HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-10, Page 4‘ t he fliassit4 Oust I't3Ut,ii),tY, O.'l'Ol3FR lu, tyle Woul•D a C. ;it few hell he a goad t lug for BTussels? We believe it w, int.!. What do you think ? "Wk''U. never tet the old fig fall" is the song Canadian boys Area; as they do their linty oh the battle fields over seas. This Dominion is proud of her gallant sons. A number of cities and towns )ubliat• ed over the recent victories by General Allenby in Palestine. Some plates we know of have not even a town fi-g n.r ,t staff to hoist ;,lie on. SPANISH iihfittenza, which appea-s to be first cousin to the old iagr ippe, wit i:e it may },e ease ',4,.(1 at t:inni,t wisely Le laughed at. I's .:hurt c:em• paigo so :al. has ipruu{lit the undertaker to mane a it"me. The exereise of Care and reneenhering the old addage that "A antes in Tune saves ea" will doubtless do match in preventing the inroads of this very undesired ailment, Now would be a good time la "limber lip" on church and Sabbath Scbooi work in planning a vigorous program for the Fall and coining Winter. A gentrat line-ap of tate forces fur Righteousness would inspire those on whom reg-oai- eibility rests as leaders and would en- courage the dilatory, feiut•hearted and beginners in a ;nure aggressive attitude toward the employment and improve- men: of their talents in a service that would prove helpful SA:: his I„aped All call the tidy +om of $rae,uoo,00e. King Albert :d finauci.rs may be able to make repayment when the facia bookkeepers sgltare up the account with Germany over that "scrap of paper,” Tne latter may awake to the fact that a penny wise and a pound foolish policy ie not good statesmanship nor financing sol a very satisfactory or sane basis. WHSLE we have uo desire to dettact from worthily won honors in connection with the war and a proper recognition of them, is there not danger of slopping over in the profuseness of some of the tribute -paving ? Many a man who does heroic deed, never receives even a commonplace "Thank you," while for some reasoe others are fed on "sugar and spice and all things nice," It may not be an easy matter to adjust but there's plenty of room for it, Hrwroav is repeating itself and the handwriting on the wall that brought terror to the head and heart of old Mr, Beishezzer, viz "Thou are woiehed in the bai,uices and found wanting," has been inscribed on the walls of the Kaiser's hopes and expectations. Some of the writing looks very much like the chirography of Johnnie Cannuck or his old dad -John Bull. The scribing is Targe and easily read, "On to Berlin" may be seen in outline. THE Kaiser's dream of world conquer- ing must be a real nightmare under ex isting circumstances and he will be very rudely awakened to find his place in the sun obliterated by the eclipse pro- grammed by the allies. Militarism's sun is setting, dyed red iu the blood of millions, While the victory will be glorious it has been dearly bought and the4 years' war will be long remember- ed by thousands of homes the world round, SOME faint idea may be arrived at as to the world war when it is stated that since the middle of July last, up to October 1st no less than 254,000 prisoners have been taken in France and Belgium, with 4000 cannon and 23,000 machine guns, by the Allies. This is undoubtedly a great handicap to the enemy and its continuance for an- other a' months spells VICTnse in large letters, The e,'atberiug of such a host must entail great responsibility in feeding C And caring for them and incur tremen- dous dous expense. No game Is more expen• sive than war and many a Nation will work the treadmill for long years to come before this account is balanced. "How to get the most out of your furnace " was the practical topic discus- sed last week by beating experts at Tor- onto. Negligence, dirty boilers, pipes and furnaces received a black eve. Pos- sibly a large share of these troubles are due to many grades of notoriously bad coal that consumers have been attempt• lug to bar the inroads of Jack Frost with, ‘Many of the chimneys of to -day, while perhaps all right in wood fuel days, are deficient in draught when it comes 10 use of coal, Instructions are to be issued it is said, suggesting how a furnace should be used but if the Controllers, or somebody else, will supply a sufficient quantity of the black diamoads we would not be afraid to guarantee that the average householder will be able to do the rest, We have not mune use for such noteworthy pledges as "Live horse and you will get grass," while an omit - lar demonstration shows an equine with every rib countable. �•`a;('-. ilii:';'. - .situ a .t,.t1.11.1 .., hl, t nl 1 en.tt.i t ettvtt C er lttt b_r ai c 0 11, 1. an - Ada, There will consequently i t' tt loud all tat,' the reaaty Otlta'sser.tt.e *.t every C'otnt•k 1 ant li,ta At, tt , e ...seep - that will pr's the linty a t,t '1 tl 1v IAifll of ever,. in t, t t ,...lilt. A l h,,ie .1{l, 0ree niaatian a, leen4 dill!,, t.ilien reu'1 it 1 due coarse everybody w=,l i,•. ,-1,11 Qt help, li we vete ," to u„ tz .,..•t bear arms we should ,I ill .1 l4'' lug the sinewe it.: war Settta'.. t,V has 11,1- iiia` the pnh!'r may be prohibited ftttin using hard coal until 13eeember ret. Curet, there is a limbering up lu the atr sal of sup- plies there will taut b6 tnttca danger of violating such a 6emaeel at an empty coal bin will prevent any pant i L•ty et I extravagance. As to what the outcome of stipple and ,lemau':i tnsy eventuate in is nut Clear hot the Fears; tits :gel warn - hags have been heeded i tit wiele gen- erous hand. The trouble r: tam ,•:,nne't warm yt'nr ftngsts ;•r )'itC told, !Item. The coal proi.e;ent is a puzzle thai no• i body seems to be alt':,, 1•. ,n;vv, y'h0 knows ? DXelsietc to at!'ip? , ,.`7,ir<e cif in- structiou, either is reading :;sag some line that would prove 0t prc,6t to v(u and your avocation or fol;owir;; iip some study C at w tt h it1Pn t rro..11.10014 on mane a phase of 1, fe's inteletit it; ar- riving at a point in vonr expo.—,once that is worthy of your manhood and woman- hood. Many a young person could beeomea better penman, get c'tse'y St- quaintaated with sum, selene" or :art, or familiarize themselves with the his- tory of their own lir slime °I tier lard if the orkl hrtnrs were serviceahlt• em- ployee! )leerly ,a•rrvi•selc !.alt a fanr:y for some specie' ' u'niect I1Lt' to fora: a studious habit or mark et ut a progr:em covering the passing months requ'rr:s exercise of will power and ambition. If you have a hobby. and I is laudable. put it in exercise and thereby prove your usefulness as Citizen of this great Cana- dian land, Ontario's Proud Record In Last Loan Drive this Province Raised Nearly Half of the Last Loan, averaging 579.03 each, Ontario's large place in the erttr.Intip poeititn, etf ('aaada wit, a -'ver better illusttatcd than in the last Vietiry Loan campaign, teat if it is to he tuaintained, annitht-r supt1-rue air, at will be needed its the catupttigu sle, to open. Neatly hilt the hoed sole sct'iptinns in N(lVPtnl r , 11117, we, from Ontario and there t1,- been tele that the same propr'rti tt is raptvleti this year. The ata` 'Tit it nt,ti ucii servile of Out.0 its have been now- ni8renr that that's is little i,! .speer of to eli appeilittne'nt now, 'far- {', '. i:,• 11 :IS i,"1111 lilt' (•s1 -• of munition Mak- ing, with the liberal distribution elf money which that. btio;t-, and its agricultural, mining and oilier indus- tries It/LVe Leen an a mr,st huoyau,t basis. As et result (tf the splendid campaign and the gruern11' reapnu,.' of the Iwo - pie, the Pruvinee tri' r)nttuio raised $20.1,185,400, of the $410 2811,14111 for Iiia Dominion in the Fourth Lotus This came from 303,1)00 sub et ilia s, averag- ing $70.08 rash, out ,'f the 820,0313 tet• tier's i11 all Canada, erre:tieing :$33 18. sere. greehec eatu,• second with S94,287.23)) it t m 121i,1;31 soh -ori hers ler $1-1.00 emelt, In Untot'ir, one. pet son in every 7.11 was a subscriber but :Mani- toba, with line in 7, excelled this t e•c- at'd. lit ter Dominino as it whole, one in every 11,62 people Was a sub - Scriber. Pte, Stagg Writes Tram France Thos. E. Hammond Meink ton, has received the following leiter (torn Pte. Harold M. Stagg, dater! Prance, Aug. l9• Since the letter arrived wend has been received that Pte. Stagg has been badly wounded in the back "Your very Weh1t Ole leiter of July 11Lh to hand a few (keys ago. 1 attt glad Lo hear that von are all keeping well these days. f ruts thing nicely at present, exept that occasionally P feel the ill effects of the gas I got last Fall. Our friend Aaiun' Nichoils, I hear i$ in "Blighty" suffering from tteuch fever, Lloyd Smith,et ank Offen.(Scotty) y) 511 myself ae in the same compan, "Scotty" being in the same machine gun section as myself. 1 have never seen Albert Hammond since I came to France. Hope ire is getting on well, Of course, you know we "Perth Boys" were scattered to different bili" talions when wit cattle tlVer, thus we very seltlotn meet one another. I herd the pleasure of meeting a In other of Mine some menthe ago. tie got to know Illy whet Rebottle and having a bicynle at Ids disposal name over to see me, As you may know I was highly de, lighted to see hien as it wee almost a year ago since we last met over here. My eider brother, who has been in Mesopotetrnin, for 2 years, has lately returned to t ngland on holiday, hlty' ing had it severe attack til' malaria fey. ar. He hits now returned to duty again and has been Hent to the hose in France. 1 guess h,, will be busy there. I have Net. Voted teed a mart letter' Penne mother and 1 am geld ur tell you they are all keeping well at present. I cer- tainly think you must, be bitewhen Y you correspond with so many of the boys out here and i eau acshlt'a you they will all etppteniattr your letters, I often think of the Sunday School and the happy boors we event 'Retie as young people ingef,her. I dist that the young folk in Elena will gath- er around you and still assist you in UANIK LURK8 IM [V[RYONEOFOS rive Are Ae Full of Deadly Poisons As A Germs Laboratory. AUTO- INTOXICATION OR SELF-POISONING aFRULT.A-TIVES" Absolutely Pre.. vents This Dangerous Condition. die chief cause of poor health is our neglect of the bowels, Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allow edto remain there, generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Auto• intoxication, due to non -action of the bowels, is directly responsible for serious Kidney and BladderTroubles; that it upsets the Stomach, causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum- atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and that PImples, Dashes, Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when "Fruit-a-tives" are taken to correct Constipation. "Fruit -a -lives" will protect you against Auto intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts 't tt tlt,i Entente rtlliance end the I i oe t i c rare ltavw made aceta c Itu!• nestle, who foe +•Dart' Han pros teetrd l'ub.arian Intereets 5501 an utti- ' mutual to Bulgaria early in October, 1015. Dulaalis refuted the Russian demands, The litMe,rian manifesto said that I.:oh ere,del not Helie -to w the eremites ei the Beitente, end that "Bulgaria rrtUtt auto on the ,!otia' !aide," It VMS re' 1,,,1,.,) •,1 1/1,,t 1110,-, find n,n'er denied !, ueh, ,' r , t!vel., that pi3Oret. treaty has bees t-e.,a between 13ttbtaria and. Ger- m,an. ,'"In•.-• ono; Y.ulgartnu participation In ti fC,t - r Isis' IT, 1:•18, I u ❑t sol IrooPa in•:,tded "Serbia on, Orteiee r '. Mg, lien entrance into the over tea 1„ OV.1,1111ktilla of Serbia, 'Alottlets,ttro and Allninkt by tits armies of the c, loot powers, Bulgaria's joining the :'„ideal heloma wile one of the tea- ttns that led Rumania to enter the war on the gide of the Entente late in Aug- ust, rept Th:• 2'opula+tan of Bulgaria 'was not uuunimettsly In favor of Bulgaria join- ing the Teutonic alliance. The Govern- me,nttook harsh measures against those opposed to the heir and those who were friendly to the Entente. Late in 1917 te- porte were eurreut that the military part; ht Itnt:tar e, wan being faced AY ins t•reosinR o,y'.•.itiuu. Pt emit.' Iia dn.,lnroff retired last June, and his place lila.. taken by 3f. alalinoff, who -bed been friendly to the Entente be - f. r'• Delielel.'s entered the war. gang Ferdinand an the plea of ill -health, spent the oreetet• part of last summer in lor- ntr.ny. Senn after the king returned to Soli, there were reports of unrest there, but the military party maintained the tipper hand. On Sept,:raber 14 Franco -Serbian forces attacked rhe Gctmen-Bulgarian line in \t!tct',•ltni•i, 11..1 lit ASO:`stir. Breaking through. the Allied troops rapidly ad- vanced nerthWard. Buh;:u' it, was invaded by British Poops at 0 paint north of Salontkt, and Olt September _7 General lYE.eperey, the Allied ceter:Meslmo, announced that he had received from the Bulgarian Govern- ment a proposal that military operations be suspended. pending. negotiations for en armistice. Pending discussion of the Bulgarian proposal by the Allied Govern. ments the Preach general said he would not stop fighting, but would receive re- presentatives of the Bulgarian army. The Bulgarian representatives reached Sal- on{ki Saturday, and negotiations were opened Sunday. As the armistice has been arranged on terms laid down by the Allies It is pro- bable that the Allied troops will now at- tack Austria through Bulgaria directly on all the eliminating organs. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of mice by Fruit -a -tires 'Amite d, Ottawa. ,(!shit noble• ellen is of im palling to thew the gospel ttitd the tray to the Cross. 1 look upon tits hours spent tie that house as r,uute of the happiest Lu toy life atld am sure we were all en- lightened by the messages you be, tight to u, MMA the weeks went by, sed if I tun speared I shall come hack again to visit you told ttttentl. Sttutlay School as often as possible. \C.' este baying lovely weather out !tet.' at present, Guess you have brie, ii of the doings hete lately, as no doom the papers will give a good de - set iptive account, 10 guess 1 will not de, ell thpou the subject It is now getting late so must quit for this time. !loping this letter Kettle you all in the beet of health. PTE HAROLD \I. S'r cut. HISTORY OF BULGARiA'c NEAR 3 YEARS IN WAR Buigarian representatives have agreed to en armistice—probably the first: stop hr 'Buhria'.s withdrawal from the alliance With the central powers -_a few days les:: than three years after she entered the war on the side of Germany, It was on (weber S, 1516, that Bulgaria issued a mlu,iferto, announcing her decision to cast her lot against the Entente alliance, She had been fifteen months in deciding her course. In the manifesto issued at the time of her entrance into the ranks of the bel- ligerents, the Bulgarian Government de- clared that her trade interests and ec- onomtn rights, were inseparably bound up with 'turkey, Germany and Austria. It was added that Germany had offer- ed Bulgaria in return for bar neutrality, the whole of Macedonia, including Uskub Morastir and Ochrlda. A still greater territorial expansion at the expense of Serbia was said to have been offered as a condition of active military assistance. During the period of Bulgarian nen- CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS WILL PRACTISE WHAT THP/ PREACH AMOUNT OF PAPER USED WILL BE REDUCED TO MINIMUM IN KEEP. ING WITH BIG THRIFT URGE. The Canadian Press is well to the fore in. the campaign to promote the saving both of materials and money. Air, John 51. Imrie, manager of tie Canadian Press Association, mentions it as an interesting coincidence that on the very day that the Thrift Campaign was launched in the newspapers of Canada that news print paper commit- tee of the Canadian Press Association sent out to all papers a long list of suggestions by which paper may be saved, and a resulting saving effected its labor, materials and transportation, Canada uses a large quantity of news print, hut much less per capita than does the United States, In this coun- try the consumption is 12,000 tons per year per million of the population; whereas in the United States the con- sumption is 18,000 tons per million people. In the United States the War Industries Board recently issuean or- der reducing the consumption of news print in that country. No such action has been taken in Canada as yet; but the naves print paper committee felt that every economy possible in the use of paper should be effected, not with- standing the fact that, even after the new regulations have gone into effect In the United States, the per capita consumption of paper in that country will be much higher than it is in Canada. y N®T CE I� ILITARY S ERVICE ACT,1911 MEI D AS FARMERS 1 Having in view the importance of leaving a suffi- cient number of men on those farms, which are actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows : 1, ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS I POSSESSING EXEMPTION AS FARMERS which is expiring and WHO WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with the Registrars under the M,S.A., of their respective districts, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionnaires will thereupon be issued to these men by the Registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they are contributing sufficiently to the National Food Supply, 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the Winter months, MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMITS TO ENGAGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA- TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBER- ING, MUNITION WORK, ETC. Such permits will serve to enable exempted farmers to pursue other useful occupations for the months during which farming operations cannot Fa carried on. MiLITARR`! SERVICE t1RANCt°„ • l t It v ea r'•'tatema kat idea, .4 elle le, ; atilt.! With Acknowledgments to 11e12e,.titles, To every home there comes a time when every thought, V e cry hope, every prayer for the .future centres on the recovery of one loved one. In that hour of anguish, every means to recovery is sought—the highest medical skill, trained nurses, costly treatment. Does the price matter ? It may be so great as to stagger the imagination• ---a slim beyond the possible. But does anyone ask, !(Can we do it?” I\'Ioney or no money, they do it. And somehow they pay. It may mean doing without things they think they need. It may mean privations, sacrifices, hardships. They make unbeliev- able savings, they achieve the impossible, but they get the money to pay. + + + To -day in this critical period of our nationhood, there is impera- tive need for MONEY—vast sums of money. Only one w'ay now remains to obtain, it. The nation must save, every community, every family, every in'd'ividual Canadian must save. If anyone says "I cannot save" let him consider to what extent he would pinch himself to relieve the sufferings of a loved one tit. tonne; and surely he would not pinch less for our fighting brothers in France. Without suffering actual priva- tions, nearly every family in Can- ada can reduce its standard of living, can practice reasonable thrift, can make cheerful sacrifice to enrich the life -blood of the nation. You who read this, get out pencil and paper NOW. Set doyvn the items of your living expense. Surely you will find so!Ile items there you ,:an do with- out, Determine to do v.ith(nlr them. Start TO -DAV. Save your money so that you may be in a position to lend it to your country in its time of need. Published under the authority rt the :Minister of Finance of Canada, '29 1 Cheer Up! Have you the feFlu"? Our nose is red, Our spirits blue, We've a cold in our head And an ache there, too. Auction Sales AUCTION SAr,1D FARM, FARM RTeS-K, ,MPr,RatsNTn, tloOARttnt,n RNFROTt. &o, Snttt half Lot le, Con. 6, Grey, Wednetd(t", Oat. 1810 et 1 o'clock, the following velnehle property t -I general pnrpnte mare, 1 (`lyde horse rising 7 veers, 1 perehernn mare rifling 6 years, 1 perehernn gelding rlsinit 2 years, 8 dnrlmm cow. 'metered in calf two coning in soon, 4 two•yoar olds 5 yearling beifere, D yenr•• ling AtPPrs, 7 onlven, 1 brood sow with titter et foot, 1 brood sow due to litter before tale, 2 brood eawS one elle to farrow In November, 1 litter of chunks, 40 ern. 1 pair dunk., 1 Deer• Inv enitivntnr with gratin and grime need box. 1 drill with hoe and goring tenth, 1 diet. hats row, 1 Pet 4-aeotimi diamond hnrrnws,1 T'lpery. walking plow. 1 Crown twin milking plow, 1 Perrin twin riding plow, 1 tend rnit,r 1 Mao. set Rnrris mower, 1 wagot with hex, 1 gat 1 ht' 2 n buggies 1 nearly ppe hue top 1norn „ate a tv leek, 1 gran l b a, 1 t pinsv It r mann, 1 1 hey resit t harness, bas, 1 ass plow iii harness, 1 sat stone heel,. 1 wh eelba 1 oat flietgle arrester, 1hbu hoer, 1 De Laval area 1 pen harvester with bundler, 1 1)t' Laval aronm sspnraror nearly new, a num- ber of underposts, gnnntlty of lumber 8 4 in . en and 2 inoh gnnntlty of dr stove wand, quantity of nate, quantity of Spring wheat, quantity of barley. gnnntlty of area. I hushel seed corn, 1 healed clover Reed, gee 1111131 of °lever hay, 1 cross -ant taw, lotRing ahnine, Femoral seta farm whilfotren9q and neckvokee, scythe., terltti Red other smell nannies, quentl- ty of hoesrhold fluid tura The farm ceetah,- htg'0 neves is a nrgt•:ease genet farm, well nnpplioh with water Rale without reserve es proprietor is giving tip Perming Terme -All ,mut of SID one under ansh; over that ailment 10 month• oredi1 given on ferninhh,k Reproved joint times 6 per cent off for oast, Ill tiredit nntonnts Terme of farm tnnde known ne day of Snle or on application to the u,de'si erred. D. ,1, 1m'rornocsoN, Prop, AUCTION SIA MI OF IVARM, NA1tMiiiTtH1I1, ertA1N ANT) 11.321 -Ir. 14. Stott, Attatletmer, hat received In,treetlons from the tntdr-reigt- ed to Pell by Pltblin Amadeu, et Lot 14, ('nn 14. MOSillop, hnredav, Ont,be'r 17th at 1 dolealt the renewing l-2 rows mum,.1 in calf 11 heifers "yews eget nnr'poted in vele, 1 Haut., 0 , yeers 01,1, 1 steer 8 years aid, 7 11 11101,1 2 yPP, a lid. 7 steers t veer old, 4 nnivee, l now, 15 pike 9 mnntlta ltd, 24 hent 1600 entltelt of ort., 400 huehils of barley, 15 one newer hay. If rnrm fa sold the im denontt which etre le 01rtt•ttlnta aotditlotr, will he offered the mane day Fa Pill camellia 160 nerve, more or Intel, ail tltnred with the exemption of 0 Herne of hhrdwood Unlit There la 110 WRAP lend Gootl brink house end Srot-stern bank barn, driving shed, &a Water in stable end Rens°. 'i'm'ams: --$10 and tinder (nab; over tett amount 10 menthe; (spotlit `riven no approved joint notes 0 per cert off for snob on credit ninetieth Grate to be cath Terme for Nem made known on eel Of Sete or on SpAlicationoioir. OOUTTS, Prop, AUCTION SALE 011` FARM STOCK AND items h Mems -'rho, Gundry has removed instruction., from the undersigned to sell by Public A notion an the North half of Lor 12, Con, O, 3lnrris r%'nnuenrtng at 1 U u, ,,n Frit day, October 11th 11118. the tollow,ng, that 1s 10 m"' :-1 ma re 11 ;learn 0111, 1 male 1) year. old, 1 filed ttmrP, 1 horse 6 yetis•- aid. 1 !lint,• 8 01 m• , Id,12-year Old dile,' year old tnddintt, 1 Durham bull 19 months old rrul'tered, 1 11rw11 eh1V1. teow Ueowssnpposed te. h 1 1, calf, 12•v ear lid bte„1',,i8 2 -year old hv,fet t, t, tyeorling tilt 1115, 4 ta,u'lng heifers a calve', 1 mood now, 1 fat pig, 0 pigs alder 7 ft old, abort 100 hells, 1 Mnsanr-Harris bhtder 7 ft ant pear- ly new, 1 Blnntey-Harris mower, 1 kit eat & Wood Head drip, 1 a rtltooy•Hnl'ris manure eprcodrr, I hay peke, 1 land roller, t velliveter, 1 elan harrow, set bion harrows, 2 plows, i 2 -furrow riding plow, 1 geng plow, sat weigh seeks, !aniline nee I. 2 moving hese', 1 8 h,r,P power vxsoltne em girls 1 to 1111, pulps!' 1 enffi's, 1 set bob-•Li;;hs. 1 lumber wn:•nn, 1 ha. rva'k, 1 amok 111 alt. 1 ear rope,. and stilus, 10 bop, pea-, Pboot 2(00 bushels lttixrd grata, 1 top linger, I entice, 2 Nola doubts Ilarneoe, 1 set single Imposes, oink!•• buggy, 1 nrindatntle, 1 5151atte ,,ream :separator , 28 gal steel nil barrel, a quantity of rants -in the row, it imam bite of tools, foie, hos+, oto , and other aril• clt•s too nnunerottt to mention a number of honeehold nrtinles will also ha offered for isle Ila]ndin 6 , O, t ian mime. Terme: ,.- --All Inn ehnsPs of $IO UO and under !lire over len' nntotwt 12 months credit on an: to ved Joint notes, A diemnutt of 4 per oast off for et,h on credit nrrlannts 01110 Jou 14 eleltmenv, ltx• tender of theestate of the tete John 51e)t1rty, A tjt'TION et' 1.10Ole FARM, IPARRK 8111ae'1i, fie tatrortt weer-, &0 -F, R. aeon. Atot tl ,,,,»,,• lets received tnntrnotion' front the emit., lgn• eel Protn•letnr to Bell by Public Auction nl; South Einlf, Lot 18, (11111. 4 Morris, 1 oo-days Ootob1,' 15th, et 1 o'etnelt, the follawtug vnhr- able property: -1 driving hove 7 ,v, els old, 1 general purpose gelding 8 t oars old, 1 nolo rl to, a„ (stye time or ,site, D neiwt°01,0.011 11Ow, , 8 heifers seen, old snpl,nHedshl self, 7 strove 23Dare old, 2 hs1Pe'e 1 v ear old 2 steers 1 tear old, 4 0),Ing Datum, 1 brood sow in pill, 2 pig, 2 menthe old, 1 Deming yaks, 10 PL 1 Mas"r y- liltrrl" binder 8 0 • vitt, 1 Massy -Harris mower 0'1 ft cut, 1 10•hoso.Novel meets drill, 1 Noxnn disc hareem, 1 met iron harrow. 4 Keynons I land roller, 1 new Nntinnnl twits plow with rolling uoltee. 1 w,tlldn) plow, 1 .aline•, 1 wagon, 1 nutter, pole nod 011111:., 1 lop buggy, n 1 0011 ng box 1 pithier, 1 etnneboat.,1 log beet lone, hide roe. hay Perla Tope, put ley, and Aims, 2 net. of 1,1,ni fineness, 2 mate of eingl, harness, 1 nietoe fun id ,,g m111, rt 201111lbs wagotl Mlle.. 2 dozen grain begs, hay root, stook rack, gravel box wagon box, 1wood reale, 1 Het sleighs, 1 stall! Kemper1 Orrell separator 1)n l oval Nn 12, 11)0 eerier pasts, 2 set+ of wllifllntrees, forks, shovels and other arttales ton nunreroin to went lett. Ito• itlonento are all in goon mould ion Form (tantalite 100 nares, about 76 Gere. okayed and whole fast in grins Irrans house, bane barn, pig pen, hen bonito, &c. Ornbard 5111 good mewing meek 51110 WI 1 bout Ialrrv" IN proprietor ie giving up farthing. Toms: --All stun0 01$5 and under rash - over tent nntonnts 12 rnottiha or,dit given 111 fnrntthing approved Joint i,ott•a, 4 per n lit off for moll on eepatt amt note Teem for non, m,.d1 klit.wn on day of Bele or n apphmti setrr 10 the undue. eisnea, ROBIt, s1161DDIDN, Prop. Farm for Sale 100 errs fn,nt for =ado, hning Lot 22, Con, 10, Grey tnwn,hb, 02 Rare+ elwtl'ed Pile bnlat100 in pasture On the, promisee Is n new brink 1100so, 10x27, with kitehtit 18x22; gond bank iarn,64xt0 ; goo` drilled well, orchard &c, t''ar fart 11011 nor Menhirs anel,v on the premises to JOHN 1? GAYNOR, 12.4 Ilan. sole R R. No. 8, Farm for Sale ('nnlninhlg 2110 Peres, viz., Sl4 Lot 80, Pot 8, Mo, tow n•hlp, and lot I, lion, 5. Grey town• ship we!) a stored. comfortable haute, batik born 111111 Io,pl ere PIt P11, d,'ivb,g 1100,1,n, tvrl'd mill, orchard, &c 214 mile. North of. 1'trresele of gravel road. aural mail and 'moil 'Phone, to mile to nrhnel. W111 Belt either or both f,uons U'„r Farther particulars apply to A1.1tX UYlh!• ' '1' r X H, Proprietor, Ilrusae0.4 or V. S. eattrrr, Brussels. esti! for Service The nndrrmgned wlllla,ep for sorvlo°, on 834 `sot 110, (ton. 2, klorris tnwnehle, the thorn' -ere short Gent !dull, Gainford of :intent, No. 93110 - .Hirer! by (3nbtford Marques 11028901 ; Iei ulldrett VII' by Royal Sailor 1181160. Pod• lures mug be soon on nppltcution Tlerme- 03,1,0 for grail*, end $10 02 for thnro'-bred(, T110el. PI111(010, Proprietor. farm for Sale or to Rent Then llllll n,'tl gal ed Oifai'a 1,0,' fano, being Lot 10,110a 8, (+rev, Ibr /11110 lir 10 1'0111 Good hulldoi0o,nu1 rnrm, Will wnloratl I:j.t' miles to church, e..a ...ten given Marne lot next with privilege of dohs!.• P511 plowing, For further pnrtlrttlm'e apply to 241)3, PAUL HO'lat1r5IOR, Locke Ow, Farms for Sale 1110 malts lir land, for male, one farm Lot 15, North half (ion. 9, M orris' taweehip, centehltug Oil acre, There are on tato prenldoee It good Prone bootie, bank barn Nano ft„ also o driving abed with pig pen netlat'n,nib, Whey barn with cement etelding and n 1renti ltotme not orad, Fo'nt le in n good state of ottltivatiot Pad 10 weitm'ed with a tuning oreelr and well with windmill Alpo 03 fan 111, Con. 8, con. teeming 100 neves mostly unite', wall wete'red by spring t I molts hardwood Intel), gond orelmrd nnrl -11,1111 lulnttt 111018 fall'Itie are 111 drai- el!WS y011114100 101d full) 110 POW mope rete or 10• ,o.i her n, res menble pr,res A111.1y Tar fuP- 1tarpaltacubus ttt rs .18hn 1,1511'03., 0011 1111X of aatnte of John Otal0lroy, B1yth P. 0„ or Itobt, shortrood, Walton P.0, te,