HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-3, Page 87- ze a �,:ryw�a�aw�F'.R'�tA�°r„*'y'mFilarprsluwwrx�.t4•„ r"x:=i •l•14.4.+#hied•+'metal'' e44+,4 •Q+04.$+0+4+ 1 B11AVTIFt1L tint~ In Autumn leaves, t 1'HE W C T. U. wit; tweet Friday af- ter) a 1 of this week, in the Audience 1 out r the Public I ibraly to Whiell all •3• l r,aev d are invited I 1. II ilk7at:slam Won iv t pii'9 in t['•' y tort 7 r (taro, ut uu.)C .it 111)11+ 1 r1 1.1., w r It Hartwell 1petrau, l l floe locality, was ;are in the same company. Both wintlere dearly love a good steed A letter trimCarl Emigh sacs he teas W000II.11 in the ankle, While fighting in 4 Frame. on August 26th and is now in 8 lee:vi' 1! in Farmland He is a son of \V,4 ;0,1 Mrs. Euligh, fottnerly of Brest gels, who (1) Vee to the \Vest. Carl's •N ' friends here hope he will s -nu be .1bo1)1 a5 of old. .1.VP the it, Visa! f"U of Sir Thos. While. x' • n tnc.e Minister of Canada, Duncan 1 rgnson, Stratford, formerly of Brun. 'i • ,.• •ort to :Mt a: r."'1!' nett f 1' , , 11 0 *it the holt e n1'ng • V 0!oy Ura) c:nu>aign; W. H. Gee eiry, �q Sucre are, ami lir..- C. S Mitchell, Tur- d o Ito, Organ Rte SMITH Stor ITH ore for it JUVAD-ir 91 trtDi Hoy [Jo You Kopp the Pictures You Take? Pictures neatlymounted in a Kodak Album are safe against loss or in- jury. and nicely displayed and titled on the page of the Album, gain ouch in ;Merest as time ones by. We have a good assortment f Koda Albums which are good values from the paper bound ones at 25c up to the large leather bound ones at $4 25. There are some very suit. able ones of the loose leaf kind at $1(.00 each. Ask to see the Dry Mounting Tissue for putting the ~naps in an Album Better than paste. Now would be a good time to have a new lot of Prints made from some of your Negatives for the Album, Films Developed and Printed. 31;7 R S -Y �f� 1 8' :Jeri Store PtIlsps Ir alai )IZ21e you sometimes when 10.,king up a i box to It torte shat to put in to ' get Valle' v. Ile, :• IIVIsome-of the things we have liven sell - • • 4. + Paraffin R ,>, Candles \Vrir,rg Pier 1"tin, contain- 4, in15 Wt Paper with • Envel,+l,t11 to nlau:h Rexell Skin beep Harmony Glycerine Soap s+i Safety Razor Blades Rcxall - q Sh vin Stick t g 4 Shaving Cream or ,,, ."`.!laving Powder Revell Foot Powder Talcum Powd •r M10)11holine Balm Keatfng's Insect Powder Malted Milk Tablets `hes Oxo (,u Kodak Films for Carver:, t' Oneof the many !deathly Magazines or Illustrated y Papers.• 'L Gum Clmcolate Bars • Hard Bailed Fruit Flavor- o ed Candies After Donner :flints 4 'rhrnat'Tablets, &0. eheh 4 4. e 4• O + Druggist and Stationer 4 3• +4+0+4+0+9+2.+0+4.30+03.0+44a+0+0+0+0+04.e.1-4T044.4.04•40+0•1'0 rural lifts 1tem OCTo13ER• THANK -OWING Day Monday, October 24. Cooxcte meeting next Monday even- ing, Cemerraeoue FeevrtvAL in Brussels October 23, 24 and 25. A few lithos of snow have been not- iced by way of a reminder of what's coming, LAGuIren hats been bothering a good many. Be careful at this season of clar.4;;e.lh'e weather. F. S. •ni • c t, village Clerk. has been appointed Ful Commissioner far Brus- sels W.' Ip" everybody will be enabl- .dto e a esu).. , enabl- ed g fT Y An new oa,er has beenP tacerl on the water tank n 1 urnberry street near the Revere House. Cement plaster was al- so put on to stop leakage. THE re'':denoe of Wm. Turnbull, Bons. sets Nt,rlit, has been much improved in appearance by a new dress of paint. It was appl,ed by Walter Sharpe. Pr is to be hoped the school heating apparatus will work better for the com- ing terra than it has been doing of late. Tire weather was too enol to d0 without a little fire, CARD OF TITANKS.--I Wish (0 tender my hearty thanks to many friends for kited words and deed, in connection with the death of my son, Pte. Angus D. Kerr, in Frame. They will never he forgotten. Yours Truly, MRs. RORT KERR. Brussels. Ar the Listowel Fall Fair Nesbit Hamilton, Brussels, was awarded 2nd prize on his roadster horse and 1st for gentleman's driving outfit. He also took est prize and sweepstakes at Atwood Fair, He is usually inside the money on Beret Oeca,iOns, SATURDAY afternoon a Ford tractor was at work ou the farm of Nesbit Hamilton Brussels South and attract- ed no small attenttoll a3 the furrows were tern.'d over. Coal oil is the motive power geuerator, S. Carter is the local representative, Probabilities are fav- or,Ible fur numerous sales. CONTRACT AtvARDan.—The tender of Geo. Birt for the cutting and delivery of -wood from the Hlelop bush has been ,ac- cepted by the Council. Rate is $2.50 per cord, Work will commence at once and it is expected that Soo cords, at least will be delivered before next Spring. This would make price of 28 inch wood $4.50 per cord. MATRIMONIAL. --A pretty house wed- ding took place in Milton, Saturday afternoon, September 28th, at the home of the bride's parents, when Miss Amy McClelland, youngest daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Jardine, was united in marriage to Waiter Seroice Scott, youngest son of Finlay 13, Scott, Brussels, Ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. MacKay, of Milton Bride was given away by her father and the Wedding March was play- ed by Miss Nellie Fox, Brussels. The bride looked lovely iu a charming gown of white georgette and crepe and carried roses and orchids. After congratula- tfons and the signing of the register the company retired t0 the dining room where a buffet luncheon was served. Bride'() travelling costume was brown gaberdine with velour lint to match and crossed fox fur:: the gilt of the groom Mr. and Mrs. Scott left 0u the evening train for the East and on their return will reside at "Blair Athol," William street, Brussels, Ont. Hearty congratu- lations are extended and Mrs. Scott wel- comed heck to town. Postmaster Scott, and Mrs. Samis, father and Meter of the groom respectively, and Miss Nellie Pox, all of Brussels, and Miss Viva Bowelsu, Toronto, attended tbe wedding. BRt.'sErs market leads. Up ri .ec the pi ice r'f printing paper. )\'HAT .'bnr .5 Junior Foot Ball team 7 Bie OFFER. --25 cents, iv advauee, will secure THE Poxr for the balance of 191S to any address in C.suada This is a good chance for non -subscribers or to reach ahe.en ee members of the family by a weekly visit. What do yon say ? Fora year old driving mare for „ale, Quiet and not afraid of autos. W nt Roms. Thome.. otrr"t, Rrussals. AIR. BLAcx,Tsxe, of Owen Snnnd, plane tuner, will be at ': (;arter'a eture this week. Orders are asked tots, left direr,' or at Walk. er Rs Black's store, APPLE,. WANTED -Will pay 2.0.' per hundred Ibe. for windfalls mid shakes for evaporating purposes, delivered at my warehouse, G. T. R. No small fruit taken. Rom'r, TRontso8. 0 irltP'1'•CI.Aeg n i weeks old for sale. Phone 4117 WEatry SoUrais, Lot 16. Lor, 6, Grey. STEM. tired to buggy and set of single harness for sale, apply to DAVID HAnn LEY, Brussels. 11 7r0S 6 Iultntlls old and 12 plies ahont 126 lbs. each for sale. Apply 0. WetsoN 61Artxs, 6th line Morris. Nary Oliver riding plow for sale. Apply to LUKE C. SPEIRAN. Phone 4712. A Taw O. A. C. and Gild strain Barred Rock Cockerels for sale. MRs. TELFORD $EFFRa, Phone 047. a nano pigs for -ale. 4 weeks old. Applyto PhoneMls, CECIL HATEa258, Ethe CCF)' Milton found. Owner mar have 11 cry proving property and paying for this notice, 120 Poan', 16rrh1Ea of young sOws, with leg, for sale. Alen same pump( pips, W. H. Mo('nrcneolo Phone 194- Pon SA1.0.--A fine heifer calf. eight months old. 51219.A. J. Di'Fr, Hitlevale, NOni.v,E.—;1 Sonne thorn' bred Leicester rams. Phone 2612, H. Snipe. (20At. Heater for sale ata bargain. Appty to MRs A. O. DAdRR.. Timm! Evenerator is prepared to buy any quantity of apples, large enough to peel, at 30 to 40 Oente per tang. I+AAC BROWN, Htyth. Penes Nos. 50 and 3. Horse and Lot for sale, eligibly located, Good well, cistern, cellar, stable, Sas For furs ther particulars apply to 511c... HRN ats N, Brussels. . A NC1113Ea of well bred Leicester Bern Lambs for sale. 1 >r 20, Gravel Road, North Of Wthriven. ,SNO. 1T0 21 CRON, 12.4 $eaforth R, R- No. 1. ROouv hoose, large int, stable, Pe., for tole ,R 381nes »trees ata bargain If not Bold will OD to rent, G EWAN, AIL PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases. successfully treateRd. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. AUCTi-'N Sale of the heusehn1r1 effects of W. A Grewar will be on the program at skating rink Saturday afternoon of next week et 2 o'ai0ck. Overland car Will also he offered. See edvt. in anoth ei' column. THE eligibl t property on Turnherry Street, for years the home of the Isle Thee- Kelly, who ran a green llo0se, has been dspot ed of by Miss Kelly, Morri<, to Wm. Perste, Crat,brook, whopttrposes moving to it cis he so'd his farm to Jas. D10k$tn7 111x! 8811.:011 11 Mr. Berrie wanted a good big garden 10 as to be kept busy hence he should be satisfied with his par• chase as there is an acre of lend with the hone, DA8nRROUs'l'Rtrx,--•'POE Poxr is in- formed that wade a young girl, a pupil of Brusse:s Contineetten Scheel, was going to her boarding honse after the Literary meeting in the school, Met week, ace0mpanbed by a friend of hers, two youths thiol '•ed with their home going in a very fre-,11" n1811050. The varves of the obsrru• !m s have been ob- tained but they will be lel off with a warning this time lint they should take a hint that the law will deal with them if such misconduct occurs again 'Ce in• terfere with people on the public high- way is no joke no matter whet they con• sidered it, and both were old enoegli to know better. Don't run any risk by e repetition, Bt.4tive s Soto. ---W, A, G0toar has said his (mt•eetiouerv, Ice Cream and ' Fruit bu mess to Wm Little, of WW1!, and he Lakes possession Nevetuber tot Ile has been lineman for the 'Pelephotle ompany ter the past 3 or 4 years end is well and I Ivor'lbly known Mr Grewer has spun. 15 leis in business here 'Ind ha, practloa'iy put in his lite here. Holy Brussel" nil' get along without the re doubtable "Billy," as he is familiarly called, is now one of the counndrnns family pur- pose r and faint 1 1 and Mrs Grewar ,Ir 1i aI pose going to Los Angeles, California, and will leave town early in November. representing FLAX —1. A. Flock, p g a Montreal Flag firm has been in Brussels and leased the 25 acres of laud and the large barn, known as the Revere House pr.;perte, from W, F Stretton, with 'he inteu(1ou of sowing a crop of flax and operating a flax mill. Plowing will be )lone this Fall it is said Years age a sweeping business was dyne here in the flax industry by the Livingotau Bros., but °mug to low prices and restrictions as to markets the fodustry here leas cut off With tap notch markets and lig de mallei there is quite a revival and we will be glad to see a gond business done once more arnnnd Brussels. The site chosen by the Company could hardly he unproved upon and the farmers in this locality will no doubt be ready to lend their aid to the growing of bumper crops as in days of old. HOPE HE W11.1. SOON BE 0. K.—The Mildmay Gazette says of a brother of S. C. Nilson, Brussels:—Dr. J A. Wil- son's many friends will be sorry to learn that be is confined to his bed with an at- tack of mastelditis The trouble com- menced on Friday morning of last Week. and developed 9n rapidly that he was tin able to leave his bed on Saturday Drs Lacy and Bennett, Guelph, came tip by motor o') Monday evening and after a careful examination decided that an op- eration was not necessary. The patient is improving slowly, hu' will be unable to resume his practise for some time Dr. Wilson has an immense practise, aUil it is almost impassible to secure an assist- ant in these war times. That he may speedily recover is the earnest hope of his numerous friends. S. 0. S. BAnr.Rs.—Arrangetneuts ',ave beeu made with THE POST, Bius ds, whereby S. 0. S. badges will be p' esedted to any boy or girl between the ae,es of 13 and tg years who has spent 3 months' service on the farm, whether or not it was his Driller father's, are entitled to a badge for doing his or her bit in the cause of production The Dominion Government is giving S. 0 S. service badges to the boys and the Ontario Gov- eroment is giving farm service corpso badge to the girls who did outside work ti far 3 months Any boy or girl entitled to a badge is urged to make it n point to call at THE P sr to receive it. Receipts for the boys and girls may be secure.( at THE P087 any time. '1'o receive a badge it is neeessay that each boy or girl have one of these forms properly filled out Be sure and get yours early to avoid tie !ay Superintendent Sidenius, of this district, arranged with the Editor of THE Pose to give out these badges in itis ab- sence. They arc now on hand. LITERARY SOCIETY —Thursday even- ing of last week Ole first meeting of the newly organized Lilerery Society e'1 Brussels Continuation School wag held, the usual hoot' being changed to even- ing so that a Corn IRoast (night be adder( After some lively games, in the base meet, that were )ouch enjoyed the pup- ils were celled to Principal Scott'el room where the following interesting program was presented, with Jack arwiek, the new President, in the chair t—Choi ts by school ; speed) be President ; solo by Edna McCall ; speech Marguerite W.tton, Secretaly, and Jihn Armstrong, Editor of Journal ; recitation Bernice .ole •ctlxus by tnmP anV girls ).cola'Rn, Adeline Johnston ; speech • K"as Hunt.- 0, Treasurer, anti Dorothea S' 11500(1 tog/met' ; natio. Violet Ander- son ; talk, W. 11 Kerr. Hon. -President ; reading Journal by Editor Armstrong ; round by girls; recitation, Vaudis Blake ; speech by Principal Scott ; National An them. Dorothea Stafford presided at the organ. The musical Imt1 literary bill of fare was well rendered and was full of interest and pleasantry It was well that the program preceded the corn feed 85 some of the talent, at least, tnigbt have been too full for utt trance. The ensuing meetings of the Society will be looked forward to with great expectation. PR5s19NTED A CLUB BAG —Thursday evening of last week Welter S Scott Was waited upon by the postofftee staff and presented with a fine leather Chub Bag, on tbe eve of his wedding. Miss Clara Hunter read a short address, ex p0055ive of good wishes, and Jas Ander. 00n, V. S., passer( over the gift to the enrpr!aed recipient, Welter did net weary the donators with a long reply but heartily thanked the staff for their address and splendid present. Address was as follows ;-•- DRAB WALTER —H(Viog heard that you hard reached the happy conclusion that "it is not well for than to live alone" and so purpose in the vary near future of setting sail on the matrimonial sea of life, for this reason we, the members of P. 0 staff and mail carriers, have met each and all to express to you Dur very best wishes for your future welfare, As a tangible form of unr good wishes we ask you to accept this' Club Beg aucl may long life, wealth and happiness be yours, your ens many and your sorrows few, With Heertiest congratulations, BRUSSELS P. 0. SUFI' AND MAIL CARRIERS, T 1-I TADARD far K OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. 236 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ®ID 11, Manager. RIiroa'r of 131vth Fall Fair may be Tete Pose* gives 111e news, re=(i on page 5 of this issue, G A Desdmau shipped a car of bouey tc, Western Canticle last Saturday The demand for 1wo• y this year is consider- ably greater than 1111' sul)1)15'. RETuRNL4r' OFFICER. (3, W, WALKER has pus td tip proclamations for the by election it Neittl Heron, Nomination will be heft in WO:Wham 0u October 7th, Election t1 ecembercad and the Elea n D , CARD os '('HANKS -We wish to ex - pr. ss our deep appreciation of the malty kind exprrs ions of sympathy by word and letter, froth friends over 111e demise of out very dear boy on Flanders field FRED. AND MRS MCCRACKEN AND Fr MILY SOME PICKING —Wm. MOQuarrie and Alex Rntitdge killed and picked 48o chickens in 31 hears nt R '1`homosou's Emporium. 'rhev had 2 some boys as a'sistants That's getting the feathers off ata lively rate, If you don't think so 'ry plucking owe or two fowl your- self. George Spotton has resigned hits seat at Winghaul Council Board, as he in- tends bring a candidate, in the Con- servative interests, in North Huron for the bye election for Provin• chat honors, Dec. end is the slate set for Election. IN a letter written by John McLRuch- lin after he was admitted to Ole hospital, he said he had been wounded in the ear, neck, arm and leg with shrapuel but all wounds were slight and he seemed in good spirits, He was a member of the Huron Battalion. Satz or CATTLE —Ou Tuesday Oct ober 0, ti et 2 o'clock there will be offer ed for sale by Public Auction at 'he Central rlutel lards, Brussels, the fol- lowing stock -10 cows all due to calve within 2 meatus ; and 38 first el ss two year olds Phis is all A 1 stock and acv person r, gtl)rtug anything along this line should not fail to attend, Gordon McDonald is the proprietor and F. S. Scott will b • the Auctioneer, 3021E DANDIES —Mr. Phillipe, To'•- ontu, has been here renetviug old friend- ships He is a great sport along the piscatorial art and his patience and perseverance seldom go un reward ed Some beauties among the black bass family were cantered and one specimen, a 4 pounder, was presented to TUE Post and was the very choicest eating. The Maitland appetite to be a favorite stream for various members of the enuv'family but it takes an augler to catch the good ones, Do IT Now,—The Sailors' Fund sub- scription lists will close this week in Brussels. Have you Contributed ret 7 If not kindly baud in your amount so it i 1 will I e included Brussels and locality shoved send at least $1000o Thanks 1 I 'e dor t0 people n the hl rl'nit d I7 al 1 t g country, tvo • have responded to the de- serving ,•at180. Remember it is not a charity but a well deserved 'tribute to devot•ou by a host of loyal men who have plowed the seas in the interests of the Empire, Help the Fund No'rss FROM W INGHAM DISTRICT MEET- ING --Missionary Campaign is supposed lu occupy 3 Sundays, commencing Sept 22011, an average over the whole mem bership of to cents a member would mean, $1216,40 , in Loudon 1. ouference and an advance over last year of 37 per cent. $Iron",, is set 145 the go I this Conference year for Winghan District and $i44,ouo for London Conference, The Methodist connexion for the Do- rntni0n aims ata m,llion dollars Ec'u- catioual Field Day will be Sunday, Nov 17 hind the mid Sabbath of Janu- ary is to he set apart for the cause of Social Service and Evangelism. The laymen of the District were urged to bind their aid to a movement for earlier closing of business places in the !ewes and VIliegesoe i$'ttnldly melds, so that people wit( be better rested to attend Sunday not alo L service in their re- spective churches The DI>trict meet• mg was very pact Mal and also inspiring as the problems of the church were dealt with by the various speakers. Thele was a goad attendance of both clergy and laity and a ptrfltable time WRa Aperlt, HYMF-NEAL—A very pretty wedding took place Wetlnesd ev evening, Sept. 25th,, at 8 30, at the home of Arthur Lowe, when Miss Elsie Maybury, form• erly of Brussels youngest daughter of the late Wm and Mrs Mayberry, leas 111111- erl in holy wedlock to Frank Lowe, of I'oreuto Rev Haugh, of Oak Street Methodist church ,ffrciated. Miss Ad. die Sperling, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels,' placed the weddiug march Miss Gertrude Love, sister of thegfoom, acted as bridesmaid aucl Henry Beck - stead, of Toronto, as best man. 'I'be bride wore a gown of white satin and georgette trimmed with embroidered vrel land ormuge blessonis and carried A bouquet of pale pink roses and maiden hair fern and stretunet'e of lover's knots After the ceremony Miss Muriel Sperl- ing, of 'Toronto. formerly of Brtissels, sting "Because" in a good voice'. Luncheon ons served immediately after Me bride hod cut the wedding cake and the evening was spent in games, Mifflin and dancing, A loge! was given to the bride to which Arthur Low,' replied, There were about 4n guests lit attenlauee, among (hent being Mies Mabel Bnullerd, of Senforth, now of 'Toronto, and Miss i3eatrice Armstrong and Miss Eva Rudman, of Ethel, The bride's brother, George Maybury, was Amiable to be present he being stationed at d o of Quebec tilts l' Ilea nHrl er. rn Mr. and Mts. Lowe will reside at 829 Gerrard St, Haat, 'Toronto, Where Mr 1 Lowe has a position asvonductor.on the Street 1RailWay, SQUARE away for a big Fall trade. D,N'•r drive rigs on the hnutevard0- 'PHs PosT'Celephones are Nos 3i enc( 32 Hello I Did you hear that 1 Ward Buchanan Is now employed at Hamilton, MoN'rety Horse Fairs will be resumed iu Brussels this Fall as usual Dates will be tete Thursday before the first Friday of each mouth. THE sole reason Why the proprietors of small stores think they cannot write their owu cls, is because they are under the mistaken impression that good ad writing consists of using sparkling lan- guage—get an- gua e— et that idea out of your head.ad BETTER LOOK OUT FOR— Froat A supply of fuel The Tax Collector, Chautauqua C ourse ticket. Great victory by the Allies, Bargain offer of THE Posr • Fall advertisements of bareains, THANKS are due f0 a number of sub- scribers who are settling up arrearages and renewing for THE P087 We have hundreds yet talo have nut responded and appear to forget that it takes a large sum of money 10 issue a newspaper for even one month Some on 'rets Po','r list are bottled as Mug as 5 to even to years. Spmethiug of a sterner sort than making a plea will necessarily Neve to be adopted hi the uear future, It won't be our fault either. BORN N ETn)tn v.—lir East W5Wa110e11, nn Sentenl- bar 16t11, 1918, to AIr, and Airs. Wm, Noble ery, a daughter. Pm111,-In Biwa, on September 24911, 1018, to Mr, and Mrs, Robb. Pirie, n son. VINRs.—In Alma en September 11th, 1918, to 51r. and Mrs, Alma, Vines, a son. e•••••••••••••Deastmasaarvargo•ar:>nC1ae0cl0W00ar 100.670{40$010.06® 4 5 co me • !9 11 k n.9 4t af'J A i 9a d • te W I; have just passed into stock our Fall Shipment t to of Nippon China, The assortment comprises • some very handsome pica"1, beautifully dl'C1,0lte'(l. • e • • Qt S N • m Cake. Plates Celery Sets Syrups Butter Tubs - Cream and Sugars Dresse-r Sets Cups and Saucers l til 11g'11 \\'hippod Cream Lily Bowls 13eri•y Sets Cake. Sets Vases 11nc1 Bon Bons 1,1)„,.f,,%.",' •We will be pleased to have you drop in and lo(115 over our Stock. • • e • • ••• • STORE. DRUG STORE S to G 52 10 • W f3 n c, G 10 !d 4, l0 c• 60 SI SI eDOfE>9 t3 fold • NV®®®r:'Ot-a@ •E.S•C3®Wpgt9tlm0 ¢9® MARRIED B51114Ann-Aten0l.-In Rt. John's ahnrel., Brussels, by Rev. H. R1ntth, an Oeptember 24111, 1918, Mr Earl Bernard, to Mims Annie daughter of Mr, and Mra R. B, Atomic, both of Morris township 9O0TT-,l*aDINN.-At Iles home of the bride, on September 28th, 1918, by Rev. Mr, Ma. 8ny, Mr Walter N Scutt, 13ruesele, to Miss Amy McClelland, dauehter, of Mr, fool AL's Wm Sardine, Hilton, Ont BBANAnAN-M nt 'A co In St. Joseph's Clinton,September25th, by Rey Fr' Hogan. 'Miss Rose, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. McCaughey, of Clin- Gon, kr Mr Charles. Shanahan. son of Mr. and Mrs .1 Shanahan, Hulett totvnehtp Tri0RN'I'0N--'1!A'l'II I¢RH-Irl Huwlek, at the residence of the bride's parents, on .tent. 18tH, 1018, by (Rev (1 1 Kerr, Mies 0,25146, eldest daughter of lIr anti Mrs. Robs Gathers, to Mr. Anson Thornton, of Morrie. BRUSSELS MARKET m tJ 1) m r2) (D 9 m 609 FU DIED BA1.Fotrn,.-InGrev township, on September 29)11, 1918, Annie 13nifopl•, beloved wire of Fronk Balfour, aged 21 ;yearn and 10 mouth. Race, 2 —10 Clinton, on September 20th, 1515, Beery Lwp'nn, need 76 years. WILUts—In 9',srdwielt, on Sept. 11th, 1913. itn" hel Wnlceford, betov"1I wife of James Willis, Aged 67 years, 1 month and 29 days. AUCTION SALES 'rrftons r, Orr Tarn -sie Lot 10, Con. 4, Morris tawp°hip, ('arm, farm stock, imple- moutH„Vn sale unreserved at 1 p. 01. Rohl. Fh-ddon. prop R x 0e,4( Ann W ros I:. nay. OCT. 10•r11,—Farm, farm stock, implements, hon•, told effect-+, Rte nt lillt;, hot 10,,',n, 0. Gey Sale um e•e1 ved at 1 o'clock, 1) SI 11 t.Tettinsu1, Iran. 1r S, Scott, Atte. '1121 .cu07, Oar 17TI! -Faro., farm stook, ,ba , at Lot 14, Von 11 Airttillop enle at 1 o'nlaek. IV -BT. Churn's, Prop. 10, 15, Scott, Ana SATURDAY, OCT Haat-Grade Anthem cattle at the ('Rutral Hotel, Brussels, d.1 CDs JOHNSTON, 1'rop_ 0.1e. Vondriok, Aur,. Nail Wheal £210 52 10 _. __. ___ _.. Sprang Wheat 2 10 :: 02 Peas s 25 , '6 Barley. I tl to Butter lu 4u • a. ... .. ...,. .......•...•.,. •11; 5 Slog 4PO 'P300 1(I 5 10 se Wool Yr Hay 7(I 911 111 n(1 Potatoes per bag I no 1 50 Wool (nnWasherll.- 0e rtti mu -r, t•:i t!1. n:,e al, neu4t, si ',knew Farm for Sale or to Rent Tho nnd,e•s,gned offers her fame, being Lot 15, Don i ey, far safe or to roof 0.004 buildings and Num, v dl watered. I,s miles to ahnloh Riven 'Novell 1s9 noxi 824111 privilege of d.'ing Fail plowing. Nur further part bulbuls apple to _...-- 0 0409004(ae00040000000000049e440044004494 V 1440®00094&40 64.40. 00400004004.04404444044 • • Clean 4 • • Sweep •4 4 •2 2 •2 i 0 O t axmtcai5. ne .,-h^>raza . CARSWELLS' place $1,500 worth of Shoes on Sale this week at prices never before equalled in Brussels. Our entire Shoe stock must be wiped out as we must have 1.60111 to bring forward and display our immense stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Sr at Shoo arg Read Every 9 `'`'.-m. Buy ow an Save Money Men's Boots Boys' Boots { Boys' Boots Regular $7,00 Regular up to 4.00 Regular 5.00 20 pairs only Men's Oalf, Dongola 80 pairs only Boys' Donnell, end 16 pairs Boys' Patera Coll. Blucher and Patent Boots, sizes Calf Boots, sbzere 1 to 6. Boca.,sizes 1 to 6. 6 to 82. Olean -sweep 3 '�5 Olettu.eweepSale .....,•, Olean -Sweep Side 8 Salo _ Youths' Boots Women's Boots Women's Blots Regular 3 0o Regular 2 75 Regular 3.00 20 pairs only Dongola Oalf and 10 Ppairs oily \V0luetl's Dnngnla 80 piths Dongola laid 131nch*rPatent Colt Baote, sizes Button Boots, sizes 8 Boots, sizes 2. to 4. 11 to 18, Olean -sweep �� 8;1 and 4, Clean -sweep 1 19 Clean -sweep 131410,,, ... 5 Sale Sale Women's Boots Extra lO,6 nprnnieLeaVa1t1neinn 'e D1olnagolaoTnoPt'ly lN». PLs t, aUtI alollll b sAoa , * 11h I hC*uretn,idd lets-Hys1*y5peC3al l2 Loh011"1 lL'IB2r A •'. Women's Boots Regular 5.00 60 pairs Gunmetal, Dongola and Patent Leather, button 3 �� and lace, cloth tops, 21 to 6, Olean -sweep Sale Misses' Boots Regular 2.5o 20 pairs Dongola Kid Blucher anti But. styles, sizes 11 to 2, Olean -sweep Sale ,, ,,, 150 Girls' Boots Regular 2,00 20 pairs Dongola balm) duce bleed Boots, sizes 8 to 102. �I Uleatl.aweep Sale 1 0V Girls' Boots Regular 2.75 18 pelvic Dongola 13h1011er 1300t0, sizesBl't010i. Olean- 8 sweepbale Women's Oxfords Regular 4.50 40 pal's Tau 0)119, Chocolate I(111, Patent and D0ngide, Ox- fords, sizes 2} to'1?. Olean -sweep Sale 9 Misses' Boots Regular 3,00 28 paire Dongola Kid 13001',,, but ton 'arid lace atylee, 8121s 11 to 2, Oleate -sweep 8ale Child's Boots Regular 2,00 16 emirs Child's .Dnng012L and Pato int plead and buttoned B00143,A1110A 4 to 711, 3� Olean -sweep Sale,. .... Rubbers Balance of Men's Rubbers, broken 01905. While they lath ra ale only 4.14:k0 Women's Oxfords Regular 2.50- 80 pairs Patent Oa11, Dongola and (4uninetel Oxfords, siz39 - es 22 to 4. Oleau•sweep Sale .... ..................... Misses' Boots Regular 3,5o 80 pair's Dongola, Patent 001e, and Oalf, button or laved, sizes 11 to 2, Olean- 2 38 Sweep Sale Infants' Boots Regular I.5o 26 pairs Infante' Dongola buttoned and (lord Hoots, sitar 22 to 7, •Oleall-swoop c Sale ....... ...............,.. Rubbers Belltnoe of 'Women's Rehberg, broken sizes. 'While 78 they last only The Store with Cars the Stock ell 0 0882 The Store that Saves you Money 2 O 0 4 0 4 e P 0 • 0 e O • e 4 O O O O 4' n 4 0 4 m b O A v 0 O 4 4 O 4 O i 0 9, 4 4 e O O O O O O 4 4 4 e N e 4 0 5, 'A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 P 0 0 0 4 4 O 01 4 4 0 O 0 4 4 a> P 0 0 O O 4 b 4 • • 4 4 0 4 0 4 0 e 0 0 4 eeeoeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee04eoeeee440444eeeee0®40404400044004054eGe•Aeeeeeee4440'2