HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-1, Page 6-7
it Has Prov -ed a Revelation
—To Millions of `lea Drinkers
rich in Flavor --- Absolute in Purity.
Sealed Packets Only . .
r Mixed n
Arthur Stanwood Pier
Cop>rtght Moughton Mifflin Cum puny Z especial
pedm al arrangement with Tholines
bands behinds his head. "I don't!
t t h wrong impras
Cream ante d
wan you o have
tinyy \ . ^ ,
sion about Bridges Donohue. He's'
absolutely straight; I've known him Ice nre In the muricot for cream all
thruutflt lbs > ear 11 n Va> rho ITIGkIb.FT
fur years When I put your griev- tnncltet price. cion point is ,i, ht uu•to-
anee before him, he admitted frunit-y date, lu business' slnce 19 ob. Lrop us
taint. both Maxwell and Maguire had a Ix,stcard for ❑urticularx.
stated their preferences to him about 74s a Bing tairyyfoaaud Creamery Po.
appointments, and he had deferred to
them. He said there were n -'-^-_--•.amhrs-•^'-"--__.. ,te _.
gaud Into from his studies at tlu: night
many reasons why he thought. it wise . school heard the Bennetts' doer open
in the adminislrati�m}t of the depart- ns he ascen<lecl the 'stairs. in Die
ment to consult Maguire's wishes dim light that t•eachad out into th:t
when he could; they mayor may not
be good reasona, but I'm sure they're hallway he saw a fare peering over
honest. I told Bridges that from my
the Uanisters.
1 Food Control Corney'
1 k u led*e 1 was certai"Is that you, Ma Donohue?" It
CHAPTER XII.---tCout'd.l I sir," said Jerry, and I than you" own pet,ontt n w 1
"Not. at all," replied the chairman.' clown to um, anr! when hc. ntawt
`In the lifting tests he was unable to' ,,And I hope that you get your ap that for this once I wished he would site said, "1 su rasa yout mother's
measure hi prrfurmunc,; he heaved pointment." do me a favor ares' if it meant tli�-' p)
as the nose on your face;' Pleasing Maguire; I intimated to him asleep, and I hate Lo aslt you Int:\yoke
and paled at a erose -bar i that seemed „Plain what' was bacic of Maguire's hostility. her, but, oh, I do wish she'd Come up
fastened t" something immovably ant- Ile
promised me then that as soon as and sit with me, And then wuuJcl
bedded in the floor. "That \\'.11 do;, muttered ,Terry to himself \when ha'
was outside the door; and he turned' P ou lease go for the dealer? It's
said the examiner, who had been bend- his steps at once to Roger Traslc's of-, he couldydo occurred
be keep after •reQtmltto v P
1)r. Itay, ` 5 Dillon Street. And if
ling d,sk. "I'd like to have another fire tilt d fah. h Jim home to me tau."
!ing over the' r, "ter Trask trove him a Preindly welcome,! see that he doesn't 'forget." 3 (To be continued.)
i creek at it," said Jerry, for he felt - You're certainly a good friend to'
h' 11 leverage "I was thinking of looking you ug— -
you would make it fine policeman foul was youn>e Mrs. Bennett who called
that he had not got is 1u eve : so long since I'\e heard anything �piist be the tiresome kind of a plague With a lith dinner should go a
alt, the effort Rod that the faint T' Veen away for R tRI green vegetable, anti a salad, prefer -
about you, ve o you.
oaths-- my wedding trip,', That same cunning Jerry returning ably lettuce and young onions.
orating. "One
smile upon Maxwell's face was inaig- couple of m
' chance is all the al-
edh replied the examiner, and band. Now tell me du Sthave back
you landed week.—
rti him the grip machine, on which jab ort the police Force yet?"
crush itclenched his fist and turd to He had to give up with-' , Jerry stated his case and his suspicl-
1 crush .
Cana l:au housewives should make to escape. Add no water. Bring to the left hand, suggested
the examin-
fu1 face g
rew trou-
it' i b'
REC'll'I::+ FOR JAM. MAKING.. � out accomplishing his desire. "Try ono. Trask s eheer
er. The machine remained a unbroken. I "'Of course Bridges is a strong par-'
a31 the jam they can this year. but a boil, stirring occasionally to ensure . eYt Jerry was asked to show what ty man," he admitted. "I've never.
they h el:i le se with the minimum that all the fruit is being cooked, and he could do with a seventy-fiveepound,believed that he stood in quite seri
cf sugar. The Canada Food Board to prevent burning. Cook without dumb-bell. That was a thing that closely with Maguire as his political!
has issued r�•i ui:ttiants governing the. sugar until the quantity is reduced he had practiced with, and he put it opponents have charged him with do -1
use of sugar by public eating -places, and the fruit is all broken, The time tip with either hand quite easily. Also, ing, but I suppose their relations are!
candy manufacturers. ire -cream mann_ will vary with the quality of the fruit. he ay upon ihi back adfirosep to a more sures Erie dly, IvIag ire, you!
£acterers, baker confectioners, etc.. Heat the sugar in the oven and add p y
and th,se have resulted in an aggre- to the fruit, stirring until it is all dis- dumb-bell behind his neck. After he against you simply to gratify Max-'
g solved. Then boil without ani ring hen engaged fn some weight -pulling w'ell's personal spite ---he'd have no
ate lacing ,f „very large quantity, to show the strength of Itis pectoral other reason?"
This saving. has beer. increased by from three to five minutes. Remove muscles, the examiner said, "That will "None that I can imagine."
voluntary evenomies in private homes. from the fire and put into sterile jars, do," and turned to the chart on which, "I don't know as much as I should'
The Anti-Hoarsing Order providing glasses or :tone crocks. Seal when he had been figuring. like to about city politics, but I dol
limitatiens en hollinge of sugar also cold, by pouring melted paraffin over. "That's all, Donohue," he said brus- know that all kinds of trades are go-;
hae leen etfective. The Food Board the top. In making Blaek Currant quely, "Yours is the best record ing o ," said Trask. "By:ieelidges ista:
has been able to arrange for a number Jam, the sugar must not be boiled yet."
• of shins to carry raw sugar to Canada. from the beginning with the fruit, as He said it so that every one in the me rather than to Maguire. dHavll
room might hear, and Jerry passed you found anything else to o a
t of the door thrilled \vitlt delight, this time?"
1 f 1' in come jams; otherwise the currants
ire li and eager as if he "Nothing steady.
t 11 d `Business is Bette
The coma stave effect r, all these - = • ort
meas ores is that .. sufficient supply will become hard and unpalatable. f 1• gas
ee m - r than when you:
for the canning and preserving season had taken no exercise a a an � '
seem= now to he assured. Little Points in Canning. thinking to himself, "You can't get' were in before. We ought to find i
In ,erder that the maximum use may Keep the water at a jumping boil back of that, Mr. Maxwell, nor you work for you now." Trask took up i
be made of our fruit crop this year in and do not allow the fire to die down street clothes a ui e." tThenut on his
his talking teleand phone
as Parts of Canada, r proportion
are for an instant while cans are in the , down a corridor to the oral examine - 'Jim? Yes, Trask. Got a job in your
asked to use no larger proportion of canner.
sugar than is needed for preserving Keep the cover on the canner dor- tion room, where three grave and shipping -room or anywhere else for a
rather severe gentlemen questioned friend of mine? Yes. All right,
and jam making. The recipes in this ing every moment of the processing him upon a variety of subjects. Ile, 7'11 send him down." "James Mer -
article have heen prepared by experts, time. Steam plays a large part in stood up to them pretty well, and i He turned to Jerry.
having in mind the use of those pro- cooking the contents of the can. under his blithe and engaging confid- ray and Company, down on Front!
Portions of sugar which will give the Greens or green vegetables are ence their manner towards him thaw-• Street—wholesale grocers. See Mur -I
best results. No more sugar is re- most satisfactorily blanched in steam ed somewhat. And when they had ray himself—give him this card; he
quired than the amounts stated in the instead of hot water, Use a steam finbethechairman , one who solei kindly,seem hope, med to' And eas lf you're ifhe amt against o e ha y l
recipes given below. cooker or put tate products in a colon that you did well in your physical ex-', way, drop u' and see ame;ir drop in and
Strawberry ,lam. --8 lbs, strawber- der and set them over a vessel of boil-; amination, Mr. Donohue. In other see d p in
se anyway.'p,
ries, 6 lbs. sugar. Mix the strawber_ ing water, covered tightly. respects you seem to me just the type; It was for .Terry a quite rejuvenat-
ries and sugar in a kettle and let To prevent bleaching or darkening of man that we want on our police ing interview. And an hour later
them stand over night In the morn- of products packed in glass jars, wrap force, Ihe was going home with the blithe
ing set the kettie over the fire on an jars in paper.;
Was it any wonder that Jerry sono-, news for his mother that he had at
asbestos mat, and bring the eontents Examine jars and cans occasionally hue hastened dome that afternoon,, last secured a regular job.
slow1 to a boil. Do not stir the fruit during the summer to detect any sign weaving in and out among the crowds: " It just shows what a man with in-
t' fermentation, leaking, or swelling. : on the sidewalk, and where they were fluence can do," Jerry observed. "`I
any more than is absolutely necessary, of The flavor is often injured by let- ' to thick, skipping clown from the curb, might have gone on trudging the",
sufficientBoil gentlythick oanut Stthengutrltia\val it s'ting peeled fruit stand too long be-• e all
Street?ridWassit any \venderast them
that the,
to death. while you
here Wei ei a
in sterile jars. d p y fore cooking. Prepare at one time went bounding up the stairs of the mere word over the telephone and an -
11 •-1 lbs u rant 'ufce only as many cans as can be processed apartment house, and to his expectant!, other on a visiting card, and I'm
11 I' signed on a
currant da F. c r J immediately. and asembled family erred, �Ve
3 lbs, sugar. Boil the currant juice In seasoning it should be kept in don't want to be raising any hopes,
without the sugar about 10 minutes,'mind that most vegetables, as well as but I guess I landed it."
or until the quantity is reduced. Heat meats, are injured in flavor by an
the agar in the oven, and add when excessive use of salt in the canning CHAPTER %III,
very hot to the liquid, so that the process. A little salt is were palate -,Eventually Jerry received a letter
temperature will not be greatly redue- ble. but it is better to add no salt in from the Civil Service Commission
ed. When all is dissolved, bring to canning than to use too much It can notifying him that he had passed the
a Uoii again, and continue from three be added to suit the taste when the tests for patrolman and that his name
to five minutes. Test, and when done canned products are served. has been sent to the Police Commis -
remote and put away in unsealed jure. ;Hold may develop on canned goods slater, to be acted upon at that of- felt that now all the worries were at
When cool, seal with melted paraffin.' if the seal is defective, if after sten- ficial's discretion. And then the days an end.
Apple and Plum Jam. ---1 lbs. crab linin the tops are removed from the and weeks went by Just as they had Kate and Peter, returning from
apples; 1 lbs. plums, fl lbs. sugar. Cut ars to re lace the rubber rings, and done before. 1 sehool, rejoiced also in the news.
the crab apples into uarters and cook J` p At last Jerry visited the Police i "And you'll be working indoors, I
P hi if the jars are kept in a damp place At
office and asked the where those Armstrongs can't see you
in just sufficient water to extract the
where the rubbers may decompose. clerk when he might expect appoint- and holler at you, won't you?" said
juice. Strain through a double Success in canning depends upon: ' ment. The clerk gave him an unsat-, Kate,
cheese cloth, and add the sugar to the 1. Fresh fruit and vegetables. isfactnry, vague answer. Jerry, So in these days Jerry ]ed a busy
crab apple juice. Fut Deet the fire ?, Perfect fruit. and \ egetsbles. ! derived the impression that the re-' and happy life. Yet with all his oc-
and bring to a bail. Stir until the Goal jar hands. commendation of the Civil Servicer cupatione he found time to be curious
Th add the 1 ' Commission by no means insured an- and eager about the result of the in -
°uglily cooked. lently. quieted to mad, he went to Commissioner.
Note.—Other apples can be used if 1, Time must he accurate in the quarters of the Civil Service Commis- lunch hour lie made another call at
P .ion and asked for an interview with Trask's office,
crab apples be not obtainable, but on cooking in the jars• the chairman, That kindly gentle- "Yes, I've talked with Bridges, and
no account mast the skins and cores Dry all fonds which cannot be can- man remembered him, looked up his it's abr,ut as I suppesed." Trask lean-
tained largely in the cores, and direct- Test with a soda cracker closed in stoat be taken aevay, Re the pectin is con- red at 150 degaece F. record and told him that his name hacl ed back in his chair and clasped h's
at the head of the list submit_ —
the Palace Commisstoner
t once at fifteen dollars a
week. And I shouldn't be at all sur-
prised if to -morrow or the next day
the postman would be bringing me a
letter from the Police Commissioner
asking me would I be so kind as to be-
come his private secretary."
"Indeed, he'd be doing that and
more too if he knew all that I know
about you," declared itis mother. She
was in a state of high elation. She
t.III 111111 A
'V V
D own 1 1 Ilitnu III 11111111 1111111
THE example of the late
1 Queen Victoria In se-
lecting the Williams New
Scale Piano has been fol-
lowed by many of the
world's most renowned
musicians. This fact has
caused It to be known as
the Choice of the Great
Louis XV Model, $550,00
Canada's Oldest and Largest Plano Makers
L num L li 1 mai 1 Imo n n aminaloe
111111' 1
1=0; G
j`b'�' ria s-sel
iS Beauty
in EVe1 y
sugar is melted. en act e p ams, J, Airtight lids
and boil until the plums are than- 5. All water must be boiling- via- Pointment to the police force. Dis-' tervie\v between Trask and the Police
the head- ,I and one day during his
ly under the slain. Any sweet plum the jar of dried food. It should stay ted t, •
can be used for jam. The Dameon crisp. If it becomes limp, dry the Since that date," said the cha}r-
is considered quite satisfactory. Be.- feed over again man. "I find that there have been four
cause of its acid mature, the Lombard Ury fond is leathery, not crisp. ;new patrolmen appointee!. We sent ort the names of seven candidates,
plum twill not make a goorl jam with Soak all dried foods at least six your turn ought to come soon."
the proportion of sugar prescribed, hours Ucfarc using, and coop in the 'If I stood at the heart of the list,'
above. i water in which they were soaked, in why shouldn't I have been appointed'
Plum Jam. --8 lbs. plums, 6 lbs. su-I Order to retain all the valuable -min- first?" asked Jerry.
gar. Put the plums and .sugar to-' eral. salts. i "You will have to put that question
gether in a preserving kettle over the! Keep dry foods in jars that would to the Police Commissioner,"
fire, with just sufficient water to; not do for canning or in empty can "Ills clerk wouldn't let me sec him,
' and made me feel that my chances of
;tart the cooking. Boil gently until, with removable tops, which have been, ever being appointed were pretty
the fruit is thoroughly cooked. Stir
as little as possible.
Black Currant Jam.—For 1 lb. of
fruit not over ripe allow $4, lb of su-
boiled in washing soda and water to doubtful "
remove any strong odor, I "Well," said the chairman regret -
Every ounce of food which a•woman., fully, "it's quite true that it isn't
conserves releases a corresponding mandatory on the Police Commission -
gar. Put the currants in a granite amount for the woman who has not erto givessed an appointour ant Ile cant
to every
saucepan and mash to allow the juicer the opportunity to store away food. one appoint any one whom we don't rec-
__ .__..... _ . _ ! omrnend• our control stops there.'
By -Products of Packing Plants Whieh
Are Splendid Food,
Packing houses lin Canada, acting ote
the request of the Canada Food Board,
are endeavouring to popularize cer-
tain by-products, particularly parts of
the hog not generally used for general
consumption in Canada. These include
pigs' feet, pigs' brains, calves' brains,
hogs' livers, neck-bonee and neck ribs.
These parts of the animal, while good
for human food, have been hitherto
not popular in this country among con-
sumers, although they are perfectly
healthful and mrtritioue and the de,
!nand far exrf.d, a Hul
ale • the wieldy in the
United States.
At a recent dinner given for de-
monstration purposes at Ula Armour
Canadian plant: at Hamilton, the
guests were served with the following
menu: Pigs' Wight aspic. jelly, devilled
backbone, fried Digs' brains, braised
ex -]ants, creamed sweetbreads, jt:llicd
pigs' snouts, jellied pigs' feet, pickled
lanibe' tonetees, pickied pigs' tongues,
pickled ox -tongue, brain croquettes oe understand, said Jerry. I
and sweetbread rissoles. (should like to ask one other question.
It is estimated that. sufficient pigs' 'Why are Patrick Maguire and Con -
livers are thrown into the waste tanks gressman Maxwell allowed to be pro-
of the packing plants of Canada every j sent
eelicat the
'+physical examination of
weer to gawpY a e an n :
k 1 all 'the families in the I ida idea
Many women look old erthan the lryears
largely because they do not take proper
care of their complexions. Ingram's
Milkweed Cream will keep you looking
Younger than you are. It keeps the com-
plexion clear and colorful. It keeps the akin
soft and In a healthy condition because lt
has a d lattnetive therapeu tie eftect lttoncsup
the delicateakln tissues. Twosi zes,50e andel.
For shininess of the nose and forehead try
Ingram's V elveoln aouveraine Face Powder.
It is so fine and delicate In texture that you
can scarcely detect it yet it stays on and
effectually °enemas the minor Imperfection.
fil1 nellgraeii!letild
loIm products inou
Zodenta for the teeth, 2,5c, is at your
A Picture
with Each Purchase
Each time you buy a package Of Insram'e
Toilet aids or Perfume ,Your druggist will
give you,without charm+e large portrait of a
world -famed motion picture actress. Each
collection for your home. Ask your druggisou make t
o F. F. Ingram Co., Windsor, Ontario (94)
The Canada Food Board has been
informed that certain persons, repre-
senting themselves as Food gourd Ia-
speetors, have been visiting homes in
curtain parts of Ontario and Quebec,
and demanding from the householders
payment of fines for alleged Infrac-
tions of the Food Boaud's regulations.
All Inspectors working under au-
thority of the Canada Food Board will
be able to produce official certificates,
which must be presented when their
authority is questioned, The Food.
Board has not appointed any inspec-
tors to visit private homes, and any
persons claiming to have such author-
ity should be rope rim! at once to the
nearest police authorities.
An investigation just completed by
the Canada Food rloara shows that in
some cases fishermen in Eastern
Canada have been shipping fish, which
have been damaged in lite catch or for
other reasons are not in proper vomit -
Lion for shipping. Closer inspection
tit the shipping points would reduce
waste at marketing centres and the
Board is appealing to the fishermen to
avoid loss of this kind.
The question was taken up in con-
nection with destruction of quantities
of fish in Montreal. 'levo shipments
of fish front La Reine, P. Q., to M911-
treal were a partial loss and inspec-
tors have reported to the Canada Food
Board that the condition of the fish at
the time of shipment is believed to
have been the cause.
Since the inauguration of the Con-
servation. Branch under the Director
of Supplies and Transport, the army
stationer] or in training in Canada, has
been organized for war time economy.
In the ten military districts con:erned,
by the substitution of fish, two hun-
dred were
o. beef f
saved in the month of May, and ap-
proximately the same amount in the
month of June. Vett' encouraging
results have been attained in the con-
servation of foodstuffs of all kinds, as
well ae other supplies.
The Conservation Branch has been
in co-operation with the Canada Food
Board since February, when a Con-
servation officer was appointed with.
experience in the Canadian. Army
Service Corps overseas, and assistant
officers under him were nominated in
each military district, these being
ahvays returned men with experience
in similar work on active service
The main saving in foodstuffs has
been in the control of the issue. The
rations provided are calculated to in-
sure the maximum necessary for a 166
pound man engaged in hard labor. A
big field for conservation was found in
the margin between the maximum
contingency and the actual require-
ments from day to day. Bread used
in Canadian camps and in all places
where troops are fed in Canada by
the Government, contains 20 per cont.
substitute of wheat flour, while all
the flour itself is of the standard re-
quired by order of the Canada Food
Being a Little Homily For War -Time
A well-trained in fan try man M nn e..x-
Pert on rapid are. Ile can tiro his
rifle the maximum number of times a
minute and most of his shuts will lie
„inters"; or he can group Ui:+ shots on
specified points of the target with tho
same all-Uut•unerrieg skill. When he
' faces an advancing enemy lie wil,,tos
but fete cartridges. Coolly, rapidly
I and with precision he sends each bul-
1 letinto its living, moving "biliet." Ite
ihas confidence and self-asshrance, be.
cause he knows what to do and how
to do it. If the line he is in is but
thinly held, he does not get an attack
of "nerves," but applies himself with
even greater intensity to his task of
I shggting to hit, If his rifle "jams" he
takes up another, but he dues not
think of quitting, or of engaging Ills
neighbor in pessimistic talk,
We, at Moine, must follow his ex-
ample. We cannot stand on the
"firing -step" to check the Runs' ad-
vance. The enemies we fight are less
tangible find perhaps more insidious.
!lunger is one et them; idle, depress-
ing couversatlon is another, Second
only in importance to peeping the
army at full strength is ihat of pro-
ducing and conserving food. Men
are being called from farms as well as
from every other producing industry,
Our reserves aro being moved into the
front line. But, even if the line is get-
ting thinner, do not get an attack of
"nerves" and think of throwing up
your hands or of running away. Try
some rapid lire in the producing line,
Show your skill in grouping your
shote on the most dangerous targets,
If Your implements are "Jammed"
from want of help, join up with your
neighbor who may be in a similar
plight. Such teamwork may peep
two farms from being uselese in the
light, for freedom, Or if male labor
is out of the question, enlist, the wo-
men; Thousands of British women
have boon on fitrms during the past
two years and if the need arisen Camay
(Iran women will ho no less dauntless.
Shoot quietly, shoot to hit and keep
on shooting:- A,D,
If you have a pine floor do not weal
out your life scrubbing it. Cover it
with n good linoleum, If varnished
once or twice a ,year it will not wear
out for live or tett years with good
care. If rugs are kept where stand -
lig it will save the feet as well as
the linoleum,
"Theehas always been thole
Denison with
meat for one day. there should he a few outsiders invit-i'
At the Present time all these pro- i ed to attend the examinations --as a
fleets of Canadian packing housee are;guarantee that they are conducted in'
either disposed of in the United Slates goof' faith. Patrick Maguire'--theI
or thrown into the waste tanks. chairman hr,itated and smiled a trifle
—0-- ironically perhaps I violate no con...!
, fidence if I stay that. Mr. Maguire was'
"There are two stones we may not' inviter] by it member of our hd I
dare to cast:
The stone of stumbling in our bro-
ther's way,
The stone of ,judgment at our b
ther's past;
We, who ourselves, like sheep h
gone astray."
Fliminater all guess
~,ifork. M.aket light,
wholesome bread,
rolls etc., without
betide, Saves flour
and helps to rera°
the Nation i (nod
7� Convenient, quirk
and clear -hands
r do not touch dough.
Delivered ell charnel
ppn,d to your holOO, nr
i through your dealer -
l r -(our loaf Aire $175:
eight lea( sire $7 25.
who values highly Ins -set., ices to the
city. T may add that two of the) -
other gueets at your examination were _ _^
re_ gentlemen who are not in sympathy
with Mr. Maguire,o
"Well, now, I'm thi.dcieg it wouldn't:
ave be strange at all if Mr. Megnire and
Cont eesman Maxwell between them
tort, had the ear of the Pollee Commission.
When making a juicy pie do not •
press the upper eruct down on the low-+ only spy that 'I'm so busy trying to
shuts in the steam { keen polities (rem creeping Mtn our
Re otic,, that department that I don't know what:
edges. i l '"You've been very kind to Mee
Reid tempts the juice to overflow, Just
Ato that Mr. Donohue, 'r can
influences any ho ai; work in other
lay the upper -crust an and trim the cttartcrs."
$3 Ta
"Safety First" in Preservino,
Don't take chances with your preserves. Protect
them from mold and fermentation with Parowax, the
air -tight seal.
Parowax on preserving day means happiness on
opening day. The preserves come out with all their
original flavor and freshness.
Melted Parowax poured thinly on the jelly glasses
does the trick. .Air can't enter. On fruit jars, 'adjust
cover and dip in the melted liquid.
Parowax is odorless, tasteless, and absolutely pure.
Sold in inexpensive 1 lb. and 1/2 lb, cartons. Your
grocer or druggist has it,
Branches In All Cities,