HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-17, Page 4C b e fgrusaels Vat THURSDAY, OC.I'OBGR t 7, 'eta "KEEP the home fires burning," STAMD behind tine work of the Red Cross. CLEAN up before the Winter eel.: ut It wilt be time well spent. WAR news has put the "cheer tips spirit in the people who stand behind the Allies, General Foch has the floor. HELP the coming of '•Ceuada's New Day" by siding everythiog that will give the right of way to the Suudey Schools of our land. Hvaeeer for the boys of the laud of the Matte Leaf as they do duty overseas We give them the premier place and hope many of the brave lads may be spared to return to our homes and hearts, WE should not forget to continue the spirit of Thanksgiving,' supposiug the government appointed day has passed by. Continual 'thanksgiving would not be unbecoming, especially by Cana- dians. SHORTAGE of fuel is sound argument for congregations to double up duriug the cold weather and thereby cruserve fuel. There is not much danger of any el the churches beteg overcrowded even if such a wise course is decided upon. Jun now the Crown Prince cannot be patted veru much on the back by his dad -the Kaiser, "Billy boy" has been weighed in the balance and found want- ing. His chances to sit on a throne are like the morning dew on the fabric of a dream. Do0Totts, druggists and nurses are having tl.e•r inniai s• We sometimes say that " things have gone up the flue" when then d ran- pan out as we desire but the spenteh ' do'• cannot be passed by without realizing that it has occupied our thoughts and attention when we would most desire to be clear of it en tirely It cannot fail '0 att ract attention and is not to be trifled with. Guard your health very jealously, RoEAL Tempters of 'Temperance has raised its insurance rates for the third time with the intent of making the Or- der actuariiv solvent. The bargain day life insurance is slowly passing away and people are recognizing that they must give value rather than gain a dollar by investing a dime. All fratern al Societies must strike an actuarial bas is or sooner or later rake all its members to the commercial graveyard. TIMEX is.a strong demand to prohibit if possible, the crossing of the Rhine by the German army before they surrender We guess there will be no danger if General Foch can prevent it but it is uo easy matter always to capture a fleeing army, especially when near home and well acquainted with short cuts, The die is cast however, we believe, and the spurious doctrine that Might is Right bas received a solar plexus blow from which it will never recover. No one will profit more from this than the Ger- man people. ONTARIO Sunday School Convention in Massey Hall, 'Toronto, October 22nd to 25th and will likely be one of the best on record. Atnoo;g the speakers of note will be Miss Margaret Slattery, Boston Mrs. Baldwin, Chicago; Mr. Osw ig, Philadelphia ; Dr. Dickie, Chatham, and others. Professors Ezell and Roper will he in charge of the musical pro. grain, The Sabbath School work is one of the most important departments of eburcb and should have the united sup- port of every home in the land. It is the hand maiden of the faintly and the training ground of the church, By reading the Police Court proceed- ings in the daily papers of various cities a person might almost come to the con- clusion that if there were no foreigners the work of this Courts could almost be eliminated. It is doubtful if the jocular. ity often attending these Magisterial functions adds to the good that should come from the administration of law. Many newspapers might easily place their reports of the Police Court under the Funny Column heading. From the standpoint of morality it ie. no jesting matter and should met be so treated in our judgment. 'rstx General Conference of the Metho- dist Church, meeting at Hamilton, vot- ed unanimously that women should have the sane privileges 50 then in the church, There was not the same nnaninlity in a demand that women should be admitted to the ministry. Same believe that if the former privilege holds goo.1 the door cannot be barred to tbetn it they seek to enter the domain of the clergy, There were many things said in the debate some of them wise and others very simple. The question was seat to the Quarterly Boards to deal with, IY. iv would be a line time for Rtt3sts 1'll' IJ Sound Reasons to get hack in line with the allies It i I� war a bad day when the old bear "switched" and handed in the trap ret. Rxt•r.Na:aNcE that 0011155 ttunugb fear of the evil convtgnruces to !allow the perfertuauee of deed., that are black and dastardly dues not carry touch weight With p"'pie who 11'55 'Truth ,1111 1 Ri;ht u d The w,ltiegtl ; tel the i Ufiirial n1 tlirrtt.nty t i t ,i' p' ire i wheb the si'll,., w.ri 11 wing the ''funs 1 from their .1 tam g !mei, and rue latter referring to fully surrender or deelia5 to forsake the continuance of evil deeds appetite to be mot by President lfil ou's reply, I'r is requested that where power is no longer uecessary ter streams for the running of saw trills and grist mills that a wise project wa'.t!d be le tltil ze aster as possible, such power in furnish- ing elect, ie eue,gy for lighting and com- mercial purposes This is a hint to many a village and town and app•ies With considerable trace to Brussels where many dollar's might be say( (1 it such 3 phut were worked. Expei:se for fuel for r, rn S mouths :,t !cast alight be saved and day power alsuseemed during the use of the water privilt ge. N w is the time to sp: ed op the mach- inery to tau the \'wtory an tanteatgu to a sucessfut issue, Hur,•n Co, teas not backward in tile past eff•arts and will no doubt top rite line in ling fluty again. Get ready- to give the cause sytnpaihetic support. While the am':unt asked for is a very large one but the multiolicatien of bears, participants in the work will make it easily possit,le The fact that the war may speedily close will not rut off the necessity of putting the loan through as millions of dollars will be required before the boys are back home. interesting Letter from Ross Fraser, who had a Close Call Following itl'eiesting better etas 1' - eeived by Nils. R', P Meteor, 01• lit ea- sels,front het sou, Loss, oho is sail- ing on the Steamship Regiuolite, en - it, cit tying • it from Mt -eke. In Halifax in eutteeti ,n with the w-nl• service. Russ is chip carpenter and a member of the gun rt•ew SO is hating great experiences all right. DEAR MOTHER -Hare jet., llie•ked up the pilot, so will be in lialif•tx to- night. Left Tux ham, Mode., on tltr morning of the 10th, That is 15 days this morning. Had good weather up to the night of the 21.1 and then it star led to blow and blew for 13 Heys. I got my hip butt the Sunday it Nitu t• ed and was laid up for a week. A big sea Came over and shtntmrd foe op against a hatch, Part of the plan MIR was ripped up tau that day, Last Wednesday night about In ci cluck we were routed out of our beds by a submarine but he didn't do any daut- age. Our wireless operator was just getting the war news from Sante shore station, when the sub crone t0 the top about 6(1 yards en our port side. He no sonnet' come up when he dived again. I guess he got as lig tt scare as we did. 10 o'clock is when all the ships get the war news from shore and we thick he meet have been going to come to surface to get it ton, bill didn't know we were thele till he carne up. It was a fairly bright night aid I don't understand w'ity he didn't torpedo us, I stayed around till atter midnight and then went Below and slept 111 the cook's route, Yesterday morning at breakfast time (8 o'clock) either that same subs, or another one, gave us a big surprise. I was still in bed as it was Sunday and I didn't in- tend getting up for loyal when the whine of a shell going overhead and then s, hang woke 1111' up, 1 didn't. know what it was at first, but another one mane a few seconds after and then I jumped and got my clothes on as fast as could and heat it for aft The shells were earning over pretty fast, I guess he was using both guns. We couldn't see him for about 15 minutes. He teas Tying about 5 miles off in a low bank of fog. All we could see Inc quite a while was the sharp flash of his gun. Oise we saw him our gun got going, We were lit iig at 81300 yard range, We tired 17 mulcts and he fired smnewhere itroui d 35. His shells went. aver and dropped ,just. ahead of us and both sides anti right astern but nein, of theta hit the ehip. The explosion of his shells would lht'ow tyre tvater and black smoke about 311 Feet in the ail, They were •1 inch shells. After the srl'ap had b eu going on for about ,i of tau hon' 1 he sub. dieapptal-1 and we didn't see not hear anything for 10 or 15 Iniuulee and theft we 580 something clink ft, the bank of fog with smoke coining front it and thought it mist be the sub. on fire Mil it got bigger tund we saw It Was a destroyer 0101111g, it crone out 1)1 the frig tight where the sob. disappeared, \Ve mile nearly giving the dtetrnyer a shot. tui, It. was a Yankee. He had got our ,vire and heard the living but didn't sae the sub, \V11en he found out wirere the had seen hits, lira went bade to look Inc it, i don't know if he f, mud hien or not. The sub, hail seed the destroy - et. first and that is why he dived. 1 think some shells Mlle inetty (deep to hien too. My(al s are ri,girng yet, from the noise of , 111' grin. 1 rntlld11'6 hear aching all day yeette(ley unitess a person shouted at tee, hs Rusia the natives never drink milk in their tea, and cups and sau- cers are never used for tea, 11 is drunk from glasses. Orilla has ordered an especially vigorous enforcement of the law for - biding unattended children to be out after nine in the evening, for Nome Buying 1, I1teaure loyalty to a nowtuttuity by its wen trod woolen is 111, Most as. seed tial La national patriotism, 2. 1115rtu+te the lot musts of the home dealer and the home runsuuu'1' (11•0 111141 OM 1511,51 hntt't 0115 must hurt the,111'1. 3. II'-tt11ao IMS Mune business matt pays 1.115 114)11's 5111155 of assesstnent. •i. Herauet pt ices 0l' farm and town pin pirty and lnenl markete go down t0 zero where there is no healthy, community ftudiug. 5 ficeto1' ' the leaden -ten '1al last' of eremites is to spend putt 111.11107 where you have earned it, 0, Recite -4e yore Metre busitees luau is 5ilitltd to your cash. Ile stands behind the, curb, he stills, while you have 110 t',-dreste from being "stung" by- out Nide dealers, 7.135c1,ust amending your money away Prom hone' is like sowing grain in a smanger's field so that he (ntty reap III" hit Dent, 8, Became, when you t11ltin you:. eotutmrtily hydivtiling the legitimate channels of bade, you elect drain it n1 its ytftilg Ir151) (11d women and of all euulgy and substance for develop - ;trout. G. Mar tuse the 111055 11101111 rite tIit1 tug in a eonnutt,ity the lucre veinal le pt,perty becomes, the higher rue w•agevtutd the better Lb, genet td con- ditions 1na1 prevail. "In unify there is she•ugl3," and united home buying builds op o 50111 bulwark that. will weather the severest economic et' •1 me, III. Fleertuse it is a duty! you owe to yourself, to your fatuity 811(1 to pos- terity t" build no yottt• community so that it Mae n wed,•, isle atmosphere and is tidvaoeing will, the times instead 0f dr 'filing into habits of sloth, ruin and decay. 11. lief -mist, you most send rash in advance to the big city dealer and ytu have 00 opportunity to inspect the goods. Amu 1 feotu the hundred:at:d one gond, sound reasons for borne buying, it never pays to buy a pig in a bag ora suit of clothes in the dark, 12. Because continued patronage of the big city entaltgne concerns is a short-sighted, unprogressive, and in the long run an economical suicidal practice. CHRISTMAS PARCELS FOR BOYS IN FRANCE SHOULD BE MAILED BEFORE NOV, 15 OTTA\VA, Sept, 30 -The postmas- ter -general states that Christmas par- cels for the Canadian expeditionary forces in France should be nailed in time to be dispatched from Canadian ports not later than the middle of No- vember. Transportation is congested during the Christmas season, and those who are sending parcels to their friends in the trenches are urged to post them early if they wish to have them de- livered by Christmas, SAYS BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS No Eleventh Hour Yuletide Shopping, Decree of 13. S, Council of Defence WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, -No last- pin¢1 week, no December Christmas shop - That's the dictum of the Council of National Defense and, as a war mea- sure. every httyer of Yuletide gifts is expected to comply. Congestion of express, parcel post, freight and even local delivery in De- cember will not be permitted by the government, Those who put off the purchase of their gifts until their wants will not be supplied and that all delivery service will be for government use only. Early Shopping Demanded. The council further urges that every- one who can shall make his purchases of Christmas within the next three weeks, nr at least before December 1, and also to carry the parcels home and not burden the department and other stores with delivering by auto truck or messenger, "The Council of National Defense has heretofore emphasized the neces- sity of restricting Chrismas buying during the coming fall for specific reasons," says the official statement, "These reasons are, in brief, the ne- cessity of saving labor and material in the manufacture and sale of Christ- mas gifts and of saving the transporta- tion and delivery facilities necessary involved in the large volume of Christ- mas purchases. Useful Gifts Favored. "After conference with representa- tives of leading industries and retail interests concerned it is fond that the manufacture of goods for the coming holiday season has been substantially completed, that the transportatinn of the goods to the point of sale is also largely done and that such of the ma- terial used for Chrismas purchase, es- pecially In the manufacture of toys, is the waste material derived front pre- vious processes of manufacturers, "The retail interests represented at the conference have agreed not to in- crease their working force by reason of the holiday business over the aver- age force employed by them through- out the year and not to increase the normal working hours during the Chrismas season, They also agreed to use their utmost efforts to confine Christmas giving, except to young children, to useful articles and to spread the period for holiday purchas- es over the months of October, Novetn- ber and December. Carry Plan Urged, "In order to relieve the transporta- tion facilties of the country from a congestion in the latter half of Decem- ber that would be so hurtful to the interests of the nation that it cannot be permitted the retail interests re- presented at this hearing have agreed to co-operate further and to induce their customers to carry their pack- ages whenever possibladt Because Canada has put her hand to the plow and will not turn back:- -our ack:-our country is in the war on the side of liberty and justice and will stay in it till complete victory is won and the unspeakable Hun is smashed and beaten to the ground; -a nation at war must make tre- mendous expenditures in cash to keep up her armies and supply them with munitions, food and clothing; -Canada must finance many mil- lions of dollars of export trade in food, munitions and supplies which Britain and our allies must have on credit; -for these purposes Canada must z �~ t E-5 red earr carry on tee borrow hundreds of millions of dollars - And, this money must be borrowed from the people of Canada: - Therefore, Canada will presently come to her people for a new Victory Loan to carry on. Canadians will loan the money by again buying Victory Bonds. The national safety, the national honor and the national well-being require that each and every Canadian shall do his duty by lending to the nation every cent he can spare for this purpose. e ready whe _ the call comes to see you couititry throtadh i its dre4 war work Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada 106 In the next six weeks Detroit merchants will urge their customers to do the bulk of their Christmas shop- ing and to ship their out-of-town gifts as soon afterwards as possible, Detroit merchants estimate that 60 to 70 per cent., of all the purchases tirade in the holiday period could be carried home. -by tete purchasers with- out inconvenience, thereby saving an immense delivery expense, WI -TY W.D CELEBRATED (London Advertiser) "Why did you celebrate?" you ask, there wasn't any ponce, Tho Miles still are popping, and the blg For Sale guns didn't cease; 11i11 hasn't yet cried "Peeeavil" his , moustache stloits up straight, I e A pew mid 1355111411159 Boors 5111151111Sows six What was that stunt. you folks pulled off, why did you celebrate? months old, eligible tor regi-trstton unci out ora litter or twelve Now lister, pal 150'11 tell you why we Also a few Rain Lambs, pore prod Oxford - went and whopped er up, clowns and Grade t,elasslets It was because old kaiser 11111, that 15•65 1108T', 1' (IAIIIP131DI,r,, puffed-up Potsdam pup, Phone 9818 R. R No t, Brussels. flan realized at last that he can't lick the whole creation,. Andhad a whenoelbebrato tolld onthe Allies that, we _,1i'red Young, lata 18th Battl. Friends of Rev, and Mrs. T, J. Char- lton of Glencoe, formerly of Mitchell, will deeply regret to learn that their son, Blackburne R. 13. Charlton, was probably a passenger of the steamship Galway Castle, torpedoed with the loss of 200 lives, The Porta Rica Government announc- ed that the sugar crop for 1918 is 453,796 short tons, as compared with 503,081 tons in 1917, a decrease of slightly over ten per cent, The pro- spect for the 4919 crop indicate that there' will be a further reduction in the amount of sugar raised next year. For Sale llousaa(d lots, containing 0M nnres, 1n rho Village 0f I•rafht•oote, the prolIst 11' of the hoe ',h•s,go,.afe.rnwn,IsllyrardtPnrsnip, t'to1 ' The General Synod of the Anglican 1t ,nNer „urn f ,oar Sea .k• P„ti esNf, ii icl 'Church at Toronto, unanimously de -he gtvef, at nl,rp 1r', r m lr r rv•t I a 0 ter: sided to hold its next meeting 111 • r: Arra '1 n, : (,tr, ,„e ri ' .til 192o,, in the city of Winnipeg, '4Ate„ynrli enLNLw ur Ll,e Allow ]plea. ti /pled ill W u, {lraubraok, I(iontaitdng • 110 acres via , 1.34 rat 00, (Ion 5, Morrle township, and t of 1, Ret, 0, Grey town• ship, wall watered, nonfo•tnble 1umme, Lome barn and m,Nn,rI bed driving hna••t , wi, d mill, melt• ri,&• Nt, eft ofbib -.n. 1'Craw- r,`a n - • nod, • d ,I nl'nhn,.r, O ,,, 1, ( . ,., .. °' , , , , , li , l4 - .Y.,., aYUpl ieuut, ser 5.500,0, Ul S, 8, h00TT, 13euesels, 9.4 An old style open street car in Boston has been equipped as a double deck ambulance for removing large nuntb°rs of patients to a hospital, Hog for Service 'Ili' tinder:. rofed will keep for service, on Sly 1st. "1, von. il,toren,, the thorn' -bred Yorlr- -hu'r• h g, ",Hanle hemt addle " 'l'er,ne, 81.28 t0 1.5 paid at tlino of earvioe with privilege of AU 1')1108 -ALR our) Alupi, MA It'll s'f ret/{, Pel il•'ni-i t 1f 1lneecNary n 1,01N Ahh NAY Ir e, molt 1tu•tlon. o,, 18.1 B. I. 1.110140i., Proprietor, has Tres, vol 'ur-trp,rtions 1.440 the roof r-ign- 7)10110 101) R 11 No, •I Brltss&le, ,d ,n fart by Public Another at Lot W, 1',t, LI. ,T{illop, ailfursdar t fetolmt 17th, nr 1 o'ebmlt, . Ott p ,,r, he renewing: 2 rots sociff,fd be calf, 'i 1: 11,1 or Service hldrw•s y, ars old supposed in nal?, 1 beterr 2 i years old 1 Nt•05r 8 y on, s, b1, 7 steers 2'veins , Irl 7 „tee,s 1 Vele tld, 4 valves, 1 sow, 13 alae •' tn. nth+old, -'4 hen-, 110)1 'fah t"a (r m,)•, 1110 hash, .. o bath-, In ton r v, , 1t•ry Ir nrro, I- • old tt"• hilpI-,,eveN W111, 11 ,r o It, a.-st•elass condition, will he o0 rad'be tonne any Garro contains I111 na,es alma or loss all el, aired with the ag000tion of 0 norm, of hardwood bosh 'Anon. 14 no waste land Good In telt Imnea rod 6ret•elass haat, 1 urn, driving shed, 100 water in 'debit and linnet. Germs: -8)0I and tinder wish: over that amount 10 I1,on1aa nreditper 0%41110%41110%4111nn apin•nvnd joint notes t1 tient afr for Dash nit 1rr011 wunnnla 181111, t0 be nn.h 9terins Por farm Walde !moult ms day of Salo or on application in fire nerici •t g, ,d 6'0113' 11 '1 S. Prop Farm for Sale The na terslgnrd 1,111 1[551, for service, on SLS Int 1111 (too, 2, Morris to iishin, the tiiora'-been -3.•, i. Horn Null, fano ford of salon, No. Done Sorrel by (Oninfnrd Mnrnnls 11088001 ; nen, .I deed VII by tloyel sopor 118050) pad- ter,nt n,Ay ho 4ee1l me epplicntton Tonna- 53 181 for graders and $1000 for thorn'•breds. PHOS 911011018, Proprietor, Farms for Sale 100 mires or hind' for sale, One farm Lot 10, North ball (inn 0, Mortis township oontninin6• Oil anti,. There aro on Ma t,eemisee n good Amnon llnnae, bank horn 528.110 ft., ninon driving mind with pig min nndernt nth, a hay barn with (foment tab ling and a frame hnnse not used, Fenn 1a tO a good state of cultivation n, d Is watered with a spring crook and wan with windmill. Also SiLot 10, ("or, 8, eon. taming 100 nnres mna0y grass, wall watered by spring ; 4 neves hardwood host), gond orchard and • is, 1 hmusa Thr.n fame erre 1,, 111.st- re sst.to ,111-, 0.-(1 wnl be side s'paratn or to. • nr• rot ••••,t,,• p„r,s Ar'''e Por 'irr iv 4151/51 IX tol ,..tom ort Jahn b1 Inlay, btyth�P',.0,4 or Ro3t, Shottete 1, Waltett P. 0,