HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-19, Page 5OARPt:
GVIZI,c,PeT OPerada
S - i ._ , iibili'llitti /eine pots tuel pailhillg out I
nGo, CottsTA.St.e Par,Love upent 401110
(Wye IU Weill leOUUL11,, OU ft HIIII lieut.
Av,..riois bele:, are looming up. Tile
.y •
4,6 IS prepared 10 pay the ti'
• highest price for
0 0
r- :
6 rr,..i.
snti itiron, •
AUCTIONEERS. I i ---- —Rubbers, •
q scovr Ati AN allf"Till 0 Rags, &c. :
, . '4,14, Will mil :ur' butter Iirloen ' 41,
., 0, Awl, t1.1 oftei t,til ILA 41 MHO otter. . 0
RA ,iy ,,,,er loletio n/4 in mast film 9
.1.1 ,I IA. ,ig any00 .. ate, d,./t ,,y,, ,
'ay ,,,h,,,,,,E, au ,,crungs. ILI 5114I Maas Or • 0
., 11.1 mat application, 0
t riarrnatii, ounclior thaivoyee,
Notary Public, deo. ,fillac—fitewart's Bloat
1 door North of Central Hotel
Bohol -tor for the Metropolitan Bank,
Moe la the rayl Office, Ethel. 20-4
Business Cards
Successor to M. H. Moore, Office at Ander.
mon Bros. Livery ...table, Iimertels. Telephone
No, 28,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. O. P., & S. O.
:11. O. H., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Arooucheur
Office at residence, opposite Ittelmile Church,
William street,
H B. A.
Graduate Toronto University of Medicine,
Speolal attention given to diseases of children
and Surgery.
Officer Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone 45 Brussels
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone 1f not convenient to call,
Both BVI1SRAIII and North Huron Phones.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Prlvate rands to loan at lowest rates.
EC it. .1. r,. KILLMIAN
D I ..... KR
F111-PrM SO, 3
5• ,havd's BEIRESS '391;3 iIDi5
Pine Ord 010000 nu request.
Weti e In W 11 till A W. Brea.
Yaw,. rnlf r,liud8.s,'I`'moo 40
.. r.+++4,ere44-4,4-4-++0,4,4-+,e+4-4,
y +
is assured in every offering of this
store, Whatever the price paid,
we personally guarantee the
goods to be as represent- 77-3
ed at the time of sale.
Ask to see the new-
est pattern in
R. Wallace
ILet us show you our com- $
$ plete line of Waterman's +
$ Ideal Fountain Pens and
don't forget that we have
• a full line of
• 1:
• Kodaks and
3: Brownie Cameras :1:4'
J. R. ',Vendt
,0 .
• •
iHighest price paid, See :
., rri,- before you sell 'e,
*4, Highest Cash Price for :
aol aritedi
Live Poultry and Hides
Write or Phone 02x
Gaoma ratexir italLerar
sprese7110 'Mail 11:18r
,pr ASS B:53 o m I Express s:17 nit
Tu Turunto Toklotioriel•
• es,. 7;12 a in SXpre. I :Ott
-.rasa 2.20 p 171 I ItX111,44. 0:04
Ginn Bast - 7;11 a. Ill Itzid 8181 p
I leing West - 12:86 and St55
sralliel going Bast connsui with c e, h
Orangeville for Owen sound, Elora anu
O. B. stations.
, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent
gocal )tom
LUCKNOW might easily nave lied
11,1,rd eieVeltlAtt number On weir Labe
Day program than a boxing bout.
Alien Lamont is luokina after to
office tvurk of Brussels, Grey slid Moi
is Telephone Company and Actual
make El competent hand.
Miss Gertrude McKenzie has gone
itrinford where she is takiog a couts
`,tonography at the Elliott Buinu es,
College. We wish her hood progress
W. Stroh, who has been baggagenoa
. the G, 'P. R, here, has been promo,.
mount Foust. We WISh hint sluices.
'Yin. Burgess, it town, 19 his SUCK:eta:0
111.1RON.-1t 19 said George W. Welke'.
.,f. Gerrie, wid be the Returning Office'
ror North Huron Provincial Election,
tile date of which will iikely ba announc-
ed shortly. ?dr. Walker should fill tar
inn ail right.
\Liss Lovise Sinclair is ilOille nom to
t-idance at the Teconteal Senool, Tin -
own where she has been quaiiiving to 8
• •• 'titin and expects ere 10Ilg to proboti
Ye .flt .etValiced course 01 i
ecinge mstoution ing •
ft -,d for practical work. Miss Stamen
enjoyed her course Very much
TREAT."-Ttle BEanUilvej Committee ot
.e Huron Couuty Temperance Anima
• of the opinion tliat tile present Mettle('
01 I egnIaling the sale of l'quin by veudois
-,qy detective. They claim that tin
tors puWt,i,g their bu.t,h,•st-
ttcattOis and inturilling then] Lon -
et mug methods by whicti liquor can b,
secured. the venders appatently art
not familiar with the law as it applies to
Canada 'Temperance Counties and thehiy
have been notified that if further sp-
meets are sent Into Huron County, colt
',era to our law, prosecution will folio,
'The dowers and express agents are ta.,
liable toprosecution if they violate th,
law by giving rtquisitious, and delivei
Ing stopments, Liquor and alcohol es.
he secured iu C,'1'. A. Counties on,
(hi °ugh EL druggist ou a ducior's pre
soription, and the doctor must only pie
aerthe what is only considered absolute,'
necessary at the time the prescription
given, mid the quantity must not exceed
to ounces.
Pon' last week has completed its 381,
year udder its present mattagemeui
PHE POsT was established na 1883 .
McGillicuddy Bros, but it was in 188
that W, H. Kerr took charge of ti,
helm. It is a bright, newsy, well prude('
sheet and the News Recortl wishes Br.
Kerr continued suceess.-Cliuton- News -
W. El Kerr, editor of 'Tee BitUst.iii.2
POST, emnpleted 38 years as proprie,o,
o that peper August 1st last, and in an
anniversary article, says, "We embark-
ed in journalism as a str pling in 188t,
and have grown gray in the service, but
our ambition has been and still is to do
our duty to the utmost of our ability iu
aiding the advancement of every good
cause." We wish fvir. Kerr many sue:
ceedlug anniversaries, -Kincardine
Thomas Meths, of Kippen, writing tlie"
Huron Expositor says i -While looking
over the Goderich Signal of the past
week noticed that Mr. 'gem the popular
editor of Tile BRUSSELS POST is Winding
up his 38th year, as editor of that journal
and the item goes ou to state that it is a
long time for a man to be behind the
REMO desk with pen in hand, Mr. Meths
'night say to our good brother of the
Signal that Mr. Mellis can go one better
than Mr, Kerr, having clone business 5
years longer in the same stand, It was
his privilege to come in touch With
Mr. Kerr some years ago while attend,
ing the Sabbath School Conventious
and Mr, Meths not only found him a
genial friend, but tts the Signal sari, lit
is a big MEM behind the press. Mt
mins -.apt that Mt Kett Is a NISI.
rax eind •• SCI)Dor ell
,.nutun work. We nope -tir good num-
will he lOng Spared :113 the work,
Post gives remake when salea ate pub
Belied to its culumus. Lonstilt Tue.
Miss Gertrude Deadmau will attend
Queen's Utuversity, Kingston, this
coming term taking tap en Arts curse.
She is a good, etudent and will give
good account of herself,
IT IS a pity some use could not be
made of the early apple crop bushels ut
,ut winch am going to waste on account
of uo market. 'I his SW URI filION
1200(1 IUD Mr the tveporator as the
evi.pmati.(1 fruit would find a reedy
SMALL POTATOES, -.10110 F. Quinn, Et
school trustee Dear Kiugston, was fined
$5 and eueLS fig ISMILIg to put a 2 cent
*.'amp un a salary check he issued to
Thus. E. Puma, teacher III his section.
Tile Rebut' was thvoght to have been
unt of spite es Furns bad beeu dis-
charged from Ms position, The Prue
was given to the Red Cross.
rex uumbet of Ontario newspapers
steadily decreases, fiudiug it impossible
touter the greatly increased cost of pro-
duction. to strike a tavorable financial
balance. The Oshawa Vindicator has
finished its course and has ceased pub-
lication, and last week the Alm3nte
Times announced that as it could not
find a buyer it would discontinue...ID
KILLED IN ACTION -Pte. Gerald Eedy,
Who was killed nu action, was a sou of
the tate John Eedy, ex -mayor of liar-
riston, mod nephew of Chas, Howlett,
Brussels, Much sympathy is felt for the
widowed mother, who's al poor health.
Punts were flown at hail -mast in Har-
siston In honor of the war hero.
TANK LI0atPLETED.- 1 he new centent
wa.er utak lur fire protection purposes
.n Brussels North, is completed and pro.
imunced a good job, Messrs MeLeau, El/id
Nana ua.t the mutt act. biz:, of auk is
it, leo. 4 incites diameter by 12 teat deep
will ue kept fined with water by the
moue ut the P. Atneut lactory, the
auk beim; located immediately across
I uruherly street rum tite engine room
rots reservoir will improve fife fighting
nen ities but we Dupe it witl be many a
any belure its efficiency will be tested
Deiern OF MRS, 'TRENCH. -There pas-
sed away at Blutchsr, Sask., On Friday,
August 3oth, Wilheltnitia Paisley, wife
ta Robert 'Trench, Teaswater Mrs
Tteueh was both iu Gutrie. and was
matoeu hum her lather's larni In Lul-
uss 1914. Her 1.11.1Sband and 4 midd-
en mom u the loss ul a loving wile and
ottner, About a year ago sue coutiact-
d a curd and although everythiug pos-
.1ote was done to restore her health, she
mg:lambed at wen' farm in Butcher
were they had receutty goon, titmiug
..aurae W. climate might prove bene
at. Tbe tuneral Iron] their family
iesidence, Cituton street, Tuesday, 3 d
ast , was conducted by Rev W. A
Bradley, luterment tuck place in
eeeswater cemetery.
l'HE third animal meeting of th,
iinion I:0May Red Cross and War CO 1-
ugent Association met at Clinton, Ft t-
iny, August 3utu, 14 Wesley (-buret'
I he hest -lent, Mrs, W. U. Fair, occu-
pied the chair. The seveo shipping
eeutres were represented as well as at
must every society in the county. rhe
apart given showed au increase in ship-
umg, 3a.ouu having been shipped las
ran egainSI 61,867 this year The fen
.wing alLers were elected :—Mrs,
I). Fan, Clin o , Pi es den ; MZis las.
lainilion, Vice Pi esidet ; Miss A.
menu, Hensel], bee , See'y ; Miss C;
, own, Sealorth, Tieasurei ; Mrs. Sait-
o(' Fitton, Cur., See'y After the bust-
roess was concluded Mrs Sornmerville,
of the C. W. C, A, Hyman Hall, Lon-
don, spoke and Mrs. Edwards on the
Red Cross work -Jean Fitton, Cm,
Free Messages.
Messages relating to or making en-
quiry concerning sick or wounded
combatants may be accepted for trans-
mission free of charge at the telegraph
office under the following conditions:
The prefix W, M. S. must be written
before the address to indicate the free
transmission of the message, The
privilege is restricted to bona tide en-
quiries made by relatives concerning
persons officially reported seriously
sick, wounded or killed. Matters of a
social nature may not be included in
the messages. The message must be
.ddressed to the Director of Records,
Ottawa, Ont., who will arrange for fur -
.her tratunission over the cables, The
lumber of free messages which may be
ent bl relatives regarding individual
ombatants is limited to three. Per-
ms offering suph messages must pre-
4iit the original official advice about
le particular casualty,
Extraordinary Success which
"Frult.a-tives" Has Achieved
One reason why "Fruit-a-tives"
is so extraordinarily successful in
giving relief to those suffering with
Torpid Liver, indiges.
lion, Chronic Headaches, Neuralgia,
Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
R.heumalism, Pan in Me Back,
Eczema and other Skin Affections,
is, because it is the only medicine in
the world made froth fruit juices.
It is composed of the medieital
principles found in apples, oranges,
figs and prunes, together with the
nerve `tonics and antiseptics of
proven repute.
80c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid
by Fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa.
No Extension for Deserters.
It was announced from Ottawa yes-
terday that there would be no exten-
sion of the amnesty granted to desert-
ers under the Military Service Act. The
last day for draftees to present them-
selves was Saturday, August 24, and
anyone coming later will meet with
no clemency. However, it was stated
that it would pay deserters to come in
without being forcibly secured.
Abolish The Cut -Out
It is not difficult to distinguish a
green driver or one that has had
very little experience with an auto-
mobile. Bach day or evening as he
drives up street he has his "cut-out"
working overtime, and creating such
a noise as to make his car rattle
the "cut-out" is forbidden. In reali-
ty it is an unecessary plaything to a
muse amateur drivers.
Potato Speculators Warned
Dealers and others who may be
ambitious in regard to this year's
crop of potatoes and apples have been
warned by the Canada Food Board a-
gainst speculation "In negotiations
for the purchase or sale of apples,
potatoes or ofher roots, clue consider-
ation should be given to the pos-
sibility of some action being taken by
Canada Food Board," declares their
recent statement.
Chautauqua's Not a Success.
Notices have been sent to the guar-
antors for the recent Chautauqua in
Listowel, advising that the financial
statement is in the hands of the
treasurer and the amount assessed
against each, in order to liquidate the
full indebtedness, is five dollars. The
Chautauqua in Barrie was not a succ-
ess Fnancially, and the guarantors will
have to put up about $300. The Bar-
rie Advance ascribes the lack of in-
terest to the fact that the venture WAS
a new one, and the public did not know
what to expect.
The Proper Way
when using the telephone, speak
clearly Do not shout A conversa-
tion in a room can often be heard
when the person speaking into the
phone cannot. Keep your mouth
about two inches away from the sound
receiver (not ten, with your head
turned so as to see what is going on
in the room) and there will be no dif-
ficulty in even a person somewhat
deaf hearing what you have to say,
Speak naturally in• your usual conver-
sational tone of voice.
Thanksgiving Dates For 16 Years
The following were the dates of
Thanksgiving Day in Canada for the
past 16 years:
1902 Thursday, Oct, 15
1 903 Thursday, Oct. 15
1904 Thursday, Nov. 1 7
1905 Thursday, Oct, 26
1906 Thursday, Oct. 18
1 907 Thursday, Oct, 3
1908 Monday, Nova 9
1909 Monday, Oct. 25
1 91 0 Monday, Oct, 3t
1971 Monday, Oct, 30,
912 Monday, Oct. 28
1913 Monday, Oct. 20
.1914 Monday, Oct. 12
1915 Monday, Oct. 11
1916 Monday, Oct. 9
190 Monday, Oct,
eveteo-eo+4,+e-eiti4.-eitY+04,0+ 4.1,0+ •44+0+4.4-••••••0+40+4•44+11,+•-•••
fashionable Millinery
RILE heartily thanking the public for past •
patronage we wish to state we will not •
hold a Fall Opening but cordially invite
the Ladies of Brussels and surrounding country to
visit our store on and after FRIDAY, SEPT.
13th, to inspect our Fall Display of the latest in
we ask you to give them early inspection.
Choice Millinery.
Our goods are specially attractive this season and
We. have MISS STEWART back again as Mil- •
liner and will be ready to give you the best service •
at reasonable prices.
, AP.211MA.A+.10.+1141*Itirit41.111Kkeltilltkell.0411.4....4..td.A.MMtiriltiltill'Ittilt!MA
Miss M. E. Ross
15t7.17,Ai .41';''."/Aae A "A- .14 'P•I 00"fil'
when he said—
"Either the civilian popu-
lation must go short of many things to which it is accustomed
in times of peace or our armies must go short of munitions and
other things indispensable to them,"
NOW the only way we can
possibly live up to that
obligation is by going with-
out in order that our .soldiers
may have. For the money
we waste is not money at
all—it is equipment, clothing,
shot and shell that are ur-
gently needed in France. .
By denying ourselves, there-
fore, we enable Canada to
procure to the fullest extent
the materials and labor which
she and our Allies need for
the successful prosecution of
the war.
What happens when we fail
to save?
A pull on labor by the Govern-
ment in one direction and a
pull on labor by the people
in the opposite direction.
Hundreds of millions of
dollars are of no use to the
country if goods and services
can be secured only to the
extent of eighty millions of
dollars. So we Must do every-
thing in our power to release
both goods and labor for the
purposes for which Canada
needs them.
WHETHER it be food,
coal, wool, steel, leather,
labor or transportation, the
result in all cases is the same.
Whoever competes with the
nation by freely satisfying his
own desires, selfishly appro-
priates to his own use that
which is so urgently required
for our fighting men in
For the sake of ymzr country and the boys "over
there," spend cautiously. Think of what Lord
Kitchener has said, and ask yourself first, "Is this
something I really need or can I do without it?"
Published under the authority of the
Minister of Finance of Canada
Threshers Not Restricted.
Threshing gangs are not included in
the regulations governing public eat-
ing houses, according to information
given out by the chairmon of the food
board. The farmers are informed that
they may serve meat to the threshesr
on Wednesdays and Fridays under the
same conditions as other day. The
gangs comprise often more than 15
men and their work is for long hours
and very tsrenuous.
Sugar for Honey.
Bee -keepers have been anxious as to
their winter" supply of sugar, and have
written the food control board asking
that consideration be given them. They
have received a reply promising this,
but the weatlier may help them to save
the sugar, and aid conservation, which
they are eager to do. During the last
week the bees have been gaining rapid-
ly in their winter hoarding of honey,
and' if this gain is maintained little
sugar will be re ince However, the
honey crop is not going to be large.
If Soldiers' Kin Move.
Numerous telegrams sent by the
department of militia and defence in-
forming relatives of casualties have
been returned marked "undelivered."
This owing to the fact that the address-
es have changed' and there is no avail-
able information as to present ad-
dresses. The department, therefore,.
has pointed out the necessity of roti -
tying the Director of Records, Military
Headquarters, Ottawa, when people
who are recorded as next of kin to
members of the C.E.F. change their
place of residence, in order that com-
munications may be delivered with-
out delay,
The Bitter With The Sweet
The announcement that an appeal is
to be made to householders to limit
their consumption o f sugar to two
pounds per month has caused the Star
mathematician to do some figuring.
Take the case of the person who drinks
two cups of tea at each meal and who
has a sweet enough tooth to want two
teaspoonfuls in each cup, he says, and
that individual consumes in IIIS tea
alone twelve spoonfuls of sugar a day,
or 4,380 spoonfuls m a year. About
four teaspoonfuls of sugar make an
ounce. You can try, this for yOurelf
to satisy yourself that that is
So that the tea dr.,ilter, whose case
we are supposing, would consume 1,-
o95 ounces of sugar in his tea in a
year, or 68 pounds and 7 ounces. Now
two pounds of sugar a month, figures
only 24 pouncls a year, so that our
two -cup -a -meal sweet -tooth tea drink-
er, would exceed his allowance in a '
year by 44 It's 7 oz, in his tea alone,
without taking into consideration the
many other ways in which he would
use sugar. Truly this is a terrible
* * * * * *
* H. W. C. A. and Red Cross *
• * * * * * *
The third annual meeting of the
Huron County Red Cross and War
C,ontint,eent Association met at Clinton,
Friday, August 30, in Wesley Church.
!. The President, Mrs, W, D. Fair- occu-
pied the chair, The seven shipping
centres were represented as well as
almost every society in the county.
The report given showed an increase
.in shipping, 32,000 having been ship-
ped last. year against 60,867 this year.
rile following officers were elected:
Mrs. W. D. Fair, Clinton, President;
, Mrs. J. Hamilton, Goderich, Vice Presi-
dent; Miss A. Consrtt, Neilsen, Rec,
Sec.; Miss (1, Brown, Seaforth, Treasur-
er; Mrs, Saxon Fitton, Cor. Seey, Afe
ter the business was concluded Mrs.
Sommerville, of the C. W. C. A., Hy-
man Hall, London, spoke on the Red
Cross Work.
To the Farmers
o r
1 e
Oliver Walking in, Hiding, Single
oe Double Mouldboard or. Teitetor
PloWs. Nome bet tet,net ,• is
also a timnber of M mick Im-
plements in the territory which
may be had at present pricee and
on next year's terms. Order be-
fore advanee prices are fixed.
A gond :dean Clyde Gelding, 3
Yi'ais old, for Sitio. Works double
or single. Will sell eliettp and on
Hine if wanted.
David Milne - Ethel
44404..04.00444.0420.4040440.0 00000.400 04000 0400.0,40042,04.044
It Is Not Too Late
We admit students any time, preparing for BOOK
VICE. Send for Catalogue.
t Stratford, Ont. and Wingharre, Ont
v.• •••••••••••,••••••••koett*********4,..••