HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-26, Page 6Insist upon the gemaine
N'ova'e other is so economical in use or. so
delicious in flavour.
rear 7, :7•s
c5 -B
Arthur Stanwood Pier/
atoerratat Housecou menet company by etteeiai arrangement with Tho
CHAPTER SIX—(Cont'd,) d
Trash: turned the witness over tu; r
Maxwell for cress -examination.
Jerry knew, the moment he iomlted,
into the Congressman's black eyes, h
that Maxwell had neither forgotten
nor forgiven him. There was a
sparkle of malice in them that was
disturbing. Maxwell began suavely
e ugh.
eveloping from it, he was under no
obligation -to shield the man who had
°remitted the murder. I told him
that his own chances would be much
.setter if he kept nothing hack. Finally
e came to see that, and then he made
a clean breast of it."
"Yui dicta% prompt him at ail—
lab, any sugg •stions?"
and etrong to meet
Don't Overwork the Children.
Ira the ectooty -altar on tive f tem
children. era often eye lvd to work
in the eeld end gardar tee bore• at Et
time or t a c err v teeter and miter
weigh ta, heavy fur sir it s -r ti r
and oftee to work utak r a [Omelet;
sun. Such early work inte.rfetee
with grew•th and development, which
is the on great, business of ehildhood.
Many men and women, whose physi-
eal strength is impaired, might trace
their ills to sickness, underfeeding
or overwork during the. formative:
years of early c•hildhcod.
The tasks children are given to do'
should be suited to their years, and
varied by frequent opportunity to rest
and to play. At the same time food
should he good and plentiful and
there should be long hours of sleep.
The harm which heavy work can
cause little children can be ill afford
ed 'at any time, and least of all now.'
For the children must be kept well
the demands I
m when they An Outdoor Bed Built Tn. last of the five to the stretcher- j
ace the tasks ; The delight of sleeping out of doors, bearers, to whom and to no one else(
critical Years, and of sniffling the fresh, clear air slid he intimate wont he had ,dome, I
will demand! during the night, is denied matey peo-. h , quietly turned his a. enti
pie because nu sleeping e p consi tent with his calling, the
practicable in their home To build
which will confront the
came to maturity and f
of reconstruction in the
to come—work which
physical well-being as tv
envy and character.
Canadian Chaplain Brought in Five
Wetioded Men IInder heavy Fire.
The ft:Brining deepatrh from Alred
Jamey, off Bial Correspondent with Cho ,
Canadian forces in the field, has been
teeeived t x
The men corning out froth the 1
battleline in front of Arras are tell -
et •t carefully prepared (less Tx is in toriee of inclividuel heroism and
dr molds, self,seeritice, To -day I heard of a',
1'tometue stud cieanlmc,c are lint Chaplain, or padre, to use the more
portant in .-crying the tlueshhtg din- affectionate mote, of a Quebec unit,
iter; The men must not he kept why ra:uie five trips into No Man's
waiting, nor should they, while eat- band in broad daylight under a hail
ing, have to fight flies.If 1t. is ueces of fire from the enemy's nriehine
Lary Cv sct the tables out of door., gnus and artillery, and brought basic
instead of m a screened dining -1°0m,, thence to our lines five helpless
everything should be covered so far wounded mem who had been struck
as pussihle and fly brushes Rhotthi Ue clown while they were reconnoitring'
kept going. ehead of the main fences of their
Training Children. f This padre saw the men fall, and
Study your children. Develop in unhesitatingly advanced cautiously
them emotional control, unselfish- to where they lay. The first one he
Mess, an alert interest in the world half carried, half dragged, back to . __ - __ ,,- _,_�• ..___ ' �_
re- our toes an p avec rim in goo tont s
JiuWril4Ar••Case; Caet e ce
il3 geafl,ChNl 9rgnc,.ttt rrl•o
TPn0„T0 •
.,�.. 1,.
eats •fir
around them. Keep them from 1 I d l i] d l 1
coming morbidly self-centred, Do Back he went again, ignoring
not let them become too dependent, danger and death that literally
on you, but at an early age foster in rain0d all about him, and soon re -
them the spirit of initiative. smote I •with another, Three tithes j
Remember always the old saying mora he made his perilous return ,
that an ounce of prevention is worth trip. Only Providence can explain
a pound of tore. ibow he or the wounded men escaped
death, NI, hen he had delivered the
ell as effici-1 1 m orch is heh in;• in whatever wiry he eou1d„
Threshing Dinners.
such a porch is often both inconveni-.tr^ops in action along the main line'
nc ent and expensive.
ow, Officer, you say that Scanlan Prior to iinclieg Scanlan under art' With threshing days come thresh- A t t ay o
c combine an moor and
was rear are to make ally confession rest in the pollee station, what was ing dinners. Now, a threshing dirt- an outdoor Uel has been devised by, •
any enact" • the last occasion when you had any ner does not mean the same to every- a large school for buys and is so
"Yes, ect y reluctant." 'talk with him?" body—not even to every farm woman.', simple and feasible that it might 'Tribunal ,lodge Loges farmers to
"And ye, ere e lc e to o•: •woe one his Jerry looked at Maxwell steadily Some fret and worry over the ;well };'ell be adopted in private homes, as Keep Books.
scruples h, nvr.n ,-on—sire:. to ,rid repeated in a steady voice,• "The it as possible to build it into y,
coer:ion in your methods?" last occasion?" ation of the meal; otic others appal room. Bookkeeping by farmers to show 1
"None at all." ' But for all his steadiness of aspect eptly enter upon the wont with as Theabunk is built into a corner of lust what their farms are producing �-
"You vwm.^e quite unusually patient he was clearly, to the keen eyes of much pleasure as if the task were:: the groom, below a wide window, A Eu:d if they are :materially increasing
with him?" the hostile examiner, seeking to tem- that of preparing a pineals lunch. The similar window separates the : bed
then outputs, was advocated recently
"I 'port krety about qu}te unusually. portae. Maxwell, who had asked the' viewpoint, the ability to manage, and ley Mr. Justice Masten, in addressing
It's the first. case of the kind I ever question with the design of drawing the cooking and refrigerating facili-, from the room. Both v'ndows may lois exemption tribunal at Toronto.
handicd." Jerry back to the meeting with Scan- ties have much to do with these dif be raises! or lowered Uy means of pule He
"You'., rather a new man on the ]urn and Schlupfe in Lapatku'e salmon, ley ropes at the head of the bunk.'
pointed out that the keeping of
police foree?" , seized upon the indication of weak- ferences• Then there is the item f The youngster gets out of his day -;such records would be of great Value
help. time clothes and into his snug sloop- to rile farmers if, on the expiration of
Yea." Hess.
"Jost how intimate was your friend- "Yea. the last ercasirni. When was System comes first whenever arrY ing suit in the warm room. RThen their exemptions, they appeared again
ship --how well L+sd you known Scan- iso Where was is?" unusual task. is tobe looked after, he is read to turn in, he lifts the -before a tribunal to seek further ex-
lan?" Jerry hesitated and reddened to and this is especially true of } d
to preparing the threshing dinner. Une
ale -dress- Ued, 511ps into the hunk and lowers
each other.
reaches up and pulls the rope which
in some riots that took place at the' "whet, „., h t ei served as a part of the meal, while c
Purroy Works?" !Maxwell's voice was aggressive and: another waits until the last moment. t raises the outer window. He is out -
"I wouldn't call them riots." c threatening; something, Ile could not' Nor is the latter woman necessarily d°°1's• yet protected by the warm
"The newepapers called them riots. guess what, that was to be disacivant-c to blame. Probably she would have- walls of the hunk.
didn't they?' , ageous to the witness and helpful toi prepared much of the dinner in 'ad- During. the day an attractive
of the attack.
has designed a simple but complete
Farmers' Acceunt Book which will be
sent free to bona -fide. Partnere who ex
press their intention of keeping re
cords of their farm work. :than
farmers do not know whether they
E re mailing or losing money till it is
too late to avoid financial failure.
California irrigates 39,352 farms
covering 2,0(4,104 acres.
boil Control Corner
Itou,eelxnicle:v to blame if Sugar
Sepply I'F111H,
The i amcda Fuad Baan] in a :auto -
mem; ,hilt. keeled place+ d.tflmilnly
upon hou;eholciers responeihtlity for
11tzi1Un1 dnnutitl: sou tmrptinn po
rt stffui<v;� sop.
t ,a for preservin 1110 liu,ull urges
t}ru a lamily ,t tw-.c �ilnald nut use
more thon an r •I rO ale 0110 u_ear-
tar of ti level cupful of smear per day
•for eookieg, table mat Elect all other
plrrpoaeu exeept 11< rt s i101, and for
other families c usunattion should he
liteited to the snit:: nroiOrlion,
°Th,�re will not be sufficient tei ar
if it Is eonsumed in other• s• nys in the
hntnea to the same extent as in
former years, or if people eat up in
• the numes olio • which has been
saved by regulation of meaufac'tur-
ere " the statement says.
title Board adds that (t. bee imposed
very considerable ha:i;hips on
manufacturers, for the sake of
securing sufficient for the household-
- or, and that it Is now the: henschold-
er's plain. duty to discontlane extra -
y vagant use of sugar.
"Candy manufacturers have had
their allowance of sugar redaced to
one half of the amount used by them
'last year. Cake and biscuit makers
have been placed on a rit orea; dee
Bon heeds and are now using syrups
aril other available substitutes to a
large extent. Jain manufacturers
• are even using raw sugar` Bakers
are not permitted to use •tety lett yel-
low or brown sugar in making bread
and only a very small amount even
at that. (flume: is being meld ex-
tensively as a sugar substitt tee, No
manufacturer can obtain taller to-
' (lay etteept on presentation of a sugar
certificate and under no eircum-
stances to a greater amount t}tan pe
allotment made by the Food Board.
"But even these far-reaching re-
g•ulatione cannot save sufficient su-
gar to provide for canning and pre-
serving; requirements unless the
householder, too, will make some
saerifrces, If all the peop'u of Can-
ada would use only one tea -spoonful
of sugar in theta tea or coffoe In-
stead of two, the aggregate annual
saving for preserving w•oeld be fifty
thousand tons, or more than three
times the lantana of Sugar now al-
lowed to all the candy and confec-
tienery manufacturers in the Dumb: -
km for one year.
"Public eating platens have been putt
en a ration of two pounds of sugar
fnr ninety meals for all purposes, and
it is the duty of householders to ob-
serve a similar ration in their homes.
There simply is not enough granulat-
ed sugar .- availalsle to meet usual
domestic. ceneumotion demands- and
also to provide for canning and pre -
sowing. Noll only must household-
ers reduce•their nse of all veru sugar
but part of their honor ration should
he. itenwn sugar instead of granul-
Among the: ways in which the
eeblie are asked to conserve sugar,
n addition to pb+erving he honor
ration of not more Orin two pounds„
u' person, per month. ere the folluw-
1t :..
Use white corn syrup ill pari; in
.loaning and Preserving.
t sv.aro more than one level tea -
I enful of sugar in eweelening anY
•'byre used to work together. '~ire the eyes. -The disclosure was not window between the room an his' tensions of time.
lived near each other and saw a tut of be evaded; and in that moment of woman has ehrrl ens 1 riled and The Commission of Conservation
"Were you and he involved together rarehr saw that it would ruin his ed in addance, if ch}ekens are to he the inner window again, He then
"Some sotwepapers,e
his client's case, was providentially•eance had it been practicable. Per
"And they were had enough so that • about to emerge. I ha she had nu ice to kee fresh
the militia had to be ordered out?" "It was a few hours earlier, that Ps p
meat and other highly perishable
"The militia were ordered out." same night;' Jerry answered. i foods. With ice, half the dinner may
"Do you recollect who was in come "What vitas the circumstances of •
mand of the militia un that occasion'?", that meeting?" be started or made ready the day be -
"Colonel Trask," I "I had overhauled him and grabbed fore. Even where ice is not used
"This gentleman that you see here. him a; he was running away. It
as counsel for the defendant Sean-, was at the corner of Weaver ar.d;
lap?" Eighth. He was one of the two Wren,
"Yes." I etrnsed after the shot was ered.l
"Did he rind it nereescry to die- When I caught him and saw oche he'
perse a riotous assemblage in which ;vas, I just gave hire a shove and,
you and Scanian were taking part?an after the other fellow."
"There was just a group of us to "You deliberately let hint tterapt
front of the ',till gates—" • although you had reason to believe'
sleever mind that. Mr: Trask, as he had :•ommitted a crime?"
an officer -of the militia, found it nee-' "I knew that if a erirne had been
essary to corder you to disperse, didn't ' eommitted it was the other fellow that',
bene ,was the really guilty one, and the one •
', I'd hotter get,"
"Did you realize that in leetinge
Scanlan go vnu were violating, veer
oath as an -officer of the law?
"And he. let you know there must be
no more such gatherings?"
"Frier to the arrival of the militia "Yes, but I wanted to get the other'
thel • had betel violence and threats of morn." i
vi e'tl ee bed there net?" :sou knew that for such neglect of
tec:terst lli.le violence." I duty charges could he preferred,
"Suffielent eo that the sheriff want tgair,st you and you could be dropped
unable to deal with the situation?" from the force?" I
"He didn't deal with it." 1 "I wasn't thinking about that, Scan-
c t"Did you and Scanlan and othere, land was my friend, and I felt surf, he
arm yourselves and make it your I couldn't have clone anything very bacd.•
bu.ines; to keep applicants for week; So I went after the other Klan
away by force?" i "The testimony you gave a fete mi -
Yes, we did that." c nutes ago—before this was dragged.
"And snnetitnee you found it nee out of you—didn't indicate that you
eseary t , It nt and maltreat then who had arrested this man and then let -
were tic ler intent in seeking worts"." hem e c ape, did it?"
"There was very little beating that "No. I ;lust said that one of the
I know of. I suppose we handled: men turned north on Weaver Street..
the fellows a bit rough sometimes." i That's the way Scanlan went after I'
"Your methods were effective until let him go, I said the other man turn -
the militia put a stop to them?" ed scut
hon V at Streot and I fol
regularly it will pay to have. it eat
threshing time.
As to the dinner, it should be plain
but good and served in an appetizing
manner. Men who handle pitch-
forks or do. other heavy work all day
:cant something more substantial
than "fancy fixings." This noes not
not imply, though, that boiled cab-
bage, fat meat, and other heavy
foods, important as they may Ice, are
all that is requn•ed. Thea should
be a variety. In such seasons as
this, when vegetables are plentiful,
threshing crews often get pract}tally
the same things day after day until
their stomachs rebel. Under these
eircumstanees it is a wise • woman
who provides at least a few dishes
that are different.
Of course there mut be as the.
bagis of every threshin lav dinner
plenty of good meat, preferably twokinds, and an abundance of bread. If
oue of the meats can be such as is not
commonly :eerved in the country it
will he all the better. Something
sweet in the way of preserves or
jelly is a good addition to fhe meal,
appealing as it will to the -delicate
eater or to the man who is "too tired
to est." Desserts neer} not. be heavy,
"Yes" - � lowed him. That was true." _
we're to get you orf we've got to hung
this thing on some definite person'?"
•'Nevrrthelcss vnu I lihetate1 •
"'Now this intimacy of VOW'S with y
9ca,'nm -you were an old friend, not gave your testimony in such tt way as
only of his, but also of his family?. to mislead the intY,
didn't you?"
You knew them all well ---had known 1 don't thin mislead them on
em for years? "You were perfectly willing to let "Didn't you recall having seen
'Yes, I've known them pretty well Scanlan with Sc•revel] having
r rite a while," Scanlon escape, even though it ori clot
t were pe aisle or you in any lace. one night and didn't that five
?" you the idea of suggest me , e t up e s
way to assist Scanlan out n, a serape, � 1 • h name to
tit aur vital point."
f�� iF i '1 � f turn out that he had c nmmrtte d a p S 1 l f'
} r murder
you would try to do it e„ on the spur of the moment, with. m e• Certainty not.. Scanlan cnl-
"I'd try to do that for any one." 1 out know sig Just what had lrepputed' yun"After
it nil his own iSeeee wwill"
"Stith, perhaps .you'd make a little I let him escape,' "After you'd talked him for
special effort for one who was Em old Anil , ?„
you're still pretty anxious
couch cover transforms the sleeping
bunk into an inviting window seat.
Accuracy First.
t IRBEE'$RERo 18 3 1317107E3
uninales all nous
17 rk. Makes light
wholesome br>•ad.
rolls, etc, wtd,out
trouble. Saves flour
and hull: ru
""••� doe Nation, food
mere e,mPIY,
Convenient. quirk
ted dean-tunda
do not touch iuutth.
Delivered all charges
paid to youror
Ir ugh your della--
four foal sire $1 75:
nein loaf sire $3.19.
E.T. W,RM-IT 00
H. M. Connolly &ICo.
(Merebers ltfontreal Stook li)xehauge)
905 Transportation Sullding, Montreal
Buy your
Main 1345
NOW. Prices are low and returns high,
With Victory in sight in France the prices are sure
to_work higher. Why delay?
Avail yourself of our
Partial Payment Plan
for investing even $5,00 a month in any gilt edged
Write for explanatory Booklet.
Acrttracy is (me of the first esaen-
bat•• c -v;,.: wear
flats of successful canning. Do not
look for short ,ruts for there are none.:
Always follows a reliable guide and
remember that in canning there is
one best method, which will tusure
unifm Success year after year. 1
The thermometer and clock are in-
dispensable to canning operations.
For full information as to the Lime
and temperature required in the pre
Imitation of fruit and vegetables write
to the Canada Food Board or any of
i its provincial committees for booklet
(entitled "The canning, drying and:
storing of Fruit and Vegetables.'' En-
close five cents for same.
"Nothing of the sort," declared
Old Term Dating Back to the Mexican
Jerry with heat.
friend?" n, that he ,should escape, aren't you
It would be only natural.
some gime?"
anxious he shouldn't he flaunt "Yes."
The terra "doughboy" as a nick-
eame for the American infantryman
is a very old one, dating hack to the
Mexican War of lain.
In that year the United Staten
et -guilty eoldte r e first made acquaint-
• Eu,cO with the houses of mud -colored, _�
:gm -dried bricks that are semi every -
"Nous, just (chat were the ai U "That will rin for yeti," sit} Max. lel me coven to -day, in New MOsicro,
ju g11'iinl iE•saure v<nl RAW didn't do
well with a sneer. amt Jerry, Peal- li
m*nts by which you prevailed over to impotentha.and humiliated, left. the �.4rrzona and the 'southern part of
9c�anlan'a reluctance to incriminate w'hnm Scanlarn was one, runnlna' stand, I(alrfortntt'
any one else?" ;away?" • Immediately cfterwards .hurt was! 'Thee hricls are+ called by the'
1 i.ul:l him that as he'd been lot in Pnsrtive.
ice' tole thin with no idea of murder "You're quite sure this second man adjourned for the day,
Jerry, r he Mexican udohn.. rprononttred "do-
g wasn't an invention of your own ---an took his d"posioro from the building.; hies") Et' term eeso applied to the
afterthought?" felt that every one looked et him 'email,squat, (Intended housees built
"Absolutely," either pityingly or with simpleton rani will 0,111.
"You saw him turn south on contdmpt• I When the Allwrican invaders en -
Weaver Street?" ITh bt• continued.) •i tet•ed what tuns then Mexican tern- 1
"And after only a moment's delay; tory, the infantrymen found these
dwellings ---mostly deserted by their
It was only a little camp fire, bet it pEuuc-stricken inhaintants---handy As
blackened that beautiful spurt;
'billets, and promptly occupied them
It wale but rt little match that termed n,; -nth. But the cavalrymen who
the farmer's las; toad to be norm their picketed horses
It was only a eigerette, so the torr- out on the °mei prairie, were tumble
3Rts say; !In avail themselves of similm• me.
Tt was only a little spark, het you and i commodatiem
T had to pay. Partly in envy, and partly in gond•
P'JT 1't. OTJT- -PVT 1T 017T. feat n•ed titan', these christened their
- more fete nnaIe comrades "dobie-
+l Ytlw'1,P,r1'y' .. lEli•I s mvutt n �' odgers,'s aft.terwards shortened to
Crowded ext June. Thin 'ren mit! , adobirs," a good, round -sounding
goer crop u.. nicknane: that wag bound to stick.
orad which in course of time bereme
"V4'here usa? the lila •wt riven., c h} o
}. rnt•rnpte.d into "don{; ;oys.
eigned?" ;raked a school to epeezer who
was toncluttnet an hxtlnnnai1011 nl his-
i tory. "nit. rho buttont, sir: O1INWer• i 800',1)111(i bee a mill malting Jon tons
!l::i ”1,,it, know there WAS nobody else, but if ed one of the boys. of paper weekly from sewdnst,
with Scanlan you ran after him and
he had dieapjneared, ,lust as if he had
never been?'
"That was a great, surprise and dis.
appointment to yon?"
"But ,you didn't immediately take
measures to find Scanlan and get in-
formation from him that would enable
' you to arrest the guilty man?"
"J mesio ten do exaet:ly that. AA conn
as 1 was off duty. And that's just
what T euereeded in doing when J
talked with Seallan later at the
police atatian,"
"Now, look here!" Maxwell advanc-
ed close to Jerry and shook his tinges'
E in his face. "Wasn't, ,your eonver•sa-
°30I tion with Scanlan in substance about
like fhb: "0f course you and I both
titEea ME"w s.trte. MIEIfi=1=
A Picture
with Each Purchase
leaelt time you buy a package
of Ingramet Toilet aids or Per-
fume your dtuggiet will give
you, without charge, a large
portrait ofaworid-famed motion
picture actress. Each time you
get a different portrait so gnu
make a collection for your home.
Ask your druggist.
F. F. Ingram,
i����p;/��i�yE��t pew
Face Pc -nyder
No matter how clear and colorfulyour
complexion may be a few minutes'
work or an hour in a hot kitchee will
bring forth the perspiration and make
the akin oily and shiny, To avoid
this use Ingram's VelvbolaSonveraine
Face Powder. Just a light touch will
stay on until washed off, And it over-
comes the shine and hides tinyim-
perfectone. 50c,
Ingram's Milkweed Cream is a dainty
preparation that is cleansing, soften- t
ing and soothing to the delicate skin
themes, it also t,lea an exclusive therseen.
tic cuattty that tattoo up" the skhr and
keep. It in A henithfat eondttinn. Two clam
,Soo And 8t. At goer druagist`n you Win Ansi
k tonrytetn fine of lnernm'a toilet nils Dt-
eluding Zodent,s for the teeth, Mc,
Windsor, Ontario (117)
min's '.'ge
"The iereatest waste of sugar floes
not occur in the manufacture of
candy, or in commercial 1.1SCe, all of
which are now under drastic regula-
d one, instead it is found in unnece.e
sexy and excessive use of sugar in the
homes," says the Food Board. "The
time has Come when Abe people of
Canada must understand that sugar
c smunartion must be reduced. With
cup of tea, coffee et. other beverage,
Disrontinue the making of rich
Use no more sugar in canning and
prer.ervinir than bt absolutely neces-
The making of heavy jams and pre-
serves i no n s
s t occ5, at •and should h
s u d o
reasonable conse,vation there, will be
suffirient to tale cure uf-preserv-
inW requirements, and to meet
the nee.ssu•y demands until the' and
' of the year when the new crop will
he av:aillable:11E1g this can only be as -
aired by tednced domealle ronsunip-
tion, If extravagaime is continued
in the homes, shortage le unavoidable
and that flame will rest with the
I For manufacturing bread baked on
the sole of the oven, contrary to the
regulations of the Canada blood
Board, and for not using the required
amount of wheat flour substitutes, the
licenrse of Frank Coberlin, Victoria
Minos, Ontario, has boon suspend/Ur'
for 1 days, commencing midnight.
September 7th, Daring which time
he must not, either directly or in-
directly purchase or take delivery of
any food commodities, or maim:fae-
' tire, sell or Ileal in bread or nny pro-
' duets of wheat or other flours,
I For selling wheat lion, without tiie
required amount of substitutes the
Board has snspenrled the license of A.
IN, Tarrahain, Grocer, Edmonton, Al-
; beta, Io '1.6 doze commencing Friday,
September M.
l The Canada flood Board warns all
licensed dealers that similar action
will be Laken in aid cases where deal.
ors are found selling wheat flour
without the required amount of sub-
stitutes, namely, ono pound of sub-
etittste Hours to four pounds of stan-
clerd wheat flour.
,",ave cvety grain of sugars
all 1 I n F WIBIJ111ll. =i't
at i ` ' .
� txor.��
• D
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:gm -dried bricks that are semi every -
"Nous, just (chat were the ai U "That will rin for yeti," sit} Max. lel me coven to -day, in New MOsicro,
ju g11'iinl iE•saure v<nl RAW didn't do
well with a sneer. amt Jerry, Peal- li
m*nts by which you prevailed over to impotentha.and humiliated, left. the �.4rrzona and the 'southern part of
9c�anlan'a reluctance to incriminate w'hnm Scanlarn was one, runnlna' stand, I(alrfortntt'
any one else?" ;away?" • Immediately cfterwards .hurt was! 'Thee hricls are+ called by the'
1 i.ul:l him that as he'd been lot in Pnsrtive.
ice' tole thin with no idea of murder "You're quite sure this second man adjourned for the day,
Jerry, r he Mexican udohn.. rprononttred "do-
g wasn't an invention of your own ---an took his d"posioro from the building.; hies") Et' term eeso applied to the
afterthought?" felt that every one looked et him 'email,squat, (Intended housees built
"Absolutely," either pityingly or with simpleton rani will 0,111.
"You saw him turn south on contdmpt• I When the Allwrican invaders en -
Weaver Street?" ITh bt• continued.) •i tet•ed what tuns then Mexican tern- 1
"And after only a moment's delay; tory, the infantrymen found these
dwellings ---mostly deserted by their
It was only a little camp fire, bet it pEuuc-stricken inhaintants---handy As
blackened that beautiful spurt;
'billets, and promptly occupied them
It wale but rt little match that termed n,; -nth. But the cavalrymen who
the farmer's las; toad to be norm their picketed horses
It was only a eigerette, so the torr- out on the °mei prairie, were tumble
3Rts say; !In avail themselves of similm• me.
Tt was only a little spark, het you and i commodatiem
T had to pay. Partly in envy, and partly in gond•
P'JT 1't. OTJT- -PVT 1T 017T. feat n•ed titan', these christened their
- more fete nnaIe comrades "dobie-
+l Ytlw'1,P,r1'y' .. lEli•I s mvutt n �' odgers,'s aft.terwards shortened to
Crowded ext June. Thin 'ren mit! , adobirs," a good, round -sounding
goer crop u.. nicknane: that wag bound to stick.
orad which in course of time bereme
"V4'here usa? the lila •wt riven., c h} o
}. rnt•rnpte.d into "don{; ;oys.
eigned?" ;raked a school to epeezer who
was toncluttnet an hxtlnnnai1011 nl his-
i tory. "nit. rho buttont, sir: O1INWer• i 800',1)111(i bee a mill malting Jon tons
!l::i ”1,,it, know there WAS nobody else, but if ed one of the boys. of paper weekly from sewdnst,
with Scanlan you ran after him and
he had dieapjneared, ,lust as if he had
never been?'
"That was a great, surprise and dis.
appointment to yon?"
"But ,you didn't immediately take
measures to find Scanlan and get in-
formation from him that would enable
' you to arrest the guilty man?"
"J mesio ten do exaet:ly that. AA conn
as 1 was off duty. And that's just
what T euereeded in doing when J
talked with Seallan later at the
police atatian,"
"Now, look here!" Maxwell advanc-
ed close to Jerry and shook his tinges'
E in his face. "Wasn't, ,your eonver•sa-
°30I tion with Scanlan in substance about
like fhb: "0f course you and I both
titEea ME"w s.trte. MIEIfi=1=
A Picture
with Each Purchase
leaelt time you buy a package
of Ingramet Toilet aids or Per-
fume your dtuggiet will give
you, without charge, a large
portrait ofaworid-famed motion
picture actress. Each time you
get a different portrait so gnu
make a collection for your home.
Ask your druggist.
F. F. Ingram,
i����p;/��i�yE��t pew
Face Pc -nyder
No matter how clear and colorfulyour
complexion may be a few minutes'
work or an hour in a hot kitchee will
bring forth the perspiration and make
the akin oily and shiny, To avoid
this use Ingram's VelvbolaSonveraine
Face Powder. Just a light touch will
stay on until washed off, And it over-
comes the shine and hides tinyim-
perfectone. 50c,
Ingram's Milkweed Cream is a dainty
preparation that is cleansing, soften- t
ing and soothing to the delicate skin
themes, it also t,lea an exclusive therseen.
tic cuattty that tattoo up" the skhr and
keep. It in A henithfat eondttinn. Two clam
,Soo And 8t. At goer druagist`n you Win Ansi
k tonrytetn fine of lnernm'a toilet nils Dt-
eluding Zodent,s for the teeth, Mc,
Windsor, Ontario (117)
min's '.'ge
"The iereatest waste of sugar floes
not occur in the manufacture of
candy, or in commercial 1.1SCe, all of
which are now under drastic regula-
d one, instead it is found in unnece.e
sexy and excessive use of sugar in the
homes," says the Food Board. "The
time has Come when Abe people of
Canada must understand that sugar
c smunartion must be reduced. With
cup of tea, coffee et. other beverage,
Disrontinue the making of rich
Use no more sugar in canning and
prer.ervinir than bt absolutely neces-
The making of heavy jams and pre-
serves i no n s
s t occ5, at •and should h
s u d o
reasonable conse,vation there, will be
suffirient to tale cure uf-preserv-
inW requirements, and to meet
the nee.ssu•y demands until the' and
' of the year when the new crop will
he av:aillable:11E1g this can only be as -
aired by tednced domealle ronsunip-
tion, If extravagaime is continued
in the homes, shortage le unavoidable
and that flame will rest with the
I For manufacturing bread baked on
the sole of the oven, contrary to the
regulations of the Canada blood
Board, and for not using the required
amount of wheat flour substitutes, the
licenrse of Frank Coberlin, Victoria
Minos, Ontario, has boon suspend/Ur'
for 1 days, commencing midnight.
September 7th, Daring which time
he must not, either directly or in-
directly purchase or take delivery of
any food commodities, or maim:fae-
' tire, sell or Ileal in bread or nny pro-
' duets of wheat or other flours,
I For selling wheat lion, without tiie
required amount of substitutes the
Board has snspenrled the license of A.
IN, Tarrahain, Grocer, Edmonton, Al-
; beta, Io '1.6 doze commencing Friday,
September M.
l The Canada flood Board warns all
licensed dealers that similar action
will be Laken in aid cases where deal.
ors are found selling wheat flour
without the required amount of sub-
stitutes, namely, ono pound of sub-
etittste Hours to four pounds of stan-
clerd wheat flour.
,",ave cvety grain of sugars