HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-26, Page 4east Fico Fail Prize List j i r I Efil;`f , NORMAN ificGOilif ��Lt GOING HIS DOTY ALleerion sttn, of Ang. 270111, D11 11u1u f 5lrwatt the teff or nhnh Nrr;l Mr( mot, HORSES Nided 1 (, I hal held t le ltons,l 1 Lust, [•r<14s n' t I• Agrieultn,ral (Cary aiau Bteu. • s l 1 u . h�%n _Oe•s•W m Inc and '1 M' 1 os1 is pl,•asc d I» re. E., Milton Lowe. Wm i• ; c ;, L i std;$: F i. ssrs4., ,;,oius it nor: ;tans i1 Rai I nor; ; stir •`e cult. :Hilton Guwe, \Vitt u;!t r ,,f ll,lli „at let "JL'�Itad in auuu,' is the sod up Conuon, Alex. Yuill ; man, colt, A ({ I ts, J, ro, t ng, 1 F d sn„wing lu nruiv Cnu+uii;tu l,•utrs Bishop, 1Vtu Ouuuon ; a year u!d geld- Bleuhrmi 1'11•Pia, (1,110, I. 1., Cardin. I ,at t to • time, To TM- titin it rano' lugs' filly, duo sprit., 11'tu Arm - A. G. Bishop; Tolman Streets, L. E. wit!, r, d, limed Pore,, blst w,•,.1c, strong, Walter Yuill ; 2 year old filly, Cardiff. A. 1'uill; Ontario, ias, Jackson: one of Hs 'dell for 111,111y yen's iu tin• Walter rill, Avid Armstrong, Alex Wealthy, Mrs. I. II, Kate. Florence person el Sergi A.N. Nictitate, having Will ; 'L year•old gelding. I, EtTavililf I ()liver: Alexander., L. E. cardilT, Joe trade the supreme sartilire. Set gt. 1 fir 8, Alex Yuill ; span, Jas Hetrale'- 11011, Walter Yuill, 13 Hoover t eweep- stakes, Jun, Speir. Heavy draught. -Basal mare (hutit- ainD bred \V 'T Grieve, O 'Turnbull, Alex Ynill ; regietered bt'oud mare, A 14i81.641L 806t ; horse colt, it Scott • nlai•e 0011, A. (lislu11, W T tr,ieye, 0 '1'urnbull ; 3 year old gelding or tidy, W T Grieve ; 2 yen• old filly, A Ills. lop; 'L year old gelding, W '1' Grieve ; yearling !illy, W T thieve, P Nichol ; draught. te•In, Dixon Bios, W T Grieve, P NI, l?call ; sweepstakes, Dixon Bros, Judge --Nell McArthur. Roads!, re-- rir0od mare, O Atm- sl'r,,,•g, J NI Ovate:, 11 Maiming ; horse en more colt, A U Bishop, 11 Vanning, W St lost rnttg; 2 near crit filly :es gelding, J NI Ovaus, J R Eels epee, H'laming ; L year old Ely or gelling, A U Bishop : bnggY horse 10+1 lauds high or Dyer, (i O A Fisher, .I Br•eem Allan weber ; boggy horse motet 13i hands, Nesbit 11101111. Armstrong; Ribston Pippr is, L. E. Cardiff, Walter Yuill; Celverts, Wm. Armstrong, Mrs, F. Nichol; Roxbury Russet, (1st not known), Kenneth Ferguson; Canada Red, L. E. Cardiff, P. A, McArthur; Cayuga Redstreak, A. G. Bishop, ; galla- water. Mrs. F. Nichol, i., N. 91cArthur; Maidens Blush. Airs, P, Nichol, Wm, Armstrong; Teew'aukee, A. (i, Bishop; Ben Davis. W'rn Armstr•itis, L. E. Car- diff; Wagner, A, Vele, A. G. Bishop; 12 Crabs. A. Lamont, Howard Hall; o Varieties of Winter Apples, Wm. Armstrung, Mrs. F• Nichol; o varieties of Fail apples, Mrs. F Nichol; b Apples any named variety not in above list, le Stewart, S. I, Balser; Fall 'Pears, Mrs. Robb:. Winter Pears, Wm. Arm- strong; Plums. any variety, Ur, J. Grieve, Wm. Armstrong; varieties of Plums, 5 of each named, Jas, Jackson. Wm, Armstrong, Judge -A. Stewart. ROOTS AND Holit) CROPS- Early tuts. W ti Gras, it Seeman ; roudster potatoes, R. fowler. W. Armstrong; team, .J J 1'',slog's., N O A Fisher r late pot t e, P. J. Hoover, Wm. Arm- Cerringe-2 year old filly or gelding strong; eollection of potatoes, R. J R eh 1 ill tat , 1 : single a tr1•na b mese. Hoover Swede turnips, W. Armstrong, frank Powell, s St, nth, re, R A Cut. las. Jackson; white field carrots, Jas. Jackson; ART -Ingham carrots, Jas. Burgess, Jas. Jackson; Scarlet Nantes, Florence Oliver. Walter Yuill; early Horn carrots, W. Armstrong, Margaret Ament; long blood beets, Jas. ,Jackson, Jas. Burgess: blond turnip beets, Jas. Jackson, W. Armstrong; white Sugar beets for factory, S. J, Baker, Joe Armstrong; parsnips, Jas, Jackson, Jas. Burgess; winter radishes, Jas. Burgess, Jas, .Jackson; Sugar Mangolds, R. J. Hoover, P. A. McArthur; mangel Wur- zets, long red, Jas. Jackson, R. J. Hoover; long Yellow mangolds, Henry Hoover, P. Stewart; yellow Globe Aian- golds, P. Stewart, R, J. Hoover; red Globe mangolds, Jas. Jackson, It, J. Hoover, Judges -R. W, Livingston and F, S. Scott. rhe: sw••epstnlu•s, b'IMP: Poe'rll ; I l' Rirhtu•ds l C•o„ for tidiest single (11•11, - lug Dlufit., 1111.111(1111;; 111,1•sr, buggy and harness, 1V ti Grasy ; Robt L'rrgusoo, for b.•st honggy horse, ti O A Fisher ; J O Hahkirk. 2nd hest buggy horse, N Handl' or,. ,Judge C Brothers, PURR BRED CATTLE Shoe: Elm cis ---Hull 3 rears and over, Jnr Spear, O 'Turnbull ; loll 1 year old, A Hislop ; ninth cow I years or over, O Tin MIM', A Hislop 2 lL 3 ; cow under J years, A Hislop, O Tut nbuil ; 3 year ell heifer, A Hislop 1 lL 3, 0 Turnbull ; 1 veal old heifer, Jno Speir, A Hislop ; ealf, O Turnbull, A Hislop 2 & 3 ; heifer calf, O Turnbull ; herd of -hurt horns, O Turnbull, A Hisinp, Jno Spelt' : female any age. Jno Spelt ; Male an y age, .1110, spelt. Grade Cattle--Aliteh row (dairy strain,! Jas I3urgecs, A Vitali : snitch cow thee! strain) Joe Armstrong • 2 year old heifer, .Toe Armstrong 1 2 oras 3: 1 year old heifer, Walter. Yniil, Joe Armstrong ; 1 year old steer, Walter Ynill 1 2& 3; steer calf, A G Bishop, A Yuill, .Joe Armstrong ; heifer calf, A Yuill, .Joe Armstrong 2 t(t 3 ; fat now or heifer over 2 years, Joe Arm- strong 1 E 2. Judge -J A Campbell. Standard Bank, hest exhibit of cattle, O 'Turnbull, A Hislop, Jno Speir, SHEEP Leiresters-Shearling ram, J S Cow- an, R .1 Sande•son 2 & 3 ; rem Iamb, T SCowan, R J Sanderson 2 fi 3; ewe 2 shear and over, R .{ Sanderson, I S Cowan ::beading ewe, J S Cowan 1 & 2, R .1 Sanderson ; ewe lamb, J S Cow- an 1 & 2, A G Bishop ; pen, J S Cow- an, R J Sanderson. Downs -Shear ling lane, WG Rosa; ram lamh, W ti Iifies 1 2& 3; ewe 2 shear and avl•1% W (i REoss 1 2 tit 3; shearling ewe, V;1• (3 Ross 12 & 3; ewe lamb, iV G Ross 1 to 2; per, W G Ross. Judge -Joe Campbell. PIGS Berkshire -Boar 1 year and nver, J S Cowan ; boar under 6 months, J S Cowan ; soca 1 year and over, J S Cowan ; sow under I year and over 6 months, J S Cowan ; saw under 8 monthe. J S Cowan, 1& 2; pen, J S Cowan. Yorkshire -Boar under 6 months, Jno Speir,..8 00Wau ; sow under 6 months, J S Cowan. Tamworth -Sow one year and over, NV T Grieve ; sow tinder 1 year and over 6 months, W T Grieve ; sow tin - (ler 6 months, `V T Grieve 1 & 2 ; pen, W T Grieve. POCLTRV Brehm:us, S J Baker for old and young; barred rocks, Jas Jackson old and young, T Kefie' young ; games, Jars Jackson old and young ; brown leghorns, Jas Jackson 1 legborms any tithe• vatirty, Jas ,Jackson old and young ; Stirlen cuss, Jas Jacicsm; ; rurkeyH, Jas JaeltS011 ; ducks, S J Baker, ,las Jackson, Jas Burgess list for young. Downing Bras , best collection of poultry, ,las Jackson ; W A Scott, for bestpair of 1018 chickens, any varie- ty, ,Jas. Jarksan. kludge --Wm. Carter, Boys' race, under 1.1 years 100 yards, Jae Duncan, W McDowell, E Sellers ; boys' rare under 10 years, 50 yards, B Ferg, 0 Thuell, T, McKay ; girls' race under 151 years, 100 yards, M NValker•, Leharnpion, BSmith ; girls' race unr der 10 years, 50 yards, 51 Thomson, L Pollard, E Barnard. Potato racrt on hnisrebaek, W Elliott, S Hamilton, J. Bishop, G bfcDnnald, Dr. T. T. Ale. Rae, 'ace, under 15 years, W MC. Cntrheon, II Mann, S turn, S 1 Utul n, •'e � for best decorated Fn td auto, Ahs H Ourtah, Woodetoek, Earl Cunningham, slow mile taco with Ford car in high gear, to be driven by owner, Dr, Grieve, (Sea - forth,) Alex Stewart, T Bennett. SPEEDING CONTESTS 2.50 trot or pace, 1t (lot vin, ;V IvaY• inc, P Rutledge. 250 trot, 1V 14Iillsnu, P Scott, W Holman, Local trot 01• pace, T Coulter, Dr. McRae, Jno OOMPH, GRAIN -Red Fall wheat, barley C- rowed W. J. Sharpe; barley, 2 -rowed, L, E, Cardiff; white oats, R. L, Taylor, W, J. Sharpe, Mrs, Frank Nichol; Tim- othy seed, Thos. Miller. Judge -Alf, Baeker. VEGETABLES -Onions from seed, red, J. Burgess, Jack Warwick; onions from seed, cellose, W, Armstrong, P. Stewart; unions from Dutch .Sets, 'C. Pope, Jas. ,Jackson; Dutch sets, Howard Hall, Dr. J, thieve; potato onions, W. E. Knight, W. Yuill; corn, Yellow Dent, H. Hoover, P, Stewart; stalks Fodder corn, Jas. Burgess, H, Hoover; col- lection of corn, Jas. Jackson: winter cabbage, C. Pope, Jas, Burgess; red pickling cabbage, Mary AlcDonald, W. E Knight; cauliflower, W. Armstrong, Jas. Jackson; pumpkin, yellow tield, W Yuill Jas, Jackson; pumpkin, mam- moth, Jas. Jackson; squash, Mrs, 1. C.. Richards, Jas. Jackson; tomatoes, large A G. Bishop, Airs, I. C. Richards; plum or Cherry tomatoes, Mrs, I.C. Richards Jas. Jackson; butter beans. (black), A. Lamnnt, W. E. Knight; white beans (large) Slargaret Ament, Howard Hall; butter beans, any other variety, T. Keifer, P. Stewart; beans (small) A. G, Bishop, P. Stewart; citrons, round striped, Jas. Jackson, W. E, Knight; citrons, long California, Jas, Jackson. Watermelons, W. E. Knight, Jas. Jack- son; muskmelons. Jas. Jackson, W. E. Knight; cucumbers, Jas. Jackson, A. Lamont; celery, white, Dr. J. Grieve, T, Keifer; Sunflower, Jas. Jackson, A. Lamont; collection of garden produce, Jas, Jackson, W. E. Knight; Baeker Bros., special for hest exhibit of vege- tables. Jas Jackson; School exhibit, Walton Public School. DAIRY PRODUCTS - Tub butter home made. Mrs, W. Alderson, Jno. Boleer, Wm. Armstrong, Jas. Jackson; table butter, Mrs. W. Alderson, John Boleer, A. Yuill; factory cheese, col- ored, W. E. Brown; tat pounds butter, Mrs. W, Alderson, W, Armstrong. Judge -W. G. Neal, Walton, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES - Crochet quilt. Jack Warwick, Dr. J. Grieve ; knitted quilt. Mrs, H, W. Tamblyn, Dr, Grieve ; patch work quilt Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Tamblyn; log cabin quilt, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Tamblyn; fancy quilt, Dr. Grieve, A. Yuill; knotted or tufted quilt. Margaret Ament, Dr. Grieve; coucterpane, Mabel Menzies, M. Ament; hooked mat, Mabel Menzies; man's working pants. hone made, L. E. Cardiff. Jno. Bolger; man's working shirt. home-made, Mabel Menzies, A. Yuill; man's pair of socks, wool, hand- made, Mrs. Tamblyn, T, Keller; maple sugar, A, Yuill, Jas. Jackson; maple syrup, A. Yuili, A. G. Bishop; honey in the comb, A. G. Bishop; honey extract- ed, W. Armstrong, G. A, Deadman; D Robb; wine,rhubarb wine, Anderson, Mrs, D. Robb; raspberry wine, Mrs. F, Nichol, Mrs. D. Robb; elderberry wine, Jas, Jackson, Jack Warwick; tomato catsup, A. Yuill, Mrs, D, Robb; sweet cucumber pickles, Jas. Jackson, M. Ament; mustard pickles, Mrs, 1. 'C. Richards, M. Ament; Chili sauce, M Anent, Jack Warwick; orange ) mar- malade, Mrs D. Robb, T, Keifer; ap- ple jelly, !Airs, D, Robb, A, Yuill; grape jelly, A. Yuill, Jack Wa'lvick; rasp- berry jelly, .Jack Warwick, A. Strachan; onllectlon of canned fruits, A, Yuill, T, Keeler; hard soap, homemade, Jack Warwick, Dr. Grieve; 5 o'clock tea, donated by Ladies' Institute, A. Yuill; hest S articles of food, suitable for a working man's supper, Lorne Nichol, A. Yuill, A, G. Bishop; Mrs, Jane Thompson's special for hest collection of preserved fruits, A. Yuill; J. T. Wood's special, best pair of hand knit soldier socks and socks to be donated to Brussels Red Gross, At, Ament, Dr. Grieve. Judges -Mrs. I. I). Miller and Mrs, D, H, Moffat, BAKING --Home-made war bread, W Armstrong, Mrs. Geo, Kerr; 'home- FRUIT-•-Baidwins, Lorne Nichol, Jas, made bread, brown, Mrs. lien. Kerr, Burgess; Famuese, A. G. Bishop, A. Mrs, J, 11. Kyle; home-made bread, Yulll; King of Tolppkins Co,, Lorne currant, A, Yuill; % doz buns, W, B, NOltuAN , ci,lJlHls 11vi; uirewas rtsrn fArlhnrand M• McGuire. Brussels, and enlisted rhe tr'I,• 116•11 Per 111 battalion was f01111.,11, beim; hugely instrumental., l„gelhel will; the late .Limit. Moore, in Thr let In/Ilion of the Milverton platoon He;ate'wards took an arrive part it the training of the leen! -Hund and proceeded will his Battaliol, evelsea., Ott tate hreaking nu of Ilie handler tm England. lie was elle; ,.ITh errs w.ah. whieh he pr•1 Fol mrd , t ly and ti. whirls lie was ly ul-red I(11 uu,in. lirslless, hnwetel. ID get 1, Prance, although strife, ti g It 01 m phy•ica, disahl', ty, he tevert,•d u, 111' molts turd joined the fulres til. the Nom, Altitough but in Framer 0 Innnllln he had regained his forme! rank and hi; friends, confident of his :thinly, looked forward to lits rapvl promotion. This has now been cul short by his early demise, partzeulats of tvltirh late tint yet cone to habd Willie in England and al the fe,ml he ,van a frequent 0011101.111101. It, Ille 0010111n of The Stni sod rase lucked upon as a "clearing house" or infor- mation for the boys overseas anti like- , ism fit the people a1 home. "Nlte,n t1 110 tune morn Ismiliarly ellled took ,1•1• le an net iv,, int PIest in sports prr- PI„ns to pili:linent and. watt !tel k1101V11 in foul Iutll and hockey circles in this district, having frequently rep- resented the local chubs al. F,xerutive meetings, Maternally he was a mem- iter of the Odtlfellons turd the Cana - (lien Oder of Forevtels, tieing Treas• nr• r of the Inial to der of t he latter ror a nunlhel , I' yo,r'n nod nL ti It P:tsl Chief Hanger. He also h, 11 Ile• oftlet• of Noble (hand in Ilse I O, O. F. for it term. In religion he was a Presby- tr•rittit and had alJuined his nod year. 1Ve extend to his bereaved parents and all these Heal' and deal to him our 'retire felt sympathy and !lust the faint that he duct ill a wittily cause and that his loan,• will be permanent - Iv enshrined on bis 0onntt•y': "Honor R,•11" will he • f some comfort ie Orton W1• also wish In h••rmhv express the peat pet•sonal loss we hove snntntinrd 'bud IH pay 111111110, tubule In hitt pet- snnal worth and hoot,' [luting our many nsstoriatians. Mr, MarBetB, Ow editor of The Sun, %vim is at present in the North West, wt•ites front Regina under slate of .•lug. 22nd : "T ,just received telegram conveying the sad intelligence !hat Ni, man McGuire, known to Son renders as "Your matt on the job," Iles been killed in action in France. Walde fail Hoe Lo say how deeply grieved I am Mrs. Marilyn) joins me In expressing tiny sympathy so be reeved and afflicted tutee. Norman 1110(1nh•e Wois a leaf-ha•nt•ted 1111[1 n svhol,••-tint, 1•l fe lDly and his glare in 1111. connoted!y will be hard to fill 1{e way a gond sp ,1•l and 1a very enter- taining writer, lie lend nn lilring I'1• t the glamors of war and enlisted h1 the service of hie eemntty, fir which I,e has now made the geeatsnelifiee, from n strirt 51,71se til' cul y. land he been spared no must a bright fuitire wan his, Int now he Will 1MCP hie mare with the inunortttle “that lie in Plan - (lees Fields " Knight, W. Armstrong; tea biscuits, A Yuill, Jas Jacksnn; dark fruit cake, without icing, A, Yuill, W. Armstrong; white fruit cake, without icing, W. Armstrong, Dr, Grieve; layer cake, dark A. Yuill Mrs, C. C. Richards; oatmeal cakes, A. Lamont, Mrs. 1, C. Richards; dozen cookies, Mrs. W. Alderson, A, Yuill; doughnuts, Mrs, W, Alderson, Jack Warwick; drop cookies, Mrs, 1, C. Richards, A. Yuill; Graham gems, A Yuill; scones, Jas. Jackson, Jack Warwick; short bread, A, Lamont, Mrs, D. Robb; apple pie, Mrs, Geo. Mul- doon, A, Yuill; pumpkin pie, Mrs, 1. C, Richards, Dr, Grieve; lemon pie, Mrs W, Alderson, Dr, Grieve; tart pie, Dr Grieve, Mrs, W. Alderson; collect- ion fancy baking 6 articles on one platter, A, Yuill, Mrs, W, Alderson; W, II. Kerr's special, best two loaves of homemade bread, Mrs, Geo, Kerr; Wil- ton & Oillespie's special for best two loaves of brown bread, Mrs, Gen, Kerr; George Thomsou's special for best 2 loaves of home tirade bread, T. Keifer; Alfred Baeker's specials, for best two loaves bread, T. Keifer; best apple pie, Jac Jackson; best dozen buns,A Wore, 1'ir[-, l ttiblvlt, r. LISetrigstBu, M, 1 Ament•' live o'cloek cloth in cot - Ion. AiSmolt Alt ; W' 1 'ware; filet � cos het lunch ah'Ih, .11, Ament, Mrs. Muldoon; Batlenburg cloth, B. Living- I at,n 1Ls. Tamblynr drawnwork cloth, E. Livingston, Airs, •Tamblyn; embrold- i ,ltd ray cl,411 in cotton, sirs, Mut .e , SI +ment embroidered Centre se ;1i r treinaston, Mrs. Sags n sseo.11th ereichet border, \b. i ," 1•, I u,l„ is ltvnr,stoe, am broideted c.•tttre piece In cotton, M. Alenzies, A, Str :when ; embroidered cen- tre piece in dark linen, Ai, Ament, Mrs, Savage; embroidered table set, centre tray and 2 doilies, AI. Ament, M. Menzies; embroidered Mount Mellick work, E. Livingston, Airs. Tamblyn; embroidered groom, E. Livingston, Mrs, ramblyn; embroidered Hedobo, M, Ament, Mrs, Savage; embroidered Hardanger, A1, Ament, Airs. 'ramblytt; embroidered Wallachain, Jack Warwick F: Livingston; embroidered French boadine, M. wienries, M. Ament; em- broidered shadow, li, Livingston, Mrs. Savage; embroidered cross stitch, Mrs, 'ramblyn, Airs. Savage; embroidered punch,. (I. Ament, Sirs. Savage; em- broidered French or solid, A. Strachan, Mrs. Muldoon; Coronation braidwork, [label Menzies, E, Livingston; Italian i cut work, Mrs, Tamblyn, Mrs, Savage; Irish crochet, E. Livingston, Mrs: Terribly!): fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs Tambiyn, Dr, Grieve; crochet work in cotton, M, Ament, Mrs. Tamblyn; crochet work in wool, E. Livingston, Airs. Tamblyn; crochet «sok in silk, Airs. Savage, E. Living- ston; lace, Honitnn or Point, Mrs.' Temblyn, Mrs, i C, Richards; lace, Teneriffe, Mrs, Savage, A, Strachan; fancy shirt waist Mrs, Tamblyn, Mrs. Savage; chills fancy dress, E, Liv- ingston, Mrs Sas ige; lady's fancy apron, A, Strachan, Ai, Ament; fancy collar and cuffs, E. Livingston, A. Strachan; tatting, E. Livingston; hand- . made handkerchief, AM1 Ament, Mrs. Savage; fancy underwaist, M. Ament, Nirs. Savage; best idea of kitchen apron Jack Warwick, Mrs. W. H. Anderson; laundry bag, E, Livingston, Dr. Grieve; embroidered tea cosy in eyelet, E, Liv- ingston, Maisel Menzies; tea cosy any kind, Airs. Muldoon, Mrs, Tamblyn; soft pillow, shadow embroidery, Mrs. Tamblyn, Dr, Grieve; sofa pillow, hand painted, E. Livingston, T, Keifer; sofa pillow, embroidered in dark linen, M. Anent, Air$, Savage; sofa pillow in eyelet, Jack Warwick, Mrs. W. H. Anderson; Astor and Baldur embroid- ery, ,NI, Ament A. Yuill; Table runner in dark linen, M Ament, Mrs, Tamblyn; bean and wood bead embroidery, M. Ament; table napkins initial, Grace Stewart, Mrs, Muldoon; Irish crochet bag, Dr, Grieve, Mabel Menzies; fancy work bag, Mrs. Savage, E, Livingston; crochet table mats, A. Yuill, Mrs, F. Nichol; fancy pincushion, Mrs, Tamb- lyn, Mabel Nlenzies; hand made baby bonnet, M. Ament, E. Livingston; bed- room slippers, Mrs. Tamblyn, E. Liv- ingston; fancy towels, M. Ament, E. Livingston; pillow cases, A. Strachan, Airs, Savage; set of underwear, three pieces, E. Livingston, M. Anent; night dress with crochet yoke, M. Ament, Mrs. Savage; bed set of pillow cases and sheet, Grace Stewart, E. Livingston Walker & Black's special, lady twinning most 1st prizes, M. Ament. Judge -Miss J. A. Cottingham, FINE ARTS -Oil painting - Land- scape, E. Livingston; s marine, Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Savage; flowers, E. Livingston; fruit, B. Livingston; animal life, E, Livingston, Mrs. Savage; por- trait, E, Livingston; Water color -land- scape, A. Strachan, E, Livingston; mar- ine, E, Livingston, Mrs, Savage; flowers E. Livingston, A, Strachan; fruit, -E. Livingston; Animal life, E. Livingston, A. Strachan; portrait, E. Livingston; crayon drawing black and white, Mrs. Tamblyn, E. Livingston; pen and ink sketch Mrs, Tamblyn, E. Livingston; pencil sketch, E. Livingston, Mrs, Sav- age; collection amateur photos, Mrs. Tamblyn, M, Ament; collection hand painted china, T. Keifer; single piece hand painted china, A. Strachan, Dr. Grieve; hand painted vase, E. Living- ston T, Keefer; collection pierced brass E. Livingston, M. Ament; piece burnt work on wood, M. Ament, T. Keifer; pastel, E, Livingston, Mrs. Savage, Judge -Miss J. A. 'Cottingham. FLOWERS AND PLANTS - Table boquet, A, Strachan, M. Ament; hand boquet, Jack Warwick, M. Ament; col- lection of cut flowers, M. Ament, Mrs. Alderson; pansies, M, Ament, A. Strachan; phlox Drummondi, M. Ament; Asters, Jack Warwick, Mrs. Alderson; Stocks, M. Ament; Petunias, M, Ament, Jack Warwick; Dianthus, M. Ament; Balsams, Mrs. Alderson; Glad- iolus Spikes, M, Ament, Mary McDon- ald; Verbenas, M. Ament; Perennial, Phlox, Jack Warwick, Mrs. D, Robb; Cockscombs, M, Ament, Jas. Jackson; collection of Street Peas, A. Strachan, P. Stewart; collection of Nasturtiums, W, Armstrong, Jas, Jackson; collect- ion of roses, Jack Warwick, Mrs, Ald- erson; outdoor flowers, Jack Warwick, M, Ament; best floral novelty, Jack Warwick, Mrs. Robb; Geranium in pot red, W. Yuill, M. Ament; Geranium in pot, white, Florence Oliver; Geranium any other, M. Ament; Tuberous Be- gonia in pot, and collection of Dahlias, M, Ament; collection of Foliage plants (Begonias and Coleus) M, Ament, Jack Warwick; collection of ferns, M. Amend collection of potted plants, M. Ament; Fuschia in bloom, Jack War- wick, W, Yuill; hanging basket, Jack Warwick; Jas. Fox's special for one winning greatest number of 1st prizes in flowers, M, Ament; A, Straclan's special for best Asters, J, Warwick; F. R. Smith's special for best collection of potted Ferns and Potted Tuberous Begonias, not less than 5, M. Ament, Judges -Mrs, B. S. Scott and Miss Grace Stewart, CHILDREN'S COMPETITION -Boys under 12, Bird house, Jack Warwick; collection of weeds, Jack Warwick; col- lection of seeds of common weeds, R. J, Hoover, Jack Warwick, Mary Mc- Donald. Work under 13 years; -3 Mutton -holes, Mrs. W, 11, Anderson; hemstitching, Mrs, W, H, Anderson; plain hemming, Mary McDonald, Mrs. W, II, Anderson; darning, Mrs, W. H. u it t' Na „1 cijtl• u.p. w is Force OR fifty years the Teuton peoples have been trained, disciplined, whipped, into servile cogs of an implacable military machine, b::ry which is maintained the. Pvg,:cina doctrire of might-, and the Kaisrr'a autocracy. The Teutons d^1Ty themselves, they make sacril:ices, because they are trained or forced to do so, .but they do it. The peoples of the Allied nations must make great sacrifices and tremendous efforts in order to defeat the enemies of freedom, but because they are free peoples it is left largely' to the individual to say what or how much self-denial practice. each will p So if freedom is to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be "greater than the forced' sacrifices of the enemies of free. dom. HE measure of your love of freedom is your willingness to deny yourself so that the strength of the nation for war effort will be increased. This self-denial must take the form of money -saving -thrift. Each person knows in what way he or she may save. The national need says you must save, but free Canada leaves it to you to say by what means and to what extent you will save. 1 WOW, it is for you, each of -us, everyone of us to say Y how much patriotic endeavor, how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our money, by "doing without" so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nation's strength. No matter how small the surplus it is important because each saving is an effort made, and many small individual efforts make the mighty national force. Published under the authority of the Minister of Pinang* of Canada. Wroxeter ennragenuslvand well, a gentleman, DOING FULL DUTY. -Gunner F. N. unafraid. With our deepest syntptt- Hazelwood, a sun of Rev. 1h. J. H. thy, Yours sincerely, Hazelwood, was admitted to the hoe- . W. R. RAMSAY AltMITA(lla, Oapl. pita! in France, 011 August 10th, sof- I Chaplain Btd Batt.• Oanadians. feting 1'nont puushul wt unit in the n, ek. At latest. repot L he was dein dell. He is only twenty years old,' PALL FAIRS -191'8 and enlisted in March 1910. A ba•ol- et•, Ray, also is in Fiance ; crud an- Giiderich .....„... abet. brothel. Dr, J. r., is in Toronto, Hai Osten in the A. Ai. C., in elarge of the am- INIilverbon..,,;....... hulanre corps, Dr, Harry Hazelwood, Tiverton ........... another brother, tuns Ni. D. of -the 'Tecewnier . 204Lh Battalion, but wtta 1lnnnrahly Onngaunn❑ ..,. retired because medically with for Kit kton nversets, this faintly is surely doing Novas%rah its lull share towards winning the I Winghtuu far. 'Phe boys are nephews of W. C. SNOT iiY SNIPLR.-'The fnlltiwing ! Auction Sales letter was received by Mrs. Hatelnum .8epletiler25, 26, 27 September 26, 27 ......September 26, 27 .Oct. t . Ortolan. 1, 2 .Orloher 3, J Ortolan. 3, 4 Ontob••r 6 Oetoher 8, 6 far. of Wroxeter, 1 -- seri relative to the itemise or her bivtve soldier boy, Pte. J. ti , who enlisted with the 28.1.th Battalion, at Toronto, and went overseas with the 3rd Sig- nallers. Pte. Elsner MDI{ay, of \lon- erieff, is a member of the same 13att. rind wns a (.hum of J. a :- DieAlt NIRS RASMUSSLN -On behalf or 1,1. Col. ({ gees, our Comnurnding otlioerand the many friends of you• son in the8rd Bdl„ I wish to write clown nnrspiv by with you in your reveal. loss, 1112.1.432 Pr e ,T. A RaRr11118- sen !tilled in action, August 1918. ole was shirt by a sniper. during our ad- vance of (Are first clay WI1011 atttelcing an enemy position, strong in snipers hint We bur•ied hint and machine gnus. 4 not fru front where he fell with thirty of his rotmtacles On all sides are signs of watt Well behind thein elretches Hangard Wood with its shattered trees ; in front is the trench Which the enemy so obstinately held anti mit. mel sn bravely rain urad • to One sine 1'1111 the tracks of the tank Which L•tl not savants); lyse mid' herr in the sur,oaoding win•.[. (I•Ids ,err• shell holes tool broken rifles trod raver in the hollow is an oeropiane hrong')t down. Everything somtirs or tutu•, but beneath the erns aver then graves one brave (lend t eel in peace "in Mire and certain hope of the Resurrection to Ittertlnl life 011'011x1 our Lord .testis 01111141 " Yr -ii hove le l h •r -ori Yuiii; short bread, A. Lamont. Anderson; patching, Mrs, W. H, Ander- ;ripen n: •a n Judge -Cleo, R Cardin Seaforth. ' 5011; best dressed doll, Florence Oliver; proud lh,tl io ger, me Dia hie for Ilia g -tae to a t e LA DIES' WORK --•- Collection fame y band embroidery, Mrs, J. H. Kyle, l conulty.he died ever t had lived, AMI'ITON SA TA OF PAlt11 f31'Ot'lt, TM - ,1",1 1.,1,1h1,14,14, &O, F. H Saotb, A111,t1e11„1•, sae reaeiv,d Instrnatitnts from the undersign. ed proprietor• to Holl by Publht AnnVlmr tib North hn f Loth ('on 0, Mo•rfs, Thurrdnv, Sept 20th, at 1 o'nln(tly the fonowlep vatmtble prorerty l--1 heavy draft hares rf big a czars about HADD Its., 1 heavy draft hors,- '•felon 11 oars about 154 ibs .1 driving horse single e.r dnnhie 0 ears 01,1,1 blood volt king years e rd by l,nr.'I'h1.t P,9(lows nn,pn-ed iu mdf, 18 ste PrP rl;Mea years old, 0 heifers rislbg 8 years n1(1,1 heifer rising 2 years old 0 steel-, rising 2 fears old,. 8 •inns valves, 0 pigs 1 months old, about 70 bens and ,hielams, 1 Deering mower in good repah•, 1 wli1011 near Iv naw, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 new roarer, 1 Mnslya•Ti orris Peed (1'11118 dist nun ly nett•, 1 ,c, dish 1 Prim• liauiltoa nipT wh 0,1,441 max• I hImxtt•e41 land 1•, . 2•Yarow pony, ] nmrffiar, I sot dlauonci harrows, i hnv rank, t Tlgt•r rests nearly naw, 1 gravel hnx, 1 sot (10111)19 ho, nese, 1 set sin rle harness nearly .new, i w in -01 arrmv, l Oakland onok st,wo, 116 eo•dP airy wend. 20 rods ohloken wire fenetng forks, shovels and oih,r ert.ielin ton nnnutons to mentor vas unreserved 1114 the prott,ie- torhdsanld ids !scot. 'r9rbu;-A II sums rf 210 and under each; over that amount 10 numthe eindlt given on 411.11 HlhirlK approved jmittb notes ( nee rent off for eaeh on credit amounts. THOS, BIRD, Prop, Notice I TANA NOTICIA that under the Dominion Prohibitory regulations of hast December, any liquor found in any place, that has been man• . utnelatrod smolt Ansi tat, 1014, 1e liable to be eotli.aenort ali the owner boavlly need. '1'111,ePpllesto'boor.oderend homemade win. o• x11:. A n 1•, .limb n':.,ed it t, 11111.11. ,» .•.• th a• f w n• Hen i'eun!y Temperance Alliance A, J, TltW1N, A. T, OOOYatt, Preeldont. Snrrotnry, Notice to Creditors Iu the metier of the estate of John Lowe, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, de - teased Notice is herebygiven pursuant to the Nevis- edStatutesnrOnto,io,thee 121, Ihat all per- son he ring claims or demands against the es- tate of the said John -Howe, who died on or about the :Nth clay of A uI,gust,1018,-are requir- ed, on or before the 28th clay of September, A. D. 1018, to smut by post, prepaid, or deliver to Oliver Hemingway or Peter Stewart, Brae- ,+IsP O., the Sixeentore or the Inst Will and To.tament of said deceased, their Ohristian mrd KIWItt1111ee and nddressra, with full partirnlhrs of their nlnlms,n statement of their aceounte and Int• nature of the security (1f any) , held by them truly verified. , Further take notice that after the last men- • tluned date the Nreoutors of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ` decreased amongst the parties enabled thereto, having regard only to the claims or which they hall then have natio, ae aformald, and mild Di toetu to s will not be liable for such meets or wliost, M14 aim notion shall not ha ve seen resew ' ed at tho lime of such distribution. India this nth day of Septanther, 1018. W, M. StlNrii,Af R, Solicitor for the said Executors, • 1 The undersigned offers his farm of 105 mores, : Lot I, Con id, ffivlett Township, for sale, On ' theremises is it nomfnrlshle belch house whit kitchen and wundelusl ; herd and soft water ; hank horn, 5000 rant, with water in stables ; log pan, lien house and driving Riled • about an mare;ler! at °calm rd ten rot 1s hitarotiglhly ale and er,1ralnrd, is in ills Idgltest Rtnto of aaltl• vaton and is an cleared 80 acres are being 'idlh+d Woold also sell 20 aaroR 111 MoRillop • township directly ambits the road, Twnmilas from Walton u. P R. where aro all shipping notvmnielttt`H, Cn For further particulars call oe write JA PARS N O LAN, Pronrfetor, 11.0 Walton R. R. No 1, ' Farms for Sale Farm' for Sale lea oro os tit lad' for stile, one farm Lot 12, North hoof Von 0, 11or,istownlship oouteitile Ila am•se There ore on the preiniiies at good f rine holies, hank horn /bele ft., oleo n d r, vung shed with pigpen undurnrnth, a hey been with amount stabling and a frame ]rouse not Used, Fartn is b1• n grind state of ealtivataoa aril t1• wstored with n spring crook and well wlb whvimill Alro T,ot 12, (!an, 8, not - taming '0n acres mnstiv gross well wntered [m1•, hmd,vnnd tut .,•, wend orchard sur 110+.1 hr q.,• '11`11.•.,. carnia err. i•fl*sic m1• m •7 w • 1 i o 1• a n,n•a,. ,• tn. r , •u'• e , A , In, u, t• _�r •.I t. , ."lobe •..0!'. ices 1 eon tt nx uY estate of Juan Molfllrey, Slyth P, O„ or Nobt. Shoetree& Walton P. O.