The Brussels Post, 1918-10-17, Page 3From Erin's Green Isle!
happenings to the Emerald isle of
Interest to Irish.
.An exhibition of newt:
done by weant:d ,soldier.: was held
in Dublin during August.
James McGrath and Deelan Fol(n'
were arrested for showing lights un
the storm wall at Ardmore.
A. memorial u r vh•e weft held in
Derry Cathedral ;car the i)errymen
who have feller in the wee.
A well-kr'utvn ir.tident oi'„ Rath-
farnhurn hos mused away in the per-
son of William llay'•a, chemist.
A hearty seioi mil• va' heaven at
Dublin to a party of recruits who
wmre leaven.: for a training c\nlp.
The Countess of Bandon presided
at a meeting held in Cork in support
of the Nation's Tribute to Nurses.
Commander J. C. Gaisfoed. St.
Lawrence, Howt.h Castle, Co. Dublin,
has been elected a Commissioner of
Irish Lights.
Elia Kerner, a Russian, was fined
£l at the Northern Police Court, Dub-
lin, for failing to register under the
Aliens Act.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin presided'
at the I00th annual meeting of the
Mendacity Llstitution held recently in,
Charles Kelly, Summerhill, Dub-
lin, was titled £5 for selling tea at
more than the price fixed by the
Food. Col/' roller.
A sem: e eel garden party in aid
of the Irish Prisoners of War was
held at flowth Castle, Co. Dublin re-
At a meeting of the Menufact'.wers'
Agents for Great Britain and Ireland
it was decided to establish a branch
In Dublin.
While searching for military pro-
perty in Knoekin'"'yley the police dis-
covered a quantity of hoarded silver,
which they took away.
The Dubin police are making many
arrests• of persons whnrn they believe
to he absentees from the Military
Service Act,
Two of the missing plate dishes of
the Royal Tyrone Regiment found in
Armagh have been presented to the
Royal lmtishilling Fusiliers.
The Londonderry Port and Har-
bor Commissioner presented an ad-
dress of welcome to the Lord
Lieutenant on his recent visit.
The death took place recently in
Athlone of Jolm Turkingt:on, for
sixty-six yearn manager of the Local
Loan Fund Bank.
Five hundred workers in the
Portadown weaving factories have
volunteered their services in con-
neetion with flax saving.
The Cookstown Urban Council
notified the Recruiting Council that
they would give every assistance
pos..iblc to the recruiting scheme.
Stolid Attitude of French Peasants
Amid the Dangers of War.
Nothing is more amazing to the
soldier newly arrived near tho fight-
ing line than the attitude the peasants
of France adopt towards the war. One
talus of the phlegmatic British, but
few people could be more phlegmatic
than the French workers on the land.
Let Ise take you into the arena of
war. We are leaving the cobbled
market square of the shell -shattered
little village three miles behind our
trenches. The dusty lane leads from
the square to the close zone of war.
A5 we walk along there is the wouff,
woul'1•! of the German Archtes, shelling
one of our patrol aeroplanes. We gaze
up, to see the black bursts dotting
the sky—to see our airman skilfully
banking and twisting to avoid being
bit. The young corn, waving green
on each side of us, presents the false
idea of peace. There are women -
workers here and there on those field,
basks bent to the scorching sun, their
heads protected by huge straw sun-
bonnets. They do not loop up. A
well -hidden Ilritish battery lime a
half -salvo, It makes us start. To
those brown -faced daughters of France
it is the common event of the day.
The fall of an anti-aircraft "dud"
creates interest for them only if it
falls a few yards from then.
These French people, who live
their whole life in communion with
the silent, waving fields are so nega-
tive. We wonder why they aro not
the volatile people we anticipated.
Our soldlors are wearing steel helmets
and gas.masks, but the peasants would
not be encumbered with any such pro-
tactlon, Ther Whole demeanor seems
to sug;eat a certain fatalism, "If a
shell is meant for us it will bit us, no
matter how If
e we vs 01 wha
t is their
Thee young French women are
wondorfuI' Wberevor you go it la
the same. They are ftp at sum's e;
and work incessantly until dark, There
ern no intervals for food, orpractfcally
none. A. dozen shells may drop in the
field where they are at work. They
do not chow their alarm, although they
must feel frightened.
Their meufolk are at war and 0e-
casionally they come back from ureic
part of the line to their tiny thatched
college homes, still 'in the danger -
sono. We marvel that they should
got get to falls, er 'as fol' away from
alto war as possible; but war cannot
destroy the ties of borne, go they come
back here to spend their leave within
0011nt1 of tl'a gaud.
1a„,t`,t,,r, � 1
""airy -.•,.or!
Y}}4f,(( Silrire ,ale
Every soldier's kit
nlunt Cnittitltl Certain
things if he is to pre-
sent that Smart ap-
pearance which is so
necessary in our Arniy.
Of those probably the
ninst important is his razor
—it must "stand -up"
under all conditions — it
must be ready at all time
so that he can get a clean,
velvety, comfortable eiiavc
in the shortest time. This
is only possible with the
AutoStrop Safety Razor
because it fs the only one
that sharpens its own
blades automatically.
Incl ode: an AutoStrop in
your next Overseas pack-
Price $5.00
Atleadiag dealers everywhere.
T?c. f'oof,tge will deliver an
AatoSirnp Overseas by first
class rcariosfer1 t "aril.
Safety Razor Co.
83-C7 Duke St„ Toronto, est.
The Song of an Optimist.
Did it ever once possess you
As you walk Lite path of life
That no matter what besets you
In this world of toil and strife
There are others just as bad
If even not worse off than you,
And though you suffer hardship
Others suffer hardship too?
Learn to take things as they come,
This world is not so bad;
You will never miss the little things
That you have never had.
Though trials and canes beset you,
Why, just perk right up and smile—
For this thing of feeling downcast
Is not even worth the while.
So if you think you're out of luck
Just budk up, boy, and grin;
Dismiss dull care, display your pluck
And you are sure to win.
And remember through life's journey,
Ere your fate you would bemoan,
That tho world smiles with the smiler
Anti the griever grieves alone,
L Eggs In Newspaper.
To keep eggs fresh for seven or
eight weeks or so wrap then carefully
in pieces of taken newspaper. Wrap
tile tightly, pack diem in a cold
place. The eggs must be perfectly
favish when putt away.
There is still plenty of room at the
top, but the fop is higher up than it
used to be.
to preserve
the fullest
food values
of -the
�. _.•_ _.
all that is best
in cereal foods
conforilning :
to our govern-
ments require--
Came read Board 1.:en,. 11: z-
CANADIAN, A1'!•+I•IlAI.IAN 1% l)
Nee: -papers Snrrt: in (POW -
illi '1''t:.; of 111e .Arh]e%emcnts
of Dominion Soldiers.
As the nation looka hark on the
record of the last weeks it may tell
I be filled with pride tat the theeerm
of the megnitict'nt talti+'v menta of
the British Armies. Canadian, Alts-
tt•tiisni, and New Zartluncl troops, as
well as anonymous English, Scottish
and Welsh regiments, have all in
turn cevero1 theinsehme with immor-
tal honor, says the London Daily
Their victories are the more glori-
ons because they have been won by
men who have fought through four
i'Nf'Ri'I'tBED Volt THIS 1111 (lItt
C'vuniry on Shat Balinas_-it'•et-
(iitaag Food anti New Clot hiup;
tiol Obtainable,
"Bismarck said he would leave no-
thing to hie 0nMnte , by mat ty,:; ;•0
weep; his surer'• 5(u.t r!n not allow 03
mien a 1)1)5 lker filler with +s inch to
dry than says a Belgian gentleman
of good ,tan(line, to an account or
the unprep:lrednmer of the puputati 01
of occupied Belgium for the winter
Blade recently.
"'rite popuat.inn of occupied Bel-
gium, already on short rations, can
look forward to the winter with no
prospect of any suf eient provision
against its Tigers, All the wheat
weary }'ear:: with steadfast detei'm_ grown in the country is controlled by
inetion and have passed through the ; the Spanish -Dutch (Commission, and
bittei waters of defeat, It is truly a • supplemented by corn from Ameriea,
marvellous Army that day after dzly, but this allows the population only
and weel. after week is facing pri-. half apound of bread a day. Meat
ration and death; that has never lost can 1 .eprocured only by -"the r e.
heart; and that, in the words of one Potatoes, the staple food of the
of Napoleon's marshals, never knows ' Peasant ,are passed through a. Ger-
wben it is beaten, and is most clang- man office and a proportion handed
over to the eonununes for distribu-
tion. In 1917 the Belgians reeeived
only 180 pounds of potatoes a head,
far less than the normal consumption
'le- most salient tl ane about Sir even when other things were plenti-
Douglas Haig's mentions of the ful,
troops engaged at various points is The Lash of the C'ont;ueror,
the revelation of the solid, steady "Cooking presents another diflicul-
w ork done by English, Scottish. and . ty, as coal is painfully scarce and gas
Welsh battalions. No duty comes ' and electricity short. Lighting has
amiss to them. They are always to be reduced to a minimum: Heat -
staunch, hardworking, reliable, says ovine food, such as oils and fats, is
the Tinton, I almost unobtainable, and new clothes
Appreciation of what they have , are a thing of the past. Very little
done, and are doing, will make the gas is obtainable for heating purpos-
observer all the: more ready to give es, all wood, even standing trees, be -
credit to the Dominion troops for ing requisitioned by the occupier, who
their specially brilliant feat of arms.; uses the trunks and larger branches
New Zealand troops entered Ban- ! for military purposes, releasing the
paume, after being conspicuous in' small branches, which again may only
the close fighting that went before; be sold by his agents. A kind of
its fall, The Australian masterly I peat, formed by the silt of canals,
capture of St. Quentin on Saturday reached fancy prices, sometiinei cost -
morning will rank as one of the I ing $5 a cubic yard.
great single feats of this war. The I "Candles have disappeared, and the
Austreliana mbst be very unpopular . only thing obtainable is the pre-war
et the moment with the German Gen- farthing dip, which is used sparingly
o ral Staff. The Canadians—we fel- !on all occasions. Brussels street
.lover, it will be observed, the ceder of ' lighting is so restricted that vehicles
time of recent notable feats by Do have to carry bells after dark. The
minion troops—have won imperish- I tiny light burning before the taber-
able fame by heir breach of the Dm- neck, so dear to the pious souls, has
court-Queant line. to be abandoned altogether or be re -
'Chu Canndlic ns have many glorious placed by an electric bulb,
achievement:, to their credit, but they , "Trade is hampered by a regime of
have never surpassed their great deed I permits made out to bearer and with -
of September 2, when they pierced
e. defensive system which even the
most sanguine experts believed would
take much time to subdue, says the
London Times.
This is a hare record of what has
been done in the battle by men from
overseas. They would be quick to re-
sent the odiausuess of comparisons—
alert to insist on the compact com-
radeship of the i'ritish Armies, and
indeed of the Arn es of the Allisnee.
That is the mortar if the structure of
victory which rises steadily before
the eyes of an astonished Germany.
But we in this country have spacial
reason to observe—so that we may
keep than in our memory—the do-
ings of Dominion troops. The mat-
erie! has been abundant in this batle,
erous when the enemy imagines that
it is broken.
Haig and Itis Men.
out which nothing may be offered for
sale. These are issued by German
bureaucrats, who usually require
o-- 0—O-- 0 0--0 0—o
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freezone." This
will cost very little but will positively
remove every hard or soft corn or cal-
lus from one's feet,
A few drops of this new ether cone
That Impregtutble Line. pound applied directly upon a tender,
The Hindenburg or Wotan line aching corn relieves the soreness in -
which the Canadians mashedstantly, and soon the eutil'e corn or
through on the 2nd of September is tedium, root and all. dries up aucl can
thus described hy the Daily Tele- be lifted off with the fingers.
graph: This new way to riot one's fee(. of
The Dioconrt-Que•ant, or Wutun corns was introducedby a Cincinnati
line, the extension northwitrd of the pian, who says that freezene dries in
colossal system of held fortifications a moment, and simply shrivels up the
named after IIindeburg, is a deep belt cool or callus' without irritating the
surrounding skin.
Don't let Pallor din of infection
of defences, with its multiplex trench
systems and jungles of barbed wire, 01'
sown thick with machine gun places. lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
It was the protection of much more hot clip this out and make him try it.
than the great concentration of Ger-
your druggist hasn't any freezone
man troops moved up to stem the tell hien to order a small bottle from
British advance in this quarter. It itis wholesale drug house for yon.
covered the enemy's whole readjusted y
plan of campaign; the gigantic move- Deaf ALmen-
ment of retreat in which he has been The Americans have made en as -
engaged for the past few weeks de- tonishing discovery. They have
pended upan rile legendary improgna- found out that deaf mutes can be
bility of the so-called "switch" line turned into efficient aviators. There
running northwards from the junction are, in fact, certain points where the
with the main Hindenburg line oppo- . deaf man has a distinct advantage
site Bellecourt.
Would it be assaulted now? That
was the question troubling many
minds during the week -end; for this
would be the trench war come again
with a vengeance, a frontal attack
upon long -prepared positions, and
those of a strength reputed to be far
greater than the strength against t nse of motion. Another point in
which French and British blows bad 'ever of the deaf airmen is that he
been dealt in vain in the past two d not worried by the explosions of
years. / aeroplane engines. The fact that ho
It was a time o fpainful suspenc , lacks one sense keys up all his others.
bya success
cos 31st opened
fox iho If to tests are now being
the whicho e
ful assault would be at dazzling as conducted in America continue to
the effect of n failure would be din- bear good fruit, a deaf-and-dumb men
heartening much victory
But the nation at hone trusted ,and
'with good reason, in the generalship
at work hi ate c'airse) It felt confident
that no rash decision would lower the
towering prestige won by the armies
slate their record of triumph opened.
over the man who can hear.
For rune thing, deaf people aro
never sea -sick. They never grow
dizzy when in high altitudes ---neither
motmtains nor clouds hold any ter-
rors for them, and they have no feel-
ing of dread. This is due to the feet
that deaf mutes do not possess any
A coil spring attachment I1as been
invented for holding wash bonrds in
A wholesome :eel :lppetieing kind
of muffin is mode of nuts, bran and
ih.' rneht important posit in filling
n ens! ie to set, that the tramping is:
well dons,
will not in the future be necessarily
disqualified for the Plying Service.
Jelly Optimists.
We are always asking' how nuut'Ii
longer the war will Inst, but in
IN•ance they are quite resigned to a
long war, though there are degrees
even in resignation.
"The war," said one soldier, "will
last a long time yet. Our company
has planted rase bushes in front or
our trench."
"Oh, yott ,c 11 oetitl:i=t 1 1
uthee. " W s 0 stems.• 1 •• c' i
frons, of erne"
For .1k a tif11l11
Simple little dre : with yoke end
eleevee in (ane to be lipped on over
the head. McCall Pattern No. 8552,
Girl's Dre s. In i sizes, 0 to 14 years.
Price 20 mute Transfer Design No,
888. Priee, 1:; cent.,
A hand of fur and a touch of em-
broidery give this simple dress the
privilege of being termed 'tdistine-
tive." McCall Pattern No. 8264,'
Drees. In 3 sizes, 18 to 20
yearn. Price, 25 cents. Transfer
Design No. 924. Price, lir cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local tlicOall dealer, or
from the McCall Go., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
October's sun has now begun
To weave her robe of golden dun;
Warm -tinted fruits, gold -tasseled
And jewelled grapes the gown adorn.
What gorgeoay stuff the sun has spun!
Ou will the merry shuttle run;
Of daylight's hours waste no least ane
Till oven -close since early morn.
October son,
At last the wotadroas work is done:
In raiment rich arr0yed as none,
October scarce her robes has warn
Ere Harvest, blee ed babe! is born.
Maternal hopes their prize have won;
• October's son.
The safe way- to send money by mail
1s by Dominion Express Money Order.
Won't Take Oe'n Poisson,
Rudyard Kipling visited a book-
seller's shop recently rind commenced
casually to turn over some books, en-
tering into conversation with the
ehopman as he did so.
"Is this good?" he asked suddenly,
taking up a volume by h' If.
"2 don't know; I've not read It,"
replied the bookseller.
Kipling frowned.
"A bookseller," he said with nock
solemnity, "and you don't read your
own books?"
To which the other answered
"If I were a druggist, would you
srepect me to take my own drugs?"
=nerd's rdatntertt Reliever Neuralgia,
Easy Money.
y $I nes.
Two young Irishmen in a Canadian
regiment were going auto the trench-
es for the first titre, and their cap-
tain pearlised them five shillings for
every German they killed.
Pat lay dawn to rest, while Mike
performed the duty of watching. Pat
had not lain long when he was
awakened by Mike's shouting:
They're coming( They're eomingt"
"Who's conning?" shouted Pat,
"The Crermana, " replies Mike.
"now ninny 1!1 here?"
e.ALnit r t1 +-till'
tout 0 P.t;, 1urou;;`up
I + r•.. l i t lilr. "cu f(1-ltlnSS
rd'e Slnent Onr:o I,,::. 1:,•:41 l;
F. War Device Which Will Prove 0f
Value In Peace Time.
I h+'
war his speed eel up ail suits
r i i e,1r a a, mventt ins and In-
uit r, • , •' rte euml en. niscnt for its
^.lul t .. •oi,• or lift' .cod limb and
t ,•„t r_ :•n.l 0e0' thing 11 bas done
i,5. k may save c.ountl,n lives Sri tlro
tlttnt - 1 to uc-tke collisions at 5310 AI
tli0 t. tc>l; ,t b a0t :avoldrlhle, if nut iin-
p,, tt h
ft 1 i .oemtorino Wpm's, that has
i , r' r i H
tr' 1 n: groat iattpra tln.rt in th
rl:. 1 rs ,-•1 1'111: of n eta „clean of our
oat ant : t. • 1ho tore, For Vie listen-
er I i1• .•! s'a 1011`11 lice :OA 80 oaten
01'010C to 1101:401 1h SS
tem" :• pir;,t craft that hundreds
(.f own ,,re now 1ta,tuferf11lly sltilful 1n
d;;tert •ng thu whr slimit; of- something
• they ran neither vera- with their eyes
nor hear with their pledged ears. It
will be readily seen that this opens up
a wonderful list of possibilities for the
future, not the least being the avoid.
fibre of Collision, one of the most
dreadful and leadly dangers of the
deep in tropes of peace.
Many a gallant vessel, titter plough-
ing its way front the Antipodes for
iveeks, has stet its fate In the shape
of another outward bound vessel at -
most within a cable's length of part
on account of the thick mist: which
come down lo the Channel. But if
every vessel has its listener both hu-
man and Instrumental, nine -tenths of
these fatal encounters will be avoided.
War -Time Cookery'
FREE '`'
Send name and address for
new "War -tilde Cookery" This
book contains recipes chosen
by the judges as the best and
! most practical recipes submit-
ted in our recent cash prize
6 competition. It is intended to
", assist in the conservation of
food and to effect savings in
home cooking and baiting.
i Approved by Canada hood Recd
E. W. Gillett Co. Ltd.
The Victoria Cross.
When Queen Vietorie created this
order at the time of the Crimean
War, t4 years ago, she decreed that
the cross should be worn in the navy
hanging by a blue ribbon and in the
army by a red one, Now the dif-
f ference between the two armed ser-
vices is done away with, and the red
ribbon will be worn with the Victoria
Cross by sailors as well as by sole
How to make a creamy beauty lotion '
for a few cents.
The juice of two fresh lemons strain-
ed into a battle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a whole
quarter pint of the most remarkable
lemon skin beautifier at about the cost
one must pray for a small Jar of the
ordinary cold creams. tare should be
taken to strain the lemon juice through
a line cloth so no lemon pulp gets in,
then this lotion will keep fresh for
months, livery woman knows that 1
lesion juice le used to bleach and re-
move such blemishes as freckles. sal-'
lowness and tan and is the ideal slain
softener, whitener and beautifier.
Just try 111 flet three ounces of
orchard white at any ding store and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag-
rant lemon lotion and massage it daily 1
into the face, neck arms and hands. i
To Repair Wall Paper.
W 1-.r papering' a rc orn, save some
of the paper aro! bit it fade sight-
ly i; •• putt ing it in the sun, When
marred s;pets show on the wall it
is then possible to tear off pieces of
the re:•erre paper and paste them
over the :pots so that they will
never be noticed.
Mivard's Liniment ('e., Limited,
Dear Sirs, ---1 can reeoml.'.end 1411-
NARD'S LINIMENT for Ith'nnlatisni
and Sprains, as I have u: !'.:1 it for both
with excellent results.
Yours truly,
St. John,
The Reason Why
Proud Father (showing otr his boy
before company ---"My son, which
would you rather be, Shakespeare or
LIoyd Gccrge?"
Little San (after meditrt.ionl---"I'd
rather be L'.nyd George."
"Yes ? Why 7"
"'Cause he ain't dead."
Stinarave r.tatrnent forBare over-/lettere,
It is a good idea to core apples be-
fore paring them.
As was generally expected the
judges decided to award the Nobel
Prize for 1917 for Literature to one
of a neutral nation. The lucky author -
is Dr. K. Crjellerup, the distinguished
Danish Btterateur and novelist. Two
of his best-known. works --:"The Pil-
grim Kaniauita" and "Minna". --]neve
been published in English.
lei its.i ese—" .aaT .10..3..a01row`"i. irifetrr
rGlnard'B Llutntent Cures Burns. Ete-
help speed up production in 11119.
Start now.
aararmS • sxaiEn
.., R. T 1!,.087 A CENTS WANTING
•Sn.:,•l F7n1,.hing a spectnity.
lrram:a m:de. erythicg at lutveat prfrea.
L't fled Art Co., d Brunsw•1t•k Avec,
JI.I•:D ITAY, tli-UTZG I)LLIVE1t)a),
Bothwell, Ontario. held Bros-,
Rothwell Coterie.
and !oh prir:ting risut in Eastern
(lunars,'. nsn.anre enrrled 51,500. Wlll
ren for 81.150 on Quick male. Iiox 09,
Stillman Publishing Co. id3.. Toronto.
?t rt[TL11111I.Y
NUAFpaRi r1S 1,' .AtY. Use
Fraancae.moWnn. 1w1.noIrrttoh
publishing C., Limited, Torontog1.0 oWBiSnalAgulsCbotlHnoe]
(.i.N47 ;P., 'rttauciItS, LUMPS.
4J 105,00,1 and external, cured with-
out rain by our home treatment, Write
us before too late. -.Cr. liellman 1Iedical
Co„ I.lmit"d. Cnlltegwood, Ont.
gg LL tr. •: Si'-1NTEIJ TO 1PLN
JL4 ani l!tiiit sewing at honee,? wholeAIoe
spare time, good pay, work sent any 31a-
tanee, c '''N's pall. Eend earn Pur par-
ti.ulars. Nail omI ltsanufaeturin>; Com -
pane. Montreal,
Sloan's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied t'.'S"art rubbing,
will te,letret,r illrnlediatrly and test
and snuthe the nerves.
Moan's Liniment is very efe'tive
in allaying external pails, strains,
bruises, aches, stiri joints, Bore mus-
cles, lumbago. neuritis, sciatica, rheu-
matic twinges.
Keep a big bottle algals on hand
for family use. Mad;• in Canada.
Druggist; e\-ett;.
n.... ray►.:. + "'►
Bdllllrifi Ill the UN
EIIidura Es Dandruff
Try one treatment with Cnticura.
and ace how quickly it clears the scalp
of dandruff and itching, On retiring
gently nib !pots of dandruff and ,itch.
Ing with Cuticura Ointment. Next
morning shampoo with Cuticura r Soap
and hot water. Rinse with tepid
water. Repeat in two weeks. Notb- -
big better or surer.
ecirlel: Cuttllciium,, saep6N De*to, Address 0
Sol by dealers throughout the world.
0ST°? eSirlFPI1R PAIII—.f§UY iflIhfi$T'1I
at!ndlssl1ir,,oparad egainei ttaekn of rheumatism, lumbago, 0 5114,
tenthnelio and cat -eche, Equally effective for relieving lyre' en cinia
air0tea,sorethrohatend other palatal atlnliatts. Per twarl'51yelps15 (R •
family n°x atm Rontmorlsnert,-•bu IIIOSIs'aiwo ahav00001,001(t
the f 8e 1131 a' mesad It rn y y IJd
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