The Brussels Post, 1918-10-10, Page 1VOL„ 47 .Y0, 15 $1.5o Per Annum in Advance
BRUSSE LS. ONTARi0. 771 C1 16:DAY, OCTOBER lo. 1918
D.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111E111 11111 111111111111111111111111 111111111111
g 115-
III 1111 111111111 111 111 11111111111111 11111 '
Thrift is the Maker
of Character
Thrift is patriotic at this time.
It 'is more—it is evidence of prac-
tical common sense, sound .judg-
ment and prudence, because it
shows you are willing to make
present sacrifice for future com-
This Bank will gladly open a Savings
Account for you, and deposits may be made
by mail or in person.
Bank of Nova Scotia
P3id-up Capital $ 6,500,000
Reserve Fund . 12,000,000
Rewttrces . 130,000,000
10, 11, GILROY
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Looals-Rieharde & 0o.
Strased-Ceell Bateman.
Wanted -Bell Engine Co,
For Sale -W R. Broadfoot.
Auot Ion Sale Rnbt. Mutts.
For sale -Robb 0 Campbell.
Hog for service -R. L Nichol.
For sale -Agnes Brown estate.
Women wanteil-R Thomson.
Auction Sale -11.T Hutchinson.
3 amity bleat Nlarket-D 13. MoDonald.
istrizt Rews
Gran brook
A few farm gales are said to be
about completed in this locality.
A. number. from this locality took in
the School Fairs at Pultoir's school and
at Ethel and pronounce them tip top,
Next Sunday afteentem Rev. Mr.
Kerr, of Gm.rie, will preach a alission-
are sermon in Lhe Nleiliodist
Rev. Mr. Bentley, of%Velum' gave a ,
gond Missiouary etiEl 10,01Sundey
11 18 veld Mr Leitch will veceive the
appointment of Pest MOO es ItA 01' 11) to the tete A. Ray maim The
°Mee has been in the Leitch stove
since the eetuoval of A. J. lielm to
With itn small regret we 1 eport that
Edith, daughter of Harry and Mrs.
K8yV, 11104 broken 11i1,4 t('). iegs
agate. This is 5 or 6 times that the
same rniefurtune is hers owing to 1 ha
brittle condition of her Mmes. We
hope the heeoine will soon be
able to get about and that the break-
ages are at an end.
Auction Sale
Household Furniture
At the Skating [link, Brussels
Saturday, October 12
at 2 p. In,
Terme Gash
F. S. Scott, W. A. Grewaes
Auctioneer. Proprietor,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
October 22, E & 24
first-class Talent will carry out a 0e-
lightful Program for the 3 Joyous Heys
Reserved Sent tickets foe the
Course (6 Enter(ainments) will
be the small ente of $2,00,
Plan of Hall will open lu rlue thee
et the Drug store of hrs. Fox.
Rockery° the datee — October 22,
23 and 24,
Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr.
Martin conducted service in the Pres-
byterean church and next Sunday
Rev. Mr. Rasa iv expected
About 60 guests assembled at the
home of Jim. and Mrs Got salitz, who
live Haat of here, 011 the evening Of
September 27th, to celebrate the 201)1
anniversary oP their marriage. A
very enjoyable time WAS spent in
games, noteic and social chat. Pips.
en le were ollinerous and chosen,
runong them being a fine dinner set of
dishes by the brothers and sisters
of the host, and hostess. A.
tasty lunch was served and
the guests swig, "Blest be the tie
that binds." After spending a happy
evening "They are jolly good fellnws"
and the National A111118311 were sung
and the folk departed foi their reepec-
tive homes wishing 51e, and Mrs.
Gorsiditz ninny happy petunia of 1118
day This worthy temple have lived
in the same neighborhood eve). 5)1188
their. 15)1013 1(1(13' and the groom of 20
years ago considerably longer Two
ch.ldren 11141111g to the family. 0-crie,
who iN 31 Hi: nein on tie NI 0 11,
making his headquaet iest at St.
Thomas 101 the 0,8)11, and Mies
Edith at, lime late house decora»
timer were 1133(3.131) fol remsieting of
eel e, s, dahlias :Lod glaeliolue. ()helve
g, arnoplinile inueic 09W1 seeder ed due.
11114 11(1' eveoing.
The report of the successful schonl
Fair is expected for next, week.
A 1 epresent at toe front Duff's chureh
will 31118110 Missionatt, Coefetenee
of the W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Listit ul e will be postponed
from Thmsday, Oct. 17th, to Thurs-
day, Oct. 24th.
Last; Sunday A. '1'. Cooper, Temper-
ance Seceetary, took the serviee in-th
Methodist churches on Waltnit cireuit,
Rev. Me, Bentley WWI at Brussels,
1a.0 Anotion Sale has been 113115113 '(3'.
ed by Rohert. 01110 ts of his Fill III,
Farm etook, &u.. at Lot. 14, 0011 14,
McKillop township, for Thursday
afternoon nf next, week. T111101511101115
yiII also be i:ff e if t 150 7°7 a iE
(Bicckc115 61„i
hardwood hush mi the place. See li-I
of ettle in this issue.
Repots say we may get, a ette
anal in neat. fu tire
Miss Ferne Eck M101 , 3ern Mitt it,
14(311111 1)133 week end 19)3 )1 old ft beide
George Kreuter, NV, J. 01411 k and
Wm. Kt.auter motored to 'One/niter
this week.
0. Oleaver is installed in business
and should make a firet-class hard -
wave merchants
On Thatikegiving day Post.offiee
hours will be 8 to 9 111 (0111.1 4 30
5 80 p m. W. T. SPBNCE, Post master,
Oil tionnunt of Communion servive
being held in the Peesh yteeiati church
next 13iinday the Sabbath School will
be withritawn.
Rev. Mr. Marlin preached in the
Pi emby Lariat) chtlech last Sunday
N xt Sunday Rev. Mr ROSS is expect-
ed 10 occupy the pulpit.
Owing to Mies McLelland being tin-
der the weal her for a few days, Miss
13allantyne is in full 'halve of school,
Hope she will be on the job soon
The war news Was joyfully receieed
Sunday and some wets inclined to
have a demonstration of some kind but
others) Who were more consider•ate,
"1)10)1 )1 we'd nee look wall juet after
etunite out 0' the kirk."
A. yen: interesting address on Horne
and Foreign Missions illuetrated by
chart; was given in the Methodist
chureh by the paetor Rev. Itir, John.
son on Sunday everting. This Obast
showed amount eubecnbed by all ap-
e:dr:tut:elle in WillglInin Bien Int and
how dial ribti led The firotrodel reserlter
proved 118) 1) 14/1 14e ar el 0, $260 00 errs
the objective and $190.00 was paid and
wben all mune 315 10 in we hope to remelt
full amount if 11111 (3781' leach it.
Goof) lrmst.-A 101 (133 crowd ati end-
ed School Vale Wednesday of lest
week, Weather looked dismal agiug
In the mornieg but turned ont to be a
beautiful day. Everybody seemed 10
enjoy thenotelves and were apparent.
ly anxious to make Fate 811001401.
Beeper was Reseed 111 the school room
by Girls' Club. Lunch held out good
and everything wee a financial ren-
t:es, A list of prize whiner:4 will be
given inters Proceeds 5)3840. 00n.
cert, in 1)10 1(70013(1 by Ford wIch peop-
le was well given and 3(1001) appreciat-
ed, Hall was full and running over
early in the evening and a great many
unable to gain admittance which
made it more difficult to tree]) order,
Proceeds from Concert 880.40.
'ran Poss. gi Yee the news.
Auction Sale at Mrs, John MeHroy's
81.11 line, Friday afternoon of this
School holidays Thursday and Fri-
day of this week and also next Mon-
day. The former are Teachers' Con-
vention dates and the latter Thanke-
giving day.
Tints was a large representation of
Morrisites at Wingleon on Monday to
attend the Nominalion penceedinge in
0011110011011 with North litwon P10'
711101(01 bye election. Will it be a 3
cor tier (4C1 light on December 2nd, is the
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
Farm, P308111 Strick, implemerite, &c.,
al, Robert Sheddett's, 813 Lot 10, Con.
4, on Tuesday aftertionn of next week,
at 1 p. 111. Sale without reserve es
prop, tetor pueposeseiving up far ming.
In the list published on page 4 there
are 2 mietakes. It should read 7 font
binder and 10 hoe drill,
Colin McCallum was a visitor at the
linme of his brother, Jas,, at Owen
The farm of Mrs. P11111 Smeltzer,
advei bleed iti THE POST, hes been
Fall wot k is being pushed on the:
farm looking toward the coming
Win ter.
The School Fail. at Fldton's school
Was a decided success and was credit-
able to 1111 who had to do with it.
This week James and Mrs. Mc-
Callum and daughter, Helen Maeguer-
ite,, acre making 10 visit, at the parental
A number of cases are cropping up
of lagrippe or indications of Spanish
influenza, under the new title, it is
Turnbull & Son sold the
young Short 1001.11 boll that tonk lst
p8150 at Brussels Fall Fair to 1:114110h
Ghee., of Bornholm.
Mrs, Walden has been and still is,
no, the sick list at the home of her
1311/81115, Jrto. and Mee. Speivan. We
hope she will 5)1011 be fully restored.
Mitt. Wilmot( Evans, 12th Con , has
1011111811 ftom a vie') with Listowel
end Atwood friends. She llas not
been #I '3' Mg I ho best of bett1111
and e hope her outing will prove
Milton and Will Luwe were at Jar -
vie and brambly last week where they
ptirehaeed cro. lead of gond 115.11111.
They 141)81' 11111111 by Auntein Sale at
Central Hot el ye Ills, 13ruesele nn mon-
tiny afternoon of 110111 44,1,811, 14111 filet,
1)118i Ilg (he peat week Angus Brown,
15th Con , has been ill with laguippe
followed by symptoms of 1311811O1010/1
and has 130811 1111000 the care of &eerie
1010 HUI SP. C1111001108, ( he little 8011,
has been on the sick list too. We hope
speedy convalescence will eneue.
The tax collecting of the Southern
pan of Grey townehip, will not be
done by Oliver Turnbull this yeats
owing to changed conditions at the
banks he thought the salary Meal'.
cient for the extra work. Mr, Turn-
bull hag been bothered with rheritutt-
iron nu,. P..1 Blithop will be Collett -
ler fie' 1.1114 37111118 tOW eship.
It is reported that, Outlet Harvey
HOOV1411, 01131 of R. J. and Mrs. Hoover,
9, h Onn., has been called to Ifhtgland
I(1on) the trenches in Pi mute to 10.
''"37" 1 itmtilnissi(lo''91110)1 18 expaated
I It, Lieutenant. Harvey has had a
nosy time im he firing 111 .3) and some
very 01)518 H118,0813 for his life If gond
eisies will bring hitn home o, k. theta
' wee he slom1:1 (11 3)178,
an ms Tuasocs We wish to 10(0-
( 3) (Minks for the kind -
,14(4 ehown to us by neighbors and
feleittlsi liver. death of our aoldier lad-
die, Archie, in P1'51100, 14110 wounding
of 0111 Soli, George, Their sympathy
wee much appreciated and came as a,
helm to soerowi g hearts.
Yours very truly,
As D. G. Botching:in, Hist Lot 16,
01111 0, lel ends giving np fu ming and
going to P11013e103', Parry Smind, he
will hold an Aectinn Sale of fet.m,
farm stook, (nlplernnIe, &n , Wed-
nesday of next; week, li'. S. Seri will
he the Auctimmer. Mn. Iltitehittson
and femily expect to remove :dumb the
1811 of November. The list, of the Sale
may be read in this week' e Poe'r.
The followieg letter relating to.
Whitfield Rne, eon of Flett hay Roe,
9111 0031.3 will be of interest to mealy
in this locality, who is now in Wool-
wich, England, hospital :-
DEAR SIR. -PriVeAte Whitfield Roe has
been admitted to the Royal Herberb
hospital,. suffering from elm shot
(500(3(314 in the right leg and left knee,
but Red Cross: 9)51 103' called recently
to see him and tells us that the right
leg ie getting on fairly all vista, but
that he suffers a good deal of pain at
present with the left, knee, as this log
is on a long splint with an extension.
They however hope to 1021 0(1 to email -
es splint reson, whieli will help him
emteitieeably,' 9111111 be signed
vomiter' y and shnnld he smelt* any
ro her comfort h814111(18 What the
Hospital provides we shall -gladly sup -
ply them to hire limn our pereels
Trueting he may improve
rapidly in health and soon be fit
'Fours truly,
D. Ensue:Tut,
Roy Cleland, Atwood, completed
with his ditching nouthine for Thos.
Inglis, 01 0103' township, 44 they of
drainage which took 22.000 tile. He
:deo completed for D. G. MeQuarrie
contract that took between 4000 and
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following ho
the ieport, for 14, S. No, 5, Grey town -
:ship, for the month of September.
Names are ateal,ged ecemding to mer-
it :-Jr. IV, -Earl Mills, Isabel Brem-
ner, Gertrude Elveleigh, Howard
Beir»es, 8r, Armstrong,
Nellie Campbell, Rata Mille, 110)13) 01100
&earner, Elizabeth Lucas. Jr. III. -
Edna Eveleigh, Margaret Armetrong,
Myrtle Ward, Alex. Alexander,
Myrtle ()arson, Verna Carson, Se.
II. -Ethel Ward, Clarence Clarke,
Willie Lucas, Norman Beirnes, Jessie
Campbell, MHIVY11 Hamilton Sr.
Printer-- Hugh Armstrong, Lena
Ward, Leslie °arson. Jr. Primer -
Annie Eveleigh, F38115, L11011.5,
M. A. BURGESS, Teacher..
A letter 118.8 been received by the
parents of Pt.e. George 131108017, from
their son, He metes he was injured
by a piece of shrapnel going through
his left wrist and coming tint in the
palm of his hell& 'rho patient is now
in a eon valeecen 1 hospital in Epertm,
England, Ide was wounded on Sept.
2nd, the same day as his brother,
Archie was killed, George did not
know of his le•other's death when he
wrote as they were in different unite.
11 mu, the fleet time up the line for
Archleand he MS inetantly
T118 3, d son of Me, and 35,14. Barron,
whn is the only one left at home, is on
call brit may not have to go. We
would think the Barron fasnily had
already done full dirty.
The Anniversary at Roe's church
resulted very successfully. On Sun-
day gond seem:Ins were preached by
Rev. S. Davison, Belgrave, Moen-
ing text was 14), John 17-21 and in the
evening the subject was "Not asham-
ed of Cheist," Romans 1.16. The
preacher 58.0(1 10 fine solo at each ser -
7)00 also. There were good congrega-
tions and among the visitors were
t epresen tati yes of former brollies of
the congregation, viz, Roe's, Ray_
011(1)') and Smith's, Tuesday evening
the entertainment was held and was
nutch enjoyed, Rev. J W. Jnhnson,
pastoe, hi the chair and a good
program was presented by Rev. and
Mee. Davison, with Miss Ferne Eck-
mier as accompanist. Financial pt 0-
CPPrifi from the anniversary were
$68 00.
Miss Rutile Taite spent a few days
at. T00111110 last week.
Quite a 'umbel. from hers attended
Nomination at Wingham, on Monday, -
George Haney received wot'don
Tuesday that his son, Pte. H. Haney,
No 654703, was wounded Sept. 29th
and is now in hospital in France.
A11111VP1S0,17 5E1101000 ill the 350(31)).
(1)51 church here next Sunday, Oct,
13th, Rev, Mr. Johnson, of Ethel,
will preach at 1045 as In. and 7.30
p. 115.
Mrs. Ohns. Malcolm is visiting
friends in Hamilton.
Jas. Pim, 01'1151101A, called on friends
in the village on Friday,
Alvin Hemphill and Thos. [letup -
hill sr., Hensel!, were in the village on
1311)1)1) 113',
A inenaorial service for the late Pte.
Ralph Smith will be held in the
Methodist church, Sunday afternoon
at 2 30.
Mrs, Thos. Thompson had official
word Monday that tree husband who
was badly wnunded some weeks ago
is now seriously
Jun. Rntledge, Brampton, attended
the fonetal of David Galloway, of
Wingliern, which took place on Wed-
nesday afteettoon to the Wroxeter
cemetery from the residence of his
daughters Mrs, Henry Johann, Eel -
Monclay morning at ail early linue
0110 was discovered in the wooden
stoeebouses and stables at the real, et
the Harland block, anci altiumeh Ree-
nter) responded promptly it was ini-*
possible to prevent, the total loss of
11101 glass and oil warehouse of Har-
land Bros., the storehouse and stable
of Ball 1,5 Atkinson, and a stable and
shed belonging to W. M. Harland.
Herlanti Bros, had about $2,000 worth
of glass clestenyed, also oils and hard-
ware supplies. Ball & Atkinson lost a
big stook 01 bed swings, e. Winter
hearse and other supplies. The losses
are fully coveeed.
A meeting of the Worneit's Institute
sill he held 1( 11110 Forester's Ilell on
Tuesday, 15th inst. Important, busi-
ness is nn the program and a full at-
tendance eequestecl,
Omelet) Geddes, Lireknow, well
known heee, lett for Ohicago, where
he has accepted an engagement with
the Chautauqua. He will he one of a
reale quattette taking part in the
011autatignn, circuit en teetaittmen ts.
Needless to say he will perforin his
part with ability. •
Mierisontsm Oiluttels ANNIVERSA.11Y.
-Next Sabbath anniversary 8081110118
will be preached in the Methodist
alinteth heee, at 11.30 a. nI. mid 8 p, w.
by Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. IX, of Dore w
cheaters a former., pastor. Speeial ha
otrutic by the Artie. Monday availing, al
a play entitled "The Mininter's Beide" ea,
will be resented in 1110 Foresters' in
11313)), W. 11. Willis, Winghern, solo- Ft
ist, will also assist. Tickets 25 and 15 Ot
cents, Program at 8 o'clock, This se
anniversary promisee to be specially On,
interesting. dr
Chautauqua festivd1
OCTOBall 22, 23 & 24
well known on the Obautarique plat-
form, will give the opening entei Lain -
1115111 both afternoon and eyeniug, pre-
senting an old Japanese play, entitled
"The Mirror" and a Scene from
Modem) Japanese Life under the
caption of "On the Road to Tokio,"
both abundantly enriched by the use
of Japanese scenery, Japanese cos.
tames, Japanese objects of art, and
the Japanese inueical instruments and
song;s, There is nothing more enique
and fascinating than these wondeeful
entertainments, brought out, of the
Very heart of Japan by a high class
native and his wife, revealing the en-
chantments of the Island Empire of
the Pacific, We will learn much from
these two entertainments regrading
life among our allies in far away
the famous cartoonist and clay -
modeller, will Ills° appear both after-
noon and evening, with entertain-
ments that sparkle with wisdom's
genu enclustered in settings of Wil
and embellished with beautiful °rea-
tions of art in crayon anHe
d clay.
combines the lecturer and the enter-
tainer 111 a most clever manner, aston-
ishing the audience with his versatili-
ty, talking every moment that he
works at Ills sketches and models and
working every moment that he talks,
The Imperial Entertainers will pre-
sent an offering of great attractive-
ness, rendering a full program at their
afternoon appearance and preluding
the lecture by Shoreland F. Fenno
in the evening. They consist of 1)1
following four members :-
A Russian violinist of remarkable
ability. He 18 (0 fact one of the very
best violinists it has been our good
fortune to secure for Chautauqua.
Mr. Skibineky uses his violin with
dashitig, careless confidence, .energy,
true intonation and marked facility.
The remarkable thing ahem 141311)10.
sky is that he had his left band shat-
tered in an accident eight years ago,
losing the greater portion of his index
finger and now fingers his violin as
well as ever with the 0333033301110151(5(3 in.
dex which he himself invented -a
wonderful example of determined
the well known p9pular Canadian
baritone, who has just finished a
Summer's engagement with us with
remarkable acceptance, He pleases
immensely both by voice and manner.
Mr. DeMillie renders both classical
and popular selections, blending the
serious and the humorous in a way to
thoroughly captivate his auditors.
Reader, Trombonist, Entertainer.
She has personal magnetism in a
"sleeked degree. Her repertoire is
varied, and her interpretations are
characterized by a manifest sincerity,
Her trombone work adds variety to
the program.
In the two Sisters Wells, there is
found the perfect ensemble that
rightly belongs to members of one
family, and this shows excellently in
their Trombone and Piano svoik,
while each as a Reader manifests that
naturalness and simplicity to be found
only in the good artist.
Accompanist, Pianist, Reader. Her
character delineations are of rave
merit. As a Pianist 81)10 15 sympathe-
tic, and completely unites herself
with the singer in rendeving just the
support needed to secure the best re.
sults. Her character delineations re-
veal lier an artist with discrimination
in sketch and character that render
her work a delight.
A vigorous lecturer, full of "ginger."
a heed hitter, with a vital message,
He will give his well known lecture
upon "Community Parasites," which
deals with Community Problems 11110
is a great booster for the home town.
Mr, Fannon has been in community
betterment work for over 10 years,
has been President of a Commercial
Club, and is an expert in diagnosing
"communititie," the disease so pre-
valent in the imagination of fault-
finders tvhen "It,'s not your town, but
700" that's to blame. He will deliver
the above lecture the second night of
the Festival and give a brief lecture
oleo in the afternoon.
An orehestra 0)1 51)1 pieces, composed
of a reader and five eolniets. They
present a, varied program -orchestra
monbees, solos, trios, duets, 110(0)0(19
From among theie numbee they pro-
cluce a cornetist, a clarinetist, a
soprano soloist, a 'cellist, a violinist, a
demi:niers an xylophone player, a
pianist; and readee. A sterling band
of brilliant Emote:There, One of the
strongest musical companies on
Chau tanqua,
as sent to the front to secure (ha-
nd information fns Chantamput
idiences, and he gives it with the
ption "IT11081' the Stars and Stripes
France," He was a member of the
iblicity Commission which came to
tbada, Nom the States, Ile de -
vibes interesting experiences with
maim boys in Paris dining the
ive of 4iat'ch turd Aped. He typifiee
W. H. KERR, .Proptietor
÷ +
÷ 4.
+ II .t.. ...............
meat market
5" • I Wert) to slate to the public that
I have opened up a. new Meat T.
Market in the
• where I will keep a choice stook
• of the best Meats to be obtained, T,
• Will also handle all kinds of 4.
+ Smoked and Cured 3581115 and a +
full line of Cooked Meats,
• Goode Delivered on Short Notice +
1. to all parte of the town. 4+
.f Will be pleased to receive a 4'
• share of the patronage and will
guerantee setisfaction.
Cosh Paid for Hides.
Phone lex
D. L McDonald
the American spirit of unstinted pre-
paration to win the war, and is the
embodiment nf the eplendicl apprecia-
tion of the States el her sister :relict")
on the North. It will be a rare treat
to bear Mr. Wiggam and to see the
war souvenirs that he exhibits, He
has a big war lecture, vital, eloquent,
significant and insPiring. Mr. Wig -
gam 18 30 scientist ; five hundred 118408-
paper4 use his scientific articles. His
knowledge is vast, and he uses it to
enrich his 180111(18 01) the war,
Pte, Archie Barron's Death
The following letter 078.5 eereived by
Mee. Alex. Barren, Grey township,
and gives the part ieulars of the death
of her brave son in fighting in France
for the Empire
• 358.8. BARRON.-T am dere sots
ry than I can telt you, that your son
Archie was killed by machine gun flre,
while charging a German Strong
point during our last attack. He had
just joined UR, and it was his first trip
in the line. I thought you 031(111)1 11)18
to know from one who W148 near him
just as he went across, He was in my
section and right next to me when he
fell. I feel sure he never suffered any
for he WWI killed instantly by a bullet,
The best end a soldier earl wish for.
EV011 though he was only with us a
few days I liked him ver y much 5110
feel 1(0133 1130(3 he lived he would have
been a fine soldier in the line and was
quite fearless. The pity of this war is
destroying so many fine young lives,
especially those from Canada who are
so badly needed over there. Since it
had to be you can have the satisfac-
tion of knowing your son died like
a man. 'rendering you my sincerest
sympathy in your great loss. I remain
Yours Sincerely.
September 12t.h.
Brussels Council
The regular meeting of the Municip-
al (louncil was held last Monday evert-
ing, all the members present and
Reeve Plum presiding,
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following 8.10011015 were presented
and ordered to be paid :-
Anderson Bros., Fire $ 1 00
R. Oliver, salary . 45 00
Ed. Brewer, Fire Dept, ...... 11 25
S, Weinstein, 11)30 Dept 8 00
R. Thnell, Electric Light ...... 125 00
By-law No, 9, 1918, striking the rate
for this year was read 3 times and pas.
sod. Particulars exe as follows ;-
Amt. required Rate
Co. purposes $1,701 4 5/10
Local rate
Frontage rate,
General school,
School deist.
13.1181' Dec, weve
Telephone rate has to be added to
Rale is same as last year 5% added
Dec, 14, R. Oliver will do the
59,812 25 mills
3421 0 2/10
844 2 8/10
870 1
two tenders for cutting
anal hauling the wood bought by the
town, Wiu. Kreuter, asked $3 00 and
Geo, Hirt $2,50. Oontract was award-
ed to latter and papers were complet.
ed. Wood will be cut 26 inches and
Will be sold at 54.50 and $5.00 per cord
acconling to quality (priee varying ac-
eording 10 proportion of limbs) wood
is to be measured by Constable Oliver
or Olerk Scott before being delivered.
It will all be hard wood. Colitractor
will rush the wok and get as much as
possible this season,
Reeve Plum was leased the bad in
connection with Lhe gravel pit for $10,
per s:ear, subject to sale of land when
he is to be paid for the plowing, on
motion of Freser-Wilton.
A petition was presented asking for
electric light on cornet of John and
Mill etreet, No anion but trees be-
tween Tertiberry and John will be
trimmed to let Main street light
brighten the corner,
Gravel required to cover broken
stone at street to J. Logan's mill was
to lar Supplied, ploptietsw to be at ex-
pense of hauling it.
°mined then adjourned,
W, 14, Prawn., Liberal, has Two
21 wide split in the Oonsetrative
party in North Huron became evident
to -day when the nominationwere
made for the candidates to contest
the seat made vacant in the Provincial
house by the resignation of A. H.
Musgrove, While the Liberals of the
riding are solidly behiud W, id. Free.
ev, who Wee nominated to -day, the
Conservatives have 2 useu in the field,
Dr. Thomas E. Case, of Duuannon,
and George Spotton, of Winghara.
Mr. Spotton styled himself an In-
dependent Couservative, and claimed
111101 110 had not received a square deal
111 11110 Coueervative nomination meet-
ing held b01115 tisne ago.
It appears that, the vote' Wasik tie
on that occasion, between Dr. Oase
and Mr, Spotter', and the President,
Dr. Redumud, had cast the deciding
vote in favor of Dr. Ottee.
Mr, Spotton claims that Dr, Case is
the chosen candidate of Dr. Redmond,
but that he (Spotton) is the candidate
of the Conservatives of the ridiug.
The nomination meeting was well
attended. Richard Proctor, of Morris
Township, 09I15 chosen ehairman by
the meeting.
De. Jacques, 141, P. P. for Heidi -
mend, Was prenent and voice on be,
half of Dr. Case . nnt, he etated as a
epreerntative or the Governneent,
but as a aelmolmate 01' Dr. Case.
Both medical men defended the policy
of the present Government.
Mr. Fraser ,received an ovation
when he spoke. He referred to
extravagances of the Hearst. Govern-
ment, especially in the departments
of Education and Agriculture, and
also to those in connection with the
government how's at Toronto.
The election takes place eight weeks
from to -day, December 2. George
Walker, ramming officer for North
Huron received the nominations.
The Chaplain Writes Relating to
Death of Pte. W. Denman
Following letter was received by D.
Denman, Brussels, from a Chaplain,
concerning the death of one of our
town boys
DEAR 51B. DENHAN t-1 ant writing
to a.ssure you of the sincere sympathy
of our whole battalion with sem in the
death of your sou, Pte. W. Deuraan,
who wee killed in action Sept. 3rd,
during the battle in which the Oana-
diens broke through the Drucourt
Queant line and won back so many
miles of territory from German hands.
While he was advanciug with his
platoon against the village of Saude-
mont he was instantly killed by a
direct hit from a shell. Two days lat-
er his body was removed from the
battlefield and given Christian burial
in the British Military cemetery at
Duey crucifix, the exact location be-
ing Plot 1, Row A, Grave 82. His
persoual effects are being forwarded
to you through the regular channels,
but please do not look for them much
before the New Year. Your son join-
ed the battalion only a few weeks ago,
while I was away wounded and I did
001 118.70 the opportunity of getting
to know him, but all the men with
whom he was associated in "B" Com-
pany speak in the highest terms of
him aud of his conduct during the
fight up to the time Ile was killed.
May the knowledge of 1118 self-sacri lice,
following in the footsteps of our Lord
and Almighty God's consolation be
your comfort at this time. No life
laid down as was your son's is in vain
nor will he surely fail of reward at the
hands of a merciful and just Creator.
In sincere sympathy I remain faith -
folly yours,
A. H. ParEsT, Chaplain.
Grey Council
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Grey met in the Township
Hall, Ethel, on October. 7111, Mem-
bees all present, Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and con-
lhAnlerequisici'thin was received from
Alex. McDonald asking to have a.
portion of the McDonald Municipal
Drniu repaired. Jas F. Collins was
appointed fo examine the drain and
have the necessary work done,
Peter J. Bishop WM appoin WI Local
Fuel Commissioner for the Township
of Grey,
Owing to the fact that for this year
the ratepayers have not been granted
the privilege of paying their taxes to
the banks, thereby entailing more
work on the part of the Collectors,
Oliver Turnbull, Collector for the
South Division of Grey, tendered his
resignation enless an increase in
salary would be granted. Mr. Tarn -
bull's resignation woe accepted, and
Peter J. Bishop was appointed Collect-
or for the whole Township of Grey at
a salary of 5100,00 per annum,
The following eccounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid :-
John McDonald, gravel, 528.50, put
ting in culvert; 52.00; James A. Car-
ter, gravel, $30.70 ; Edward Clark,
gravel, $44.00 ; John H. Hoover, road
work, 54.50 ; Neil MoTaggart, read.
work, 51150; Janes IT, Collins, eery.
Mg Maitland River Improvement By-
laws, $2•50 1 R, W. Livingston., serv-
ing Maitland Rives Improvement By -
Laws, $2.00; Nelson Askin, in lieu of
road to school, 857.50; Alex, McDon-
ald, work on McDonald Drain, $25.50;
Dr. M. Ferguson, medical attendance
Hudson and Maker, 5108.50 ; Andrew
Pollock, gravel, $12.50 ; Angus Oar-
michael, for use of road, 55.00.
Council adjourned to meet again on
Mobday Nov, 4th, next.
A, 11, McDozuma, Clerk,