The Brussels Post, 1918-9-19, Page 2atchwerd. ter have it Ogltt off, Colne along, Dr. Belly, the reediest' examiner, old fellow," cnrroborated Dr. Curren and exhibite So Jerry Nondueted his friend to the ed the 118 -caliber revolver ballet that cell, in which he Haw him locked for had been recovered in the autopsy. the night, and then dolivered to the! Mre. Walsh took the stand, eehe lieutenant the Information that he had was a comely, midditnaged womun of obtained, {character and miff -control; she ene- I waved the questiosts quietly, and CIIAP'CER XIX. ( thong's her lips trembled and sae , sometimes seemed on the verge of Three Jaye after the murder Sch1 team, she Olid not break down. She upfo was arrested in a tmvn tiften looked frequently at the prisoners, males away. He atoutly declared from ono to another, with an ex. his innocence and (garnered for an pres,s:ion of sorrowful wonder rather eta yy opportunity to confront. his Remitter. ±than of een(;eenteesn Dave cook' da Within two weeks both he and Dave not meet her eyes, but Schlupfe gated gives greatest tea -value for your money, Scanlan were indicted for murder. ; nark at her hardily. Her testimony Trask, who had rear's'' con3a±.,ed was of no reel importance; she said Yields many more Cu�B to the pound than to serve as couaaacl for Dave, wxa that. she had bean's the atom talking does ordinary tea-- arid thea you have that chagrined by the actlen of the grand w1t11 her husband aC a ryuarter panel delicious flavour! jury, He retuemdhorad Duve as a ton on the night of !ill:. and 54,43 nhemher of the company that he had that x few minutes +trier eleven she driller'' he had liked him, and he be, had been rouged from sleep and he Roved is story now, just As Jerry be - tiered downstairs to find blast dying, tiered it. He had thought that Mutt Next Sheehan woo celled and testi- , kern, the District Attorney, wrnild not, fieri to the circumstances under which in Dave's case, press for an indict- he had made the errest and to the dif- ment on the charge of murder, and he iiculty which he and the lieutertane was loth disappeinted and disturbed had had experienced in trying to draw by the grand jury's finding. It was a confession front the prisoner, bonen apparent that the prosecdtting official wee adjourtied fnr the day with the was determined to get a ei nvictien, If lieutenant about to testify to the de-, possible': In the interviews that tai's of the confession, Tresk held with him, he wit.. unable to Jerry, who had been In the room! convince hiss of the entire credibility for part of the afternoon, walked of navel story. home with }tis mind disturbed about' ;,,,„,a . .MVer 4.4eekaktle,W ,_ That Trask really felt apprehen•many thinNs. 3chluphe's att'tude of �Dartaht 13atttrptoa MlrCna Company by apeaitel arrangement alto Thox Atlw. ' eire as to the outcome Jerry first Indifference and confidence was ills- teeeerite :learned only a few days before the quiet'ng. it. mad, Jerry wonder if C.''VIII. - (Coni.) got. all out tai me story that you'll get trial. He asked Jerry if he had come sehlnpfe knew things that Dave CHAPTER y upon any clues to connect CSehlupfe hadn't Ned, atld would be able to rove ---and it's enough too," with the ar'me orad corroborate Davo'a pp "I had nothing to do with the shoot. Derr^ „von, a ,. Lieutensni, why facts to Dave's disadvantage, Mnre- v ire I story •over, Derr • looked furs t s w — o"h' all," Da-• T It 1 keg toad o lu n iG OAT Arrikur Stanwood Pier- ,,r' at a t ble with this fellow ScilsWAlt, He told me that he was out of a job, and I said If he would come a me the next Mouths!? I� theught maybe I knave where there was ete that a might yet. Well, he didn't come, and when I tried to get tteek of pint n few dare hater he'd casappeaxed. I never learned until the night of his eon- feaslen what had happened to him•—• and then I didn't learn rnnadi, 3io only remembered he had been n Lapatka's plane with Schlupfe; when he came to the next duy he teas under atxest, for the first time in his life," . (To be emltinneila The Mother's Answer God gave nay son in to me. Christ died for hint. He should be A man for Christ. He is his own d And God's end man's, not mine alone, Term'y said he had not. lief i.3" said Trask "the ing n ng at a e, don't you leave me alone with loam id 11r3 0 he talked, paced nervously, harp and, ft,r u wlhite? I think mtyY,e I can'' yy ! t the appearance nn the witness viand the make him see shin ,different' ," District Atte -41 ey's office }x111 not ex - forth across the room. fhe fellow, two nay svth had elapse In the' that did it --I didn't know hint very' tri y ort Itself to.maka out a ciao against two months that had elapsed since iho well. 41-e were both of us dorm -All right; do what you can with Schhspfe, If any evidence. against night of the murder his dereliction' and out; he told me it would be a cinch him, and don't let upon him till you him that seems to you important from duty in letting Dave escape had! for us two, working together, to clean: have the infolmtation. ' costes i lto your hands, Y wish you troubled hint but little. Now, ,how-' uP some money. He said of we pick:-! The lieutenant and Sheehan with-, would communicate it to me as well - ever, it was giving him concern, ed small st res in quiet neighborhoods, drew. Jerry stood with his back as to Mulkern; otherwise it may not Should he be obliged on the witness and Went In late at night when the' against the deer' and waited ill silence be brought out at all." stand to narrate that episode? Would owner was rinsing up, we.i. be safe until the eeend of their feetaters on• "How is that?" Jerry asked, there be any way rf evading it? He enough and maybe make some good the stairs had ceaetil. Then ha ap-t "I only have susplcione. There had not confided it to Trask; he hauls. He WAR to cover the fellow Promled Dave, who had aunk upon a seem to be various ramlftce.tdons to. couldn't quite bring himself to the with a revolver and keep him scared chair; he pulled a chair• up hey+lde him the case, Schlupfe, it appears, is point of gelttg to n lawyer and aakin while I went through the money- and seatod himself. the nephew of a contractor to 41'atxl advice about su ressin or evading' drawer; and if there was a eafe we'd "Flow .fid you hope et to get caught, F urteen, who Tito 11cuntrne e of agui e's the truth, Yet if the truth came out make the fellow open it. We thought we could pull uff several such jobs before ti•i town not too hot for us; and then v tarps beat it to another Pla0e rend v rl, he same ;carte there, and SO an nod at last we'd h.1ve ,quite a elle; that was the way we figured it. Of course wo supposed a fellow w weld alwaye thaw upehie, ]rands with a nun polat:•d at his head. But. this fellow—he was the first we tried at on --he Won re?Citi+,g np to one of his theiv - s and a,,1 his back to us .'hen v a• w llta t nay pertner had him v eh ed ' t r • he turned round. and when he did. he looked right into the muzeie. And right off he let out a yell and +t - eil behind the counter, sad tilers i v. -as a hang and we ran; thatee the w•h„le story as tri: A I'm stooling here. "It's not, -he• whole story,” airs the lieutenant "You've. ,. r t tali us who your partnerw_.a." "I can't to that." "Do you think you're u• e any obligation. to preteen u merie ee Lave f ' - it might not only affect most serious-' "Just after you =e:v tone I boat it money and influence, and he's using 1y his min future, but it might else them in behalf of his, nephew. He rutin,! the center Mee Ninth Street and hfaguiru 'etre got t'ongressman be prejudicial to Dave, >\ot of an anal ran right into the cop that was Maxwell to defend Schlupfe. And I inti""t'etrve habit; end disposed to: hire a mnitiicn: ign, Ha got im haven't much confidence that the dis- look on the bright side of thing:+,' eoufu. e i when I tried ui 011 him trit2 attorneys atfire will make a- Jerry made up •hie mind after some where I was going, and when he got 'stack -breaking effort to convict any pondering that he could tall a Nut' me 'seri, they guessed right off' I'd had one that has the support. of hfaxw,ai liciently truthful story without in ennreth°ng to do with the shooting, and :tlagth'reg, criminating• or doing an injury to When they told me you'd come to ;;et ellut surely the proeecut'on Dave'''"s:" v "I don't i;eneT0 he really meant to kill him. I thini: hu wa, fist so stertied when the sallow let inn that yell and Jacked, Instead of throwing up his hands like we both expected, that he got rattled and the gun went off kind of without his meaning it." The lieutenant eneered at the de - Tense. "Anyway nee not year busi- +jar; you accent ivy to excuse tt. You vvuuld reach forward and touch or, "Tell what you saw." pets to decide whether he meant to have no right to shield the fellow* and press his arm, striving to cnmmunle-! "I heard a shot, and two men rush- ent or not. 'hat we scant of yet, is besides, you'll be a fool if you Oto it,• ate her totic: and faith. ed out of a house some distance along his name.",, its bound to be at your own ex Once the jury was chosen, the trial the block and ran up Eighth towards "Well, I'm not going to give It. Pensa." moved rapily. Muikern, the District Weaver 'Street, I ehae,ed them, but Dave's mouth grew sullen. "You've "I wouldn't want to feel that maybeAttorney, made a brief opening ad- they i'ot round the corner of Weaver I'd brought him to the chair." chess. He wee :a sallow, eharp-' Street, going south. I wasn't very j "Suppose he ehoots some one else. featured mall, thin and tall, and he far behind, and when I turned into He prebably will if he'a left at liberty. gave the impre :'ion of being both Weaver Street they were both in; How will you feel then? It will he just and mer liens, He outlined tho'sight. Where Seventh crosses Weav-1 your fault, you knew." earn for the protiecutien, commented er, one of them took the turn to the; f "Just the same, you yeeeldn't split ,on the ne t .arle l uatat nature of the. left, and I went alter hint. But he Lin him if you were in my place. crime, and closed by :raying that he had disappeared; I thought he'd gone Jerry," • believed the evidence to he presented into the Tilley between Seventh and "I certainly would. I'd Orme to my would warrant the finding of a verdict Eighth, Lot I couldn't thud him. Thee sense= mighty gnick." of murder in the first degree (nativist other fellow had gone up Seventh in " Wouldn t ou spray, den ar f•,1- , t Y each , ,he deiLhd.-,ate,, the oPFoa±tc d'reetiou; when 1 came 1 o that split or. another?' Ile called Henry Morrison as the out after searching for the Ikrst man, "Not in a case like this." firut wit, >. `[ rrran Le -titled that he wttn't to be seen. Su Iwent hack "You'd really tell if you were in he. i;vr i in the !meet. a ijoatin7g to 1iud out what happened. There my poet n : Witish's store. that on tho night t f were three women in the entrance tin "I vvou a S p' ember ln, at ,s, , tC eleven n c ,, I ES arch store, kind of afraid to go m; Dane he itated. "Well," he said at he wits in bed roading readingwhon he his I l R .:i,.b tee lying on the finer behind last, "it was Red Schlupfe." a shot and almost imm •'.hely. on the the ionter, dean lir;. Walsh and "Was he one f the fellow:., tl.ath sidewalk under open v. Mow, tho lir. .aorrisma were both there. I you were with the night I save you feot.te, of a man r ihnin Ite had stayed iftWi f tracer; Pinitham and at Tony Lapatka's place?" etenderrd about it fur a moment he- Then me come, and then I told them foie . wen'rLhy didn't you look me up the 1r rheidi hctptto indow cum' ktnli,•lhut e`1i'Z'rhat d?deyoundoetlsn?" cat day? Yon promised sari I he, ave r policeman persuur* a man "I finished my patrol and tit twomight have gut you a job.. Then nee wat then far up the rt •r•et. Ise o clock want to Stetion 0 to report, this would never have happened.' hard wet waited to see thr, outcome of Then I ]earned that Scanlan had been I gut full that night and they purl- the chtt;e. but had hurriedly dressed nrreteed rand that Officer Meehan d me in, They sent me so far thirty sone out of his house. and into the and Lieutenant Murphy were still lays, 1 ave . alias so the out, I foie. At firet he saw no one; then questioning him. I thought maybe wouldn't anew. When I got out, I he looked behind the counter and Scanlan might, talk to me, for I had ed at Schlupfe right oil, and hook- found Walsh lying unconscious, with known him well for years, so I went w at things kind t different from the btnod fiowin•* from a wound in the up to tho room. I waited outside and way I did before they put ma h thought heck, With a handkerchief he had beard him toll the story that Officer The way Iced pictured g, I thought tried to stanch the flow, and then had Sheehan and Lieutenant Murphy have it std w be some exciting, wandering telephoned to Dr. Curran and to police told. Then I went in and asked Lieu - When with a gun and scaring the life headquarters. And then he had run tenant Murphy to leave me alone with cauee warts days or hard work out r a fellow now and then, I upsesere anti roused :firs. Walsh, who him a while. I talked with Scanlan cause yea a perspire, your nose never had the leant though: it might and forehead become oily and ,mean murder," was asleep in the apartment over the and told him I thought he was making shiny. A light application of In- "WeIl," said Jerry, 'tit eughtn't to store, a mistake to feel that he was under gram's Volveoia Sonveraine Face ; go so hard with yeti, now that you've Trask erose -examined Monition and an obligation not to give the name of Powder will temovethe shine and confessed everything ;the jury will .see niter' him if he had not seen two men the man that had fired the shot. He give your cnmptoxinn smooth at" ' you're innocent of the killing, The fleeing. Morrison said that he had was very loath to do it, but after a tractiveness, Xt hides blomishee ' chief thing is to girt a good lawyer. seen only one; that the policeman was lot of arguing 1 persuaded him. He and tiny wrinkles. Yet ao fine of : 1'11 see Mr. Trask. Of course,you'll almost tntder his window when he told me the man was Sehlupfe. lie texture ie it you .can scarcely I have to make up your tnind to take looked and that he had taken just a . told me that he had just got done sere - detect it. And best of alt it Mende some punishment." glance up the street which had shaven. ing a month d tilne in the eefoematory etc t n disorderly, and he ran p r a tIy with the complexion and � rt hint the fugitive, perhaps a hundred far drunk and y, a Oh, yes, I realize that, T wish I. P stays on. (50c.) could get It without having mother; yards away, that he had then dralvn into Schlupfe when he was feeling To give your complexion the fret& and Nora punished too," in his head and trot ready hastily to down and out, and Schlupfe proposed health ofeauthuse Ingram'saMilk- "It will be a hard blow to them ---es- findioutwo at ad hve•trentlttat there' ee thhi g—ave deall scribust as the otheir wit- . weed Cream daily. It is gently : racially Naria, coming ort top of wheat „ curative and remedial. Ids cleans• she's just been through." jweren t two men running away? The District Attorney heel no Tur- ing and softening, 'tubbed into "What's that, Terry?" I No, but I saw only one, and my ther questions to ask the witness; the hands it keeps therm eon and "Ilex baby's just died. It lived! impression is that there was only Trask rose to examine Jerry, white Two sires, 50c. and WA. only a couple of days." i ono," "You eny, Officer. Donohue that you A full ileo of Ingram's toilet pro- "That's tough, isn't itl Poor I You were, of course, very much used to know the defenant Scanlan; dusts, including Zodenta for the ' Nora! She's drawn the ehore end excited, and didn't obeerve as careful -how well did you know him?' ewe We.), is at your druggists, of the stick all right," a it you might have alone- yoix were: "About as well aft if bo was my Then after a pause Dave asked; "Do in a hurry to get away and see what brother. 41f'e were together out at p had taken place?" Millvale as boys, and we worked to - "That might be," Omitted the wit- gather in the Pallor Mills antis they tiers. changed hands; Scanlan was about my Dr, Curran described the wound best friend." and explained that it was necessarily "iia bore a good reputation among fatal. The man wag in fact movie ilia fellow workmen"" bund when Iso afreelve , which was „ e air" within Avo minutes of reco'v ng the "�h�s Selrionco that he has just telephene masse e. The skin round served-- dl14de anddisorder—do ,yoU t e wound was h ackaned and incased; kno enything abouthat 1 d AIM hinl early ite evening ha hattratedd•—'Alia (letting drunk, a was in Lapatlaa7s plaoe, sitting tae .o confess I knew the jig wets up. • w„uidn't try' to discrelit scanlan's' The nest Meriting the lieutenant Somehow I haunt thought you woucd confa,,,,inn," ! oorrOrn,rnted Shcekian's story of the turn against. nue."••;.lot actively, perhaps, but they' "nfess'on, and, as Sheehan had done, "The eliance,s are that es tong as might allow the defense to 'build tapLoin how obstinately Dave had re - they'll caught you and suspected you an alibi for Srhrnrfe soul not attemp•eiet .r the effort to male him diacio.,e eta you were guilty, they'd have sue- to detnolbh it Pry cross-examination, his confederate's identity. ceded finally in bringing the charge I don't say that this will happen; "So up to the time wb••n you left he'ree to you. And the fellow that only I dont like the look of things." Sean'•nt on that night he hail not • n ' asked ent'.y than tiff: fellow thatie convieted,' predictiit on. The selection of ri jury Maxwell in cross-examination. That's why I wanted to taik to you; occupied two 'eater part of two de;, ,.' "No, sir." I that.: •vhy I want you new to tell all '[lave followed all the pros. etiii ;a "When did you tiret learn that hu gnu knew. You didn't kilt the man;' with ;an • intense, nervous interest; had implicnted Schlupfe?" I feel cure you couldn't have done Sehiupfe seemed .stolid and Lumen "About half an hour later, when' that. But the peapre who don't cermet- 'she two prisoners sat so °triter Donohue came to the desk and, tenor: you won't feel sure. You're far apart that direct. communication told me." not. suet tiel ehie.ding a murderer-- between then was impeesiblc unci Officer Donohue was called. hlul i tf cerres w:: Is always treated more-leini- F;tunt 1.o.ura• !v ftsltillcd Tra:l... mentioned 5chiupfe� name i and, neo covet, y on' I u ur for it i4froM tate first they t,lalt little notice kern, the District Attorney, asked him gnu do." : of each other. Dave, leaning on the if his patrol on the night of the true. "But I can't split on him, .Terry." table :n front of him, concentrated his' der tool: him into the neighborhood "Why not.? You've said you neves attention on the juror who was bring of the crime, wetild have gone into this thing if tteam'nedt Schlupfe lolled cemfntt•' "Yes, sir," ,Terry answered. "I had you'd had any idea he might shoot, lie ably in his seat as one who had un-' junt turned the corner from Ratt»em wail willing enough to put you in a thing to fear. Behind Dave sof. his Street. into Eighth when the thing hole tcnci a was e cold-blooded mor- mother; at frequent intervele elm happened." %f � 0 12174, 1114 ce Powder A Picture 'With Each Purchase Enos time you buy a package of Inv rom's Tonat aloe or Perin In your entr elat will crt ep you, wf thous charge, atone eartrattofnwaAd•famearnotion ppit:Aare netroea, L'aob time you got vex diffotent portrait ao you maks nentice. ties foryeur8oene, Ankeouretuattlst. F. F. Ingrain Company wind,or, Dntaria (120) you know anything about the man that was killed?" "He left a wife anti four children," ! "Isn't it terrible' Isn't it awfull Somehow I can't believe I'm mixed up in anything like that." Dave's head drooped and Jerry's heart went out to him more than over, 1 "I'ii try to get to yottr mother frret thing In the morning—before ever she h reads about IL la the newspaper," he the weapon had evidently been is - send, "And now,Im : ave, what you charged with the uaale almost I I want is sleep, and guess you'd bete touching the victim. He was not mine to give. He gave Ilinnself, that he might help to SONO All that a Christian Should revere, All that enlightened men hold dear. "'ro feed the guns," Alt! torpid :soul, Awake, and seo life as a whole, When freedom, honour, justice,right Were threatened by the despot's might, g , He bravely went for (loci, to tight Agehrst base savage», wimse pride The laws of Clod and man detled; Who slew the mother and her child; "il'ho maidens, pure end sweet, de- filed; He did not go to feed the guns, He went to save from ruthless Huns His home and country, and to be A guardian of democracy. "What if he does not comer you say; Well, then, my sky will be more gray, But through the clouds the sun will shine And vital memories be mine, God's test of manhood is, I know, Nat, will he conte --but did he go? TANKS UPROOTED VILT.AGE Sileneted German Guile by Levelling Every Hnitse in Town British tanks uprooted a whole French village to stop the fire of Oer- I man machine guns from the Melees in the latest allied offensive, says a Lon- don despatch of Aug. '28th. ly hampered by the Germain machine , guns in or on the tops of the houses,f Tanks were in the vicinity, antia mes- artg, era.. sent to them for assistance, Thesecomplied, but the Berman ma- chines guns were too well protected to be knocked out by the fire from the tanke' guns. Accordingly the' tank commandere conferred at the far end of the village and decided, in a hurried impromptu war council, to' destroy the village by sheer weight of naetali ` The tonics accordiugiy rammed bowie after house, bringing down the machine guns, extricating them- selves from the ruins of one house, then proceeding to the next, In this: i TORONTO CANADA �. �� �l it »716222`3112.40 IN S MINUTES • And nos a?e.ao to e. ` Clhnmate, ell auto &fake, wholamne brad, rolls, eu., velthout trouble. &roc flour and helps euu,et4e the Notion, food wooly, Convenient, quick and Clean --kends JJ do not touch dough. 1 t?elnrred dl charm peld w your 'veto, or rhrough your de.irt— (our Imt rite 5:15 , eight lent rize $3.25. E.T. WRIOHT00. HAMILTON `r ,... EANAnA , 1j o� j yr rtt tray the village was captured without a eingle British caaualty, and at once ' occupied by the French. In another attack a tank t: its set MI fire, the officer fn command was 'tiller' and the first driver severely wounded, all within the Germnn tines. The second driver extieguiehhed the fire, assumed command, and leiter in the day, drove hack single-handed. preceded by about fill Berman % whom he captured unaided, Another tank, temporarily knock- ed out, constituter' itself a strong paint inside the Berman lined, and held out for five hours until the in- fantry arrived. Change the drinking water two or three times a day and keep the Ih Ink- ing vessels clean. "So you are twenty-four, flow much older is your sister than yon?" "1 don't know. She's been losing a year every birthday lately. I expect that we shall be twine before dung," The French troops hail bee st•rious- Food Control Corner lieer ignoring the regulation which ealls for a reckoning for bad eggs) purchased from producers or country dealers, over and above en allowance of one per eenie the William Davies Company and the Matthews•-I;lack•+ well Company, both of Montreal, have been forbidden to buy, sell car other- wise dent in eggs for ett days. Ac- cording to the regulations in fared mince Juno Tat last, every dealer placing eggs in cold storage is re• quired to fnrniah to the operator of the warehouse, a statement In write hag certifying that uch eggs h been randier! anti thatsI,nd or unaounayait eggs have been removed. No Ise• onsee of the Canada Food Board le permitted to pay, or demand payment for bad eggs in excesv of an allowed num_ ht of one percent. of the total amount of the transaction. The obs jest of the Canada Food Board was to make the handling of such eggs un• profitable for the dealer, who is now obliged to charge them back against those from whom they are originally purehneed. In the case of the two companies under suspension, it was found that no attempt had been mads: to charge hack for unsound eggs in this way, sithough the candling re- cords showed percentages running as high as fourteen. A firm in Charlet- same way for a similar offence. It was manifestly nothing' but fair shat the public slsould nut ba called upon to pay for bad eggs, If a deal- er purchases bad egg's seal pays fur them the least trouble g'or .aim would be to say nothing About it after find- ing the fact out by candling, but pass the eggs on Irate the channelz of trade, where the consumer would eventuelly pay for the Inns, lf:vcirti vvho handled the eggs, From thecly proelse- ducer to the retail atorekeeper would thus have charged theirprntlts and expellees just the same. By the or- der of the Canada food L'oard it le provided that bad eggs be reporte:l and charged hark to their source of origin so that the loss is borne by the parties responsible fee their de- lay in reaching themarket freeh. In these Limos of high prices far Lem, and every other fond mnnuu asst,i„• • consumer is doubly entitled to frc .,:i eggs bought in good faith in I IP. r•• pular xray. Producers should be ewe. t'u1 ut' the stock they sell ;Lod leai, o, should be watchful of the •t , % tit.. bay, IL Tout, props e L" 71' the Paris Cafe, 15 Notre Dame Street, Quebee City, has bcen orderer' to close In:. restaurant for a period of •;Ove a day:;. commencing August at r..,r mewl - factoring and retaslltg level ruses contrary to the Order of the ens ,ala Fetid Board. The Canada foots Boar! hn nrder- ed Henry Wong, proprietor of the .Beaton Cate, Three Slivers, Quebec, to """ close his restaurant, and his license has been suspended fora pt:riad of seven days, during which time he may not serve any steals or pureitase any foodetuffa. Investigation by the Board's Inspectors showed that Lille restaurant had neon sGrting btwf- steak at all hours and brews i , eecnvs of the proportions permitted by the food regulations, For violation of the a'apnda Fend Board's Order regarding the sale of 21 substitutes for wheal. floe. i,i n pro- Substitute ro• Suto ern : . I0 r vitas 'c, Use only such foods as contain the great• est amount of nourishment, with tho least possible waste. No food meets these requirements more perfectly than A ism.. '!a •• •,... •... tn.,tika.17•••• i.Ya /lea\'. WtE.P4 . • ,t,, YIELDING 5 Y Ja Canada's Premier Security Free from Government Memo Tax, You can purchase VICTORY BONDS through our PARTIAL PA19'IVIENT PLAN Write us for information on any eeourittoe, find for our list of investors' attractive returne. H. M. Vi t.> nog' & Co. (Members Montreal Stock 17xrhanse) 105 Transportetion Building, Montroat trials 1345 tonsw gr nkner e fc5 OS 'THE Pure, r oh, tnenow J• tone, and the sensitive responsiveness of this famous instrument com- bine to ilft It high above the cornmonprare. it is a plane that will maintain Its enduring charm fes+ gensl tlone, 6e01'5l>11 ,Model, If509,op THE WHAIAMS hallo co,, !,IYHTED, OSHAWA, ONT. DailVia'e (Men acid Loilloet Piano Malcom atitemeereieme e.:kMn i•+ .r jaaC• •,a ri aumermAxer portion of one to four, and for operating 'without as lieen-e, Vit. K,, nedy .(t Company, Brendalleme, has been ordered to close his business commencing midnight, :1a+t;.tst 7ilst, and to remain closed until he receives a licehaae .it•ant the Cane rte Food Board. During the period of seise pension he must not purchase or sell duor�,rtsthetwise. deal in foo+.' or food tiro - THE MITI) OF FLANDERS The Most Impressive Feature of the 13attle-Front. A London dispatch says thanon Isis return from a trip to the front, Maj. Gen, Maurice, formerly director of Military operations at the War Office, was asked by the Aesoviated Press correspondent what phase of betel.). front activity impressed him most, "Always the same thing ---the mud," he replied. "It is the most remnekable mud in the world. As an enemy, it i3 more persistent than the German and. mere deadly than his artillery, "I had a most remark:11de ohice,r lesson of the power of the Flanders mud during my ween in the betide arta. I visited a hospital where there were two of our men who had liven resctmti after spending thirty hours in the grip of n Flanders nee 0le. 'rite two men, advancing aerneA No a4lau's Lund In the setuidarkneete had .eniot- bled into a bole, and foiled themselv- es inexttrieably In the ch+telioe,of tho their mud at the bottom. When tes- cued they had barn there for thirty hours and bad been draWrr w ateeeleen into the clay. "All sorts of expedient. nett± •ey.1 to extritatc them, and it Obis +in.tl:v - fonnd neeeseary to fat a harness to them turd pull thein oel with awan ai mules, Both sten had their hind . Aral pacts dislocated in the 91-110(.4.1. ' Tinct Menders marl. te Women cavviee, j Seven htindred women ere now , rorkkmg zn rurnes#' exteralm yard:1i i n filo port t of ItIngland wast [and rAelaianed from the 'fess -•••trail ' wiping materially in lit,• sllipbnil ling eantpsIgn,