HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-19, Page 8t1'."",;r,"+""w.r.+r.a'".:"1p••:.+ «..,.asW,..,..no•a""°'w-,•r,t»<..c:.�..-.�.w.H»,,,:..r...,e ,.r.,. i .+aem��,r.•. 0 + =+++ .0+l+10+04itee t.4.4. 0+0 +m'fi'O-b O:F0+0+4 +0.1'*+4 40++D'1+0'14>i'®+04 0 iw ar • • • iif you are coming to East Huron Fall Fair at •Brussels it will be a good chance to secure some of the lines mentioned here. You will find our store well prepared with good stocks and full value for your money. Visitors to Lhe CJI s 0 + If you have been thinking about a Kodak let us shote you them. Kodaks from $8,00 up. Browuie Cameras from $2 75 up. Films Developed and Printed. Waterman's ideal Flash Lights + Wi rite dark s tai}F. ' k h Fail nigh' eeentir„ Il,^+' O ulo ig, you t. ill I q 0 find the et even- f ; )+ + t x fence + F a h is.I 8 Light. �'fr have�t�l':! - • them from $1 im + e + O + O A.O + 0 + 0 + a + 0 + O • .1. {p •t 0 + O • • 4. �4++ Quarter- ly t' d O 6 Try P' 1 P • ® e i 40+ •ii.D' Al B d d K' h .0i-. k 0P :+ t1 at + •O 0 A *+O+0+e+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+•+s+at+0+•+0+0.P040+0+0+0+0+b New Batteries Also Supplied Fountain Pers Time is saved by using a good Fountain Pen. t' a have Waterman's Fountain Pens at $2 50, besides the higher priced ones. Pictorial Review Patterns Are gaining in favor all the time. The Fall Pictorial Review at 25c contains a coupon good for 15c applied on any Pattern selected. a Pictorial attern• Housekeepers' Attention We kei p PURE PICKLING SPICES New Post Card Views of Brussels Popnlar Prices -2 for 5c. GEM TAR RUBBERS Best Quality Red Rubber, 10a pkge, PAROWAX Bottling Wax in tins. PICKLE BO'O'TLE CORKS, &c. WALL PAPER-Oatmeals and Plain Design Papers for Living Rooms and Dining Rooms, so Bedroom an Kitchen Papers, See samples. , cE Si ■ w TH 7'fie� �JX.G42.el Store Druggist and Stationer rarpl i`1 etas Ittuls LIGHT frosts, LOCAL news On page 5 also, DAYS grow noticeably shorter, REPORT of Brussels Fall Fair will be given next week. THANKSGING Day has been set for Monday, October 14th. TAKEa look at the address label of THE POST and remit according to what it says. REPORT :,ays railway reduction service will come into effect Nov. 1st, to con- serve fuel. HEAVY rains have brought the Mait- IanOriesr up to customer} height and afforded ample power for the chopping mill. G. C. MANNERS, Brussels, is a contest- ant for the automobile ownership prof- fered by London Free Press in the sub- scription campaign. RED Cross Circle have resumed their regular weekly meeting Tuesday after- noons at the Public Library audience room. Don't forget it, THIS week Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mill street, sent a corn stalk to THE Pose that measured 12 feet in length. It was a regular type of the old "Jack -and the - bean -stalk" for growth. IT is said Mrs. George Henderson, Brussels, has purchased a house and lot in Seaforth from P. Harris, and will shortly remove to that town. She was a former resident of Seaforth locality, We were hoping she and her family would remain in Brussels. AT Toronto Eair Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong, Brussels, won 4111 prize for pound prints of butter. Competition was green but Mrs. Armstrong is rarely outside the awards. 6 prizes are given running from Seem°, She also won 2nd and 4th prizes at London, Atwood, Lis- towel and Monkten cheese factories made a great clean-up on prizes for cheese. MARRIED IN LONDON -Friday of last week Jno. A, Crerar, a well known young farmer of the eth Cone Grey township, and Miss Mary McDonald, of. Brussels, were united in marriage by Rev. D. C, McGregor, at the manse, London, The bride wore a becoming costume of nigger brown, with hat to match. Miss Belle McDonald, sister to the bride, and D. A. Stewart' accompani- ed the principals Mr, and Mrs. Crerar will take up housekeeping on the groom's fine farts where they 1 egin married life with the best wishes of a wide circle of relatives and friends for a long, happy and useful journey. THE LATE PTE. CLEVE. DENBOW - The followi.tg letter was received by Mrs S, Carter from Chaplain Graham in France, relative to the death of her nephew, Pte. Cleve. Denbow :-Dgnrt MADAM. -You will have had official notice of the death iu action with this Battalion, of your nephew, 127223 Pte. J. C. Deubow. He was hit by a burst - lug shell, dying Immediately, almost at the start acid near the centre of the at- tack of August 8th. He was a very keen soldier and a good comrade, much liked by his officer, Lieut. Sablater, who was also killed. We buried him next morning with others of his comades near the place where he fell. He could not have [lone more nobly and we share your pride and sympathise with the home folk in his loss, May the giving of our best lady bring us as them a better world, Faithfully yours, E. R. GRAHAM, Chaplain, T3th Can. Bette. R. H. C. Peewee, Aug. 15, tette ON October loth su a d nth the annual Convention of East Huron 'Teachers' Association will be held in Brussels, when an interesting program will be presented, MR. JACItsON, an expert from Hamil- ton, was here this week installing the new plaut in Dan. MeD inelet's hutch, r shop, Blashilt block. Mr McDonald is going to have everything very trim when he opens up in a few weeks. 10 Chunks of pigs for sale. Apply to WIL- SON MARES, 6th Line, Morris. A Lady's Rob was found on the etreet. Ow- ner may have it by proving proporty and pay- ing for this advt. at D. C. Roes' store. 19 Pigs 6 weeks old for sale. A il Phone 9210 GEC.. BLAKE, COAL Heater for sale et a bargain, APIAY to MRe. A. C. DAMES. GENERAL Purpose Mare, will work or drive, and Perohernn Colt 8 months old for sale. Bee George Muldoon or David Badgley, Brussels. Sousa and Lot for sale, eligibly located. Good well, datern, cellar, stable, &c. For fur- ther particulate apply to Mae. GEo, HENEHRRON, Brussels. A NIItMOR of well bred L eieester Ram Lambs for sale. Lot 26, Gravel Road, North of Winthrop. JNo. AITOnxenN, 12.4 Seaforth R. R. No.1, 85 CENTS per bushel will be paid for good clean oats delivered at Brussels. See or phone G. A. Baer, Brussels. LoeT.-Metal cap off truck hub. Finder will oblige by leaving it with R. Thomson, Brus- sels. Two good Cows for sale, one due to calve In a week and the other in 8 weeks, GOIinols MODONALD. HAVING entered the London Free Press Automobile Contest I would mutrh appreciate your subscription or your r•enewel if you are now a subscriber. A D RuTNRRLAN11, i Deputy Postmaster, Seeforth. TELBPHONE CnMPLATNTS.-There are ohm• pglaints of service at trite Central Teleph n Of- 5oe: IP snburoribera wottld ahv4it answer d'•nt call of their bell and give their name as soon aS they anme on the line and not ask "Who is ! Wanted (rim numbsr when avltbng for anyone fn place oP come Ii would remove the cause of nunnrons complaints. It tapes tine of the operators doing whet you should do. Il' operators do whet le wrong eall me up at once and report and then I will know who is to blame, Report anything wrong with your line or 'phone at onoe so that it can he tot right as soon as possible. Always ring nff when you are through talking then the operators won't have a °hence to call 'Busy," as the machine shows different. Calla through Cen- tral have the preference. Don't use line more than 6 minutes each call F. B. SonTT, President, Brussels. ROOMY house, large tot, stable, &o„ for sale on James street at a bargain. If not sold will be to rent, D RwAN, FOR SALE -Ford Touring Oar, 1018 model equipped with non -glare lights, stip covers end speedometer ; to drstmlass condition. 4180 off regular price Apply to JAs, MASTans, G.T.R. Aut., Biuevale. CoMFORTABLE house for sale with Rood 34 acre of land, stable, herd and soft water, fruit trees, &o.. Possession given at env time, For further pas rtioulars apply to M Ass GAYNOR, Brunsels. SOvmnnm and Plow Points enref filly ground by GEO, EDWA a Da. DR. PA MBR, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronia and nervous diseases euooessfully treated, Vimite residenees. Consultation at Quest's Hotel. BRUSSELS CoRPoRATION PLANS FOR Fug, Serene -The Lowe Council nos entered into an agreement with Archie Hislop, Toth Con Grey township, where. 1 sse all b .the het t the mettle, beech y y p It b ea r and birch timber on to acres of eland to be silt into stove syn .d by (len porchasers, 2 years being al.otw.el ru complete the work if necessary Tondos are now asked for cutting end hauling the wend and when these figures are secured the price per cola will be stated, It is sup. posed to he sold to the villa:tees et cost. This should help relieve the tension someWhat on the fuel question brit we lope, adequate coal supply will be ob- tainable for the frigid Beeson. A car of stove coal arrived last week and was divided up in ton lots, 4o hours devotion sties observed by special services in the R. C. church, BreeseIs, last week, lime OcElt --A uumber of tntercelime matters have to be held over Ionil next week owing to lank of space. Dm you put in a tender for cutting and hauling the wood bought by the towu Council ? See the advt, in this is- sue. Hsu the Sailone Fuod be a subscrip- tion fists at the two Banks, Post+.ffice and office of THE PosT, Do it noty as tut adv ill be remitted shortly Herrn Leatoate DECEASED.- Wednes- day of this week Hugh Lamont, who had been in poor health, d ell at his home, Queen street, in his 83rd year. Funeral will Ionia his late residence Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Service at 2,so p m Miss E McKay, of Goderich, Dress- making Demousteitor, is wooing to Brussel: shortly in connection silli tit Women's Ius itute. All those wishing to join the class may leave their names with Mrs, R 'Thomson or Mrs. A. Lamont. Tag Wotnen's Institute will meet in he audience room of the Publie Library r y Friday, at 3 o'clock 'Topic selected will be in charge of Miss Bessie Moses, Jamestowu. Music will also be on the program Ladies are urged to attend and special invitation is extended to tate ladies of the Jamestown Institute. MONDAY evening an illustrated Lecture iu the Methodist church by Rev. Mr, Garnham. Views were shown of the Old Lend and places described as visited by the rev, gentleman on a trip he took A number of slides in the life of Christ este also presented, Owing to adverse :weather conditions attend- ance was reduced. Proceeds went to treasury of the W M S. Sseences RECOGNIZED -The Tees - water News of last week says :-In view of the departure of W and Mrs. Rose to their new home in Brussels, the members of the Ladies' Aid and Misstouare Society of the Methodist church, met at their home on Clarinda tat and present- ed them with a very handsome leather chair, and a fine morocco Bible from the Sunday School While deeply regret• tine the loss to the cburch here io the departure of Mr. and Mrs Rose, who have always been regular attendants anel helpers with every good cause for church and state, their many friends in 'Tees - water wish them continued success and prosperity in their B ussels home. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. - The last and best holiday outing of the year, the Goderich Industrial Exhibition Wednesday, 'Thursday and Friday, Sep- tember 25, 26 and 27. The speeding tests, for which large purses are offered, iuclude 4 events :-2.09, 2 ao, 3 minute andf Farmers' trot or pace. Splendid baud of the Western Ontario Regiment, Loudon, with 4o pieces has been engag- ed. This is the best band in Westeru Ontario Among other features will be Monroe Brothers, high-class comedy acrobats, baseball match (Stratford v Goderich) on Friday, end the usual free exhibition of special attractions before the grandstand, GEO. A. MANNING GETS HIS DIs- CeIARGE.-Last tyeek Pte. George A Manning, recently arrived home from l: island, tweet to London and obtained lite discharge from militsry service on account of rheumatism and bronchitis He was atnong the first to seek enl)s Ment as far back as lulu igt5. First he tried the tent kitties of Hamilton but his medical exam, was minus. Then he sought the. 84th Battalion at Dnudas in a draft fnr months and afterwards found himself with the troth Perth Co He went overseas 9 ov s in Nov. teat and was a only there 6 weeks when bronchitis at tacked him and unfitted hint for active Strviee, leaving for Canada June last While overseas Mr Manning visited in Eugland, Ireland and Scotland, when able to get about on leave. He has not yet decided what he will do but if nothing suitable turns he has the stand iug offer of vocational training at one of the various schools. George was no slacker but despite his desire to serve his country and Ifing his disability bar- red the way His bronchitis is still troubling him but we hope he will be able to get relief front it. KINDLY REMEMBERED -Before leav- ing Mitchell to taks up residence in Brussels Miss Rose was the recipient of choice gifts but we will let the Mitchell reporter tell about it ;-Miss Rose duel mother who have been residents of this towu for quite a number of years have decided to move away owing to the continued peer health of dirs. Ruse. They have been excellent citizens re• speared and beloved by everyone and deep regret is felt at the thought of them leaving Mitchell, especially M(ss Rose, who has been following the art of dress- making being high up in that occupation She was always crowded with work and her customers Wilt feel her loss most keeuly as she was so obliging It was hard for neighbors and frieuds to see her go without them giving her some little remembrance so sotne of the en- ergetic ladies go together and the re- sult was that on Thursday evening MISS Rose was presented with a handsome wrist watch and a necklece, She was taken by surprise not eXpecting any• thing of the kind, but in return express ed very hearty thanks to the donors who were so thoughtful as to remember her iu such amanner, 'Paz Pose welcomes the ladies to Brussels They are mother and sister, respectively of Walter Rose, who n1Oved to town from Teeswater, $I.s people, We Talk lit out +�yy� Miss Jule Bartliff, Clinton, is visiting Miss Cardiff, Princess street. Wm. Wilson, of High River, Alta, is visitiug his brother-in-law, R. Leather. dale. Walter Tessop, 'Toronto, was a wel- come visitor at the home of J. T. and Mrs; Wood Mrs, H. McQnerrie visited a couple days with her daughter, Mrs, W. F. Stretion, at Killarney Heights. J, Leslie and Mrs, Kerr and Miss An- niee (Nurse) Bartliff, t linton, were visit- ors at Brussels Fair Wednesday, Joseph and Mrs. Holman, Stratford, were visitors with .Tames and Mrs. Ire- land, town. The ladies are cousins, Pie Wm. Harris Bell, formerly Of Brussels, was admitted to 56 General i Hospil al, Staples, France, on August ; zeth. We hope "Bldley" will soon be o, k. i pi if SIAM D BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G H. SAMIS, ID d M Manager. 234 �1,ee Agnes Fulton is home from a hu iclay visit to Detroit. Mrs, W. C Raynor and daughter, Miss Maty 1-abelle, of Pet rolls, are vist• tors at the home of D C Ross, Mrs R fiICA pine, e St. Marla, spent I i t 1' he pas[ lure a the home of her mother, Mrs Wnn Rosie, W]Itiam sueee Dr F. 'T ([..apt ) and Mrs. Bryans, of London, were iu town over the week end The trip was made by motor. Rev and Mrs Garnham were guests at the home of T. T. and Mrs. Wood for a few clays, They are friends of long ago. W. A, and Mrs Lowry and son Mc- Curdy, are home from an extended stay at Haileyhury, where Mr, Lowry has business in'erests Duncan and Mrs, McMartin, Heosali, are here for a holiday visit with rela- tives and old friends. They rarely miss Brussels Fall Fair John Long ass Miss Winnie took a trip to Toronto with E 'tremae in his car. Miss Winuie is visitiug friends theee for a couple of weeks THE POST regrets to hear that Edgar, son of Ed and Mrs Lowry, Wroxeter formerly of Brussels, has been wounded but we hope he will soon be o k. Mrs. Benson Wheeler and children, are now visiting relatives and friends at Dysart, Sask. 'They had a fine trip West end the* they will like the couutry. Mrs, Juo. Wynn, Detroit, a well known Brusselite, is here for a visit, It is 7 years since she was last in tows. Mrs Wynn looks as if Detroit agreed well with her. Rev Dr. Oaten, Toronto, was in town last Saturdsy is connection with planning Dominion A11t au a work in which he is now officially actively en. gaged. Mrs, I, Parker is at Kincardine for a [week's visit with her sister Mrs. Foster Miss Mary McNaughton, who has been holidaying at the lakeside, will re- turn with Mrs. Parker to Brussels next week. Misses Isabel Strachan and Minerva ones Mrs R lhomsou.' E. H. ileo 1 „L. Gilroy and H. L. Jackson took part in enter• tainments at Walton and Bluevale Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. Miss Maude Brvans, who has been in Toronto, went to London for the week end. Blood poisoning developed in one foot and she is now in Victoria Hospital iu the latter city for awhile We hope her stay will not be unnecessarily long, Taa POST exteuds congratulation to Allan E and Mrs Hersey, D C. and Mrs. Ross and F H. and Mrs Gilroy on recent wedding anniversariei, Others of which we have not heard, have cordial greetings also over these interesting matrimonial r [1 e Iembi'RDC6S. P R Mulheron, organist in the Methodist church, Hastings, and form- erly choir leader and orgaeist in Mel- ville church, Brussels, and Minxes Ger- trude and Constance Purvis, of Ethel, spent the week end at the home of Mrs, Chas Ritchie, town. Worth was received that Pte Juo Mc- Lauchtin, to member of the 161st, and a son of Neil S, and Mrs. McLeuchlin, now of Provos', Alta, was wounded ou August 27th in Frence Gunshot wounds iu the head and arm was stated Tno, has not been long in the trenches We hope tidings of improvemeut will soon Come to hand' Mrs (Dr) cNaug'tu,+n eujuved a boli - clay visit with Mrs P, Foster, of Kiucar- dine, Brussels Council The monthly Seaelml of Brueeels Council was held Monday evening of last week. Reeve Plum and Council- lors Beat and Walker present, Minutes of last meeting feats and cnnfil med. Accounts were presented as fol. lows :- Geo. Birt, work on street. $ 2 26 Walter Sharpe, work on street 76 W. McLean, cement tank 430 00 7rts. Thueli, work on -tank 6 16 Isanc Brawn, tile IAO 00 R Oliver, salary 46 00 R. Dunglas, worst on street1 60 Robt Thuell, salary and rent, Electric Light .......... . 120 00 Moved by Hest -Walker, that ac- counts be paid, excepting MaLean's anti that. he receive $800 balance tit be paid after lank is Ieeted. (hurled. By -Law No. 0, 1918, was passed au- thorizing the burrowing of fluids necessary to finance the municipality until taxes are colleoted. Agreement was signed by the Reeve with Archie Hislop, Grey Township, whereby the corporation buye the hardwood on 10 aeries of With at $200 per cord and piles all brush, April 1st, 1920, is last date for complet- ing the work, Town Constable is to measure wooed before delivering to Brusselites, at cost of timber, cutting and haulage, F. S. Scott was named as arbitrator in case of dispute be- tween Mr. Hislop and the town Coun- cil. Timber is on Con. 14, Grey. Council agreed to do their share to - weld tile for the drain being enveted in opposite Edward Pollard's peeper - t Board adjourned, BORN BaAr,-In Rime Township, on September 1st, 1918, to Mn and Mrs, Wilbert Bray, a son - William Glen. MARRIED ORERAR-MoDnNALE -In London, on Septem- ber 18th, 1918, by Rev. D. O. McGregor, Mr, John A °rarer, of Grey township, to Mine Mary MoDonald, Brussels. DIED LAmoae -In Brussels, on September 18th, 1918, .: Hush Lamont, aged 82 years 9 months and 26 days. MaTAVMR.-In Wroxeter, on September 8th, 1918, Peter MoTavish, aged 71 years, AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, BEET. 20 -Perm stook, implements, &c., at SA Lot 28, Cion, 1, Morrie. Sale, unre- served, at 1 Prn James Va nonnP, Prone JamesTn Taylor, Auo. TnIIiasnAY, 3Rrm l 20th.-13'orm Steak Duple. &amenta, a , nt NA Lot 11, Con 0, Morris town- ship. Rola, unreserved, at 1 p, m. Thos. Bird, Prop.; F. I! Scott, Auc. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Spring Wheat s2 06 t 2 O6 Pens 2 25 2 2b Barley 1 00 110 Butter - 88 88 Eggs 99 44 Hoge- 18 76 18 76 Wool 65 R5 Har 10 00 10 00 Potatoes per bag 1 60 1 50 Wool (unwashed) , 60 fill sesseectleaneolieserieS11010111,11111410101110111111111.01 When Dreams Coi'4 e Tr7ue99 "When dreams come true," we always say, we'll have this luxury and that comfort, and be able to enjoy the concerts and operas and music of the greatest artists. The Style A Mahogany or Walnut ANT -OLA brings the music of all the best artists into your own home. Plays all records, no matter what make. Has the Universal Tone Arm, which can be adjusted to play any disc record, and play it perfectly. Another feature is the beauty of the cabinet. Each instrument is made under the direction of master workmen. The Brant-ola is easily distm- goished by the excellence of its construction and the fineness of its finish. Add to these two features the third of economy in buying and the Brant•dla has made possible the realization of your dreams, The Brant -cls is made in seven different styles, Finished in Walnut, Fumed Oak and Mahogany. Ask your dealer to demonstrate this beau - Btu] instrument to yon, LOCAL MAUR JOHN OLIVER, Brussels, Ont. ) BRANTFORID SALES LIMITED" DISTRIBUTORS 's=t1"'.'i...',:r'Iasiiwi°w"i.'..'......,r,.n+,�Ky,tr- 0090011000 Colt 09190100 99011S/tC00010990 5300113iBG611■0010 8080Yt®156 0 000231 y, e� 0 st 0 e e U s to tl e Y tit W 0 e a e ds n sa y 6 ID O i e 8 O 0 e 0 James F If so Read tyros -- 9 e ase It -Then Decide We Will Lend You An AutoStrop Razorrfor a 30 day trial. If you then decide to keep it, pay us for it, if not, return it. No Risk -No Obligation Any responsible party can make ar- rangement over aur Cutlery counter for this Free Trial, which means you need not even deposit its value, If you have a Charge a Account, write to us and we will send it to you by mail, Druggist and Stationer - BRUSSELS w '`''', +scrs0(0, t+iM 0000tltla.'a47s!sFs` 08elmi10t atooemaeocoaosoaaao ieasoo Notice a TAKE NOTFOR that under the Dominion Prohlbltory regulations of Inst December, any liquor round In any place, that hes been man• fractured since • peri 1st, ions, is liable to be confiscated and the owner hcnvilq fined. This applies to liquor, cider and home-made turns of any kind, provided it contains mora than two and one-hnlf per hent of proof spirits. Huron County Temperance Alliance A, J. IR WIN, A. T, COOPER, President. Secretary, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers his farm of 106 sores, Lot 1, Con. 14, Hallett Township, for Hale, On the premises is n comfortable brick house with kitchen and woodshed ; hard and soft water ; hank barn, 601E60 feet, with water in etnttles • hog pen, hen house and driving shod ; shout an acre of orohard. 'Farm is thoroughly the underdrained, is In the highest state of culti- vation and is all cleared 86 nonce nre being tilled. Would also sell 20 acres in MoKillop township directly across the road. Two miles from Walton O. P R. where are n11 shipping oonvenietoes, &C For further parttcelers call or write JAMES NOLAN, Proprietor, 11.8 Walton R. R No 1, Farms for Sale 190 acres of land, for mile, 0118 farm Lot 12, North half Con. 9, tlorris township. containing 93 acres There are on the premises a good frame house, bank ban 60x80 ft., also n deletes abed with pig pen underneath, n hay bore with cement stabling nud a frame helve not used, Farm is in n good state of cultivation 11•,11 i8 watered with a s ring creel[ and well with windmill. Also Si' Lot 18, Con. 8, cat tailing 109 acres mostly grass, well watered by spring ; 4acres hardwood bush, good orchard and small house. These farms are in drat - clan condition and will bo aold separate or to. gather at reasonable prices Apply, far fur• ther particulare, to airs. John McElroy, Ex- eoutrix of estate of John McElroy, Blyth P. O., or Robt. Shortreed, Walton P. O. Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 32 Con. 10i Grey township. 02 aeres cleared and balance in pasture. On the premises 9q a new brick biome, 111x27, with kitchen I6x22; good brink barn, t1xf0 ; good drilled well, orchard, fro, For farther particulars apply on thepremises to JOHN P. GAYNOR, 12.4 Bea -arta R R. No, 3. Strayed Steer Strayed from the pasture in Logan township about Allguitt lntlt, a red and white 2 year old tL-ltmn+rci Steer, with white an top of head. Any information as to his whereabouts will bo thankfully received 1N0 STEVENSON, Lot 7, Con: 18, trey. R. R. 2, Brussels. Phone ail Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, I;wI• cr-sPmrnu'.NTs, &o, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, ins received instruotions from the undersign. ed proprietor to sell by Pnblio Auction at North lin Lot l Con 0, alThursday, Sept 20111 , at 1 o'clock, the following valunLle about 7 MO lbw.heavy ennv draft horse risingr6 ears about 150 lbs , 1 driving horse mingle or doable 0 years old, 1 blood oolt rising 2 years hied by MneThistie, 8 Bows supposed in call, 18 steers rising 0 years old, 6 heffera rising 8 years old, I heifer rising 2 yearn old 6 steers rtsing 2 years old, 3 spring calves, 0 pigs 9 months old, about 70 hens and chickens, 1 Deering mower in good repair, 1 wagon near• iv lieu•, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 now cutter, t Masse •Harris seed drill 18 diso nenrl new, 1 Bisset disc. 1 Peter Hamilton small cutting aux. 1 Maxwell puiper, 1 2 -furrow plow, I Tsandier, I wet diamond harrows,1 hay reek, 1 iger rake neatly new, 1 gravel box, 1 sot double harness, 1 set single harness nearly new. 1 wheighnrrnw, l Oakland cook stove, 16 onrrls dry wend. 20 rods chicken wire fencing, forks, shovels and other articles too numeroue to mention sale anreserved as the proprie- tor has sold lila farm, Terms: -All Sums 0l 00 and under Dash; over that amount 10 months credit given on furniehingq approved joint notes. 4 percent off for code on credit amounts, THOS, BIRD, Prop. osei0e9se0H eeseaseee06td00 oaeoe©oeGo aoose®eeeotioso e a it r g r •ey + , }r: y +n, 7 11 periling A Tremendous :Stock of Fall and Winter Goods now Displayed at our Two €=''ig Sale Stores -Old Quality 8 Goods' :elow Present !Manufactur- ers' prices for Goods of Inferior Quality. W at 0 ty 8 0 W O 61 W O it 0 0 n Furs Mantles Raincoats Dress Goods Coatings Suitings Hosiery and Underwear Raincoats Sweater Coats Trousers Wool Caps Boys' Bloomers as Wool Toques 13oys' Knickers ow Wool Shawls Melt's Underwear a Yarns Boys' Underwear 8 o Blankets Hats and Caps a1 d Flannels Socks w 8 Flannelettes Shirts and Shirtings a1 v Sheetings Suspenders w Cottons and Prints Smocks a Towellings Overalls ow : Table Linen Mitts and Gloves a fj � Table Oilcloths Collars and' Ties r Curtains Mufflers a Curtain Materials Men's Boots e ' Corsets, Boys' Boots a Ribbons, Etc,, Etc. Rubbers, Etc,, Etc. w i o Li l+ Carswellro�l2 I 6 a a . 8 TWO BIG STORES 3 gi at. - Carswell,s For $40,000 Stockra �t Old Quality Goods to choose from a �e w e res saasoseasooaameteam00000s .,, ,..MRD edea aaasotpaaLL aaas',zman Suitings Men's Suits Boys' Suits Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Reefers e E9 W W 2 611 W tB m 4t m i li r ter+ 1