HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-1, Page 8ee+" l ='+�tee4.:4< eti tettOit Q�'°t'3•'*�b°149$TM"v'i"� 1t.a�"�:.'s�•,:.6s. e t.�L e Oil** � a..'a'�•t 4.1.1-e., r -eve ... x. r .•t..,..t. r. <:�, rs tet. a• 1' me Conservation Campaign Store Ia the Conservation of Food Catnpaigm which is at its busiest just now, there are many ]hinge from the Drug Store which will be needed to make it a success Among them are - Mater Class The great Egg Preserver One tiu of Rater Glass is su}Ficieet for putting down tweet 8- deem eggs. Price Ise a tin Pure Pickling spices we keep a full etoct- e:t ell the veli s, tart Greumi Pe:Stine Spices. Bottling Wax in Tins Corks for Pickle Bottles, b. Paraffin Wax For sealing over ,jellies, &c. Gem Jar Boners Best quality. zee pkge. of I dee Toleap the flies avisy nsa Fly Swarteee Tang root Fly Pacer i iscn s Fly Pads cr ir, mans Lightning Fly Poison: Your Kodak a Nur finishing Oe artmeut p are a <tongtuat,an that makes for results. Every step of Film is Developed and event Priut made ;vitt] the one idea of gond results in mind, pest as vote have when you take the picture. Is'odak Pictures of hums• make the boys overseas more cheery, and lettere with each metmes are said to be especially wel- come. Have those Films Developed. and P:toted PROMPT SERVICE. l:I 1'l EMBER t r •r ; 11Thursday, August 8th Vital kerton 0 4. yL GOOD RACIest .p, t •F ++++++. .4.4•14++++++++ •t••Nd••F•i•d• ' '1' _ 4 P • R S �® t • 8 y . 7 e Store Drugg.et and Stationer o e •F ..}} s •P+.444-i-444i•9444.444+43.44O440 +44.40+44.444+044+4+4+0+0+0 _AGOS..+.a PadT 4 Sods complaints are made of potatoes Ci1T � rotting There is ari abnormal •h �� � Items � ¢ to i grow. t of stalk in many places. • TENDERS are asked for the construc- tion of a large cement tank for addition- al fire protection in the North end. See advt. THE POST was shown samples of home grown tomatoes from the garden of D. Denman, a of which weighed r lb. o ounces. They were h dile ere ten plants. CANADIAN National Exhibition will open its gates at Toronto nn A'tenet 26 and continue to the close of r t. 7 This is the eemeentiyr year of this wonderful Fair. See advt, on riga q THE casket containing the body of A. Reymann, a former well known resident of Cranbrook, arrived at Brussels from London on the Wednesday noon train. Brussels Masonic Lodge took charge of the funeral. CHLORoFoRM the potato bugs. Cotteca , meeting next Monday even- ing. ven- t THE fine showers have been helpful to both field and garden. THehome of Miss Gaynor has been improved by a new dress of paint, A number of Brussels sports took in races at Arthur Wednesday of this week, INCREASED inters.S t Is being manifested inthe war news andmany hope it will soon come to a conclusion, LAST week W. A. Lowry shipped a couple of cars of horses to New Ontario. He has established quite a trade in the Northland, A fine McLaughlin touring car has been purchased from S- Carter, the local agent, by N. F. Gerry. He sold the Ford he ram for several years. Brussels Voters list for r9t8 was post- ed lip in Clerk Scott's office on Tuesday of this week. All interested should govern themselves accordingly. Don't forget the Auction:Sale of house sad household furniture at Mrs T, Hay- eetoft's former home, John street, Brus- ids, Saturday afternoon of this week. lee bilis for further particulars F. S. Scott will be the Auctioneer. CHAUTAUQUA week opens at Wingham I'aursday of this week when program will be given in a large tent on the town park. A great musical and literary bill of fare is promised. A number from th',s locality will avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing the talent, TELEPHONE NUMBERS -Wm. Robb of Walton locality when he bought the property of Robert Thuell took the telephone as well, of course, and his No, is consequently ye. Mr. Thuell's No is ex as he ns located at the Electric Light plant, These corrections made in your book may save considerable bother both to the person wishing to speak a$ well as the Central office. `.iUPERTNTENDENT STEWART, who loops after the Bank of Nova Scotia property, was here during the past week going over the block newly purchased by the Bank and taking measurements and securing data for the proposed al- terations and improvements, inside and out. Work will proceed forthwith and when complete the Bank will have a very up-to-date premises. Mr. Ballan- tyne removed the counters and shelving. Sorm Putn rev PLANT. -After success- fully managing lice Brussels Poultry Farm for the past 6 or 7 years Alfred Beaker disposed of the complete oulfit this week to Walter Rose, a well known financier, of Teeswater, who will get possession on September Est, The tat - tee was the owmer of Teeswater Electric Light plant and as thaevillage bought it be will devote his whole attention to poultry at Brussels. He is probably the best breeder of White Leghorns in the Province and intends improving and enlarging the capacity of his fine prom- ises now secured, Mr. Rose also bought the comfortable brick residence of Mrs. George Rogers, Frederick street, ad• joining his farm and will have every thing as handy as the proverbial "pocket in a shirt." The is acres of farm land Mr, Backer owns, near the old salt works is not included in the purchase, THE Pos. has heard many good things said of Mr. and Mrs. Rose by Teeswater people and will be glad to very heartily weleoune them to town, It is said Mr Rose's mother, (who is an invalid) and sister, now residing in Mitchell, will aiso come to Brussels in the near future, Mr, Backera h s no notion of r emavin g from town we are e m o leas cd to State As he p atilt maintains menu iutere9ts and only cdispOted of his poultry plant because he had not the time to devote to it, He bas had a great business this season in the egg and poultry line, SECOND hand Binder for sale, nenrly new, Apply to THE POST. A NUMBER of young cattle and grnss caws for sale. Apply to FLETCHER Roe, Lot 3, Con, 0, Grey. Phone 2318. FOR `TALE. -One set of rink finished dining room chairs. 1.C. RncaARng. BCTTHRt and Plow Points carefully ground by Giro.-BnwAnns. Lrva Poultry wanted. Clean up your breed• ing stools and old hens. R. Too/RON, Brussels. PErtsoxs desiring information with regard to purchase of the store properties in Brussels and farm land in Morris North of the Village, may obtain same from F. E. Sent%, Plano may be inspected at Walker d: Blank's. •T, G. LROETE. OR. PARKER, Osteopathic Phydcian, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of earth week. Chronic/ and nervous diseases suncessfully treated, Visits residences, consultation nt Queen's Hotel LAST Monday morning Ward Buchan- an and Arehie Cutrie left towu for Wallaceburg to help out in the heading factory. The toys are fine workers and well up on this job so will u0 doubt give a good account of themselves while at/1W. CARD OF 'THANKS -We wish 'n hearti- ly thank the many neighbors and friends for their kind deeds and sympathetic words, during the long illness and re- cent demise of our dear mother. '['his kindness will not soou be forgotten THE MEADOwa FAIRLY BRCSREES School Boma has engaged the services of Miss Aunie Geddes, of Belgrave, as successor to Miss Grace Walker, as teacher. Seim), will be Viso and duties begin at close of vsmallon. Miss Geddes has experience and a good record anti will no doubt do tip top work C. O. F -Last Sunday evening se or more members of Ceurt Princess Alex- andria, No 24 C. O F, Brussels, ac• compauied by visiting brethren, parad- ed from the Lod,qa room to the Metho- dist church with J. Hewitt as Marshal was a very waren night Rev. W• E. Stafford, pastor, preached an appropriare discourse from the Epistle of Ephesians 6tb chapter and tech verse. Heemphas- ia;d the nee and necessity of the Christ• ian armor dealing particularly with the girdle, breareplaie, the shoes and the sword. The brethren were welconeer by the speaker for the record of the Or- der, for what is being done and that in contemplation. A male choir lend by H. L. Jackson, with Mise Bailey at the organ, tang the anthem "Great is the Loud" anti F. IL Gilroy sang, as a stile, "When nit' soul reaches home," other members assisting ill the chorus. Familiar hymns were well ren dared by choir and coogregstion, On arrival b ok to the Ledge room votes of lifelike were seed to Rev. felr Stafford, choir and the church nfitI I, Dt t Ptinces9 le nc A Xa17119 has i large r g t ship is goodly number of Whom are te n - resident Archie Thomson ie the C h of Ranger; Fittest Plum Recordieg Sec retary ; and Gen Thomson Treasurer, S, T. Plum, Financial Secretary, ()Russ v•,tu Counter Cheek beidts from TIIE PosT \\ a can give von es good s price as 'he best going. un„. Pru m t delivery. 17 r1t til 1 n N bt'ef I 9t:, I G. ff, who hies i u eharue of the• gotratice classes f,, the Luckno t pub_e on) for n number of verve, see _e•d :and Sika Sp, net, trot lake etintRe e,t the Ell r%nee r!mnt When lout Ic gene, Uhie Sheriff t.w.hr t pirn•srin ter Sorne time anti tree a good hand at the job tun, tit «sLANIwn - I. Rrnn.•dy, of the \V ay;na n 0vrr.tud S4es h,s rreeiyed rue to<t >hipnle •,r of :71 e.de: N -n :t, Over- land e ere &,r ietH 'I ! ,.e, • ere will all be siert at the e'd price • 1 te •ner ie- stb',• to es!! on Lill prowl .4.t,Ve Vett are invited to 'phone, wrttc er cat! personally for demonst tenon. TRE POST wont° like to see - G -sal showers of raiu. A bumper grain crop. Fine F+11 follow Summer. Booster Brigade in Brussels. Plenty of enol fur reverybrely. Brussels Fall Fair of ryes be the best yet Earlier c'oeing of shops Saturday nit,+hts BACK To TOWN --C. Vannorman biek to town after speeding ee months in the tiyest. A goodly part of the conetry seas covered by tnotor so he had a good chance tojudge the pros- pect of crap:` I.1 some parts results will be fairly good but in other parts the outlook is very poor. Van's trip agreed with him evidently. THE Pr` rto and aT coq;,ratula s DorisD Marjory Ross, Harriette McQnarrie, Hozet Stewart find Vera Heist on having been successful in the recent Normal Entrance examinations. Miss Doris took honors. Farm leave pupils of Brussels school in this class are Chas. Sellers, Harold Currie, Viola McLeod, Oswald tiemingwey and Alex Fox, makiug a total of lit out of 13, a good showing, FdueoN COUNTY BANKERS ASSOCIA- rtoN -Wednesday evening of last week a number of the Bank Managers of Hur- on Ciemty assembled in the Council Chamber, Clinton, and after discussing the question proceeded with the organ- ization of a Bankers' Association. Ob- ject will be to deal with questions of import to the Banks as well as the pub• lie, to dieeuse prnblems and lest but not least in gel °cgnainted with one another. Regular meetings will be held from time of time need sy,00ti results are expected to he the outcome of these gatherings. f start a is as The officiary choseno1 a ff follows :-President, G. Williams, Gode- rich ; Sec =Tress , H. R. Sharp, Clin• ton t Executive, Messrs. Moulton, Sea - forth ; Blomfield, Wingham ; and Her rington, Goderich, The inaugural was a pleasant gathering and future meetings trill uo doubt be promotive of both pleasure anti profit. Woen OF CAUTION -Insurance case of interest throughout the county tried at Thorold. was that recently Brought by Elizabeth J Calvert against the A O, U W.. for $2,ono, the amount of the certificate on the life of Rev. George W. Calvert, in which the plaintiff was name edbeneficiary. Calvert joiued the Order in June, ISSe, and was suspended for the nun -payment of tines August 31st, r916, and died in November of the same year, Item clays after his death the arrears of does were paid to the A. O U. W , but the lodee officers elnimed they were not told at that time that Calvert was dead, and returned the amount on discovering he was dead at the time the arrears were paid The plaintiff alleged that by con- etitmiiou of the Society a member could be reinstated at any time within 3 mouths by payment of the arrears, but Justice Latchford could not see how a dead mat; could be retustatcd, so the action was dismissed without Busts, FROM PETAWAWA CAMP-Bolnbadier Will, ',mg teas home filer Petawawa Military camp fur• a few dais He be ongs to the 6y'h Battery composed of tem men and is quite pleased with mili- tary life as he sees it, The camp is a fine nne located on an (shunt made so by the Ottawa and Petawawa rivers, and contains toS equm•e miles Land is un- dulating, inclined to be: sanely ken spruce trees. 12000 men are camped there made Up of 7000 artillerymen and soon iufaut• ry and 20oo horses. Pelawawa is r2 miles from the two of Pembroke ou the C. P. R 'There is said to be room for the manoeuvering of ece000 troops. There are 23 batteries there now. 5 a. in is the hour for getting up except Sunday morning when an hoer later serves, vele p tat calls for "Lights out " Service is held Sunday morning at q o'clock on the athleticgrnunds e, here a machine gun draped with Rags oe• mimes the centre incl serves Rs a pulpit for the chaplain, ''hey have a floe choir, orchestra and military Band The place is seated with chairs 'There is plenty of amusement in the tray lit Ba=c and Foot Ball Clubs, Picture Show, V M, C. A., with its concerts and other programs. Bornbadier Long, who has been there q. months, says he does not fare so badly along the line of bill of flare after be goes the rounds or the canteen and stores, ou y it is a trifle haul on reduction of your cash. A number ul nurses belong to the camp and with the doctors give gond attention .to the sick or iojured. 'Pliers are also various mechanics necessary to care for the well- being of man and beast. The infant!y Was in quarantine owing to an outbreak of meaeles. Little is known as to when e troops b ]s are to a movedoversew; until the last minute owing k to Montage to ee of transports but there. 19 A sp'elute"! bn°v of men at Petawawe, under a fine s'eff and no doubt they will show their me,• tle when the opportunity is offended Rs true bons of Canada, STANDARD Bp OF CANADA MEAD OFFIC.MI .. TORONTO 3Avauces t6 fanners are made a special feature by this Bank. 2,ts EST'D lira BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, 1515 In Manager. 1. i.5Yei Oar of I .aatMeal HOOP I argaanntateraxarr,-»u37S,6Sv5a addle for Nog feed I, due to arrive at Brussels any dAy. Parties desir- ing supply should 'phone THOS. MILLER, Sec, Brussels Farmers' Club $I People We Talk About $1# Miss Jessie Cunningham is home from Toronto for a holiday. ➢Ira. D •r., -+,n ,a: visiting, Ethel tri.,:ds nt::r lire • end. Mies Annie McDonald, of McKillop, is renewing old friendships ha Btussels Ibis week Miss Helen Stewart, of Dundas, is the guest of hiss Miura fleeter. They ere old friends. Mise Helen Murray, Tavistock is vis- iting iting Hiss Eva McCracken and other old frie\labnds, Afiss el Stewart, Perls, is a visitor with Miss Jluriel Sperling, Church street, Brussels. Miss Minota Dntifarcl has been spend- ing the pest mouth with her sister, Sellers, at Toronto. ➢Irv:. W. II. herr is visiting at hole of her sou and daughter, T. L and Mrs. Kerr, Clintou, Mrs. Ben Whittard and children t visiting relatives and friends in Strat- ford during the past week, Dr, and Mrs, Meares and family, Hanover, were guests of Dr, and . White, Brussels, last Suuday. • Mrs, Ed. Hunter, of Breedon. wa visitor with the Misses Hunter, j sheet. The ladies are cousius. George Buchenan, B. A , who is teach- ing at Win;ard, Sask , arrived h last Smel day for a holiday visit. d • nc r:; Crete'', o B •t I) ,nal end M E t r•• calling on relatives and were ca g friends in Brussels and locality. IVTrs. Tito. Haile Frederick street not enjoying her custornery good bet but we hope for early improvement. Atrs George Rogers anti Mists Nin Mouut Forest, were visitors at the h of A C, and Mrs. Dances during past week, Id. and Mrs, Hill and children, Goderich, spent the week end with R and Mrs Thue:l, The gentlemen cousins, Mrs; Ardath Hardy, of Port Arthur a visitor with Miss Doris Ross, to The Ririe .vent to Itiptey for the w end to v sir friends. Miss, Grate- Walker, Clinton, was tow'u on Fri lav, She has accepts geeitie; ;7= teacher at 'Tisdale, 5 We wolf her srreess. p end Airs. Harper and W, end Hnr•pr9' and children, of Kora, for neice. and nephew of R. and Leatherdale visited them this week. Alex Anderson has been bothered a vert uneemfortable ailment, know Shingles, Inv we nope he will soon o, k. Ir is not often that Alex it ' his feed," Kincardine Review says of a yon lady well known here t -We are plea to see Miss Gladys Ross, who was un- dergoing treatment in the Kincardine Hospital home ngaiu, and is recover nicely, W, H and Mrs Patterson, Miss and Arthur of Edmonton, neice of suet Mrs feeatherdale, motored from Harristnn for a visit here Miss La Leatherdarle and Helena Pyne returned to Harristen with them, Rev Dr McCrae, Loudon, wa welcome visitor with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality dui the past week. His discourses in Mel- ville church last Sunday were well ected messages and should hear fruit, MeT. Wood, Miss Mae Wood rner, Mrs R. F. Downing and Bailey ate enjeyiug a holiday at P Bay, North of Merton. The too n trip cues imide by motor Fred, W being the chauffeur. He will return the campers. Kincardine papers give place to following personal of interest to people of this locality ;-"Airs Gen Monilaws announces the engagement her only daughter, Hazel Alberta, lobe Ernest Miller, of Niagara F' The marriage to tnke plane quietly end of July " The fortunate you mau is no other than "our Ernie,rl the G T. R , a former Bruesela old east• Mrs. the Leslie were Yak- of Mrs S A John ACh- ome Brigst, }t old le street, Nina, of home the of olyt. are is woe eek in d A ask Mrs. mel' Mrs. by n AS be 'c ff tag sed recovering can R� 111'R e R alt during liel- die Rad 5. Pike rile Wood For the the George of to Falls. the hof boy, Church Chimes Monthly Missionary program and of tering in the Methodiet Sabbath school next Sunday afternoon. Rev. t). Perrte, Wingham, will occupy the pulpit of Melville church next Sun- dae, +tt t a. m, and 7 p m, Next Sunday morning the querterly Cmmnnmion will • be observed iu the Methodist church following the usmal puathtn service. Iallnws I Meeting at 1n ce m. Miss Home, Toronto who 19 visiting in litteisels, Fang achoice solo in Mel- ville tiller loot Sendav mornieg and pet formed like service in St, Johb's alnirahin tiro evealug .._ .. _ i.,t:.l,r.w,.wq..r.,,�•A,:;:;i,..,.. �,...._,. :.:elle elle.,, .,_ ._.. drAfatlive5e5e tbeetiligilferd eleilOSSeeQCGOtteel7)0C etr$0 52leettie.4 Lt009)�Cf0 s 0 0 a • cr�nlr G InTa,...icILTI0 „„....„0.t or is a If y, tet %rant the lieeet Tektite I in te, eed PL `3I Alt BiiiI) 4119 h: 'P IPA. UM w the :me we r... urnu ud, It iH 0:;.11p. e tinnally fine and iit' tin, 1t at rat r„ et eito fr ,.11 cnt. lie-,:-• n. 9 ,elf, Pitt lip in +letiury ri l top e.,;• .2F t ar%a s :to m teit a a tie 01 Pensilar -de 'Ionic ',i "..P1(^rWt1f55.,�it-a'p't-.�a41••twmt''m,i C, .10111.0,11. i9a u9 here is it Tonle thsl will give you new strength and vigor 4^ aJ „i ae E4 - • Belmore There was no service in the Metho- dist ciu•ch here on Sunday. Jiro. and Mrs, Peternlan visited with $russels friends last Week, Jno. Lamouby, Toronto, is renew- ing old acquaintances in these parts. Miss Lizzie McKee has been engag- ed to teach S. S. No. 12, Oulrnss town- ship. Wm. and Mts. Lowry are on a heti- day visit with friends in Toronto, Trenton and Niagara Falls, Miss Leila Biggins, Belgrave, and Pte, Gtr Mggills, of Lmtdnn Camp, visited With A, and Mrs, Fitch, The Wommee Institute Will hold their annual meeting in the Hall on Saturday all ate requested to he pres- ent. Fred. and Ales, Rogers, Hamilton, and Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers, London, spent last week at the home of Wee, and Airs. Lowey. Miss Edna Elliott, who recently graduated from Business College, has gone to Windsor where she will take a position. Congratulations are extended to Eva Stokes, Vera Lynet and 001110n Mulvey on thele success at the En- trance Examination, Miss Margaret Austin has returned from Toronto after having treatment for her eye. Her many Mends are glad to know she is recovering. Friday evening last the members of BelmoreMethodist church and other friends numbering about 00 assembled at the hone of Ralph and Mts. Met- calf to spend an evening With Nes. Archie Lowry and Harry Metcalf and present them with an address and gift of money before leaving for Lon- don Camp. Rev. F, Stride react the address and presented elle gifts in be- half of the climate. The soldier lads made fitting re lies. Rev. R, N. Sin- clair and Rev. F. Stride gave address- es and the evening was spent in 111119 - ie and social intercourse. Afterwards lunch was served, the company separ- ated with many gond wishes for the lads in uniform, a d d w 0 0 tD 9 4 tl A that will stFtY whir IlN TAt DYNAMIC TONIC: t•et o' i et these 'I ie +s needed o India d 7 is onmp 1 1 ,j i th n %brad] ill ue l d l url tt[ your sySt rill and your weep out net ves, Yon will (incl it exemellugly eetief letory. 75e and $1.00 ai, bottle o ?tsas EtD 9 ea sta 0 In 0 0 dD e M STORE: DRUGSTORE 0 ozlaw3•.sseaaX13.9,D OY lanae6eaaelfeGa a0araaa aria as sane , «'tu, MO Ali.. Irvin atilt ,lee, Alurrayspoil n dot loft writ; %stilt D. K. and AL s. Livingstone, Mom.' 'ell'. Mist' Olive Hall, Teeewatme is spend- ing her vucaliou with Miss Hyden Mulvey, Molesvtrorth j The funeral of the late Andrew Ale=; ]lee, of Pmeiw•ich, mala !dere hirer j Friday afternoon of Inst week, 'There was a large altendance. Orangemen ttlnk part in servieee. Beep tab oft the 'Women's' Diet lime Pwtriottc %;order Party on the Seh, ul grnnnds here Thmsday ,roving of this week. Mr. Preston, it Tnranti, entertainer, will be lit hood. BARN BURNED. -'rile lbw barn of I Win, McKee, n fat trier living onpo,ite I' the Molesworth cheese factory, Wan struck by lightning last weep ami burned to the ground, along with a quantity of hay curd grain. No in- 817ra11Ce Wan Carried hence lite iLISS will be very heavy, BORN arra 114aK At Bigger, Sask, on duh• 214, Bllrn l.nrtu•, beloval wife et Thos. Dark, aged 24 years Atoc'r•ivet -In Turnberry township, ou I els 3701,110, Amanda Parks. rr•liat of the late .loin% NIMMLeheoe, [Iced ata yeers and d n:°liths, Mfl{til;.--In Fordwiell, on July 21.4, Isis, And- rew McRou, aged Til years, 8 mon tits and 14 days. MOLLUN.- ht Ilowielc township, 011 July 270, 1618, John Mrdonn, aged 76 yenta and d 7noncHs, NATLon-Int Wroseter,.on Jttly 26th, 1618, I tt dent, nimeil ter of 5Ir, and Mrs. Mil- ton Naylor, aged 8 months, EM MA. .--To Lutniun, en July 20th, 1618, An. theny Rnyu,enu, of Crrnbnoak, Ont., ut his 7hth yen%•. • ERUSSE,LS MARKET -^ o^'heat 12 07 $2 h7 ats Ho Ho Peas 2 25 2 26 Barley 1 25 126 lioetcr 37 SS : Eggs 44 Jt Bn_,. 17 n5 17 6 W°o1 ... elle e5 h6 i Hay In W 10 to i Potatoes per bag 1 50 1 iii) BENNETT•-At Schidal•Villard Ho pita], SIO 6th ' avenue, Saskatoon, on dune elth, PRP, to Mr, and Mrn, \V, J. Bennett, 1.4 tar. more, Sank, a daughter- Mary lsabe,li.1 DARK. -At Biggar, Sank., on July 10th, 1618, to kir, and Mrs Thos. Dark, n sun BOEMEEIL-In Hamilton, two duly 18th. 101+, to - Mr, and kers, H. O. Eckn.der, a son (Barris Playfair) 17•ematore birth, lfoaermn F. -lin Winghan, on July 17th, 101x, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex Forsythe, a son. LITTLIs.-In Biala on July 22nd, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. fluster Little, a soil WA'rs°N.-Lt Belgrave, on,luly lath, 1018, to Mr. mud Mrs. Harvey Watson, a daughter. Tenders Wanted Tend,rs f, n• aottatrneline Hee Pt•veu Drain in the Town,hf of kl Kiln tell }i•. received. p o p, s 7 •solve by the and mee thie until :.north 6117, iter, or et at tel! on ➢A•aust at , info• ' lr It p. rental Hotel! n August 10th, lit 9 o'e'nrk p, m., u nhetlme for Li, or contrite price to ecoompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not nems:only neeept ed. Plans, ata., of drain oou Ss seen lit Clerk's attires, Lot &1, Oen, 7, 111..- i op, M. kltA:(1T IC, .Cork of McKillop, 5-9 nenforth P.O. - e ♦ e♦i•••♦♦•••♦♦•4104♦•♦••41040e •••••••••••••••••••••••4•0 • 003•© e•♦• eet 4000000♦00004.0 0 • ♦ • e e 6 ♦ • • O • • • 0 e • • ®6566412utimintott 03664021u63,43/11435�m1 ♦ • e ♦ C ♦ O ♦ O • 0 S ♦ A 9 ♦ ♦ 0 0 ♦ 0 • ♦ 0 O O • • • • e • • • 4 •♦ O 4 4 0 0 • • e 4 • • O • 0 0 40• • • • • • s ♦ e e e e • • •••• • • • • O • O e O • • a Specials�����r ��nn�s e�Grnla �n SII � iGr n agai c: . e e All Broken Lines and Odds and Ends Special Priced for quid selling $9.00 Raincoats 5.95 5.00 Voile Dresses44,: 3.95 I 750 1.69 A 0 6 4t4 4A 44,. 4+ 4? 25c 250 a Curtain Muslin Cretonne o 15c 150 n m 35c 20c m 4 Women's Vests Dress Muslin m 25c 10c elle _ , .. • 2 OO 5 ,r c •o Men's Straw Hats Men's Underwear 1 19 390 ♦• b• a• • 4 4 N m 4 0 4 eD a 4, • ♦ • Carswell Bros'. r. e �T P • • ���11••�OSA0Mi0O��iA.i�♦00400404000A40V4944+900000@••••bYA0.040,•••ASAi••a 0110. A 1.25 2.50 Middies Parasols fY- e• 2.00 1.75 Lace Curtains House Dresses 1.39 1.19 1.00 Waists 39c 35c Women's Hose 25c 2 50 Overalls 1 89 30 00 Men's Suits 22 50 1.25 Corsets 89c 2.50 White Undersl{iris 1.59 Mark Sateen 2.00 Underskirts 1.19 2.00 Dress Serres 1.39 2 50 Men's Lustre Coats 1 89 1 50 Sport Shirts 950 1 50 Wolk Shirts 950 1 1 25 Straw Sailors 090 Many of these Bargain Specials Limited. Come Early. Sale tares