HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-15, Page 5t^�.�.evaa.,, •xsq, .ora nua, e.Iuwa,rew.11 um,Saga.-„a•..-..»�a„s-»-„a.•. 11MMIE ..« rtn..r.'..,.>mzansa.� xsta«
i1) r.(4°Ra, z1' a '
A' rc'a.[d`o1
s sea, wen sail for Let r1'
tat p ono, to
ni1) lass t nod /nae aborres
tom any Wuox Auuoleor in N:at liarou or
111) don't crearge anything. Paton and orders
ouu al lays an arranged at this Moe or by
p ,: ,,.1U upplioatlon.
e Barrister, Boeotian, Gonveyaneor,
Notary Vane, kat inline-8tewart's Block
L a.or Nor Lb of (Mara' Hood
Solicitor Lar rho ffi@trnpantan Bonk,
tune in lite Mad °Mee, *suet. 20•4
Bush -mews Oa.rds
Successor to M. H Moore. Oairs at Ander•
son neo-. Livery on..lu. [snigger>.. Telephone
No. 29.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Verermary
College, Day and night calm; (ace opnoslte
Flour Mill, Ethel1.-_.`_
M. B., M, C. P , ,G S, O,
at n. rt , “1111„a m' IF m•.as
I liyvi inn, n >; - 1' 10101
OR. J + W I E,
Graduate Toronto Wove, o, ..r mtsbolne
special oftener,. Wiva,, di of children
and -.roger.
Office t Dr. Sryans Old Staand
Phone 46 Brussels
licensed auctioneer far Huron Co.
Sorwtaetion nssurol ; t'hnr,trs modi+rate.
Wrata or Perer dwne it not convenient to calf
]lett. 11ruw;ali nn;i Xurun L cron Yhoeew.
Bltl(411 AVE P. D.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Mine on the square, and door front Hamilton
Private fouls to loan at lowest rates.
W. Panmseowr, K. C. d. L. KILLnaAN
lI, .1. D. Conics
+++0.+++++ ++++++.1.+++++++++4
is assured in every offering of this
store. Whatever the price paid,
we personally guarantee the .
goods to be as represent-
ell at the time of sale.
Arlt to seethe new-
est pattern in
R. Wallace
Let us show you our com-
plete line of Waterman's
Ideal Fountain fens, and
don't forget that we have
a lull line of
Brownie Cameras �
+ Jeweler amrd. Optician, Wrnxftter +
The Public Schools will open Mon-
day, Sept, end,
Prevent the crochet needle from
pricking yopr finger core by putting
adhesive plaster where the needle
strikes the finger,
Any person wino permanently re-
moves from the address given at time
of recent registration must within 15
days notify the Centrad Registrar at
Ottawa giving new address; There is a
heavy fine for anyone neglecting to do
"'Che wedding of the sunshine and
the rose,” is the poetic way in which
a St. Thomas citizen referred to the
merging of its two local papers. Weil,
at least, that is less libelous than class-
ing it as a combination of "moonshine
and the booze” might be.
,h,I„I^i,,,^•hi.,},.+.,I•.;.,t,,;..i,.p,a..p.l.+•M+++} ++
Advortisilw>?; Rates
coI.1,OWINO rive the Mire; rising /fates in
To !tont, how, Found, Wanted, stn.--Flv+t
taxer( tun e00. ltach subs. gaea t llwel dost
Lotrel Renders --10o per lino for first Incur•
nm1, Hach subsrgnout lnsertion au lone
All hotlee. of Ifunn-l8nluu11rnts where reels
cliergetl r I11•enon !1111m, lair per print.
1,11 Ilse, 11116+14 6111. see lusted by this of -
fur same.
l„sett sdv It, I t-• Ile allll re per lane
O.1) ds orThanks,
Weld nRn,.n.n»m..menls, 5x1
1'uuuly 1,t. 6.1 11•,+ rah 4111 Le he td
responsible,or the, l;nyu11eutr
IF+•}'1'l+d+•f•t•d•+h++++ +++++w++++l••atee+
aft ax a Twoi"o Rati, vrArr
Gotuo u.oteru Roma Nowell
Expreng 7:111a m t :“fail 11 +g a m
Express tta.t o nn 1 w,xpa•eaa a 17 p na
at.V.11591.1.A0 dp.t'P.LF!V
To Toronto To Golero•h
Express 7:12 a inExpro,se ..... 1 :03 pm
!Uttmost].......,2:le p m I Express !:goal
401.115 East - :11 a, n1,, and 0:111 a n1,•
Going Rost - 12:41 and Intli p. in.
All truing going East conned with U. Y. R, at
Orangeville for Owen sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
,Ccaa 1 GIil5 t til 3
Model School Reopening,
The Clinton Model School will re-
open on Monday, August 19th, and the
outlook is bright for a large class this
A Practical Idea
The St Mary's Journal in its issue
of last week, used a column to pub-
lish the addresses and occupation of
persons registering at St. Mary's, who
signified their willingness to assist
with farm work It is hoped that
in this way a number of farmers might
secure help.
To Warn Children
Ilon Howard Ferguson, minister of I
Ferguson, minister of forests and
mines for Ontario, has adopted a plan
of warning children against tire Some
inoo,00o red colored lead pencils, of
Can:Wien manufacture, are being
purchased, and will be distributed in
Ontario rural and other schools next
terns. Each pencil bears the warning
printed on it: Be cermet about fires,”
Engagement Announced
The engagement of Miss Josephine
P. Glass, youngest daughter of S, F.
Glass, to Capt, Garnet S. Atkinson, of
Detroit, (Mich., is announced, the marr-
iage to take place at Bayfield, Ont, the
loth of August, Capt. Atkinson ser-
ved with the Canadian forces in France
with the end Field Ambulance, 1st
Canadian Division, in the years 1915-
1917 Miss Glass also served as 1
ing sister during 1915 and 1916 with
the C. E. F. in France, and returned
home in the early part of the year 1917
Free Newspapers Thing Of The Past
By an official order of the United Sta-
tes has the force and effect of a statute,
all U. S, papers starting July 15th,
roust discontinue the delivery of free
copies, it has been the custom for
newspapers to exchange with each
other, and now that is unlawful. Free
copies have also been given to charit-
able institutors, and to men who
handle newspapers to exchange with
each other, and now that is unlawful.
But now all these papers must be cut
off. The discontinuance wsa neither
prompted nor promoted by the news-
papers, but is a war measure. Any
person receiving a free paper who has
it stopped may charge it to the Kaiser,
who is really the orignator of it. It
Is a law which affects every paten
tion and must be honestly observed
by all of them.
Fornor.teeportT-lenllmving is the
rep,,et of June Promotion .x1111111. fee
S.'S. No, 0 (lefty --Sr. I}T to jr. 1V -
Sy I vesi ter
C-SyIvester itnynard (honors,) Plfie
Jarklin, Jt. III In Sr, III -Evelyn
Ii"v (101101.8,) John Raynatrl, \\'ilfrid
Keifer, (lot/don Lowe, fn•la llnd.un
fir IT to Jr 111-01aot )neklio, Jt,
I1 to Sr. IT-Riehard l;llinr thenee.0
Jim Turnbull (honoree Ow,ei Am
Revs Lowe, Ceeil Raymard, Jr. lI
Oh/tries linlson. sr, t-I,velvn i•,
ensnn (bon11rs,) Orwell 1.311.et, VI '
Joeklin. Primer--(%littlem iZcIP a,
Alatx, P1.a1 1'm i.tM/MOHod mi,
1,147 LA 91, NI'AltL1Nl}, Pen 11
Pte. Percy Glidden of London Mili-
tary Hospital, was up for the week
end. Percy was clue for his discharge
from the hospital when itis wound tie
his heel broke out again We don't
wonder at the soldier boys getting dis-
•o a ped over their wounds once in
0114 1,v S
s1, while.
There are ovary would-be soldiers
here today before the Medical Board
for re•examination.
Mr Ellen Rozeil has rented the vac-
ant store of Mr, J, Taylor on the Mid-
way and will soon open it up in the
afternoons and evenings for the sale of
milk and cream. ile expects later to
start making butter, We hope It won't
be long before he will treed an addition
to the plant.
On Thursday last at her home in
Toronto, Harriet Rippey, relict of the
late Richard Irwin passed away. De-
ceased removed from town some years
ago to take up her residence in Toron-
to, She was married in 1$71 to her
husband and a family of four daugh-
ters, D.
Mrs P R
Hodgens, Mrs, J. tars, g
and Mat` and two
orale 1 d
Kil'ty, Mrs, Sw .Y Y
sons, Gregg and Harry, survive, The
body was brought to Clinton on Sat-
urday for interment, Rev. Lir, Stewart
conducted the services and the pall-
bearers were: --A. O. Patterson, Ve, S.
Smyth, W. T- O'Neil and Jas, Scott.
enr, nlef- -a 1.1n r '+' The.
hem eie Prude
united eth.: Mamielr; 1, Alas cart 'r,
daughter of Air. Jannis tairier t1, civ
Airhulle .john Martin, wl tetderich.
They will reside in the C,ounly torn,
Tuesday of this weel. Mr. James
Snell, the well-known Leiches:er
breeder, lett far (loopertown, N, Y.,
with 35 prize sheep 1,:o be shown at
the Pairs. lie will also visit the State
fair in Maine and at Trenton, N, J, The
animals are all sold. Ile has 'also sold
prize sheep, %Mali are being 'ho-.vn
at Quebec fairs; and also a yearling to
Mr, Geo. B, Fankin, of I amiota, Man.
Itltlr (nurses, - Ile/smith is truly Ile.
port of W OX(.ler }ted 01.0148
OONTiti TirTION 11.0...1 t'LY
O. Allen .. ....ill 4 00
Mrs, G. Allele
J. Allen ,
Mrs. 13. ethane!, .......
A, DougIRA......
.1, Douglas..
10. Davey,-.
J. Otbsou....
%Rise tiaais
errs. It, flaelle........,
\V. Knox ..........•... .
ti. leing-.....,.......... .,
A. Lattemtby.,.. .....
- B. Longley.
1' Nfovgnove
W. Nlin(s........
2 00
2 00
8 Oil
T 00
3 00
7 110
1 00
3 nil
1 00
(3, 13. ,mints............ 1 00
R: elell icbael I ILII
A. elelikeeled 2 o
Miss eleleerrher5 oil
Mrs. P. el rPlwen....• •• n 00
\V, M. Role risen. ,100
R ,1. Ratan 100
Mrs. Rann. 1 00
C. I). Slnpson 1 00
M. Samdel:son1 00
O. sprouts:.... 1 00
(i. 1Vearrtog..... 100
Mrs wVitson fill
.intro 30 Ptaa Peewits. 1.7 20
X77 70
•d - • Is,pn, O6 . v,j :mu ails
48 pair• sox, 12 fl :ewe' suits, 04
towels, 12 furl rlmh., :30 Atreleher
*Ips, Bpilluw c+ts1'•s, 1 1)11rP1 ant ton,
in ',sem the Soviet t } s I?Ills Payable
ex(eed the liank baiuie.. Y••t the
buyers are planing order for m otPl ink
fee Fell and Winter worr, eottfldmnt
1hn1 t.hepeeple will mak.. their (ton -
t t ibut inns barge enough tr, pay the
bills. Telt '1.'rrusnil'wr WM ht “try
'nd 1111 reveiVe illy tem. -11 hell ions,
,genual ,enell, ,hal sh.it- may le
u •ds to pats I'mw rill me bile wino
ger•..Jewel The war le not ever yet.
Heed {lrnss Alllthlll•e 1w'11 h. sneed-
IPd fur nuu,y nn,oths. �VroxelPtillr w'll
1111111,1.1.1111811/111.stilly if the individrad
emit Iihutoedoes not fail. All tngett-
er for a mentle of alo•h motley- n
Augustheave your rant rihiuions at
the Post Ofllee tn. at the Bank.
Pte. Elmer McKay Writes
DEAR liOTA:Eft.-Irl nnAtvPe In yeo•
it 1'la.e.
Rnm1I and lrn. 1Oi( ht
jest tlnished writing you + tette! ll it
night, when someone vers td the and a
rellnw canto nn a wheel. says h1,
"Guess vo don't knot“ vhn 1 ate
„Yes Fns rest,:' I sold ' Sure." He
r nr1P lip to :fee um for ala ei 15 Minutes.
Hetes his nddt•ess-718500 (1 d. Bert
Forest 13 Coy, lid Catmtdiml
Engineers. He has been hilletted
ight along in a town just 2 kicke
away. Yell APS the 107th wt.A
split up and 211d Cauadta, 17nginiters
+tee attached to the 1st Division aril
belong to the 2nd Bt 'gad t, of course.
I am in lat brigade. ile Ionics fnir•y
well, I think. 1 told him Tinrry (win
iv a cousin to WI (ter) wlta bask .n
France, Both ;leek and Harry mod
-to Ire in the same plat one as he, lie
said he slaw 1Ittely the flay he was
wounded anti thought he'd never
crone back horse again.
TO-IilnrrOW being Sunday I expert
a17 kiln untech. I calt't say as to
whether we will attenr the Corps
Sports or not because at present Il e
phare is about 10.01. 12 Idiot from hot
so from ner new glare it would he
quite a distance to march unless we
go in motor lorries, or stay here until
after, Myself, I think we may stay.
1Ve have a goodly number sick with
that 3 clay fever. le seems to have
spread bhrougnont all the RIIIIMSsu
rnuntries. Fritz had it, that's partly
what delayed ilia second offensive
Yen tend of it in Spoilt Itr d we know
ter sure itis here, and T 11mM in IS in
I$ ,gland It is 110t. Revlon } at all, Pat
n had grippe lasting 3 days until it
rues its (manse,
Yrs I've load the rn1111111A tit (4 ``f
V A 's have hwtu Icickinew 1111 Iahout
the Y. el. 0 A graft and I feel Huy
have no (muse to ten (loon the hist ilit-
we all knot“ it. is the life of the
soldiers, Thu net n. plume pm eAri
1)y anything Cheaper than in a "Y e
Ont h. le it gels Canadian gnnls n,rl
the goodies are rhe'np us tossi hie and
,, lilt. tvildlin'et, II provides flee tea,
eo, cm and tat nmgwulP and often gives
the [roams semethl11g free ars an issue.
it provides for ell kinds ofmmnsemeral.
11„8 lin Pn"lnmots supply mf Hthlol c
11 I11!Pd ,high vuM fa11 tet r. et.
.,eeeeer, -a 1 f,•eds ll+ai•t lltA
-nl • she.•“. for 1 h„ Irnnps
ttlh eclat gnats t•.•els. That's iL's
p et t out, here. rye seen the welcooe
sign of the "Y" at many a plane
Where it MIA lint bomb -proof AL ail
,kill I know et chap who worked in it
"Y" who wvlas killed at hit work and
thatby whizz -bang. So Ito wasn't out
of range of whizz -bangs eh ? I know
a fermi %elope Chet ( is a "Y" in sup-
port line of it commnnieattion trench
the place was once a town but now 1,t
flat ruin. The Y. M. O. A, wherevor
you go 314 a Peal home, Rrrl the ones
whit are !mining it, down should Iti m,v
better. There might be a pnssibe
graft in apptopviatior of funde by
people who are collecting for the 11'Y."
bot not tunnite the bnsinesn, of eourse
in everything there is a little graft
they say.
Lt. Col, Canon Scott, soldier
is to speak tomight at 7.80 ell h's
visit to Rome, Sort y to say I alar on
Memel et 8 p. in, and tvili be unab'e
to /If_leldl
If you ever read "Over the top with
the best of luck," you'll ;earn sotne•
111.21pb..im- aiuW.zC.1ccs:: w•e.crcrr...:•wi..rm.14.,1.u1ii,.wiwunNN...N+1wX3sdxaxlr;.A a'Pv4w44,,,-:> 11411061.64rtrrsw:GPM...u110!i (
118 yavtle ego Thin .day of hint wtrk.
1,4. 'MN! lh0• Plt,.eul 111,-
t,rie(ul• ("id( hold of Iht' help , f 'I oh
littler+-n•3.n TOSS nut) dining 11.1, pori, 1,1
hely e1) intirt rt l to keep tee• main oft'
the forks and shots Imeitiott it. a hog
voyage on the •jemnialistie sea. 11.
}}, .Atha, now of Essex Free Pre -e,
was a partner flet' it ie t teat •' It
wee our ell einem Ir-criliu;t butrlro,igh
rant in and •+un^shun• we tote,- piloted
winintet the many eitaagrs that have
"rrmn red ani the old .ehalt, Mee., keel
Was laid by MH-liliirmelly Tiros: le 1873
le bettet bet to cemimue leo: voyage
l',I•,1in,Itaslbbov., ah+. 1,11 lin•1
11 •+n
Mg.... oily „hire aid leremre• 1110
el the All l'I ewe l“1) t eve,
:•tutor ullle,•s drrliee• I" newt rail Is to
thru'1,In11'ne<o„n,ill,ili1•,in,l. 11111' ex.
luv uaa�r 1111)“.11 llovu to 1,0 al,h. to
111,111 111111' 1.111i 111"1 yuul}pvi I1, 1r•md0.1
e•xl,1•1 t set V11.1•. (ill mitts• :
It•w, sun .abl), 1.•:••11. lvlu11 flint 1.1c1.1
1; Tot nlulfr, iuot in "ow d,c1•as,tl.
1•V.o.1 Iu6411, lsht.diltl i1) 11w1,,t.
Ade. Melee, ix •, nut“ 11tH., W. II.
ettewntt, m1' liuulf„rte, Out.
Ufivt' 1lfnpriz••, mutV :Vie•+. stile
Ja, ksou,'1'Iselnll, Sask.
them at any period of its history,
notwithstanding large increase in the
cost of prodtirtlon, owing to the war
and other conditions.
In the year 1892 THE PAST shifted
Its quartets rrmsv the ofllce sin King
Atrret. Ni the Gat field Murk, where i)
0. Hass' Gent's Flt ni-hint; store now
is, nod in 1006 we pillCltasrd the Monk
tweeted by .1 R Grant, Sow of 'Win-
nipeg, which haul been wrecked by
tire, end remodelled it for a newspn per
plant It shade 1,t splendid office,
roomy, well lighted nits conveniently
arranged both for the sluff and the
public Upstairs was til tad up for
\Vest ern Star 01111feiiows' Ball and
tee stare adjoining lensed to J. J. Gil-
pin and ocenp,ed by F. Sperling, im-
piement agent for past year, Air.
Glljeim selling nut. his business to him.
During those 38 years we had as -
cordate.] wil:h us in nut, work a large
number of velem folk and a better lot
would be difficult, Im chmnse as Ihe•e
+“/.11111 e hook am eng them. A. M.
Key, now Postmaster at Slealfot'd
and S, B. Rosevear, who returned to
England, were om the stair when we
bought. the 31(1011'1ie.ucldy's out and
since then the list has been ail fol-
lows :-
W. F. Sault, whit afterward ran a
newspaper in Ouliforuin ter some
year+and now resides in Ottawa.
1,rl.est Otrty, who died at papental
hnlnP, Ht nssels.
Adrian Thonret, who passed away
a few years ago in Dawson city,
trior o
R 8 Rehm], tr.ly ptrtua•t f
Its guilds News
0 E Tet nbull, of Detreit, Mich,
W. S. Ballantyne, proprietor of
Emerson (Matt.) Journal,
Addle Cornliek, deceased.
John Reliant yne, who entered nue
service 30 years ago and e�iMNmueA
still to direct the mechanical delatau
'bury McGraw, now wearing the
Kink's colors in France.
NV. ,1, Good, who ran ."rhe Jmornai„
at Mirror, Alta, for softie years acid iA
nolo in France.
J. Leslie. Kerr, Editor of the New
Era, Clinton.
Rah, Downing, mew Supt. Leith.
bridge Heald j ah deportment.
Athol Meguatle, who was outwit1,-
ter of the LI'rat at Victoria Harbor for
some time and now in Toronto.
Norman McGuire, a Sergeant in the
Imperial army in France.
Elton Hoist, Winthrop, who put in
a year at the business,
thing about Canon Swett, He's a fine
old gentleman, very ratlike a minium,
real lively and head of Chaplains.
I've met him %mentheMg through the
lines quite often with his 13LLIe dog.
Of comae lie beluga to its, lel Div.
He's been out.here sinee th. beginning
of the struggle and will not go hack.
Ile's always ilp where they ale sowap-
ping and believe lie has buried 3 sons
ote, here. He bellied aIle it Meg time
ago, a Oapt. on the Somme. You
hear everyone tneitinn ()anon Sent t,
the bravest anti best man they ever
Oar Fnmthall team play for semi-
finals in Oorps, I believe for Oaunn
Scott's Cup, they got, as far an Divis.
inn and played 16t11 a game, score 2-2
'Poen tint off faith won by at goal 1-0, at
Hulce. Ours is certainly a splendid
tents of professionals mostly. \Veil
the 15th played twn Imperial profes-
sionals and I think considering nnrs a
superior team stave it to us by default..
The war situation now is beginning
tn 1n1,k somewhat, L slrip A for old
Aelcnovledge re(vipt of that $1.00,
thanks. They (tome in handy all
tight, ,lust, come at the fright time
Inn, Cherries are ripening out. bete,
Guess this is all for now. \Visiting;
you the best of Breit, I tarn,
Your loving Ann,
The Buildings al London's Exhib)•
Linn this year will be ex(eptimnelly
gond. Several new films are planing
.Exhibits. The Government. is pleo-
ing exhibits or wool and eggs, algin at
e • exhibit, 'n he A elettltuttal
1,,u tat axlilii t t
linilding and a speoial exhibit pep.
t ,
•ia3t in .n Doulestir. Sore lot work
t t t
and Oonservatiorl of I+end, tvbioh will
filen be in the Agricultural i3uilcding.
A. leant of flue pit/tures has been seem,
ed from the National Art, Genoese
Ot.Iewe, which will add veto, material-
ly to the Are. i$xhibit., /.Tor the Dairy
Department there will be a tine ex -
Vince IPdwardH, linty Mte. 11. B.
Ohni[Mill, :\Realm, OW,
Nina Rogers; who has 1,t millinery
store in them' Forest.
FmglColvin Still un lhestaff,
\lobed %-Miner, n leacher iti 9'osnolo,
Florence McKefzie, who tn'tlstets
\ll• C adv. 11f Pererl ewie
Pearl Dark at•p+esent in the \Ve.l
Rees Leann/tat, who hemline Mr-, N.
13141, 1 -es, ester.
Inez McNichol on staff naw.
(9tweee. Thomson t1, nteobPl of pres+.01
People =omlPtimas way 13 is an on -
lucky number lint, like Rery O'M1ae,
wvr heli"v+' "1.11..1,4 lank i1) odd mmnt-
hpin and if our team of proprietor.
ship were rail...ie.tly Inca we would
he willing, to take 13 more ,just as
grand, if They could be. Found.
Perhaps In he fair the ought to mem
tion out b,'tter i+f f, Miss Heist. K.,y,
of maiden days, %Omni to- tool: irate
life partnership J„n 10th, 1883 at d
Who, hnrdreds .J' linl.•s, Came 111 , u,
etas3st0ut,x tool 111.111,1. in A 1 style',
over the extra busy places.
THE POST never• lailced U, 1,t wits
n"nstiturucy I lour it does to -day nl t
there are Moeda eds who were ori the
subscription Ilse 38 pelts ago who Con•
tiore to this day. \Vs are grau•fol
for these Inkeus of ilppreeiation and
hope our ,jimmies will prove- win Ilry of
their CO110trlteA confidence.
TI1P fsithfuiness of live ent•rSvpnatrl•
ents in keeping up their weekly bud-
gets of interesting news, bas often
paSpnllr in Ih1'• jeutunlisiic Wheel
arnl plover] the Ittlitor tender grateful
oemembtance rot, services well tetuler-
Of (nurse many of out rennets
might have node a better job of
1- i )
wielding the pen than we haVe lila we
did the best we could and always
aimed at permanency rather than fit-
ful booms. Our purpose still is In
make This POST a welcome weeltly
visitor to many a home and WO invite
the hearty eo-operation of our readers
to aid els in Irmatllsaining this ideal so
that you will he able to say as We do
to -day "TDD PosT gives the MPwe."
We embaikod in ,tom-mtlkm as a
stripling in 1880 and have grown gray
in the servile bait. our ambition has
been land still is to tin our duty to the
utmost of 11111. ability in aiding the ad-
vnnee.ment of every goats cause,
\Ve Henrik roti one and all for your
cordiality and practiced 'melting and
will quit. "talking shop” for the pres-
hibit of Cheese and Butter as usual.
For the machinery department ever y
thing will be exhibited, front the large
tr'setor and ihleshi ng outfit to elle
smallest bit of rnaohinery in use. The
PrOCPAe linildfng Will be filled with a
Pure Food Show. Thele will be a
huge entry of Live stock as tinS•
141anagenlenthatve added $1,50(100 to
what WRs already a very Liberal prize
slat. A large addition 111111 been Mint
to the sheep pena and a suitable place
for judging the sheep has been provid-
Everything considered, this should
be the best Exhibition held in London.
All Wrarmntion will bar promptly
given on applicntinn to the Sectelary,
A. 111, Hatt, London, Ont.
Huron County Court
IiIA Honor Judge Dirlcson has given
judgment in a number of Pana s as fol•
IoWs f
Aldridge: v Meaner. -TI plaintiff,
Jow,eplt 11 Aldridge, of 'Medford,
in 1917 purchasers frons Lie del'endanl,
Edward F, Mel net, of 130•Held, a fish•
ing tug with nets tmad (Aber material
for the prier or $'wrsoo, anti his elaim
wits I hal defendant had not delivered
ee•tainofthe art ivies covered by the
agreement and had also Nettle eti a
debt foe repairs to the engine whirl)
plaintiff had to pay, I71ain1iff sued
for s.toceo and interest. The cdefend-
ant rostered a counter claim of $472ii8
awl interest for certain mat oriel tvhirh
he alleged the plaintiff had ngreitl In
pay fore Judgment was that, the
defendant, pay Che plaintiff $20 told
emits and that, on the conium. elnim
the plaintiff pity the defendant $601.00
and (,rete,
s r
Rennie v. Standard Mackit lin h C,r.
Lim' ted. -The Milne R Ren-
merchant, of Hensel]. pur(haeed
from the defendant emnpany,
fact 'mete at London. Ont, a emnsign-
men ttrfraincoate, with alleged el.iptda•
Hon thee any vent/doing n(eeid coned
be returned to the Imtnnfneture•s,
Raincoats to the value of $215 were
'r } 1'78 ii, '+a -isr• 1,1)4111. f.M.'..irPPO r
tlt.o,l t unrl the value of the sante.
Judge, • + n:o; 1 ,r l,itiutill' 1'01 $ff15
11,111i i
u•{, V 1.•y;,,, -Thie a1'• inn was
t,• twee, hee tie, sn "I $217 17 'mid by
lie Matte di, If. ,I Naeg.le, for Ih,. de-
fenlant built hdviog been pnrtlters
i1) tle oillimg 1111.11•'ea tar 131'I1.sPIN.
Tilt. ean,11111 1.1,1,1111.1 tags onedoilt u('
the wee,- el IIn emit. Naegeli•, 111111 oP
tI1P triai/it 11,+1111+1;ed to have been paid
by I am 1,1.mat df for e.er l lees .1(.1111,.111./
to the flnla• .1111115 pseul tuns fur
0,0104 for the+unount. rlainleal pili
Blown v. \Veld• -Tit• plaintiff,
Harty blown, of Wir,khaln, and the
dole/Matta, relax \Vo, -ti, of Blytie are
!nail junk dealers. The 'debit}tf
weaimedlieu he had agreement that
the int ter well,' sell to 111. plaintiff all
fhe .hulk h,• colleeted tee. one year
The woo eaineitt, »rcnrd,ng In the
pldinlin.'s chain, the dereodant had
m+1 curli,a1 out and defendant rlaitn-
1 Ural the phtietilf tvrudd net pay
him n fair wine 1'oe the goads whiell
be was prepared to well 111 hien.
Judgment, was I'll• plaimlilf for felt S3
.tel Uivedon (Aunt
BE SET AT $2.24
Ottawa, -Aug, 2—The price to be
paid for the ;wheat of the 1918 crop
will be fixed by the Board of Grain
Supervisors at a meeting to be held
on August ee. The price for last
t'ear's ero( wap set tat the basis of
$2.41 e bushel for No, 1 Northern
at Port William. The figure this
year will, it is authoritatively stat-
ed, be two and three cents a bushel
higher, probably $2.24 in order to
cover the increase in the freight rate
ors grailr' which has taken place in
the past year,
Members of the Board of Grain Sup-
erwisos and representatives of the
British Wheat Expert Company, the
banks and the Winnipeg Grain Ex-
change have leen in Ottawa discuss-
ing various aspects of the problem of
marketing and financing the grain
soon to be harvested. In order to
protect the elevator companies and the
barks, the Government has been asked
to ge...ahtee the continuance of the
price to be fixed until the crop has
been disposed of.
There has also been shiner dtscuss-
Canadaan National
Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept.7
300,000admissions sold first
day of advance sale. Come
with the crowds to the great-
est Exposition in the 40 years'
history of the C. N. E.
"The Heroes
of ritain"
A production of tremen-
dous force and beauty,
with 1200 participants.
All the colorful parapher-
nalia of romance and his-
tory in the mailing. In-
spirine, dramatic ---a
spectacle every Canadian
should see.
A Patriotic Thrill in every scene
Giant livestock and agricultural display -
Government exhibits --demonstrations of voca-
tional training by 50 crippled heroes -farming
on factory lines: colossal exhibits of labor-
saving devices - Government patriotic food
show - Creator. s world -famed band - Allies
exnibits of fine arts -AND A WORLD OF
Price of admissbm is
25 cents
Consult your local agent regarding
railroad fares
,1 it is aid, a pve,vtr ,. ant Itte aver
,titles for fluyrlg and Gundllol ter.
gran created by the Canadian grans
dealers be utilized. The British Wheal
Export Company }las for some time
been t y he only purchaser of wheat for
expert, :Std the defiler.' business hes
suffered. it has been suggested that
the grain trade might be utilized In
the buyng wheat and the movement to
the seaboard, The wheat export coni•
pony has, it Is stated, taken the puei-
thwart teat if, order to be able to direct
>hipments to different pots as 911}h
ping becomes available It must have
control of the grlan to the seaboard,
,h.(.,(„i.,p,f..p.l..l..i.,l,.p.pq.,(..(..},.p,i.,1..i,d.,l.,t +p.
A Sure foundation
THAT is the one dealt essential, to
have, your monument flrnlly
placed in pn.+ilMi., its scads 1,t way
that nothing rut: possibly trjure it. I
11,111 especially caudld iu Iiis part of
Huy Wolk-indeed in all bratmliss of
monument tweildiee I ani satefiee with
nothing Fiblt. of 1 ht. lu•nl I..sill e.
Any ursier eat listed to me in $Jar,
ble or (411t11ite work will receive I In
attention for which this shop is Imted.
Na item leading to perfect ar•compliela-
anent will be tleglected.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Shop 2:3 -P ONE- nest'', ttce 3 -Ix
of Formei:CE
If wanting to buy Implements 113
11..81 Uma./ Pelee as pos.Urle call oil
rue personally. Na need of pa:t
ill me agent and head agent 1
e 11 o a r 1,l t i
drive the loads soliciting (eiders,
which you du if buying from
theta. I•sell the MrOminiek encs
of the International line of Implr-
ments, and Miter 114.tts, (ail Et,,..
ginee and Tract,o s. Call on true
and save big nnnney.
David Milne - Ethel arta
4.4a00..4.aO0 t44a404.44.4•ts•sr .
Is prepared ! r. 1,t
I ( 1,w the
highest lrilr- for
Scrap iron,
Rags, 84c.
Wool tkinted
Highest price pairs. See
me before you stall.
Highest Cash Price i1,r
Live Poultry and Hides
Write of. Phone 02x,
,604.4040AO••••••04,040lt 04400
(Canada's National Residential School for Girls)
nor•ough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, High School, Business
College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training 33
For terms, address: R.I. Warner,1Vl.A,,D.D„ President, St. Thomas, Ont.
••••••••••••*••••R*••••4 om••••••••••••••••••4.1144,44
Pi'7AL we make fit our pai-eonage, It we e,oultl not convince •
yon, AF'1'b.H YOU' HAD FINISHED THE 00URSE, that our �
training is the best obtainable, we would not went yon to unroll in
this Sehnol.
All Our Graduates are Satisfied and Successful
PLAN NOW to start your course with tis an Sept. tied,
Stratford, Cant. and Wingha.rn, Cant.
*0•n*•0.04.0•00•0•*0*0•••••• ••.000000•40•*004•044r00.001