The Brussels Post, 1918-10-3, Page 4the :Smuts Vat THURSDAY, OCTOB1aR 3, nits Bs7'tlr.Sgr.tt will t:ouquer Berlin, Gm' ready for ties Victory Loan, Din ynu lend a hand to the Sailors t!und? D tun -dots Parliament is not likely to meet until after Christmas, Joust Kixo, who was nominated as Liberal standard bearer for North Huron, has withdrawn from the posi- tion. Looxs as if the tractor is soon to he re- garded es a necessity upon the farm and that in Ontario as well as the prairie provinces. MANY (motorists are observing the re• quest to conserve gasoline on Sunday Most dealers now refuse to sell the gas on the Sabbath. O rtisaAt. AI.I.ENaY is making a worthy record as a soldier and wilt not require to give a lock of his hair to be remem- bered by the Turks, TRY and count your blese-ngs to that at least a faiut eunceptioo may be ob- tained of reasons for thankfulness on the approaching Thanksgiving Dar, Mon- day, October 14th. "It is a g"o 1 tiring to give thanks unto tiie Lord." Noar,ny : Vet' (ltd the Turkey 'Prot oe as exierstve a plan as the Turks have been performing it of late in Palestine. Very little sympathy will be accorded them as their hand was ready to strike, particularly if the sdbjects of their ven- geance was unable to retaliate. They m tde a bad mix of it when they joined hands with the Kaiser. IN the North Oxford bye Etectiou for the Provincial Legislature John A. C91 - der, a Liberal, was elected by acclamati- on. He is a farmer and a resident of East Nissouri tnwrship, Mr. Calder succeeds Hon. N W. Rowell, who went into the broader realm of Dominion af- fairs, Little interest was taken in the nomination proceedings as it appeared to be a foregone conclusion that there would be no contest. PasBInENT W1LsoN bas developed into quite a "doer of things" and deser- ves credit for the &ear cut way he goes at it. One of his recent moves is to is- sue a proclamation prohibiting the use of any foodstuff in brewing beers, except malt and' hops. After December 1st breweries must cease brewing altogether. The doctrine of personal righ's appears be thrown to the winds. Hurrah for President Wilson. IT is no credit to the Dominion of Canada to confess that there are 28 or 30 applications to come before next Par- liament for bills of divorcement Is the old horse losing its charm ? The boys and girls of Canada would be safer for the coming days if the parentage felt a greater responsibility in maintaining old ideals and customs. "Be it ever so humble there's no place like home," is still true whether you believe it or not. T1saau is a move on foot to increase the compulsory age of pupils at the Pub• he school to 16 years and have the am- endment to the law enforced. The Truant law of the present day is practic- ally a dead letter In most school sections and to the loss of the pupils. To have as good an education as father or moth- er is not enough for this age and permits should see that the very best possible use is made of present day opportunities by the meiubers of their family. A youth is practically handicapped for life who has missed their early school days and the opportunities they afforded. We,/ do you use profaue language ? It's an insult to your manhood ; a dis- honor to your Creator ; a direct viola. tion of the Commandment and a breech of the law of the land, A more sense- less and ungentlemanl y practice does not exist. IE you say you can't atop swear- ing you prove by such concession that you are a real slave and not your own master. This is a demeaning position to take, Be aue of a thousand to aid in clean speach "Swear not at all" and thereby set an example worthy of emula- tion. TBE Normal School at Loudon has 182 women and 7 men and Stratford Ise girls to 8 boys attending this session. Looks as if a male lesoher will soon be as great a novelty as the firmament with. out a star, Vears ago the situation was reversed and the ratio stood about 10 to r in favor of the masculine, The war is not the only cause of this conditi0ll nor Is the salary question to blame Seeking a cause we belitve too many boys are allowed, by parents and guardians, to give up school. often for the reason tbey do not wish to submit to discipline, and be obedient to rules that would prove of great advantage to them in after lire. It's a good sign to see a boy ready to stick at his books. GOLDEN WEDDING W. J. and Mrs. Gilroy, of Mount Forest, Celebrate their oth Antliversat'y, 'rhe teflon lax 1111,1-.414•8 1;1E011 (. f lthe rr101114tIi 11 .,f the Goblet. 1VdLot( 1)l \\' 1. awl 'tits io,t I r - NPI, parent i 1'. 13 a 1rl of iit t 1 1haul v1 t l 1 e r 1 will be read with i{,.tl 1 tt. ed Irmo the Mount 1.o; t tte•r- ate•} epre=ye nia.lve • O ,. h;.(• Vale ucca.i sos Whm ih fest mart tett people ;1)'e• permitleel esj ,v took p111t•e! in Stotler le,' est 4544 \\'e,f1('sdlty, Sept. 11th. '1'we et our meet tesp(et- edttudeeteemed ye.izetie, lV. .1, and Alt's. Gilroy, had completed ail years of wedded life, and in (inlet 10 observe t(•pptnpriately the notable elrrasi1)u, entertained a number ref their 151(41IVes and a few friends. (4ilfuy, the bride of the evening, 1 on - tiered two film leeitali(ms, peti,•etly tea tlzed teed excellently rendered, aed 1[t. tliht'y, the gaoiux, feelingly th:toked allfin In tunny hind things s that .h.ulbeen .nld• All :Its guest tv11 t spoke tel'etrml 10 the high tetteent In widish they held Alt. and .341'5, (411ruy and to many Wet 1hy (1,1(144 of 14101( seot.,trter, The '1 '441 un was pleasingly var- ied by Imusiettl selections rendered by Jiro. Addison and Aleesrs. feed, and \C. Io (lihov, The highly inlet ogling proceedings terminated with the singing of "Blest Ito the tie that binds," and prayer by :tit'. Wren. lt.\ NI/ 11kti`1S. J. l,ILKOY Besides the host lord hostess a4an41144 those present were their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Addition and Alt,. Addison and their daughters Lorna, Doris and Flat•eta-2: their sou Rev, \Vin. L' Gil- roy, Hamilton, President of the Dont. inion Cungirgational Council, SIre. Gilroy and sou .10111) ; their sun 1'. 11, Gilroy, hiu,k (manager, Bi14.sels, and isIrs, Gilroy, and their son George Bar- rington Gilroy ; Gen1441 H. alai Mrs, 0,1,13', 31"14441 Fut est • their 1151440 Miss 1151511a Tasker, Boom 1'ore.1, and foetal Mrs 8ulolce ; their In',tthel- ilbllt/v .James E. Armstrong, his son Er nest Armstrong and wife, \it. Mu- esli. :nrid 41,1ugh! ('s, Mt s, Mal'shall \\', i;;ht, .let hur'1'p. , 14441 Mr 4, Allots. Sparrow, Alt, Feted ; Iln•ic 5.14•(•4, Misses Jennie and Maggie 33'„oil ; daughters of a cousin, Mrs. Samuel Campbell and Mrs. 211 l'ilL• Shaw, with 1lessts. Campbell aria Shaw, At - thin Tp. 1)r. and \h•.s. '1'. D 111 kis, and Miss Kate Meikle, 1lonut forest ; Theron (4ihsnn, 'I',;rna•1 ; R.•r. D, and 1115. Wt en, 115,,1141 lemes(; J A. Lambert, 1', le 10151 Mrs 11514 4 4• shot ; A. \V. and Airs. \Vektlli, The afternoon ;11,4 ev••ni111r Wets spent in pleasant 5.,(111 iulerreur..4'. A. sum p111,11144 sump, 1 ,vee soil,. i Later in the evening a 1111141:10 of speeches and 0111•ie ovet which the town ellitol b;ul the honor 1)t' presid- ing Was greatly enjoyed. Nearly 1111 the men present. an(1 some of the ladies took part. Ili•. Afei111,', the eld- est aremaintaner of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- roy, led off. tier. Lallihet 4, as tdtlest aequaintanee in Mount Fel est fellow• ed, Air, (41118,40, au old ass"ni010 and friend of Mr. Gilroy, pitrtieLLtry tis nietubet•s of the D.44411(111111 Tempera tare Alliance and the Cotnmitl4'0 of One Hundred, gave a happy speech, hilt could not refer to the fact than it was the annfve'saey of his own wedding as hist wife had died 4 w ye;t s a•1), Rev, Alt•. 'WI on 111,1111E a vet v atpprop• riate address as did Sir, H,'o=lershet, nearest neighbor ; and Mr 1'a11npbel1, Alr. Addison, G, R. Gilroy and ;alters. Among the ladies Mrs. (;, R Gil'ny, Alrs, W. E. (4ib•n - al"1 upas -z+ made pal•tit'ttlatly suitable speeches, as did also limo, \V, L. laid F. 11. Mhos-, The latter intrnduerd Hiss Flerenre Addling) and Nitta ter George Barring- ton Gilroy who presented their grand- parents with a pulse if gold and 11. box of bon -bons, In reply to [his MI., Lieut. Andre o Andrew Wilson writes Williams John (3ihnv was burn in �letlickville, Out, iu 1845. His par- ents mune flow Afonaghan, Ireland, if] 1537, anti were seven weeks on the ocean in a sailing vessel, lie went to school in his native plume and when still a boy 111(ialne a cleric 111 a stole there. In 1500 he served ars a vulun• 15er at the time 111' the Fenian Haid at Prescott, where his father ,itnilarily served 1)l the time of 11acKenzie Re- bellion, He holds the Fenian Raid medal, and had at grant of land also 111 rscogni(1o41. In 1808 he huauv'ied and (Vul(P 10 31,.11,1 Forest ill Nov- ember 1875 and he went into bu.ines. fur It1lus0lf in a store near where 1A11•. Skates' shire now standee foal rented li=.moue Pearce. About three years later he bought froml \V un, Tasker• the ;nowtty at. the corner 01 drain and Wellington streets, whets he cont PEI his 11,1si11e88 41(1111 he 515111 Out some 3 years ago ti \V. J. Stephen, and re- tired to a well earned rest. Air, (111- i1 1e4( an illtel•1.21 in public nnttters. 11.• Wa. at m==nlbet of rile Town 001in- 1.a 3 year., anti on the High School 13,:4(4(1 lot about 10 years, being a 11leulber when the prese41 High 8,honl botl4fng was built. AIr. Gilroy has been (t metuber ;f the Methodist Church for 511 year's Meat of that 11111e ire lots 115511 tt 111510• bee or 1114 011111(1 Board, He ilas been a (lPIPgn15 1I1 LWn (i el tel'ttlenure; eilces at Montreal and \Vin11lpeg. He has been a strong supporter of tern perltnce pefoun, and an independent Liberal in polities. Sirs, (3illny was born a yeltr later than her husband in Leeds enmity about ten miles f( out IC'ingston. iter parents rams 1'(0411 enttnty At'tnng'', Il•ehl.nd, and they Wert/ seven week. and :1 (lays at sea. \Vi 111 1151. 11411.01)1• she removed to a fou hl ah,ut 18 utiles from Kingston, After her tnaratage her life 11st ory merges into that; of her busbauld, 80111 Mr, and All's. Gilroy are hearty fur their yews, and their many friends unite in Wishing them many lidded years 1)r lire, The family consisted of Mal'gaeet Evangeline (Eva) who died 10 years ago, and to tvhnln affectionate and grateful reference was rnttdl by W. E. Gilroy ; Jane Del't10(11, Mrs. J. 1I. Ad- dition, two (1au441(5(5 who (lied In in- fancy : Rev, \\r, E. and Frederick I -h Following inter vet in44let ll'I teteeiv4(1 by Mrs S. C. Wilson, Brussels, from her cousin Lieut. Andrew R'ils,n:, ;,411 of John Wilson, 'who was at runner resident of Morris township 4- -DEAN 1IAc4ri1E,-Perhllps it few 1111(.8 might he of interP8t to 341111. 1 owe Juueve as letter, but will not be aide to write her for 2 we(ire yet, (ts i haven't her address' wilts nue. T 14411 sitting up In bed in gond old London. Igot a light wound in my lel'; side from two bullet., one jlwt rut: at little furrow in the skin met the tither. went through about 3 inches 11f 11i•.h but did not 1111) a rib. I am extremely lucky ;again, or rattler, the good 1,01 ;1 ' is very 41151(dful to 4414'. 1L wasp. elos5 touch Ln my lung. Art nit in Soy danger 14(410 th0u4411, as it i. a 111ea11 wood and I should nil be 111341.5 11111.41 a 11101111 111 here, Perhaps nil that long. Now I will g1) hark for a month 1)r s1) and give you Et brief ee, c0(1(41 1)r my doings. Fen may have heard that 1 got leave in June. I . also got influenza will] elle lenvc with the resin). unit. I Softs 11 ;ninth over here. liilveVer, 1)b returning from leave 1 had a quiet week with the Battalion and then we were secretly aneri meekly hut tied away from the Arras section int front of Amiens. 11.1.-.-'. : r'• staved Inc the big 4ttt•prise attawlk and it tamely W118 a surprise to Peitz. 1 5711.4 nut, in the attacking patty, it Was my turn to be left ort 1)5 I was the only otTlr.'r in the company who had been in Pas- schendale. However being left out, did not meant a rest. T rues rolled to brigade and duties on as `•Hall IP Btnp•' officer, rut duties 8 such, being y n u •b, b(in{, to follow the storming troops as closely a. possible and eniles) prisoners, assist with wounded, etc. This proved very iulelesting ns w5 kept bark about a mile front the art ind (144111.1(144, but 1 could see a lot of i1, Was at this for 3 days dor in44 the advance and then rejoined the battalion, I wa8 fortun- ate in being tint of il, for I found we had 8 officers wounded and 8 stilled, There was all unusually heavy toll of officers here compared to the loss of (nen. I wasgiven command of a company then arid we went Into support for 4 days, then when we were all expect- ing 211101her big rush, the French Look nut' ground and we WPre 11(1(511 nut as quietly and gnlekly las possible and were 1(111'riel 44(1111 to the Arrau front. Here they had la stall 441e4atet' allow staged for ns. 81,1110 of another divi- sion /Marked and kept pushing 1'1415 hack 11) within a mile of the fou mee 1Tiudetrbug line. 11ea111;ua1•ler8 had 111a11ner1 a hog arlvanen on 1a large tont fur Sept, 'Lr t 1 i 1)1)14 nur lirl44a(8 W4(44 part of Nhnte. It was thought Hutt our pa•ti(Uhtt• front had tor, wide a Nn -Man's Land from our trencl108 to the 1lintlenhnrg 1111P, 40 nut' Battalion tea-, ordered to get rinser to Peitz, Coming nn d1W1 to 1141' mallet' Units one Battalion ordete1 Mee to do the attacking as I had lbs sl1ra144eat Cnrn- pa1y and I had 3 experienced offlep•s also it was my tarn fer the 'Nimes” as Thatr1 missed the Somme effete, S1) Il, Company Wert. revel' 1115 top at. 4.10 a. 01. nn Sunday Sept. 181, and 11(1v1t1a- ed 1200 yards or to within 1000 yards (1111115 e1101117'8 main line, We found little 0ppn81tion until WP took the road and strong point hut, immediate. ly we (lid get 4L, old Fritz threw hark everything he (.Hold 501 out in the way of artillery. Art Pr 3linturs 1)r this he entire er-at tanki'd of it big 8cale and within 0 hours he was on 8 sides 01' !t., -v1t11 about a 1)e tS men to our ono. \\'e 110.1 out until 3114( t1)• chino 444411 lllnttillttibkIl( (1115 91)1111 and then fell imek on our support lines about e4 thew:mid yards brick, 1)11ring this rel 11'01101414 1 gut lilt but our buys step - 15d at t he I at11.111 ', Il lints 1 1 I NN's had eaten! ed 2111 111 iso1e ova, 3 nllu•hine guns and Il 111.11(11 tour tors tit Illy pllrtietlhll' hotel 5,11;14tere, 11, it 30 men. 1 lett ,•etc, ti, 111111• getting out as 1 hail 1. er„t(1 Ilia a mile and rum 1 1(1111 eft,- shell hole to 44 0)1 04', 1 1 1111111 anllle 10,000 ivllh'Is passed me but I seemed to mese everything else. After 1 got hind; Io the support. line, the huy5 With lulother ('uulpauy start- ed Emelt anti 1011)(111 the position. This time they held it only 2 hours and had to 1441114 eg,ti11 for morn as. 515fari05 nod the 3 d Lime they held until the big /Beek 011 the morning of 111• 'lid. In the meantime I got my wound dreeed and started out, Had to walls 2 miles to the neatest atnbnlanct, so I .1 111411 straight aernes old battle fields, shell holes, Wire, 1renehes, etc, I took toy time at this as I R'a8 not; 111 81,7 danger either 1(4114 illy wound tie .hells. I sittItlettly Pound thyself to be ravenously hungry, s1) 1 hunted throng') 1t fete have:slteks belonging to boys who bad fallen wte1[et in the eel: and laude !t good lunch out 111 0115 p ,or r110.p'4 b'teun and In Psl, Then 1 tool: plenty of time and reenli- st the 11011ubuu'S and by easy st(4455 11/1";11 1101114411 the ett-unlity clearing station. ho.Pitnl ,.hip, and now here it, old 1111441.15'. I all still in bed but I don't kettle why. I feel strong &emelt, heweeer a rest may do ole gond. I have 51)1115 hopes that this is he beginning of the end. Best to x.11 iigtliri(44 fri/•utl... 1,1) "r. ANDREW WILSON_ Story of a Trip Overseas The f "lowing letter was sent to Ivies end Airs. Campbell, Grey township, from their 51411, Pte. \Vile. and will he read with interest by nunreeo08 old frieud4:- Saturday, Aug, 3, -Reveille bugle blew about 3 o'clock a. m. anti I very reluctantly got up and rn11Pd my blankets. Had my kit packed the night before SO was soon t eady to leave. After eating inet(ltfast we "fell in" on the tetrad ground. A light. 'rain wilts falling so the were told to unroll our great Gnats and wear them. It was still dark when we had Roll ('all and shot Cly afterwards marched away from the bturaeks. The train 4.0(4.8 waiting at the A1r,heest station G1) we were 1)04 long to getting away, Arrived at 1Allifax. shortly afternoon \Vhpn we carne off the train we had Roll Call again and then marched allotted the waiting transport "Hung send"and WPl'P shown 0111' (Iunrtet4 which 10 PrP down in the hold and rather 110,0(1141. After supper eat]vets haulmorks were ht•ot443t down for 1)c to sleep on, We had been crowded eating brit were et 441Pat deal inure sleeping, Some of the fellows went upend bung their hanlnlneks 01) (11ek nll(1 'slept there fold some others, myself among them, hung out's in the washroom and I certainly slept snnt(dly. Sunday, Aug. 4 -Stayed in port all forenoon and after dinner ship's orders were read to all trnnps, About 3 o'clock p tn. 4t small tug came and pulled 1)e out of harbor and we sailed 011 exactly 4 yells after Britain de - retired war. were allowed on deck sr ahnns1 every 1101801) was at the rail tvalciling the shores of 0anadn clisap• pear. When We went tip after supper 11p were out of sight of land, Were warned to wear not life preservers all the time and a soldier going on deck without. it was putt in the "clink." Monday, Ang. 5111 -Water still smooth and weather fine, From Berk we Pun 5P1 (1411(44' transports, • Ours 4eenls to keep the lend infest of the dune. The s115111 gunboats, which es• corded us tint, 11a0(4 gone bank but still have 5mm5 ran ger battle cruisers with us, Al el, one first hone going ship tn•day, It did not pass very near, On board ore boat there are several bemired Serbians who are returning 110111P 10 serve in the army. Some of there are wearing the American unl- fm'n). Tuesday, Oct, (3 -The weber is sclne- whatrrotlghsr to -duty and some of the fellows arP/)1.441111111)44 to get ill. Venni 111P neck we can count 18 ships Includ- ing (104' n(vn, TI(Py 1t1'P 1151 1111 carry- ing h (10115 bmtseenl to keep neatly the same formation. On nur ship is at battalion of infantry from ""Ottawa and n.81'11151) (ninmhia battalion who with about 1,000 of us, En44ineete and tweeted hundred Seehians Make near old tub rat het. cl ouded, Near dark a heavy rain began to fall so we were all sent below. Wednesday, Aug, 7111, -Water still continues rather rough, A great neatly of;t.he boys are sink to -day arid hospital is fail, Ain not felling very well myself to -day but have not oils - sed any meals so far. The only drill the have is lire -boat 61111, Alarm is sounded and WP ttll rush to the life- boats, I blink if the ship was to be torpedoed the rush would he 00054151' rd faster, Our whip is one which has hese captured from the Germans and has been torpedoed 8 times Sunday, Aug. 11. -The last 5 days have not been day8 of pleasure for 1(1e, In that time I have decided that I am not intended to be a sailor, I think (he guy who wrote th(tt. poem that need to he in the Pliblie School Render about 1 --"The syn, tate sea, the mien BPn, the glad the fresh the ever free," must have fertned his 0171 100118 while. stranding on the collet. 1 know if he flat anything like I (1ic1 his sentiments regm'dirlg the sea would have been quite different, welt the sea might have been „glad ftntl fresh etc." but I 511(1 0801105 you T wain'(4, HOweVel•'0- flay I am able to walk alnn44 the deck with a ),attain degree of steadiness. Allhnugh we have had no atom s0 far, atm has been rough since the second day out. Monday, Aug, 1201, -To -clay we Were paid the ennrinnue sut0 of $5., whir.] Was very welcome las we had not, been paid for seine time. I had to help wash 1 h dished, an outside of being paid the day 'teas vary unit. 111eeti1144 for me. Tuesday Aug. 18th,—whets we 1 n77nr.:77 77: d „Sesses- An Advefti,semen tr n by Charles U a J s CHARLES DICKENS is one of the world's great teachers. Here is what he has to say in one of his books: "My other piece of advice, Copperfield," said Mr. Micawber, "you know. Annual income £20, annual expenditure £19, 19. 6—result, happiness. Annual income £20, annual expenditure £20. 0. 6— result, misery. The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered, the God of Day goes down upon the dreary scene, and—and in short you are forever floored, As I am." The saving of a part of one's in- come was always a good policy. Prudent men and women have always maintained a margin of saving. But to -day we must go farther in our efforts to save than ever before. To -day it is a matter of the gravest importance that each Canadian seek ways and means to economize by cutting down ex- penditures for unnecessary things, saving the money he spends on things he could do without, so that when the Nation needs to borrow money he will be in a posi- tion to do his full duty. There is war -shortening work wait- ing for every dollar that can he saved. IF Charles Dickens were writing to Canadians to -day he would probably give us advice to this effect: "r1) y other piece of advice, Canadians, you know. No matter what percentage of your annual (a income you have pre- viously saved, your efforts to -day should be to save more. The advantage of so doing is threefold: By the practice of economy you conserve the material and labor which must be devoted to the grim task before us; you cultivate the priceless habit of thrift; you gather snore and more money to lend to the Nation for the Prosecution of the war to a quick and certain Victory," Published under the authority of the Minister of Finance of Canada 20 went up nn deck this morning we were greeted with Ole appearance of several destroyers that had come out to meet us. As most of the fellows, like myself, had never seen one before they were kept inlet ested for the test of I he day. They were long low boats with 4 funnels and keep steaming ar'nntel the transports all the flute. W('duesday, Aug, 44th -Nettling of interest happetterf tredav '1)'e are pouting into the (lunger zone and ex, peat In soon end the voyage. Thursday, Aug. 15th. -When 1 went 1)p on deck this morning there was a big diegible balloon flying around. We sailed into Liverpool harberabeut noon 14)1(1 shortly after dinner we disembarked. A large braes band, played entirely by boys, headed us to the station where a dump train 05x8 Waitin,•, Coaches here are divided into small compel tmPthls, tvhioh just (told 0 persons anti the engines are small when compared to those used in Canada. We passed through some beautiful country when coining from Liverpool, Most. of the fanners are working at the harvest and crops seem to be very gond. We arrived at Aldershot in the middle of the night and airier getting off train we had a 215 mile nlaerh nut to our camp. Must close now bill will write again shortly, Spa. W, L. GAMPBNLt. A 11115)line has been invented which shreds various kinds of paperthat are fed into it, making it into soft material which can be used for pack - big fragile goods. It is reported that 11) Gerniahy sev- eral thousand wolnen—selected for their youth, energy and attractiveness —are learning the Russian language. Their tutors are Russian prisoners, who are compelled to give them less- ons, These students are intended to pursue, after the war, the occupation of travelling saleswomen to the Rus- sian Markets, FALL FAIRS -1918 Dungannon ,•., . ,Oninbe'6, 4 Kleist nu ... Oct elite 3. 1 Ie`o'dt0101r ..............o .... 00lnh1,, 0 8, 0 Auction Sales AUOTION HA1,113 OP 15!1,1,(55( 54110(31 1,440 111)1,4(11.8'18 =rhos (}111)1(, has rernlve/1 1411((1184 ions from the undersigned to 1,511 by Pante Auction on the North half of Lot 12, Coll, 0, M orris. ecronientieg at 111 to on Fri- day, October 11th 1018 the Following, that. 1. to see 44-1 11180e 11 (-211(0 old, 1 nuWs 0 years old, 1 aced mere, 1 ho••0 5 year.. old. 1 11111.0 If years old, 1 2 -yen( old Rlly, 1 year '.11 gelding, 1 Durham bull 111 Months old registered, 1 newly cello d row 0 row. mannered 10 be w1111 esif.02.yeu•old teer5,8 2.1, lir 0,d heifers,tt veyrliue atm er. 4 , ca•ling Heifers, 8 calves, 1 brood ante, 1 rat. pig 0 pigs 840011/111 old, 11bo11 100 hens, 1 Mnsoey-rlor, 14 binder 7 ft Ont near. IT new, 1 5'105eeyHarris now ars I Pr oat & Wood seed drill, 1 IVaseey•Harris manure spreader, I hay rake,1 land roller, 1 cultivator, 1 Elise harrow, apt iron hnrroWa, 2 plows, 1 2 -furrow riding plow, 1 gang plow, set wt 00, scales, fanning 111111, 20914 big Moxas, I 0 horse power gasoline engine 1 turnip polpe,r, 1 ooitlrr, 1 set 11o11•alelghs, 1 lumber wagon, 1 bur reek, 1 stook rack. 1 oar ropes and stings, 40 bus. peas, about 2000 bushels mixed grain, 1 top huger, 1 euttes, 2 seta double harness, 1 eat single Ilsl'illaa, attlglr 1)118kt, 1 grindstone, 1 Molte cream separator,25 gal steel oilMonate barrel, a quantity or 1,4013111 (110 rote, a (lutnt- tity of tools, forks, hoes, stn , and other a•ti• cies too numerous t0 mention. A number of household articles will also be offered for sale including tt Dnmhdon organ. Terms; -A11 pnrrhaees al$1000011d under ens1 over lino amount 12 months credit 011 awe'nved joint mace. A discount of 4 per cent off for oo-h 011 arrant amounts 1411)0 ,loos 11Io15rdlow, 1554- eoutor of the estate of the tate John M015lroy. AU( r1(lM 14A L11 Om ifARM, PA RM 14'I'(1('Ii, 1trump' iorSiw, &c -P. H Huott, Anetloneer has received instructions from the undersign. ed Proprietor to Hell by Pnhli0 Auction al South Halt'. Lot 10, Don. 4 Morris, I'uo.'4nv, October 151h, at 1 0'140(11, the following unlit• able property 1-1 driving Burse 7 years old, I general purpose gelling 8 y oars old, 1 now 4110 to 01105 time of cal e, 8 cows implore In 0•1)1, Oheir ors 2years old supposed in unit, 7 steers 2 years old, 2 heifers 1 vont old 2'10,5 1 year old, 4 Springcalves, 1 brood ante in pig, 2 year 2 11101141w eld, 1 Deering rake, 10 ft . 1 Mossy. Helms hin6Nr 8 ft, nut, 1 1114s8oy14nrrh i mower 014 ft rut, 1 10 -home Noxno send (14111, 1 Nexon diso h08r0w, I set iron harrows 4 widens, I land roller, 1 new National twin play with retiree 00410(. 1 wentine plow, 1 moulder, 1 wagon, 1 democrat, pole nod shafts, 1 top boggy, 1 cutter,1 nutting box 1 pulps•, 1 stomob0nt, 1 log out, 1 now bide r,4o hay fork (011x, pull ors cod nit go, 2 hers of I can It ornee5, 2 sets of smgl,- harness, I (limen palming ultrl, set WW1 1114 11050,, settle., 2 doz,n groin hugs, 11,1y 1.0011, 0(0011 rank 44(111704 box s wagon ho, 1 wood (unit, 1 soh el(•ighs 1 sti'l'l scr1ppr, 1 4,0111 arpa•n te• De Laval No 12 1110 04,110( posts, 2 081- or W hifietr',es, forks, shovels std other a•tiol5. too nnm0roil1 a0 locution. bre elements ore all in good 00141114011 Perm contains 100 Horne,about 30 acres 015048(1 nod whole faro, 18 grass Promo linage, bnnit barn, pi pen, hen house, &c. Or0hsrl and gond spring creep Halo W11/101111 r05erVa 111) peeprfetnr :skiving (1p taming'. (corms 1-A11 mama of 85 and under east] ever 4het mmotnd; 11 months 0(0411 elven rot 1n(15) 1i' x111"owed of r 4,0,4p,=n , ,. if r.•1 um, .11 1tm 1,1,1' '11•.1,1 fel in, 4,1 111111,. k1), wit to, liesale o10IoT10rr,rmlur•egt11131 10314,Pop, ( Farm for Sale 100 ner5 farm fur stile, being Lot 12 Con, 10, Grey township. 02 auras cleared and hideout) in pnstur1. On the promise•, is n new brick house, 111227, with .kitchen 16222; good bank barn, i,•Ixili ; good drilled well, 0l•o11111•d, &o, For further patinnl0r5 apply on the premises to 20844 P. GAYNOR, 12-4 Hrreciel8 R R. No, 0, Strayed Steer Strayed oxen the pasture in Logan township about Anguet 10th, n red mrd white 2 year old dehorned 8140m, with white on top of hand. eny information as to his wher0nbenta wilt b0 thankfully received. .INO teT HIV PINSON, Lot 7, Cou, 18, prey, R. R. 2, Brussels. Phoria 4211 Bull for Service The undersigned w ill Keep for 0erviae, on Si4 T,ot 80, ('on, 2, 45(orrie township,the bhoro'-bred 8hnrt Horn 131511, Gainford of Salem, No, 481•Jtll-. Sired by Gainford (lnrgtli' (1008001 ; Non 6111dred VII by Royal (4(1111)1 118000) Ped- igree mny be seen ea application Terme-- $0,50 for grades and $1000 for thnro'-brads, 113.08. P218113015, Proprietor, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers his farm or 105 acre, Loh I, Con 14, 4ullstt Township, for 80)5, On the promises is a oonfortohlo bride house with kitchen clod woodshed ; hard and Soft water 3 hank barn, 60x60 foot, with water In steles ( hog pen, het house olid driving 511011 ' about an sere of orchard hum is thoroughly tile undordrnined, is In (110 highest state of nnitl- vadnn nod is all (,inured 86 nares are being tilled would also sell20 acres in M0114110)) township directly across Om rend. Two 11(4105 from Wsllnn lis P 1.i. where aro all shipping ennvnniennes, 801 Por further partieula•s 011 or wrilu JAMES NOUN, Proprietor, t 11.0 Walton 11, 1t, No. 1, Farms for Sale 7.76004"8 of lend' fm' Oslo, oto form Lot12, North Half Don 0, Morris township oontnining Oa sores alters are on the (r)r'ot'es a good Pi Arne house, bank barn 6(x00 ft., else n driving sired with pig 11011 underneath, n hay barn ;with 001110111 stabling nod n frame house not (leen, Moan lain n good state, or oultivattOn nod Is watered with a s rh,g creole and well with windmill Also 81 1mh 18, (201, 8, note tenting 100 awes mostlygrass, wellWabered by. spring ; 4040005 hardlv0nd bush, good orchard nod .1111411 110118P .thesis tan115 urn bt 0004• 0111" 001011141111 and will he mold eepar4rt• or to. Ro ehrrn 1,•n..mnbi,. y1) teas A tnly for 11m, - 10a11 0 0 1 10111n •4, to 11w 1044,1 M, 151t•,y, Ex. eoatrlx of estateofJohn MoISlroy, Rlyt)t P, 0„ or Robt, ilhorbread, Walton P. 0. m