HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-9-12, Page 7A,
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rritAINING sToCK FOR Tim yAlits, V
qCVC/4 P-C.IL'i,V,,.V2C)//btaq• rze.4%..i-..--Cr. 0,e7e. ,,,
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given and that oil meal and corn and /0 if.," C•0,1., C,,,- ‘1°,,,,,,t...4. JO/. ze a , :,..
,,,,, will hetes to form the bulk of the ee., sOr e e es- ti / , .., ,,e, ,/ef
ration for .-how cattle.. Oyes: Would c/ ene„ C7,1_) -0.c1 .4 lair/Z.01X 01,011.2014 --4.'1.LS
cot:as nf lo•nn now nod the have a
laxative and toning effete, not to filen- I 6 .,./g i , #
tion the feet that the brim helps -Lei I
keep the anima! body cooled down. Olate,wo, d, i,.(...,,.. U.A.re2-!: r-ood brz pence, 1,..7,,ne
.miiiiititice of yore are being digeeted , de
daily . The period of feeding :.lieuel '
:immune ate red nee:preview; to e.,- 2reeC.Z (.7,414e, 7
, ing on ill: eirelilt or 10 the fair, 1. '''' - ::(.ZZ - C04?6/19 -6110,1/1
. When ilie abiroals start for the fair
- is the point where many showmen
with hint that he was using at home one. o/ e .40-adf r17 -ah Z.411. -e, traZue,4
.at anyor-z cawz ir-td-czezdtkd
elitute. As has been mentioned be- ti;11 e
and. so it. becomes necessary to eub-
I fere, quick eubstitution is a thing to
. be avoided. While the cattle are on
, the train or in tie.. show bens, they
, will eat very little anyhow unless they
: have beini there a great many times
before, and it iA doubly imperative to •
i give them the same sort of feeds they
: had been accustomed to receiving.
Feeding the slime- neinin' is one 0-e .After the show is over, the mistake
mai might as well notsehow at all as tors is that the animate are ,teken T. 14. Estabrooks Co.
Law -into
the most itneertent petite. An anis niell•e 1)1 nine out of every ten exhibi-
wig 1,i, at n rt,.,„,,,t. gi,e,,,,i.t..,,ence. en reducing their grain ration in a single, C.4a.ry
ir one hie; in hie poeeeeeein an Mil -
Mid tit to show, the noel morel. Myer. j
tient thing is to fit it for the :how ural
it may be :mid in passing that a great
deal. depends upon how an animal is;
fed and trebled whether or not it is
able to do anything in competitien,
among its peers. Many aernan goes
to the fair awl while looking over thu.
show yard Peace, there comes a gi reit .
increase in his estimation of his oWn
cattle, An exoreseion often heard
among the epectai ere at yin+ fair Le
this:. "There are just good cattle
running around in my barn lot LtS
there Eire heee." in the great 'neje!
ority of cases, however, this is only. .
lack of ability to compare the two,:
either lie to fleshing qualities or as to
conformation. Really, if a man hits
"just as good cattle" in his barn lot as
are at the fair the feel that he did not
fit them it; a reflection on his good
judgment ror, while the iitthig of cat-
tle has. teeny details, it is not so vom-
.plirated but that an amateur could
maeter it in a eliort. while.
irectIleig FlitOW Ariimul
l'his le very important, when large and 4cy,A.:= a/..)2d,n, taxied 44,a2 rvo
,02 k;n2e..
be 4o gamee.1 thai the esseite e I
aOleestjefe ties"
"lose out." If the (little are shipped,
the owner cannot take the same feed .1.4h
ce-tit ovlo
weivone ern/.
ft1,4 ay*
a 7,170, 7imetux
to appear in sueh peer flesh that it honie and turned out to pasture thus se John, Toronto, Winnipeg,
the fires eeelein etemtards of ,1,15.• This is "the- colossal miettikee. Canadian rood Contr0.1 No. 6-2:76
pr,P1' eo mach out of elute after the e*"•-• neeeseary Put in a few slice:of petatoes back of each Chair by Et long string.
needs 'but littee clarifying heat :low. and it toy oeange belle. tied to the
conformatioa arc Jesised teed in the and it expinies why SOttle cattle ape' PI/ economy end elimination 6f evaete that,
next levee, eel geirseer tioe must . _ the transportation of the
be cushion. ! e.-: h e.eitieh rat ane flesh rmserl (I'ver• to hint than life he can come to no men and sunplise; from Neeth America! a.n •
d brown. Strain and cool. Here was served jellied °ranee soup in
The redueel
Moisiere and daughtere or all eget) are cordiality invitees to write te this,
department, only wilt be published with each queution and ite answer
CB it, means or identification, but full name and address, must be given in awl
letter, Write on aria ewe of pager only. Answers bo maned direct
stamped and addressed envelope enclosed.
Adorn all correspondence ter this department to Mile Helen Law, 235
Weeceine Ave,, Toronto.
-o-- fa • o -e• -0-0-0 -0--
eseeti hour of daylight at din-
silt;gest,d to a chit) Of girls
who lived in the country a delightful
shower for one of their number who
wele enraged to a seedier in the Rain -
hew Division,
They called it a Pregreseive Rain -
bets, and of tememe didn't tell the
brei Liebe that it was to be a com-
bination automobile ride and shower.
At feur nne Saturday after-
' h h
'men they all met at one ot t e came.
The poroh wag deetirtited in tt red
Maid Marion:- Bet don't tel it exploeivee: (es fur the 1i/brie:IC:on of
for relined, Alai,' Marion, ilist the inaebinery: (3) for ointment e fer enlor scheme. A rOW of red Jape
cause.. the reetriceiors have been lift- -
, wounded solders Eitel 111 for human ane
lenterns hung from the roof all
arotani. n(,,, cushions were scatter•
• ed .4r.t.1,6 ,,,,,,Thiption a ta.-,n I•Ii" keeper is not sufficiently careful about
seessemption: The average bouees
cel :shout in the chairs! and on the
are at liberty to nee food in the old: tagnnt every ,„iiiip „e eat, The fee etepe, and a jar of crimson rambler -
roses adorned the table.
free may. The ban has been lifted: , ,
1 tviapararily bt,caap,, Britain at pr,, eio,,7,seI itiii:,tere• h. elp you to make the beet
Everybody sae about and knitted
, sent is well supplied with bacon- ,
thanks to the efforts of Canadians and ft.:in.lislt, list) '.:1;hlivelh'll's't. raan,ed•beLlirr7esf rguaity:°thke-
etf(oir)t .troh'ii:;11VTieelfpfafattle-eXuaeklie au
it; export of pork by eel per cent. ,
from trimmings of all hinds or meat touch of red, were eerved.
1 Americans. t %made alone, increased
A tray of rod ribbon streamers was
I as a reeult of elle reetrietione imposed (z) Reng„Thitt enee;__00 Grine paseed, and
arm -Irma ettete.
each girl pinned one on
1 that your voluntary saving Was ,Very t (b") Suak several heel e in salt- her biome., as the beginning of her
j by the Food Beard. Se yeti ran see suet.
I meth worth while. At the same time Try cut. ill Op of double 4„gor ,,eoe The guest of honor found with her
ed water and etrain off the Water. tc) rainbow badge.
water. 1 e • ' three ei fine wire favor it reeleage tied with red tulle,
*trainer or cloth. fel Store in small which AN, we. requeeted,not to open
till the end of the afternoon.
clean vessels in eeed place.
tei Ineelorizing, fates -Hai Grind and After this, two automobiles, owned
- h- e • • 1 water.(1, teTo by memhers or the club Or their fend -
the Allied Food Controllers, meeting
in London during the het ,.veels of
I, July, passed a reeelution to the Pil-
1 feet that the meet rigid tee -meetly and
eliminetion of waste in the eeneurim-
each menet of fat add oiie half -cup of lies', whieked the party along two
tion and handling of all reed sriffe, - •
RS NVPii as inereeetel productien, Arend
e•eur nillk, fel try out if neceesary, or miles of fresh .x citify road to .the
be maintained tbrougheet the .Ear. heat theeoughly iit 6-m1de-boiler. id) home of aeother girl in the club.
, , sty in as atalve. lei After coulee; Little tablee- had been eet on the
opean Allied Countries and in North .
remove fat from liquid, lawn wish a law:II:let of old-fashioned
American. The resolution stereo
further that it was only by such. t.4,) Clarifying fats: --(al If the fat marigolds in the centre of etsch one,
•. e!,
kept eineeeere • . When an animal ual ye thr.• increnees were. terms with whomsoever opposes hien.
complished, and stocky. of food steffs. , e(5) Cate of fats, --la) Fats should eups, and saltines.
tO ei...€: lik., :, : r: ' ,.. ,Mt.1 nIIA W..:11.
, linea in reed ehould be about ne grad- i
III the European Irma could be ace
is in gee I e.eiditlen len• leswing, it tins . Exterior Appearances; . This involves an inevitable separation/ , u kept Iletin and covered in a dark.. The girls received orange -colored
what the :l •. 0 knew es Et In show eetieon, it is an occasional I from all opposition, just as loyalty to. could • he }milt up in _North Americalrool pinto.
one's country means the litter giving se cit an in
against the ever pre- (b) Burning of fats favor ribbons to pin next to their red
"bloom." • occuerenee to have relatively poor! of oneself even unto death and no sent dungen of harveet failure and the! should be avoided because an injuri. ones, and the bride-to-be received an-
other prize packet, this time tied with
Art el, e while fief, I.,evel le.ive.. and e.linals placed at the head of the list. parley with traitors. possible necessity for large emergency- ous substance ieeformed. to) The fat
erange tulle.
; kettle ehouild,hb.el ken,. covered while
' From there they all jumped again
the animal riee! mit -ime wltii the while those much superior are pineal I Cor, 16. 13 draft% to Europe According to the; .• ,
The °Wotan" is ..plite lareele• depend- the simple fact that many of these; - is imopssible to ndminister the fond hear that the Ontario Government -ported to the home of a third girl fox
the third course.
ent upon the inelhed Rid period of cattle are trnined "to put the best;
• ' an. appeal to the Corinthtens, a church
coccus- problems on the basis of one year's' Employ.ment Litreau bath made er-
Thee time it was served in the din
ft) lig . foot. forward," ae is proper, It is Lesson X. Conquertng Evitt..ti. Kings plucked from the inexpressible co
tion of a notoriously wicked city in war. So we are not yet out of the! rangements rer three weeks' cnursee
date. In some Noes, however, a the shOW ring so that the fineet points, likewise an appeal to every one who eketatb11,-
octliness peculiar to that age. It is conservation must be carried on as be -1 College, Geulph, for all would-be them filled
Ate btha
Ephs 5. 11. fore and the essentials must still bel dairymaids, This is an innovation
months in mbeinee of the opening' should also know how to perform in I
splendid finish leen be put on by a rimy be brought out. One of the first • le Kings 21. 11-20
short period- of intenelve feeding as requirements is to keep the animal'
Verse 11. The elders and the nobles
well tee a long period of extensive clean. To this end liberal bedding: did . . . according as it was writ-
feedine. In feeding the show ani- ie essential. Then cattle should have', ten in theletters---Jezebelie famed as
.mal one remit he constantly on the their tails washed out and loosely; one of the most unscrupulous and
wicked women in history, spurring Oil
.100kollt to see that 110 changes are braided each night. The next morn -
made abruptly. The health condi- ing these braids may be undone and her husband to a hellish deed to
tion of an animal rapidly gaining in the switch brushed out. This will, gerrhathifhy his covetous spirit. The chi-
ld nobles of the city were merely
flesh is at a dentate balance and no- give the tail a showy appearance. The:tools in her hands.
thing will throw the mechanism out tail should by all means be clipped 12; They proclaimed a fast -Not
of order so quicely ae a generous feed-. from the switch to the tail head. merely to furnish an opportunity to
ing of somethlies to which the animal! There is a good deal of variation in Proceed with charges against Naboth,
Is not aeenstoneel. . Changes in feeds the practice of clipping show animals. but to show that the city was under
and ineremsee in the amount of the Many exhibitors clip three or four condemnation because of guilt and
feed should conic very gradually. If months before the show and then keep \spaniel do some kind of penence. Fasts
e proclaimed to show humiliation
this e'en be itecomplished there is but the animal blanketed Or otherwise after defeat or in case of threatened
trial will go offefeed. rays of the sun, I have seen animals, 20. 2-4), Set Naboth on high -In a
This year nothing much can be said, however, appear in just as fine condi- conspicuous place where the proceed -
definitely concerning the feeds that 1 tion where they had never been clip- ings against him might have the ute
should be given because of the fact, -eel,
p but it is necessary to take some most publicity,
that we ere using so many sub- 13 Carried him forth out of the
. special care in having the animal pro -I . '
etittftee. It will perhaps suffice to d cl 11. t death 't1
say that a balanced ration should be
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, deoi,.
same viler was et elget before farther down. This is explained by! SEPTEMBIele 8 quit you like inert, be strong ---This is eration of the Food Controllers, it
Dairymaid. You will be glad to into the waiting cars and were trans -
It ie vie-tom:i.e.- eeir1. to fit retie iterreom, which was decorated with
Hitt only necessary to have a well fed. 21. 1-29; Matt. 10. 34-38; L which were all the refinements of WI- wood, by any means. Economy and; to be held at the Ontario Agricultural
kraals for the strew two or three enimal with good individuality, but he • g
Cor. 16. 13. Golden Text,
names the name of Christ to hold fast „god. Ifor the fall months, as in other years
to the ideals of life and character set
Anxious Mothem-Are you sure the course was held during the winter
forth by Jesus.
and at earls place was a scalloped
shell containing deviled crab meat
you are giving your little seven-year-
; months. It is hoped that a great garnished with lemon quarters and sic -
old boy enough milk? You must re.e many girls will take advantage oe companies! by tartar sauce. Cubes of
member that it is the perfect food for this. -Most of the farmers whn want. hot yellow cornbread were delicious
children and that without plenty of it: eel women to work for them this year with the crab.
they cannot thrive. Meat does not, put a knowledge of milking and but- Again the passing of the yellow
ribbons to the girls and the present-
ing a the yellow -tied package to the
guest of honor were the signals for
leaving to go to the next house.
The automobiles quickly took them
there, where the main course of the
dinner was to be eaten.
Maidenhair ferns were lovely in a
green bowl on the table, and tiny wood
ferns were scattered over the white
The menu consisted of broiled chick-
en, fresh green peas, small boiled
potatoes with parsley, and rye rolls.
By this time the girls were getting
interested in their rainbow of ribbons,
to which the green was now added,
ned the bride received her flown)
package, green -tied.
Motoring to the salad comets, the
elle!) found the dinning -room lighted
by blue candles, though the guests
were begged not to feel blue, Ragged
robins were arranged as a centre-
piece, and fluttering blue tissue Mit-
terflies marked the Places.
The salad was prunes stuffed with
peanuts in hearts of lettuce, served
with French dressing and Dutch
cheese balls.
By the time the sixth stop was
reached the sun had set and the moon
was coming up, so that the girls sat
on the verandah in the moonlight and
sipped grape -juice ice to the music of
romantic ditties. 'Lavender stream-
ers were added next to the blue ones.
and their badges were complete.
As they finally drove up to the last
house they were greeted by a rain-
bow of tulle which arched the entrance
to the porch.
With their fluttering rainbow rib-
bon badtges and the armful of rain-
bow packages belonging to the bride.
to -be, they felt very much at home
with the rainbow, and the guest of
honer was not even surprised to be
asked to seek the pot of gold at the
In the yellow pottery jar which she
discovered were as many gold'•nuggets
RS there were girls in the club, ale
each nugget was a little gilt -paper•
wrapped gift for the man "over
The bride's own gifts were in the
packages progressively received, and
she had a jolly time opening them
under the rainbow.
Substitute for Gold
the deficiency where cluldren1 ter -making as among the chief re -
Green foods are likely to be regard-
a.surePPelYoncerned, for milk supplies the, quisites.
ed more as an accessory to the fowl's
School Teacher i -With holidays
bill of fare than a.n essential require- lime necessary in the bone formatton;
and there is practically no lime inipast and the fall session in full swing
ment. This notion is a mistake.
meat and bread, and none at all tni it would be well for you to lay your
Greenstuffs, sometimes spoken of as
plans now for food conservation work
succulence, are just as important as
needs not less .than two big cups of ; in school this winter. As your chile
sugar and fats. The :average child'
grains, meals and animal foods. Not
milk a day wh. fie adults should. have, dren are so young, it would be advis-
ee much from the standpoint of nutri-
half a pint daily. in
the children' able to develop the pictorial side of
ether because Mons, because in. this respect they
this can be given in the form of a' food control. Get them to deeign
little reason to be afraid that the ame protected from the flies and the hot far below grime i
calamities (Judges 20. 26; 2 Chron. their medicinal and hygienic value.; beverage but it can naso -be given as. posters and little rhymes as the
milk soups, puddings, cottage or French children are doing. Some ae-
the system, counteract the evils of the I
tonic. Th tone'
cream cheese or as sauce for yege-, tordshing samples of their art have
Green ac
tables. Milk and plenty of it is the reached Canada from Paris where the
more toneentrated foods and assist in
go. "safety first". slogan for children and, boys and girls in their early teens
their assimilation. Besides, they
on the farm it should surely be miser have drawn and painted some re-
tected from the sun and flies. Fly
"- stones -Capital punishment was ere- =tern elements,
furnish some nutrients, especially the
dope" is pretty likely to make the euted outside the city, a,s also in -the. bute water. ;been estimated that, to supply. pro- arouse interest in saving or inert:Reed
tein, milk at 15 cents a quart is as production, Then you might offer
hair coarse and bristly and for this case of Stephen (Acts 7. 58). Aceorrie I The best grasses to SOW for permane:
reason, should be very sparingly used ing to 2 Kings 9. 26, Naboth's 'sons I grass,' cheap as sirloin steak at 35 cents a prizes for the best essays on food
on animals intended for exhibition. were also put to death with him. They eat poultry pastures are blue
. pound or eggs at 38 cents a dozen. l control. Indeed, school teachers have
The horns and hoofs should be kept I were, nerhaps„ the only: _ heire thet red top, low, elelutch or white clover.
Other seeds, such as red clover, timo-I Saver: -You are quite right about, a remarkably fine opportunity to do
polished and for this purpose, a piece cpuid.rightlyi clatrinhthe mhelritanee of thy,
RiSike and alfalfa, make very the importance of saving fats. There' good work along this line. The
acecorviiilitneYattIoc a primlistivrearawiatvheattine I d
. gooe hay, but they are not durable is a tremendous demand for fats of juvenile audience is the most recep-
of glass or sharp steel is very ser -u1
glass' punishmgent included also a man's; enough for poultry. They are soon' all kinds, (1) for the making of high five in the world.
viceable. Really, I like the
better than the steel, since the steel family,
usually has some zagged edges that i /5. Take possession of the vineyard Swiss chard and lettuce are useful
I killed eff. r I e
lar quantities, rather than in large production, and materially enters into
clo not easily wear Alie nor is the glass' -A confiscated property. It hasi ear
quite so harsh. . not been unusual to confiscate to the: feeding baby chicks in the early some days and none at other the care of the dairy herd,
state the property of traitors and;
"ring. They should bo cut into cle's"
times And always feed them in Good ventilation is an essential
e th • criminalsAhab now s to !short lengths and feel in small quinti -'troughs or hoppers to keep them as many times overlooked..A. barn steam-
ing with body heat and heat from ma-
nure not only keeps a cow's vitality at
low ebb, but also undermines her
health and power of resistance to dis-
Currying cows is largely overlook -
markable pictures, all calculated to
th tee., to give them plenty of it. It has
The Choice
'Of all Ranks
Shaving under
trench difficulties at
the front will q tick=
ly convince him"
that the A.utoStrop
is the only practical
razor. it is the only
razor that sharpens
its own blades and
consequently is al-
ways ready for
instant service.'
Anticipate your
boy's request' by
including an Auto -
Strop iu your next
overseas package.
Price $5.00
At [toiling Moro everywhere
Safety Razor Co.,
Termite, Oat.
• edisze
Fooliug The Teacher.
The meanest teacher in our town,
Or any town about,
Once kept our pitcher, Dannie Brown,
When school WKS letting out.
She kept him in to do a sum, -
She said it wasn't hard, -
Although the other nine had come
To play right in our yard!
We lost the game by ten to one,-
Thdy were the Silver Sbx,-
I'm very sure we should have won
With Dannie in the box.
She let him out in inning three,
But then it was too late,.
And teacher even smiled when she
Wolk pass US to the gate!
But since then every single day
We'Ve fooled tho teacher well;
We've found a very simple way -
Just listen and I'll tell;
When Dannie has a sure to do,
He always does his best;
And then, you see, when school is
He gets out with the reed
The movement. of cattle from
southern Albert to the feeding gym:nuts
of the north is already in full swing,
Every individual in the home poul•
try flock should show vlg and
strength. Size (not' rat), erectness,
eettetty, bright eye and rod comb aro
favorable pnhlts indicating good con.
istflution. Drooping tail or wing, weak -
1 logs,head and neck not tweet,
denoto weakness, Pullets bred from
good ItlyeaS,,are preferable. A Mind
layer will be st hearty feeder and
usually a vigorous worker. Pallets
. lute heal early will prove bettor winter
f • les h
seI Onion tops and sliced onions are
rejoice in his blood -bespattered pos- ties to keep them . clean as possible.
ssion. .
17. The word of Jehovah came to both excellent for chicks. If you,
Elijah the Tishbite--We first hear of , have a brood which is inclined to mope
Illijah in 1 Kings 17. He bursts upon around out of sorts, so to speak, and
us unheralded and flashes like a Taa- yon want to put a little "pep" into
messenger forr aJehovah, overcom-1I e chicks, t try a ew
tocross the sky of Israel, a flare- f ns sliced fine
ed. A good currying daily stimulates
ing the false prophets and clement -Th short order the c I
lucks will bel Proper care of dairy cows to many
blood Circulation in a cow just as sure-
ing the iniquitous deeds of Ahab and tussling and tugging at the slices o . persons meal essimply plenty of feed ly EIS a bath does a human. It will
Jezebel, i onion as though they were bugs or and a warm bed. These are certain-
keep her coat in good, clean, healthy
19. Hest thou killed and also taken worms. I ly the most important things to con-
condition, which in turn will aid in
possession? . . dogs shall tick I Beets--mangel werzels-is the best sides, but the man who lets it go at keeping her body whrin. This alone
thy blood -Blood for -blood is the law all round vegetable for poultry. They that will find a larger percentage of competent authorities claim, will in -
of the Levitical code. The same idea
runs through the Greek tragedies. are easy to grow, and keep well for; boarder cows than the man who tries crease the yield 10 per tent.
Bloody deeds are sure to be reeem.! winter feeding. From twenty to to improve his conditions at every Proper care of dairy cows presumes
pensed with blood.
twenty-five pounds per clay per hun-! point. kind treatment. A harsh voiced,
20. Hest thou found me, 0 mine dared hens is about the correct ration, ; As an example, one may give his club -striking attendant Will affect the
enemy -Vengeance comes up at last Shredding the beets by means of a cows sufficient feed to keep them in inilk yield just as surely as will a
with the criminal. Ahab had for years • root cutter is the best way to feed fine shape ,yet, unless he studies the lack of food,
seen Elijah on his horizon as a sort thems or they may be cut into large! production of each cow and the things
of incarnate conscience appearing at ,teres and spiked on nags in the pout-, her system demands, he will find his
crimes. I have found net is another thee because i beets in a full ther way te ; the milk produced. I doubt if one
Suspending the halved; feed bill is out of all proportion to
time. to denounce him for his many *fry I•ouses
lace this sort of food before the farmer in a hundred has made a real
eeption of right. He knew what! fowls. The idea is to keep the beets! effort to understand the relation of
woman and had largely become a tool from being tracked around in the dirt! the different food elements to milk ; The hog is often not near so much
in her hands, He had sold his high-' and litter. In cold weather tho middle prodnetion, and each individual ROW'ti to blame for his filthy condition as his
f for the rewards of sins and of the day is the only time to feed, desires. Still, this is a very vital owner is. He is often,the victim of
thou bast sold thyself to do that which'
is evil -Ahab was not lacking in per- I P
crimes. I succulent food, so that it will not point and ordinarily necessary to eue, • circumstances rind his condition is due
'matt. 10. 84-88 , fre...essesinci become unpalatable. I cess. Here, then, is ono instance ; to his surroundings. It is my opin-
84. Not peace but rt siwordi-Theee, Cabbage is relished by fowls, : wiser° care means considerably more ion that he is not dirty by choice but
words are from 'the Prince of Peace.. though it should be fed in moderation,' than merely feed vnItune. !front necessity. (4IN-a him a chance
Bug peace can come only through the lest it impart and objectionable ilavoe I Then there is the matter of water. and he will keep clean. On most
prevalence of righteousness, and , „ ,_ I A COW'S system demands enormous forms Che pip; Pen is all in one en-
righteousnes.s is attained only through to me eggs, •
Sprouted. !nate make a convenient quantities of water, in winter it.s well i closure and entirely open. In such
the antagonism resulting from the'
' form f -a sin , reen duff in limited as in summer, and unless ble is fur- , a place it is absolutely impoeeible for
coeflict of truth WI 1 01101. .
sword of Christ is therefore the sword: quarters or during the winter months I nished her in eold weather in palate-, the animals to keep clean, rho bed -
of the Prince of Peace, I when plants carrot be grown outdoors.; ble form she will not drink it, Mid ding is usually put in one corner, but
85-87. I came to sot a man at vary- Chickens eat them greedily. ! the yield will drop, Thus, there is it is bound to be trampled under foot,
ance with his father , . , Tie that ! Hard vegetables, like potatoes mull the neeessity of warring the water becomeing wet and dirty, Even if
loveth father or mother more than meturnips
lin ld be boiled first or they slightly by the aid of a tank heater or , not trample( and scattered, the expos -
is not worthy of me --The lino of
will not be eaten in large quantities; : by watering in stalls by the drinking -lure to the weather makes it sure to
cleavage between truth and error, bee!
t • en loyalty to Christ or antagonism! Cools them in their skins and whet' cup system.
; become filthy, To avoid trampling pound,
1 mix
It is said that a Serviceable substi-
tute for gold is obtained by combing
ninety-four parts of copper'with six
parts of antimony and adding a little
magnet -dem carbonate to increase the
weight. It is said that thle alloy can
be drawn, wrought and soldered yens
much like gold, and that it also re-
ceives and retains ri golden polish. It
is worth something like 25 cents a
to him ruts through all human rela. soft crush them slightly an(
tinea. 1 with a little dry mash. Fed warm,
88, He that cloth not take his ersos this is a splendid food for cold morn -
anti follow after me is not wort y of,ngs, sleep upon the frozen, manioc cover- ; the bedding in one part and it will, matter to , . ,
me -Christ will have first place or
e---- -- I Waste fruits, um Heins "Melons and ed groped, unprotected by stew or . stay there. Cover this part with a' there is n e.ortain amount .0r. table
none, To follow him may mean bear -1_,.i.„,,, garen
( products are availeble bedding. her yield will be lowered to a: goe'd roof and the hog will keep clean.' (wraps and kitchen waste -which has
in the cross going to the death,' ''''''''•
F .1,1 at them with ineteriel extent. I Put in enough bedding. to really make' feeding value but which, if not fed,
There can be no compromise, no ' .
II Iva' ai ra- I a bed, In winter this should he quite finds s Iva., ,
temporizing. Where a man stands ' greatest aviditY, The main conoid- Milking and feeding
for a great principle which is dearer oration is to try to feed them in, raga- gain intervals is essential to hest', thick, So the lloff Mal' burrow into it, The saving modinm: Some hens.
Another important thing is the
milliner in which a COW is bedded. If
her stall is not kept actin, if thee. must
and trampling and scatteriug, e
the pen in two parts and make a Let the table scrape help make eggs
,winging •100r in the partition. Put, and meat, In every household, no
'ho iaawifa