HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-10, Page 3From Erin's Green Isle WHY NOT BEA MECHANIC
Happenings In the Emerald Isle of
Interest to Irish-
A card rationing system has been
suggested as a solution of the coal
supply problem in Dublin. -
The sales of war savings certifi-
cates In Ireland for the month of
Juno amounted to £175,008.
The Hon. John Donohoe Fitzgerald,
who died recently in Dublin,
left an estate valued at £121,103.
Tho death has occurred at Monte
.Carlo of Lord Wallseourt, of Ardfry
Castle, Otamnore, County Galway.
Mr, Shortt has stated that the
Irish Government will take up the
question of re -housing after the war.
Constable McBrien, Royal Irish
Constabulary, has been appointed
clerk to the station sergeant at Bel-
Lieut. -Col. P. E. Leahy, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Leahy, Tralee, was
killed by a shell while leading his
men into action.
Word has been received of the
death in action of Colonel A. C.
Pratt, R.I.P., of Enniseope, County
It is stated that previous service in
the army would bo the chief qualifi-
cation for appointments in the Metro-
politan Police Force, Dublin,
Employers who are paying less
than the minimum wages have been
warned that they will be proceeded
against by the government.
Lieut. J. R. Barnett, R.A.F., son
of R. Barnett, Leeson Park Avenue,
Dublin, was accidentally killed while
The Cork $l ^en' Packet Co. has
hewn sold to a large shipping firm,
but the name of the firm has not
vet been disclosed.
The death is announced of Dent-
e -el L. Corbel, of Bettyville, Fer-
moy, a brother of the late General
Thomas Murphy, the Faythe, Wex-
ford, has received Lloyd's silver med-
al and £50 for having saved fifty
lives at sea.
The Irish 'Turk Club has given
£1,000 to the Irish Red Cross Soci-
ety and £sil1U to the Irish Prisoners
of War Fund.
Major J. C. Callaghan, R.A.F., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Callaghan, Fern -
done, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, has been
killed in action.
The St. Patrick's Society of
Shanghai are giving !:7G a year to
endow a heti in Galway hospital for
Irish soldiers.
Private James Duffy, a native of
Letter,corny, was decorated with the
Victoria Cross by the King at Buck-
ingham Palace.
It Is Said Famous Cassel Collection
Will Be Released.
Berlin despatches say that the
agreement heiween flermaity and the
Matelot Soviet provides for the return
to Germany of the valuable paintings
oarrled from ('aotel to Paris in 1806
end afterward soli( to the Hermitage
in Petrograd, says the Chicago Daily
News, :Amon; the pictures are sev-
eral famous works by Rembrandt.
The group of pictures in the FIer-
mitage, galleries at Petrograd known
HS the Cassel colleetiot have had an
interesting history. They were gath-
ered together by the landgraves of
Ilesse and (arse(, Germany, in 1306
Napoleon seized them and transported
then( to Frame and turned then( over
to the (impress Jenephhne. They then
became a part of the so-called 1Mn1-
ole Stu collentlon of thirty-eight pic-
tures. After the fall of Napoleon the
Hermiitlge severed the collection for
840,0(10 francs (about $236,000), n price
(hat to -day would be paid for ole of
theictures alone, The Hermitage
1 6e
;leo purchased paintings from the col-
leetinos o1' Queen Hortense of .Holland,
and of Marshal Soull, one of Napoleon's
generals, many of which were coned,
ed by the spoliation of other galleries.
It Is believed that some of the Cassel
idetur'es are lib these ColleetlOne also,
Tho hermitage collection is among the
finest in the world. It includes forty -
0110 Rembrendle, six Velasquezes,
sixtyone llnvennes, thirty-four Van
Dyc•i,e, forty Teeters, nine Potter's,
forty Rnysdnels, twenty 1lnrtllns, fifty
Wouvermans and luau others. Tho
Germans have been agitating for the
reform of the ltir•lures of the Cassel
10110ctio0 for several yew's. As the
l lefn»lli:1 have removed many famous
works of aft from St. Quentin, Teton,
11111000s and other omen-tiedcities it
remains to he seen w110111er or not
they will melte good them' boast that
they do this to place them in security,
or whether they will have to bs,furceit
in disgorge them at the end of the war.
The Banner,
A man who has taken touch inter-
est in the woman suffrage movement
was pereuaded to carry a 1)11111101' in
!fit wife observed hint marching
with a dejected air and carrying his
blunter so that, it hung limply of its
standard, and later she reproved hint
for net making a hotter appeaeatice.
"WA'ity didn't you march like some -
hotly, tend let the people 000 yore
Intoner?" sir aelod,
"Drnrit; sighed the husband, "did
y'011 Mee What W11.4 011 (hire banner?
71. read '.Any n :1n 0,111 veli:., Why
can't 17' "
Have You Mechanical Ability?
Can You Drive a Car?
Gan You Handle Horses?
Aro You a Good Clerk??
Do You Understand Ganollne Engines?
le here oHerod for mon In Medical Category "13" who are under the
U.S.A., and for men who aro not under the M.S.A., to work In the
flying fields, workshops and oliless of the royal Air Force in Canada.
No other branch of the Service offers the possibilities for Improve -
Ment that is obtained by ambltioue endeavor In Royal Air Throe
work. It is a big opportunity to serve the Allied cause, 01 congenial
and healthy surroundings, and in instructive and intereeting work.
If you are skilled in a R.A.F. trade, you will be given the op-
portunity to work at it; it you are unskilled, you will have the
chance to make Yourself proficient in some branch of work that will
be of benefit to you when you return to civilian life,
,04,0.0011.4, 1- v ,:.rN✓f
Bread Shortage Affects the French
Nation More Seriously Than
Any Other.
All but six of the famous St. Ber-
nard dogs kept by the monks of that
ancient monastery hl the Alps have
been hillock Shortage of meat caused
!by the war led to this massacre.
I The Bt. Bernard Pass is of. historical
1 renown. It connects the valleys of the
Rhone and the Dora Baltea. It was
!traversed by Roman legions thousands
i of 750114 ago. In mediaeval times the
(pass served the armies of conquerors
and the hands of mercenaries. Napo-
leon crossed the Alps at this point in
The great monastery was built in the
middle of the sixteeelth century. It was
maintained for the relief of travellers
l who were surprised by snowstorms
while crossing the pate. The St. Ber-
nard dogs were used to find the frozen
`vtethns of the storms in the snow-
drifts. They were specially trained
for this work tit relief and carried the
first aiu to the injured 10 a little has -
tel. attached to their collars. These
dogs rescued thousands of human be-
ings, many of whom were of historical
in eminence. And for the first. time in
the history of this ftlnulns monastery
Gm dogs had to he slaughtered for
want of food. •
Human Food First Interest.
At other tinges a report of this sort
would create pr01bu111 interest in
Paris, but at present the human race
It'thlnking of its own necessities and
cares less about dog beroet living
more than 8,100 feet above the surface
of the sea.
TO -day the people of France are re-
stricted in the constnuptiou of pleat,
bread o' any other article of food in
the making of which dough or flour is
used nncl sugar. 'There aro three meat-
less days and to prevent auy ole bur -
Ing meat in advance the rule restricts
purchases to 200 grains of meat on a
day proceeding a meatless day.
The sale or neat in probibited on
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
In hotels and restaurants 110 guest is
entitled to more than 100 grams of
meat as part of a meal Tuesdays. This
restriction is aimed at hoarding. .Elven
slaughter hooses are entirely closed
the ltetttless clays. Thus the attempt
1 Itr ,u" I
wnnni,..t(t , �mit
II+i 110/,1l
111 tp f1 0 ilhl
l• A.. 4hnhtl Y.• : ,l, 1,
1 _ ®"ta it .
Saves ffine.
or'y and
and a tot of dis-
comforts when
the morning' cup
rather than
±va or coffee
Postum is
free from caf-
-Foine,is made in
a rpornen-L, is de-
licious, and +he
acme of +able bev-
erage economy.
For, chanje try
Ii *11STNT
Is made to prevent as fur at; possible,
any violation of the ru1e.
Of course any attempt at rolfurcing
restrictions of this sort in the pro-
vinces would he eeedh'en. French
peasants cat little cleat, once or twice
a week at the most, if at tell.
French Are Frugal People.
The average Reglishman• consumes
much more neat. England had three
meatless days a week, 0011154 to res-
taurants and similae dining rooms, be
ginning in the slimmer of 1017. how-
ever, these meatless days were abolish-
ed, the order taking effect May 17 this
year. In place of the former restric-
tion a meat card was issued. 'This
card entitles the holder to a certain
amount of meat, which 1m may buy
four specified days of the week. Eng-
lishmen ere constmlug about double
the amount of meat eaten by the sante
number of Frenchmen at present.
French frugality in neat is the more
remarkable as it is accompanied by a
similar and niuch more drastic restric-
tion in the eonsnmption of bread. "A
Frenchman," according to a peace time
wit, "Is a gentleman who wears a de-
coration and orders au extra portion
of bread." Bread has been the staff
of life for the French people.
Still, France is in a better position
than adjacent countries, Meat is very
scarce and costly in Belgium. In Ant-
werp one has to pay Iwenly francs for
I re -
Faithful Servants Are Cared For By ; or •ti CCt CCIPda]i
Blue Croat Society. ! Days
Not every n c. t' ',lues tete tape"- 1 ,
taut 1,10:0 w hu II d"t;a are feeble in
Otte war, 1)1' co'(01', Iht etetl(L+n (,e-
ked training dee., -, (' 0 +. a 11 qua by
yeiire 10:1, Lot the Frc",.l did qtr,+iliup:
in diet line for tem 3,:,100 atter our 1
!mil beetle. They now hay„ 1-,000
treilu t1 er in tn:einiuf:. Thee, ere
eared for by the, 1(1uu cresta, whi+9t. nt
the regtleM of the 1"r'tt.rtl llove•rt1-
neint,•lme att, deet a dig hospital to
til Lb'," 1(1(1e 1.rq t Lase hoopflne, 1,1
France where 0111 hereee tiro treated.
All dugs named 1 (11,1 (,moll army
are received at them basr,t, dishif'r't-
(id and quararttieed. 'They ere then
assigned for duty or training.
Terriers are used to free the trettth-
I es of rate, and the larger dogs are lama
for patrol work, to pollee prieenere,
as lust aids to euahuluures t1 0::rry
:eppifancen 111td water, to eeek out the
v;nquded men in shell lt„lc,I and out-of-
the-way places. it Is said that Samo-
y e, flogs have actually save -I In"
guns to whi,41 (0 were harnessed;
they carry sheile, and oven draw
sleighs and light transport. Pe-ritai,1
must important of all are the, tneeeen-
ger dogs, which ran travel where men
camtot go, and exceed any other mes-
:stinger except the pigeon In speed.
They travel through the barrage, mak-
Ing 23 or 24 miler, an hour, and are,
( literally, "faithful unto (tenth," steer-
ing oven when wounded to perform
their alluted task. No tine would ques-
tion for an instant the One ai>pretla-
1 tion which has caused the French Gov -
le "mention" its dogs in des-
(51(11(0 4,
No far, over 1,000 clogs have been
treated at the hospitals. All opera -I
I dans on dogs and horses are perform-
' ed under anaesthetics by trained
:veterinarians. The town of Messley
lately presented to Lady Smith-Dnr-
rien, president of dee Blue Cross fund,
in cheque for 21,050, which is the first
Instalment of its subscription towards
this fine work. Moseley is a town of
only 3,000 lehabitants.
Thistle Down.
:Thistle down, thistle down,
Blowing from the west,
Steil across the surging seas
I To the boy that I love best.
Kiss his rosy lips for me ,
P And nestle in his ear,
And whisper "Mother waits for
Son -Boy, over here."
a pound of pleat end thirty francs fur To -day the birds are singilig
a pound of bacon. In illeerle, near Ant -1 In their choirs of maple trees,
were, a butcher paid 2,625 francs for And the goldenrod is courted
a two-year-old steer. Cows are sold By the hum of myriad bees;
for 1,000 and goats for 500 Prones The squirrels with heaven-sent 0151011
Swiss Regulation Strict. Add to their winter store;
At Vat de Trovers, Switzerland, two
And the streamlet ripples laughingly
I butchers were round guilty of beving To join the ocean's roar.
violated the Government rule regula-
ting the price ((1 ,.elves. 'The butchers
(But what is that sails Otto view
were fined 1 500 it -ares each and will
And wakes me from my trance?
have to pay the cost of the trial while An airship blots out heaven's blue
, fifteen farmers, to whom the butchers And speaks of war and France!
bad paid( more than the maximum The wild flowers wilt, the song birds
prico allowed, were acquitted by the cease;
in the course of pt'oeeedings in the
court it was shown that an army of-
ficer of the commissary department in
buying cattle for the army had also Thistle down, thistle deet(,
pnitt mere than the maximum prier. Blowing from the west,
Permitted. Now the State's attorney
is going to prosecute the army officer Rail 'across the surging seas
for the sante eff0nce for which the two To the boy that 1 love best.
Ki Itis rosy lips for me
j1nd nestle in his ear,
And whisper: "Mother waits for you
Son -Boy over here."
Quick Excavation.
caused increased prices. When Sir Harry Lauder, the 'Scot-
tish comedian, who now spends most
ERASING BLOTS ON THE MAP. of his time singing to the boys at
the front, gave one such entertain -
Names of Allied Heroes Should Re. ment to the Canadians up near Ypres,
place Those of German Origin, be took. his place at the bottom of a
I+lvey Cttirnnan mune which occurs
of natural amphitheatre, on the
011 the mop of the British 14mpire. is a silos of which the soldiers grouped
blot which ought to he erased, and themselves. After he was through
he stood talking to one of the o
snmeilnng more worthy pal in its fE-
cera and asked him 11010 often the
German shells landed fair inside the
All beauty fades away!
The world's at war! dear God sent(
My son's in France to -day!
butchers wore fond guilty,
In Vienna meat rations for hotels,
dining rooms and boarding houses
were cut 20 per cent., beginning July
1, Elven meat supplies for hospitals
were reduced 10 per cent. This
place: Whtd. Briton wants to live in
a Schoenberg, n 1CaIscretnhl, or n Grnt1 eemsentratien camp
the(, names which sound Jr" Oho 'Oh, I don't know," said the officer;
things that swine say when they are slow] 1 -le looked around. "kou
n1 the trough, 00 longing to be? know that ]tole. Hot, were Tinging in South .Australia hies taken the lead just now?"
I nodded, says the comedian. I had
guessed that it hail been made by
a shell.
"Well, (hat's the result of a Hoche
shell," he said. "If you'd mune 1
Olivedele 101' Oliveul(till,,ror wholly yes-
terday we've had had to tinct another
cha.ngiug the Hunte for something place 10' your concert!"
which will in future remind the inbabl-
(;MIS 111 the mighty eh'uggla for the '.A, he sai, and gt•iuneel, "F1'e'
to expoigiug front bet- borders every
name which offends the eye and ear
by its Ttunnitb origin, and either simp-
ly ttlld sufficiently anglicising it, as
Snnuuerileld . for 3tnatnt>rfeltlt, and
The Little Drum,
!; T wile brie,- when their told me he
1, tutu' yiino;
1 llh.:l n s u'ttr tut L0•,t awful day, 1
li 7) >u rli r' •-, r=1117 lie1 1 that had ever i
(eft rr: t' , r' ly life lead putted 1
I ire;; , 11,11 •si„• 111nir1"0,1 hie empty {:
1l'lu r I priitn re:1 up his ehithes
ir1 tied;
1NVii. '.1 r;ln,rt
I,it ,irt+m---I
Chie, indeed, is this little vest tlfeet
which slips under the panel in the
hack and buttons front over gath-
ered chemisette. McCall Pattern
No. 8489, Ladies' Dress, In 6 sizes,
34 to 44 bust: Price, 25 cents.
Cheek suits always appeal for fall:
wear. This attractive design has an,
interesting shawl -collar which Levee
a soft finish to the neck. 1McC'ai'. Pat-
tern No. 8487, Ladies' Croat, In 11
sizes, 34 to 44 bust, No, 8188,
Ladies'-'I'wo or Tln•ee-Piece 8 •' e, In
7 size's, 22 to' 34 waist. Price, 20
cents each.
These patterns may be obtained'
front your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co„ 70 Bond 01.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
0 0 -o o--u-o--
° No foolishness! Lift your corns
° and calluses off with fingers
-It's like magic!
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns 00
any kind 1f a corn, r111 harmlessly be
lifted right out 1N110 the Angers If you
apply upon the emit a few drops of
freezone, sclyt a Cincinnati authority,
l"or little tont nue 10111 get a .a11111
bottle of freezrate et any drug store..
which will positively rid one's feet of
every corn or coitus without 1ain.
This simple drug dries the 11101nVtI
it is applied and dm's not even irri-
tate the surrounding 'kin whole ate
plying it or afterwards.
Th le announcement wall intareet
!many of our readers. if your drag ,
gist hasn't any 19'eeznue tell bum to
liturgy get 11 mall bottle for ynd limn
his wholesale drug house.
'i'o Be Exact.
A recruit on night guard duty for
the ,first Lim:, observed a shadowy
form approaching:. Following his in
,tructiotls, he cried:
"Halt! Who goes there'"
"Shut up!" a husky voice replied
with come impatience. "T ain't rohlg;
Pm coming beek."
I ewe bis 111(10
could nre look at
It meee ! err lets:•• t.,> e:pesli-- that
lit 11-. drtm,
fh It +ir t, '1(01+1 1 ^ih±;t now
To me more eloquent, thr+lhh dumb,
Theon !my v ,i.•" on earth, I vow.
'box 'a":,r ,r that out of all his
111 in! tie
iii: shoes, his wagon. ball and
r1, 1't west. pr tenantmetn'1•ies
print s.-
A4d etiil 1 .enhor leek at it.
M - the; beauty lotion for p few
Bents and see for yourself.
AA'luet eiti or ',",lilt tit hasn't heard of
lemon juice to remove complexion
Blemishes; to whiten the :41in and to
tui»t, eat the tits, the. 11001140as and
the hidden bearty7 But lemon juice
alone Is aa1d, 1het'rf''re irritating, and
should be mixed with orchard whit,,
this: way. Strain through 0 fele 1111th
the julep of two fresh lemons into a
bottle containing about three Minces
of ot:ltard white. then ehelie well and
you have a whole quarter pint of skin
and e,mplexiolt lotion at tthtut the,
cls( cue usually plays for e email jar
of nrdlnary void (ream, 10 sure to
strain the lemon joke so n1 pulp gets
into the bottle, then this lotion will
remain pure end fresh fur menthe,. ,
When applied daily to the flue. Heels,
arnll' and (lands It ehuuuld help to
bleach, clear. smoothen find bIt 113
the skin.
Any drnggislwill supply (ere,
ounces of orchard whit, al t'e1,1
A Napoleon.
It requires ability to 'ted Tn
business, Quite often business suc-
cess is due to ability like Carker'd,
t'nrker's partl,ee said W him the
ether day:
"In whew of the watt' a:atlt'( ("j r-
- kor, :tali t Aimee], the weight of
Otte 1',lerled y, or ehH 1.e raise the
Carter frowned a Napoleonic 1iusi-
11e1e frown.
Htlnnph," Ile ,,,!d, "why no1, rho
both ? u
eiree 101)) eeeetlag laoutlttrI s,psvafyq
(hit: y 1 , ....frig automobiles tut
nm itatlen geee, that resembles
loll ho.. !ren ;nvented in Europe,
p1 un TRAIT 111 F:NTS t4',NTIyO
1 good prints. , tr Finishing a siet•lalty.
l"ramee and 000, thing at Inapt prices.
railed Art , t 1(runtitvt t: A 1'.,
11,1 0, ',11:1117: LLLIVICRPD,
1F ueln,:.n. ,,10:,01',. Reid Bros.
Rothwell. _erie
')[71 l,i. t l' l I.1 1:11 NEWSPAPER
r ,u1(1 t1 a! ( 11r'rPt d 53160 Easter
A'„ f"r sl. -i 1• n0 011 sale. Bo;c Bs,
,vile.,n I'u t,l i••Ainr r„ Ltd:. Toronto.
,•;F:1St .y N( '.'1l'API,P.R P01: SALE
+1. C..s iml,ni'. t>wnln• going io
''"rats ^ 1 li •It , \Porth rL,uble
t,,al u., i , .1 Ih.. r.'., A'ilsoa.
itu •,c , 0,11,I ,I T",onto.
cost and the groeet• has the iee e. NASOELLAXi0II8
A good story appears in nr,4 of
Ian Hay's hooks which ,haul! :land
repeating. The scene is n
but "over there." A Cockney se: dier,
thinking to be smart, secs that a
German spy got into the lin,. "Nee;
see," said the Cnekney, 'tete spy was
disguised as a Joke, and tile 0040.7.
being a Scotty, didn't sir him." .'After
the laughter had sub. ided a bra''. ny
"Jock" turned to the teeeeley and
said, "I suppose ye think yl•re encu
clever, hat look here, any emeni0. did
it ever occur to you e,het wad ;per:
tae England of SeM Med we, ,a, earl,
a separate peeve burn
,f iAN, t:1 'rt'11 ut.N, 1.17a7P$,
n, t ,1111 ,t rel, t'ured With.
VW' 1i , , h t,.atment, (Ori Le
e n-, 1 I,•. 1 1.t'llmatt tledieeI
0',. (1 , • ;c'••,d. Ont,
ifP 1 2 ftr,' I
not rr. `
Minartl's Llniine,t roe ante osuvy^•aero.
What Lime Does.
Besides being 0 ]dant food itself,
ilme helps most soils by improving
the structure of the grains; it sweet-
ens the roil, thereby aiding the little
living germs celled haetoria, by set-
ting free the potash that is locked
'rp in ,Ile ,•nit ..
Buy Sear out -of -toe -0 supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders. Dive
Dotter, ,eete three ,''tits.
et est Needs More He:+erne+.
Fur -thee ertere.ilms a1' the ale1,T set
apart et Teesteru (',nada as forest
reserves are trucli to be desired. No
elle') reser" Ore ]lav 110511 111aa;e since
1013, though very rorsiclerable areas (('
have been round epon eeaminitt1011 to
be :lliedy •....,,',1. for forest pmt•-
Mlu141,1" XdatiuentCures Morns Ste,
-All,:, the ,,-'sell( !'Iit:35t ,0 -'cath-
e+ed I•re'n'h taller ere 1 le almost
stripped of n",.e .mareee esti
tury piat•pu . ' .-^-
ltait hinge.{ 10 tilt: 1.110- :,1' „ 1it'e-
hoat and which spread out when it is
afloat ie give addi15ionel liadyant'r
form e recently ! 1t,r,t.ed ,'ewe Por'
Mafety at -ea.
flue orange was i . Uy v p9a"-
h1tpcd fruit, not mueu largo: than tt
cherry. and it. 14 said that ells 0'010,
lion i0 to 10 tteeb•e _cut I,•;'• 1,! Ont..
til at, 1
011! Is that so," said 1.
freedom of mankind whidt we It1•e didn't tell you before, harry, because'
passing through al thus era in the we didn't want you to 1001 nervous
world's history, nuance like hlomt or anything. like that while you were
Kitchener, Beatty. Mantle, Dorrien, Al- singlug.
But it wail obliging of Ie'ritr,
(111 17' .1 Illi oe, Jutland.
,lnrdtie' Mons, now, waelt't It ? Think of his taking
and ('antbrti• the trouble to dig out a fine theatre
Already this hos been dune in Iso' for us that way!"
"it was obliging of him, to be
sure," I said, rather 1117(7.
"That's what we said," said the
ofilcen. "Why, as soon as T saw the
(tole thtit shell had made, 1 said to
Campbell, '13y Jove, there's the very
place for Barry Lauder's concert to-
morrow!' And he agreed with ate!"
Just $o.
'To be successful a farmer has to be
sharp as a raiser.
The earliest crockery designs made
use of in England were secured
from the Chinese.
Coal is defined LW "11 e, b f upatl.te.
combustible substance of vegv able
orgalt, taking miliioes of yen's to
form." -
fated cases to the other colonies; bet:
a clean sweep ought to he made, and
the great names, which are legion, of
British. and French and Italian heroes,
of towns not less heroic, of battles
called after places which are no longs
of anything but 0 scarred mud -heap,
substituted for them.
On the -
C to u
"The way the Germans count their
prisoners," said Lha ofliee boy, "re-
minds me of the circus barks' who
stood in front of the Lent and barked:
"Walk up, ladies and gents. Welk
up and see the remarkable Afilcalt
hyena, 1ieatures 10 'feet from the
tip of his nose to the end of his
tail, and the so1110 distaece hack
agaiu, malting 112 feet in ((11. 1V'n1k
right up, ladles and gents."
:Mimu'd'e Liniment Co . Limited.
Germtz,..A coq;tinier of ours cured
very bad case of distemper In a vain- ,
able horse by 1110 tete of SIINABD S
CHr,\\T lel I+'l11111EH.
The consumption of torte flesh for
Monne food i11 France is steadily in-
creasing. Purls alone reports that
70,(11)0 horn's were slntightered :fen•
filed brat year.
lttinnrcee Liniment Currie DaaaeulU,
Alm(r,t any malt will tell yott
that t31ua11's Liniment
means relief
For peieti tilgg 1001711], 112: 118011
Jt (1 110 has :offered from rheumatic,
aches 301011 ss of morales, stiffness
of jcn te, the results of weather ex-
lVenit'n, too, by the hundreds of i
thousands uee it for relieving nein,
itis, lame Tacks, neural ia, sick head-
ache Clean. refreshing, soothing;
economical, quickly effective, Styr
s1oJn Llttiment" 10 )'our dtuggisi.
Made in Canada, (xct it today.
a big knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
:ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat,
will clean 0 off without laying up.
the horse. No blister, no taint'
gone. Concentrated -only a few
'drops require,( at an application. $2.50 per
reale 4,111 rod. Dercdbe sour este for Veda Inatfuctl.n,.
.nd Book B R free. ABSORBINS,JR., the and:
septic liniment for mankind. reduces Painful Swellings.
11nlafred Glenda, Wens, Smiles. Varicose Veins; ablate
Pain and Inflammation. Price S1.2S A hotel. at dturralt.f
deli,erod. Liberal trial bottle postpaid for 100.
W, 1. YOUNG. P.D. F..51 B unapt Mee MontreaLCana
ensuring sad Absorbing, Jr., tea m(11 la Canadf.
mui tv1n' 5onet'PASTEES
1 E DA11.10 coMMRaTION-11.ni,IIAMILTOR,CliWA.
c « a
Pimples ,-n Face
That Itched and Burned.
Scratched Constantly..
"I had pimples and blackheads on
my face which were caused by bad
blood. They came to a bead
and were bard and red canoe
ing disfigurement for the,
time being. They itched
and burned eo much that
I constantly scratch, d and
made tbern worse.
"I sent for a free sample of Collative
Soap and Ointment, and eeetwsrds
bought more. Now I ar. 00111pletely -
heated." (Signed) Miss to:upbine A.
Wetmore, 35 Sheriff St , '1. john,
N. 'L3a Aug. 10,1017.
Keep your skin clear by .'ring Cuti-
aura for every -day tour, 1.0008.
Per 1'ree Sample Iiacit lr} lttaff ad,.
dresspost»card: "Cuticlro, Rapt. A,
Boston, II, S..A," Sold to :vwbere.
1sD.7 iSet 10••'18