The Brussels Post, 1918-10-10, Page 62 Fresh as a Flower, and just as fragrant! is riot the 'tiny buds and young leaves from hill -grown shrubs-- So economical because it yields so generously in the teapot. peas c.uy' Arthur Stanwood Pier sees- weeeriatit Flou Caton eeifritn company by seeclat arrangement. *Wens. CHAPTER 1. S \. - i l'nnt'd.l ,An wee not mar ly woman .ed, u w , dema:lded by the 0vnlenee• Therlu�z soda-tr.. 1(a effort, during thee interval were unavailing. `111:°1 to 1:mst, int Attornl:'y then pr Seh::ipte'et witmeeses were all of .Midy holding The Hone Trenches, work, They are learning' to system - How shall we best hold the noun-, Mize necessary duties, to discard en- try hone trenches? How fortify, essential things and tasks, and to against surprise attacks of disease, grow mere capable in every direction emorg nun; and increasing' obstacles? --in short, to become freer to do what flow maintain the morale of our the government is now asking them fighting farm forces? flow build 10 do --Heid work ,cooking simply pro - up the resistance of the rural re -,'Per foods, canning, care of orphans, serves?. And how nourish the on-' Red Cross and other distinctively war coming soldiers and laborers, the boys',(v0rk. Consciously or unknowingly, and girls now under war age? I, they are learning to put first things guesiioiis like the above are now they formerly held necessary. They Nee. "eine thamsn'cee way out in that they formerly held Oce-4sary. They r.,.:.try l,laCCO x14 war -(imp Heed, be- are thinking, testing out cart/ daily u t, demand f f task as nr•;er before in all the +xorbrs An Unexpected Receipt. A little episode that occurred when 1 was about to leave the Seizin ICwttn t hotel at 'Tug Kong Ten, Japan, says Mr. Joseph I, C. Clarke in Japan at . First Hand, amused me greatly. I had tipped a very eflieient little maid, and was not surprised to see her standing with the others to how us out with smiles anti good wishes, "Sas yo'na ra." - Suddenly, Ise one who had forgot- ten something important, little Miss Plum. 13losson rushed over to 1110, thrust a paper' into my hand, and hacked off, bowing and smiling. I fear I blushed as I put the paper into nty. pocket. Later, on the train, I asked my learned friend, Uyeda, to trans- late its ideographs for me. 11e read 1t: aloud solemnly: "Received tip, one dollar." ;1 pelt -screened kltc heft ,at ee in -U1 a .lar of jelly, 0- • 15 fine ofr m can �(`� tis sap t' ,,t t:��lir min 7 1•, 8 1r ever 1114 tet- e t 1 , t (,cat 0 the 1) most a:tree. However humble and t-88'. y :(11111} ueimportant •t home mother h14 Edne:lte, educate, educate- hue '0- 11— ; woman, although she might. herself •'A+• ' • now staid in the lime light ,d' public: err hitherto roosidered herself, -het most cuunn daisy' habit with many <1 h -oras � •-�•••••C>-•G?•4•••o-. ••••••-.,.ee- acc0untutg. ti„ nosier hew modestscoff it' you eugges'0d that ,he 14 have been herp: - ,st Jet' (4 0 the eves 1 "studs n ," But, isn't she doing ,lust •r1-s-r.r•rr,7 of Iioreelf or ether., (;;Mads. is eallillg; that -studying her business of run-�1 '/� ��, III III `��6��• �P y1 ll �`•*• eueee up: -n her to manifest the ways and 'ting r, home on a new basis -one that ,rob Tbo., •'loss oleins by which she can now serve her • h • res i • • ; het rurally -and will allow her to give more getter - 184t108, ! only 01 Lr .-ol Ise., 1l i lly tri You know this is no fancy picture ' her eIf to her vonntre- in its 'ime (f l'ri, . •- ter what is being asked of every farm, 1 140unlau 'Are your 1so11, fit for: tighter.., I'el farmers? Are your "How To Mahe Jelly. r t ttlon-eco moth it was rar:.y to tilaxw i to,'.lw'ed the fl: rtlet A, e tat n, but they none of them 11.1:'1 a forty. He aware• the jury that h criminal re,-ord. bo fir rIS treeing.: Y.' a(1d telt but little of. their rim their it rnuvemeet,s on the nigh; of the indeed. 1 uneidering the argumet murder was c .cern ;l, Tra•;k found which they had just hard, he felt 1,1 in the few hears at 111': dispu1•a('; lardy vete. nary that he ehould epee. q1( e imp 1..a. II- was able the at a`:. He wished, however, to pr th „at- n, ling by skillful mese "-tit to them some additional reason ea.,min4.teon to 341(0;0 them and sr:,;; ,1•11Y they 4110uId. not permit the 0hem in a baa sight. but drat watt 14) •e,="ve-; to. lee greatly influenced h \V- (l1 the evi,ieme all t1(, sine District be(lr-! n's p'arti'al confa ai811 sad th A•.t-rn;>y rose and •:t 1411 •ce;1 the jury, e,:•1im0ny of :he eu5(008led po':icema He was aware, h„ said, of the solemn Dr,n,/hue. Ono 1lesitated to belie re 11 •1 I heiait m) ,'r 3 upon him; if that there 100,7 anything in this ea in a profe, ural eage:rneee t g ei a partaking of. the the nature of e. l ct hc• cna 3000 d to pe• .,,,t. or frame-up but. rc eta, nevertheless t relelm a'prel 1st: et:danc•e that htad.,lee remembered that Scanlan and t4 bran gdvt'n io this ..•ase, h•c- wcu:11 he su34ended pil(ee'ma11 Donohue ever uneenthy of the office that h;• held, diose friends or long -tending, t H . ace erel it to be 1- drat0 of tha-they had taken part in the riots at Gtr a e, f the stat, rout primarily wily' Purroy \, rt.••, --r1( s Kiat had bee bn -.1: a , ,(viutio'r1, but to e._t.b- sup;re seed or v by the ca100(0 nn: o '.'111 the tru'.il; and he 1u_ced trait so' the -tat: 40.114 ,-,t1 that the tw ',ng 0: rte ,`:main.'d 1(r.'1:et attorney. .len hail become 1r:.m.•c, as join he w-uu.ld lee ride -minded enough, when law -breakers always do. It was no theeri40W di pert d at the trial intonee'ival that the hpende proved net to sante-eq. an. indictment,. P4 I+ma 1 1 1(i : 11110 had tt40000l to admit h t ie 1..1d been in e 11( '1:Lx. 408141] 81 ' tl1'r rl 11'4 4' '3 ''011 to aUen„ 1;., b, h: for as 011(1241 11111 4110 impu. - of friend of real. In .h',4 va=e the main: sh.p and had suggested to Scanlan regarded 611 r• ,1f the defenda.t mai means 0f tical ng the txt:emo penal( :3imp'.e. Seal:len had aeknewledgei a for ere e.ime. The te: simony thdn an alibi fee Schlu fe the Time o 1n to M meats ir- of guilt ; the w(1v P �, t; In sirs y w'a .e n• h--, h had ac •11011 the murder was too varied and corn edged the full n -,s r rt: 1410nge,1 p.ete to le disregarded or dtehelieved to hint. He had nu11;(0..'-) tine re the. que:tiun why Scan en ihot,'d 41,40 e.„•114(01', he had )1art11n-- t the ,ha« trio 1 to incriminate ail innocent mal 1414 1 'widen the. 1 lf� 1. 1d been Int t.hi, partie•u111 ir.rocant ma be had been forced re:mean:L 4 longi never be solved. One e..uld nli% th,'.4r• f• ets• r' i.e,:bust offer a hypothetical explanation feet,: , i , ory it 111(0 Sehlltpt' :I. 1n'lre 'tr i'iy the z < t-1 The uspend' d 1:liceman Donohue had 1,nce -a1 Star 1.1II 1111 1 Sehlu rfe self ,r.i;sir- ,1•ue, r)nly. if we,•c - 1 !r1( a nr,m el ru.n ha,l M.A. ilarl tugI.ieri when 11; found 11- 1 friere1 r'az'ed llrmsr:tl: ; 1 S(,01'2111 ;m1 '.0.1 i11 the diffie4itiee I1'e' J had ,eP.t1 bought -there could P^ aO seeker '3'.1 rd 000140(01 by an antral lilul (00114et311)8 foe t to 0aye .'n• ,1 k of he had. with the sante de.°r0 to b b:' ti' d murderer. Ile "mud 110. feet 00lpfu1 which hid Utonipte 1 him le sure cn,ugh that this a h:a 1) , teles thefie 1r 17 11 1,411, sagge4ted prL ; f t.h. •onvlctaul of . , I•,- that Sek.upie m eht h0 the con•fcd- fen,)ma Sehlupfe•, •it ell` furry felt ''rate in the crime; an.1 Seaman in his thee(. the :teeth -nutty of ?1 tee. -•e w -h, 1-nlc1rrd',y d1 ,e:4 :-:;n ha -d g•0asped at had appeared in behalf 1f 11111 uple chs' suggt 1n. Vllupfe's arr,ost should he d' 'ereddted .11,1 that he was 11(111 it lirrnl r'. 'ole 1 1'173,wed, The guilty of she mime i11 the ma11(110 xt •Fen ee ( liecinen 1lunohue lead al- deeerilreel by Seanlaa, 1 18314 ,ist•ir ori- scan}y ln'rn .1(t iciest y discredited by vi:ngit and Ghe'ir duty to repute him event +. ., !den'- ('olIfuslon on the gui'114 but he hdnl ell0•.111,1 1: in ,t t1,:. , s,al,d, hi.; ,.1,01m -sly trumpea- justice to 1:1`- 11011 eons hole u,•gc the up my :thew t'_e r•01:,.ver. were suf- jury to 101(1(0 in 5.1411 a verdict. �, Miele evtdeteee or :he feet that h -e had to the defendant Sr111',:ut, he 41.,, ' i '111-014 1y1ng. :Maxwell 114=eel by tte- beree io )11•,',..4 far a ]d4,:t- legree Nordic -1.,''1111 1' ho. 11ad no "th. ; duty or Hi eenfe-'lien 184(1 0411) Dory partial; '1 iron care ,10letite 110 lila whether he ter some t, ef,.d(_"e:0e ha. ,1 ; t ar 1 that in at tacking Soul`au's actually fired the =.hot c'or'd not a1F ••t eon re .1:8 u 1 the n,pende:l p1: ice - 11:1•5 (130:1.-1.(00 of h1 guilt. That was "1'91 1 etenple•t<_•, and wa ,41144 113:1 by his 111 inline 1 by 11.1 sn1r11 ,1t' 14inactive- ieluecant ar1m1: ;ton 1(i th. 044 411111 of ne the revolver and the bile. '1'h: Jerry .11 tun) '1• r_,), wave : after morler was eo?d-bl'noded, premeditet-' 011,00 of imputt-nt. itehgnatiun coursing tel, and vvitaolt. any <x rtaat•ing eir ;hruugtl him, his race e•rimeo11, his eutnstenee• A lsOOlIet i1( 'th, fins,' 'Iaind=. tient hod. ]h 1415he1 the11'3,0(1 degree againet 11,3 ieftn ;1 ' Sean -- would eot rush into hie 1•heeks at the titter which f&L•ow<d each 1efereece , the ;u1p'en,led policeman h',nnlme, 4;! ir apart from the attach upon 11iin- et 1 11e argument disturbed and rlis- ma 'd him. (''ur the tint tinge he d'ee_ n to fear that the jury might alt 1l.1ly lint Dare ;guilty 0r murder in ' to brat degree. it lees) r, mod 4: 1 Ila Je ill. i1', ire mOt.'LOS;. Cel naw .11.11 i- -8f grow and em, In 1''- (-;1(11, 1 h 1 n va Ir 341• ` w::1(''.; heart - ;d1 Jerry tr1v, 1' 1c: 1',14 was It - Iii, �1 ,I t ' u:4l c , at,') nee nl r i 1 .f. She -et leaning fur- w el,), ,'11,1:!44 t.'1 Ill,,'` 01m thaugil' tut ,' -tl 011,1'- a um: fl'. J< :l) eJ '11'1 :0 I II tt les Dave' c,uth . 1 }l, t r.t (11+4.. ' ht WO:. r.. a.,ki ,: then. 1n i verdict 0111 :4! would err .r he tl-f.-nd:rot ,-.':•:, the lot i r prt••,'ty for ills 011'011• I(e te..'1 4141x, t; with 114x4144,1 over• Pet tion 18 I, t, hu, t: . n(Jn1, •a•r I s e 'l 11 1 1 1' t1,'+l f ., 1,111eful !n l% 11uu4.) 'tot till a .t 01',1 n i have 1)1r)atel: res -1t"aag,1'n to 11nt elf at Dono ' hu, 1' 1 ':11,11' ra; daughters skilled in plain work of the' Fruits to be used should he sound, e' home, of the field, of some other use.:lust ripe or slightly under ripe, and 7z fel, unfrilled railing? is your bus gathered but a short time. Wash it hand of sound hotly for his years, so` them, remove stems and cut large k that he can step into the gals left hy; fr'uits into piece's. With juicy fruits, a- the hoy and do a man':s work? Are' a(id just enough water to prevent 's your children feeding right, sleeping. burning while cooking, In using 111- right, growing right -dike site husky fruits which are not juicy, add water Y little animals they should be? And until two-thirds of the fruit is cover - n you -aro you big -minded enough and ed. look slowly until the fruits are ve sudficiently strong of body to cometsoft. Strain through a bag made se pass all that the time expects of you of flannel or two thicknesses of cheese' a -food .saving and substituting, Red cloth or similar material. o Crosti service, extra slumber of rlydck , Instead of sugar us0 % 14(41 torn e ens, a larger garden, more Tanning,! Syrup to 1 crop of fruit juice. Boil e more re,modeling, more skimping and the juice to one-third its volume :1(,d ]tat' more 'less' of everything than ever add the corn syrup. 4304 rapidly. The n 1 •.•fore?" „jelly point. is reached when tw, drops At the last ditch, aren't these the ran 4ogel1(01' 1411(1 4x11 110 an0 from o matters that are up to the form w1(- the side of the ,pour. Skin the t man just now? If her boy fails to. juice, pour into sterilized glaese14 and t pees his physical examination because cool as quickly as possible. Seal d of a bodily defect that might have with layer of paraffin 141111 a 000er of • been prevented in ehildhnoci; if her metal or paper. - husband is weakened by stomach trou-! Fruit juices may he canoed 11011, ble; if she herself is not equal to the and made into ,jelly Who'll it is more a ta=rts that have multiplied upon her -1 convenient and 'cooler and the enpply g how far might those thing'; bans been of sugar outlies it. possible. Boil so - f avoided if she hall been ,1 more think -1 gar and juke for live minutes, Pour' - ing and efficient manager? • into sterilized betties er jars. Put Suppose she had unders10od foods,' into hot-water bath, with the water e and what they do for 5tmnaclls and reaching Co the ueck 1(r' the contain - 1 livers and muse1e5 1(12(1 nerves when' ere. Allow to simmer _e to 10 mi- n improperly used. suppose- she had mutes. Seal air -tight and teat -filly - known how to "manage" to better ad-. label 011411 container, vantage and had had her house er-' ranged with the system of a work- Your Children's Teeth. shop to lighten toil; and suppose she The quality oi' every ehild's teeth is had bought labor-saving utensils :end partly determined before he d4 level. machinery and had plumbing installed, when the embryonic teeth are grow- wouid she not have been 01 a betel lug. This is One of the many zea ' ter position to serve her family, 0115 sons why the mot.hee's diet: 1111,) gen- Rad Cross and her natio!]? oral hygiene •should he watched and But it is "never t0,, late to mend", every means employed ro keep her in --even to mend a woman's ways. And excellent health. that there are fatnn women who lues The child's first teeth can he so pre doing this very thing, we have cvi- served That he arrives at the age of denee. Through their (rgaeizalionsi second dentition without a decayed they are studying what foods will du, tooth, and the permanent set r0111e3 • :hey are showing one another handy, through in perfect condition, lett tlli4 tools and exchanging' ways they have will depend more umur the ea re given discovered to "short cut" their routine than upon outside 110141, • • MAKEOIEREAO IN 3 541440103 ` 1''llmmxtea 311 ggn de 0- l,'atti. Mn6e3118h1, wholeeomo bread, rob,, N1•, wahau, n u4,1e s..rr Lea and 0),,, "...et,. +�• the Nonan: «,d eu(Rl.•, spat l`• 1'- •s Dele.,41 044 Lem, I dI r tl . 04 } or dealer . {qn (•n 114,1 tca eq,ht foal nx 9 i EtLWR1?IHTCO isiatatvtatt C.INAOA i' meat -y ;1. enJarl•m- h; r.. d nuld eb Tuan Invest se sf 1 . monthly lr Ihto ' 1! 1(6rltira /,,f yam' Mania/VI peak y . .gh our 1i.PA TIA PAYMENT PLAN 741 ,v; 1)14 for 4luokiat. n"t r rurlt<et and advice Pap 11414 ,41 ,iadly ne ley 30014rltdos H. M. CONNOLLY & CO. ,r', T03Cnat'ge, 30fi (05 Tree eportetion Building Main 1115 (i r M1NTFIEAL, GLUE. •111'., kepi eilerd about 111,m. e1(1,1•1 Lever hare been Iliad,. Xe—own? Wess it ne - the etory of r e duly and der,ply , (4n1 .P: 1 ni 11tho' ,:9 t. ! . th tt 1 11 11(l ,a4; r, th .0 h, 43004 open the is 1 <n 1 it a:`1 r t 1 '3.11 1 w.< (1) pt, ,(1,1(1 en ft'r th t1l'e 1 -,f 40,11-- 1r sl':hupre to x',1111 11 ih(4o, bat lt•aralt , r:1 .0 gl• t t '111 h'• red t nenit'11 at n ") 1111' ': 14',:.; an inf81(0,4'14 3 . :nue, ienP)l lost' won 1411 of I O f mete D. t _hu' :eel - ac i; t,v1,, L:1 un 1 asci n I e 1 •,•: n1 Iryil i fr.• Soh tai ., 1)(.a :1 I, f,: J rI „I n 1-14i has 41 •S; :, 1112(41, a f, . w 4, , I1,1,1 1. rola .404 11(1'11 ,t .11 10• or 117•(11-k rel ..'! 1:110 we re 111:•' jtuy 1 r.'dys1il art„r: t,. :::•(4(1: . el' to m:n' 1t n (14.`41,-4(..:1(, t:, 14 -t 1 •t 1 to 4 r 1 ' I a', ::"i '4) u, 1 1 n ?nail. 1 ,4. ' fll. < of tiro ,:14(,41 n n, re - 0. -.10; he.l bled lav) o'1:.,1, n-,11- ', 4100 rl together; it sag'+este,l very c•arefu en -operation on the earl of ee-fair '4,14114001). That Scanlan had in tended to ooh the store he admitted alai for that 11,0 deserved pun, hmef-t But ii had (ever Leen in h.ie mind t kill 1 he s:tOl ekee41eo', and the hand that lead );r4:.d the trigger and sent. the bt ,et ton is ('atrl 11(4501,111 010' red his• The judge's charge yeas I ,vor,(I4)1' 11_-l11$r to Scanlan nor 4o Schl((pl'e, 1 to Schlupfe. he 1',struoled th'. ;jury that their reedit: moa le either t u, 4y , f 71i11,ler in 1112 first de- gree” or N'.( guilty," These.. 1011 ed no ev,'lanee which would ,Itl:t'fy them m 1 nyi ing Sch,upfe of murder in ; ` < 1-tr-e• \ to Scanlan, his 1 .l .eel complicity in the rubbery Odell had '- el'ed in \\'al• h 4011) elluire,l the jnl'4 to 10. 1 .tont s indite tr aims hint. 1f' the 4 1y 1- .I by 1441(',,:) t,4- w11ui'1 t11l anti be had on 1111 ell n 1(r ]moor dge' of only 10- 1581)1( ol1 (e part of Sc'hlupfe 1! icy' ne cul(eeI' d t ;h h`0) i1( the r l bars to use the let 1:'t• 111 any event, t}lerl the jury ?nigh: lint hint gushy' 1(d' 11111 4 11 1' 1(1 1110 5:•1r1'r) 10gt l 1 ni m u. aunhtet It' lite;y foul i 11;:1' 111.,11 :e, had himself lire ( t'1 -hot 4:r .r �7 T Rjl S ;+a7 ,�`t that. Scanlan }-.111 idea:. i ,vet}, l (WI •t y J E.9. 0 1• vd �..T 1'edefalt ltd h d u 1 r. l e , Earn train 4111 to x35 a weak, Letarn without 14evfnp talar 1(,r Its t (1 ;i 1.1,14;' n ,•11..1 1J-, (, 440 tinetaer soot Iona 41/ AL ceLLECE OF 11( 6e it1:+ h f L:+ i, t•eP, It lap; $Gt£NCE, 109 g5 RyadiyaAv,1 romete, Can, 1 of wire was )aid 140It1 1110 31)44nl pri00 1 • to attack, and inw..'distrly teff or the :\lnerieans advanced, seam telephone instrument, were comic -dot' 411111 these o airs, and a eystevn udeet11Ue to Mind-. 11 the t'leplluue 1(1141(1eg4 of a city 0f , :[011,01111 Inhabit only. was• "non truing et lop efficiency._ During the battle rhe signal corps Looksnort' than 10,a)n feet (0 movie 'Alm. Ilu,pital faril[Ilos included 1434.1 hnspit,ll 1.1141)4, Hellen hells In the ad-' vont, (I''(40 anti 360n11 fnrtlrer hack, Of W11 101 1(.1.14 1111111 1u',rwere actually deeded. I nriug 111,' operation. the guns III •d 4J1400 ao❑ 01(0115, 1(1111 4,80(4 trucks rilrt'ird (1411 1,4114 (upplieg hl(n 1 the lines. Thi,: i-, the :;mason for "!111•ling' i'1) 4', of nartissu.•; in bowls of damp »lora, er gravel and water, for ('1n'ist- uta:: dowel':•, The lulhs are cure to flower in the window of a thing room. tl 1 th only care required is to: keep them ••uppliedwit11 water, 1 s t d tl. o le n ;, a flies :1:4.1' i ' ',tt 1,m .'i tillOho i1 1 It. 111' ' (LT I ' If a ) n ,L Nx'ti al 1,'I i f1 i,e. t -.n 1'o 1'.11 (n -'n.', i, h ml .,,f • 1410 Yft 4 { l ' " ' O e < • ' ., a 3° ' h{ 1, h- ' R G b L r n '• J� Y 111' t,.:,: 1t, lull Ho to ri- 1 u- h ', a".4,1 4',, `r -0 pl n 17)' . Ota ' 6:le tn(e, 14.11 4+ r - n; yr t l i •.n fl-N.sr .roc on 1 it 01 ,a ;nen, t r p' r. her I ph;. 111 +.1, 1, ,1 401,14111 111 i1 i1( of 11.1..1 1r 1' t lI D 1' u II ih fury ,te,,, ,.,,r 101 •t 1 Melt', '111, y i t 1 1 St 111.44''t, 1 , 1y. r•I ;4!;c:'.111 go' , '11' null ) , 11, t1 : I• 118.1 r1 el r', 1'1'0 1, ,,.I•:*u:'•LI T, tullHIIIL OPERATIONC. 1vlorvelleue Equipment slot Up in Fle- cord Time., 1" c 1(11(1 ,,, n 11:1 ell t 1'I ri- „n I1. +: 1 01 014 1141 441 1elu sed 14• ✓ 1o to' too II ,n',l' I'' 14 1. I. H111 41:11,, co,.r I fautll 'I a I- '.tt 1, !1 :v ! r i ,1It, 'll 1, 1- ,11 ,4 I t At. 1(1/ 11140t44;1 -.1r • . 1'4, ,4!,,1',,1 ( ntdes 0110 514144 ifr tiP.$li'�T5i,4,1E� ... :yt2P:;,, , g;04o'1n f%i'r ovCcra.yt 4., Coto &OHS fo�x' '7,�ae :a.C?6,Lttd14F10 1414105140 0 4 41,1140. r1E Pure, rich, mellow tone, and toile sensitive responsiveness of this famous Instrument com- bine to lift It high above the commonplace. It is a Plano that will maintain Its enduring charm for generations. Geol'gian Model, ,$500.00 THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LIMITED, OSHAWA, ONT. Canada's Oldest and Largest Plano Makers 4 t :A P g a 7 hs 41 don 0133 rr a11ac><craa.18: 13y cleaning or dyeing -restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you, good as new. Send anything from household draperies down to the finest of delicate fabric,. We pay postage or express Charges one way. When you flaillk or GLEAM, G or DYEING ''I)Illk of' Parker's ((1(• beektet nn bcusehold sugg014ti-0115 (bat Save you 11(01(07' toil) be 05711 fiwe et' r•hargw, Writ I0•41ay to Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners ,encs Dyer's 791 Yonge St. Toron(o SLA' - 9R4ffi n�}1Fttelr=t,lYil1==TiL=.1 5; w==irSIA'31','bgg•��aipp` t Jr' "'it:lf+riett „ � .'�4.1• '+R1wh;1t'it'.t L+1oglOtlii , ..t3;;• r. .xis, C t e 6i .S Beaus 1� E✓er y ,lar Uk� `w•Y^.-M1•.. �> W rte..-.... 11- is BEALIY IN DIM J a plk TAN Rnw"�` tSUN80RN,RtOflESS EptOrChLSt IEAHIElIMALAtlSNINtAU DIYfI $ NES''MAN[$Ti)ESNIN SOP19MW1Itil L % ROOUp9HE5 IS REAOIlYeu50Rate FRCt'Eli1-,< r N M co. M.r, roe t„an bVF b6Tn0 r'M,GN ) z7&d Two Sizes --Jac and $1 Don't letYa r complexion get run down thru lack of care. The 1'h ' heat • of1 t1ci 'ktchen the }r daily routed of housework, the flying duet in the air all the Mile, AS well as mutual causes, will rob you of youth and attracts ivcness if you don't take care of your complexion• the ingram's Milkweed Cream dolly. It is the only emollient that has a distinct- ive rome11101, therapeutic etract on the skin tissues. ft cleans, softens and gives health and color to the complexion. (!.very wntnaa suffers at times Item oiliness and shininess of the skin, A light moth live/We C elvwla Sovveraiuc P'oce powder (SOc) Will overcome this condition and also conceal 1110 little imperfeotions of the complexion. Other Ingram toilet aids, including Zodente for the te4th (2,'c) at your drug store. A Picture With Each Pttrchaeo Lech time you buy a package of Ingram's Toilet Aids or I'edilne your druggist w1)1 give you, without charge, a Iarge portrait of a worid- famed 4801)014 picture actress. Brach time you gat a different portrait ad you make a collection for your home, Ask your druggift. P. 17, Ingram Company Windsorr Outer10 illeW itrabyICEt1fxl, Food Control Corner, There leas been no call for slacken. Ing offerls, The impression scents to prevail that Canada has done well euon +•h 1 t rowing rains, and the future is 111431ird, sa feu' as foo11 is e0ncet•ned. Such is no;' the case, has not been the case, nor will it be lot• sonic: time to coma. The call is for ,onto and yet more production, and the cry fns food is still loud lot the ears of Canadians. The hard week and self-sacrifee of Canadians has borne frost, Great 14)4tain cannot be starved. There hi 0'1:14(011 to provide for the armies and the civilians until the no':t crop, but no more. There are no food reeer'• ves. as there should be. - indeed, Canada must double its pros duction in 1919, Let that soak in. The continent of. America has prom (sed and mast deliver 15,000,000 tons of food stuff's this coming year, In 1917-18, 10,000,000 tons were promised and will be delivered. America must produce 50 per tent. more, for the 1 Allies, That's the job before the 1 farmers and citizens of this country. The grout crops of grain in the 1.1nited :states in 1918 may not be ; duplicated next year, and Canada will have to deliver a still greater share. There are but two ways of securing lihis total -production. and conserve - 1 tion, And tile greater of these is pt•eduction. 1 The manifest duty of the hour is to prepare the land for the coming of banner props in 1919. 1 Plough, plough, plough. This Nhou)d be harnntered into the con- seiousrless of Canadians (11(01, This country, with a year's oxperi- mice in tractors, with several hundred • more of them available this fall than in 1917, e hould be able to turn over 1111111y m(111011 more (term., than ever in the history of this country. The ' more ploughed, the greater will be tho production. The weather is 'favorable, the ma- ,'hinevy is available, :he necessity of the times demands it. Theft plough, Leh. the tractors hull 1'01' 111 }mime :1 day, "The devtr•ut'tiy-ene,s of the cut eurm has not been so evident for yeare,” declaree ;11r P. Abraham, :•))airman of the ldume Gardens and \'avant lots Section of the Canada Food Board. "An early season to inn• extent. minimized the loss from this pest. The time to attack the eel worm is in the fall, if next year's avagea are to be controlled. Tire eggs of lois worm are laid in the autumn, and it' after all eggs are laid, the a'round is well broken up or plowed. the larvae will he eo .11,•ply buried ns to destroy ninety -440e per cent. !hent. '•I strongly advise," he added, "that every available foot- of town Muni Ile plowed this fall. During the winter ticve will le, plenty of time I1( organize for planting. it in 14t•.ge- 1',hles, or 0ye•u '•<•reu s, hat (tact, fell plowing Wolof, way as pos., ::Inler, (sties, and te,tl•11.' aro the only available source of surplus labor, and e,'er}• ),liner of i'041d will be r(.911 11.(1.11," rhe a1t0r1410(1 of thr < ((nada ho•„1 Board has been called to the prayt(,•e frequently adopted by Licensed Dcal- !•)e. In apples, Iurnips, potatoes an 1 other faults and vegetables, *of ha•: - ie e me, tiering in different parts :+f the country acting as their agen:s, !,eying or cnntraeting such (001411801. superintending the leading of sem,. on ears ready for shipment, and i•e- ('iying a entumissioi frnnl said rieal- ees for 5uc11 work, A1) such agents upeeaung ;n the neente• mentioned, without fires htv- ing secured r, license from. the Board, are doing s1( contrary to the Order dated 11311,, day of 1l<centhei•, 1917, wherein it state::.. '•That on and after the 1st„ 'hey er hein•uare, 11118, no person 0111111 deal v:bulesule (n fresh fruit, 1(i 1(,,:'11 yegt'tables, without first having 1;-2- :uiuetla license front the baud Con- troller,” and in violating such Order :1(•e guilty of an Offence, and suhjeor to a penalty 1101 to 0x00011 Fi (1 1, an,) not less than $1 00. 1,lCbH'I'1IN(1 COLORS 41ost people it they here (0 141+. . asked the questeon: "What color is lightning?" would an wet, eithnut - hesitatiol: ''W bit",'' Vet they would be wrong 011 the %)Mole, although white is of great fvecten1v in sheet lightning. (int in a tome -pries of 'expert observations of ow color or ila0415- it las formol 1I1Mn1 1'(((01(1)1y •that m fork lightning red is the hu0 . which occurs most fteettelltly, 181.1 very closely open the 1lcels 1(t' roil tomes blue, Thu, the sang expres- sion about "blue lightning" hes Ila origin' fact 1( 1r I not i1( fnev may lie said with 1 001115 r rt1( ty lh(i Ic 111 lightning inev+• white, 'hut it is elltsienl 1 o' to c sly sunt and green, .1s we have :teen, 1)411)le, .0 - (etre most f e(nentiv 111 displays of 1 1 sheet lightning, red solei yellow com- ing next in unser of frequency, With most people n flash 15 too sudden Sod 1llhxtling for ('arrant vision, 1,11.1 11 re- quires the 1180 of 5pe(.,al tmere)0ents certainly to determine the color of a1 110511, Ofter,) however standing upon high routed 011 a da1'4 night, the loudecape around for miles is reveal- ed for the ;fraction of tt 8eoo,1d in it color w ieh even the ra8u41 ob' $ervlr wen i1 cal'blue tlr odd er yo1.. • The 0lextte;itb ab1 It of coal ie 'Woo pr054 ll -kill 4,k 101ii,