HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-29, Page 1VOL, 47 NO. 9
$1.50 Per Annum in Advance
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Can Serve
One of the great lessons of this
War is the value of Thrift. Let
the children learn it, too, by saving
through a Bank of Nova Scotia
There is no more useful "nest egg,"
when college or business days come, than
a substantial savings account,
Bank of ri ;•.i va Scotia
Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000
Reserve rand . 12,000,000
Resources , . 130,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Sweater lost-Tnm Pose,
tiatahel lost -Mrs, Lattimer.
Anation Rale -Jos. Davidson.
Hoh°ol opening -F, R. Sinith,
School needs -Carswell Bros.
Houso for snle-Miss Gaynor.
Fall Term -Shaw Business Schools.
iR istrixtBetas
Next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clocit
A. T. Ooopee, Clinton, will conduct
service in Victoria Ball,
Owing to various reasons the picnic
and Field Day program proposed for
Labor day has been cancelled indefin•
?Jetty gond vegetable and flower
gardens in Walton this year,
Alcleillop township Council will
meet at Seafoeth an Monday of trent
Mist Veale, supervisor of Victoria
Hospital, London, was visiting Nurse
Ferguson here during the past week,
Wm. aucl Aire. Suede of Preston,
were visiting the latter's parents, Jas.
and Mrs. Harris, for a couple of weeks.
Miss Love, 141,11 Oon., McKillop, who
has been at Fergus hospital, arrived
home this iveek and her many friends
hope she will Boon be as hearty as
Walton school is ready for re -open=
ing. - The new staff of teachers will
consist of Miss Clark, of St. Helens,
And Miss hazel Lowry, Btusseis, un-
der whose direction the work will
move &maid in good style. Both
ladies come highly recommended and
will be welcomed to Walton.
Our formsrvillager, J, W, Morrison,
who has been with elle 0, P. R. at
Montreal, has joined the engineering
staff of the Canadian Northern radl-
way and will be in the Company's
head office Toronto until next Spring
when he may beceme Engineer on
conetrucbion %work. We.congratulate
him on his promotion and wish him
many successes.
Miss Verde Procter is visiting at
Jas. Minster's.
Dan. Manns, Saskatoon, is visiting
relatives here.
Miss Jessie Patton is visiting rola•
tives at Toronto,
II, A, and Mrs, NIc0a11 spent Sun-
day with friends at Delhi,
Chas, Enwright and eon, Toronto,
are vieiting at A. Holmes'.
Mre, Geo, Mowbray is visiting with
relatives at Sb. Helens this week,
Miss Eva Duff returned to Welland
on Monday after spending a short
time at 1 her e lone,
W. H, and lelrs. Haney and slaugh-
ter, of Wingham, visited relatives
here on Sunday,
Meg, Win, Hall and Miss Hazel
Stamper epent the week end with
friends at London.
TUIi nnteRX ToWtisetIP TAX, -Rates
for this yeas are :-County Rate 5 4/10
milia on the $, 9.oweehip rate e
mills ; Grant to schools, 22/10 mills;
Bridge Deb. 9/10 mills ; Pro. War'Tax,
1 3/10 mills. Herb. Henning will be
Cn lectov for this year,
Deur, BUrataSS KILM8p.—Mre,
John Burgess, of this village, received
worts last week that her, Mt Lieut.
Walter H, Bnrgess had been killed in
action in France on Auguse Nth,
The late Lleltt. Btngess had been well
known here, having spout part of his
early life here, He was a model young
Man and was highly eateemed by a
large circle of friends who Will deeply
regree hia death on the field of battle.
Last Spring Lieut. Bargees was„
awarded the Diseinguished Service
Order and the medal wtts sent home
to his monist Bloevale. He quali-
fied ae Lieutenant before leaving
Canada and shine going to Feence had
Noised through the severe fighting
at Fens and Pase(hendale Ridge.
Many folks extend sincere, sympathy
to the bereaved family. Lieut. Bur-
gess is a cousin of James Burgess,
Geo. Black is holidaying in Toronto.
Mies Edgar, Guelph, was a visitor at
the home of R. BIacle last week,
E. 0, Keller, Toronto, is holidaying
nvith his sister, Mrs, A. McLeod.
Miss Jean Fox, Brussels, was the
guest of Miss Jennie Allan recently.
Lieut. Stewart McKercher, Toronto,
is spehding a week ab his home here,
Bliss Florence Ray, Newark, New
Jersey, is the guest of Mrs. NI. McLen-
Miss Janet McCullough, Harristot,
is visiting with Miss Agnes Me -
Alre, Jas, Stint, aecompauled het.
sister Mrs. Me.intyre, on her return to
Chas. and Mrs, Sanderson, Hama -
ton, are visiting the latter's sister,
Mee. NV. Rutherford.
Mrs. Bouthron, Hensen, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs, C. D. Simpson,
who has been on the sick list.
Thos. AIe•Bride and family have re-
turned to Hamilton after a visit with
the formetee sister, Mrs. R. Easels,
Chas. Lawrence, who recently open-
ed a shoe repair shop in Gotrie, has
purchased a residence there, where lee
will shortly move hie family,
Mrs, W. S. McKereher and Miss
Bessie Lovell were called to Cbieago
on Thursday owing to the minus ill-
ness of Aries Madge Lovell, whom we
are glad to knew is now improving.
FRET. Donee His Dtrage-Auother
Wroxeter soldier has falleu a victim
in the great wood struggle far free-
dom, in the petson of Alex. Rasmus-
sen eldest son of Mrs. Rasmussen of
this village. Word was received here
Thursday mooning announcing that
he had been killed In action or' Aug.
51.h. Alex. would not have attained
hie 18th birthday mita October. Ile
enlisted tis a signaller in Toronto
with the 284th Peel Beet, 2 years ago
this Fall, going overseas the following
Spring. He was put in a reserve
Baht. where he remained until early
this year when he went to France.
Alex. was an honorable, induserious
boy, a general favorite among his
eompenions and the cutting oils of his
young life is deeply regretted.
Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Mc-
Cullough is expected to prettch iu
Knox church,
Rev, R. F. and Mre. Cameron were
welcome visitors withrelatives and
old friends in this vicinity.
W. J. Sharpe, 11th (lona, has had
some trouble with blood poisoning in
one of his hands but we hope it will
soon be all eight.
Orion GALL.-Osear Gorsalitz, of
this locality is Bremen on a railroad
engine. The other day he was in-
dustriously shovelling coal when the
engineer called on hint to jump for
his life, which he die through the
window headfirst. Cause for eueh
haste was the face that the engine
wane crashing into a car loaded with
dynamite, a poreion of 'which ex-
ploded blowing off the head and
Valves of the engine. Fortunately
nobody was hurt but it was too close
a call be be reliehed, We enngratulate
Oscar on his escape unharmed.
quiet wedding was solemnized on
Monday Angust 5th at tl,
politan church, when Miss a Metro,
daughter of' NV. S. and Mrs. MBes eeli-
ericlt and Win, Fevare Campbell, of
Asehniboia were married, Rev. Dr,
Milliken officiating, Bride looked
pretty, Wearing the groom's gift, a
White fox stole with a Buie of pearl
grey and careedog s boquet of white
roses, The wedding brealtfMst was
served a0 the Kin 's hotel, the guests
being Mise Viola M. Laycock, of Asei- raw
lsibeia ; Misses Jrlvel n
Y and Pearl. w
Wadsworth, of Regina and Wevhtlre,
reepeetleele ; J. S. Campbell, of lien-
gough, heather of the grime), and Pte,
Chester Neif, of Voewood. Mr, and
Alts Campbell left amid ehowere of
confetti for .Banff, where they will
spend a few weeks before tutting np
residence in Assinihnia. Tuts Puler
Joins with their line; of friends le
Assinihnia and Ontario in wishing the
happy couple a long and prosperous
wedded life,
On Friday night an auto end horse,
which was grazing one the road, in
Lagan. were rn collision, but the pont.
horse got the wast of it as two of its
legs were broken, and when the owner
found it, the poor brute was lying in
the ditch and he had to shoot it to put
it out of misery.
The Patriotic Society will hold their
Field Day Alonday next Labor Day c,n
the farm of Mr. McOleneghan. There
will he a good afternoon of variote
kincle of games and sports. Dniteng
the afternoon the ladies will hold a
bazaar and donations for this will be
greatly appreciated. A collection
will be taken for Patriotic purposes.
You are invited to come, bring your
basket and spend the afternoon of
Labor Day in Belgrave,
Omitted meeting stere next Monday.
A wedding is among the probabili-
A1rs. S. Chambets was Visiting
friends at Clinton for the past week.
Jno. and Airs. McDonald and son,
Ralph have gone to the Exhibition
by ear.
Rev, Mr.•eleCullough will preach in
the Presbyterian church next Sunday
School will re -open next Tuesday
uncieemanagement of hisses McLel-
land and BallantynP,
Alt's. Isaac Gill is visiting in St.
Thomas, In company with other rela-
tives she goes by car to St. Louis and
Miss R. Spence has resigned her
position as Postmistress after a faith-
ful period of service. She will take a
new position, so it is reported.
Rev. and Airs. Joh neon have arrived
home looking much better for their
holiday. They report crops good with
oats 70 bushels to the acre and 40 lbs.
to bushel.
Mrs. Beettam and children, of Tor-
onto, Wilfrid Robinson and Miss
Iidnnail Curled], of Woodstock, were
here for the week end at the home of
D. and Mrs. Sanders.
As Rev, Mr, McDerment was unable
to take service in Presbyterian (March
last Sunday it was taken by Mr.
Jamieson and was much appreciated.
Rev. Mr. McCullough will be here next
People of Ethel, enjoyed very much
a few hours visit frau Rev. and Mrs.
McKelvey and Miss Irene, Oil Springs,
Mrs. McKelvey sr„ Stratford, and Miss
Molieivey, Calgary, were also in the
We are very sorry to have to report
the very serious illness of Mrs. Jno.
Kreuter. She took sick a week ago
with symptoms of typhoid fever sued
later pneumonia. At time of writing
she is in a critical condition. Have a
trained nurse in attendance. We
hope for a favorable change soon
A. and Mrs. Mutchnnore, Cooke-
ville, and sot, Barry, have been visi-
tors at Juts, and Mrs. McDoualcl's for
a few days. They started for home
Monday morning and had only got as
far as the school when something
went wrong with the steering ap-
paratus and ear turned upside down
On centre of road. The passengers
crawled from underneath, nothing
worse only a little shaken nm With
alittle repairing to car they started
on their way later.
During the past week J. W. and
AIts. Pollard had as their guests, Mrs.
B. Olivet and daughters, Mrs. Wilson
and Alias Driver, of Rochester, N. Ye
who motored here, corning via Niagara
Falls, with Jno. Driver as chauffeur.
Although the old lady is 70 years of
age she stood the teip well, She is
'Ates. Pollard's another. The Driver
family lived in Brussels for years be-
fore going to Rochester and were
welcome visitors, Mrs. Pollard goes
bank with thecal for a visit,
wedding took place at the home of O.
and Mrs, Doxey, 84 Chester st„ St.
Thomas, on Wednesday, 14th inst„ at
9 o'clocit, when their youngest daugh-
ter, Alice Irene wee united in mar-
riage to Hugh Ounningham, of Ethel,
Rev. W, H. Harvey, B. A., Heapeler,
former pastor of First Methodist
church, performed the ceremony.
Bride who looked charming in a suit
of treenail blue Oharuceuse satin and
georgette trimmings, carried a large
boqueb of white carnations and maid-
en hair fern, was given away by her
father. Ceremony took place under a
large Union Jack, surrounded by
palms and flowers. Wedding March
Iplayed by •Nlise Myrtle Clarke,
T°rout°. After:ceremony wedding
party eat down to a sumptuous wed-
ding supper, table being draped with
smilax and adorned lvitlh several
pretty boquets of asters and gladioli,
In the centre of the table sat the
large wedding cake trimmed with
flags of the Allies. Toasts to the
bride were called for by Rev, Mr,
Harvey, he being toast-emeter. fie
spoke very highly of the bride,
especially of her good work in church 1
affairs. Groom responded followed h
father, brothers and Frank Shaw, a
cousin of the bride, Mr. and Mes,
Ounninghatn loft by motes for Remit- I
ton, Toronto and Thousand Isiande. I
Bride's going away gown was green
plaid aitk with green and white t
eater coat and hat to match. She
as the recipient of Mutaroue pees.
The line-up of the new Alberta
Otthinet will he
Preuller and Alinieter or Reit ways'
and`. 1'elephunett--.tion, Giem Stewate
Minister of Agrieulture-- ltuit.
Dlllleall Al aril tall,
Alinieter of Pullin Wmke iron, A.
J. McLean.
'Wortley - General -lion, J. It,
Minister of Education and Public Geo. en P, Smith.
Minister of Municipalities -.Hen, A.
G. MrKay.
Provincial Treasuter-- Hon, G, R,
Provincial Secretary -lion, Wilfrid
ents including a hanme
from the groom. About 50 guests in-
cludingFrank and Mrs. Doxey, Brus-
sels ; L. and Mrs, Doxey, Stratfotcd,
Mrs. Ritehie, (gtandmother of bride)
from Stratford ; Mrs. J. and Miss E.
Whitby, ,Stratford ; Julie and Miss)Myrtle Olarke, Toronto; Airs, Rirh,
Clarke and daughter, of Atwood ;
Airs. May Knight and daughters,
Brussels, and many relatives of the
city: Mrs, Ounningbam teem to her
marriage )vas a valued employee of J,
H. Gould Lost. '
Council met last Monday.
The tax rate for this year will be Si
ming on the dollar.
Airs, W. IC, Whaley, Belgrave, wee
visieing Sunshine friende,
A number of Morrie pupils will at:
tend the Oentinnatiou School at Brus-
sels next term.
Mrs, Jamee Russel and Miss Mildred
are away on a visit, to Bayfield, Gode-
rich and other points for a few weeps.
Miss Linda Clegg, 5th line, is still
troubled more or less with neuritis
but we hope she hill soon be free
flout it.
Master Reginald and Niles Dorothy
Bolger, of Guelph, are visitors at the
home of Henry Johnson. They were
formerly of this locality.
Ernest Miller and bride, of Niagara
Falls, anti Mrs. Alex. Edineston,
Palmerston, are visitors with Geo. and
Mrs. Miller, 5th line.
Misses Ataey Clark, Palmerston, and
Mary Fear, )Blyth, have been holiday-
ing at the home of their uncle and
aunt, Anson and Airs. Shaw, Motels.
Anniversary services will be held
at Ebenezer church Sunday, Septem-
ber 5th, at 11.30 a. m. and 7 80 p, m.
Rev. Mr. Karr, of Goerte, will preach.
Misses Anna and Florence Malcolm,
Galt, who were visiting with Mias n
Kelly, 8th line, ave returned home.
Mrs. Maleolm and Miss Ruth are ex-
tending their stay.
The Trustees of the Miller school,
5th line, have engaged the services of
Miss Mary McKellar, of Cromarty,
Perth Oo„ as teacher, at a salary of
$550. She will commence work next
Tueeday. We wish her success.
Mrs. Thomas Maunders and
Mrs. Joseph Hunter, Detroit,
have been renewing old friendships
in this locality. The visitors are
mother and sister of W. H. Maunders,
of this township, and former well
known residents.
On account of Dr. Breams, Brussels,
Medical Health Officer for this town-
ship, resigning on account of removal,
the Council appointed De, While,
Bressels, as &weseor, at a salary of
$25.00 for balance of the year,
An Auction Sale is annonnced by
Joseph Davidson, Ni Let 22, Con, 4.
for Tuesday September 100). He will
sell his Farm Stock, implements, &c„
as he purposes :giving up farming.
Farm will also be offered the same
day. Read the list in this week's is-
The steam threshing outfit of Duke
Jordau, 5th line, has been sold to a
syndicate of Eget Warvanush farmers,
who are operating it, Illness to Jno.
Jordan, sons of the home and a mall of
work ab other• jobs pet the running of
the outfit out of the question this
season hence ecu the sale.
Word was received byAnson Shaw,
2nd line. Morris, that his son, Pte. R.
S., had been wounded en August 3011i
in France, from gunshot, compound
fracture of the ankle. We hope he
may soon be able to gat about gn as to
come home. His brother, Pte. Frtnik,
Aviv) is also in France has escaped in
jury so far.
R. P. and Mrs, Handfeed, of .Detroit,
were welcome visitors at the one of
II, and Mrs, Manning, 5th line. The
ladies are relatives, Earl, son of the
visitors, is now in Washington State,
doing duty for his country its con-
nection with the mechanical transport.
department and will likely go overseas
shortly. Ale. Hanford is a railroad
man for years in the service of the M.
O. R. at Detroit,
THE POST is pleased to extend con-
gratulations to Miss Elizabeth Fee-
gesmn on her auccese in passing Part I
and II in her special .Art course at
Toronto. Next week she goes to
Grimsby Collegiate whom she will
teach Science and Ave She is a clev-
er young lady who will no doubt pro-
mote in her educational career as she
is ambitious to advance and will pur-
sue a enurse to achieve her objective.
We wish Miss Pert�uson every success.
MATItMONIAL+-Wednesday after-
noon of this week Gordon E. Walsh, a
welt-to•do young man of this locality,
and Mies Margaret Mae, youngest
daughter of Allan and Mrs. Speir, 5th
ine, wore milted in petreiage ae Mel-
ville church manse, by Rev, A, J.
Mann, B. .A. The bride, wore her
travelling stilt of nigger brown with
rat to match, Aer, and Mrs. Walsh
eft on the afternoen train for a wed-
ding trip Fast and on their return will
ake up reeidence on the poem's fine
Pnetn, ie miles South of elelgrave,
where they commence married life
Brussels j
Poet p r d
_.-O 0_
Friday of this Week
On Account of Rain
Big Field of Horses.
Warm Contests expected.
with the limey good wiehes of a wide
circle of relatives and friends.
Mies Balie Sproat, of Et;mondville,
was visiting Miss Iva Harris, last
R. E. G. Powell and family, Luc -
an, were visitors with C. and Alis,
Armstrong last week.
Mrs, Jno, Love, Egmondville wag
calling. on old friencle iu Grey and.
Walton during the past week.
Miss Rebeece, McNair, 15th Oen„
was visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex, .Ed-
gar, Gorele, clueing the past week.
Airs. Dittman McOalltlm mud Bone
Millet, were visitors with R. J. and
Mrs. Hoover, the fortner's parents.
8 Mrs. Edward Bosman and Mrs.
Henry and son, of Wingham, weve
visitors at the dome of Jno. and Mrs.
This week Will. and Miss Beth
Hoover, 9th Con., left on a trip to Ed-
monton We wish them an enjoy.
able time.
Council meeting Monday September
2nd, at Ethel. It will also be Court of
Revision on the Maitland river en-
largement By -Law.
The many friends of Pte. Wilfrid
Whitfield, of Cat ling Heights, London,
Ont., are pleased to know that he is
]tome for a few weeks.
Airs. (Rev.) Watts, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. George E.
Speitate for the past three weeks, re-
turned to her hone at Walkerton on
Levi Whitfield is not regaining
strength as fast as his many friends
coned wish but we hope with cooler
weather be may soon improve in
Miss Bertha, daughter of Geo. E.
Speiran, 12th con., who has been
spending the holiday with her cousin,
Nies. Emanuel Steiff, Monkton, has
returned home.
Next week a goodly number• of Grey
township pupils who passed the En-
trance exam, this year will go to Brt e
cels to attend Continuation school.
We wish them progress;
Mrs. Ben. Driver, her daughters,
Mrs. `Nilson and Miss Sadie Driver,
aucl snu John, all of Rochester, N. Y.,
here visitors with T. and Mrs. Alcock,
4th Coll. They motored from •Uncle
Sain's territory.
The Helmut (Saske Nfeecury gays •
-Miss Annie Midget! (daughter of
eter McNeil, formerly of Oon. 14) of
he Irvine Drug store, is spending a
ew days at Carlyle lakea. She was
isitieg Mrs, Jag, Hislop,
J. and Mrs. Tuckey, Hyde Park, and
. and Mrs.
Oon nor and daughter,
Mien and Alrs, W. Douglas, of Len-
on, were visitors with Chester and
les, Armstrong, 10th Oon, The
armee are parents of the hostess and
re ladies the letter's sisters, ,
Miss L. Miller, of Wiudsor, Mre, Mil-
er and Walter and Me. and Nirs.
chmaell and family, of Milverton,
ere welcome visitors at John Gor-
alitz's laal• Sunday, They made the
Friends are pleasedfito knot%v lee
oedon Whitfield, who underwent a
Hoes operation in the Western
oapital, Toronto, is recovering. We
one he may be fully restored Cn
ealth again. The boys are sous of
At the Patriotic GardPll Petty, to
held at Union' church Friday even -
g of this week, among many other
od things will be ae address by Rev,
F. Knight, M. A., Milverton ; going
y Mee, Knight ; and selecelots from
nwbeiclge Oreheetra.
David and Mrs. Sanders and Mise
ly and Misses Clara and Cela Rath -
ell motored to Tavistock to a Garden
rty foe Mrs. Sanders' old home
uroh, where Miss Cela took part it)
e program. They made the trip
nm Ethel to Tavistock in an hear
d 40 minutes, 'That's going some,
O,utn nF TreAtegs,-We wish to ex-
press our thanks to the neighbors and
many friende for kindly words and
deeds in connection with the illness
and subsequent demise of the late Jno.
Lowe and also foe the sympathy ex-
pressed over the sudden decease of
Airs. Addison Taylor. They were
most highly valued. "-
Mets. Lo Ws AND FAMILY Ate»
Eseron-SPEIrtAN.-.The Budget, of
Oyen, saye :-"A pretty wedding took
11Mace. August. 1st, at the hone of Geo,
. and Mrs, Scott, Rush Centre, when
Albert D, Eaton, of Rush Centre, and
Gertrude B. Speiran, of Oyen, were
united lin marriage, Ceremony was
performed by Rev, H. D, Robertson
in the presence of the relatives and
friends of the contracting parties.
The happy eonple reeeived many use.
fel Mud valuable gi
g its whish testify
the high regard of their rnany friends
le wishinith g themThe e mess edgee joy tes andohap.
111. H. Iil:ltR, Pyoptielor
TJIR PosT will take ire an
intul holiday next WHO; ttud
;tepee will not. be issued,
°Mee op n for reretpt of Joh
%lark, Advtttieiug or gull.
iiptiong Sept, 12th ;will be
date or next
Meese " 1.'he bride is the daughter of
Geo. K and Mrs, telegram 12th con. of
,IAO. LOWE 1)EC1tARED.--After a
brave fight, fun lifeJuu. Lcive, Lot 5,
Con. 0, messed away fast Saturday
aged 5'e yettes and 30 days. He le
amrvived by hie wife, who was Mite
Ella McNaughton, ,a sun a»d 2
daughters. Deceased wee an old and
well known rPeillPtlt of (Spey Town-
ship. On selling his farm on the tith
Con., les pinctiaeed the Hoe hundred
acres an which he died ftom the lel.e'.
James leeignentp. Laat year le
bought the fartn Weal of his from
Alert. McDonald, for bis sun, Milton,
before the lapse cif many utont.hs the
latter was called to the cnlore at
London, Iie has been home for the
bast few months on leave to take
charge of harvesting operations. Mr,
Lowe was a Preehytetiatl in leligion,
a Liberal in polities and was a Mena
her of the 0, 0. P. Orden' at Brussel-e,
He was a gond neighbor and a man
who enjnyed the reepect of the
eommmunity. The rimmed took place
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Maim
enudueting the Heroine. Interment
was made in Brussels cemetery, Mps,
Law. and family sharp in the
sympathy of a wide cir•,•te of friend+:,
Howick Council
Council met in Township Hall Ger-
rie, on August 21st, pursuant to ad-
journment, members p eseut, Reeve
in chair. Minutes of last meeting
read, on motion of Spotton and Arm-
etrong were adopted. Moved by
Spotter' and Williamson that J. H.
Rogers be appointed Coal Commis-
sioner foe the village of Forewent and
G. W. Walker For the village of
Goerie-Carried. Moved by Lynn
and Spotton that all Road Lists that
are not returned by Sept. 15th, the
Clerk be instructed to charge same on
the Colleeto's rolls -Carried. Moved
by Armstrong and Spotton that By -
Law No. & for year 1915, striking the
rale, be read the third time and pass-
ed -Carried. A large number of ac-
counts were ordered to be paid.
Moved by Williamson and Lynn that
the Caution adjourn to meet WednPs-
day, Sept. 1S, in Cook's Rotel, Fo•d-
tvieh, when Collectors and Asseesor
will lie appointed -Carried.
C. E. IVALR.Rit, Clerk.
East Wawanosh Council
Council met on Aug, 19th as per, ad-
jourment. Members all present,
Montes of last meeting were read and
confirmed on motion of Buchanan and
Engineer's report on the McCreight
Dtain, affecting certain lands in E.
Witwanosh, Kinloss and Turnbeery,
was read rand provisions all adopted
and Clerk instructed to have uecessary
By -Law in connection therewith re -
pared for next meeting of Council, By -
Law No. 0-1915 was read and passed,
fixing the following testes of taxation
for the present year -0o, rate 45/10
turns ; Township rate 2 2/10 mills ;
Prov, war tax 1 1/30 mills ; and special
school rate 21/10 mills on the S.
Collector having declined to act in
that capacity thisseasou it was moved
by Mr, AlcGowan, seconded by Mr.
Carrie that•e applications for this of-
fice be received up till next Council
meeting. Carried.
Following acoounts were paid -The
Titres odloe, printing Contract, $25 ;
A Bill & Co„ past payment on Patter-
Seb's bridge, $1000 ; R. Mowbray, for
part payment on Patterson's;bridge,
$800 ; W. Love inspecting concrete
worst oil Patterson's midge, $54 ; U,
G. Anderson, conmmntatiotc statute
labor tax, $12: 'A, Scott, cont, statute
labor tax, $7.50; P, Gibbons, eom,
statute labor tax, $7,50 ; R, Scott, come
statute 'Wine tax $3 00 ; Alex. Young,
shovelling gravel $2.00 ; W, McGill,
rep, culvert don. 4, $3 ; For gravel• -
R, Wightman, $1,10 ;' W. Fothergill,
$4.50 ; R. Patterson $3,90 ; H. S. Fris-
by, $7.20 ; NV, Fitzpatrick $1,70 ;
0761has. SaS1.1Wal b;15o1.90 ; I -r, McKay, S76.°6°0
.0tl ;
Cnrn, $2 DD ;? R. Sonat, $0 fU.
By -Law No 7-1915 authorizing the
collection of 3% getter, on all taxes re-
maining tinpaid after Dec. 15th was
read and passed,
Council adjonnned to meet again
Monday Sept, 10th.
A. POTIT1,1eL'111L1), clerk,
#t People We Talk A
4:tp bout 1
hire. Skelton Was visiting friends iu
Mettler Wood has been holidaying at
Wasaga beach.
Mrs, Juo. Derk is making good prog-
ress at Fergus hospital.
Miss Alice 'Wilbur has been holidaying
wills her sister at St. Thome
W. 11, Willis, Wingham, misspending
A few days in Springfield, Mass.
Mrs. Mason, of Merlin, has been visit-
ing with her parents, A. and Mrs. Mc-
Miss 'retie Kerneghen, of Linwood, ds
a visitor with Mrs, Wm. Oakley, Btus•
sats North.
Miss Lizzie Deuntau, Monition, was'
visiting at the home of her parents for
the week encs,
Mrs (Dr.) Feild and children, Owen
Sound, are here on a visit with relatives
and old friends.
+leisielef»iseni+tee++i+steesl eeeleH Hegel...,.
Fall Term free Sept f
4.+c,- t .,.4.
1: 1N
Shaw's Ruslaass Schools
Toronto .t.
.} Piet, Catalogue en reforest
i Write to W. Ii SHAW pee,.
t Yonge and Getrattl Ste., Toronto 4
+bgefe es+1+++ ++ +3»F°�•6•bd•+F• +-ilefefers,+.t.
.0 -
Dr. F. T. and elm. Steens, of Lou-
don, were in town last Sunday.
Ur Ed. and Mrs. Bryans are hero
from Niagara for a week visiting rela-
tives are friends.
R. K Ross, of Canto. Ohio, was
visiting relatives and old Ichors in
Brussei: and locali'y
'i'hns Bedford and Ervin St+filer, of
Guelph, were week end vis,tors and
gueses of Misses Jordau,
Miss M Grills, Harriston, was a visi-
tor with her cousin, Miss Leatherdale,.
Brussels, during the pact week.
Mrs. Hugh Lament, Queen street, has
been seriously in during the past week
but we trust site may soon be as hearty as
Mre Louise Lunn, is nursing du De-
troit, her children being lonked after by
Mesdames Gray and White, Morris
Masters Frank and Edward Rankin,
are spending the week, visiting at the
home of George and stir:. Mei-imbue
Frederick ::tree,
Welter S. Setet is emoyiee r: hrdida,
at Milton, Hamilton and Toronto this
week. Where the honey is there the
Lewill m
Jesae Wiftanasse, ofblo-
the Standard Bank,
Alidland, well home on a visit for a few
days, Art Coupiand, of Petewawa
Camp, accompanied tem
Miss Berea Bryans, has gone for a
visit with friends in Owen Sound and
Catler, Oat. The trip from Owen
Sound was made oat.
Miss Hazel Loby%veybhas accepted a
position as teacher at Waltuu and will
commence her duties next Tuesday.
She is a successful teacher.
Dr. Calder, Wlugham, who accompani-
ed her uncle, John Cowan, K. C., of Sar-
nia, on a trip to the Paeitde coast will re-
turn and resume practice this week.
Miss Ethel Scott, B. A., who is a
teacher at Port Hope Collegiate, is re-
newing old friendships in Brussele and
locality. She was formerly on the staff
rte re,
Or. Fred and Mrs Gilpin are here
from 11Silwaukeeon a visit to the fornier's
parental home. The visitors motored
and will holiday for a week, visiting
iltepoy's bay, Owen Sound and
otheTames Ballantyne, arrived hone last
Friday night from a visit et
5 weeks to Manitoba. His mother is in
very poor health, we are sorry to hear.
He met a number of old friends. Har-
vest none ton good.
Miss Maude Bryaus, of Toronto, spent
the week end in town. She accompani-
ed Pte, Harold Currie, who wee return-
ing from Petawawa camp, where he has
been in meeting for past two months,
Pte. Currie has been granted two weeks
absence from camp.
Miss Lily Kay, of Dundee, Out. is a
visitor with her cousin, Mrs. W. H,
Kerr. She is a daughter of A. H. Kay,
a former residents of Brussels, who was
leader of the town Baud and music
teacher in the bygones, Miss Kay is a
school teacher on the staff' of the home
.Rev. •J, W Penrose, of Rodney,
fdrmerly of Whitechurch, received word
that his son, Pte, Jas. Penrose, was
killed in France, Aug. 80. He enlisted
as a signaller, later being transferred to
the infantry, He was 23 years of age,
His brother, Pte. Thos. Penrose was re-
potted wounded a few days age.
A former old resident of Brussels, in
the person of Airs. B. Driver, of Roch-
ester, N, Y , was calling on old friends
last week. She was accompanied by
her son jno, who coag the chauffeur, 3
daughters and her grandson. It was a
pleasant reunion. The old lady stands
the passing years well.
Miss Vine Bowman, who has been
Ledger Keeper at tee Bank of Nova
Scotia, have, ha., been promoted to Tor-
onto, going to her new post last week.
While regretting her departure from
Brussels she carries with iter the good
wishes of a large circle of friends for a
prosperous future, Miss Bowman's
father tied mother now reside on
Northciefe Boulevard iu the Queen
Rev, R. D. Hamilton, of St. Cathar-
ines, is is receipt of word of the death of
his son, Lieut. I). K. Hamilton, in
action, Lieut. Hamilton gradueted
from the University of Toronto iu tete.
After signing up with a Brant battalion
be went overseas iu July of the same
year. His father le well known, being a
former Listowel pastor, leaving there
for Brantford where be formerly resided.
Church Chimes
Monthly Missionary service next Sem-
day afternoon in the Methodist Sabbath
School, et e.ao o'clock,
Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A. has returned
from hie vacation anti will occupy Mel -
church pulpit next Sabbath as uS-
Sabbath evening, Sept. x5th, a me -
moria) service, with refereuce to the
death of Pte, Atreus Kerr, will be held
in St, johu'e,chureb, Brussels.
Suncley School anniversary smnous
in eonneetion with Brussels Methmfist
church will be preached by Rev, David
Wren, M. A., of Mouut Forezt, a former
pastor on Sabbath September 22nd. A
young peoples' choir will slug et the
morniug service and a male chorus in
the evening,