paying security, lbws eusuring a good relalrn (u ' the 100111.)' in0Peted. and im- am:rayinY tiarift oa Itis m6rt t<, 1ne}rea454 fats capital. lli. M. CONNOLLY & CO. lltoulheoe Montreal kseek 11'a:eshenat, 106.109 Tran5portetion St:tiding Main 1'145.8 MONTREAL, . QUE. 1'.e. Food Act ,1Op1ling Situation. • Thur more people evil die. in Russia, dull g the •nmi11( winter' shall have ' died !here since the tear I0'311n was! 0118 -of the startling .ltttements made by 1 ot..1 Controller '1'hotnson in an 1 addles -s at Montreal. These deaths will be due to food shortage. Nor will fiu,.•.la be the telly e>uf£erer, It has been ne 8441414)', Mr, T110ms1111 said, • , to feed tial to cattle in the Seeandiina ' vtan 5(4uantrie4 in order to keep then, alive, and 11 011.11.1 and Denmark have' bean print.'; a11v ;tripped of 11114' stee1.1c because of feed ;hortltge, For !text year, even if the mal of the war does appear to be in sight, conditions 401.1 he IltIle better', rte- cause of genet ail demoralization of the country le_ s than mie-third of the' usual area will be ,ult•iv.te:l in )tus;ia in 1ir10, and irel'ore that war, Russia IVA the wor14) 41 larges., evpnrter 1',f r wheat. As one 0(4.441.•, of puttz,iiy relieving the situation. Mr. 'I'hem:een hope•: to 1 induce tee, hundred t1t )4,4 and citiea 1 in Canada to tlndcrtal<e 3110 ("1111V/1- I tion of 2,000 a1r0s ioh•• of idle edivieinn f ouch A ,tart has t111cady been made in tan direl•fi1n at Montreal, and with 1 1110 help of t•actor4, 31,000 aerel of kilo land near /hat city will h„ ,rain,,, 143) before sir, (lea..... 1 I 'Your Joh 1s to grab tales tide 841:1!. f 1i11Y13 is whit. 314,41 413'8 1134 ,41',411', a" 111411 ' it 39 eptite 1', ,101. 'Volt 0011 113, it. Yoe 1 butt? done it for four 3, 111 pea w 4(t ' 1 17/41a(3,2110tlan1'00bed)1I •:1Ied• li The)e' i=s 111 Lech a thin, .141 food 1 ('1111341041 in 'thio world. The naive 44,, 1 o It, and the pr•odueers have been tak- e n flat the and in I t l til land large numbers, The rail 11 to those remaining is much x u louder than ever before, - It is more fru iet(n:, ;end lie dements, mu=i lie t heeded , The full dimer pail is hat a memory for mi31101,0 un tide, earth, 1t call be filled sufficiently fo keep lift going, but it can alvly lie tilled by you. It can't he done in Europe. It must be dope here. 'Vol: until the Ilun is hammered into stt}misaion, not until peruse t+, &c11(1" ed. and coma -nerve resumes i1(4 wonted way can we let up for a minute. Cit the tl'aetnrs on the land. Keep them working day rod ni(4ht.. 'burn over more lt(rloc of 1.511<l. "Lest Wo Forget." 1llirirrg solve canteen tvurit 1 rte' 80)1)1)' t'tinie, 111 1.041(11 W3111 leu '(swiped 1104144ner•. of 1111', 141471 111111 83)01(3 (1(151 yens 1(1 Gorman ('1(41lvlty. and who elated some of h1a espelrte10'111', says 1 <v,rrenpondellt. Ile had made no t'weo• Omit six u)tntnpto to osonete trod In 1rat nye um.oestessfill efforts were meta41(1! 1n 9t moat ha•barlr-trel:lou. To hart to tnnder(0 a reduction In ra- lons in 2 1,50, Of 111.811141 atld 2 (111,)4, of meat per day, then :anlitta'y e11nane• 34©111 171 a rl:u1; roll for u fortnight. en wonly 2 mist. of bread per day. lila 910(4') attempt to nsrilt>e (walled orth the horrible re'pt')sal of halal' 1')41'11 to a plunk of rtoa,1 1',1' rho looby web bet.wool l)nt 11(1,1,111 arid1141ttnlror, whore (urge :.eur1 sllii 1'o• (.111. (81 the101111111'0'0001011114' poo' .rso14 ('4.4 Loa) three 1 _ n,•/ v' .71(,15 ti,/, s i. a 14. , e , ,,., b ,.;010 10 {, u}imeln,ble cruisers" ('1.11111ing 0001' 1.000 1011s displacement, "But give me El sm011 51134," (1911' men say, "it tome uVelem better," Probably the only reason the 11(111 is going in l'ur big submarines, they E;•, is the greater loud of torpedoes must carry. Some of them carry its many as eighteen torpedoes, in- uding a lung torpedo for long.•rangc 01.10 and a short one for short-range ark, '1'110)' are equipped with four bes, as our boats are, and they keep tallies totaled with long torpedoes d two withshort', bothsizes flavin.' s tame 11illmeter. 'file Clernl:m 11341(t t1kol4 torpedo ( the nam,: @ens Blackhead) Is about the seine our Whitchpads, these ()Mecca aa;', 1 he iu vva 1 on a+•"3 u odd alt eiem i t at Park 1<n s h,1' t � m The clothes you were so proud of when00 new—ean be made to appear new again. Fabr'ieq that are dirty, shabby or spotted .. will be restored to their fUlmtibeauty by 1443ndinl; thr"ol to Parker'1s, CLFAIII`iiV,ICA and DYEING is hrop41'lY done at Park'zr's Send article;, sty post or express. We pay carriage one way and our Owl -free art' reason- able. Drop its a caret foto our booklet on household helps that save 11101118}'. Pe NKEll'S BYE,: WORKS, LI > QT M 9 C:l� orserr, Flipp IDpers, 791 Von p;e 143, ' 'l'nronto Trials of Compositors. '1 he story is tote] of a Scottish coh+- meal:e,' who fled from Edinburgh• to I.(ad0n in eerier ie, t.sea.pe the brant itehausting ordeal of deciphering Car - hieroglyphics aid putting them Int() typo. Ile had 'been at worst tit London soluu time, when one Clay a "take" of Carlyle's ropy was Elven him to set up, The sight of it 'appalled hiln, "Is that: man here, too?" he ex, ('1alnt,1), 'Wherein><ul ho laid down his 414lnpo51(41; stick, nut on his coat ;tall lint and vanished. I34aleve's copy was 011(:71 11 (1133htl11a•e 10 runrpoeitoa'4 t' 04(11ng to alae (4111hority, the feih•re of tin 1'etaUiislt- urui. that printed flaw V.' 4lte was the du'' at moult, cf the enormous labor met in me.11i 1. a .in•t:elm:a 111 tate 1441(4. : of 1'13 m.unu..rt•ipts. • 0