HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-26, Page 5- • .< , - Ale4040.4 4;Afiga, Ompfip tam' Nam ow 'rho No* Chilatinb6 grhatittW The 144t /Mauler MeentIttg cat ih� 001nra4ovTa ----- Dom NoROn of Huron, held in the court house, 'IMO. SUTHERLAND & SONS ORLISSELE Children's Aid Sociaty for the County 1.11xpreas • 7 :le tit I ... 11 As m LIMITED exereaa nt KxPreee 011/ Godeich, on Tuesday, September 10th, INSEPRRAVII I • Specially rgcr, furnishitotng and GrAIMP.M &tomato atmitooLarpactere occupying the new altelter pureltased WALTON To Toronto To Goderieh AUCTIONEERS, I alsprose 7:18 n m I 1 ftxpreeo le 08 pm libcpress 2:21) p m Rooms 8:04,:prn WROXEYER Going Emit - 701 s. m and p. m. Going Most - 121W and 2:55 p. m. All trains going Root eanneot with 0.P. R. at Orangeville For Owen Sound, Mora and T G. R, stations. SRO. ALLAN, Irceal Agent. 1,` H,,('OTT AS AN AUCTION a . Aga, w:I) o, ,1 lot netler prams, to wt• or WO, :11.1 toss ii/KH enpl Ione cuargos lotto any etner Auctioneer in Nast !tune or be won't obarge Dates and orders 41O2 IOWAN) he arranged at this office or by rs "am application. MVO 44NVEYANCINO. (gal boils 4trins xv N.1 K nyovvrtogo- trinret,1 '"' ""'" b:.liellor for tne Metropolitan Bank, ' WM. SPENOE- CON VEYANC ER AND ISSUER MA.I.WIA.Calg LICEN,SEb face in the 1.0.2 metre, mho, 30.4 - 1311.4SIONSS Carats JAS, An/.06.c'.90A/, V -ERINARY SURGEON, 9ll021,120V to M lore °Moe at Ander- son FIr... !Avery stable. lirogsrls TelophOse No. AI, tA/04140l.,,,A r4026, nti flit xt any ozal nIshl...slIth err.. •nn.00ne nom. Mal, Ethel. ; T. T. M' E A / A N. ET., on. C. P , et S O. 4 0 . V0122.. 0( I. I, 1111.$ for this purpose can .44\ oa An Earlier Reduction A rumor says all train service be reduced on November 1 this y instead of January t, in order to cone fuel One Way To Help Brussels auto owners 1111VC a ch to turn the money saved by motor , Sundays into the Navy League and Cross Funds, If the use of the for pleasure riding could be stop until the end cif the war there wo be more money available for patri .funds and for the purchase of Viet War Bonds. Declaration Needed According to an order Just issued rimel post packets for the United o net'. I main, Italy, and other de.totations overseas, including those addressed to soldiers` must be ac- companied by a declaration affixed to te parcel by the sender giving a de - !'unite statement as to the nature and • • ' contents Blank customs by the county council a few weeks ago. The Warden's committee had ex - mined the premises on the previous Saturday In company with e„OMPIAttee of the C A, Society, and sume im- provements & alterations were decided upon, which are to be made forthwith. The Committee also agreed to fernich some of the staple articles needed * the equipment of the house, Offers from the Women's Institute of Coder- ith and Clinton to assist in furnishing the house have been received and gratefully acknowledged, and donations of individual articles and partial sets have also been received from several citize s of town. The Society will me gland wilto receive from individuals or organ- ' izations in sympathy with the work, ear, in any part of the county, donations con. of blankets, pillows, sheets, towels, dishes and kitchen utensils, in fact of anything that will •be needed for the ante comfort and proper care of children, less and cash donations or supplies of pro - Red visions will also be welcome. Write auto I the County Secretary, Mr .G, M, -bed oft, and tell him what you can do for rule the work, Anyone who had been pre- oale sent at this last meeting would have ory readily realized the magnitude and importance of the Society's work, the cases of neglected or wayward child- ren on the docket being more than could be considered at oue sitting. It Ms worth while quoting that three of ;realty to animals were re - ea as dealt with, including one from the neighborhood of Exeter which was particularly cruel, but in which the defendant pleaded guilty and paid a stiff penalty. This too, is a ia'• the Society prosecutes earnestly, .he new shelter will be ready for use early in Oct- ober, ana the lomat public opening will take place during County Council week in December, when the Provin- 'nal Superintendent, Mr, J J. Kelso • .1c1 at. other jos sr k eErisi z:reF reaxs apre,c toefd Gtoodhee. •11, who has had several years' ex- er{ence in the work in large centres, . •.• engaged as matron for the ent Physician, mirgeon, ••.a tomeit inane at KIKUIDIIICH, y y bumf', WIDEtut f?',, - W 1TE, B A, PHY,T, TAN'AND PlIttON0N, Graduate rorontotTmv, it r ol Mrdirm. Santo] Kt ,K131,1011 /,,,h KKK,. Of 1 ilittil.M1 NMI -'n•per Office Or. Bryan. Old St nd Phone 4S H Lasavls licensed auctioneer tor Hum Co, SollsfoetIon ; :I WtSte or Telnellonsir not convenient to eai., Roth Brussels root North finr.st, HEI04EAVE P O. PROOOFOOT, MHO & CORE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2ud door from Hamilton Street, GM/ERICH. ONT Private footle to loan at lowest rates. W. PROnortiom, K. O. ,T. T,, $11,LORAN H. J, D, tloonti I fall Term from Sept. N- +}. Shaw's Business' Schools pal Pres Catalogue on request. %Wile to W. 11 SHAW, Pees, • Vonge acid Gerrard Sts,, Tullman + 4. +• ++++++++++++++++++++++++4 Toronto Sam Weinstein . • ; Is prepared to pay the j) ill for • : Scrap Iron,' • * • Rubbers, • • Rags, &c. • I Wool '"anted ;• Highest price paid. See ; before you sen. ; to 1010,4c 40 Highest Cash Price for Live Poultry and Hides Write 02x SAM WEINSTEIN MILL/ STREET BRUSSELS • • • •• • • • • • •• • •0 • • • • ti• •• 4 a • 4 • • .6.A.4.44.4e•.0044046A44644041.1040.* THANKSGIVING DAY, OCTOBER 14 Ottawa, .Sept. 6,—Thanksgiving Day this year has been fixed lay the Govern• ment for Monday, October 14. In selecting Monday the goverment leas conformed to the practice adopted in recent years. Formerly Thanksgiving Day usually fell on a Thursday in late October or November, but the Com- merCial Travellers' Association and other bodies agitated for a Ntonday holiday earlier in the season in order to increase the opportunity for rattily reunions during the season of Thanks- giving, This year there has been an agitation to have the holiday fixed for a Thursday, and it has also been sug- gested that the Canadian holiday should conform to that of the United ae*Ier States, which occurs in November. Up Again The price of antracite coal was aJvanced 30 cents per ton in the last Invoices received from the independ- ent wholesalers at Buffalo. The other operators made the sante ad - '.1111:e September 1, and the price of a. from the regular dealers is now 00 per ton The independent ••• a a( ..0 per ten more. E.; CeSts a Waek .-.;eoember 1st the three • Winni- le.:spapere,e, the tree Press, an‘i the Telegram, raised attuacription rates to i5 cents a week. This amount to be collected fortnightly i4t instalments of 30 cents. The mail rate in /Manitoba has been increased from $4 to $6 a year for evening papers and from $6 to $7 a year for the morning Free Press, The Regina Leader and the Regina Post have also gone to 15 cents a week, 65 cents It month, $7 a year. LAPTAIN• ATTACHED -Ca. t F T Bryans, Brussels and Capt. J, G Seaton, both of A. NI C. TratnIng Depot No, 1, Londou, are attached to the ist Dep. Bait , W. O. 1.2. loi quarters, ramous line duty, effective ir(111 the 4th lust Leu C W. Pennecott, itt/..0 a n)tlubet 01 Ill, A, 'M. C, Training depot, ceases io he Cached to the Depot Battalion, W 0 R B. C S. LITERARY. -The organizat on meeting of the Literary Society of Brne- sets Continuation Scboul was held re• centiv when the followiag officers w e t meted rot thecoming let m ;-1-1( Dotal) President -W, H ken., of Tart POST ; President -J. Warwick ; Vice Presideui -A. Johustun ; Secretary -M -Wilton ; Treasurer -R. Hunter; Editors -Core Arnistrang and Jim Armstrong ; Organ- ist -D. Stafford; Assistant -V. Blake ; Librarian -M. Hoover ; Assistant -J Duncan, Form III representatives - Elsie Sperling, E •King, E Baker, S Yuill. Form II representatives -W McCutcheon, A. Stewart, M. Month, M. Maunders. Porto I representatives -M Maunders, V. Blake, J Lowry J. Duncan. Regularprograms will be held twice a in and plans de./ased for spor is Ste. A good time is counted on as the past Literary Souteties have been en joyable and instructive. CONSUMMATE CREEK - -Stratford Beacon speatis as lolows ou his way from his hume n1 Isi usaels ti. St Marys, where he inteuds to work, joint Thompson was accosted Ott tto Gland trunk train by e man who pieseuted himself to be a Domino, policeman and asked tot Its pep.,. Thompson showed the matt his iegis,ia den oat d, but stated that he had fats laid ins military papers, at home. At. ourdingly Thi.M1Son was taken off .11 train at Stratford and heeded over local police. At the ponce statiou Thompson told Chief Latn1111 that had registered at Paimerstou, In thought it unnecessary to catty built II - registration EDO 11.1111tary papers and left Its military papers Rt home, 1-1, just over to years of age, As the .1 wit° accosted Thompson did ou up today any charge'and as his 1 lei, ) could not be learned, Thompson was OW detained by the •Ocial authorities, be( was allowed to proeeed to St Mai ,s a moo. where he is to be employed b. 41 •,• Robertson, a boa leornith Tot le ,s t, possibility of the MHO having burn f k officer, as the, practice is becuming qu frequent of late Poe WORKS TO CLOSE DOWN -The Stratford Herald saya :-Al• hotteh the war has had considerable effect on various local industries it has never litt quite so hard as noty when through lack of sugar the Longfoot Soda Water Works will have to shut clown, Tim is au industry exeltualve to Stratford in this district and in fact covers quite a Wide range of territory now that several other firms formerly operating through here have gone oet of business, Mr. Longfoot advises that he received an allottment of 32 bags of sugar to do hit» from the lath of July to the 3oth of Sep• tember and that he will have used all of this by next week and would therefore have to close down until October or when he teemed a fresh allottrnent of sugar frOM the Food Board, Ordinarily this is the busiest time of the year for a pop factory as the detnand for °soft drinks is very great for the Fall Fairs and Mr, Lougfoot would nae mare sugaa (mu ins alio/ meta The marina! alumni Ir a Veal' for tee local factory la bet ween tit And X0 tons, M, Longtoot ia H sOn. faro of Geo. and Mrs. ealwardo, Erns sets. •lahi , ,unr- to of 17,,grm tahlt(A21 N g • •t (-11( wee- li tva,"u((i..e e ,,•, tin tame B uev,de SLICK. 1.? nett the scbo. 1 RI cm, tis on Fr In 6 ft fast to sp,te of cold mud it eat of rani a large crowd attended ind the number mid variety of exhibits showed the interest taken by the parents old children of the sections represented Lase y, ar the first Fair was given by the pupils of Bluevale school but this year 3 alter sections joined with them, S, h. No 2, 1 union iy, anti Sect ons 8 and to Morris Exnibns were all placed uti Thursday, mid judging was completed av early afternoon, Friday, School touse was attractively decorated and display of flowers, handiwork, Ari, Writing, baking. sewing. Owl and insect collections, &ea in the class room was yell effective Basement was used to display fruit root, and vegetables while poultry and mock were shown outside, Dr Field, . 8, I., .was Judge of indoor school vork, S, B Stothers, District Repre sentative, Clinton. assisted by Mr. Mc- Kay, Markham, looked after the Agric- ultural exhibits, Mrs. H. B, Elliott and Mrs, Adair, Wingliatu, judged flowers, etving and bakidg Visitors weregreatly {pleased with the .vork of the children 22(1 there is eve. y iidication that the School Fair is tobe- come a permanent institution, in this „catty, It is hard to particularize ID be matter of exhibits, so rnany delight- ed comments were beard, A ioug table contained some of [het baking oue could see anywbere, and no one after eeing the school children's cooking (mod doubt that the best of bread and mistry can be made from war flour. Fancy work was beautiful y done and me good writing and very effeetIvi at, work ,ii wk, crayon aud ..e•er colors 4, is •,,,tiwn Pets were trust interesting , evert oue and small men and maidens vete always collected round the place whet • Imps. pussies and bunnies tie-einh eel lar show, The little y showu by Kenneth MoVittie wou • tame. griAlIAS during afternoon races , het sport; were run off under the . ton of T R, Benuett, Maginot, HI11211117g Contest was won by' tr e Black and the Ladies' Ruching mil 01 tying Contest by Eva Bracken- ce. Progralll of sports was followed ty t ;invoice( drill uoutest, the pupils ce 4 echonis competing, nude]. their teach - .'f instructions, Money prizes were a yen for th s contest by Dr, Field, who aw the is to Butevale School, / el, to NO 10. gid, to No 8, Hud 403, to N , 2, There was only ODE entry for mesking contest, but speech of little Cam he Messer would have clone credit to an older need, Women's Institute provided supper in basement of Metho- dist church, the proceeds of which wil be devoted to Red Cross Work, and pro- ceeds of booth on grounds will go for sante purpose, In the evening a fine Concert was giv- en to a large` audience In Presbyterlau church, Every number was well given and muck appreciated, I. W. King acted as chairilian and short addresses were given by Rev. P Burgess, Rev. C, Tate, and S. B, Stothers, Latter who was appointed just this year made in - :miring remarks on Agriculture as a pro. cession. Miss Mary Currie, MISS Eva Patterson and Weir Elliott, Witigham, and IP H, Gilroy, Brussels, contributed excellent singing. Mr. Fryfogle, Wing. ham, and H. La Jackson, Brussels, gage beautiful violin selectioas. Recitations were Rivet! by Miss Myrtle Hainstock, Vordwicit ; Miss Johnston, Jamestown ; and James Allen of WIngban3, Sobooi pupilsalso look part, solos being given by Margoret Gamuts and Charlie Messer, and a rectioilon be Gordon Best. Ai cloae of Fair vegetables and School Garden were sold and children G MENUS TREAT NE WORD DIE "FRUIT•A-TIVES" Conquered Dyspepsia and Restored Hilo Health, MR. ROBERT NEWTON., Little Bras d'Or, C. B. "I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches, and did not sleep well at night, I lost so much weight - going from 185 pounds to 146 pouqrls-that I became alarmed and saw several doctors who, however, did me no good. Finally, a friend told DM to try ‘P/Wii-E-iiVeS', la a week, there waS improve/meal. The constipation was corrected ; and soon I was free of pain, headaches and that miserable 'feeling that aee.ornpitnies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NE1VTON., 50o. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a.tives Limited, Ottawa. 1,..ve over $70, to buy se. (I X rt..ee•pt's for F •o. Sat • wo yin ie the. !whom p ter Re,' Cro i1823, , • om no r 20110,..t. 22.1 11,1.,11 AM..) ,100, ece,v $13 from f bn to,DS •Yowl k, Nose Win worked ct w, • e Irsj, ,0 be coogrwn .ted no the reouna It is pleasant to see sell hearty co-nperalain among ni erennizations of the communi•y The chinches, Women's List -Uwe, pupils and parents cheerfulla did Their snare to make ills day a goo,t one. Prize list is as follows: GRAIN Corn -Harry Timm, No, 2 ; Louise Fraser, No" ro ; Alice Sharpin, No. 2. Oats, Shea! 0 A, C. No. 72 Kine Mc Donald No 4 ; Bertha Gannett, No 4 Oms Shea( any kind Wm Mundell, Nn 4; Goi don Nundell. NO. 4; Charlie Messer, No, 4, Barley, Sheaf Jas. Breckenridge, No, 4 Oats, half pint sample Jean Black, No 4 ; Alice Sharp in, No. 2 ; Gordon Mundell, No. 4 Wheat, half-pint sample -Louise Fraser, No. ho •, Alice Shemin, No. 2 ; Walter Sellers, No 8, Barley, half-pint sample -Welter Sellers, No Breoken• ridge, No 4 ; Kith; McDooeld, No 4 Peas -Willie Muutiell, No 4; Gordon Mundell, No, 4 ; Duncan McDougall, No, to. POTATOES AND ROOTS • Tubers, 12 any kind -Keened) Mc Vittie, No. S •, Archie McKinney, No. 4 Jas Watson, No. 4, Mangolds-Fraser Mustard, No 6; Elva Ramsay, No ro lames Watson No. 4 Turuips, (Swede) -Jas. Watson, No 4 ; los. Trireey, No King McDonald, No 4. Turnips, (Graystoue)-King McDonald, No. 4-; Elva Ramsay. No. to ; Archie Mc- Kinney, No. 4. POULTRY Plymouth Rocks, flock, (0 A C. eggs) -Mug Mei/Omuta No. 41 Edgar Mc- Michael, Nu 4 Archie McKinney, No, 4 Plymouth Rocks, (O. A, C. eggs) - King McDonald, No. 4; Archie Mc Kinney, No 4; Edgar McMichael, No 4 Plymouth Rocks -Jas. Bracken.. ridge, No 4 White Legliorns-Gleia Gamma, No 4 ; Margaret McDougall, No. to. Rd. Island Reds -Harvey Timm NO. 2.Minorcas-Alfred John• ,too, No 8 ; Walter Sellers, No. 8 ; Archie McKluney, No. 4, Ducks -- Duncan McDougall, No, to; Charlie Mt aser, Nu 4. Geese -Charlie Messer, No,4 ; John McDougall, No, io ; Alfred Johnston, No, S. VEGETABLES Cabbage -King McDonald, No, 4 ; Elva Ramsay No, to ; Archie McKinney, No. 4, Lauhflower-jean Black, No. 4 ; Kiug MoDouald, No, 4, Elva Ramsay, No. to, Tomatoes -Mabel Johnston, No. to ; Ro_y 'Mottles, No, 4 ; Grace Kermighan, No, to, 13eets-Berthe GEM' nett, No, ; King McDonald, No. 4; Mac. Thomas, No. 4. Parsnips -las, Breek•nridge, No, 4; George Peacock, No. ro ; Alfred Johnston, No, 8, Onr. rots -John Mowbray, No. 4; MAC. Thomas, No. 4; Muriel Thornton, No. 4. Onions -Cora Gannett, No, ; Edgar MaNlichael, No, 4 ; Grace Ker- nagbau. No. to. Pumpkin -Geo Pea- cock, No. to ; John Mowbray, No, 4 ; Glenn GartHas, No. 4, Best Collection -Alfred Johnston, No, 8 ; King Mc- Donald, No, 4 ; Margaret Clads, No 4/ ?Ruin Pitons -Louise Fraser, No to; Hazel Mundell, No. 4 ; Willie Mundell. No 4 Apples -Willie Mendell, No. 4 ; Flo. rattle Echtnier, No, to; Louise Fraser, No, to Collection of trnit-Alice Sharpin, No. 2 ; Fred. Elliott, No, 4, PLO W DRS Sweet: Peas -Olive Gorulas, No. 41 Margaret Curtis, No. 4 ; Mary Mowbrey, No, 4, Asters -Marjorie Grasby, No, 8 ; King McDonald, No, to ; Jean Black, No, 4, Asters, (lower fortes) -Mary Mowbray, No. 4. NAstottiums-Mary Moweiray, No, 4; Ethel Johnston, No, o. OPEN 'PO ANYONE IN SECTION erahium Plant-Kt:4 McDonald, No. , yS Saves lone For The,Fartner DRI,CES of farm products have reached a high level. The farmer can take fiat ad- vantage of this situation only by adding to his equipment of time and labor-savi.. ma- chinery. Time and 11- ,or are money. When time and labor are saved, money is saved. Time and labor-saving de- vices for working the land do not produce complete results in themselves. The farmer must have rapid and depend- able means of placing his products on the market. The Fiord One -Ton Truck will make trips to town so much more quickly than the horse that you vvill have many extra hours of time to devote to productive work. A lame number of farmers have proven tae Ford One -Ton Truck to be a time and money-saver—have you? Price (chassis only) $750 Runabout - $ 660 Coupe 875 Touring - 690 Sedan - - 10760 F. O. B. Ford, Ontario All prices waded to war t2.0 F. O. B. Ford, Ontario thaw's, ereept track aralchassis All orie ea wekwet to change without notioo $3 -.0.0=0111 S. Carter, Agent, Brussells 4 ; Mrs. Geo. McDonald, No, 4. Be gonia -Bessie Nichol, No. 2 ; Gret Eckmier, No. to; Mrs, Robert Black No. 4. Foliage-Onve Games No, 4 Elva Ramsay, No. 7D ; Haze) Mundell No, 4. Fern -Olive Garnios, No 4 King McDonald, No. 4.; Margaret Garniss, No, 4. SEWING Soeks-E1 V71 Ramsay No. 10 ; Mat g - 'wet Gat nisi, No. 4 ; Rrrl,ha Gam !lel 1, No 4 Apron -Alive Slott pie, No, 2 ; Margaret McDougall, No: 10; Alice Wheeler, No, 2 Embroidered Towel -Louise Fraser, No. 10 ; Jessie Mes- ta% No. 10; Margaret Clivrin, NO. 4. Towel wit • Crochet Insertion - Louise Fraser, No. I0 ; Gentle Robin- son, No, 10 ; Marjory Giasby 8. Darning -Margaret Gaimisa, No. 4 ; Elva Ramsay, No 10 Quilt Bleck- Gerlie Robertsiiti, Nn. 10 Beatrice Thornton, No. 4. ; Alice Sharpin, No 2. Patching -Donna Smith, No. 4 ; Hazel Mendell, No. 4, Best Dressed Doll-Mnriel Thornton, No. 4. . Jived,. Messer, No, 10: Jac. TurveY RECOMMENDED FOR THE it No. 8 ; .Margaret McDougall, No. 111. , Nl ap ol Huron -Donna Smith, No. 4 ; . ; Florence Eck oder, No. lit; 'Ali.. CROIX DE GUERRE . (400,.h0, No. 8 ; NATVIZE STUDY COOKING} Layer Oake-Jesoie talesser, No. 10 ; Louise Preset., No. 10 ; Alice Shemin, Nil, 2 Apple Pie -Janet illoVittie, No. 3 ; Donna Smith, No. 4 ; Dot is Allen, No, 10, Tea Biscuits -Alice Sharpin, Nn. 2 ; Greta Illekinier No, 10 Louise Fraser, No. 10. War Cake - Donna Smith, No, 4 : Velina Brooks, No 4 ; Louise Fenner, Nn. 10, Cookies -Donna Binh li, Nit. 4 latrts-Alueiel Thrmanit, No. 4 ; Beatrice Thortiton, No. 4 ; Velma Brooks, No. 4, Pump- kdu Pie -Velma Brooke, No. 4 ; Mar- garet Gaieties, No, 4. Bread -Whi- m e Allen, No. 10 ; Donna Smith, NO, 4. Butter -Margaret, McDougal), No, ; Glad ye Timin, No, 2, Preserved Haspliettries-Margarer Gattniss, No. 4 ; Bessie Nichol, No, 2. MANUAL TRAINING liatittluee iiallt110-Walter L. Sellei No, 8 ; Damian McDougall, No, 10 ; James Breckenridge, No. 4. Milking Stool-OutiCall McDougall, No, 10. Bird House -,Runes HI.Paltehridde, 4, Creeple-Dittiran McDougall, No, 10 ; George Fell, No, 10. STOOK Halter -broken Calf -Win, All111(12.1). N11, 4 ; Gordon Mundell, No; 4 ; Roy Th011UilS, 4. Hulter-beoken OAP - Wm. Mundell, No, 4 1 King MacDttm ald, No. 4 Calf -Alfred Johnston, No. 8; Mandell, No. 4; Nelson Bolt, No. 2. Black -faced red Johnston, No, S; Jae, Brecken- ridge, No. 4, White-faced Larnb--Jas, Breckenridge, No, 4 ; Wm. Minute'', No, 4; Gordon Mundell, No, 4. Tally- ing molt -honest TA1102,110., NIT, 1. WHITING F01`171 Badmay, No. 10 ; gilIV MEd:N/11E4dt NO. 4 tAlice Shill). in, No, 2, Form 3-Hert, Souch, 8 ; Charlie Messer, No. 4 ; Doris Al- len, No. 10, Pomo 2-101m mice Eck - :Mar, No. 10.; Edith 111 eekenridgc, No. 4 ; Donna Smith, No, 4, Form 1-Teetie Allen, No. 10 •, George Pea- cock, No, 10; Het bet t Campbell, No. 10. ORA WING Map of °amide, (Itioaltnot• linpils)- 1111vit Rummy, No. In, Map of Canada -Genie Robertson, No. ; King hIcDontald No, 4. Map of Ontario - 1+0 Wild 11,nVel., Mollified-- Bertha Gannett, No, 4 60 weeds, mounted - Bertha Gannett, No. 4; Margate( Curtis, No. 4 30 ;navels. nlnu,11et!- Lts Breckenridge, No. a;Ildrr•goret Clurlis. Nn 4. N4 LiD1+ WD00,-61.0. Felin, NO. 10; Jas. lareekenridge, No. 4 ; alargnret Gltniss, N.. 4, 20 wild ile.wer in l - Cora Gantlet i, No 3 20 tt , • , s, Ile CIanhmo 1,'Imeltet• Na. In ; M time] 1 20111100, NO. 4 IS insects mounted- (Lower Finalist -- With fireekehtitige, NO. 4 t fientrioe '1'h tin No. 4 ; •(Ileito Gat niss, No, 4• A IIT Crayon Drawing (Forms I awl Thot mon, No. ; :Mary Mow- bray, No. 4 ; Bessie Campbell No. li) IVittei rotor drawing Ibornls;:,utddr -hhirgtosit fi,uoiyti, NO. 1.: EIVA ILtut. street. "I 2 villitt,.. attending say, No, 10 ; Jan, Brook ent Lige, No 1, a minded cit ilians and helped It dozen Crayon drawing' (limy ,It.an to Safet) While The place was under 131ftelt, Nn. 4 ; Elva Itamany, No. lo ; haaav German tire. Ile la a candidate Margiteet (leads, No. 4 link drawing for the Croix de Guerre, design for book rover -King ATrllun- old, No, 4 ; Bertha Gannett, No. 1 : Elva Ramsay, No. 10. PHYSICAL: EXERCIS14,4 Dr, Field, prizes RluevaiPSchool, S. S. No, 4 : Raltl- say Sehool, No. 10 ; Brown:own school No- 8 ; Nichol's Sehool No, 2, Five-minute spt•ech lie Ales - ser, No, 4, V-- The State Journal:Iint":noL NelEarn%)ing, Mich., makes reference to Lieut. Dr. Milton Shaw, whe had charge of Maior Dr. Shaw's oractiae here. Out who has since been on aative service in France. 'file report says:—Lieutenant Dr. Mil. Sh8W, Who is especially commend- ed for bravery, is a son of Dr. and Mrs, William Shaw of Morrice. He is a graduate Of the Morriee high school and later graduated hale the medical department of the IJ, of Al. after tvhich 1,,,,•k lip pracitce of medicine in LanAnc. Dr. Shaw wee one of the iirst to enlist and was made, a lieuten- ant in the t 19th r. A, Medical corps. Dr. William Sahw has another son, Sergeant H•arold Shaw of the 8.5th di- Vialen who is now overseas. Dr, Shaw walked nonchalantly through the PETS Pony -Kenneth aleVettie No, 8; lamb --Alfred Johnston, No, 8; kit ten -Fraser Mustard, No. 8 HITCHING CONTEST Boys 20 and under -Charlie Blitek, No. 4 ; AIfTPd Johnston, No. 8 LADIES" HITCHING CONTEST Eva Breekentidge, Nn, 41 Johnston, No. 8 ; (Stella Elliott, No, 4, Special prize fot lattgest number of prizes Won, &Mated by Alva. Win. Adolf :-King McDonald, KRA ktKIIIKKY, NO. itt To the Farmers Oliver NValking or !tiding, Single or Double Mouldboard of 'Tractor Plows. Nolte bet t ei . There is also it Immlum of McCoriniek Im- plements in the territory which linty he had at present Nivea and on next year's terms. Order be- fore advance pi lePN are fixed. A good clean Clyde Gelding, 3 years old. fop mole. Works double or single. Will sell ',heap and on t brie if wa tit ed. David Milne Ethel c-prOrre0r4)400000.04,40.00rre Fe,{40044,000004•+0,?4,04.4?4,1X)1,04 Cit • •• • • •• 0 • It Is Not Too Late We admit: students any time, preparing,- for bOOK- KEEPING, STENOGRAPHY and CIVIL SER- VICE. Send for Catalogue. Stratford, Ont„ an nghann, ant, • .••••••••••••••••••••••••••04( 04arre•••••••••••••••4•••••••