The Brussels Post, 1918-10-3, Page 3'1'lIF "BLUE 1 DEVILS" 1HU N VANDALISM
('l,zu 4h3llln 11p111N, Frallee'a (treat
Fighting Regicltrentt.
ban au nn � o1dit 1's of whanti
she Is more proud than of her (;has- v --"'•"'
senl•a Alpine. whom oho has dubbed '1'1J,I•ING PROOF JS FOUND BY
ler "Blue Devils."
their hhrn • frau ,• 1' s .tad bhu k tam-tie-stein-
am o s l to
Ser them a : they march in tet U.S. CORRESPONDENT.
oto and feney flrtieles cf wearing are' only two r" 1 L...i,;, lie ether.), ,:f the 101'-'4"--:' "' �- `"' {i the World's lit 1 .deet City.
pe rel all over. leek and ,t loot -.-out t r- permitted i (i� 4'yt>pgyrdh °kl1(1 1� l'Jltfelr t; the were +e f city in the
(sucked hefts.ct1 • 01 r :ad lair. up tnpsi•h at 01 c 0u,1 th(:•I MAY ! w+ 011? Put this ryu, ton to ten dif-!.
rem in all the le -ping rooms. long enough fur one 5i,1 le. Ma :}1 11 ferret people and thee will probably;
A nd even slit.i fines; not 1, 11 cell. It Submariu, : are livid. d let three l i all lursu•r it !h } usdty. But if we
would be dilileult to give tut arlel1uatn sr,,,1i01111, wi,.h sfxi -,n A,'11,y cc,1e for ` "^"�, tire• to take the verdict -f statistics,
picture of any of the sew, or morn a erew nt Iveenty-feet. 'I'hev et.,nel we meet agree hit ti w l,edest city
of fine homes which the Germans or- the usual fuer h,;n• m1 :,,til ,igliI „fr'i �. '• in the world is Moil Ai, u1 Siberia.
copied ani wrerlted us they w+a tit. the hare, but 1';i -ea III i, oaf+h; which hue teem Steering s, prominent-
hurriedly to abandon them to are cut to three hour.. !y i1'( the uses , f late.
n1(41(0 • uniform of black coat, the ouaonu 05 I'ran'n.Amel+ienns. f` Before the wan 1,i,•it;l, lied a pope -
1 z - A Iliut to ihr' 'fhfu.
Il. , 4atnty angle! Short. of Ithe .let Once Beautiful Chateaus' v'sfteil hardly a thinir. which is of
let set ,l 1 a t 1 i
shame!, broad of shoulder, with mus- tion Wrecks its Result of Germans' any vulrr, lull some, or tip. homes, in
cies of 1041 salt nerves of steel, they furoislungs and (leveret ions alone,
i Bestial Savagely.
suing pu„nily Mem Mill the stir of represented an,experditure. of at tenet
cnuque.r ung heroes,
"'Iltt 1 111.1'," .,aid a 1''r0nt11 OMee1 ,there seemed Lo'he a t 4urcion. In.1100,000,
h 1 nil f r OW lluit-d States, at 1'.l.;t during the
Systenuntic' Destruction.
There it ins in none. of the helves
A oazmarhe' is full or ((title aft.
fuel -oil, and battery -gas. She i ;n
:•m11.11 that at the base Ihcy have to
;tt.tion a heat witteh up topside all
eht to leer tall odrfa+1' c, iff. final
(,topping on her, Sh. has only live
rooms, with steel lnzll.l1 ,•h between
thorn, and steel doors that
d- ed clam so that if on,• 1'n u,
e ome filled with Ih sea, fon rooms
may remain. 1••1'nln ltu 111 stern the
fico tock• the i. 1'p; -,lei c1' rli:utrn W., the
forward batt cry no.a,+.,rtnont, the
ventral onerati�a,ir compartment. and
the engine mein. Tho- r0i, t - kt3
11 r
to the tsrit«r, ••line a corps o on
army, the n+„Mt 1101115, ikilfuh and ,'1 1101' day.; a1' the war, 'that' the Chateau Thierry is a very old and,
doted,t; !ine,`,r•s we eeeess, and -,torieu of German vaudllten were!a vers wealthy city It is the rents.
e 1 Mona ,n .; r.:uida than •,14x10, that of nuuutfartvrr o1' mu' 1 -i d intru-
rcrry n'.rl ui Lhen, iv 11 .1' 10ureri Ilion, 11,0( were• c•ut•ulutevl tm slit• up apd m00i4. Every shop in tli' city was
riur, burl a- nail, and bold as n lion. int 'l';ify hatred for 111• !'eruru '
'T1,cv al•••, in t'in't, all (p'i,ally chosen strf'1'(1 Not n bottle of wine re-
Inc 111,11 von NIT! :ind 111041(01
saye, en-Nmeric^,nt ever ••(,1••••.pun fern•• ,nttfned in any of the v lee chops
had r,n'e doubt 1'„y: 1':f re+sur+iinl, tool not :r pair of shoes or a ;,fere of
:, ,'a a i,1' truth of h st;,tnmctcs weei-ime metaled wee to he found
?~u hr urns 1•• r melt a hno
d the
trainin , t.,1' in addition to the regu- that Berman (Anvers 113,1 wantonly when the .ailed troops entered th'e,mit in the tortede eom rtmeet. Thr
'(0 a
g .d and defiled tuaguifr•ent poi--plf10)',
lar irtullln for (1 ((L(( uthey are
erew hangs out. in I,•? ,,,,,r r i Lai,.
taken for the,, months to the mann- vat0 rr;i,loncos, + Iu T err•.en-fardenei4 the hemi.1 tory compartment. And they all m _,s
tein4 where they Undergo a d tri ll in:' 1 have no doul,te now. I know the were rtt utfiate,l in the same way, together in the :etre,-lee,tn1•v cern-
that 100uld kill or di,.ahb' any ut • lett the Huns do things whieh no one without There, T Ger-
Mane the Gerans were a pertinent, where the rook hangs. out,
strongest men. Thee, are trteined to'a bestial nature canal do, They loot, little more vicious than in'C'hateau- The tote] effect of it is that then
march 111 ,,it inerrdihly long distant,' they burn, they wreck, they defile.. Thierry. The fart that they were not heat and sleep they undergo make the
es in the Rnow•. to settle the, loftftst They commit crimes against property routed so hurriedly out of Fere-en- submarine men fatter than other
and meet ditlic'ult penis, to leap crev- , Which canted be dfscue.sed. They leave Tardenols may aec•ount for the more \tax y m1'•'1. Although they are given I
asses, and to travel swiftly on 0114 death traps in their wake. They de- perfect disfigurement and dr,Iruetion waterproofs and "snhmrrine clothes”
and o11 sl..', ;vim most devilish infernal machines. of property there. Fere-en-Tardrnois for_prntertfnn l sinst of
They have •a4 s lendid a record of They treat aged civilians with no 11 a eft( ordinarily of about fifteen brat and cold, they all wear dunfar The '1'l at colle••e always find it GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN
fighting 11 any soldiers in ihr, world. r°Pn4idrrntion wlratevcy stealing their thousand inhtnhit,me with large ons, except the eaptttin, who wears y WITH LEMON JUICE
They r;'ri' nr,r,3d 11(00 gigs of valor food and returning just enough to the shops, handsome homes and attractive rlungarnea and dancing pumps. Fora necessary to have a chess( little ;ergs
Ffrock ill her wardrobe, The one 11—
lvepoledn. They have covered them -Peer people to keep body and soul streets. Now there is not :t house stihmarfne 14 as cold-blooded ns a fiehlustrfrock 111 is developede, in midnight- Melee a beauty rotten for a few cents to
selves with gylot•"y in the Crimea and together. It is true that now and that is habitable; not a dwelling1 and would take the temperature of
blue ser o with a nim a of black remove tan, freckles, a few nese.
ria, Italy told Morocco, and der—main an instance ice found where one lageh has not been mutilated and pin- the sea except for the heat generated g g P
the+ resent war they have excel-; German lea group of a hundred or raged: nota shop which has not been by the human bodies, storage batter- satin, McCall Pattern No, 8312,
ing1Misses' Dress, In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 Your grocer has the lemons and any
led even tlremselwes, more shows a spirit of kindliness se looted. Shellfire from the allied les, and gas engines in her, fico al+,1'r or [pilot e,' 1010 will supply
It was their furious fighting in Al- • nm feeble chi Lin. but fn every case guns in their blasts to drive the Ger- ,years, Price, 20 cents.
sure in the early d
ays of the war that of this kind I have been able to 0011 mans north did immeasurable damage Cramped Quarters.
won for theta .lie title of "Blue Dm -clown the humanity sprang from the to the exteriors of the hui;clings, but In the torpedo compartment are
ils," for no devils could have fought heart of an Alsatian or a Pole. ; the Gennenit did more, I went four torpedo tubes, the torpedo res-
more fiercely. And at Metzernl, I Every chateau which the Germans through about thirty homes there and erve, the torpedo loading hatch, the j
langerkofr, and Ilart.munnsweiler- i hove occupied in the region 'between found in all the same scene of savage tall locker containing thee torpdo
kolzf they wince like s0 many infuri- the Marne and the Veele lea11ri the despoliation- Floors littered with tools, the anchor stowed overhead,
ated tigers let loose on the enemy. 1 rheteaus are everywhere and the shattered piers of furniture, crockery, the submarine's arsenal of six Spria*-
One of their meet wonderful feats,' ratans always choose thele for their . glassware; pictures torn from walls field rifles, the officers' lockers, olid e
indeed, ecus the capture of Hartmann -I officers' headquarters—has been mar and hacked with knives; pianos under the decd: the fuel -tanks incl air-
flk £ which the latter not only
11 )ton of 1'l(,1tn0 tad .10(1 murders
Y.' ere , unlin it ted every year there 00
101 ttsn -Rc. the hlf i., st kn0Wll aver-
age• in ( in•i�'trnd,,n,. I1, (1)lior words,
(u1'• ii h 1•itantt in every 2it1 died a
violent death. tri f t.) murderers
only tine in te•u hens ht to trial,
m !eel} h:,lf cif tom ;, t1' e,invleterl.
I:, r( :icily eau f .affairs Irk-
ut ane e der i t i 1 tate a vigilance
tt,.'. 11. 1,t nein Everybody
, n,lted t•, .. rt•e on it. 1 a rotivi+•t.s
,1 ilmt Lr I 1 t1' r0ne, and
ten t•' -d <pee11 t,� ..,,..� to put.
'411 :'ti l 1 their ova 1'„i. 1,1/1;Y:4 by the
.,cru , A reign cf tin ror• followed.
Cede'. the1") 3, thiol they were
,r, t «1':•h m1' i 1i''nl •. r shot in
11 .e,l 1 t 1, seri rrd,4 1 "'Tome
n sooetmu and nencl c it •tai n' ....
�ri:;a..,.0 ';.,3;•.a. .Vel ec.t::
bra .r';ht m a 11' th hal!. Ti .fort inn,.
110 mr,n`, hfn at11 nm men'. property "Visiting (.+3rd,' at the Pile.'
were e.,fe.
And the government had to ap- The silk flag which M. Amundsen
point 0 second signet '' committee is t,tl 0u % with hint to plant at the
to get rid of the first one. ' Nor•th Pole ---if the opportunity pre-
sent Itself"-- will be used, of course,
fat• purely formal purpose., for the
rights oi' the !iris. -comer belong to the
United States, whose Stars and
Stripes were planted there by Com-
mander Peary on April 6th. 1909.
Naturally, every nation which achiev-
es either Pole is anxious to leave a
visiting card. When Scott reached
the South Pole on. January 17th, 1912,
he planted the Union Jack at a spot
half a mile from -the Norwegian flag
which Amundsen had placed there
some months earifer,
=nerd's Liniment Oases Eluas, Eta.
There is no more gentle creature
on earth than the British sailor.—
The Bishop of Southwell.
Now that the new
government standard
flour is in general use; the
quality of the yeast you
use is more Important
than ever. Use Royal
Yeast Cakes. Their Baal-
ity i:, absolutely reliable.
llread made with Royal
Yeast will keep fresh and
moist longer than that
made with any other.
Send nomo and address
for copy Royal.Yeast
Bake Book.
i e • , nicked and in some instances smash- flasks o
ass rile kopf a steep and reeky peal[ 1'(d and mutilated. Every city and
' eel clocks shatttr ed drawers open snpnly breathable air but also blow
ns sheer almost se a precipice, north, I village where the Huns sojourned on : ; i the water out of the ballast -tanks.
west of Thain. It was stoutly de- I their vandalistio march south from: and the contents strewn all about;
fended by a much superior force of tit Chemin des Dames tells a woeful, private letters opened and torn to In the forward battery colligateand
Germans: hu the. Chasseu s charged and
story of destruction and pillage. I bits; wall safes blown or pried open; ment are the craws' lockers
with such fury in the face of a deluge 'wont through twenty of them. , They ,bottles everywhere, , their submarine -sized gramophone
l wealthy families. They : Mutilation Was Nanton and the radio apparatus, and the
Htins fled in picnic before the "moon -,American and French troops entered ,palnthigs and pictures of outer kinds mah-
are the main and auxiliary switch-
”g :—were damaged andhoards, the hand pump overhead, with
ing distance of them in Germans who had been lestlnthe safety helmets ley which the crew
Of bullets, torrents of hand-grenades,!are
are homes of wea t y ami les, varying amount of battery -gas.
and sheets of liquid -fire, that the i presented (t sad spectacle when the In one home more than thirty In the after battery comport
twin devils" eou}d come within strike; the city on the heels of the retreat- i—engravings, etchings, photographs
three remained
"La Belle France" has every reason : in comfort in the beautiful homes : on the walls untouched. They were can escape if stranded in shallow,
to be proud of her "Blue Devils." for six weeks. 1photographs of Niagara Falls—one water, the after anded0ne, the work,
What They Did. of the Americin Falls, one of the bench, the cruising hatch opening on
Horseshoe falls told one of the river
WARMTH FOR AIRMEN Isere are some of the things the to the conning tower fairwater, and
taken from Goat Island.
-- German ornrers or their orderlies did more air flasks along with more bate
As Result of Electric Clothes Now in one home: In another home, which was treated
tory cells under the deck. Here are
Being Perfected. ' Threw an ink bottle against a seven [somewhat Germhaddrsi than the others, intotho also the electric cooking range, the
fi Germans fired rine bullets ice box, and the mess lockers, They
Deli airmen has now been greatly im- on the walls and ceiling. ! weapons, had shot off the nee
The electric clothing worn by Bri- I foot mirror, afterward splashing ink the pictures ancl, with the same dine at noon in the submarines on
its of
proved, says the Daily Express. I Jammed a bayonet through the vases and fancy glass flower holders. cold storage stuff mostly, and they ,
net along without either bugler or ,
Gloves, shoes and waistcoat are at- works of five handsome marble clocks. The mutilation here was unspeakably boatswain. When the coolc is ready,' Upon the earth our father; loved; tante, charges weld. send stam for par -
tory of the machine, and if the pilot's from costly volumes and strew more ;looms—old family portraits—whose chions, serves the officers, and calls lines and a pleasing silhouette, is this Or witness with untroubled eyes, pony. niunu•eal:
fret are the only parts of his hotly than 500 books about the floor, pian- 'preciousness to the owner must have out "Who' d' yuh say?" to the crew, design of serge and satin, McCall To -day your splendid sacrifice? fIVisi2:et. Tlrlsl0R(, LUI01.P4, DTC„
which require heat, _ e men .. library _.__,__..i ,.__ ,..._
vandals, And in _ engine Pattern NO. Rd02 Misses' bless. In n D,4+�(,, 1 With uncovered head. [J internal and exterttal, .orad with-
out rain , _ r h..__._ Write
you with three melees of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons -boo a bottle, then
put la tile orchard whits and shake
well. This melees a (punter pint of the
very beet lemon skin whitener and
complexion beautifier known. Massage
this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into
the face, 'leek, arils and hands and
just see how freckles, tan, sallowness,
redness and roughness disappear and
how smooth, soft and clear the skein
becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and
the beautiful results will surprise you.
To Britain From America.
Because we put aside the yoke. •
Because the voice of freedom spoke,
gond prints Finishing a specialty.
Frames and everything at lowest Prices.
I.'nit. d Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave,.
JALlih-Hay. (;l`+)TE 1,71r:1.I0,' 111t10D,
9T Nuthwrll. (11,1 ,ic,. Reid Bros.,
Think you, we have foegottea her B„thwen. untario.
Who made our fathe:s what they
Britain? NAT DLL ee1t.'II•I'1:L( NEWSPAPER
V' +nd doh printlna plant in Eastern
TLirl. you, that aaai u' tyrannies • tn'tt3r'°' In:mrance married 51,600. Will
P gn Por SL2eo nn quick sale. Aox 69,
Could rob us of our memories, , weieen Publishing Cu.. Ltd.. Toronto.
1.1hb, In that far unhappy age, j 510010.0 N334t"v!'APF:R FOR ADD
Were faithful to our heritage, I i fa New Guru'$. (Iwner goln$ 10
And kept alive, byword and deed I ?ranee. 10111 sell $2.400. yvorth double
P , that amount. Apply J. IL. co vr'llson
The fire you lit at Ruonvnlede'; Publishing 1'0.. T,l+nited. Toronto.
Because we flung our ga,L+'a s) [vide,
And called all peoples t, our side, AWES of .1ATi:L TO DO PLAIN
Think you, that we can walk unmoved 1 and light sctving at hu=e, whole or
spare tone, good Pay, work sant anY d[a•
the other wires.
Germany realized the uses of elec-
trically -warmed garments at the be-
ginning of the war, but it was not
until tater that the British seriously
adopted the system, Some eight hun-
dred outfits are now supplied per
week by the two firms engaged in
the manufacture of these electric
A Daily Express representative
was shown the garments manufac-
tured by the Radio -Electric Clothing
Company for the use of airmen. The
gloves are of the softest and thinnest
evidentlyh 'd f b I1 ' crunched under heels and thrown l 11 which f e 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years, rice, Here, in the presence o your ea , us before tom ate, r. e
the pride o a oo i over. 1'o cum smell W 1C comes from more
Tore a teddy bear in two; pulled ugttinst walls Bedding was ripped fuel tanks under the deck the main cents. We plight the word of faithful men; e'-"'• Limited, c.,ntnx'wu d, out.
Lt may be obtained we drink acre n.
arms and legs from large dolls; to Pieces and yah able coven lets and engines, now sound asleep. the mala These patterns yThe common cup ,
smashed a doll cradle and generally curtains torn to shreds. � the compressors, the from your local McCall dealer, or We wrong you not by flattery;
wrecked hill'
pumps, mem 10 c P from the Co., 70 Bond St., Tor -
a child's
(s nursery. McCall
after trimming tank control, and theBut offer that you understand,
Smashed till the china in a cabinet !�'p °111030 motors. onto, Dept. W. The true and open heart and hand,
Fi tl v �EARIES' I
---a.----- The friendship of a people free,
and a cupboard and shattered expen- The Underwater World. , �_r r+O`��_��� The honor of another Land,
sive glassware. i ; , , But it is in the central operating Her faith in your nobility.
5111 oil paintings and stamped holes Si�;MARINES . compartment that one finds the heart , p
in pictures which had been torn from of the ship. This is the bridge -house WITH THE FINGERS!
the walls and left on the floor, p' Aldaara's Liniment aeueoes Neuralgia
Broke the keys on a costly piano. SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT I*suing the Rockies.
Racked tops off' vases and fancy tions here when the eaptarn Says
urns WITHOUT ANY PAIN i During the progress of the survey
Slit tapestries and curtains to rib- 1 of the boundary between Alberta and
lisle material, and do not impede bons,
the wearer in the most delicate Threw bottlees against handsomely
operations to his machine. They aro
decorated walls and poured various
wired up the back and attached by kinds of sauces and other liquids on
and chart -house, and here the log is
THOSE UNIQUE AND MODERN kept. Six men crowd to their post -
ADJUNCTS TO THE NAVY "Stationsl" and on ally one of them
— deepnd the lives of the submarine and 1British Columbia, a region containing
everybody aboard when she's sub- ° '° 0 `0 0 0" 0 0 O�O—O�° ' some of the loftiest peaks in Canada
Story of Subs Out On Patrol Duty merged. They vary in inlnoetance 1 Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
"To Search For and Destroy front the man at the main kingstons : any kind of a corn can shortly be lift-
---levers for operating the flond-valve;'ed right out with tato fingers if you
the. Enemy." up through the man at the main , will apply on the corn 0 few drops of
motor controllers, thee man at the freezoue, says a Cincinnati authority.
The sullmarine is like nothing else water manifold and gauges, and the
in the Navy. She has always had her At 111110 cost one can get n small
man at the air manifold and gauges, battle of fr0ezone nt arty drug store,
own peculiar little worries, When she to the two men ovho whirl the wheels which will positively rid one's feet of
stakes a quick dive She may leave a of the stern and bow diving rudders, every 0018 or callus without pain or
hatch' open, or when she makes a witla,their eyes =continually on the' soreness or the danger of infection.
quick porpoise she may lift a hatch; depth and angle fiauges, an whom de-' This new drug is an ether cow -
quick and in either case, if the sea gets to pends most of all. About then], in a pound, and ch'fee the moment it is ap-
her storage batteries, she gets their
gases; or her diving rudders may jam, tvltitee compartment some ton feet plied and does notilllltdnle or even in,
square and not much higher than a vitae the aurroundini; Lisette. Just
or she lmly leak, and the deeper she man's head. aloe ell tato wheels, levers, blink! You can lift off your corns and
goes the worse it gets; or Bits may
gauges, hell, m1(1 0)1001 115 tubes, all calluses now without a bit of pain or
accumulate in her littler pits. And the clocks showing t11e pressure ill soreness, If 50110 druggist hasn't
on top of all these little worries she the air fln,dts, the weight of water fi'c'ezut'a he can enefly got a small bot•
has to 10101 the life of an outlaw,' in the ballast tanks, the soba a•ilia a tin for you from his wholesale ding _
ready to open valves and alter cools.' distance below the surfaer. and the louse' I MONEY OPIDERS. i
at the first sight of anything bigger' amount of angle on the diving rude ° rid a Dominion I;xpre s Motley Or. I
than a rowing boat, And when she' dere an the chronometers, compasses, Slrenmm Pollution Serious.
a connecting string to the sleeves of
the waist -twat- The geld at high alti-
tudes cannot numb the hands when
they are encased in these scientific-
ally -warmed gloves. Fur gauntlets
are worn over them.
The electric clothing was first sup-
plied to our airmen in October, 1917,
just before the tong -distance raids
into Germany began. It was not pos-
sible to utilize the scientific heating
of the clothes by electricity at the
beginning of the 1000 as the machines
then in use did not generate sufficient
powbi' to allow part, of rho electricity
to be used for warming the airmen.
The Shell Maker.
,Swift running belts anti turtling
They sound, it seems to ane,
Lilco dashing waves against a cliff
When there's a storm at sea,
The ringing sholl sounds like n'11e11
'Mat tells of victory.
Under the fearful heat I droop,
With weariness I stand,
And then I think what others do
Defending native land,
And Dem with cheerful heart to toil,
Forgetting blistered hand.
1 see tate soldiers in the field,
The sailors on the sea,
The birdmen rising in the shy,
'1'o keep our country free,
And nurses brave h1 clanger grave,
Whore sink and wounded be,
In 'winter's cold and Summer's heat,
Lot each ono do his share;
We work in safety; far away,
They toll in danger there.
'0'hen neve0 80800 our labor
T111 victorious arms they bear,
Gold water and lard will remove
wheel grease from cloth, if the arti-
410 is 'Iefterevards welshed fir cold
expensive rugs and carpets.
Rifled every drawer in the house;
blew open a small safe; threw trink-
always goes with
health„ and health
making is -the big
reason 'ifor
A Mk IOUS food,
rich in the vital
eat. and enjoy it
to last atom.
Health making,
noatrishin ,
Csnode food timid Licer o lice -1!26
0080 encountered not far north of the
united States boundary. A number -.-.
o:' these peaks have hetet re., .ed by
the Geographical Board after Canadi-
an and Allied soldiers cf eastinetion,
and travellers through the Porkies
Int•( 110W try to cline!, such heights
as Mount Currie, Mount Turner,
Mount Morrison, Mount Mercer,
Mount Watson. and Mount Bishop.'
The genius of Sir Douglas Ilaig is,
commemorated in n peak 11,000 feet'
high, and the names of Generals Foch,
(Toffee, and Petsin are given to peaks
of almost equal elevai;nit. King Al-
bert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium
are elan remembered, as is General
Leman, the gallant defender of Liege,
OR (1)C T3F O00 SHOES t
;,i,1' C.e 041;00`
cos a hydroplane, no matter how far revolution counters, engine room tole- The Hagar Strawboard and Paper
off, take it from her captain, she goes', graphs and other bridge gear, 1110100- Co., of Xenia, Ohio, was recently fined Britain Raising 600,000 Men In India. !KNO'
own to "nine hundred Fact, and on n' ing a steering wheel the size of a din- 100 and costs for ,allowing refuse
ark night w1'. get away with it---" half a million combatants are being ser plate, which controls tato submar- liquors from its paper mills to enter raised in India this year, it was an-'
Their Little Luxury. I inn's torpedoing, submerging, nevi- Massie creek, killing large numbers the re -i THEFIRST ROUND
Every little handle in the submit.- I gating, and motive power. The for- of fish. The company claimed that eut15 byit> Edwin House
nmuel Montagu, the I ' Alt
loo's central operatlitg • compartment ward periscope, ending in two long ally, Pollution of streams is a seri- Aec•retary for India. Numerous nom i — --
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the .
World's Liniment
der. They are payable everywhere.
4- 1,i 1. 4lu•4h q,
+_......_-!•1'.s ,tf'v
has a meaning all its own. She aims handles by whicb•,it is turned, rolnes mus matter.
her torpcilr with ler own helm, and down before its after bulkhead, with i
whenever it pleases her captain nt the torpedo firing gear close by, and
the forward periscope to touch the up its forward bulkchenl runs the lade
torpedo -key, she sends it away with 'der into the conning -tower; and
ten thousand pounds of compressed above, at the eye -port in the conning -
combatant, likewise were being 0111-
The June figures, he added, reached
the revor0 of 6)1,000, and provinces
from which previously few recruits or
This is to certify that I have used none at all had come were 110W 511P1/15-.
air, a rrluotan:. "whoosh!" and a 'fare- ; tower, one sees quite unexpectedly MINARD'S LINIMENT to any family ing their quotas.
well not at the bow. 1 the world outside.
fact for years and consider It the hest lint- The Secretary emprasizect the at!
Arid the submar'ine's crow is like I 1'1 is a green and silent world, as meat on the mm•Icet. I have found it that Indican troops were playing the
excellent for horse flesh. chief dart in 1110 campaigns in. Mese-
(Signed) potamia, P1lestine, and East Africa.
W. S. .PIN'k70.
"Woodland," Middleton, N.S. Millard% Liniment Cures rlyndentl,
no other 00000 fn the Navy, During if the submarine hovered motionless
the first four or five days of n patrol by bee fins in a solid green wind.
they sleep all the time off watch.; Although outside the after eye -ports
After that, when they're completely j her colors are flapping husiiy as If
slept out, there's nothing to do but; just outside the port half a gale were
hang on, They c8u't sit down, be -;raging in pale -green silence.
cause they'll fail oft They can't play
the gramophone, because they'll wake 1 The whole cost of the Crimean War
up somebody. They can't smoke, be- ...,1711,000,000---stmuid just about pay Front Vernon, B.C., an average of
cause they may set cif an explosion. the cast of the present ever for ten twenty cars of fruit is going out daily,
If they went to seek(' they have to days, .0 packing. pllult4 aro working over -
a o up topside, MO the Mote men up In Tam lie t th, re are iters (laklrl frac 'veI'y night to keep up with the
tai tide, the more lime fs 1,4-.-.Wbon the ''011(1'41' • " ;eel front these the (1( 11
1ro1e f' 1(11(8!. Volnal40 .ifs 1-0(11r•il(11 netivea 1111'1'• •t1' n+: w11;0.4 with the
lielehr , to : tlbmrrt;e, For this reason ?;tsh 1(141 1.411,' r all in 0 •a, Aldna04's L101111081 for side everywhere,
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
, suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief,
Always ready for use, it takes little
to penetrate tc a!&ol(s tabbing and pro-
duce results. Clean3 refreshing. Made
An aeroplane recently forced to I it Canada. At all drug stores. A
land behind the British litres in I large bottle means economy.
France was piloted by a 173year-old
Herman girl. •
The principal sugar substitnies re-
conunended by Government chontits
are corn syrup, maltose 1eyeep nide
from potatoes), honey 6113 h ,i:1'
grade refiners' syrup.
(1 ii kik; No. 39—'1:t.