The Brussels Post, 1918-8-1, Page 7TRINITY HOUSE I
paralleled requirements, without anY
material disruption of Renshaw) of the
; pilots, apart from the increased riek
IN ��A�jj(a TIME
and htu•deu of rr•r:punaihilily the ship.
plug Intr•re. is ur uuY ahnnge 16/ the
inevitably resulting from the war,
whielt the pilots have cheerfully ate
IS MEETING THE DEMANDS OF (genet) In the service of the country.
THESE STRENUOUS DAYS, They are kept constantly informed of
the navigation c•mulltions of water-
ways, estuaries and the approaches to
ports, and, as n eplendi l body of men
Corporation Which Safeguards Coast laved from boyhood In the work of the London Exhibition Shows the Skill of
m erey supports for the stumps, tan
themsetve be manipulattui.
In another department a meat safe
of which one workshop ha tent 250
to Femme.. e: a to I, v -e n and a tottel
Ing side of this exhibit was a tray of
things for intent -met' men jigs of this
PLANS TO FIT MEN FOR WORK and that earl to mutate ate.unreel melt
BY SUITABLE INSTRUCTION. to eut wood and wire, and to polish
fruiting, lettere for one-armed teethe,
TRICKS IN HI'NNING TRACTORS.billiard 7ces for tip, ncstal+dria3eC,
of England Finds Activities 'sea, they are unremittingly giving es- Wounded—Wage Scales Have
Much Increased. nen Abe Been Adjusted,
Xt r.
Problems of Wages.
rite illustr was a pair uY five
di's day. drain oat the eooling water com-
wbirlt illustrated training in Avo diP• grease -cups 1>y not pocking the: green, aa.: e , This w•il! ,resent sediment
gt �� u>•,_i0 filled the first' "r r'ulid matter front forming in PUP'
Filling Greaate-Cups , If the weather is cold, or the en -
gem, is to bP idle for longer than a
ferent. trurina...nre•Ial turning, wood- down in tite top of the cup when p1 tely. I
Jews of Palestine Render Thanks For
Their Glorious' Deliverance
by British Arms.
I sistancP t° ships approaching or Ir• tv d
tats purls, Except that some , Y rho rp is n t pr , y •On Wednesday, May Iii, tut attlergst«
Iltr. o,erti. great ports have total services uP their
The settler broken in the n'ur will work, leather saerk, cntvh,g and pal- few` turns down do not force the ,lies of the ee,.dmg system, ing ceremony took place in Jaffa. This
Elven those who benefit 13 1 ishing, One saw an excellent. pair of k. \'kava no> .kale, have engine set
uul tu1lvttles of the aueieui Cur. own, the 1'rhrlty !louse is respauslUln bare his ch:wce of future employ- grease into the: bearing (as the dpurtt ceremeny eunsistvef of the restoration
linos • boots made b ;metier who before lou u' the `Ptdntty House during Pur the administration of the whole knout at vvurh suitable to his nnulntnd 3' at tor think;), but uttJ,v rmm� it in vvi,h valve tint "1' of the Sepheri Torah—the Parchment
pmol t
'} they mhutivatlon caudhllon .uul at a tv.asP that tvlU en- the oar way it labcr,r un a furan the eft The br-uw,• n, tier+'PrP 7 C'In::e pet-c•a ha or release, and Scra]ls of the Law—t.6/-the various
lin win Iittkt realise how nwcnt • s
i • •s n beds crr•torate the TriellY 1elan him a live Nephew, w, s eking churl- I Ti,e wages !Pie. tion has been u 'eller'
p ,.,otic draw in a }*r,rnmg synagogues in Tel Aviv wind Jaffa
etre indebted far the safety of their At seriousproblem, but the difficulties likely lu :,offer fr!,m improper laird- v,
crews • c tet• urs to the flint, AK IIPAP.:P p!r sc.=.:e,'a royal fiance, aIA ty, saki' a 146/11,1011 dee+patc•it, Tho rimy cation. Pnrlt the grease well in tint charre, leaving the pinion at end of in- stens a des sin from Jev atd
house ou Tower H}11, 1
.oudnn, In I'a!•t, 11•uin lune. to tune by set 6/t' I'm91u- reansuu i'rn• any passible. failure of the have been largely t+ulv,•d. L'p t" rhe. cut hefurP .;rr•ew•itrlr it tetra, and he titko stroke'• Therm ,moils of i•he law uP 1Vluses,
even anuli turd Order lu t'uunrH, toile.= barn. ,tan velli be clue to rmhtsal on itis Part 'Present very few of th,: trebled men 1 plenty t • u lubricant >•c•t:; h,. 8. When the engine i still warm which arc• all written b • ]tend and are
tilml'r• 6/t'° c•onipnratlaety f,•w, e • n i It•aunferred t0 euq,inynt!•ul have 1.. A , i euro that. } 1. t1 y f 1 t < , get.: h llsh persons, tehu ]utcety arytltntg f:ectt churf,ed opera it always Ponceru- r6/ take; part in rite trebling which has, the beating. t, tt gaud tent to cheep up valve and preserved in magnificently (tenement -
t nement-
Lt g C to abrin ung!•s of RUt soul over l,rr•
about the Trinity !louse in tint years gd w^tL the safety of coasts and pc,rts• been provided far him. Shirks and Plugs ignition timing. ee{ cases, sante oP tJtmm m sGLd s3)ver,
he ;1 -'As the pilotage attholdlice of the The Ministry of Pensions and the week. It is hoped that with the ex•, tt �, See that all puts of ihP, igni-
of F!'nr". They brut beard n! t 1 tension of the work of the department Nearly all ignition troubles in trite are the Hirt .,acr,•!l and holy pusses-
debt L'relhreii, to
whom some rays- ' treited Kingdom, it Plaints and axar- Ministry of Labor are making every i tar:; runts frnrn faulty or improlurly tion .Sy-t.•rn arm in proper shape. siuu ,e mosey Jcwth community. So
vises the right of piloting the royal effort to provide suitable instruction ,•xrlithngea working under the Ministry •, It Generally 10. Carefully examine t}ua whole, when lt'emal Pasha. in his hostility to
tcricus authority eceunc;l to attach', of Gabor the employer who Porsldr•ca adjristt 1 :path pl t i
6/d there are some who might have Yacht, and often at naval reviews and and to obtain posts for the men as the etetthle is caused e. the plug lly tractor and fix anything that is out of i.he 7.imti;ts, curried out the tyran•
a that a man's pension fat an opportunity
known that the Cnrpurutlun intended eu other ceicmnnlnl occasioua the I}:ey are h'ahtmtl• coming ehot't circuited h the culler- order. nivel evacuation of the. bulk of the
a Master, certain Wardens and a body Trinity lions,, yacht Irene, since cies- Already courses of training are es- to scut wages will And himself badly 3'
t nuvud "bp stet of war;' wile Oftmtl Seen tablished In the engineering and build. '1 f • tion of carbon on the plug porcelain.' The Smell O' Gas Jewish population of Jaffa in April,
o£ • •.1. outs to the number of eight , o' air-
lits may r t an. h 11 b
Not rue person in a thousand, perhaps, at 5pithead, in the Solent, and else" ing trades, the manufacture 1 a
hart ltnowledge that In additiou to El- where, preeedhtg the royal yacht and craft, wholesale and retail tailoring,
der 11rm1.hren, will) were princes and ilying the flag of Trinity hone°, the malting of leather goods, fnrni-
statesmen, there were acting Elder It is not too much to sea' that the tura making, diamond cutting, wood
Brethren, who worm Practical teen of , Trinity !louse, through the organize- carving, toy making and many other
the sea. ilia vera' Pick of the met car !dun It controls has rendered priceless trades.
kiln uterine who, with the Deputy services during the tear. If it had not An exhibition is note open in Landon suit, says a recent. Loudon despatch, knife ora small three -cornered file
Accompanied by Queen Mary he has reduce the cost of }nsuran k fifteen! A Triumphal Entry
Master, were engaged in the busanees • been for the mffleic+6/t lighting, buoying in which are displayed the methods of will do very well ---•wrap a piece of per rent.
of the sea, and the very reeprn tilide' and Pilotage it directed, the loss of teething and the resulting variety 6/P !just spent three days touring the lex• cloth around it., and scrape the plug Coat spark -plug threads with gra-�
Se far the. last year these sacred
duties of the Corporation. i shipping rtud of human life would have work turned out by the disabled sol- fila area of the West lilting of 1'orlt• scrolls have been carefully guarded by
t been infinitely greater. dice or sailors, all over, setting down into the recesses. phite and the plugs will be much easier the Jews at Petach Tiltvah (Mulebbis)
Duties of Trinity House. During lite early days of tits exhibi- shire. They inspected an exhibition Clean it thoroughly so that the puree- to remove when the necessity arises.
or standard suits held on the prenlses Iain is white and the points thorough- If you ase much gasoline it will pay and on the above date they were
tion a conference l)1 delegates Prom of D. Little & Sons of Leeds. 1 clean, you to buy an under round storage brought back in solemn proeeseton to
allied countries was held in which de- The King ordered a suit length of 3 y g ;Jaffa. A triumphal arch yeas erected
talis of the after care, wort[ and theth of 1 t i Stopping a Tractor for Easy Starting tank.standk d f d at the northen coniines of Tel Aviv,
treatments for the restoration of e
•' esu! either from a rieh • g s containing gasoline s en t e 1017, the Jew tarried with them
SUITS AT $13,80, , mixture or too much tebrieetine oil.; painter! red and plainly marked• the,ee sacred Tor:eh into exile, lest
_ If the tenable is cflrrnnie, these two Ike men who smokes while filling they should fall into tits repacious
The Kin Bus One While on Visit to things should be leriked after, a gasoline tunh is not a good insure hands of the Turks. Cases have come
9 Y
Yorkshire Textile Works.• To clean plugs of this kind, it is mice risk, t6/ light where such sacral scrolls
hest first to oalt them in,;ter -ene or A chemical fire extinguisher carried have been seised by the Turks and cut
King George is to wear a standard alcohol. Then take a sharp tool ---a along in your car will autumatieally, up to make parchment haversacks.
!.tow• important are the duties of
vTriuity House fn a war which le mark-
ed above all things by clanger from
submarines and mines will be realized
if It be understood that the Corpora-
tion is tho general and chief light-
house and pilotage authority of Eng-
land and Wales that it is responsible
How the Camera Aids In Deciphering
Old Writings.
Before the days of books parch-
ments became so costly that ecotomi-
i th
wounded were given. ill g d
$13,$0 It is to be finished for itis off when load rs off ewes erne out enfete
beingAmode otp intosuitsquality
sate at 1. If using water with fuel, shut it. Cleaning gasnline tan an feed; " every house was decorated with flow -
pipe and straining all gasoline bought. ors and bunting an the whole of the
Plan for Aiding Blind.
Sir Arthur Pearson described the
for the means which make safe in a cal scholars Premed more or less per -
methods in use at $t, Dunslan's for
navigational sense the approaches to fecily what had been written and used the treatment, training and re-educa- King and Queen have created a most 3, ut o ga. Carhop deposits are caused frau but also from Richon-le-Zion and the
them a second time. In this manner favorable impression upon the experts d. Open pet -cocks or compression;
pots and harbor, that it builds light• tion of blinded soldiers. He said that improper combustion of gasoline, and other n°tehering colonies The
sr.s and maintains lights and sou- some highly interesting and valuable representatives of the general release just before engine stops, to ton of
the malady.
2. Just before stepping, switch from in future will save trouble. Jewish population t d t fet
Majesty's wear. An oil or water -soaked cork in the
The samples of standard cloth for kerosene to gasoline, as this will aid carburetor of your tractor will furnish to meet the return of their sacrad
civilian wear which were shown to the in cleaning cylinder walls. possessfona,
Sh ff sellae too rich a. mixture or cause flooding. Jews came not merely from, Jaffa
the actual re-education and training and represen a res aid further in cylinder cleaning. a rich mixture to ', young men and the girls of the Macc-
was divided into two sections, workshop
the public who saw them. _
A liberal ration of wool has been ap- - ------ _-___-. __.-_-_.----.__
classroom and the workshop, the ,
trues them, as also buoys, beacons and manuacrlpts have been lost to the
fog signals, and that it also removes world. But in many eases the ancient
b I characters are still visible.
Moreover, it assists the Judge of the for this wont. The color o the faded
men's working day being divided be. Portioned to the superior grades, and rill EAL FROM
the ra.ngq of patterns, both as to color �°�"
wrecks dangerous la navigation, e -
sides t'xP.rClSillg control over the I It. was not. tang age that phokog twetn the two.
Scottish and Irish lighthouse boards. t'uPlty vvas first sucePsaPully apPlled d 'design, 1 much greater than
• P 1 f d d
largest excellent show.
abee Athletic Association, dressed in
ing with converted gold dredges. white clothes, with blue sashes and
Brings $1,500 a Ton.
ties, maintained order and kept a
an es g6/, s The gum, is at is found, varies from pathway clear for the procession
Typewriting hill was taught in the class-
room 1.1 h might have been expected. As a whole t
Admiralty Court }n trying marine u n too et g pounds or more
he diameter of a marble to lumps through the crowds, The procession
while in the workshops the 16/ was headed by the Australian military
ink i tl ]d writing on a palimp- the cloth made a really e weighing 100 p bared, and the ceremony at the
c number a men were learning The best of the material would Prob- _ a
d mat color it rnuges from pale lemon yet- : triumphal arch was attended by offi-
ly for the assistance and saftep 6/Y ; a manuscript was made through a yet' making only, Basket malting, the old- ably be quite as elegant and service lav and reddish brown to almost
marinas, operating in due reluliun-flow screen. The result was a nega- able as that now worn by any man to KAURI GUM FROM THE FORESTS black, Much of it is transparent or
,cers representing the military gov-
est of the staple industries for 'the OF NEW ZEALAND, semi- transparent, Its grades for tear-' cruor and by Doctor Weizmann and
ship with the Admiralty. In certain ;five on which the old writing was bare blind, was taught do many varieties. whom price is a matter of indlfPer- the members and officers of the Zion-
places there is a necessary limitation , ly diacernible, being a little darker The other industry taught in the else. Iu a suit of the lowest grade re- ket purposes are as varied as its
than the background, while the later presenting the average workingman, coloring. The most valuable deposits I ist commission.
of !la Powers, which do not extend to black writing appeared distinctly as workshops was joinery, The men of
the actual ranters of naval Paris nhtCl St. Dunstan's acquired these industries with the help of a moderately good , Undecaying Profit Dug From Ancient are Pound In dry soil and the best Thanks to British Arms
harborn white letters. ,_ _ _,,,stet -a the time ,,,,,ally tailor, would look quite spruce. The' grades bring as much as 6/d t a ton, I The Hallam Bashi (chief rabbi) of
where the harborstyles are so various that only a real Trees Is a Source of Profit while specimens varying in color from
expert would be able to "spot" the
cases, The Trinity house works real.' nest is yellow. A prntograph of such cobbling. Some men learns
are responsible for buoying and pilot,-
At the outbreak of the war decisions
ext an arauhary neSattv� .. w w•� posed to be necessary to teach a
mite Plato was made and from this blinded man a trade. Shorthand writ -
was Produced a transparent positive ing by the aid of a machine which en -
of very critical Importance had to be ' on which troth writings appeareddarkaided the Braille characters to be taken
and about equally distinct Then the
made. Above all things it was nem- down, was also taught, as was tele -
;transparency was superposed on the
sate- to safeguard shipping by light - ;first negative so that the dark ]otters phone operating.
ing and efficient pilotage in a situa-; Dealing with the provision of surgl-
tion which was entirely new, while of lite later writing covered the light cal supplies, Sir William MacEwen
providing no mark or light, if possible, I letters, representing the same writing
in -
which could be of any assistance to I in the negative. They were thus eltm-
the enemy,
Anxious Deliberations.
It will be readily understood that a
complex problem arose from the ques-
tion of which eight should be main-
inated, being indistinguishably merged
with the general dark background
produced by the combination of posi-
tive and negative. But the earlier
characters, since they were dark in
both eases, appeared in the combina-
tained, which, if any, should be ex- tion intensely black and distinct.
anguished and which should be used
in special circumstances, or when re-
quired, All these matters were the
subject of anxious deliberation be- _
twt•'en the Admiralty and the Trinity
Ilouee. Very careful instructions to is formed from the words: bismuth,
mariners have been issued from time iodoform, and paraffin paste, which
to tine, not only with reference to,perhaps, does not make you very
mine fields and the action to be telten ;much the wiser!
in waters infested with the enemy'sMany of our wounded men nre ac -
submarines, but also to the general , quainted with Bipp and its wonderful
use and navigation of certain waters , curative effects. It was discovered by
and the lighting and buoying of then. I the famous surgeon, Mr. Rutherford
And the duties of the Trinity House' mo•rison, and it is one of the most
have not been changed by the war, I important relievers of suffering that
They have always beau exercised for,the war has produced. By this pro -
the safety of shipping in peace, butcess the infected portion is excised, a
on not a few occasions they have been ! thorough drenching of pure spirit is
exceedingly valuable in the stress of 'given, and the wound surface is sewn
hostilities at sea. They are being up again after a thin layer of Bipp has artificial member. It is now pos-
exereised now, the work having been been applied, astn n for a men who has lost Both
merely modified to meet the new con- The preparation acts so quielely and
ditfons. Constant attention is devoted so effectively that it almost hue the haute to tiro a knife and forst at table,
to the employment of various devices, !effect of a charm, dress hhnself and even shave with a
both aortal and submarine, to give the One extraordinary cure has just safety razor. This miracle is due to
seaman warning of his approach to been recorded in a London Military
danger, It is no secret that the pas- hospital, A bit of shell had entered
sages to British ports often lead a soldier's chest and torn its waY
Do you know what Bipp means? It
near the
to the Settlers. light amber to brandy, no larger than Triumphal Arch and delivered an elo-
standard, or war time suit, in the
a teacup, have sod for $100. ; quent Hebrew address in which he re -
street. Forests of Nen Zealand whichThe swamps yield the dark colored counted the hardships of the evacua-
Cloth of the first grade consists of flourished and died so many years ago resin, which is cheap. The average ; tion, laying stress on the fact that the
blue twill serge which will be sold in that the ground they covered is novo value of all the gum is about $300 a Jews had not in the hour of peril
a man's ready made suit at $30, mud swamp and plain, are yieding more ton. In 1913, when 9,096 tons were deserted the law with Which the life
in a youth's suit at $17.50, This cloth than a million dollars a year to Maori produced and 8,780 tons exported, the and soul of the Jewish people was so
natives and whites who dig kaurd average value of the exported article j closely bound up. He then spoke of
guns, the undecaytng resin of the pre- was $315 a ton, a dozen times tis the joy with which they welcomed the
historic trees. worth when its export to the United return of their sacred scrolls and of
Nearly $100,000,000 worth has been States began in the early sixties, the new era of lberty and progress
gathered in the last half century and Better grades of he gum are used ; which was being entered by the Jews
breasted overcoats will be retailed at an equal amount remains to be dug.. as a substitute for amber in the ' of Palestine, thanks to the glorious
sudd that when a hospital for the limb- is also being made in a fancy design,
less was established in Scotland they blue' black and brown,
were told that in view of the thou. . Cloth of the second grade is an over-
sands of men who had ]oats limbs in coating in six patterns, made specially
the war, it would be impossible to get
enough artificial substitutes unless
aliens were employed. To meet the
difficulty a skilled limbs committee
of physicists, engineers and surgeons
was formed, which had directed the
production of limbs by wood carvers,
pattern makers and mechanics in ship-
building yards and engineering shops,
and tints they had been able, by em-
ploying home industry alone, to supply
artificial limbs in sufficient quantities
and duality to satisfy requirements,
A neve industry had thus been created.
Methods of Treatment.
by Scottish manufacturers. Single
In the third grade are grouped
twenty-four cheviot tweeds and eight
mixture tweeds in various shades of
From two to twelve feet under the :manufacture of mouthpieces for cigar deliverance by British arms.
surface of -the earth the resin Iles, in • holders and pipes, The great balk of But their joy was Lot complete;
strata which show that three succes- it is used in =Mug oil varnshes and they could but think with grief and
sive Forests ruruurod and died in the linoleum, The most recent use is be• apprehension of the sad lot of those of
gray and brown; also a blue and a creation of the deposit which- is used lieved to have been in the me.nufac- their freinds and relations—many of
Black serge. Tito controlled prices by manufacturers of linoleum and ,lure of explosives by the Germans. ' them exiles from Jaffa, who were still
Axed for suits from these cloths are varnish in the United States and who are known to have bought thous- t`t�hind the Turkish lines waiting pati -
$13.36/ for Wren's and $12 for youth. (;teat Britain, !ands of tuns of it in the years before ently for a further British advance to
Boy's Rugby sults will be made from The trees of the kaurf forests of i the war. enable them to return to their homes
the mixture of tweeds and sold at tc-day furnish the most valuable wood i Gum digging is a standing resourceand freedom. He thanked and in -
$111,80, of New Zealand for general building :for the Industrious unemployed 16/ yoked blessings upon the British Gov -
Cloth of the fourth grade comprises purposes. The tree is a giant of a i New Zealand and bas enabled Auck• ; eminent and the British army and ex -
tweeds in eighteen patterns in gray bush that ranks with the cedars and • land to tide over periods of serious pressed the hope that success would
and Brawn, which will he made into firs of Northwestern America in girth commercial depression with compare. -crown the efforts of the Zionist com-
knicker suits and jackets with but not in height. The diameter rune I tively little difficulty. It has also been ;
Prof. Y. Putti of Bologna dealt with boys'missioners.
the surgical treatment pertaining to collars. The four to twelve feet, with specs- of vast benefit to hundreds of settlers The Jews desired to regenerate and
amputations. He described the mens that baro measured 15 or o with small capitate build up Ja{estme, not merely for
methods of Dr. Giuliano Vanghetti. DUSK IN THE GARDEN. 20 root. The height averages 80 to I Valuable italia forests of the present' their own bnefit, but for that of all
who first conceived the idea and the
means of droving living eneigies from The stillness made of azure
the stump of an amputated limb and And veiled with lavender,
transmitting voluntary movements to Must be my daylight garden
Where all the pigeons were!
the treatment known tis cinematiza-
tion, and the perfection to which arta•
ficial limbs have been brotglht,
through mine fields or between mine cruelly through his body. The tracts lib order to obtain this voluntary
fields and the shore, These Paesages of the missile was excised, and Bipp movement the muscles are allowed to
may be changed frequently, and the overlap the Bone of the stump and are
most careful navigation is therefore
Rendered Priceless Services:
Such is the adaptability of the
ancient corporation in tiro orgatiza-
don of the coast work that, on the out-
break of the war, it rapidly adjusted
the pilotage service to meet the tut
was applied. The cure was absolu
"Character plays a larger part than
intellect in the happiness of life, and ranged as to give alternately the flex•
the cultivation of the unselfish pati of lot and extension movements and
so arranged as to give two protubea
ances similar in slope and size to two
small fingers. The muscles are so ate
our nature is not only one of the first
lessons of. morals, but also of wis-
where that cannot be obtained a ro-
tary movement can be given. In this
wiry artificial limbs, instead of being
Blue dusk upon my eyelids,
Your elfin whims disclose
The neoth that is a flower,
The wings that are a rose.
Make haste, exhale Your sweetness,
For you must vanish soon:
The garden will forget you
At rising of the noon.
A glory dawn's predestined
Of old to banish you
And bind you fast with rainbows
In dungeons of the dew,
And who will then remember
Your Cool and gossamer art?
Ale never moot may exile
Your beauty from my heart.
100 feet, with a maxhuunapf 150 feet.
Cover Ancient Forests,
The great gum deposits are not
found in the tercets of the present. day
but on fern -covered hills, plains and
evvamps. In some instances the bur- the. islands.
lett forests flourished so many ages
ago that tea trace of them hemains
except the hundreds of minions of
day have been burned purposely ° its inhabitants, whose friendship and
make way for settlement, against the help he invited The re -establish -
advice of forestry experts that it ment of the Jewish people in their
would have been better to have kept ancint home in Palestine would be for
the arca b national or state forests, the good of all humanity who had
Baur[ timber is nearly vanished Pmm learnt so much in the past and would,
he hoped, learn much in the future
from the Law of Israel.
Ram's Horn is Blown
Tho a fields exudations. orrec On the conclusion of the address
Tho gam dolts are principally in i A teacher, instructing her cities in prayers were chanter! by a cantor and
the provincial district of Auckland ingrammar, wrote two sentences on thea choir. Ther the shofar or ram's
the northern part of the North is. binclthonrd, The sentences were: horn was blown a.nd the scroyvs were
lard, covering about 1,800,000 acres. !•The hen has got three legs,"' and carried udder canopies by the chief
A,t otimknu vvn- „Who done it?" She said to Tornmy, rabbi, Doctor Weizmann, and others
dentne that ite vvasaurf duggeoutas withso litabuhs who was not a very Blight pupil: to the various synagogues to which
trouble near the surface, But half .a Go to the blackboard and correst'they belonged. On approaching each
century's industrious digging has those two sentences." synagogue further prayers were
diminished the supply until now it is Tommy elowly approached the chanted, including one for "Our Icing
necessary to go down several feet for board, thinking hard. Then he took
it. In some cases the excavations go the rhalk and wrote:
to a depth of a cTnzet feet, and re "The hen never done it. Nature
coldly companies have begun operat• done it.''
-_. _Lena -a ®„w,®Mlien tn,y...=„n. ,e•,,--»-., - max., essa,,ecr.sowin.m ..� ®. — n - Mnst. ..t,
co 13ra. 043 -az iTcsil •
George V."
In the afternoon the town of Tel
Aviv remained en fete. Processions
of school children crowned and decor-
ated with flowers, the Yemenites car-
rying small lambs and goats on their
shoulders and bearing palms in their
hands, and a number of agricultural
wagons, plows, etc.., ornamented with
corn, evergreens and flowers combin-
ed to make a gay, pleturesgge seene.
Whdre They Live.
The brospressible humor that bub-
bles up at the oddest times and places
on the western front had full swing
when a company of Canadian boys
came to naming their camp. • One
Wonders how they managed to secure
a board long enough and one wondere
again, whether they had their pet cat
and her "eonstitutionai" in mind. At
any rate, the eat walks regularly and
happily along the sign which bears
the name "Llanfairpurgwyngliyoyery,
chwyrndrobwtl liandyssili a ggoge g osh,"
This eonsists of the actual names of
two villages in Anglosoy near Bangor
plus humoroue embrolderiee by tltu
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George V."
In the afternoon the town of Tel
Aviv remained en fete. Processions
of school children crowned and decor-
ated with flowers, the Yemenites car-
rying small lambs and goats on their
shoulders and bearing palms in their
hands, and a number of agricultural
wagons, plows, etc.., ornamented with
corn, evergreens and flowers combin-
ed to make a gay, pleturesgge seene.
Whdre They Live.
The brospressible humor that bub-
bles up at the oddest times and places
on the western front had full swing
when a company of Canadian boys
came to naming their camp. • One
Wonders how they managed to secure
a board long enough and one wondere
again, whether they had their pet cat
and her "eonstitutionai" in mind. At
any rate, the eat walks regularly and
happily along the sign which bears
the name "Llanfairpurgwyngliyoyery,
chwyrndrobwtl liandyssili a ggoge g osh,"
This eonsists of the actual names of
two villages in Anglosoy near Bangor
plus humoroue embrolderiee by tltu