HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-17, Page 5GiEhitXD TREMOR Raz z,Trar BRUSSELS (20680 80611'il 001NU NOown Express 7:18 a ni I Mall 11 :a it m Express 8:62p in 'Express 0:17 p Catmeoraw Ateriere WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:12 a m I Express „.,....12:011 prn Express 2:20 p m I Express 9:04;pm WROlfargff Ea Going st - 7:11 a. rn. and 8101p. m. Going West - 12:60 and 0:66p. nt ell trains going East 0001)089 witty (IP. 19. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora pad T G.13, stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, duSIIIESS CARDS, /4\ JNO. SU rHER AND & SONS LIMITED imsessxvir GEMZPIX OilYnifielf) \sr Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VE ERINARY SURGEON, successor to id. Fl. goure Offine at Ander. .401, tiros. Lavery stable, Brussel. Telephone No. 29, OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Etlyel, T T. M' RAE =01. B., M. 0, P.. 0 S. 0. Id. 0. H., Village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucheur Office at residence, opposite Melville Church, William street, DR. J. 14. WHITE, S. A PHYSICIAN AND SIMGEON, Graduate Toronto University. of Medicine, Special attention given to diseases of children and Surgery. Office: Dr, Bryans Old Stand Phone 43 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. HEW -RAVE P. 0, PROINIFOOT, KItLflHN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, End door from Hamilton Street. GODERICH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROuntmoT, 10. 0, .7. RILLORAN H. J. D. Coons .i.÷.04.+4.+++.1.++++.1.÷.1.÷+. • • fall Term from Sept 3 zemetzeoieeme Shaw's Business Schools Toronto Pi on ()al alogne 011 retpu,t. With e to \V. II SHA ea', Pres. + 4' • 'rouge mid ale, 101 11018,, 'remelt') 4. 4. Sam Weinstein prt 'tetrad LO pa) the highest priot• for • • • • 4 Rags, &c. o Scrap Iron, 0 a 8 Rubbers, gal anted Hitehee-t oad Sot 111 beton yoU Steil a Highest Cash Price For 4 L've Poultry all Hides 'tV 6, 1 Plime 6210 SMWEIIST[11 I liL sTItlillaT 13 litisteill liS 10 4 • 4 Seef.peo44,*6.404.44*..1.440•*404. There are said to be 70 languages or dialects spoken in the ancient city of Tifis, Asiatic Russia. Viscount Ichironmotono, who re- signed as Meister of Foreign Affairs of Japan four months ago, died at Tokio front a stomach trouble with which he had suffered for a long time. "Why is it," asks the Hamilton Her- ald, 7utt right here in the garden of Canada butter and eggs and almost everything else that is good to, eat, cost more than they do in .C.It1/2cago and New York." Mr, and Mrs, John Habbick, former- ly of Lucknow, now living In Toronto, have received word that their son, John, has been admitted to hospital suffering from wounds in the left art% This makes the third casuality in the faintly, and there were only three boys. Andrew was killed about two years ago, and William was gassed, and is still In hospital at Hamilton, have lug been returned to Canada last Mare% ItInsimmeporrro T. the Farmers -Mrs;Peter McDonald, who makes her tJ rome With her sou Malcolm IVIeDouald, Brussels, Sooth, WI1S 94 years of age an her last birthday and bas been n wonder- ful active woman in her life. For Sale uh=lIviit:::,T=t, Zr,Tnedde'd In Douglas Cobbler:lick, son of Rev. 0. France, ale MIS born here but was only child when he left Brussels. We bope he will soou be o. k. WHAT we may expect-- Overeoats. jack Frost. Auction Stees. Indian Summer. Btentomy in Nee Monthly Horse Fairs, Gathering in of garden snss, WesTeker Star Lodge, I 0. 0 F Brussels, is hoping for an increase of members at lodge each Tit ursdaa even. lug, in THE PosT block, so that the De- eree team mai get into shape for a good camp egn this Fail and Winter 15 ...11101.1 In Nettle Gland and Wm, Clouse Vice Grand. It would do you good to attend PROPER WAY -When using a tele - [Moue, speak dearly. Do not shout. A conversation in a room eau often be beard when a person speakiug into the phone cannot Keep your mouth about two inches away from the sound receiver, not ten, with your bead turned so as to see what is going 01.1 iu the room and ere 14 10 cl ftLituty in even a person ,oine . hat deal neat ing what you have to say. Speak menially itt your conversa- tional tone of voice. P109560178 wood to be out by the town will be hard wood and cut 26 inches long. Price, delivered, will rauge from $4.50 to $5.00 per eord according to quaint, as to quantity of body wood '.ad and be niesauted by t Owe Eli . , befoie is made. 'Atten- tive ts to get It to the customer as it is hauled from the bush and to supply the people ordering in rotation, as far as possible. EPWORTH LEAGUE -Following staff of officers, assisted by wideawake commit- tees, will be in charge of the Young People's work in Brussels Methodist church for the comiug term :- Hon. President, Rev. W. E. Stafford, B. A, ; President, Fred, Wood ; Asso. Mate President, Bert Lott ; 1st Vice, President, Mrs. I. Parker ; and Vice, Miss Mina Hunter ; 3r01 Vice, Miss Flo- rence Buchanan ; Vice A. E. Hersey sth Vice, Mrs. I. Parker ; Ree. -Sec„ W. J. McCracken ; Cor. -See., Miss LeatherClale ; Trees , Roy McKay ; 0 gates', Miss Martha Smith Assist- Stsiford Changing the Clocka, 011 October 31 will come the beau- tiful sensation of waking up in the morning, looking at the clock, "7 nen," carelessly reaching out and moving the hands back one whole hour and then turning over for another uncounted hour of sleep. 01 blissful hour! corn- ing so unexpectedly, just like money from home! From that day daylight saving will be over and the clocks in stltecountry will be regulated during the winter months, according to theSUII, un. Stopping Snipers In the United States it is considered that sniping against the Y. M C. A. has gone far enough, and there is a. manifest disposition to deal vigorously with the snipers. Recently in Wis- consin a man was arrested on the charge that he called the Y, M. C, A. "a bunch of grafters," and had said not over 10 or 05 per cent of the money went to the soldiers. Of course this was only a reckless bit of talk, and no attempt was made to substant- iate it in court, but it is a kind of talk calculated to do a great deal of harm. The judge decided that the effect of such talk is to hamper the raising of funds for an organization which seeks to give soldiers greater comforts and greater efficienCy, and found the of- fender guilty under the Espionage Act, the penalties of which are very severe. Here in Canada a few examples of like kind would do a world of good. Take h Home We presume that many people think the newspaper men are persistent duns as they keep reiterating, "look at the label on your paper," "move up the date," "you are back on your subscrip- tion," "pay what you owe," "pay up," 'pay us." Now let a farmer or bust, - man place himself in a similar .i• eess position and see if he would the same, Suppose the farmer es a crop of one thousand bushels halt. :led his neighbor should buy •eei the price was two dollars the neighbor says, "I will ..,, the eon] in a few days." As . .loesn't want to be small in ui small things, he says, "all • ;either comes in the stone way de whole of the one thousand •, eine out to the one thous- : eersons. No one pure 0 himself about it, and i.e., that could not help 11110 any. .mes not realize that the farmer has ,tered away his crop of wheat in ale dribs, and that he is seriously ern - ...rased in his business, because his ..ebtors treat it as a small matter. But all would pay him promptly, which they could do as well as not, it would enable him to carry on his business without difficulty, The above com- parison is too true of the difficulties. that a newspaper tnan has to contend svith, Oliver Walking or leicliug, Single Or Donble Mould boatel 01 Tettotor Plow% None baler. There la aleo a number of alcOot mirk Ito - ;dements in the bit 111)63' which may he hail itt preetvit WICK, and Oil next yatir's teems. Older be - 101.0 advance priees are fixed. A good clean Clyde Gelding, 13 )(mite ol(1, fell HILle, W01.103 (10111.)1e OP al ogle. Will sell cheep and 00 titue if wanted,. David Milne - Ethel Irotal beim ),Unts Give ready for the 'rax Collector. Ger reedy for the coining of Winter. Liza late POST have the names of your vtsitors. Now is a good season to boost for your crunch orgau.zations. 12.EADV sale is being bond for Whets. dun es 95 1)10 clop is 51101). One Suuday gas same campaign le !ming lived up to very loyally of this 50111011111 ly LETTEas from the soldier boys are al- ways welcome at THE POsT, so long as they can be read. Send them along. SEE he Sabbath School lesson Dotes •Wew week .11 1 es PPS,. Phey ill In 1.41 net y U a ,, i is S. u 1(01 PLACING the Maier] On a sugar ration s grea1 help to the frugal young mau wilose girl is trained and accustomed to min bons. Onion evangelistic services are ex- pected to be held to Brussels in the !rear future, to be conducted by the 3 esident pastors, • New Time table on the G. T. R. but uo changer.; at Brussels. It's very seldom the schedule of trains from the East is guide as • to arrival. A good coating of broken gone has been placed upon James street adjacent o the choppiug min that is a decided mprovement in road making. • Ur, and Mrs. Toole, and Ninny, fot• timely well known resideuts of •Biussele, t tee moved fruit, Seiko k, Out , to Poo U tver, Nut fedi Cu. How aftwal your Count el Cheek Book .upply ? Taft PoST cat, btippiy }tan uet.dS at the best price gotug and work compares with the mus1 up lO-date, Provincial Sunday School Couven 01* will be held 1 11 Toronto Octobet 2E-25 Rev. and Mrs. Maim and otheis ate likely to attend from Brussels. KEEP the headlights and tail lights tl0t1U1mug on your car when running of -.muting atter nightfall It will tre Qiiesper thau pay lug a fine I or diaoltel ug the law. Aichie Currie, wbo With at Wallace u urg, stud his brother Weems, of tows, ,ons uf A. T. aud Mrs, Currie, are i.otv 11 Torouto where they 11817e taken posit) ,us. We wish them ruccess .y a are agents for 11118 111 the best al. lost rename etnithei Cueck Book t oi, oditys ita the country . See ,uti get mines. Satisfaction guaranteeti at THE PusT. STEPHEN SNIDER KILLED -'rhe Lou• don Ativentser ot 'stet. Monday speak1 to, fellows 01 a brother of Pie, Be n uider, ul Bitissete, who weut tu Plata, With tne foist Battalion :-- Seattle,. audier, who met 1.11J death Saturday II, ne big eXpluSIUU at the Mileuell }tea emits in East Luuduu, was the See el Mts. &ma Studer, 01 esti Horton wee, le is ;tit v,vecl by Ms muther, cue sistet, Mrs Hodge of tins city and eeven ma- tte's, Sam., rum., mai Rdwaid. Lot 11110 Prank, Tut mitt) ; 01,11, A aud v1111. atal Ben , 0170) 0115'. Is., le at p eseut WoUntl.d 10 ump to France. S.eporn 8,, di. i wde 1)0 kl 1110 142011 By, 111. 86140 disctialgi CI uti tieet,Uut 07 tic u autumn Sauce tom 1:01e 1(50 [aro aorking or me Luuchm Bid Pos,iug Agetuas and the Ivitueuell gas worka, utlarging acetylene tanks. The (atm work tie did tu 1160 5(15)0 time. He telt Awns Sam: day 10 thlr ‘iusl of maws tvith Mc tea 0, 11. ly 7.6 e 711ot y weinber, But .65610171 time 51601 .11 7)0 1,,111 ly icCeiVtd word lit Me Steel, death, tits nualm, Haltom,. tu1 iu 01 )006 coudaion, 1150 beau wt.:U., hooked bV 1.11b death. bunter 869. , aleathet CI Bt :Usti Oake Ledge et ., U. la Lee •• i- oveu net. 2110 It.,Gueat 1uuov.,.o .96(11 the death 017.107111061 Sauk., upt-, It Sittli1day at to u'etteik Ai to. akiug p411015 01 111016.1, SOLI & under the direction ul Co,uuet A. et... Lerma who wee called to we 01 lit •• Ile 09111(1SlUe ou Krohn 6 sty._ iou Mt. Sutdm I ,0) y Ifleaml tot letuatia, east veleta:, Ul .0 All 4111ii.le • mem was made 00)11 at p. rn., at the police .slatton, when (0 deuce will be heald 1.0 Mc cum& the explos,oti, rim fattioty 16080 toe Seidel twine, 550 Horton .01'001, aaturdey, tyneti Stepueu euider, he sole renotining huppuit ut his age., mother, met 11117 to 086* ex, luilusys a lib. Mel ViSo..t1 in,. 77.yee o ti mother. :Vita Snitlei lmit 00 1u the best of ltualth le, home euUSille,. 4ble 1.1100 and 01 lete 11081)1011 have um tended le nom ove tins. •Pereaps use greatest worry was that ot her soli, 1305, wee11 lying to a Hospital Eugianti, seriously wouteded. In Brusseitt, Out his Mindy reside and these Live been the cause for no tittle Worry to HOS Aged mother. Her daughtet,lu-law Is an lif• valid and ely unabie to care lot herself or her five children, late moth- er ever olictious for the (amities 07 1100 several sous, has worried out a little over the plight. of her daughter-M.18w and nieces and uephews. Will,, another 800, 65 01 Fiance ad behoved to be taking part in the Alltes' big drive. It is said that this weighs heavily on the Aged mother, who daily semis the casualty lists, A few clays ago her troubles were added to, when her (laugh. ter was taketi, 111 and Stephen's death, Saturcley, 11 15 feared, May prove 100 much tor het. She W55 111 a hysterical ettiolloo 1 5' 11c11n 611111 h,,5 110011 1.0 etter 5;,.. 1i.0ul0111 the 11. 6)..01 ..e• death, Blyth .1 110, and ales, alciellfian arid foully left tow ti law, week foe theie home in Regilia, Sask., where MI, Meelillitei will take Charge of penance best Mote I'ot' a tient in that. city. Few fernlike havy ivrt (31 eft li whose demo ems, has 'noised mere regret,. They Klee been the best. of cittzens, Al a special meeting of the Connell the matter of supplying the (1. P. R. with 95(1151' at, this poi it I. *Vas In Iten op, dismissed and finally agreed open to submit; the Onolpany the fellowing proposition :-The Company to make connection woh the town watee11111111 MI the North Rids or Ilia river and 60 1(10 West of the bridge ; Wat.PC to 110 (empti)'d al $85 00 pee Month. Reslilt or Otiimeilltirs 1101110y itbd Mahe wae t het (loon. eil ell then 814m)'...time heve ;meth., ed a SUIOReStalek 1111d the Patna le being SUFFERING Prevented by "Fruit-a-tives" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine 58 MAISONNEUVE Sr,, HULL, QCE, "In my opinion, no other metlieine is HU good its 'Fruit-attiveee ete Ludigeelion and Constipation. For years, I euffered with these dreade1 diseases, trying all kluils or treatments until I was told I WAS incurable. One day a friend told me to try 'Fruit -a -Lives'. To my surprise, I found this medicine gave immediate relief, and in a short time I was all right again". DONAT LALONDE 50e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or from Fntit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. shipped to Brussels 86610)0 it will be pot together at the foundry and haul- ed to Blyth. Stack is 86 feet in length and -made of No. 10 iron, and petite was $12 00 at. Poet Bight. When everted 11 511011171 cost the town about 550.00. Atwood Percy Greeusides has purchased a car, Mts. Alex. Morrison has remelted 110611e from spending a mouth in Michi- gan. • Wm. and ales. Sutelitle and Mrs. Smith, of Oeumlacie, spent 11 couple (11 7111515 at the parsonage. Mts. Obas, MeMarte, Atwood, receiv- ed word of the death of her brothett, James Morrison, at Beresford, Mail. Mr. Morrison, who was born in Ful- lerton township 57 yeave ago was dairyinstrucor toe fthe Bratitfotcl dietrice, and lived in Stratford In years ago, He went West Lo Beresford soine 16 yeave ago and luis hcen Con- fine) ing general 81 )6)0 there. Ile leaves 2 atom and 8 dimelitere. The iditest g Itt Vitny Ridge, and I lithe). linis roe eitevire hi the Flying Cot ps at 'Forman. On,. daughter is a traioed uni ,.e 6,1 Beatelon hospital, while the -thee tialightei 5 ate al 0,11te with their in dim'. Move of hie death nettle 14 great shriek He (N)LS ill tell ti lime death 61dlins.0c1 it n,iridylit, Il.i is is sto vived by 5 hied 11- 410 and 3 sieiiti s and Joint, o votive!. ; , 101 ; 11 . of Fullerton. end Albert, • r 101. skiee., nee, 111 1V,n, flo L. telt ; \Ire. ‘V SI 1 al ford • and 311.0. Ale wood. SeaFo rt h (10.1,.. ounnh.., or I1..)1,16 14(.11 rt. qn 7,1. (1.01)11 51 rn 061074 in Chalorioll 9118404 Elle and \rebel TI11.1111ell ed 8„„r,,,•111 1 have gime to Toronto 10 at tend II -vet-4'v \hs, 1), ugh). Fisher left for het heniti ni O./twit') 'Mee, Pellet- Hovel. ▪ Tier speioliiig 1 110 Summer u i1I* friends, al Cleanto I y. 61 lss .*7 1)1)) ong, who has been vi ith her ',islet, 3lim Win (1 k, for softie months, len foit lute home its Veneen vete \tee Jan K,', hag sold her col tamp tete' o the In tuse Goderieh eti eet alionsts tietetan, fat iner, leker "Cie. l'e 11, Kel'e l"'llIl lek the ('1.1011 11 1, mak,. 11,1, hone 6, i iecs .•1' h donce here 1,, Hubei., Arelillothl, fai fli- er, of NleKillop, for $2,200 Ooh aaid Mite. \Vilson will speed the Winter (171111 theit, thtughter hi New York, rs. Jame lime, of "Little Scotland" 111(1111, 0, eceiVecl word fowl Ottawa lel husband, Cm p \\'m I I e et, Mu Odin. gun mini r, had boon , 111 reported itiltilitti•xl 10 10 (1,,,. .) v S1,111,1,, Scll, 22, gut, tts e leen iplp CANADIANS MUST USE DAIRY BUTTER All Creamery Supply to go to Britain. -Will Commandeer all Such at Fixed Prices. OTTAWA, Sept. 30, -For the next six weeks Canadians will have to rely to a large extent upon the farm dairies for their supply of table but- ter The creamery butter Is to go to Great Britain, Official announcement to this effect was made to -day, the Government hay- ing passed an order -in -council on the subject at the instance of the Canada Food Board There is a shortage of butter in the old country, It 14 the only food commodity of which there is any particular scarcity and an appeal has been made to Canada to help sup- ply the deficiency. The comandeering starts to -day and will last till November 9. The supply of the creameries is be- ing taken, for obvious reasons, they can be more readily got after than the scattered farm daries, The price fixed is 46S4 Cents for grade No, 1, 46 cents for No, 2 and 45 cents for No, 3, Stocks on hand will not be exported and, as these amount to 13 million pounds, the domestic situation will be considerably relieved, Since the war began 4,750,000 pe0- ple have starved to death -just laid down and died because they had no. nourishing food -and they have been chiefly \emelt and Children in territory conquered by Germany and Turkey. In the same time about 4,250,000 have been killed in the war -less by half a 1111111On than have ItArVed 10 death. raWalffESSO Motormen and 'Conductors Vital Steady Positinliso Ten Days' Training. New en earn an average of $90. pr month. Others make from $70 to $110 per month. The War Will soon be rver. Make preparation for the fut ure. The Toronto Railway Coy 165 Front Street East Toronto IsealrairElnall1=11111111EdIESISEIMEE1n2W01121SisliblifeallEar.EiliateareatatereaLest '13110B11111111111111111111111111111 WHERE'S THE BOY? HOSPITALS LOCATED The iseloacsaftollw ioioio4 the various casualty bases Boulogne, a fortified seaport on the English Channel, at the mouth of the Liane, 140 miles northwest of Paris, and 20 miles southwest of Calais. Camiers, about twelve miles south of Boulogne Etaples, a seaport in Pas -de -Calais, on the Caudle River near its mouth, 15 miles south of Boulogne, Le Treport, a seaport and fishing town and former watering place, is 1 6 miles north-east of Dieppe, at the mouth of the Brele in the English Channel, Rouen, the capital of the depart- ment of Seine -Inferieure, on the right hank of the Seine, is 84 miles nca th- west of Paris and 56 miles south-east ° f Wimereaux,ffitvre:at the mouth of the \Viniereaux River, and on the road from Calais to Amiens; is 21 % miles from "Gasless Sundays For a Time Longer. TWO OR THREE WEEKS MORE SAYS MR. MAGRATH - CONTROL THE GASOLINE PRICES - ALL DEAL- ERS TO BE PLACED UNDER A LICENSE. Ottawa, Oct, 6th-Ftiel Controller Magrath reports that inquiry at Wash - 11741011 elicits information to the effect that "gasless Sundays" will be con- tinued in the United States for another ttvo or three weeks, The same policy will be followed in Canada. Mr, Magrath announces that regula- tions have not been approved by the governor -general -in -council to control the wholesale and retail sale of gaso- line in Canada. The regulations pro- vide for the licensing of all persons who deal in gasoline in Canada and certain fees are prescribed, based on the volume of gasoline sold during the previous year. MAY CANCEL LICENSES In cases where dealers fail to obey the provisions of the law, the fuel 7011 - troller has absolute power to cancel or suspend licenses without notice. All persons who deal in gasoline with out obtaining licenses to do so Will be subjected to a penalty sof $50 for each day of such business tn contravention of the rules, Provisions are also made for the keeping of certain sales records, and retailers of gasoline are called upon to post in their places of business the wholesale, as well as the retail cost of gasoline handled by thein, One im- portant provision of the regulation is that for the duration of the war the sale of gasoline on Sundays is absolutely prohibited Retail MaxiMunt prices are prescrib- ed for establishments selling gasoline in quantities over a thousand atom a month, Profits are based on a 10 per cent, advance over the wholesale cost delivered, These regulations are the first steps towards bringing the control of the sale of gasoline under the same sort of supervision as is now extended to the sale of coal and other fuele. Autracite coal production for the week of August 3 t was the largest recorded during the present calendar year, the output for the week reach- ing 1,806,191 gross tons. The in- crease over the preceeding week amounted to 100,000 gross tone, while the increase over the corresponding week of 1917 amoUnted to 214,389 1 iron trans, HERE AND THERE A new alloy ,ti copper and nickel as a substitute for German silver is an- nounced, A little more of this chilly weather and furs of summer will give way to the pneumonia blouse, The gold output of the Porcupine district in 1907 totaled 58.229,000. About the only thing certain in war geography is that the name of the place isn't pronounced as it is spelled. The Hydro -Electric Commission will spend 81,250,000 in building a power house at Bentley's Falls, Campbell - ford, to supply the Peterborough die- trict with from 3,000 to 10,000 h. p. Construction begins at once, The largest electrically propelled merchant vessel in the world and the first ever built in that country is nearing completion in England , Of European invention is a 111011011 picture camera for amateurs that uses glass plates instead of films and also can be used to project pictures. Ati Austrailan antarctic expedition plans to establish a metorological station to give warnings by wireless of storms that sweep the far south- ern seas, Made effective by a pneumatic pi- ton when a pedal is pressed a brake has been patented to be forced un- der an automobile wheel to prevent skidding.NevNda le Consolidated School in Man itoba has been closed on account of an outbreak of infantile paralsis. This makes five large schools closed in that district for this complaint. The new Minister of Education has announced that begining with Sept. of next year, Spanish will be author- ized as an optional course ht Ontario Collegiate Institutes and High Schools. and that German will not hereafter be required as a compulsory subject for specialist certificates, 11 the war ends next March Britain's national debt will be thirty thousand minion dollars, and Britain's annual expenditure three thousand tive hund- red millions, or three times Britain's yearly outlay before the war. A wheat crop of from 150,000,000 to 160,000,000 bushels is estimated by W. P, Hinton of Winnipeg, vice-presi- dent and general manager of the G, T. P., who, with other officials of the rail- way, was a visitor in Edmonton last week, Clementine Fessenden, founder l'rhatEnblePellaenlepatY' latiaonli‘avtircileo,ficdienalosaJettnielteilt. home at Hamilton, Friday, following a severe Illness lasting three weeks. De- ceased was over 70 years of age, After an absence of two years from Regina Hon. Walter Scott. premier of Saskatchewan from I 905 to 1916, when he resigned owing to ill 11551111, ! has returned to the prairies. Interned aliens are to be freed by the Cabinet to harvest the Essex to- bacco crop. Military guards will be furnished front London Bastions were invented by the Ital.- ' ian engineers of the sixteenth cen- tury to prevent the anattly from col- lecting in the ditch around a fortified town Lieut, Charles A, Grant, of Edmon- ton , who has been at the front since 1916, is reported to have died of wounds. Lieut. Grant is said to have been the youngest K. C. in Canada to plead before the Supreme Court. The deceased lawyer drew up the temper- • ance legislation which passed the Al- berta Legislature. • President Wilson signed a prOclama- den prohibiting, after next October 1, the use of any foodstuffs in brewing beers except malt and hops. After December 1 brewers must cease brew- . ing altogether. The Food Administra- tion said there would still be enough beer in th evate to last from two to six months, and the sale of this will not • be stopped. . According to the recently issued re- port of the British Columbia penitenti- ary, the incarcerations at that institu- • tam have fallen off 50 per cent. since the provincial adoption of prohibition. The war is believed to have slightly stimulated the desirable decrease. 'Chief Slemin. of Brantford, stated that there were well over 3000 for- eigners in Brantford at the present time. 1 500 of whom were on parole • and had to report their movements regularly at police headquarters. *too et *co o••••••04.0•41.4,41,e*0 • Oct 61 81 8 61 • • • ••• • fee 61e 61 • The Bat. Bell Engine end Thresher • ot, Co., Ltd, ,t Beaforth, Ont. 8***00004,440-04•04,4,40.00040.4b 4' A EB 86 FOR SILO FILLING Waterloo Boy Tractors • Jost what emu need for Silo se Pilling, Pine:thing, Plowing, 4' Cul Li lug, Tasting mottle work I: on fano. We have them in • stock fat immediate delivery. Rebuilt St ellen '['1 11(111)) P.:11. gines- 20, 18, 371111)1 1711*. te ett ? Portable lielmilt Engines from , 12 11. p. upwards. Separators froln 24 x 40 for 0 indi vid cal fennel.. All for inunediate di -livery. 4, osoo**••••4004e40•••••••••404(04 P4.04.414'440.444,144'**41444'41 • vir "Central" Training means Success Insurance • • ao 61 61 • 61 et 61 61 ' 16 The one who holds one diploma knows that he is qualified to fill the vety best office pOsitions and, What is more, the businitee men of (>6- 17011)) know it Iota This explains why we can so easily place our Graduates in desirable positions. • • 4/ 61 Stratford, Ont. and Winghani, Ont. `81 +4004,1**** 01408 0041 0+04.414 00.4, 00 00 0 41,4,11.••+