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The Brussels Post, 1918-10-10, Page 8
',':F�-�......,.:..r...,,m•.:.,... ... .sass: ._n,.�^w_'..�_nrn =--n �....- viemel-eieemeeleieeefeeee40.1444.1.eseefeee*.04.144,0+.0.1,914.0+,10 i' Get It Her The following goods are of interest at the present time. Now is a lincill tilnt. t+, get What yuu 1nt"t} require. for the Cold that is Going Around Cherry Bark Cough Syrup -- 250 and 500 bottles Blood Root Cough Cure - 250 and 500 bottles Rexall Catarrh Jells—in hand tubes —a remedy for cold in the head -- 25c packages Formolid Throat Ease - 100 and 25e pkge, Eucalyptus Pastilles, Horehound Drops and all kinds of Cough Lczengers, m, 0 pThe old fashioned kind, made from 9 real sheep skin leather. Will stand elf all kinds of hard wear— + 4r. Making iNew the Old Things There is a big cit eland for Lyes this season, We bave— DIAMOND DYES), i„n akg DYOLA DYES 1 , and the complete range of colors are now to be had including Navy, Blue and Black which have been hard to get, SUNSET DYE SOAP All the popular shades. Cleans and colors the goods in the one bath. 15c cakes Is a valuable preparation where a good Touic is heeded It is agreeable to the most delicate stomach, Price $taco ger bottle New Leather Goods SCHOOL BAGS No. 4 Canes at 85e No, r, " 850 No 6 t 15 Ay NEW STRAP PURSES • +1' At $l.00, $1.20 and $2.0o each Canadian Service Flags With one, two or three eiep!e Leafs -25c. Service Stationery A new idea in Patriotic Sta- tionery --252 pkgs. LORD BAL'I'I%lORle WleIT- ING PORTFOLIO— 5o sheet,' of Fine Linen Writing Paper with 24 Envelopes to snatch -- Price 40c New Post Cards of Brussels—Several new Views of Brussels that we have not bad before -2 for 51. F. R. SMTH rhe kW7,'g Store �•r� Druggist and Stationer • 4. •• • • • • 0 s 4 e 4. 9 a 4 • t ♦.}} 4 + 9 i • i •O ae 44+0•F4+.0+4•1' 0.1.9+9+9+9+++e•N, 494-ifee• tMbe+•+e i+Od•e+04+e+f ` "assn.! T`�t eb3 terns ' GE's ready to boost the Victory Loan, F S. So+ttt, who assisted in promoting the last load. has been asked to do Simi- -' lar work for the coming one. TAKE in the Entertainment in the Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening of this week. Good program and finan- cial proceeds will go far local Patriotic purposes. ANDERSON Bitten have sold their Chevelrot car to a Vinehemite and have purchased a fine McLaughlin toe ing car. Many a mile 1- tonrt d by snot or in accommodating the travelling pub lie by this enterprising firm. SHARP frosts. CHAOTAUrtt'A Festival. Don't forget the dates . SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week, No reduced rates on railways for 'l'banksgiving time, MusrlooM lovers have been taking ear. ly strolls seeking the toothsome article. A few more weddings in this locality are hinted at before the visit of Santa Claes. 25 CENTS gets THE POST for balance of xgis. A number are taking advant. age of this offer. IF anybody is short of soft water sup- ply it will not be on account of a short- age in quantity, Tres plan of be reserved seats for the Chautauqua Festival will open at Fox's Drug store on Thursday, Oct. rids. LOCAL Tax rate for rgt8 will be 25 mills on the dollar, same as last year, with 5% added after December 14. Con- stable Oliver will be Collector. THANKSGIVING Day next Monday, It will be a public holiday and places of business closed. Postoffces hours will be8toga m.and 5to6p• m. Day wood is finding ready sale at good prices, more particularly as the cool September weather cut down the supplies owing to the necessity for fire:, EAST Huron Teachers Convention in Brussels Thursday and Friday of this week. Red Cross Concert Thursday evening in Town Hall. Good program. Help a worthy cause by your presence, CARSWELL Beres. have interesting news for the public in their advertising space tbis week and by reading it and testing out what is offered you may sale many a dollar. Two big stocks to choose from, at prices that represent genuine bargain, VERNON S1NCL R O t1N ED AI W — tele: D A gram was received last Monday from Ottawa notifying Mts. Adam Sinclair that Pte. Vernon Sinclair, who is in France, had been wounded in the right thigh on October end. Vernon went with the x61st Battalion. We hope early word will come as to speedy re- covery, Mess MACOM R3""ityAws announces iter office will be open from Tuesday, Oct. /5th until Saturday Oct. tg. both dates inclusive. Office home 9 to 12 a m. and x to 6 p m also Ne'laesday and Satur- day evenings 7 to to p. tn, Miss Bryans will resume her Toronto work after the shove mentioned dates. 3 ne Tee Fists —A few Brusselites at- tended Neth Huron Nomination pro- ceedings at Wingham on Monday of this week, 'Three candidates were placed in the field. To order of nomin: tion they are:—Dr, Case, W. H. Fraser and Geo, Spotters. As to wbetber all will fight it out to Dec, and, which will be Election dal, remains to be seep. Mr, Fraser rep- resents the Liberal interests and the other two will uphold the Conservative banner, Nsw Btl'i'CHER SHOP,—D. McDonald has fitted up the shop he leased from Mrs. George Jackson, Mashie block, 1 with a fine refrigerator, marble topped counter, scales, etc, and is now prepared to eater to the needs of the public in all lines usually handled in such a business. i'ue shop bas been newly painted and linoleum placed on the fi'tor and every thing as neat as a new pin, Mr, Mc- Donald is an olct Brusselite and bee a wide experience both in city and town trade hence feels well able to give corn - pietas satisfaction. Hie residence was the forpler home of F. (, and Mrs. Rog- ers, Tuinbtirry street South (which he ptrrohased from J. 13. Kerney, now of Guelph) where stable rend ice house ROS Akio located. A. Few Women wanted to pick Geese and Dnake. Nice, warm, comfortable place to work in. Wages 91 50 per clay. Apply at • R TROMSON'e 0000 STORAGE, e. One ,-et of second-hand Am a bargain trio n stogie harness. RmaAADe & Co. FOR SALE —.Several well bred T,eieester Ram lambs W. R BanA1PO2T, Lot 2, Con, 15. Phone 2710. Grey. 2124550 from Lot 8, Con. a. Grey township, on September 30th, a large white saw, In- formation as to her whereabouts will be thankfully received. OEcIL HARTMAN, Ethel. WR have the Celebrated Granby Rubbers, They wear like iron, Rtcn,Rns & Co. W4NTtn,—Maas wanted for night altift to assist repair man on shall machinery. One who can lace belts and do general repairing to countershafts, line•ahafte, &c , preferred. Apply at ones t0, TRE ROOT RSL, 50 0525 & Tatmasttt Co„ L'rn., sealorlh. Fomt year<Ad driving mare for sale, Quiet and not afraid of autos. Wm. nom. Thomas street, ldrussele, MR. BLAcEsmoneof Owen Sound, piano tuner, will be at S. Carter's store this week, Orders are asked to be left there or at Wally er & Black's store, APP,ns WANTED,—Wail pay 50c per hundred lbs. for wind -talcs and shakes for evaporating purposes, delivered at my warehonee, G. T. R. No small fruit taken, Roll, Mattson. 0 FTReT-O,ABB pigs 5 weeks old for sale. t Phone 4117. WESLEY 2nntena Lot 15, Con, 5, (trey, STEEL tired top buggy and set of single harness for sale, apply to DAVID BADGLtn, Brussels, NnMDE2 of young sows, with pig, for sale, Alec some young. pigs. W. H. MOCUT0onoa, Phone tea, 11 ,TGs 215 menthe old and 12 rigs about 125 lbs, each for sale, Apply to Wrt,s0N Mature, 5th lino Morris. Nmw Oliver riding plow for sale. Apply to LUKE Cl. $1,1311A1S. Phone 4712. 80000 pigs for anis. 4 weeks old. Apply to Phone 8518. Ono tr. BATSMAN, Ethel. Fon Sit LR —A $ns heifer calf, eight months old. Mits. A. J. Dung, Bluevale, aeon Sass. -2 young thorn' bred Cementer rains. Phone 2512, H. 95515. 00Ao Heater for Rale ata bargain. Apply to Mite..A. 0. DAM na. HOUSE and Lot for sale, eligibly located. Gond well, cistern, cellar, stable, &o. For fur- ther particulars apply to MRS, 0950, flm2DRReoe, Brussels. A 0112>250 of well bred Leicester Ram Lambs for sale, hot 20, Gravel Road, North of Winthrop. ,TNo. AMill tsnN, 12.4 Beaforth R. R. No. 1. RoowY house, largo lot, stable, &o., for sale on James Street at a bargain. If not sold will be to rent. D BWAt. FORMER G. 'I' R Anxt4T KILLED — Tuesdat's cusum' y list contained the name of Vine. Fierily, formerly G. T. R, agent at Brussels, as being killed in action in France. Mr. Henry enlisted with the Nemeth Rangers !n tgt6 and before going overseas was a resident of Toronto. WITH Tax FLrwws —Edwin Barkley, eldest sten of George and Mrs, Barkley, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, has been holidaying here with old friends. He is with a fly tie warps et Deseronto Training camp arid in ahnnt through with his Course of hist roe ion Edwin bad a close Cell by the collapse of his plane, when up in the air with An in- structor. They lied reached an eleveti on of Soo feet and were making a rapid desueat Burl fell, The instructor died from his injuries. Edwin got a had shaking up and the plane WAS demolish• ed. Our former town hos is greatly taken with flying and looks as if the work agreed well with hits, WeetogeM Fail Fair was held Tees- dey tied Wetlut slay of this week and at. tt t. d dt nut let tiot l this tor, lily A u' n1 loir. bon's nal settlers' effeela et i steeped to 11aiet) 1,011.1• l„21 w. ek by Welter Lovett wit, has gone Notth to look niter its disponi. Avicetols Sale of the household effects of W, A Grewar will be on the program at skating rinit Smut bay attetuornr of thia week at a eel, t ,-ir,f..t he ee n '1 t n ic'r,e1- R i ud 1, hD - ti w.11 ,tl r 1 n!Ale, ltt Con Nutlet verde t nae Millet! of Durham cons and year bg steel's and heifers, 0, F, Vaudriek will wield the hammer Miss N xon, 'roronlo, representative of the Unmielou Chau'rntgha, was in trawls last Saturday mre'+ng the local Committee regarding the cotning Chau- tevqua Festival to he he'd in Brussels, Oe ober 22. 21 and 24 SNEAK thieves yle the "Camp Bor- den” farmprem ees Grey owush+p. f P Amen', Inst Monday eight and help ed themselves to bedding in the house and also a Supply of 0x15 It 10 [toped suets meanness will not go unpunished. DON'T forget the Auction Sale of well bred Durham cattle composed of cows, heifers and steers, Roc„ at the Central eHotel yards, nasals, OP Mand a after - 14th test, Milton nod W il. Lowe are the preprietols and F S. Scott, Auc- tioneer. '1'Htiasoey and Friday will he school holidays ou account of East Huron Teachers' Convention, whicb every teacher 's expected to attend Program shoted be both enjovableand instructive Sessions will he held in Melville church, with the Concert is the Town Hall Thutsdav evening. FINGER CapsasD,—One day las v eek R Le:uhr rdale had the second finger of het left baud crushed while directing the placing of a heavy Water lank in the building to he occupied by the Bank of Nova Se,tia. With commendable pluck bei, back to wntk again however and w' hope the housed digit will soon he all sir?bt. THE Pon'e'ttentls tt cordial wele:ane t•. IL't Moon 7'en:pets' Association, whose ,e-si.ii s will be held in Melville Church Thnrsdae and Friday of this week Ou the evening of the ern day a Musical and Literary program will be given iu the Town Hall, 1 Prcif. Flora ing, Toronto, will give a Patriotic Re- dress Proeeeis will be devoted to Red Cross purposes. Take it in by all meat 5, le. M. SINCLMR WOUNDED,—We have justlearued that another of our Brussels buys, iu the person of Ronald M. Sin- clair, a member of 16rst Battalion has been reported wounded by gunshot iu chest and back, on the 29th Sept last and is naw in Clearing Hospital No. One France. Mrs. Sinclair, who is vise ting with Barrister and Mrs. Sinclair, was, we are told, in receipt of a Cable message from Ronald on Monday ev"n• ing last to the effect that he was doing wet ami the official report received the fol owing evening, was not unexpected. We h ape the wounds received by Pte, Sinclair may not be serious and that he mac have a speedy recovery. 3t, 1" ANNIVERSARY —Last Saturday Robert and Mrs, Dark, Queen street, Brussels, quietly celebrated the Stet anniversary of their wedding and received congratulations Tbeirson and 2 daughters are in the West, It Is rath- er nuique that on Mr Dark's side of the home the TO children constituting his father's family ire all living, and known to many readers of Tex Pos'r while out of 13 children in Mrs. Dark',' father's fain, 13, S ate deceased. We join with many friends in wishing Mr. and Men, Dark many happy returns of the day. NEWS WAe WELCOME—Last Sunday atternoon when it was learned that Peace negotiations ; wereg probable and the world war was likely to come to a spee ly end there was exceeding joy in Brussels. The hells at rhe Town Hall, S.t, John's Chnrch and the Public School were set a -ringing, flags were flying and people congregated and discussed the gond news 1O further mark the occasion anti in keeping with the thought of many. a union thaukegiviug se; vice was held in Me villa church at 7 p. m. when a large audience assembled, the Metho- dist church service being withdrawn, Their paster was absent in Kincardine preaching and Rev, Mr, Bentley, Wal ton, who had taken morning service, auti had been bothered with lagrippe re- turned to his home Short Redresses, applicable to the necasion, were given ha Rev A J Mann B, A , and W. H. Kerr, of 'lite Po•'r Singing was led by a union choer acct went with a good swing. The t'ffering amounting to $2I.t8, was handed over t0 the Senors' Fund, It was a fine service. Miss Nixon, Toronto, sang a choice solo. Whatever public demonstration the town might be disposed to snake will likely he deferred until Berlin says "We sun end- er," Mao, W1t 'SHINE DEPARTS,—At 6 o'clock last Friday morning a well known resident of this locality, in the person of Mrs Wm, Shine, passed away at the hone of her son, R. J. Shine, V. S„ Monkton, at the advanced age of 83 years, She was born in Elms township, Perth County, her maiden name being Clementine A Tennant, and she eutered into matrimony wills Wm Shine, who was A pioneer settler on Lot 6, Con. 52, Grey township, 64 years ago last March. Mr. Shine died iu 1885. 13 children were born to the home Mrs Goffin, Listowel ; Mrs. Roht Dark, Brussels ; Samuel, of Detroit e Robt. J , of Monk - ton ; and Dan , of Cochrane, Alberta, survive, The deceased members in ad- dition to 2 still born babies, were Mrs, William Farquharson, Ellen Susan, Tryphena, Ellen Sophia, Isabelle and William Mrs. Shiue had been A very hearty person in her (ley, although bothered witia trouble in her limbs for about 40 years, She moved from the old farm 7 years ago to Brussels and after 5:} years it town went le years ago to the home of her son at Monkton. De- ceased took to her bed In October, 1917, and had never been outside of doors up to her demise. Site was a kind hearted woman, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need and through s long and very busy life enjoy, ed the rest net of a wide circle of friends, The funeral service took place Moodily afternoon Rev, Mr. Doan, of Remote, a firmer pastor, in the absence of Rev, Mr, Allan, coodtietad it Interment was made in the family plot in Bruneis cem- etery. Mrs. Shine had 11 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, Mrs. Stev- ens, Brussels, is a sister and Jacob Ten- nant, Mount Forest, and Andrew Ten- nant, Atwood, are brothers, 1•+uiasaa, HE STANDATR K OF' CANADA BEAD OPTIC'S • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made faT'p ,a ;" a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, C. H. SAMIS, ri In in Manager. Rev, W E Stafford was at Hamilton People We Talk Aboutt attending sessions of the General Coll- etto ference of the Methodist church Pte Harry Ament was home from At the leonine, Mi stoners service Loudon camp, Suedes, afternoon in the Methodist SRb- Mrs, A. Strachan spent a few days in bath School a very appropriate and well Toronto last week, rendered program was presented tooled - J. T. Wood and family spent the week ing a reading by Miss Margaret Mound - end with 1,'esdnst relatives. ers piano selection by Bert Lott ; duet Barrister 12 nom, was in London last by Mess E'le Rand: and W J McCrsck week ++u h:.siuess, eu ; short address by 1 Bateman, Tor - Wilfrid Stroh, Mount Forest, was a 0010 ; duet by Mr, Bateman and little visitor with Brussels friends for the week son Jack ;address by F H, Gilroy on end. Peace news from the war ; solo by Miss C. Howlett and Miss Pipe were visit- N+xirn, Toronto. The offering was ing at Hanover and Clifford during the $4 43 past week, Mrs W. H, Kerr is visiting relatives at Stratford, Galt and Dundee for a sveek or so Miss Mary 13 Kelgour, Mount Forest, MS the guest of Mrs, A. C. Dames for the week end. Miss Freda Vans'ooe, Wiagham, was calling on Miss Isabel Strachan and oth- er old friends in Brussels last week, George Edwards left last week for Toronto, where be is attending the Med- ical College, We wish trim top notch Success. F S Scott goes to Toronto this week to attend the annual meeting of the In- dependent Telephone Company of Ont- ario, of which he is Praaident. We are sorry to hear that Capt. Garf, Vanstoue, an old Brussels boy, has been wounded in the leg for a third time We trust he will soon be fully restored. Albert Denny, of Saranac Lake, N Y-, was here last week on a visit with rela- tives and aid friends, He is a son of Mrs. W Oakley, Brussels, and is always welcome Miss Tate. of Toronto, has been en- gaged as housekeeper at the home of J. f and Mrs. Gilpin, Church street, and entered upon her duties last week We welcome her to Brussels. Mrs. Ronald Sinclair, Dresden, is here on a visit at the home of W M and Mrs. Sinclair Her husband is doing duty in the trenches iu France. We hope he will return home sale and sound, JDo. and Mrs Long were at Pe etvawa last week to visit their Son, 1ytll , who was Called to service in Siberia end is now on bis way there, via Vancouver, B. C, THE Poe' wishes him a safe re tura, Joshua and Mrs. Bateman and son, Jack, Toronto, are visitors at the home of Jno and Mrs Bateman, Alexander street The gentlemen are brothels The former was a former resident of this locality Miss Jesu Elliott and Deice, Grace, of S•rat'ord, were week end visitors with Mrs I. Richards, i • h 1 C. R C A , "Ta hal Aa eP," The former i. S Brussels I rm r sen engaged A. teach, r at Shakespeare, Ont., andisen- joying her work, Dr, J M and Mrs Moore, London, were here for tate week end." Mrs, A Hunter came hack with them from the hnapital and is slowly improving. Mrs Moore will remain in town for awhile to wait nn her mother. Nurse Henderson, who has been in the hone of J J and Mrs, Gilpin for the pest year took her departure 011 Monday. She contemplated a brief holiday. at her par, real home, near Kincardine, but in- stead resp'1,d1>1 to a call from Inc and Mrs Spetran, Grey'tnwoship. to wait on their daughter, and bas gone there !Miss Henderson has so many friends in this locality she may be induced to re- turn to make het home here, Church Chimes Thursday afternoon of this Week a Conference of W M. S. branches will be held iu the Presbyterian church 13e1 - grave, Melville cnurch will be repre sensed, The Johnston Evangelistic company have completed their series of meetings in Winghatn and have g ue to (lode - rich where e unites service is being held for a few weeks Sunday next Rev, G. J I{err, Gorrie, will preach in the Methodist church, Brussels, at 11 a u1, and 7 p in Rev. Mr. Stafford will be at Gorrie and the theme of the day will be Missions, A special meeting of the ministers, laymen anti women workers of the Malt land Presbytery will be held in Wing- batn on Oct. 17th, for en earnest Con- ference on the church add alter -war problems. An "America Day" will be on at St John's church next Sunday, in which the fact of the entry of the Te S into cooperation with the Allies in the war will be commented upno. Services at it S. m Riad 7 p m. Rev. Mr, Smith, rector. will be in charge, Sabbath evening next the first meet- ing of the Epworth League for this term will be held in the Methodist church St the close of the regular ser- vice Officers will be in charge with Bert Lott introducing the sucjects "Work and Win," A week Irons next Sabbath morning the W, M. S. 'Phanknffering service will be held in Melville church Rev. A. Malcolm, Wroxeter, will deliver the ad- dress. This is a most important depart- ment in church work and is energetically pushed by the Branch UNION 'I'IIANKSGIVING SERVICE — Next Monday a onion Thanksgiving service will he held in the Methodist church Rt 10 311 a, m Loetli pastors will take part in the service. If ever there was an opportune time for a greed rally of the people this appears to be the occasionPeople will be free from business activities and ahon i d be found at the union gathering, An offering will he taken for the Patriotic Fund For which liberal things should be devised. BORN FRANRLTN.—In Embro, on Sept. 20th, 1518, to Mr and Mrs. Nelson Franklin, a daughter —,Tenn Livingston InwtN.—In Haysville, Ont., on October 6th, 1918, to Mr end Dare. J, Leslie Irwin, a eon —Howard Clinton. N5ORnL. In Morris, on Sept, 20th,1018, to Mr and 61rs. Frank Nichol, a son—Joseph Glenn, DIED 8021111—In tdonkton, on Oetnber, 9th, 1018, Olementiue A, Tennant relict of the Into Wm Shine Grey township, aged 88 years, 1 month and 1 day. IN MEMORIAM DENNlOON,—In loving memory of Ingram B. Dennison, who died in Walton, on °etc her 18111, 1017, aged 1 year and 4 month—dearly beloved child of Edward and Mrs, Damlt- eon, He, liken little fading flower, Was lying, quiet and at111 ; His sweet blue eyes were closing And his little hands were chilled. When on that day the Mester came, And from among His flowers, He calve to -gather Illlies The day He gathered ours. Sadly missed by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother, Roy. mun.a,,.nama .... .u,tnw:na.sv,::a.O,A.ua ... e:.:.•:,.:4, c,r. ,,i,,,,. w.,C'',., :..-e.:w..=,von;..?.. stilt 00101/rrras0•61m6®0f •40.1 66010 s0*000140 •attr91060•••••••ways • e 9s Z ew i iii a. .0- o a e `i +1, -E have just passed into stock our Fall Shipment of Nippon Chula, The assortment comprises ra • some: very handsome pieces,. beautifully decorated, 0 e • G r a1' 4 4. 18 s 6 b 18 Cake Plates Celery Sets Syrups Butter Tubs Crearn and Sugars Dresser Sets Cups and Saucers Cream Jugs Whipped Cream Lily Bowls Berry Sets Cake Sets Vases and Bon 130115 to g>tyl o We will be pleased to have you drop in and • our Stock, O • STORE look Over (B 41 1d a 74 15 i 1 rA a 18 18 a 4. 0 F Xin 'S 15 112 e 40 DRUG STORE 40186901850010430015 015@10.44802845 seem R4f944tL9be4400woeeoa04115O AUCTION SALES MONDAY, 00T, 142u,—Weil bred Durham cattle and n few draft colts, eentrnl Hotel yards,Brussels. Sale at 2 p. m, Milton and yrm mwe, Prope, F 8 vectis Atie. Tuxauar, OCT men —sae loot 10, ('on. 4, Morrie township, Farm, farm stook, ltnpie• meats, &a Sale unreserved at l p. in. Robt. Sheddon. Prop. F S Booth. Alio —In the list published on page 4 there are 2 mistakes, It should read 7 foot bin -ler and 10 be. (drill, W NDN nenn r, 005 10TH, --Faille• farm stork, Implements, household effect,, &e at 105, Lot 10, t'on 0, Grey Sale uarrserved at 1 o'oloeb, D. J. HII'roHTNsoN, Prop, F 9, Scott, Aur, TnutisoAY, 002. 17tH—Farm, ferns steak, ,to , at Lot 14. Con 14. 61°Killen Sale at 1 o'elank. R,ne% COp2Ts, Prop F. 2, Soott, A 9ATUntAY, 00'>' 10TH --Grade Durham cattle at the Central Hotel, Brussels, Rtou, JoINemoN, Prop. 0. F. 17'01.dr10c, Auc. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat m210 92 10 Spring Wheat 2 05 2 05 Onto 76a Peas 2 25 2 25 Butter 1 1ti 40 1 10 40 Eggs 48 48 Hoge 17 75 17 71 Wool e5 '5 Hav 10 110 10 110 Potatoes per her 1 50 1 fin Wool (unwashed)....... et) 00 For Sale A few good Berkshire Boars and Sows six months old, eligible for registration and out of a litter of twelve. Also a few Ram Lambs, pare bred Oxford - downs and Grad,' Lelceat ors 10•1f ROST. 0 ('AMPBELL, Photo 41118 H. R. No, 2, Brussels, For Sade house and Into, ecntnining Ota acres, in the Vtling„ of +"ra„hra.t, Uu' property of the lace 21 rs, Agn••s RroS•n, is offeretlltor sale, Frame house, hare, trait trees, &e POo.enetalt could be given at mum For further particulars ap- ply 1” t1 net Tilos. (142Naio1 or Witt CAMERON, 1Cxeentors estate of the late Mrs. Agnea Brown, Cranbroolr. Hog for Service The undersigned will keepfor service, on 21,5 i,ob Om. 0, Morris, the there -bred York- shire hog, "Maple 1, 0 Laddie _ " Terms, 51,46 to be paid 0 time of service with privilege of returning if necessary 16.4 It. f, NICHOL, Proprietor, Phone 1010 R. R. No, 4, Brmrse's, 9 Y99999909999009999®•IDV9990o 9909'►0990991,09 eeee••A9909e o40Go94>e0oome 9eeee. eeeeee• 4, • • 0 i Clean r lth+e_ N o e } ^' *rat �.:'ami Ity'0i.. .a4. ,_..,: r;: e 9 sr i ..s _. _. 1,,.,•,^; , ', .n 'illi 0 Sweep• • • R; -� • a c.,a iw , O• sV3 •w©cv+rr^TIDF7Es84ae9]MPH9m •9 • 2 9 • CARSWELLS' place $1,500 worth of Shoes on Sale this week at prices v° ••never before equalled in Brussels, e e• Our entire Shoe stock must'be wiped out as we must have room to bring • •i • forward and display our immense stock of Fall and Winter Goods. •• • e 9 e y� ..ter: : f , } n 9 k • o n, r h� 4 9 r• � O + . . � asst tett I.. •: k u..i A Week of r 9 ii 4 • •Read Every Itear�lla y a, .:'•W and Save Money4. i 9 A 4400®0900000909000+000004.00tN4009e440G4090900N40.0k @4'099099904499000••••••090 • Men's Boots Regular $7,0o 20 pairs only Men's Oalf, Dnngnla and Patent Boots, sizes 6 to 83. Olean -sweep Sale.................. •,,, Boys' Boots Regular up to 4.00 Boys' Boots • Regular 5 00 a 80 paha only Boys' Dements and 16 pairs Boys' Patent Colt Blusher 9 Calf Beata, sizes 1 to 6. Bents, sura Ito 5. + Olean -sweep Sale 2 Olean -sweep Sale.....,... 88 o b • Women's Boots •• Regular 3.00 At • 80 pairs Doegola Kid 131urhw' • BuotR, sizes 23 to 4, • Oleate -sweep Hale,,....., 0 0 6 EFX 0 xtra 1 pairs Women's Dongola Rid, Patent Colt and J 4 leather. el i Come t l lhret are ' R t tet Petal ares Very p Women sBoats S i e• Youths' Boots Regular 3 00 20 pairs only Mineola Oalf and Patent Colt Boots, sizes 1I to 18. Olean -sweep Sale 88 Women's Boots Regular 2.75 10 pairs only \Vnmrr,'s Dnngnla Button Boots, sizes 81 33 and 4. Olean -sweep Sale • un metal 021E in Beane 0r Lace a des, til solid O pecea 23 to 53. Regular 84 50. Olean -sweep Sale• Women's Boots Regular 5.00 50 pairs Gunmetal, Dongola and Patent Leather, button and lace, cloth tops, 23 to 0. Olean -sweep Sale �� Misses' Boots Regular 2.50 20 pairs Dongola Kid Blucher and Bal. styles, sizes 11 to 2. 1 50 Olean -sweep Sale .., ,. Girls' Boots Regular 2,00 20 pairs Dougnla button and Tared Boots, sizes 8 to 104. Olean -sweep Sale . 1 08 Girls' Boots Regular 2.75 18 pairs Dnngnla Blucher Boots,Balance of Men's Rubbers, brokers sizes 83 to 10.4, Olean• sizes, While they lase sweep `Sall �e only ,........ c Women's Oxfords Regular 4,50 40 pairs Tan Calf, Chocolate ltid, Patent and Dongola Ox- fords, sizes 23 to 4.4. 98 Olean -sweep Sale Women's Oxfords Regular 2.50• 80 pairs Patent Colt, Dongnla tinct Gunmetal Oxfords, siz- es 24 to 4, Olean -sweep 9 0 Sale..... •4 Misses' Boots Regular 3,00 23 pairs Dos gale, Kid Boots, huh tau and ince stylet, sizes 98 11 to 2. Clean -sweep Sale Child's Boots Regular . 2.00 15 pairs Ohiid'm Dnngnla, tied Pat - Q 9 retIailed and buttoned Bttot.e, aizea 4 to 73, Olean-eweep Sale.. ..., Rubbers Misses' Boots Regular 3.5o 30 pairs Dengcla, Patent 0011 and Calf, button or laced, 2 38 sizes 11 to 2. Olean - sweep Sale 0 9 O 9 0 0 9 + 0 9 9 9 0 Infants' Boosts 404 40, Regular 0,50 • 211 pairs Infants' Dongola buttoned cb and laced Boots, size + 23 to 7, Oivati-ewes ;LIP 40 Sale 0 Rubbers Balance of Women's Rubbere, broken sizes,'While my gib they lust only.....,.-.... The Store that Saves y o u Money The Store with the Stock Carswefl r o i"q 0 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 (t 0 e