HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-26, Page 8•
Q s d •ir MI I T Y
do Yu Keep the
Pictures You Take ?
A for putting the Snaps in an Album
+ Better than paste.
l'ictures neatly mounted in a Kodak
Album are Rafe against loss or in-
jury, mei nicely displayed and titled
on the page of the Album, gain
much in interest Rs time goes by.
We have a good assortment of Kodak
i;'bttms which are good values from
the paper bound ones at 259 lip to
the large leather bound ones at
$4 25• There are some very suit•
ales ones of the loose leaf kind at
$I oo each.
Ask to see the
Dry Mounting; Tissue
O Now would he a good time to have
-i• a new lot of Prints made from some
T of your Negatives for the Album,
Silent Developed and Printed.
:a. _ ._- _ -- - -
Peseaps it may puzzle you
, sometimes when making up a
box to kuety what to put in to
get variety. He& c are some of
the things tee have teen Fell -
Paraffin Wax Candles
Writing Portfolio, contain-
ing Writing Paper with
Envelopes to match
Rexall Skin Soap
Harmonv Glycerine Soap
Safety Razor Blades
Rexal l -
Shaving Stick '
Shaving Cream or
Shaving Powder
Rexall Font Powder
Talcum Powder
Mentholiue Balm
Keating's Insect Powder
Malted Milk Tablets
Oxo Cubes
Kodak Filmy for Canters
One of the many Monthly
Magazines or Illustrated
Chocolate Bars
Hard Bailed Fruit Flavor-
ed Candies
After Dinner Mints
Throat Tablets, &c,
�x oo
O• a'�1Ye Store Drugr,lat and Stationer •
9 H-•H•••l••'b OH••'i'•'; 0+0+0+••F•fi0t0 •F41d-e•M0.1••-•r0•i•0i0•i•0H•0•i0d•03•0•i••
Laical Ziews 4thus
Read every advertisement and save
A few from this locality took in Blyth
Fali Fair on Tuesday of this week.
Pi:ACHES, grapes and tomatoes are
offered on the market in large quantities
just now.
IF a rainy September means a big
harvest in the following year tom should
ae a bumper crop,
Tui wrmen of Huron County R. C. &
W. C A, have sent 6(1,867 articles to the
soldiers in the past year.
A very:uix;tantial vault has been com-
pleted at Ins new °bice to be of the Bank
of No is usan, F. Naeg[e was in charge
of the vark.
A Bruaselite was seen the other night
purloanin_ :orae wood that did not be-
t•ng t:, eim and is asked to settle for the
same and thereby avoid trouble.
Ears; -r• -Ls Chautauqua Festival will be
held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
Oetober 23, 24 and 25. Watch out for
particulars for this interesting event.
A little bird twitters the information
that a wedding 4s slated for Saturday of
this week in which two young folk well
known in Brussels will play the leading
A list of automobile owners is being
prepared who persistingly disobey the
laic as to keeping lamps lighted on their
cars after night. An example may be
made of a few to teach a useful lesson.
Warch ont
THE comfortable home of Miss Gaynor
Mechanic street, Brussels, has been sold
to Jack Rutledge, of town, who will get
early possession, Miss Gaynor will likely
go to Blyth where her sister, Mrs. Jno.
Heffron, resides.
TUESDAY evening a Base Ball game
was played ou Victoria Park, town, be-
tween Wingham and Brussels, Score
for a 5 innings match was it to 2 in favor
of the home team, It was a very good
gime, baring the late start and the early
night -fail.
THR POST is sorry to hear that Whit-
field Roe, son of Fletcher Roe, of this
locality, was wounded on Sept, 7th.
Gunshot wound in knee and was admit•
ted to Royal Herbert Hospital, Wool•
with, Eng, We hope he will have a
speedy recovery,
CARD OF THANKS -We wish tit express
our thanks for the thoughtfulness and
kindness bestowed in connection with
the illness and subsequent decease of
our father, the late Hugh Lamont,
We assuredly appreciated it highly,
Truly Yours,
Glenn, of Glenn -Charles, Toronto.
Cauadian Hair Fashion Store, will be in
Brussels, Wed. Oct, 2nd, at American,
Rotel, with a full line of Ladies and
Gentleman's Hair Goods. If you are not
satisfied with the appearance of Vont
hair consult Miss Glenn who is an auth-
ority on Hair Goods and individual heir
Styles. Free demonstration.
scription lists opened for this good eause
in Brussels have not vet been swamped
by a rush of cash, although a number
have responded quite generously.
It I hoped s p d the funds can be forwarded
by the close Of next week and all who
purpose aiding this deserving effort
should require no further urging but
tare asked to hand in whatever they pur-
pose donating at once so that it ,may be
remitted. Tag Day at Brussels Fair
totalled $1e7.00, Help the sailors and
promptly as possible please. We owe a
debt to our marine that is beyond com-
putation. It is expected that the list
will be published in the near future so
that those assisting will see that full
credit is given,
DoN'T forget Grewur's Auction Sale of
Household Furniture at skating rink,
Saturday, Oct. rz.
A Bell Telephone repair gang is at
work in this locality, A motor truck is
used for conveyance which is a big
improvement over the old team process
C. POPE attended a bier 'Tree or Show
at Cobourg last week and was quite in-
terested to the exhibit, He has a mech-
auical dream that we hope he will he
able to make very real along the tractor
NUMBER of young awe. with pig, for sale.
Also some young pigs. ve, H. MCCovoREok.
Phone 181,
FOR SALE -A tine heifer calf, eight months
old. Mee. 4..T DrFP, Bluevale.
Fon SALE. -2 young thoro' bred Leicester
rams. Phone. 2512, H. firma.
COAL Heater for Hale Rte bilrgRin. Apply to
BLYma Evaporator to prepared to buy any
quantity of apples, ]urge enough to peel, at 80
to AO meats per tong.
Isaac BROWN, Blyth.
PHONE Nos. 50 and 8.
AUCTION Sale of Firm Stoek, implements,
&o.t int 27. Con. 9, McKillop, on Tuesday, Oct.
p, lir. .TonN REM, PrOp. T. BRows,
GENERAL Purnnee Mare, will work or drive,
and Perchernn Colt 8 months old for sale. See
George Muldoon or David Badglev, Bruesels.
HoneE and Lot for sale, eligibly located.
Gond well, eistern, cellar, stable, &c, For fur•
ther particulars apply to
Mas. GEO. HENDERSON, Brussels,
A somata of well bred Leicester Ram
Lambs for sale, Lot 28, Gravel Road, North
of Winthrop. JNO. ArmCHrsON,
12.4 Seaforth R. R. No, 1,
85 Cavms per bushel will he pair' for good
clean oats delivered nt Brussels. See or phone
G. A. BERT, Brnsaela.
HAvrNO entered the London Free Press
Automobile Contest I would much appreciate
yonr subecription or your renewal if you are
now a subscriber. A. D SMIERLANn,
Deputy Postmaster, Seaforth.
ROOMY bonne, large lot, stable, &a., for sale
on James street at a bargain. If not sold will
be to rent. D EWAN,
DR. PAREER, OateOpathi0 Physioian, vlsits
Bruseels blonday afternoon of each week.
Chronie and nervous diseases euecessfullY
treated, "Visits resideneee. Consnitatfon at
Queen's Hotel.
afternoon of this week a me• -ting of the
Fall F ilr Directors will he held in the
Council chamber to close ep business :if
the Fair, Persons having accounts are
asked to bent' them to Secretary Black
at once,
Tar. Day. --By the kin lly assistance of
a goodly number of young ladies led by
Miss Isabel Strachan on 2nd day of
Brussels Fall Fair, Red Crites Circle
received the flee sunt of $io7.00 which
will be devoted to the Sailors' Fund.
Instead of a flag or button a white rose
WAS used Rs the emblem of the day.
The Red Cross Society feels deeply
grateful to the girls for their industry
and the many contributors for their
generosi y It ones to show what united
effort may accomplish whet well direct
CHAUTatma n FEGTIVAL,- Monday
evening a well attended meeting of the
local Chautaugnn loesttval Committee
was held in the andieuce room of the
Pnbiic Library, B S Scott was Chair-
man. Follnwiug tfflcers were elected
for the ensuing term :-Cliairman, F. S.
Scott; Sec =frees . F. H, Gilroy, Con-
vener of Ticket Committee, W. J Mc.
Cracken ; Publicity Cmnmitiee, W. B.
Kerr ; Arrangement mud Halt Commit
tee, Jno, Ferguson. Committees were
struck and the campaign wi:l be ener-
getically pusher' The slates Will be,
Wednesdav, Thursday and Friday.
Oot, 23, 24 and 25. Afternoon and
and evening sessions In the 'Town Hall,
Brussels A x talent will be here and
Will present a program full of hustruc-
tion, pleasure and interest. Watch out
for further particulars.
161...1.00.110,441.14r1101.910 Ing.111,4,1,16.1.14,
ar of Coal
Crai1br* farmers' Club
expeCt a car of Nut C Cal
next week, delivered at
Ethel. For further par-
ticulars 'phone 285.
Sec. Farmers' Club.
lit arses of [sax Waltou are visiting
the 41 aitland can 1 not withnnt success,
CARD OF IRANI::: -1V wish to tharlc
many fu, sympathy Mimeo us by
words and by letter uver the death of
our soldier semi, Milton and Norman,
The messages were very comforting
and much appreoialed
"1h s heard their Country milling
For ansisle nee in the»trite,
That pall they bravely answered
And nobly gave their lives."
Gratefully yours...
RED CRo-s -44 pairs of socks were
taken in at the Red Cross Circle meet-
ing oe 'Tuesday. The Circle tweeds
ser cling bexes to the soldier boy% over-
seas and ask the friends to bake fruit
cake and send it to the Library Tuesday
of next week, All the ladies who can
spend an hour Thursday and Friday
eveuiugs of nes' week are asked to meet
at the audience room of the Library to
make trench cap:, to put in the overseas
boxes Don't forget the 'addles across
the seas,
FINE Seevicae.-Last Sundae was An-
inverserv..l)av m connection with Brus-
sels Methodist Sabbath School and was
one of interest and profit. Rev, D
Wren, M, A, Mount Forest, a former
well itnown pastor. Was the preacher and
ably sustained his good name as a pulpit-
eer. The theme for the day was Jesus
Morn•ug text was ••N man can do the
things Thou Joest except God be with
him " The choir was supplemented by
a cumber of young girls from the Sab-
bath school who. under the direction of
Mrs. (Rev ) Stafford, rendered the an-
them, ' Praise ye Jehovah" and the
chorus "God's hand is everywhere" with
good effect. There was a fine attend-
ance Sunday afteruoon at Rally Day ex-
ercises, The program was adhered to
and in addition Rev. Mr, Wren gave a
well pointed Address; Miss Dorothea
Stafford a choice piano solo ; Miss Ber-
uice Cole, Ethel, a timely patriotic rec-
itation ; and F H, Gilroy a solo A
large congregation assembled in the
evening when the able discourse Was on
'The pre-eminence of Jesus " A male
choir led the praises and gave two an
thems "'There were Ninety and Nine,"
and "Onward Christian Soldiers "
Many old friends greeted Rev. Mr.
Wren at the close of the service It was
a day packeilafpil of good things and
'should prove an inspiration in, entering
on the Fall campaign,
lt does not often happen that a husband
and wife are called away from the earth
ly home as near together as were
Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, Queen
street. The latter answered the
Ro'1 call of the skies on the 3rd inst„
and her husband £ollotved on the 18th,
Mr Lamont's funeral being conducted
2 weeks later than that of his partner for
so many years It was not a surprise
that the subject of this notice crossed
that bourne from whence no traveller
returns, as he had been in declining•
health for more than a year. He had at-
tainted his 83rd year so was not as well
able to fight off disability as when
younger, Deceased was born on the
Isle of Mull, and was the 4th son of the
late Allan Lamont. Along with his par-
ents be crone to this locality in 1852, at
16 years of age and located on Lot 8
Con. 7, Grey township, then in primeval
condition At same time 2 other broth-
ers of Mr. Lament's father also settled
here The subject of this notice wee the
last of his generation and Donald Lam
one Clare, Mich•- is the only liviog
member of the 3 families who came from
Scotland. 56 years ago Mr Lemont took
Miss Sarah Isabel Arnott. of Grey town-
ship, as his bride and up to Ign5 labored
induterinus'y and prospered on the
homestead When they sold to te.. Arm-
strong and bought zoo acres, Lot 6,
Cone. zo•and it, retiring to a cosy home
on Queen street, Brussels 3 years ago
Deceased was a man of strict integrity
and won the respect of all who knew
him. He had served OD the School
Board for some years ; was a Liberal in
politics and a Presbyterian In religion,
being one of the pioneers in Knox
chureh, Brussels, later afftlated with
Melville church The funeral was held
Friday afternoon the service being
conducted by Rev A J Mann Pall-
bearers were Peter McDougall, Walter
Yuill, W, Inglis, Chas , Allen and Peter
Lamont Burial WEIR made alongside
his wife in Brussels cemetery. Surviv-
ing children are 1 -Andrew and F7ugh,
Grey ; Allan and Mrs, Mary, Brussels ;
Samuel B , of Avoniea, Sask ; Mrs E
E Campbell, Gaylord, Mich ; Mrs D
McDonald, Morris township ; Alex of
London, and j Leslie now training et
NiagaFa Camp 'There are 2 grandchild-
ren, All the family were here excepting
Sam. and Mrs Campbell, who had re-
turned to their respective homes after
the burial of their mother. Allan and
Miss Miry will continue to live in the
home, Queen street Mr Lamont WEIS a
sturdy type of manhood of which the
world could not have too many,
Church Chimes
Thursday evening the Epworth
League of. Methodist church, B.reasels,
is meeting for reorganization in connect
kion with the Fall end Winter campaign.
Rev, tall. McCauley, Glammis, sae
accepted the call of Goderich Baptist
church to become its pastor and will
enter upon his pastorate the last Sunday
of October,
London Presbytery had a cell from
Deleware and Pryne's Mills, represented
by Rev J. W Crawford, in favour of
Rev. D, A. McLean, Ripley. Stipend is
$I,zoo, with manse, glebe and 4 weeks
vacation; Mr, Crawford Was appointed
to proseeute the call before the Pres-
bytery of Maitland,
This Bank olf'ers,every facility in
the conduct of accounts, of manu.
facturers, farmers and merchants.
KOT'D 1970 SAVINGS DEPARTMIiNT at every Branch. 23$
G. H. SAWS, ® 1E1E1 Manager.
g I Mrs Robert Kerr is away on a visit
Toronto and Galt.
tratfmrd was a visitor
Downing dunug the
Cattle Sale withrelas. Wanverd, saF.St
with. Mrs, R.
past week,
Mrs, John Ament, London, was a
visitor with Mrs. I. C. Richards, for
the past week.
Miss Edith Deadman returned tom
University, Toronto, this week to con-
tinue her studies.
Pte, Art Hawkshaw was here this
week for a short visit with old friends.
He is at London camp.
W. H. Peters, Bervie, was here for a
week visiting the Misses Hunter, John
street, his sisters -In-law,
Rev. D and Mrs Wren, Stewart and
Helen, Mount Forest, spent several clays
in tovo during the past week renewing
old friendships,
Mrs (Rev ) Hind and children, of
Hespeler, have beep eujoyiug a visit at
the parental home of the former, G. A,
Deaclman, Frederick street. Rev. Mr,
Hind is also here
Colin McArthur is here from Luck
now, He had• the misfortune to fah
while away and damaged several ribs
that were very sore for a time, We
hope he will soon gain up
Mrs R, P. Fetid and children, of
Otveo Sound, have been here on a visit
with relatives and old friends during
the past week. The former is R daugh-
ter of Mrs Edward Bryans
Mrs. (Dr ) W. L. Met. utcheon is
spending a week with her aunt, M,s J
eV Morrison, of 'Toronto, before return
lug to her home in Wilkes-Barre Pa ,
Mrs, McCutcheon had au enjoyable visit
with Brussels mends
Mrs. Cuberston and her little son Gor-
don, were visitors with I C and Mis
Richards during the past week Form
er is a neice of Mr Richards and Is mak-
ing her home with her mother in God
erich while her husdand it fulfilling his
duties as an officer in the Canadian army
in France
Druggist and Mrs. 'John McRae, of
Vancouver, are enjoying a short holt
day with relatives and old friends at
Brussels, Kincardine and other points
'Che former is a brother to Dr. 't` C Mc
Rae, of town and WAS fortner wet
known resident. It is 7 years siuce Mr
McRae was here. He think- Vancouver
is the ideal spot to live Tile Pacific
coast evidently agrees with him
This week L oyd Taekson lel. for O•-
tawa, where he joias the naval servic.,
following up the course he has been
taking in wireless telegraphy and num-
erous other studies in connection wi 4
his antimpated enlistment. He is a fine
type of young manhood and will do his
full share as a loyal Canuck We wish
him the best of success and safe return
when the turmoil is over.
D and Mrs McKay, Winnipeg, were
callers in Brussels this week. Th,•
latter is the end daughter of the -late
Phos. English, a well kno an resident.
who went West iu 1882 and for Years
was Chief of Police at Calgary Num-
erous old friends were hunted up by Mr
and Mrs. McKay and a good time was
enjoyed in reirospecting the bygones,
Mr. McKev's boyhood horse was at
Tiverton, Bruce Co. Mrs Mac, called
on 'THE PusT and got a copy of our issue
concerning the story of the big fire of
1876, in which her father was a heavt
Tuesday of this week Mrs, Albert
Carter, who had been here on a visit for
the past few months, left for her home
in Edmonton, She v as accompanied
by her sister, Miss Ida Fulton, who will
make an extended visit in the West
Miss Fulton has been saleslady in F R
Smith's drug store and takes with het
the good whales of young and old
Mrs. Carter has two sons wearing the
King's colors. Russell went with a
University unit from Edmonton and is
uow in !'ranee. Alvin has been train-
ing at Perawawa with the artillery,
The Carter family lived in Grey town-
ship before going West, ,
Mesers. Lott as McDonald will hold an
Auction Sale of 40 Head of Cattle at
Mason's Hotel Stables
go Saturday, October 5th, 1918
5 Fresh Cows with calf at foot,
5 Springer Cows,
15 Two -year-olds,
15 Yearlings
All high-class Durham Cattle and in
good condi biOti.
TISRMS.-Six months' credit will be
allowed and bank lamest added.
Lott & McDonald,
Jas. Taylor, Atm. Proprietors,
The General Coufereuceof the Metho
dist church, that assembles every 4
years, will convene in Hamilton Tues-
day of next week, Rev Mr, Ui•en,
Kincardine, and W. H. Kerr, Brussels,
are members trom this section of the
Sunday afternoon and evening next
the Sunday School and Young People
of Melville chrueh will observe Rally
Day The prepared service will be' fol-
lowed in the afternoon and R. D
Cameron, Lneknow, will speak in the
evening on "After war problems for
young people "
Eiuron Presbytery has released Rev.
Dr. Colin Fletcher, pastor of the Thames
Road Presbyteriau church, and Mod
erator of the General Assembly, from
his %ilea and pastoral duties for some
mouths. Rev, Dr Fletcher has not en-
joyed good health for some time, Pres-
bytery will undertake his supply during
a portion of the time granted
New General Secretary for Sundae
Schools, Rev T A Halpenuv, Toronto,
and formerly of Oaawa, has been se-
cured to give addresses, afternoon and
evening, in connection with Centre
Huron Sunday School Convention, to
be held Tues lay, Oct. rat, in Knox Pres-
byterian church, Goderich. Sunday
schools of Centre Huron comprise
schools in Goderich, Goderich township,
Colborne, Hulled. McKillop, part of
ruckersmith, also Seaford: and Clinton
Harvest Festival services were held
in St, Tohu'schurch, Brussels, Sunday,
Sept 22ud Both services were well
attended and the collections were
double the amount of last year's offer.
Ings, Rev, H. Smith's, rector, subject
in the morning comprised "Reasons for
Thanksgiving," based on ISA. 144-15,
The evenmts iiscoursewas founded en
Colossians r-18, -'Pre-eininence;of Jesus
as tete son of God " Higher than
angels or archangels ; in the qualities of
manhood ; and Saviourhood. The day
was oue of profit,
People Vire Talk About $$
Barrister Sinclair was at Toronto last
Miss Verue Walker, was visiting in
Loud in for a week
Barrister J Leckie, B. A., Toronto,
was in town for a few days
W. S, Scott and his sister, Mrs G H.
Saints were in Londoo for the week end.
Mrs W. H, Merklinger, Hanover,
who has beeu in Fergus hospital, was
able to return to tier home,
riot are sorry to hear of the ill health
of Mrs. B. Gerry, of Fort William,
formerly of Brussels, and hope she wbl
soou be better
Rev W. E. St: ff ted, B A., made a
short visit with his mother and sister at
Elora lest week and preached at Mount
Forest on Sunday.
Simon Grant was in town for few
during the past week He has been liv
nig at Seatorth of late although he still
has property in Bruesels
Mrs, Harry Rental and children,
Clinton, were here for •a hnlldat at the
hnme of Mrs ine Cerci ff, Princess
street, Mrs. Bartliff is a daughter,
Later word concerning Pre William
Bell seys lois casuab;y consisted of gun
shot wound 1n right shoulder, We hope
he will make good pi ogress towards re-
Oswald Hemingway, eldest son of W
1 and Mrs. Hemtngwey, has taken a
position on the staff of the Bank of NOON
Scotia, Brussels He should felt the bill
Herbert and Mrs .Nihon and helots of
Guelph, were visitors in town tot a few
days last week. The !muter was a
resident here who has been in the Rota:
oily for the past 7 sears
Robt, alai Mrs. Grier, of Detroit,
are here for a holiday with G.
C. end Mrs, Manners The ladies ate
sisters. Mr. Gi ler is one of the tellers in
the State Bank in bis home city.
Adam and Mrs. Roe, of Pickford.
Mich.are here an a visit with felony. $
and oid friends, The fin mer is a s •11 lit
Riehawd Roe, of Joan street, B,ussels,
Mr. Roe has been 17 Years at Pickford
Where he has a good business,
Dr, and Mrs. Bryans, of London,
were here on the farmer's last leave
As he has been called over.
Boas on an early draft, Mrs.
Bryans will not t•rnss the ocean in the
meantime. Dr, carries with Ir(m mann
t good wishes for a, safe coming back to
Canada when his term is filled,
Morris Council
Council mets, in Township Ball,
Monday, Aug. 20th,• Members present
Reeve presiding, Richatd Procter
was re-engaged as Tax Collector fm.
Il1e year at a salary of $150 00 Fol.
lowing accounts were piaci :-W, H,
Kelm, printing and advertiRirig, $370;
Jas. Fox, foemaldehyde, $113`0 ; Isaac
Blown, 12 Inch tile, $7.00 ; also 18 in.
tile, South boundary, $1200; W.
Abram, diehnfecting, $160; H. Man-
ning, work on rnad, $0.00 ; Jos. Bew-
ley, work nn culvert, $0.00 ; James
Peacock, gravel, $14 70 ; Jos. Beecken-
ridge, gravel, $5.00 ; Geo. Pierce,
gravel, $8 90 ; Jas. Gibson, gravel,
$4,50 ; John Evans, shovelling, $2 00 ;
Geo, Redman, shovelling, $12.00 ; P S
RnnAnms,-In Mitchell on September 10th,
1018, to Rev W. H and Mrs. Roberts,
formerly of Wroxeter, a son.
KIRTON,-111 Turnberry on Sept, 18th, Merger -
et A McDonald, wife Of Jas. Kirton, aged
44 years,
LAateNT-In Brussels, on September leth,
1918, Hugh Lamont, aged 82 years, 0
months and 25 days.
Vali Wheat ................
Spring Wheat
Potateerr per bag
Weol (unweehed)
I2 05
19 80
10 00
1 0
•••••••cl•aa••amtaalWaa a•••••ata aauaaatca•iatleami•r•®•••aa••••• o
e• • We will be pleased to have you drop
m m,oaNeoearela Ilti9nr 090(1. a®,9®221®•®®® g aie•o•eagea•aetaa••o•o®®seas
E have just passed into steal. our Fall Shipment
of Nippon China, The assortment comprise
some very handsome pieces, beautifully decorated.
Cake Plates
Celery Sets
Butter 'Tubs
Cream and Sugars
Dresser Sets
Cups and Saucers
Create ,Jugs
Whipped Cream
Lily Bowls
Berry Scats
Cake Sets
Vases and
13on lions in greet
our Stock.
in and
Scott, gravel, $7.20 ; W. Shelton,
gravel, $230; W. T, Henderson,
gravel, $8 80 ; A, Pollock, gravel,
$5.00 ; A. Smith, shovelling, $200 ;
W. J. South, gravel, $5 00 ; W. Hal-
ter, gravel, $3:20 ; Mrs Win. Hopper,
gravel, 80c ; Dau. MCDorlald, gravel,
$1.00 ; Jas. LEEwa011, gravel, $1.30 ;
Philip Amelia genvel, $3.30 ; Thos,
Miller, gravel, $11 50 ; Jahn Barr,
gravel, $1 90 ; R. l3. Atomic, dile on
Hanna 'drain, $10000; the on hone
drain, $90.00, Next meeting of Coun-
cil, Monday, Sept. 30
A. MAcEwme, Clerk.
S. Snell is visiting in the great
We congratulate Mss Blva Rut natty
on her success at the School Fair held
last week at Bluevale. She stood 2E.d
in the prize winning,
Many old friends are sorry to notice
the name of Pte. Rub. Forrest, Neither
to the Nate Charlie Forrest, in the list
of the wounded in Fiance, but Impel
it is not vet v serious.
)notice by the Daily Titrlesslouni al of
Poi t William, that our own "Jamie,"
son of Mrs. Jas. Strtaelmn, won the
cup for Golf at the. Fair sports. Item
says :-"On the links of the Thunder
Bay country club on Saturday ai'tee-
moon, the Brown eup, a trophy put
up by W. L. Brown, of Chicago, for
individual competition the cup in the
the prnpe'rty of the wiuntr ontt•ight,
WEER won by Dr. Stretchat, of this city,
He was five np to bogey. A, W,
Roberts waa the only °they player to.
put bogey down, he being two up on
bogey. The cards were NW 18 stoles."
Dv. &recitan was altvaye inning on
athletics and as a member of Btuesels
Foot Beall champions often helped the i
team to victory.,
.II.IPLEMONTs.-Thee Gundry has received
lnetructione front the undersigned to sell by
Public Auetion on the North half of Lot 12,
Con, 0, Morris. remmenetng at 1 p m on Fri-
day, October 111h 1018, the following, that is
to site mare 11 `•ears elft, 1 mars 8 years.
old, 1 aged mare, 1 hoer° 5 years old. 1 mere 8
years old, 1 2-yenr old filly, 1 year old gelding,
1 Durham bull 10 months old registered, 1
newly calved vow. t eon's supposed to be with
calf, 5 2.year mid stere, 8 2 -year old heifers, 5
yearling etrere, 4 , carlieg heifers 8 calves, I
brood. ROW, 1 fat pig, 9 pigs S to ern he old, about
100 Ilene, 1 Massey -Harris binder 7 ft eat near-
ly nen', 1 hmssa-y-Hm'ris mower, 1-Froet &
Wood seed drill I Maseey.Harris manure
spreader, 1 hay rake,I land roller, 1 cultivator,
1 dime harrow, set iron barrOwe, 2 plows, 1
2.furrow riding plow, 1 gang plow, set weigh
scales, fanning mill, 2 eutiing boxes, 1 8•horso
power gasoline engine 1 tenni) pulper, 1
eculffer, I Ret bpm--letghs, l lumber wagnn, 1
hay reek, 1 stork i nor, l mor rupee and slings,
1 top bugle 1 cutter, lags double Immune, l
set single harness,.Ingle buggy, 1grindstone,
1 Malotte errimt Hs neater, 25 gni steel oil
barrel, a quantity of roots in the row, a quan-
tity of tools,.forks, hope, oto , and other ark -
e'en too numerous to monldon. A number of
household nrtioles will also be offered for sale
including n Dominion organ, Terms: -Alt
purchases of 810 00 and under caeh. over that
amount 12 menthe IR rel
u n f call a offf ed Dint
notes, A discount s of s per cent off for oath on
credit amounts bins donN M°ELRov, Ex•
twitter of the estate of the late John McElroy,
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 82, Con. 10,
Grey township. 02 acres cleared mud}yiaalenee
in pasture. On the prendees iR a m91►brick
house,19227, witb kitchen 10x22;. good bank
barn, SAx50 ; gond drilled well, orchard, &c,
For further partieulars anply on the premises
12-4 Brussels R R. No. 8.
Strayed Steer
Strayed from the pasture in Logan township
about August 10th, it red end white 2 year old
deharned steer, with white on top of head.
Any information ns to his wherenbe nts will be
thankfully reeelved.
Lot 7, Con, 111, Grey. R. R. 2, Brussels.
Phone 4211
t2 05 •
75 •
2 10 •p
lie •
In (4 e
0 g
10 05 0
0 -
1 50 t ,
9,00611000 '> 8Gealate(1129000696ESSOGOOMIlalle
-L T2
,A Tremendous Stock of Fall and
Winter Goods now Displayed at our
Two --ig Salle Stores -Old Quality
Goods Below Present Malnufa.ctur.
ers' Prices for Goods of Inferior
Dress Goods
Hosiery and Underwear
Sweater Coats
Wool Caps •
Wool. Toques
Wool Shawls
Cottons and Prints
Table Linen
Table Oilclotbs
Curtain Materials
Ribbons, Etc,, Etc.
Men's Suits
Boys' Suits
Men's Overcoats
Boys' Overcoats
Boys' Bloomers
Boys' Knickers
Men's Underwear
Boys' Underwear
Hats and Caps
Shifts and Shirting•s
Mitts and Gloves
Collars ancr Ties
Men's Foots
Boys' Boots
Rubbers, Etc., Etc,
Carswell Broca
CarsweiVs for $40,000 Stock
Old Quality Goods to choose from