HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-12, Page 8o • 0vf,1•c:•+•4eat,,es.:.a,v•Fla•ed•d.•t•d➢+9.0'4`04.00+Wt fr00•004-4'8•4'•30440•t'0+ v 3 �u 4 4 4 f • t Pictorial Sevin' Patterns • s to I. 11 If you are comity to hast Hute.n hell Fair at Brussels it will be a goad dance to sevum some ,:tf the, lines mentioned here. You will final our star lc� 11 prepared with good stocks and full value for your money, IF You have been thinking about Konak let us show you them. Kodak t from Moo up, Brownie Cameras from $2 75 up, Films Developed and Printed. Fla h Lights Vet h thr- dsrl. Furl nig'..':: r••tniuf• aloft„ you v. 1! fiud the conven- ience cf a FI tell Light. We have them from ret up New Batteries Also Supplied Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Time is saved by a good Fountain Pen a have V aterma 's Founta n fens at $12 5n, bestdes t e higher priced ones. e* Are gaining in favor all the time. e• The Fall Pictorial Review Quarter- '� iy at 250 contains a coupon good for 0. vac applied on any Pattern selected. Try a Pictorial Pattern. rNew Past Card Views of Brussels 4 s • • The rtlyitaZei Store Druggist and Stationer e' 4 X44.04 090e+nate+o4.o• e+o+0+o4•.ro+o..•+o4••xo.0a,045:.oa•o•c•44.04. Popular Prices -2 for 5e. Housekeepers' Attention We ke•. p PURE PICKLINta SPICES GE's* IAR RUBBERS Beat Quality Red Rubber, 10o pkge. PARC)NAX Bottling Wax in tins. PICKLE BOTTLE. CORKS, &c, WALL PAPER—Oatmeals and Plain Deeign Papers for Living Rooms and Dining Rooms. Also Bedroom and Kitchen Papers, See samples, F. r,. SAAMi • is • • • �w LosTei cep hub. Finder rit3rataI fletzs item I oblige by leaving it with R. Thomson, Brits eels. SalerxtlEEk. School Board tweets Friday evening of this week. TEE stove is "Help the Sailor's Fund" and do it now, OUR Base Ball team went to Listowel Tuesday evening for a return match with the local knights of the bat, Coma Scorn ANENT, who was wound- ed in the knee, is now in a hospital in England and mak'ng favorable progress we are glad to sate. ATWOOD Fall Fair will be veld Mon- day and 'Tuesday, Sept. 23 and 24. It was changed from r7 and rilth on ac- count of Brussels Falr. Get your tickets for the Fall Fair Concert, Wednesday e:ening of next week. Plan of rink at Fox's Drug store. Fine program so don't miss it, LABOR DAY was a quiet day in town about the only excitement was a collisiou between two automobiles in which both cars were more or less damaged SCn°OL was called off Wednesday forenoon in a couple of apartments owing to the sudden change of weather and the furnace not being started. A Corn Roast was on the program Monday evening at R. Thomson's and was fully eujeyed excepting by those who should have said "No thank you" sooner. W t1DNEsDAY a rink of bowlers compos- ed of A, Strachan, A. Currie, R,F. Down- ing and D C Ross, chaperoned by Rev, H. Smith, motored to Stratford in a kitty chasing quest. They won 3rd prize, Tent town Millinery stores do not in• tend bolding formal Openings this Fall but ask you to call and see the choice new goods, feeling convinced that the displays will please ynu. Read the an- notiecements to this issue, TAG DAY —Un the and day of Brussels Fair tags will be sold to ald the Sailors and their families in connection with the million dollar fund, Where would we be if it were not for our navy and sailors? 13oost the cause by buying a tag.Tug comfortable home of. George Crooks, Albert street, bas been';bougbt by David Iiadgley, Jamestown, who is now in possession. Mr, and Mrs, Badg- ley are no strangers as they have lived in this locality for years. We welcotne them to Bruseels. t.. ARD oP THAN101.--We wish to thank many friends for words of sympathy, shown by words and by letter, to ns over the demise of our soldier laddie—Frank —in France. Their messages were a real comfort and most highly appreciat- ed, "Greater love had no man than that a man lay down his life for his friends." Yours gratefully, PETER SCOTT AND FAMTLY, RED CROSS.—A meeting of citizens in• terested in Red Cross work wee held Tuesday evening in Board room at the Library, About a score were present. Tt was decided to arrange a tag day nn and clay of Fall 'Fair, proceeds to go to Sailor's Fund campaign. The Ci,cle will take charge of the week. Subscrip- tion lists will also be opened next Mon- day at the a banks, p°etofiice and office ut "Tag POET for those willing to aid the worthy cause, to be followed up by a canvass of the °mumnutty. Not a charity but a just debt. Small commit- tee was named to dtaft a letter of eon- soleuce to homes where here soldier beye have made the supreme sacriflee. Meet - ting, which was a live one, closed with National Anthem. A subsequent meet• Mg will be held shortly to disettss ways and means of stirring up fresh interest in Red Cross and Patriotic work, Two good Cows for sale, one due to calve in a week and the other 1n 3 weeks. GoRnns MCDONALD. BAYING entered the London Free Press Automobile Contest I would mush appreciate your subeoription or your renewalif you are now a subscriber. A. D SOTN>RLAND, Deputy PostmaaMr, Seaforth. TELEPHONE COMPTAINTA—There ore cone Plaints of service at the central Telephone Of- ficer If subscribers would always answer first call of their bell and Five their name es soon as they rime on the line and not ask 'who is wanted 4" and give number when asking for anyone in place of name it would remove the (muse of numerous complaints. It takes time of the operators doing what you should do. If operators do what ie wrong gall me up at once and report and thenI wilt know who into blame. Report anything wrong with your nest as scone Once so that it Dan he pet right as torn as pntarkh. Always ring off when you are through talking then the ," rie the won't have o s different. to call lathy," as the machine a thews different, c`a'tsuse linthrough mere tral have the preference. Don't use lino more F. S. than Omhtutes each ..all SCOTT F President, Bruveels. Sow and 0 pigs 5 weeks old, for sale. Apply to WILSON MARgs, 6th Line, Morris. Two ealvee for sale, 5 and 7 months old. App - ply to JOSEPH WHTTFIELD, Br•Iresals NORM1, Phone 5810. Lose.—A gold neektie ring with diamond setting, Finder will be rewarded. Goo. THOMSON, Branch, ROOMY house, large lot, stable, tec., for sale on James street at a bargain. If not sold will be to rent. D EWAN. FOR SALR.—Ford Touring Car, le18 model equipped with non -glare lights, elle covers and apeedometer ; in first•clase condition, $180 oil regular price. Apply to Jas. MAseees, G.T.R. Aga, Bluevale. PRIVATE SALE OP BonsenoIe EPFECTR.— Giving up housekeeping hence household fur• niture is offered by private sale Goods may be seen any day. Graham Block apartments, over E. C. Dunford's store, Enem l ). W. A, GREWAit. COMFORTABLE house for sale with gond acre of land, stable, hard and soft water, fruit trees, Sto.. Possession given at any tune. gor further particulars apply to M7Ss GAYNon, russele. 8 MONTHS old calf foe sale Apply to Rtctl. Rom, John st., Brussels, LAMB strayed on the premhes of the under- signed, Lot 28, 4th Line, Morrie township. Croner !a ray geted to prove property, pay ex- pwwee and take it away. Phone 124. AIanRRT taeOEa, sorra N.n and Plow Pointe carefully ground by GED. EDWARDS. DR, PARKER, Osteopathio Physician, visits Br err Monday ntternoon of eanli week, Chronin nnrl nervone dlaeaset sncpessfully treated, Visits residences, ConSultation nt Queen's Hotel. LISLE MC(7RACICF.N DIES FOR REEDott'S CAnse —'The telegraph wires brought very sad netts for the home of Fred. and Mrs. McCreeken, Brussels, when the message said "Your son died of wounds on Aug. gist, in France," He had enlisted ib 'unitary t9to with the /61st brave hots and had been in France for more then r§ i'ORTa V my Ridge was tlmn•,g hie fi .at experiences. Lisle belouged to a guy !rection and suffered from wounds on left grin in nue • f the Rattles and oft, n oro a of his enticing - ed house coming when vietoiy perched on their banners He wee a comely faced youth, only ao years of age and well known to Brusselites ,,and was au ardent soldier who did Ills' dilly faith- fully and well Brussels was 1111 birth- place. Although deprived of placing floral wreaths rut 1, ,crave he will live with ur, in :Le hey of 'terries who for Liberty's sake g v, rp le$ lifts. Whi e we meurn with tie DeltitV d the rejoice in the spirit of Canadian manhood in defending great moral principles even to death. His nacre i$ tabulated on the Honor Roll of the Methodist Church where he attended Sunday School and ehurela Lettere written by Lisle, dated Aligner 7 and 13, have arrived at the parent td home. since the sad ininiegence of his decease came to hand. MILLINERY,—MISS Mary Ross has re- enger;.:d ales Stewart, of Perth, for the coming Mrlhueiy season and Miss In • men ew11 hove MtSa Linda Colvin, who IMF been a' Nioostjaw rn the West, The holies are 1109 preparing, for the F 1 trade. LAST Friday the frame portion of the barn being erected by P. Ament, tPfls raised on the cement stabliug rued is now sided., [roof sheeted. Building le 45 by mo fee'. ,.nd VV.' art _rt.ample accOmmodatiOn fol NI, Amenia numerous teams mai feed a la up to date in ovate !Arnett - lar. CARD of THANKS —We wish to record our thanks to the ueighbors and many friends who were so thoughtful in word road Gleed during the illuess and subse- quent demise of wife and mother, It was appreciated more than words. can convey, Yours truly, H. LAMONT AND FAMILY. TRa, HUGH LAMr,Nrr DECRAsa0 —On Tuoadav, Sap•ranh,r 3,d, after serioets ilinPst, of r, weeks, commencing with heart trouble, Mrs. Hugh Lamont. Queen street, passed nway at her home, aged ue years, rr mouths and 27 clays She Was born in Grey township and was rho- eldest daughter of the late Andrew Arnott, It. 1572 she was united in mar- riage to Hugh Lamont and lived on thier flue farm, 7th Con: Grey,. until 13 years ago when they sold and bought 200 acres on IL'ou to, andlcame to Brus- sels 3 years ago. In addition to Mr. Latnona(who is 82 years of age and in poor health) the subject of this notice is survived by 6 sons (Andrew and Hugh, Grey township ; Allan, Brussels ; Sam B.. Barrister, of Avonlea, Sask. ; Alex teacher in London Collegiate ; and J. Leslie; with Artillery unit at Petav awe ;) and 3 daughters (Mrs, E E. Campbell, Gaylord, Mich • Mrs D McDonald, Morris township .and Miss Mary at home ) Mts. F. Coates, Ethel ; and Mrs Walter Yuill, Morris township ; and Mrs. Alex. Campbell, Gaylord, Mich , are half ssters of Mrs. Lamont and Jno. and Peter Barr, Morris, half brother, The funeral service was held in Melville church Friday afternoon, a large c ngregation assembling to pay re spent to one who was highly esteemed and well known in the community Rev. A, 1 Mann conducted the service Pallbeneers were5 sons and a son -m - law. Ail the children were able to be home for the funeral, The bereaved are deeply sympathin -d` with in the loss of a true wife, a good mother and a fine neighbor. Ptes, Frank Gerry and T. Savage Killed. Just as we go to press we learn, with deep regret, that two more soldies boys, of this locality have made the supreme sacrifice in France, in the persons of Ptes. Frank Gerry and T. Savage. Both fell in action, we understand. tit People We Talk About $t tt tt Mrs P Scott is visiting relatives in Se.toith, Alex. and Mrs, Smith spent a week with Toronto friends. Mrs. Thuell Sr. was visiting relatives and friends in Seaforth locality. R. Dark has been laid up with the shingles. Nothing to be coveted. . Pte. Geo Manuiag was home for the week end. He went to London Tues- day. Misses Emtna Colvin and Lily Lamont spent the past week with Mrs. S. Bell, Teeswater, G. A. Deadman is home from Merlin, where he has spent several months with his apiary. Misses Mina and Clara Hunter are holidaying at Stratford, Kincardine and other points. Mrs R A. Pryne and children, who were here for a holiday, returned to their home in Toronto. Mrs. (Dr.) White, Brussels, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bonz!ey, Listowel Mrs H. B. Churchill and daughter have been visiting at the home of Geo. and Mrs Edwards, Mrs. G. N. McLaren and children, who spent the past fete months at Mid- land, are hack to town. Geo, C. Lowry is at London this week assisting his brother, Will. who is cater- er at Springbank Park. Miss Edl the Zimmer, of Petrolia, was R visitor with her cousin, Miss Carrie Ziegler, Church street. Miss Jean Sheclden Morris, and Miss Reta and Leal- Mills, Grey, were vise - ors with Mrs J Little, Brussels. Jno McQuarric, of Lachine munition plant, was visiting his mother and other relatives in Brussels and locality. Mrs. Jno Ferguson and baby were visiitors at the home of Rev D B, and Mrs. McRae, her parents, at Kincardine Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Queen street, has been laid up with au attach of sciatica but we hope, she will soon be better. Misses Maud Hartle- and:Jean Cosens, of Seaforth, have returned to -their schools at Edmonton and Calgary, re- spectively. L. and Mrs, Burne and children, of Detroit, Wm•P visitors will Jno, and Mrs. Gong. E Tremaine, of the same city, was alSo here. Mrs. Jam Dark is home from Fergus hospital and regaining her health nicely Mr Dark and family are now living on Thomas street, West end. G and Mts. Stevens, Stratford, Will Harkness, Brussels, and Mrs J, Wallace and Bert, Jamestown, spent Labor Day calling oh friends in Wingham, 'fees water and Chesley, 'Trip was made in Bert Wallace's oar, They had au eu- jnyable tithe. J, J. and Mrs. Gilpin and Nurse Hen- delreon arrived back lag week from a week's trip by auto to Wiarton, Col- poy's Bay, Owen Sound and other points which was most enjnvable They ac- companied Dr, and Mr" Gilpin in their fine Hudson car, who were here from Mil- waukee for n holiday. F, H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Barrington were at Mount Forest Wednesday of this week in connection with one of the happy occasions in life viz the celebra- tion of the Goldeu Wedding of Mr Gil- roy's permits and at the Same the loth an. niverenry of the bridal day of our towns- folk which will arrive next Monday, ar..,..wa.a...,.� - - - ma 4.._.. �. , _ .....r . , A . , . M r .R .�v s �,. <a »•,,.,.tee ar a0,,.,ae,..a,...: •i0•t00000IBera ao000asourailases00t14109e00000000090aosaseas tp TAN �;�ATliEDD BANK MJ� Use it- Theo Decide F� N Y Y W >,? a 1'>3 • t� • • Or CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and itta•r'n tare interest at current rate. 239 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAM1S, la MEI Manager. t _ tentsoomosoomsamemossoom alite Ca Deeming n.s holidaying at Missions!), now at the - _.. battle front look Toreuto, lug after some thousands of Chinese Miss Ina Bryans has taken a position Coolies. A cordial invitation is exteud- in the drug store of F R Smith ed to all who are interested in Missiou- Mrs. Gen, Beeker is visiting het laugh- try Welk to attend. ter, Sirs. Z nn, at Roundup, Idaho, Chas. and Mrs. Pope were among those who took in the Fair at Toronto last week. Mrs, A. McGuire visited with Friends at Milverton and with her daughter at Merlin. 'no and Mrs. Simmons were away fnr a holiday trip to Detroit, Port Huron and other points of interest Miss Pearl Baeker was here for a few days for a visit before resuming her MARRIED duties as teacher at Mimic°, Mrs. P F. Smith Bud little daughter, of Ban Jo>e, Costa Rica, have been visitors at the home of Alex, Stewart, Qr seen street, Councillor Wilton,ev n J A. J. A. C. Dames, J T, and fer-rd. Wood an TEM Fox are among the Brusselites at London this week. Barrister S B, Latnont, of Avonlee, Sask., was called home a few weeks ago on account of the illness of his mother The other absent children were also home. Mrs. Geo Rogers, Mount Forest, was in town daring the past week. We feel as if she were only loaned to her new home end that Brussels is still head- quarters. Mrs Wm Ziegler, of town, was in Grey township for few weeps owing to the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Jacob Ziegler, who is now quite smart, we are glad to state. Wlsa ITER PROGRESS.—Mrs Alex Hunter, well known resident, under- went an operation, at London hospital, for the removal of a cataract on one of her eyes. Tier many friends trust site p will soon be able to get around as afore- e time. We cordially welcome Miss Winnifred Morris, of Petrone, and Miss Annie Geddes, of Belgrave, to Brussel, They are the new teechers on the Continuation and Public School staff, May they en joy the highest success and be heartily supported by every pupil and home. We are pleased to extead a cordial welcome to Walter and Mrs Rose and daughter, Louise, who have come to town from Teeswater. Mr. Rose our - BORN LOWS.—In Grey township, on September 8rd, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs, 6111ton Lowe, a son. MoOALLUM: 7n Owen Boned, on July 20th, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McCallum, a don titer—Halon Mar anrite. MOCADLAY-In Morris township, on Septem- ber lith, 101.8, to Mr, and Mrs. Newton Md Caulay, a sell—still born, WALKER ---In Brussels, on September 8th 1018, to Mr, and Mrs, Ben. Walker, a daughter. M°NIonoL—M°MDRRAY—At St. JOhn's Ree• tory, Brussels, by Rev. H. Smith, on Sep. bomber 4th, 1018, Mr Duncan meNiehol, McKillop township, to Mise Olive Pearl McMurray, of Brussels. DIED MOWRY.—In Morris townehip, on Anguat 01st, 1018, Mary Elizabeth Sell, beloved wife of A F Embury, aged 81 years, 0 months and 10 days. LAtiorm —In Brussels, on September ard, 1018, Sarah Isabel Arnott, beloved wife of Hugh Lamont, aged 02 years, 11 months and 27 days MOALLISTER.—In Toronto, on Sept. 7th, 1018, John amAilieter, beloved husband of Ise. belle Fraser, aged 74 years. W O • t� • Y • Y • Y c!' 't e W p • • Y q e O W 0 B Y b G tl 6i kl O q 00eo®PoleDecetiaeng11m90gSmfe 999 McNe92>0000AM6Y04100902t090006600 0 if so Read this --- --®+fan® JaITIeS fax, We Will Lend `!I"olu An AutoStrop Razor'for a 30 day trial. 11• you then decide to keep it, pay us for it, if not, return it. No Rink --•-No Obligation Any reaponsible party can make ar- rangement over our Cutlery counter for this Free Trial, which means you need not even deposit its value. if you have a Charge Account, write to no and we will send it to you by mail. Druggist and Stationer BRUSSELS • 9 ti Y Q s CI 0 • O • Y • Y Y 9 O Y Y Y 0 • IN MEMORIAM MOMILLAN.—In loving memory of Pte Chas. E. McMillan. Two yearn have panned, our hearts still sore, An time goes on We miss him more ; His loving • smile, hie weloome face, No one can fill his vveantlane i? Algia, DENMAN. Tenders Wanted Brussels Counoil is asking for tenders for the Joe er Onhting 10 acres of Maple, Bench and Stroh wood on the A. Hislop farm, 14th Con. Grey township Pries per cord to he stated. Also for the hauling of eaid wood to $ russela Dint and separate tend rs. Tenders recolvel up to Monday, Sept. 23rd, by e,101'1. Village Clerk, who enn supply other mirtioalent. f;8RUSSE1-S MARKET ,A, When $207 $2017 Strayed steer Oats 76 76 Pena 2 25 2 25 Barley 1 00 110 Strayed from the pasture in Logan townehip Butter 87 88 about Aogmat lath, a red and white 2 year old 40 40 dehce med steer, with white on top of hand. 18 75. 18 5 inP r ion nn + er at o will 7 Anv a m t b his wlr o r urs w t. be 86 N6 thankfully received. 10 00 10 50 JNC STEVENSON, R.2, 1 00 1 60 Lot 7, Con. 18, Grey. R. R. 2, Brussels. UO 08 Phone 9211 AUCTION SALES Eggs Hoge FRIDAY, SEM 20.—Farmstocic, implements,' wool Sia., at 834 Lot 28, Con. 1, Morrie. Sale, mire- Bev served, at 1 p vt. James Vancamp, Prop,PntntoeS per bag James Taylor, Auc. Wool (un mottled). m eYe+csame••msas seeoceeYsessee ose moomato•areoomosoosaaeataa ae occosaaano assoceasea •Y®••• ® al 0 D O 9 a 9 chased the comfortable home of Mrs. Geo. Rogers, Frederick street adjoining his recently Required Poultry Farm and they will soon be very comfortably set- tled. Teeswater folk speak in highest terms of them Last week Mrs. R. K. Matheson and daughter, Harriet, left for their home at Edmonton George Crooks, the former's father, accompanied them, going to Indian Head, Sask, where he will visit Albert and Mrs, Gerry (the latter being a daughter) and !from there will go to Calgary where other members of the family reside. Il is 63 years since Mr. Crooks located in this community and he leaves many old friends around here who wish him an enjoyable time as he visits his relatives and old friends Mrs. Crooks died a few months ago. Scxoor. TEACHERS GONR —Among the school teacheia who took their departure for the opeulug of school last week were: —Miss J. Armstrong, Toronto; Miss Bente leryens, Toronto ; Miss B. Harris, Port Credit : Miss C. McCrack- en, Toronto ; Miss H. Downing, 'Tor- onto ; Miss H. Lowry, Walton ; Miss P Baeker, Mimic° ; Miss J, 'Taylor, Stnuffville ; Miss A. Felton, Morris Twp • Miss B Currie, Scotland ; Misc L Ballentvne, Ethel ; Miss G Ross, Fort William; Miss M Snarling, 'Grey Twp, ; Miss I. McNab, Morris Twp. ; Miss L. Ament, Winthrop; T, Arm- strong, Toronto I Geo, Buchanan, Swift Current. Church Chimes Herveat Home Anniversary in St John's church, Sunday, Sept, 220d The Young People's Society of Mel• villa church has resumed their Sabbath evening service, following the regular church service. Next Sebbath evening a memorial ser- vice, having reference to the deeth of Pte Angus Ketr, who was killed in France, will be held iu St. John's church at 7 o'clock, Rev D. Wren, M. A., Mount Forest, will take Sunday School Anniversary services in Brussels Methodist church on the 23rd Inst. It will be Rally Day iu the Suedes, School in Abe afternoon at 2.3o o'clock. Rev, Mr, Stafford will go to Mouut Forest for the day. A special meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held in the school room of the Methodist church Thursday evening- Sept re' h at 8 o'clock An address will be given by Mrs. Struthers, of Clinton, who has been en gaged in Missionary work among the Chinese. Mrs Struthers is en interest• ing speaker, whose hushand is a Medical (Farms for Sale 106 anres of landl for Hale, one farm hot 12, North half Con. O, Morrie townehlp. containing 00 acres There aro on the prendees a goon frame homes, bank barn 00a00 ftr, also ndrlving sired with pig eon underneath, a hey barn With cement stabling and a frame house not used, Perm is in n good state of cultivation and is watered With v spring creek and well d Abo s Lot Is Con. 8, con- tenting windmill, eerrietr 100 to nsa mostly grate, well watered rd ending ; 4 sores hardwood k?fir gaol in flard and omni[ house. These ?firma are in flrtt• Matt oonctition amd will be told separate or to• Wither et, reesnnnhla prices. Apply, for tor• ther partionlars, to Mrs. John Molal roy Ex• eautrix of emote of John MoElroy, Blyth P.O., or Bobt, Shortreed, Walton P. 0, s 3 • 0 Y 0 0 E& P d Save money on Everything, Carswell's E Big Says4,:<' Sale an Sch lit e 6 0 a Y A Y Y Y 0 es es 0 Y 0 Y • • • 0 • • • • Y O n N • • Y Y Y c ems+ The Prices Tell the Story q.oc School Boys' Hose Saving Sale Price 29c 6oc School Boys' Jerseys Sizes 28 to 32 Saving Sale Price 45c 4oc School Girls' Hose White or Black 29c C School Girls' Hats Saving Serle Price rt 39C 5oc School Girls' Corset Waists Saving Sale Price 39C 20c School Girls' Hair Ribbons Saving Sale Price 121C I,25 School Girls' Middies Saving Sale Price 95c I,5o School Girls' Dresses Age 8 to 10 years Saving Sale Price 1 10 Age 0 years Regular 75c for 59c Age 8 years Regular I.00 for 75c 1.75 i hoc School Girls' Dresses School Girls' Dress Saving Sale Prices I Goods Age 8 to IO 1 15 checks and Tweed Effects Age Io t0 I 2 391' Saving Stile Price Age 12 to 14 1 29 39C I.5o School Girls' Oxfords Size S to 1Uk Saving Sale Price 1 19 2.00 School Girls' Oxfords Size 11 to 2 Saving Sale Price 1 69 2.00 School Girls' Pumps Tan, Calf or Patent Size 11 to 2 Saving Sale Price 1 69 9oc School Boys' Un - tearable Tweed Saving Sale Price 69c son School Boys' Straw IIats Saving Sale Price 29C C School Boys' Tweed Caps Saving Sale Price 59c 2.50 2.50 School Girls' Bals. School Boys' Sweat - Size ll to 2 ars Saving Stile Price Size 20 Lo 32 1 $9 saving SRIa Ptriro 2.75 School Girls' Blue. Bals. Size 11 to 2 Saving Sale Price 2 19 2.5o School Girls' Dong. Blue, Black or Tan Size 8 to 10e - Saving, Sale Pelee 1 95 1 75 School Girls' Boots Batton ne Bale. Size 8 to 10e 1 19 1 69 1.50 School Boys' Knick- ers Size 28 to 82 Saying Sale Price 95c 1,00 School Boys' Sport Shirt's Size 12e to 14 69c 1,00 School Boys' Negli- gee Shirts 'Size 12-S. to 14 690 7.5o School Boys' Suits Size 28 to 82 Saving Said Price 4 95 Io.00 School Boys' Suits Sige 28 to 32 Saving Sale Price 6 95 2.5o School Boys' Boots Size 8 to 10e Saving Sale Price 1 95 3•'-5 School Boys' Boots Size 11 Ln 13 Saving SHIP Prins 2 69 4.00 School Boys' Boots Size '1 to 5 Saving Sale Price 2 95 .5o School Boys'' Boots aim]. to 5 Saving Sale Price 2 39 5.0o School Boys' Boots size 1 to 5 Saving Style Price 3 69 6.5o Sch. Boys'Odd Coats Saving Sale Peine 3 95 Sch, Boys' Bloomers Size 28 to 82 Saving Sale Price 1 39 e 49 Special Notice 0 Y Y Y • • Y O••••••••••••••••••••••••••metra•lit•••••••••••i®YSt*Pi*woe &9ri****•••e••6esomeesY•••• We Undersell Catalogue Prices Carswell Bros. The Store that Saves you Money Special Notice Every Item Less than Wholesale Prices D td cl b e e1 8 q A a A 0 O 0Wt • 9 y, t.0 s_