HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-3, Page 2THE CAPTURE
llnbdmnded Joy of Inhabitants When
I•'ranco-1merlean Troops 1)'tt'er-
American army, fighting' division be-
side division on a eulid front, and he
liked neither it, pare nor its ,leter-
n1i11tttintt. W1.i )t Itreal victory for
a new army, with flee:
new e:ountvy, 1/ec1 1310' it tree et t'n.'ttlry
for exactness in thinking and ereey-
e1Un in working.
News Withheld Front Inhabitants,
'The inhabitants of the salient wore?
absolutely ignorant o1 the events el'
1ti,t017 in the last four year.., keow-
ing• only what their captors had told
them, here, the said etori,s heard in
ry�y Tiny Fishing Ships That Have "Joined
PATRIOTISM Up" for the Conflict,
'There halt••d from the most. remote
i p:4)l., or flu' IlrlttPlt 1Pte:1• 111111 vlsltore
WOJIEN F1111:31 :\1.I. '1'11E,' IMfeel fu rea11(1_s fully years ago spotu maul)•
r en 1(tr le,tiug hour w•atrt 3)11, the "mei- �..Cearirra tax
UNITE, IN IN AR 131,1!\1C1• j11.4•. ie,lltn; for Ibe herring, fishing,
T_ Iur returning Inter x'llh tl•Ic spoils. helpful hints to llloturlsl, ion, Tho sound is due to an unfired
They were to be numbered ht Choir rlturge tvltieh fills the exhaust' port
�I A 1' 1 1
porterily repaired h e0vera
thtii wooden tv3.clgea under ice facing.' chat•ge pass[,s tete valve. Such rt lithe Marvellous 111331 Been 1113 ;\ecomplish- Ih„usctn1 , 1111 r.e'nerally of the 11,tnle slipping eyrie
elute, may ,e tem and la ignited when the next tired
meet of Women ill the Engineer, is11-tpe and seize, it t by
forcing I
the tvllule of the reclaimed ciistrieta I •'isehhle are only smell vessels, tine maybe due to weak mtxtute of
ed Them From Bondage. ing and Chemical 'Trades. the bigt.e, nomethnes being olds for- A slipping brake -band may be cured'
of Trainer were accentuated by the in it 33im11(r way by driving mile be-' hltermtttenty faulty tgnitinn,
The capture of St. tlihiel, after its eon g Yae:u s of German coutrul, nrhich \ wonderful moraine can he built to ton.., but they hove great speed. In
p 1 h [ 1 1 b] 1 l twecn the lining and the band IL snmgtimgs ltnppena fiat. Slee heals
the most sth•r •in •• incidents of relatives :4)u o wog + a 1 lentngs• - ... ea tr a oo. e_,
of its kind in the records of the tear.' Every \inches« entering the vie-• is seen. more often they are eiteered p • he result that an irregular kucr:king
tree«• The setting •is the tvcrld -tin +l reu•ts is the t111in ca s and overttuw t z
Thr. Germans left the t1 11 td i pan. lest ms rxperiorced the name reception
the front of the stege is those sin 11 by tillers, one huge lateen sail is the R P
” They had made life :t as that, teen General Pershing and propelling puwcr. and the mast, which become clogged, the steam which has' occurs, which is very much like that. of
on Sept, 1:. u, 1 port(ons of the world known as Great
• h' • ne who ;e r i and women is alf-0 Omit cn.u( thick, Planta back_ aceumulatec( in the radiator, scalding a loose connecting end big end and 1s
nightmare far the ihdla. 4)a . h.. party. Aged mat Britain :nal "Fl(1)) rs 1'iet115." The
had been unable to escape when the ,eeieed and kiss,al the hands of the e hard r4) the •stt•ru, tint ea.0 he dropped an outlet, forces an opening at the most noticeable at slate motor 31311c s
marshalling of then feign ell quarters weakest point. 1 and at the beginning of periods of
enemy nccupaei the city. .:V,1 the hese officers and correepuudents, crying mf the globe ell Lound for the field t reale by means 4)P u swivel base, in Inlet. valves du not 'et ,earl f as'rap(d acceleration or retardatun, fest
from ten to sixteen y ars oil bud and laughing, the enviously1c1e nge)i th honor would snake b 31113 Co thrill front ;1 handy tltth] wench for ]lou]•' g 3
been deported, and the old peropi( children imitating their rider, un- hot is exhaust vfQreg nnrl cause-' the flywheel for such lou, eu(.1 when
the four years of martyrdom, 1- regarded had isoh11011 tete people from news ape t le are lee ne (nu ek-boon ,
I tup "iu the mind's eye" by any one while in ?roll+ oases a (leek -bonne A leak in a radiator is often caused holding the flywheel to the flange ern
as 4)1131 of m 'k' ti} L 11 h i 1 1.113 1 '.vein the least bet of unagina-
bv exmess3rn vte�•un ?assure If the the et ankshaft wollc . 111 1 with
most impassive; but far broops ill„ in the ie
-nets I (pettily do not expand as much. For! a knock cannot bo easily leentecl,
s acture is the other --Che troops To -day most "uobhies" are provided .
1 this reason less clearance houlrl be $one car
owners are using
forced to wOl'k for the conquerors, knowhlgly themn-
The gratitude of the remaining it]- For their otvn compatriots, how-
' P wuh useful little oil -engines, and bun r s
habitants h) the .1 renr•h nod Amer- cell?, the greeting was deeper, anti of women haetening to the same spot dyads of t*tem have been Commau
allowed between the stems and push's mania solution In brighten up the
h P and serving wherever the need ie
leered by the Navy. The largest .rude than is allowed between the hood when the latter becomes du
jean greatest. From office and shop, from ! stems and push rocas of exhausti This is had practice, though the lm -
et least troops
tai speak w13110(it fear ing• were even more affected than huost ,t Yiim luulttng grin in the stere,
faun and city, from domestic service valves. mediate results scent to be good, Am-
uf vengeance from the tyrants that tits: who had, been clelire'red, and not n few have their depth -
had ruled over them- -- - - - ' and from high schools and colleges; cell+ages, They y still retahi their num- 1 Sanietimes •a sharp hissing sound is monill destroys the finish and should
From homes 0f leisure and from the boy and port letters, but you are sato heard at intervals and seeming to not be used; in fact, body makers and
In passing through ,tier villatgea 1'iIF, t'['NER;\I. PROC'i"' ' 'little Atte work shun of the small. come.from one of the cylinders. Often'varnish concerns give strict its roc
on the way to St, Riedel the rescuers dressmaker and milliner; from the in betting thnt though
they help .\r•
could see. that the people had lost how the. War Hinds Ail France Into breath nn their bows Choir home is 'tilts is ntiatakcu for a leank, but the; tions to keep the car away from
wartime mo 0 ttealri- far -oft corners of eiriliiation, from . sumeuh(xu else, I it•regulaity mf its occurance destroys stables and ba1'ns so that the ammonia
their ordinary wx t. (1 k f One Fami13'• ;New Zealand anti Australia, South I
Hess, and the drive into this queer, antral men talk of tient as eseaveee. this hypothesis, as a lealc would oc- from the manure will not injure. the
wrecked panelist' 01 gladness wee a to affeetin.g little ineid•ent that it-' Africa and Can Canada comes this end- ! cur at everyIto p
l4) ,tr.ltf's the spirit of loving .'om. less precession of women, all eat cr 3133133.'•They are not minceseveepers, period of high coin res- body finish.
ii- .., 'ell' under the •[train of war to serve (and what is better than all but are mostly engaged in salvage-�
}. Ip that u l . work When 't vessel is :milk you will THE FORTRESS OF MET%
notable experience, A Fiend) mi
tart' baud had come in over the first
bridge erected to honor the victor-
ious generals arid erns playing in the
square, about which all the remain-
ing inhabitants, mostly Women, were
assembled. Their ewe wore radiant
and t)teir bearing that of prisoners
free. They were volubly communi-
cative and determined to treat 433 a
hero any one wearing a)1 American
General Pet;1iu and General Per-
shing were given an immense re0••p-
Aged women and girls crowded
-about the two generals to express
their thanks and nay homage to their
deliverers. It was not merely curi-
osity; it w -as nn ' 0lotiol1al outburst
following almost three years of the
conquerors' suppression.
Town Not Badly Damaged.
The town v:ae only partly ruined.
That part adjoining the river was al-
most entirely gone. but there were
scores of hos,'cee elsewhere that had
been scarcely demeged. The attack
was such a .eurpriee tit;)( the enemy
was unable to undertake his usual
work of wreckage. Ile laid hands,
however, 1411 everything he roup
artery off. Theme, and ')1a i(c•ts were
torn from ih.' heels and tended on to
wagons, leli. it t, peesable that
those wagens by 1133 time now are
in Allied het:Gfls, since the enemy had
only twelve lemes to tegtipe from one
of the elawe closing. a 4),a the sal-
ient., The sans. set. ,i.e to a few
houses, but aha innsO; uxtin� risked
the Sanas.
Nothing a(nt)ed better
increasing weakness o
arms- than tate ease
Kinds France together like one fans- , else) all capable of serving. {sere any number of "lobbies" buzzing
ily is told by Mrs. Mary King Wad- "All Sorts told Cin(33Nolo." • 1 round the place like Wasps round a , Two Thousand Years Old, it Yielded
n n very beginning r a. one}•Pat, a - n3 .'age.
I scent to the onvreir this after- uncommon sight in English munition i Their engines give deem ae good turn I Metz is the strongest. fortress in - -
nen arrived, rather nervous at being title: side by side an earl's daughter fst 3131 tetdieters,h . ar f-,' the world to -day. With its deuhle
late. I thought she had had had news bigger P e e they e o ring of outer and inner forts It could 1
b and the maid telt(_ tied this titled ten engaged in Patrol work. Some -'withstand attach for months. Of LACK OF FOOD UNLIKELY TO
of her husband, who is 4t the front; y l thei f s b y forty C USE GERMAN C'(1LI„\i Sl.
when she ex lainea I learned that
� •, I comae, l4) time, It could he battered
P b I'
di gto in My War Diary. 1 Atthet g it w e no h Onceto 54 -Day Si
noon and found out cashier, who had factories to nee such a collection as of speed, and so, in coulpane- with their
shop -keeper's tvi t nW a ('irton grade-
lady's aloes 4)l days 0 peace, a • Mince •O4) will 1) 3433 mon as P rt ..1
, Iln ,hies heal ing along in line, bows 1 to pieces with hese ons fur no
it wee a different. matter. t She l was ate, a cook and a girl from a South; (Tippling 111 the chop, 11ud water sweep- j structure can stand the repeated 1m- —__.
:eat:lin at the door of .l m 1 African farm, Some of those who be- ing from steel to stern. When the • are
with only a shawl on her Boulders fore the war found life rather tire- I outer naval c ntr )1 telae no lou longer use pact of modern artillery of the high.. iitethodn of Distribution Calculated to
when she saw a hearse pas,, with a some have achieved distinction in the .. o ( - est calibre and range. It could be ,,
sails, but their engines are for ever Prevent L'1)rh (ng—Liberal Sup
some and it could be sm•ruun 1 d,
small eoflin, evidently that of ll chalet, advanced ptroresses of mwtitiign mak humming, end from thole sterns comas ply for Soldiers.
and a soldier walking haired it (lulls ing. Lady Scott, wife of the Ant- et ('1041 t of dust -like smoke, but this would take an army so
alone, crying•. She said that some arctic explorer, took up this sort of They are "auxiliaries" in the truest I large that much better occupation Advocate of the policy of winning
thing ---she did not know what---mov- work 4)t the fir,( call; T.aily UerCrude :noise of the word and their' Claws 038 -could be fomtd for the troops on the tray on the Western 1G'rmlt agree surgeon in charge dccidcel l" aper •.e
C other fields rs
Metz, 4)t all Cts icing history of more Minister to Sweden, 1n his ('11•c•nt
(\ltli SOMI1I'IS11iS FOUND
Wonderful Exp0nston o1' 1.11( British
Army Veterinary ('erns Since
Begilnting of Wat'.
It net)/ be some satisfaction to
these who have had favorite horses
commandeered to emote hart, no army
In the world reran for its hm•ses as
does Oars, says an N:ng1is11 writer.
We wet', the first country to organ -
tee 11 corps, the duty or which ie. to
attend to sick and wounded horses,
It did good work long hef0r0 1014,
but the w(1' hart seen n wonderful
expansion of out. Army \'eteritelry
Corps and we have a splendidly nrr-
anized system of dressing -stations,
splendidly equipped and anciently
Some of the hospitals have accoin-
«Iodation for over a thousand egUine
TRtHents. The first I ever stew teas
at I' -- ., I had been detailed to
go to a reinforcement calm, sch(nl to
train 80m0 recruits in ()emelt warfare,
As the trait drew nem' the station 1
Marr' [lent' at hoard all immense com-
pound, In the open square a largo
number of horses Walt tethered, many
of them whitedeindng3A. The fear
sides were completely enclosed by
long stretches of wooden buildings.
It was a "horse hospital." The next
day I was introduced to one of the
attar, and I flailed for, tend obtained
an Invitation to look over the hospi-
tal. We wont up together, Al we
were entering a big ambu'iutce drev0
up. White-overalled nrdcleics linr•-
ried out, the doors were flung open,
and a horse, badly wuurnled in the
head by shrapnel, was taken frons the
ambulance to the operatint; chanlb,'r.
There Was a big piece 4)i' aiuupnel
still embedded in its skull, tine the
ed her to run out into the street. She
we'nt out, :dipped her arm into the
wittier's and walked along with him,
.A fat old concierge next door did the
same thing. first stopping and buying
a few pennies' worth of flowers from
a cart to put on the coffin. Several
others ioin0d thorn, and by the time
they reached the cemetery there were
as dozen parsons walking behind the
The poor man was ton dazed at
first to speak. but finally told them
that It teas hie only child; his wife
was ill, and he lend twenty-four hours'
leave to come and bury the child. Ile
gave hie name and address, and would
be so grateful if some one would look
after his wife. He was going back
to the front that night.
-Jeanne went over the next ?lay,
found the poor tynman in a miserable
little room, ill and depressed. A
neighbor looked after her. Of emerge
the goniar will see that she is prop-
erly cared for, and try to find some
Crawford, wllo is at present head of
Woolen s Flying Carpe, began
her public service as eupervisot• of
women's work in shipyards.
Women, who previoue to the war
were kitchen -maids, dressmakers,
governesses or children's maids have
accomplished remarkable things in
the engineering and chemical trades.
in electrical "Works, at ship -building
tasks and draughting. More than
once young girls -have been unable to
resist the call of the blood. Descended
from soldiers and sailors and finding
that for the first time in generations
their family had no man to send to
the colors, these girls have seized
Ow first opportunity to do martial
Attain Skill in Engineering.
S0m0 of the things that women are
doing' to -day, besides making ment-
ions, are almost past belief. In tool
and gauge making women who pre-
viously thought "a miss is as good tis
a mile" have mastered the advanced
einiree (lettermen turned into fighters. I with Ira Nelson Nlortt.,
'than two thousand years, has been food situation in
GERMANS surrendered to an enemy only once
In the Operating 4.41011).
110\\ (I'121IAV4 LOST PARIS y summary of the o d There scented t° 1)e as much skill
, land that was when Marshal Bazaine, Germany and the extreme
at once,
unlike r and etre used In the operation 1131 in
Raiser Ordered series Halted Until hood of a breakdown in the spirit of a entrainr operation in tate their 1:
yield a siege of fifty-four clays,
Crohn Prince Could Lead March. the fortress with his arm of loyalty among the peoplq of the (:en
yielded t y teal Empire as a result of ranine,
A version of the Germans' conduct' 178,000 men to the Germans. For says a Washington despatch. This
nit the first Marne battle, which has this he was tried on a charge of tree- situation, from their point of view,
interested the British military corn- :son, found guilty of entertaining meg- - strengthens the argument for vigor -
menders and }las been accepted by the i otiations with the enemy and was ons ,rosecutfml of the War nit the
soldiel•s on the western front as auth-'imprisoned,-hut escaped and never re-
Western Front.
peel -
!turned t I
tion to know indicate than German
of an ordinary hosp,tnl. ,\n antiee
their was used, a iii:• pew of iron
extracted, and the wound afterward:4
carefully dressed. 1 vent into the
comfortable, . well -warmed stall.: the
31113iente occupied. 1)n Co, .';all of
Nev n]',le[. ( France.
vette, was given in New York recent_
enclt was 11 "ease -sheet" fa .0'11.1 on
-I O •ials in Washington inn post- which was rrc0rd011 the patient', tent
by the Rev. ,John'3010.31801), L,L„ Thole) is 110 probability 111111 this (i pe1•aturr? 01111 other nerlsiary decal,
I)„ B.E.F., wit, 1101(133 the rack of surrender will be repeated by the
methods of food distribution are cat- for the sureeon''e guidance. Patient.+
major in the British army and is Germans. Aovta(itys no commander culated to prevent any effectual up» ;(•ere prescribed special (nine iteee 1•
known throughout France for his would shut up 1) large army in a resin , however great the (11scm11ent
T Metz is g ing to t}ir medical attendant's( tette.-
ut: -
. man1Ces, I1 was t0 , e that a Ger- ; fortress, however strong. f iti cartoon quarters and among; colt. -
officer g(13•o the explanation of ' to be surrendered It is more likely .• i elements. Without regard to th0 to°nt of their needs, there were Neth
P tt n g say and night attendant see both
the "^,lystery of 191! at the Marne." ;that it will be as the ?(salt of terms food supply, ratime have been liberal orderlies --to attend 1,l their 1131:=de --
"I talked with a German of high ; unposed by the Allies which will in- 1
through Government regulations to
rash tvho had been captured and was elude the return t0 Prance of the: g h short, every uggeeetvtti A that
P at least itwong classes, the smunit on in, short,
ever suck coneld or shill da -
at Abbeville soon after that action," whole of Alsace-Lorraine, take' front ,he 011)1111 lana and the munitions
said Dr. *Robertson, "and he told me her in 1870. Like Mont Valerien, the . g rise was shown to the v' nunle,l hove -
fort defending' Paris, w11ic11 Ilworkers and others engaged in war es of n'ar,
(llu8trate the the story, which afterward interested g' g 1,ulustries. A third class, represent-
epresents There Wee a ster(li.rr, in winch
f the German many military authorities and has' continued to fire on the besiegers 0f Mg` s r0)1 1 lerable portion of the "vgrytlling likely 10 demo irte, cont t':t
with which the taori; fur her when she gets stronger. been considered entirely possible. I the cit yunCil panto was signed, the )o nllution, emu 1'ises the ro(lucers
ranch -American forme intrusted .;.--• ..-- processes and am finishing to meas-' fate of Nleta le mora likely t0 bei h p D with a wound With
remelt,' stared^.
with the Task a<lv. ncetl ' I chHsaid that when the action had of food supplies; who feed themselves to prevntt infection, mid scraral 0p•
urements that literally correspond to determined after the war. them during
z 1t the St. Bottled Sunlight• reached a point entirely favorable to first, in spit( of all regulations, The eratin, tables. T sate 1:11(• aniulaal
1lfihiel salient. It is true the, oars- the fraction of a hair's breadth. (quite
the German forces it eras itrrange(1 its progress. effect of this situation is_that 00,000,- F
p that had Just undergone el, omrt;lti0n
Is there any point at which the different from this 1111t equally mttA7-, , MCRtlwleile that'( Are t}lc 1103) ltlirie9 000 out of' the (35000,000 Germano are browsht
tion was admirably planned and car- , that on a certain morning 110 final:under an anaesthetic nee
tied out, but One ?sees has witne$4_ ;'ummercial instinct wall 'top. And, ing is the •very common sight of WO -;crash at the French and British linea of Batey, •the •capture of which would "uirly well provided fur, J(aVillg 16; )Hund by men worhi« it:e lintl„-
ed anything the ease of thy? first 11 not, ought there to be? , men perched on cranes moving among should be made. Everything seemed inflict on Germany damage ten (,mea 000,000 to bear the brunt, These have
g Practically everything that can be
y's fighting. Y g d n the rafters of the factory roof ridingto favor the success of this final blow, Were,.iu1 aged respiration. Some d,Tininn s
heavier than any of would be in- little or no voice in affairs, and ren Were bmvlaged about the head, sem'
There was, •nf core•se a harr•tge captured for the market is used t back •and forth (11133.0 unafraid and according to the Gtnman ofllcer, but enrred by the loss of Mete. bring no political pressure to betty.
Press Division 011 West Front,
That the outlook has not improved
since harvest is indicated, however,
by the fact that the Hun ration
Mixt not a very terrific affair as bar' enrich somebody's pocket. Land, guiding the movement of great mol- at the last moment General Von
water. food, clothing, fuel. nearly all tell ingots far below. Enginering
rages gee After thebarragethere, Kluk received an order from the
was nothing very startling, in the way the necessities of life are exploited, eeeme to he woman's week and one Kaiser to halt all action so that the THE CROSS,
of gunfire and the machine -inn rat- If sunlight could he bottled, we should competent to judge both sides of the Crown Prince might come up and ride'•----
find snore ninon of sharp business (uestion •says that with a year or at the head of the wtetorious German On the Grave of an Unknown British
tee produced quite en effect but only Soldier.
coming novo and then, men planning to get a "corner' in more tedditional training he would troops through the Arc de Triomphe.'
it, that they mieht distribute it (for not hesitate to build stn ocean-going Ho said that Von Klett was in a rage . Ttie C3088 is twitted with gossamer,
German lnenffieirncy. 0 good profitl in nice, convenient ship entirely by women's work. The When this message W115 received and Tho Cross some hand has shaped
All the while the Amerlrans were forme :Ministry ,of Munitions is taking ac- that the German forces were wheeled with care--
going forward with the steadiness of Without doubt. the idea of posses- tine continuously to reduce hours of back into the trenches" from which And by his grave the grasses stir,a flood, trickling• into woods on one ,ion can he overdone. Our joy in m•ertime, abolish Sunday labor and they were never again successfully But ho is silent sleeping there,
side and pas';n,r,• out of them on the :sunlight iP not due merely to ate to protect the wm•kers, and much of advanced. In the recital the officer
other, spreading nitwit n village and warmth, it is due to the fact that it this is made necessary, doubtless, by himself showed tate deepest indigna- I'rho guns epeale loud: be hears them
overwhelming' it, and breaking again- Is universal, like the free air we the fact that the zeal of the women 1
st a hill m• a mountain and breathe and the free setts We ate Gtien a the order and its result to the the night. Buss by; he does not
gradually g Sunday
est pci neither holilays not' German arms,"
lvnrking over the top, They move across. Let us rejoice, while we may. gnnrlay rest periods. � _.•-_-.,._,;......_,_,
like something worked by a clock, that the King of C,0rnmerre bath his - —� - 4
but always well ahead of schedule. limits, and that there are a few What He Felt. The term meat" applies t" whales,id
Rain -soaked rind slipping about in things left which, with all his Bunn-' The tenrhrr had asked the children 1 for they are mammals, like cattle and
ing, he is still ensile to touch. sheep; they suckle their young, and
the mud, they still went forward, to write their autobiographies, and their flesh is meat:, not ftah. It has
A lone white cross stands oat tate spot
And tells of 01)e W110 sleeps below.
The brooding eight Is hushed and still,
The crooning breeze draws quiet
while been along the flood e11me long i the essaye we're not very pleture33que. • no fishy taste and hear:) some ream- breath,
lines of greyhhte creatures who had Fuel 1'rom feat, - i "Now, c•hildren," site said, "I don't , Mecca ee beef, A star -shell flame np01) .the hill
been swamped its ifs course. A company has been formed in, want you simply to write the ha en -
pp T h Aud lights the lonely house of death,
Whatever WAY one looked there Norway for making fuel front peat by; togs of yn711 life; write vthnt you e scatctty 4)F r ugftr Inas male n
were sore to 110 Germans—men as the Rosendahl method, The raw mat -1 really feel inside." j great tenioid For honey, Pieties can
fine as you (meld wish for. creatures arise for the new industry will be I Little Willie 311 his secmnrl attempt, be ,Red in place of sugar for cooping,
so poor that Chair presence in the chiefly peat from the extensive Nor- wrote: "Inside i feel a heart, liver, Children relish bread or biscuits and
line affnrdecl the most damning proof wegian moors, .but any other mater- i lungs, 811(3 stomach; and :in.'.isle the , honey'.
of 1.",ermau insuffeienry in man -pow- {{' ial may be used which is sufficiently stomach I feel an apple, a corn hall, 3 Extensive experiments in Sweden
'abundant in the neighborhood of the' a pielcle, and a glans of milk," I have shown that wood cellulose is an
There 3s 110 disputing that the A-- -- 1 excellent rattle teed and the Swedish
factory, particularly wood waste• The I
borate matte a poor showing, but he , product is said to greatly resemble
was for tate first time up against an English coal,
7'o lereedom'8 (muse his life he gave
And dar(0 the battle, purpose sure,
A hero, 'Write Itp011 his grace;
"lie died that 13111111n might endure,"
Budget your castling --an ounce of
When a woman eats pickles she is Government is pushing its manufac' forsigbt may save ten pounds of au -
in love ---with the pickles. ! tures as much as possible, - gee
- 13 MD m GI„„
Goole COOK
Ile A WHit.Ef YOU I4AVe
1'1.4 HAVE AN OYSTER c(xkTAi1,50fde,
MRaN H RtgD P Nc
11,71. 17 al
one -fetes 04(THE HALF•seet,Le APt.AHtc5p
the body, some the leg's. and the-
(lreaaillge were eoriet1tn;',e renewed.
Orderlies went their ronuds 11amuei"-
tering doses of melee ne--rat h^r
parer noses then I need to recoi'.•c in
throughout has not been (ucreased as hospital ---and taking 1'ml:e,•ai.ures,
was earlier promised by the German and one horse Was fixe'I stn11. en
Government. This is taken to mean that its wounds might 1,; neve ea,i'Y
that the harvest has permitted of no dressed,
Alt Old Soldier.
I learned quite a 10; :demi h0rse4
from nay guide as left wen' :thane, but
I was surprised when he pointed mut
one or to=t horses as malingerers.
"Yon see this horse,' he said,
"There's nothing at ell the matter
with it, but we've hal it otr nttr hands
several tinges now. T'';• quite nil
right when it's down 110••., or any-
where down the, lute 11,11 as 50011 a)
year, whatever remobilizatlon might it gets into the danger :err it reports
he effected through -German agencies sick. It starts to Irinae all over ;uta
later. With a measure of counter in- shows all the symptom,, of a clanger-
fluences exerted by the Allies in Rus-
sia, anti no cessation of blows in the
west, the tvorlc of bringing the Ger-
man military machine to the ground
will be carried on along the lines
which the logic of existing conditions
has so clearly dictated.
Save every drop of juice.
increase on the one hand, and ml the
other that supplies from the East
have been and continued to be disap-
pointing, with small prospects of
growing better.
Here, again, the argument is maple
for pressing forward by the Allies to
the utmost for a final decision on the
Western Front, Demoralized Russian,
it is held, cannot be made to give
economic returns within ehort of it
n' k� Ari &AN ave tat
-:elft r77J�7Jtt2"0 %X. 737
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ons illness. Tion it is :,ertt flown here
and it's as right as rail. The beg-
gar knows what • is doing. There's
quite a lot of horses really maling-
erers; there is no other explanation
for it. •As I left the hospltnl n string of
horses came trotting irent'y alone. the
tree -shaded road. They were convn-
leso011ts at exercise, toeing fitted climb
More for active service.
Character and Color.
An old cavalry officer says that one
may judge the constitution and eller-
enter of a Horse front its color.
right chestnuts and ligiht hays are
high spirited, but nervous and deli-
cate. Dnrlt chestnuts and glossy
blacks are 111Lrrly and ;;ood tempered,
Rich bays have great spirit, but are
teachable. Dark end iron greys are
hardy and sound, while light ,•reps
are the opposite,
Roans, e111(ee strawberry 0t' bene,
see the hardiest and beet working of
41, even tempered, et",lest to train,
taking itindly te, everything. llusi-y
blacks are distillglhisll°cl fob' their
pig-headedness. A horse's " white
•311oc1t(ngn gives another clue to cher-
actor, .A iterate with one while: lett
In bnd ono, with two its temper is
uneer134141 with three it hs absolutely
nate, with four ratty be trusted 'for
>t while only.