HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-3, Page 1VOL. 47 NO.
01.5o Per Allmon in Advance
BRUSSEt_S, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1918 W. 1-1, KE RR, Proprietor
III 1111111111111111111111 II
a Calls
n Y.0
o Save
Thrift is the outstanding quality
which people at home must dis-
play in order to help win the war,
One of the best incentives to
thrift is a Savings Account in The Bank
of Nova Scotia. It is a pleasure to see it
grow by systematic weekly deposits, how-
ever small.
Call or write for full information.
ank of Nova Scotia
Paldnip Capital $ 6400,000
Reserve Fund . 12,000,000
Resources . , 120,000,000
F. H. 021.1101'
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
round -Tula Poirr, —
For Sale -Wm. Robb.
Per Male -Cecil Bateman,
Per Sale -Wilson Marks.
Por Sale-Dayid Badgloy,
For Sale-Weeley Somers.
Shoe Sale -Carswell Bros.
For Sale -Luke O. Speiran,
mill Running -4n°, Logan,
Auction Sole -Robb. Shedden.
Wingliam Pair -A G. Smith.
Engines -ROE. Bell &Worth,
Apples Wanted -Rola. Thomson.
Auction Sale -Gordon McDonald,
For Sale or to Rent-Mra Paul Sineltzer,
Piano Tuning -S. Carter or Walker & Black,
• • ,n•y
trtrt 4:1 CIDS
FALL FAIR -Tuesday of last week
was Elma's Fall Faitand for the oc-
casion the weather mat handed out
one of the gratidest afteennons of the
month. The show was gond, the ex -
hi hits in the different. demo I: -
mental, were exceptionally line, and
was dilly admired by the crowd. °in-
side Mimw of horses, cattle, sheep and
Mill nni g
Every Day
Now that there is plenty
of water Brussels Chop-
ping Mill will run every
day, except Sundays, and
prompt service rendered.
JNO. LOGAN, - Prop.
Over $1000 given in
Over $250 for Horse
Races on a splendid
Larger list of Spec-
ials than ever before.
Record Crowd ex-
pected this Year
Entries are coming in Fast.
Accommodation far All.
Hoar White and Brazil at Concert.
Write fir a Prize List to
hop was as usual good. Children's
sprites caused much interest and was
a new feature. Unfortunately there
is nn track in connection with the
show grounds, that hinders the putt-
ing on of more attraction in the horse
lino, but, in all other departments the
Ekes, Fair takes its place with other
Fairs, and is deserving the support of
the people of Elute. Concert in the
Music hall drew a full house, and the 3
entertainers provided a 2 liners' ee-
l:Itinerant, Miss Lillian Mae Kee ; 3.
H. Cameron and Will. Spencer, all of
Toronto. MIS, E. G. Ooghlin ably
filled the position as pianiet. Proceeds
for the day amounted $355 00.
Howard Stewart has gone to Lon-
don where he has seemed a position.
Rally Service in Methodist Sunday
School next Suedes? at 280 Parents,
all who can atterel, are invited.
On Tuesday (welling BMA. Mosgrnve
had the ruisfot tune to break his leg
when coming out of John Kieg's barn.
We hope he will soon be able to h-
011)111(1 again. Mrs. Musgrove Mel
left. on early train for Toronto and re -
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
October 25, 24 & 25
first-class Talent will carry out a ly-
lightfol Program for the 3 Joyous Days
Reserved goat tickets for the
Conroe (6 lit teetainitients) will
be the small stun of 32,00.
Plan of Nall will open in due time
at the Drug Store of Jam Pos.
Watch out for the pereonnel of the
high.olinie Artiste eruct WHOIC.
Reserve the dates October 23,
24 and 23.
0,11.40,0.4-4•94.004,40.0e.e.ses. e .0.0 v.
0 E
0 giNESi
0 •
0 •
• •
s • Waterloo floyTractors
4 Just what ynu need for Silo to
41 Villi ng, Threshing, Plowing, •
• Cultivating, Discing orany work
• on farm, We have thein in •
o • stock for Immediate deliveey. :
O Rebuilt, Stettin Trantion En-
• gines-20, 18, 17 and 18 h. p. It
• Portable Rebuilt Engines fuorti Z
•12 h. p. upwatels, •
• Separators lentil 24 x 40 for 4
• individual fanner, •
• All for immediate delieery. •
• :
• The [Mt, Boil Engine and Thresher 4
* Co., Ltd, Beaforth, Ont,
•••••••••••••••••••••••414*, 1
. • - „ . •
Lturied from Palmerston when elle ile
melted the word,
Next Sunday, Oct. 6th, Rev, Mr,
Burgess will minden is mommi.t1 Fret -
vice in honor of the late Pte, Wm.
Hall who wits killed in action
30th. Service at 7,30 p. m.
On Monday night of last week the
members of the Patriotic Society Mel:
at the home of Mrs, Ernest Geddes
and packed 31 pat eels for our boys
overseas, each parcel contained 2 pairs
socks, 1 shirt, towel, soap, notepaper,
handkerchief and pencil. 'I'lie Society
intend sending X113/L9 110X88 10 the boys
about the middle of OetoberS Further
particulars later,
Miss Margaret Perrie, has gone to
Stratford to attend than:mid School.
We wish her 81111008.
Ross -Hunter was chosen Treasurer
of the Literary Society of Brussels
Oontinuatiou school for this terin.
A new list of parsons will be heard
in Knox church on account of the
non-acceptance of Rev, Mr. Scobie.
Last Suncley morning Rev, Mr.
Thynne, Palmerston, occupied the
pulpit of the Presbyterian church
Rev. Mr. Bentley, of Walton, will
preach In the Methodist church next
Sabbaalt afternoon. Ile is a good
11 10 reported that Wm. Perrie has
purchased the Kellyproperty, Brus-
sels, foetnetly occupier' by the late
Thos, Kelly. It should make a com-
fortable home. There is an acts of
land in connection. Mr. Peertie sold
his farm here last Spring to Jas.
• Grey
Township Council next Monday.
25 cents gets fl)) Powr for balance
of 1918.
Fall plowing is engrossing the ala
ten tion Of the farmer.
The Epworth League will hold Serv-
ice in Union elitirch, next Sunday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Several Greyites were exhibitors at
Atwood Fall Fair and did not return
without some of the prize tickets.
Miss Sarah McKinnon, 81 h line, is
away to Buffalo, N. Y. on a visit
with her sister, Mrs. E. W. McIntyre.
Elms. Farmers' blutual Fire Insur-
mice Company paid Jetties Pearson, of
this township, the sum of 3190 00 for 2
steers killed by lightning oe Aug 21st.
CARD OF THANKS -We wish to 031 -
press 1 ur thanks to the neighbors and
friends for their many acts of kind-
ness, expi esspd in deeds and words, in
connection with the 11111eSS and demise
of wife and mother. They wet e much
appreciated by deceaeed and by those
of us who are left. Youre gretefolly,
25 cents gats Tax POST to encl of
Results front threshing are showing
up good.
A number of farmers have put in
Fall wheal,
Jas, al iehie Mtn leased John T. Bell's
f tem on the 6th line for 2 years. Mr.
Bell intends to retain possession of the
Thos. Brown has not been having
very gond health for the past tunrith
or so. He is living on the Maunders
MI's. S. Walker, 6,h line, has eetuen-
ed finer a five weeks' visit with her
daughter, Mrs. H. L Humphrey, at
Slt 1'11 la.
Several farmers who hive bush on
their farms talk of getting not a quan-
tity of wood, This will be good news
if the project is carried into effect.
Word was received last, week of the
wounding of Pte. L. J. Wasman,
Clinton, e. nephew nf Chas, and Mrs.
Pollard, of this township s Mr, Wits.
hill 11)18 been in France for some
The Auction Sale at Toni Bird's last
week went with a good eating with
3' S. Suott %yielding the hammer.
Mr. 13irel will take a holiday for a
e, Idle before bueying himself in new
melte I alti rigs.
Raresel Gui rio, Etl, Bryans, Jae,
%vane, NI Wtn. Bryans and bliss
leen Fox motored last
Thursday to visit Pte. Harold Ourl'ie
mem. to his clepattnre for overseas.
P:e,:rOitrie is in A. Mr
. 0. dealt fo
('.111 y rate of mention Inctyear
for Morrie is 8.3 mills ; Township eat P
11 General Seined rate 1 7
Statute fn hot. le computed at 31,50
tree dity Ow 1 ng to the Ban It e declin-
i ire to 'handle the tnxes, nolleCtor
Proctor is ask I tig that they be paid In
him 3 per Cent Will he added nn all
-11105 1101 paid by DPCNIIIIPP 14th.
The 15t1, fails on a Sunday this year.
An A 01110n Sale of farm atonic, im-
plentent.s, Sac, has been announced by
Robert Shedder), an old and well
k enwn resident of 1110 eth line, Date
will he Tuesday, Oct. 15111, Farm is
all in grass. List may be rend in an -
cal), r Mr, Shedden has been.
bother ed with rheumatism and es
help is sllot't 118 thinks he wonid be
hetter off the farm, 3'. S. Seott will
be the Anntinneer.
avatXtesat.-Tuestiny afternoon of
lest week Earl Bernard, a well known
youn.g farmer of the 6th line and Miss
A time, daughter of R. 13, and Mrs.
Alcock, of the same line, were netted
n mantinge it 81. 301111's chureb,
Wessels, Rev, H. Smith, rector, per.
forming the oeriemony. The beide
wore a becoming nosturne or brown
with hat to match, Mr, and Mrs.
Bernard took the afternoon train on a
alinet wedding tour to Owen Sound,
Tara, Eden Grave anti other Northern
points, The happy couple will renke
their home on the fartn of the groom.
We Wish them happy and prosperous
Auction Sae
Head of
At the Central Hotel Yards
on Tuesday, October 8th
At 2 o'clock, the following;
10 Coves all due to calve within two
38 First-class two -year-olds,
TERMS -Six months credit allowed
on approved joint notes. 6 per cent
per annum discount for cash.
F. S. SCOTT, Atm, Proprietor.
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
farm stock, implements, Ste., at the
home of the late 300, MeIlroy, 1s4
Lot 12, Cnn, 9, Friday afternoon of
next week, 1111) inst. See liet in
another column.
George Davis, 5th line, has sold a 50
erre fatter, Ni Lot. 21, Con. 8, known
as the Cannelton property, to Wm
Kellington, who is now in the West,
for the sum of $2,800 It can be
made a fine farm with a little drain-
age and fixing up. The purchaser
will move on the farm we understand.
Township Connell next Monday, 7th
Ernest and Mrs. Congram, of Holy -
rood, were visiting Ethel friends on
flurry Querrin and Mies M. Wilson,
Brussels, spent Sunday at the home
of (4. W. Pollard.
3. Rowlett arrived home last week
from Niagara Peninsula where he was
working among the fruit.
Jas. and Mrs, Lynn and W. and
11re. Brown, Fordwith, were week -end
visitors; WI 111 friends in Ethel.
Mrs, and Miss Onates have been
visiting relatives at 131.UsaelS owing to
the recent illness and death of Mr, and
Mi s. Laninnt.
Mrs (Rev.) Henderson, Ripley, and
her Fester, Dirs, Coppin, Mitchell, at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Balfour on Mmulay
The regular Red Cross sewing meet-
ing will be held on Thursday, Oct. 10th
et 280 p. m at the home of Mrs. Gen.
Kennter. All ladies are invited to
Friday afternoon of this week A. L.
McDonald will hold an Auction Sale
of steers, heifers and ewe lambs at
Gill's hotel, at 2 o'clock, F. S. Scott
will he the Auctioneer.
The Women's Missionary Society
and Ladies' Aid met. at the Methodist
parsonage n 2 30 Thursday afternoon
01 11)10 week. A full attendance is re-
gnested as business of importance 18 10
be transacted.
Charles Cleaver has purchased the
hardware business from John Kreuter
and cokes possession immediately,
We have not learned what Mr.
Mantes. intends doing but hope he
will continue to be a resident of Ethel.
At the Relly Day service in the
Methodist church last Sunday after-
noon Stanley Hall gave an interesting
adilrees. There was also a splendid
program. The attendance
was 09, including 11 visi lots. Collec-
tion airmen ted to 312 00.
The Thank-Offeeing meeting in the
Presbyterian church was wells attend-
ed. Rev. Me. Thynne gave an excel-
lent riddrese hefting his remarks on
ratite 14 : 27 The choir also rendered
suitable mete The offering amount-
ed In $32 00. Rev. Mr. 'Martin, of
Ripley, will occupy the pulpit next
IsIRS Lueas.-A.n infmenal roceptinn
was held in the peelers of the Fifty -
Ninth Street, M. 11 church, South
Superior, Wisconsin, honoring Rev.
and Mrs, W. 111, Limns, who are to re-
turn for another, year's work. The
church was beautifully decorated for
the occasion, garden flowers and red,
white and bunting being effec-
tively treed, Rev, Mr. Lucas was con-
ductingespecial Butted meeting at the
parennage when lie was hastily 80(0.
10(11101 to the church, where lie was
greeted by 150 members of the eon-
gregation and outside friends. Sever" -
al delightful musical selections were
rendered by Mrs, L Potter and ad-
dreePee were given by Rnbt Stewart
and Thos. Fairfax. Both RAV. and
Mrs, Limas responded. Light refresh -
0)e(115 were served at the ()lose of the
entertaiernent, The District Super-
intendent told the Official Board that
he had a church for their pastor at a
31200 salary, Board took the hint
and inereased the stipend. Mee, Inc-
as is a clanghter of 0. and Mrs. Ray.
nerd, of Ethel, alid is known well to
the people of this locality who are
glad to bear of their stumess.
Stratford 13ea0on of last week says :
-The earl news retudied the city Fri-
day of the death in Holtrifield, Man.,
of John S. MeXelvey, saennd son of
Mrs. 3, J. McKelvey, 360 West Gore
street, after a short illness; from
typhoid fever. The fleet in t inintion of
his illness Was a letter received Friday
morning and later in the day a tele-
grant announced his death. Mr, Mc-
Kelvey was born in Weymouth, Eng-
land, but was brought to this country
by his parents, when 8 years of age,
the family first settling in Mitchell
hotalater removed to Stretford. In
1800 he left Stretford to take ruts farm -
frig at, linlinfleld, Manitoba. Re is
survived by his widow, formerly Miss
Nollio Frockleton, of this city, and a
Chautauqua festival, Auction Sae14
41' People, We TrtiK About
In the coming Feetival, to he held
In Bine o%ls Town Hell \Vieille elev.
Thursday and Friday, alth and
25111 of Ea:tither, firet-clase program
will bo presented ter will be shown by
the folio wi ng ; day,-Japatieee
entertainere, Mehl taro and Mrs. (l.cg.
awa, who pressnl, a play entitled "The
Minor." alai a fissile from model 11 Jap -
armee life, "On the natd to Tokin."
Pitt Parker, the eat Words t arid city
modeller, will also take past display-
ing his art wit It the crayon and clay.
2nd Dy. -Alex. 351. 8, Kilienelty. is
Baissian violinist; of wondeitul ability.
Hartwell DeMille, flee baritone voted -
hat end Misses Bertha and alildred
Wells, reader, trombone expert and
pianist, and Shoreland F. Irannoti,
lecturer, who will epeak "Om-
rnunity Parasites," will surely please
the people.
3rd Day. -The Pilgrim Girls, an
orehestra of 6 pieces, in terspetsed with
vocal numbers and instrumental spec-
ialties and Albert E. Wiggam, who
will tell the war story with an address
entitled "Under the Stars and Stripes
in France." There will be variety, in-
struction and pleasure in such a pro-
gram and by securing a Course ticket
the holder retains the same seat for
8 gatherings, Ticket sellers will call
on ynu. W. J. McCracken is Minh,
man of ticket committee, Plan of Hall
will open at Fox's Drug store.
sister of the late Mts. E. T. Dutton,
and 8 children :-Lieut, George F.
McKelvey, !env with the Royal Field
Artillery in France ; Lieut. Merton T.
McKelvey of the Royal Air Force,
now a prisoner in Germany ; Mrs.
Walker Brown, Holmfleld, Man,
Irving, Feed., Elma, Mabel and
Gladys, at home ; also by his mother,
2 brothers, Jas. G., }Minefield, Man, ;
Rev. Irving A., Oil Springs, Ont., and
four sisters, Illes. Charles Stone,
Holmfleld, Man, ; Anna, of Calgary ;
Fannie, of New York City and Mrs.
Wilbur N. Collins, of this city.
Norman and Mrs. Kalbfleisch are
visiting 1 elatives at Milverton.
Miss Ella Sanclevson, Toronto, is the
guest of the Misses Haziewood,
Robeia McLaughlin has returned
from Sask. where he spent several
neon the.
Geo. Sproat left for Toronto on Sat-
urday where he will be employed in a
munition plant.
Official word was received by Mrs.
Wm. Mitchell that her son, Robert,
had been wounded in the arm. This
is the third son to be wounded,
A great many from here attended
the Harvest Home services and en-
tertainment at the Salem Methodist
church on Sunday and Monday.
Jno. Munro, youngest son of Mrs.
A. Munro, underwent a serious opera-
tion on Saturday, We are pleased to
note he is getting along well and
trust for a speedy recovery.
Inglis Sanderson, son of a former
townsman, J. W. Sanderson, has been
severely wounded. Both legs are
fractured and he suffers from concus-
sion of the brain. Inglis had spell t 2
years in France as a signaller, when
he returned to England and joined the
Imperial Flying Corps. He had only
been in France a few weeks at the
tine of his accident.
Miss Viola McLeod has gone to
Stratford yhere she is attending the
Normal School. We wish her succese.
AWAY. -We regret to record the de-
cease of Ws. Frank Balfour, which
sad event occurred early Saturday
morning at her home Lot 30, Oon. 1,
Grey. She had been ill for the past
4 months and despite the use of best
means for her restoration she passed
away, aged 51 years and 10 months.
Deceased's maiden name was Annie
Balfour, daughter of the late Jno, and
Mrs, Balfour, of Hibbert township,
Perth 0o. 15 years ago last February
she was married to her now bereft
partner and up to the time of her
death their home was on the farm
mentioned. In addition to Mr. Bal-
four there is a daughter (Eva 0,) and
a son (Wtn. J.) who are deeply sm..
pathised with in the lose of a true
wife and faithful mother. Mrs, Bal.
four's brothers Ore Samuel and Jno,,
McKillop ; Johnston, Hibbert ; and
Robert, of Minneapolis, There is one
sister, Iles. 3110. Woods, of Stratford,
Furter al took place Monday afternoon,
the service being conducted by Rev.
J. W. Johnson, Ethel. Interment
took place in Ethel cemetery. Mrs.
Balfour was a fine woman,
Pallbearers were Samuel, John and
Johnston. Balfour, Jno. and Frank
Woods and William Reid,
Mrs, Jno. Barris keeps poorly but is
receleihg the best of care.
Walton School Pair Thursday aftet-
noon and evening of this week.
Misses Ida M. Crozier and Hester
111. Godkin, of this locality, are among
the Normal atudents attending the
Normal eohool at Stratford this see -
Rev. itit, Lundy will take his own
pulpit next Sunday, after his long
absence in the West. The congrega-
tine will be glad to welcome back he
and Mrs. Lundy.
The service in Duff's church last
Sunday afterimou was an interesting
one being the annual Thailk-offering
of the W, bl. S. Rev, Mr. Mann,
Briiseels, gave &most suitable address.
The fine 100 acre farm of Jae,
Fatizean, Lot 3, Com 16, Grey town-
ship, has been purchased by Fred.
Oster, who recently sold his fartn
1 South of here to Mr. Garrett. Pos.
aeration will be given next Spring.
Household! Furniture
At the Skating Rink, Brussels
Saturday, October 12
1112 p. 01.
PURNI 1131113
Terms Mash
littid Touting Car 111 good noir
(latent tell also be offer tel for sale
F. S. Scott, W. A. Qrewar,
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Mr, Melrielzean will take a well Klall•
ed test and seek renewed vigor.
Many old friends hope 10 see 1)1111 lo-
cate nearby as he and family are well
known residents of this locality. Mr.
Oster hart secured a fine farm in tip-top
elittpe. Price is Kaki to be 37,000,
RED Cnoss.-A special business
meeting of the Red 01'088 Union will
he held in the A. 0. IL W. Hall, on
Tuesday afternoon of next week.
Walton is 110 15 a shipping centre and
Moire) ieff Society will ship theiV goods
with Walton. The ladies from Mon-
crieff will attend. Insirttetions from
headquarters for Fall and Winter line
of work will be read at this meeting,
also the Report of the annual Canadian
Red 0105) and War Contingent Asso-
ciation meeting held in Clinton Aug.
30th, Lunch will be served, All in-
terested in Red Chose work are asked
to attend.
Beet Huron Teatthere' Association
*ill meet in Convention in Bruesele
Thursday and Faiday, 10th and 11th
Mate. The sessions will be held in
Melville church. One of the leading
features will be addresses by 3. D.
Compbell, B. A., Principal of Strat-
ford Normal School, who Will deal
with the important subject of
"Arithmetic." Thursday evening a
Oonceet will be given in the Town
Hall, under the auspices of Association
in which local vocalists will supply a
musical progra01 and a lecture on a
popular subject is expected by an out -
eider. Proceeds will be devoted to the
Red Cross. Keep tab on the date.
Mr. Fowler is the President of East
Huron Association and Mr. Naylor,
of Seaforth, is the energetic Secretary.
The renter sessions will be open to
the public who are invited to attend.
Program will be as follows :-
First session at 10 a, re. Thursday,
10th inst, and after registration the
opening exercises will be conducted by
Rev, A. J., Mann, followed by Words
of Welcome from Reeve Plum. 3
items on forenoon program are :-
Delegate's report of 0. E. A. by F. G.
Sllilllugle%v; "Spirit of Schoolroom,"
by Miss Nellie Mr:Segue, Wingliam ;
and "Teachiug Entrance History,"
W. G. Strong, Kippen.
Afternoon Session, "Co -relation of
physical and commercial Geogiaphy,"
Miss Ruby Garbut, Blyth ; Language
work in Public schools, Miss B. Hab-
kirk, Seaforth ; Teaching Spelling,
Miss Ida H, Taylor, Renew' ; Singing
by pupils of Miss a Dickson's school
Literature Selection, Dr. Field, In-
spector ; Doing our best, bliss Jean A.
Carswell, Seaforth, Concert Thurs-
day evening.
Friday, 9 a. tn. Financial statement
and election of officers ; President's
addressee, F. Fowler, Seaforth : Agri-
culture for Public schools, J. A.
Anderson, 13. A., Wingham ; Teach-
ing Geography, R. 3. Beatty,
Eguiondville ; Arithmetic in and out
of School, J. D. Campbell, B. A.,
Stratford ; Resolution Committee.
Afternoon session at 1.30. HoW
rural Education ean be made more
effective, Miss E. McLennan, Clifford ;
Interest, J. E. Campbell, 13. A. Strat-
ford ; Unfinished business.
Church Chimes
Rev. W. E, Stafford gave two stron g
Missionary addresses in the Methodist
church last Sunday,
Next Sabbath evening the reguler
service iu the Methodist church will
revert to 7 instead of 8 o'clock as it has
been for the past few months for the
accommodation of the farming com-
Rev. Mr. Stride, Wroxeter, who bas
not been enjoying good healtb, under-
went an operation for throat trouble in
St. Joseph's hospital, London. We are
pleased to learn that he is progressing
Next Sunday the regular communion
service will be held in Melville church,
in charge of the pastor, Rev. Mr,
Boyle, of Belgrave, is expected to
preach at the preparatory service Friday
afternoou at 2 so o'clock,
Rev Haroldi Bentley, Walton, will
occupy the pulpit of the Methodist
church next Sunday inortilug and even-
ing and will deal with the Missionary
theme. The paetor will conduct ser-
vices in Kincardine that day for Rev,
Mr. 'Men, who is attending the -General
Conference at Hamilton as one of the
The Rally Day Sabbath School ser-
vice was held in Melville church last
Sem* morniug and the prepared pro-
gram followed, Rev, Mr. Mann gave a
very Suitable eddrese, Sunday School
yens cancelled in the afternoon. R. D.
Camerotr, Lucknow, gsve an address at
the evening service ou the topic "After
War problems for young people," that
snood bear Emit.
Mrs, D. Mel:err:it, Wu, been
11 ietnbi .11 at00.
1i, in
town Moutlay.
Harold Lowry wae in town last melt
fur a few days,
Mrs. Archie Thompson bas been visit-
ing friends at Lueknow.
Mrs. juo. Th0038011 was visiting rela-
tives is Seaforth and locality.
Miss Kate Deadman, nerse, is home
or a headay frotn Toronto.
Mrs. (Dr 1 J. IL White will he At
Horne um 1'.1 and 211(1 Thursdays of each
Mrs. 3. Bell and daitainer, Tut:sewer.
were Visiting the former's parents in
'1'. W. and Mrs. MuFarlaud, Loudon,
were visitors at the home of J. T. and
Mrs. Wood.
Mrs. Robertson, Wingleim, has come
to nye with her daughter, Mrs. T.
Strachan, William street.
Miss Gertrude Del:tartlet; left Monday
morning for Queen's College, Kingeton,
where she wilt pursue her studies.
Adam and Mrs. Roe left Monday for
Stratford and Toronto where they will
spend a Few days with relatives before
retiring to their tome
Pte. Clarence Jackson, who was report-
ed among those killed iu France, is
alive. Later word said Le was wounded,
Mrs. J no. Downing is able to take short
out dem- walks after a tie-up for months -
to the house. We hope the improve-
ment will continue.
Miss has E10)0e:0d Blyth
where she purposes inakieg leer home.
The good wishes of Brussels people go
with her to her new location.
Cardiff Best will atteud the School
of Practical Science at Terouto, purse-
ing a course 10 chemical engineering.
We wish him marked success.
Mrs, Crich entertained ou Monday at
a family reunion at her home, John
strett, in honor of her aged father and
also in behalf ot her relatives from
Hugh and Mrs. Carr, ol Rudyard,
Mich , are guests of the latter's sister,
Mrs. Crich, Mrs. Carr is a daughter of
Richard Roe, of John street and sister of
Sandy Roe of town.
Miss Rebecca Shuffle and nephew,
McKenzie Shuffle, have been enjoying
a holiday visit with relatives and friends
at Galt, Stratford and other points for
the past 4 weeks.
Miss Vera McCall has taken a position
in Waterloo as saleslady. Miss Verna
her sister, is taking up the art of mil-
linery at Miss Inman's. Both are
daughters of Geo. and Mrs. McCall,
William street, Brussels.
Miss Annie B. Ross, of town, was a
Judge in the Ladies' Work Department
of Seaforth Fair and she and Mrs. Geo.
Muldoon rendered similar ser-
vice at Lucknow last week. They are
good hands at the task.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Lou.
Dunford is not baying very good healtbi
of late and was off duty from 3,
Carter's office in an endeavour to recup-
erate, Many old friends wish her early .
restoration to her customary vigor,
FOR SIBERIA, -In a draft of men for
Siberia Will. Long and Harold Currie,
of Btuasels, are included and leave for a
a new field of endeavor. It will be quite
a novel experience for the boys but we
hope they will be spared to return in due
Inspector john Torrance, of Clinton,
and his son, who is business manager of
tbe Lethbridge Herald, and home on a
visit were calling on friends in Brussels
Saturday, Eph. Downing, formerly
of town, is in charge of the Job Depart-
ment in the same office.
C. Rathwell arrived here from the
West last week for a visit. His wife,
(who is a daughter of Mrs, George Sparl-
rug, Brussels) preceded him, accotnpani-
ed by their little daughter. Tna POST
would like to see Mr, Rath well become
a permanent resident. He has been in
the West for some years.
Mrs. Hugh McMartin has gone to
Hensel' for a visit at the home of her
son, Duncan, She is in her eeth year
and has been an invalid for past 5 years
resulting from parlytic strokes. Rev.
Mr. Doan, of Hensall. very kindly plac-
ed his car at Mrs. McMartin's disposal.
bliss Maude Bryane, who was at Lon-
don hospital for treatment for blood
poisoning, has reeoved sufficiently to
return to Toronto but will require 2 or
weeks yet before she cm walk on the
disabled foot. We are glad to hear of
improvement and hope alias B. will
soon be as hearty as ever.
Sandy and tars. Roe, Brussels, and
Adam aud Mrs. Roe, of Pickford, Mich,
were visitors of L. and Mrs, Frain on
Sunday They were present at the Bar -
vest Home services Sunday morning
which WAS held in Roe's church and also
had the privilege of occupying the seat
their parents occupied 151180 11153' attend-
ed eervices, which they esteem a great
privilege indeed.
Shurwyn, youngest son of Rev, S. J.
and Mr s Alli, of Ilderton, formerly of
Brussels will go to Toronto to attend
the University, He got rot Honors in 2
subjects and 2nd Honors in 2 at his
metric, mum and will now write for a
scholarship before entering college in
October. Shurwyn is a clever youth
and is ably sustaining the lead well set
by the older members of the family in
past years. Old friends here will watch
his coarse with intoreet as he seeks
greetvi,r w
Rei. 8, D., calory,
was a visitor for a sliort time at the home
of his aunt, Mrs. Marsden Smith, Prins
cm Street. The rev. gentetnan, who
was a former resident of this locality
and well remembered, is the second son
of Trueman and Mrs. Smith, formerly
of Grey Township, He came East to
attend the General Conference of the
Methodist Church, now in session in the
city of Handiton. Mr, Smith is doing
good work in the West, as he did in
()uteri° prior to his removal. We Were
glad to see hina