HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-8, Page 53IAZIRIES i CIARDS1 JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS �y�ro LIMITED - IAdvertising Rates AUCTIONEERS, i 31 kl, tl:(.OTT Ata AN AIICTIUN.; •. cell, DR .•• 1110(1, 111qt fV D •ol1 I111,ow'1'(1XIN7tit . are IIs, Ad ver trate{ lutes iu 1 To k,•Irt r.usr, 1' 0ul 1 rvautr+l, 1 i'u•st 1 v e , Uu❑ i,ue nsala. salt: ,gauuU Ino ;on s,• hoard ltea 1 1 - lo. isso. line for Ilrat iusat•• t• n 1/ h at moll:. rt too: Alt m,tie fl ttt,t.ulomor: where to. L Ilrnt Il. nil >n toll Iu.,u Ur•e),t I i 11111. loth n+ 1- (. t I ?1,,PliP 1 „In rr'� I, I. I , I, ill ,. •t 1 1 4l411 l,tia,n i ,'Iola tr It/spoil,tiot. Iv '.11,', 1 .n ul ti dm tali" Queen's Park Gossip llataru, s i,„pulatlon, according lu 1i:titres of the registrar -general s de- rlt en , increased by 100,2S5 Iron) 1913 to 1910 (n this increase u9,- i,, in '1 we.nG I he 1 ptiblio,, 1,"too... a l • r,,1s;i of J�I r.., ,•7N7•.iji t 1.1 , Orme, 1/.t tot • u+,l tet ''Matte are espev tett to •ILev, .u0 ass ower 1'116. birth_ it tot.: Bore �,jj� �" i :N ere 05,221 11: � . ��q17 (rq(�'rT{¢r7� IiI�}55r�� IYYi:lg+is h:lvL' ,.I=:- foundation 11 f•�•i<g.q„;..i,.y .^t�J h�ft'-._.....::-...%l.�/'``�j_.�`--_.,,�,..•,_..,. ._. ,..��; ...�::..:"�....;.-':•'^-yeas. •„.•,... 'rh'i•i-•r•f d. is �•s:^•..>• kl ItNAsRYRar J • yG�raiivta.�+bV4••h:i:aa.e at i.^t'•Vr"ytil'C•3••r+trwtrtllv"V,',tl+•Gti•ur+l xkb dvt•f5'a iP�r+i` " ▪ rip ,I i'littioit lir l"I I I IU J; (all 1 1, L • e tiE Lk1• f,rl our pat voltage, 11 '. ,,,tlf,l n„L t•,ri,.,,,o,„0. ¢ Guiuc'a pigs d1/ n„t e'nlnc Cruor tiuin- t, o. AU'FElt 1'111' HAD KINIsIil,:ll THE 1'1)1'1;*, bl Ilea of near, nor art. they Pigs, lraiuiug is 1Jle 11/.4 ubininabp•, wr x'uldd 11„t tvnul rrul , ' t n 9 .....r�r-�. 1/4p 81114 tirhr•1! I ,1et'ullin R A The dienleler of the dill of -nit I et f li.•ei �'.r irrt ti Mate, RiI Our Graduates are Bat�sfled ands '"P+� l eec �edl(n( a ally, A 1'i.. 3.•, rt .',1+ •, n u l .,, e, ,.•„e. e; ,: r, h a, ,:„ I F A "11.1111 t(1 tit^ It, Irl - e' I •� ` 4 J •,./torn L.df have to get tl eefe elf t .rte„- - et "altogether" costume for :ome time, e fie' �/,'•', Yom" * the ladies' Aid Socletv of the B:t1- a / { �: 0 fist church f (', t v � .•:sr.!>• i.�/.II.c(?., d A� ,.P -r;.. y,�y : � 14 Idalyt 41111141.1.414,1111414/ a 111 t r•, I 71AYS •. 1'1:1 tli.s or u -I clnppi•nntiun, r (,t`17 mart than 1x111,, In 1'11.1 f 3• hd• I + •i• h (••t, # •i, l q J•d• Fd•-; •;•d• i..t.1.1 there were. 21,24 5 marriages while in Lae, it arem ur , t I 1 1 Ir }, uu ur fru U•,1/.• ( , vl, 1 1 LnL' nue UCd•e" 1', •0,•1.4,14, i•1/ tae' lay lu 1/t, .eel. !, t'CCa\e•tt Slllet• 1'111, x'hlrh rear 1144 �. 141••' xl :h+e o r in 1415 (here were 21,5oh told 1016 l :/'+dal aCiltils mYR319GiC#i. 23 lot . () e k �N� 1 u hundred thousandgists is ( %r„p* y l ' ,g!..;....,1.....4,:: 4 � now the final of Ontario, . registered �Wi�& t A^.?' ;(od operating motor ears. Of th(s +tqx 1 M. 811101 /AIR- ' e1'aussea:; - I„dal, powered commercial vehicles 7 P e Start:dor, xoltritor. C�uueeyauoorr Dorsa Curio l.(otdu .<,: -re lord{ hat a very luta) proportion, 9 NOL„t rrIblio, Ito. ulnee.-stowert s nlook Isar Pin ,,, m,' 1 1 don '•torn, n111D,;too Hutal ti.*i r .. r f - 1 Il I. ma m aichtly rxre,•dili t: lire per Cant L„ solinitur for Ina blottopobtau lJ auk. - ""' ' I in ; tax pl'Dee I, tnu ,11 , s contribution to the total re"t�- _ tiAt n is approximately eo,non, o. WM. 5PElVCE 'rfrEthrgJ6:ff.Y 7l'�f^.ftrtES' 20 Per cant. Last year 78.19; cat•, In all were licensed in the Provinee, CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER WALTON the year showing a growth of 28 per or MARRIAGE LIICL('NSEb dire In Tile Posit °Mee, Ethel. NA Business GaLr•cis JAS. ANDERSON. s•nl't t n expressed T rereef ' TuGe•u it cent Complete figures for the cur- 14X1//,,,•1,•-:,... 1" R t l ; axproes.,, 1' :1/J PM fent year will mare than double the Expinsr ,pra1lsxpre,•a.... I ;eV .in .. aggregate for 1916, which was bwh`oXFpEl7 52,359, (twee hf-f 71/ ,t- M. and ti,a' I. M. Local Merchants' Opportunity l i b we. -t • ),.::Ja and UV, / ra. 1/P y All tiuuee/pang /rant c"uneet with ' it. at: lit conversation with a weekly floss. nrrneeve r• ter (,wen `om£d, 1{1.,x.1 au(1 1 ; Pdperinan ;_I few dati ;eel the rePre- (4 I1 I 141su.AI LAN I'''.' -e r, A lin o 1 Tothe hril VE rER71V.1R'l SUF-1CCgN, `' ° ' the nPlltlun that fee day uC the town HuoaOaa. r to ill. II a r,.•. oar.. of .ruder- �---�---- --. merchant had returned if he only real - sen tar ,s. Lavery stau t( Lrua , lelepeune , -1• Ne . aril t 2iCill OR. wARCJI-AW Honer graduate ar file Cllifirr, vetormary Plonr stilt Etitol. Uollego. Day owl inght rails. (thou app,, ats Having Holidays T. T. M'rI'AE' gr thin, could undersell the big fellow ou three %Necks on their vacation and almost any ;trade. This seems to be a M. B„ NI. C. P.. ,t S. O. supplies over the Phone or by mail. ,; n. IL., yitluR•r of L'ru-sok• well founded statement, for a few '. 5 vee it, Ile pointed out the cost of do- ing business in be big cities had mount- ed so high during the pant three years ' that the departmental stores could nn longer alleord to give real bargains any The travellers of lite wh„lesa(e more, but that the country merchant, 'the houses are aft for two 1/r whose costs have not risen in propor- 1 -tan burgeon, Aeorme eur od)oe at --44t• nee•, , t ,, ite aleiville Cloaca, Wino:, -t„•:1. DR. J H. W * f TE, i3, A. Pill's:WIAN AND rt'. Urndnnto Toronto University vl ❑rd lvn,,• 8peeinl attention glvon to diseases of cluWre:a and ott•iter•e. Officer De. Dryans Old !nand Phone 46 nru8sc18 20'4. Advance in Freight Rates. Acting on a report Prepared by the hoard of railway connnissioners, an order -in -council has been passed in- creasing freight rates to all amount sufficient t„ sleet the increased oper- ating eoxt imposed on the railways by the new wage schedule. Tile inerease will average about 20`;'x. The con- sumer will pay the increase, Do Some Trading JAMES TAYLOR ! Reader, when you are preparing to As a result she bought her hay a stilt Mme to tow's to do some trading, jest U the local store. This is an actual Licensed Auctioneer For Rllren Co, I Pick up your home paper, glance at ; happening. But country merchants Snhstnatlu»,wsnre+l ; ('enrgre muarrnte, I the advertising columns and set, who ! have got Into a rut and it is really 'Write or 'elnnhnnteifnot moven/Hit to eau• i „ anls the {rule. We gaurantee the., i doubtful if they will wake alp and take M h Eraasers and North 1larun Plumes, „ill I save you nu,ucy The man who full advantage of the opportunities that advertises certainty has inducements present themselves today. 'Fhe war, weeks ago the wife of a wage-earner in a nearby town warted to get a suit of clothes for her little boy. She first visited the Incal stores that sell that class of goods, examinecl the quality .ltd got prices. She sate aDl ad, of the departmental store making a special sale of boys' suits and she {vent to the city next day intending to take advan- tage of the bargain, In the depart- mental store she found prices much higher for a poorer quality of goods. EM/.(}1tA Vti p. U. to offer you or he wouldn't ask your which has turned everything upside PROOOHOT, 81LLORAN & COOAE Power advertising t the local mer - to LAI and see him before buying, down, has created opportunities at Using Hydro Po � {sets torn, By intelligent, up-to-date ottrristors, Solicitors, Notartos Public, ' r I newspaper J &o. \ alunne Il, of ler Tenth Annual , chant, providing he gives value and MeV un the Squnre, and flour from Llandlton , Report of the Hydro -Electric Power l lives tip to his advertising, can greatly Street, Commisstol) shows that 143 Ontario I increase his business. Under present notteition. oNT, municipalities are nolo using hydro I normal conditions, more so than for Private funds to matt at lowest rates, power, their net debt being only 75 i years, the town merchant has his 0P- w.PIIQnnFol,T,t{.t`. S,f,, $nt,L0,,AN per cent of the total plant value and i portunily to grasp what logically n. <t, D. I`nottts the balance being cared for out of shoulct be his own.-(WalkertongTelt Tele - earnings. The accumulation of re- scope). serves .;.,1.,_.,•-}..;.,;.4.44;-See,telo eetob.S.;.!••1••i,•t•4e •J• •t - 4r •t- 1. •C• ti d• GOOD VALUE is assured ss ed in every � offer' In oft this 3 g store. Whatever the price paid, we personally guarantee the ed at to be as represent. ,j -j- -1 at the time f ✓ 0 sale. Ask to see c, the new.. ._.•� est pattern in R. Wallace Silver • r sr EiFicET 3 H and surplus amounts to $5,980,551.19, Vindicate His Credit � The printer's dollars -where are they? A dollar here and dollar there, scattered, over vtr 1/t Imerous small towns 11 over ter ll,., country, nlry, mites and. miles s 11/ t holy shall they 1/e steered together? Come here, ye truants, to thy father's house ye are wanted. 'Come here in single file by columns or platoon -so that the printer may send thee forth again, to battle for him and vindicate his credit. Read- er, If you discover a stray dollar and •a -half around your premises, send him home tenderly, We have many places to put him, e y`. DIAMOND RINGS � WEDDING RINGS I ,j Let us shoo y oLt ULI r coin- T. � plate line of Waaterman's Mott! Fountain hens, anti t (1011'1. forget that we have a a toil lite of I"�f8dc` its a.nd� •h 4, Brownie Cameras $ •h Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeloe i N•.1.++,1'•1'•1•++.1•rheF.1••i,.1.4.1•h. 4.4,44.t.p .l• - : +. Because of scarcity of the substitutes for wheat flour that are available in Canada the Food Berard has deferred the coming into operation of the regu- lation requireg the use of one pound of substitutes to every four pounds of wheat flour, but elf must use one iU f o substitutes with every nitre pounds of wheat flour, Extensive alterations are under way at the St. Marys pumping station where all the steam apparatus is being scrap- ped. A large reservoir will be con- structed in the room of the power house which sir now contains the boilers for the fire protection, Canada's revenue from April ist to t July 10th totalled :$74,000,000, com- pared with $64,000,000 in the caritas - pending period last year, Caterpillars on Trees, Myriads r' V rtes 1/r a lttr ill: ' p us are re- ported to be climbing local shade trees with the promise of doing a recomureat ciendedeal f that the a trunkshes ofthebeen trees be painted with some sticky substance as a preventative, In De- troit, owners put stick fly paper a- round the trunk, which is an ef- fective means of combatting the cat- terpillars. May Cut Shade Trees for Fuel, Action hits been taken by the In- gersoll Council to protect citizens it possible in the natter of fuel supply for the coaling winter. immediate action was deemed necessary owing to the order of the Ontario Govern- ment, which cuts off' the gas supply from public buildings, stores and other places. A committee Ives appointed to investigate the fuel conditions and report at the next meeting of the council. Members of the council ex. pressed the opinion that the shade trees of the town might advantegeousiy be reduced and hundreds of cords of wood provided by the process, local grocers etre now ordering their Don't Lose Registration Cards Parents whose children will reach the age of sixteen within the next month or so must take them to the postolice and have them registered at the earliest possible date. This pro- vision of the Registration' Act is not generally known. Parents falling to have (heir children register, even if they reach the age of ie only a mouth or tR', c after the present date, may be subjected to much annoyance and trouble, The Registration Act also provides that persons who were too ill to leave their homes before June 22nd or were otherwise legally prevented from calling at a registration office can comply with the law by registering at the postoffice As sows es they are able to do so, The. losingof registration n tglsir;l(iou certificate, though fuck of proper per - caution or care, may under certain conditions, be. considered as a serious offence and dearth with aeocrdiugly. Alcyone losing his or her certificate, must at once, not letter thio, the day afer loss is discovered, Apply for {YEW certificate at the post office, tinder no conditions can anyone fail'to have fn Ills ort• her possession a'certificate of registration, as the law does not allow anyone to supply meals, lodging or transportation fealties to any person Belgrave Pux....CNTATtoN.- l)u llunlay even- ing, 29th 1/h., the neighbor's and friends, mmnibera of Knox church and (tulle Helga 124 'N e'• 1 assembled R s )111x1 t tut the 1 hunlr 1/t John \\, Allison to hid Dor- m -11 in 1 dain.1. M/180li ltlw axpeols to go(1VPI'St,ilA sem ill', 11 was rip(•(•L- eli {hal Pte,.1084.1111 I:. hanhtaf Mink] be plesetL•l)ut he was (/rafted and on the ocean when the gathering took plare, and when Lite presentation was matte \Vol. lhrllber itneeptid the gift, on belmlf of his brother Jur, The fol- lowing address was react by Miss E. Annie Scott, azul the gilts presented by ltlist Mary Cook Co Joseph L, Dunbar ant Edwin J. Af asa n. Dmmt, 1 It1I2N1W ; g As yin pot on the King's unifoln and expert, 1„ join Iht, brave men in blueope la tri lett le for the Fi eetonl Land liberty of Ihr (/vinare peoples of bee Woilil yen ori asstouhlrd here t"- nighl, to I V111Intl you that we ale nut firg1,1.1'nl rJ' Ler rari, that. it i, I'ur us nnlong 01 hues Ilial. you will fight. Fut• yetus, in fart. for all yam• life, it hue Donn i n . privilege to know you in genial friendship. Il, the vaiml Walks of neighbor ly and social buten Emulate y11uhave (moll Haired abundantly lo. ward making life' pleasant in theeirele• in 1v each we hive lnovrd, WEE li tad. forget that it boo Ihr ental) Icarl nu•f- 1'irst Vont. 11•IPny prrs•vare• steel 1/1x4•.• err 1" tin• smo1/1•, ii.: •.dlrrling th:• plea,:ultyents•made et:r�•rnhhelhruu It g ,. •e at+4, it,.. },( ,,.. ., e,,,. '?@sNaik•s•A s a,b z d 0 0 Is prcitarl'cl 1.0 pity tilt: a )Ig )CSt coke for Scrap [Iron, op Rags, &c. JA a anted0 0 P I'I ghost price !mid. See m° me before you sell, g . . Highest Cash Triol: for 1 • Live Poultryaed Hides 1Vrilr or Phone , 0 t• i hint (I'Ltc g 0 SAM IIEINSTEIN z g MILL liTliitJl;'1' l31iUSSl;I,S er �, 000.000400..., Tit •1T is Ilie our• gust 1•sl•oli/Ll, lu Y InttN ytlUl' Moll/1111PM 111'IDIy phtrad al posit toil, in ••11011 a nmy that nothing Pan po,-,ibly injure it. 1 ulnevpeoially o,u,dnl in tin, purl of my wmk--_ind eed iu all h1'anmltrs ot. utinnunent building I /Lill s,tttsiit•ll with 111/111//,V,41//1'l 1/1' ter brsl rrstltl s. Ally e I de•r P1111 us1 ad In uf,• iu 111)1 111eut'(itanit(• wank rill PrrriV1. 1110 aU entino far tvhimh Ihis shop in holed. Na item loading to perfro 1/r mon t. tvill 11N nrgirmteti, Brussels Granite & Marble Works A. E. HERSEY, prop. (4170p 2'3 --_I'1JtJN1S - lt•'-,t-1 YIrA' 21x 'P••1••1-1-1 •b-h✓,+6-•h•'r•1••r .1-t •hA••6'•F$•h•hd••hi•-h yourneltnaiulanoo, your lri.o lsborte. will, plc„•III to you Ibis ogurl. rmg rountniu pm] and 11)irtat• and dr -i1(• your arreplanee of tit• some. This gift in pimmoiod as n .anuli tol(r,n „f Ihr• high O,loNnl in whirl, you Cur hold 11y your many f£ /rods. f1 iv r,u , th•elre that you taakr the fullest use or (hero wherever yell only he lo•nled ite it reminder of the old (1711 lira• Hod We will assure you that uo will evNr kern ,you in rundesL remondwiame knowing that yr•u will do your duty towards "malting illy world hare fat• tie£1tr1oraey," Signed nn helutlf or your many fryeods. STANLL:Y t'oa)(, O. f'T. 7'A1Lent. 13, 1311:tau CltN, \Villins, Duuluu•, on behalf' of his brother Pte. Joe Ihminte, who loft in a {tram rm. icersras Finn, London, ,July 'Silt, was rrtrlpf1111e1'Pll by ter (111111. P0111 /NV Iu1111ess tend by Aliss Ilazel Taylor after which Aliss Jinni Geddes presented a matt.poekrt Testament .:- I)KAIt FRIEND �1Ve, ter Dietl/ er•s f the Y. P. H. C. El., Kuru 01111(•11, Helgrave. !take this, app/whinny of meeting here this evening in a social catty, not only to mgjny, your fellow- ship hul to present you with this pork - et 13thie as n fishnet, of Salvation and a shield of Faith. \Ve wish to express our shiver.. regret at p.m' dt,ptl• ate rronn our midst. soul aur earnest. wish Coal prayPi is that (}1/d will bless yon in the pati, of ditty you have Leen called to 1/o, form and Ming you safely bark to ole' midst, that you nuty again curry on the work. you have enjoyed ill the past, Signed on behalf or the 8nri1•l.y, REV, A. AI, BoYds: altss Etromer; (i1•:foras: EARL ANDEatBUN, Recipient made tt suitable reply, mingled with Ith feuh t t d of emotion, R thanking each i'"t thin hilt -nest in him toll his tveiiltl, Bell R 1 /Ellet{I II assumed the chair tout all impromptu program tats renderer, consisting of instrumentals by hovel Taylor and Jean Oeddes, Choruses and ttoo goad songs by Jas. Taylor, Prof. Cook and Dlr, Heenlpton, noted vocalists of Tor. nntn, gave ❑Limhrl•H, Address.s tyle given by P. \V. Hent t. nod lies• W. 11. Ferguson, Clamem torr indelged in and refreelimente sil't'ed, tlathering broke up by singing ter National An- them. Airs. James '1`itylor Was uc- en Ill Lil e . ' t Ll Im• Ihnr•N ' F t nIn r R• Rev, Mr. Boyle toad family areaway to their vantage for a month rtl Sa iible b'nlis. 'They ttmt•u aeanntp,ulir(i 11y Miss Turnbull, of Itoelc Island and 'Miss (Nurse) (J. Ferguson. Alis, Campbell, of Aiolesw•urth, who has spout a number or years ill the Foreign Mission Heid in Italia, tool. Lhr servire in livax rhnrrli. Willie Van Cantp, ('Itat4es Cole, (3ordotr Biggins and Lyle !topper Witt, Mune kir a few days rr1/n1 Car. lings Heights, Lorena, 'rimy export to go overseas in rL shot t I fun', 'high Kerr, .lie ihumbnr turd Jolla (iii halls sailer, in Ihr draft 1/l' n fl'x' Irrl I(s ago. \Vm wish nil eotinet•Ited O„d-peed. 1 o nary, Indiana. havhla: on' received word that Its Nearly Lon, . � 4'1. tribnlitm of clouting fur tier heathos 0 went down un a str.a/Milip which re- q eently struck a mine- w Stratford, Ont. and Wingharn, Ont. A circus elephant was ret ntii `� otee'o1000ett4.6.0ese Otiv4¢0teoeto 4eoo4A 90 re , - � cured of a severe cold by the follow- . 7a.o59ec.44d9tG: bB int( method, The keeper placed a L bucket of boiling hot vinegar In :1bast and then lied the latter rnugl, about the indisposed animal's t1•1111v s, that he was compelled .to inhale the beneficial Comes whether be wished W or not. In asking the Tottenham mari..- trate to agree to the transfer „f the license of the King and Tinker pub lic-house, Bull Cross, linhrld. he Par_ lice inspector said that the house IVA1 „vera thousand years old, and he believed it to he the oldest licensed house in ling/and. Over 50 kinds of bark are now used to manufacture paper', besides banana skins, bean stalks, Pea vine,, cocoanut fibre, elover and hay, straw, fresh -water tweeds, sea weeds. and over 150 kinds of grasses. Also hair, fur, wool, asbestos; hop plants; weeds; husks; and stems of Indian coral; all kinds, of moss, sawdust; :shavings; thistle; thistledown and tobacco stocks. • "Rugby -the world's most brutal sport," is the title of an article ap- pearing in a recent issue of the Stockholm Daily News: "Rugby is especially popular in England, France, and America, but fortunate - Iv enough no attempt has been made to introduce the sport into the north. For Rugby is the world's most ban- ter sport," ---610-- An English battalion possesses a word of its own "Perlculous," derived presunioty from the Italian "Peri- colosq," meaning "dangerous." The. Colonel was out with another olieer in Flanders when a big shell burst close to him, 'I call this very peri- culous,' he said, on the spur of the moment. Not that he minded at all for he is always very cool; but he had hit on a good word which stuck, Mr, Balfour's participation in the great choral tribute to the "Old Army" at the Albert Hall recently proved that the burdens of states- manship have never diminished his enthusiasm for music. Whilst fully appreciof the modern schools, his real atlove is for the older masters, t ) 1ar Ictart v Handel, el of whose works 's y Ile possesses sasses one of the finest col- lections in the world. Much has been heard of the princely incomes of some of the Welsh coal miners and coal rippers, who can, and do, earn up to $70 a week, and now an award of the 'Com- mittee of Production, discloses that almost fabulous wages are being paid to ship constructors and ship- wrights engaged at the Welsh ports on the Bristol Channel, It is shown tilat in some cases es !1/e it have 1 a @ Y0C i e wed as much as 5140 each for one weeks work. It army is fought )in YItaly,ll and ce awonnglis thie Battle of Maida over the French, Napoleon had vowed to conquer Sicily, and pushed on into Calabria. But the English forces for the de- fense of Sicily prepared to deal a blow on the mainland. A force of 5.- 000 men landed in the Bay of St. Euphemia, and the battalions of the French fell before the bayonets of the British. Napoleon's hopes were shattered at a stroke. It has been suggested in 'England Listow4t that soldiers who had been blinded in the war might find suitable brides among girls who were physically s1/ unattractive otherwise to be destined t,isl,lx'e•I, trete rnnv•rnl„d 1/t I,s „«,,I I to celibacy. But the "Eugenics Re- nl'srliue;: liyn„rin {/clank,.• „I ,„„ view" notes that of 206 blinded !melt- f17r1' :he 011lrn f• TInIP,lnio,, A01. elors entering St. Dunstan's hostel The oreoetsiimEE ntorlll+ti rm ,6111\..• fifty -live had entering since their disablement and almost without es- cepliou their brides had been "unuse• alley good-looking." --See-- Cases of neurasthenia among wo- men have decreased lifts, per cent in England since the war, says a report of the Chelsea Hospital for women. "Women are so busy on tear work that they have no time to devote to imaginary ailments," it asserts, "They are not half so Interested in their health as they were. Almost all cases we now gel need skilled treat- ment, whereas before the war a large 1 proportion were mild cases of nerves.' " '.tui(' (11,A/48, 1114'11 hl•nlhr)s, Anevi ami loony K,esn, the hi. met, or the 31•11 t'un, of \Violet., ilii. 1,111..1' or lash III rind. c.111.11 x1{11 Ihi. (),,.1 nelmbrai„n. 'lehe lw„ Im„I h, rs et /Wars 81/1+1 I gnnr by I le ulns, h, 111 hal l/VS tthireLbOyrarrilvlt(ith Il01/1 ce111.s a glass tvas I he ph t i.g". \rens W164 fhaod $1(10 rill $Iii r este. I''vl,y, was charged a like amoton hot in hi, (n t4(' the elnetH were $17. The chat gmtt Wort: laid by TnxpN,tm V. H. l:Ninit, Trowbridge Miss Reid, AIilibeith, is a gm el et the honm of het uncle, Horn v Aluo1 r, It Nv, It J. Vn'1 1 Ur 1 wir k Myth, 111 st- rived lard week I" spend it few heli• dere, Thepitltinilegaden pmfy held on r\T r.i1Tr•CilYtk•'HIu,y11 tuns yet 3. stirnrs- Ittl, both Ilntulrinlly and nlhrrtwisti. Aliss SIrIhL Mr('rttr, of ion ham, {..- turned In her home after sPrnliing several /weeks at the halal• of 11.1• gra/alp/m.011, U• Omens, MIA. e . T C. J au'ksi n Calgary, IL Ili l' mid Mksbldrut 0011:, Ditnphirl; Mom also Arise howl Code, high Nelms.] timelier of Omar, Hank,, lu, all holidaying al the parental home. It Ey. 'I', 1Vesl•y and Mrs. Meier:, fleenwall, and also Rev, U, AV, De - &VW. (Iosrn-1, NI. A , Hryn ostnn, were spending a rew days at the former's parenlait bonne, Put a+little coal oil on the refuse pito it will stop af,e flies, which carry dis• ease, Soldier's in France are not the on- ly People who pin their faith on charms and talismans, Prima don- nas have hoards of such treasures. Atte. i t e. Patti andMt. Mill ln � • ,• ' ,t with other of their gifted sisters, are said to have specialized in pen -nibs which have signed reprieves on the war- rants of the eoedenmed. Reports as- cribes three such strange treasures to Patti, two from Queen Victoria and one from Queen Isabella of Spain. in tete first half of July, (1,eie re- cruits were obtained for the Cauadivr forces, as against 7,508 for the hast half of June, , • NE:N � [[ NOTES OF SC IF,NCE l J t f t it ala' ICL a•ked h,�,,,u, � rlc s del like o, ease s.,ng. („ :- t tsiih, /PA 111 t. thv new 'tar tax matches; .1 I ,•, t3 vent,: a IN,: iho,: c II1 1•:• pulyhased for S teat t 141.: Ps'i• t • the , a,r 1 he tall term of the IinU,t/school it I uuner.e vrill opte Tuesday lr I 1 trd 111 e,ll A (t ed Jutrer stthat the /Sr.!' coldest for th.-. pernal :ince iBGn 11 1/•e than 25,onu nqu t'..dluns ,d t •I 1r1ne are prudrnel iu the w'orht et,.r. are the ;!rhea `•tater: leading all the other nations an Littlish inventor'; sharing soap is pact ed in ,,,seen howls s,l that J Clip is not needed :Mt! the Imwts earl bu thren:n away sit ••1 emptied The xar has boomed the lead pencil industry Ed Japan, The so-called brim pipes are made of laurel r„„l. �' r -1/j rel) n s-• �.1'�1:.. a, 'la: tier lix,- Ill, ...r:;.,- 1 .. '1.1e 1'IIe old ad rte about St Swithin's ' t :Le, 7,,,- to .he Day weather has been proven untrust- '''' I'`I ' ' • "mt rap Il, • L"k7'''ra1iu11 w,prthy. I r,:, •t I I,rra;,nn Act I'he Walions outnumber the Nem- ' 'I" " ; . r. -,:,, •,..IY ish In Belgium, though they /{coupstui out les; land, .. 11 ,11.._ lit 'Phe Proprietor of a lar;e hotel in tf1 •.'i ,„ r,; ra- mie of the leading cities keeps a Nig„'n a , u,._ :; t;> , I:r( truck of chickens on the roof of the t,'o ' "- rhe building, { ., . ma die The hardest paten at all common is ,. ' :11.1., is California's Trachycarpus exceisue. ' ''t known as tine windmill palmm. Not alone is it hardy in withstanding tory "-" temperatures, , P but i is t tough 1- and will I endure rough treatment, but boxed ' t ' ' •• ''� it is not a success, say those who ' ''' ' know,One out of every four males, all the ' '. 1'' ''" ',. tee lr•,.' way from birth to ninety years, is the army man -power of the British Isles, A new telephone cable has been laid connecting Windsor and Detroit, at a cost of $5300. Sir Robert Falconer, president of the University of Toronto goes over:. seas to the Khaki University. A large cargo of relief supplies is to be despatched from the United States to Russia at the earliest possible momen. Agitation continues 1 e throughout the pies!: of Canada for the ret , urn of tine cabin ministers from London to Ot- awa, the stat el government for Can- ada, and where the ministers can do inure good than they can by being feted in England, .111.; I L i 1:'. n , I , 4,111 ^e.1/ :rr.g ,er ng it nfxt IM� „ , 1- ; meY •1 a d - 11 N 11, 1• an 1 t t;,ir. .� 1')I 4;1 I 1'111 le in la- 1,.ui;el. ,,1 tee loll•>•rs L, a .UUr 'r nay - 01 f.'anada:al ".,r l(ir nru'.. t'I•.lirra:ul of :.i Is:,. "1,, :• i,. 111.1- Iu- -. n'.. Ir;!- a ti• r, ;ularoue ;or I 4•E Lrc!, t , r ,i^N/l'b al .11 It/ lrllr,. ii,jl'Ir'tlln'� 11,,101 .Rau„'I'i fpr. I1. .r`Il raring, tessvI ac t1/. o : Ia,.:. Thet'a .seas' 1.x,1, r ,el a-1r,,rrrran Pip +I ,e to 1 11� . s D :err e h l ye rot Nal ! a I, still b. in1111T, . y doss v ports to s ,ty .a: :ma r, •e u`ir yatation, •,,, to aha': selvl•,. sti ,i ., A Newspaper Bargain - - Fp THE Farine15 � Midsummer Special TIlli Posa'r is inn puni- lion to atfer renidents of this nee: tints as rrlt bargain in 11/0 wary or newspaper,:. \\'r hay, run+'luded nn ar•rnnget11e111 with The Family Herald and \Veek1y filar +.l' lluut• r,ei, by tyltichwt. (Nib offer thitt gloat \Vvoldy and 11111, Pool' until domino y ler, IOW, for 11,,,scull stmt of •$1 nil in .)hewer. Tho Pao diy Ilerdd pit Itli,liorn aro oft'orim; rine Of lea ikon for Nor Itr•.r sttggosti„ns N, intleruyt• ten.( paper +0111 1111' Offer Is open la tell iln t rud- ors. (h•d••rs fat lllr bwa impel* ilial• 1, tefr at nllb, of '1'{11? rtos'r. .111(1,,111, ,•I•+Tin• 11.10;4 !total(' for balance, f Ip14. AND OTFIERS : If wanting to buy limeetu•ant, ae nett Cost Prier as p„:.>ihlo rat "o 1110 prrnon:elly'. N- 1/Ned n( p,Lv- ing an agent ani it td Lt;etll to drive ter to•,dn nogg 1011014, W1Jir11 51,11 d„ fl' lnying fr"tti thorn. (,Cil (t1/• Alel1„rnlir k , ud or leo Ir:tNrnntirnai Hiu•ol' numts, :Cud Oliver Plow,, OiY 1;11 - gnu, and Tt.erinrs. Cali on me and say.• big mone). MPRe - Ethel, nt. Flare to attend - Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition Full Programme of Attractions twice daily Two Speed Events daily Fireworks each night Great Pure Food Show in Process Building Plenty of Music, Education, Entertainment and Midway feltorrinaont C ISTililt FAIR LONDON CANADA Sept. 6th to 14th t 91 e N.B.-New automobile entrance car. Dundee, and Egerton. Sts. Admin. sion $1, covers auto and driver, including paridna. of cat: Price List, Entry. Forms, Application for Space, and all information from tho Secretary Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, Prssisfsef A.111. Httnt, Sccrpfnry „A 1111 r