HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-1, Page 5,.MI„K
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Advertising Fates
IGOf 1,1/W1N(t are the navel tieing liates iu
�M 1,111 1'na, -•
t.$It tat,Luxl,Finarl, Wnnlv,l, e+r•..t�il•st
111•11 nun a5u Ketch xubsrgau•nt /J1`1.111,11
I ,,*11 r ,
t n Im•x- lee e, r Ili,^ for (lest_ u,sar- Penalties for Breaking Food Laws
1 Ire111.1.1.111/11
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RIl Id A V uuttoex ul l$11vetIfla MknJa whore Iva tp AI)Y )CYS(t violating i IUqg��[C• 7 Y knit
IAG 1 1 7 provision
�lZi, .0 r v '
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Irnr •ed u
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ti It 4u,
atnkln Illi ,*r print'
l 1 or any d
(Never In Canada ..... �;,,r-�„
llt:n' Irr L :toil 1. i,,,uli,t�•.l ll1 t;11 .”11.
th,W Yo11ol1, 1 tet It that the timer.) (,.'.(I.111, Vi l 1 I L 1 I lI;
Ment ini,uds to conscript len per cent. �
of all 111, neY in the savings banks of ±.;1� U <i 17 'I'U
;Lingle, t 'ills report flan be('u flatly
denied, .tett! no such pleasure will ever1 Wingha
trake phlce in \::ulada,
made in pursuance of the power invest-
ed upon It, is guilty of an offense, and
utautioa sldl be il:tb , ,It u u sI .I l 171 1 111 t `o '.0t. Il `t„' ,1 Y Vh.f^III I flu •Y4 'l fuli •a t. Ila cis '1 (r,l e 0. slralu t1 u'ae Jt.race r, 'i end( t
:1p soil
exceeding $1,00o, and not less than
stondmi or to im rieor n l Il • C -....___...,--.........._,.._,I.,.._., ...
?'. g, d+ g1.ad.A.��.A.4 • the s4ecl ^t hlrnt),r; ,,; ., ,
h• fora. r
.. , I,.I I f o,'.. et,+.,•t rt of +
Lee ,,,,,J.., bur 1 lin-:{, hath dimul.. +
the ”,
nett, will nun for bettor trines, to
toot. eT Won, lu 1Vefl G11110 Itt1d lean charges
sotto n r
n otherAuctioneer
A Nast
norm] ! qn
lax rr u't charge o rl, anything. Mk /
nxu 1 lava ••n ationgad ul :hie aunr,e azal onionrrby
1 tl.,nal -LLp ldieUtjeA,
w Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
NolAry Public, Ala, Mtioo-fitowart'e Block
1 door North of Cott Era! now
Salic to
I xi
or o b
Ib Iotro
ghEuu Sauk.
p k•
Moe in tlae Post °Mee, 61.he1, 50.9
Business Cards
Jlucoexeor to M. Li, Moore. 011iee at Ander.
son Bros, Livery stable, nruasel. 'Telephone
No. 20,
Honor graduate M the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night calla. ClGhee opposite
Plour MIII, Ethel,
M. 13., M. C. P,., dt S, o,
M O, J3., village or llruseals,
Pltr,i,dan, surgeon, Aceuuolteur
°Mos at n'+111011**, 0ppgxlte Melville Cllw•ch,
William etre,/
DR. J H. W�IrE, 8. A.—
PHYSTCIAN ANC -v ;; l goN,
Graduate Toronto Unlven-ny' u, ate,ne•iue.
Speolaa attention givon to dleeaal•s of elindren
and Surgery.
Oirice: Dr. Bryans Oltl Stant'
Phone 45 Brussels
Licensed Auctioneer for Nuroe Co.
Retixrnatinn nasnnita ; Charges moderate,
Writs nr Telephone Ir not neilvenient to onll.
Ralik 1011.9,1131.1and North Huron Phones,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
(Mico on the Square, 2nd door rrum Hamilton
(t•onrltu'x, ()NT.
Private Muds to loan at lowest rotes.
W . Pnoaucoom, IC, C. .i, L, litLGORAN
11..1, n. Ooosn
8'++•1•++++++r' ++4r+++++++•1•+++h
IJE +.s
. .a
DIAMOND RINGS 4, 3555551111111:11151351553552 811052=4NS5255 "?�
is assured in every offering of this
store. Whatever the price paid,
we personally guarantee the
goods to be as represent-
ed at the time of sale.
Ask to see the new-
est pattern in
R. Wallace r%!
•,' Let us Show you oltr com-
s,, plete line of Waterman's +
" Ideal Fountain fens, and
didn't forget that we have 4'
a full line of +
+ Kodaks and +
+ Brownie Cameras
. R. Wendt it
+ Jeweler and °tunica, Wrnxetur q
Some of the British battleships
have searchlights so powerful that a
newspaper may be react by their
light by a person IS utiles away,
Mr, J. E, McConnell, of Mc'Connelf
tk Fergusson, London, was elected pre-
sident f
t o the to Clmndian Advertising A-
gents' Association,
In the latest issue of Kelly's Lon-
don directory, which contains Ito less
than 3526 pages the following new
manufactures IuLtcture
s are listed. (Makers of
i0•i ii
, v etc
Adalin Aircraft craft
, dope,
Diarsenol, Emetine,' Flavine, Guaha-
OlI17d 1 h 0
s eu i (hate}n I-
p Su
phocarbolates, Valerianates,
The Summer
drool forteachers,
now in session t o of the Ontario Agricul-
tural College, has some four hundred
in attenaanee, the largest number on
l lin unlexsbillx id•u Isxnad 1�1 !h •a& )y order or regulation of the (:;t17 -
d (or 4111111•
:ads food Bo:trlU now or hereafter
l„n; ee V+•I,+,vr loenn.l ;n•Ir, env,
(x, rtr ur lhnol.-. ale
WI 1llr,g!,alt„ 11101- ontx,
People pl telephoningdthIImentt't n will -
1 ns „ 1 b, held
r*+tun+e Ll„ fur the payment.
+.1,+ ..., ,: a.
Md' qtr++•f•+++++r•1•• +•I
h+ ! h . r+
t., ll the reee hreucr and
see,'<l e,l nor, in the lest-Huth:ft
a it F ,1 U hl and ',ass antes t
,d Mrs { o,,..i 11 ',
book a A
Il tl: 4) 1.! ku ,ws that h,
Think It Over
is � m .•
1711 +i.
will knock kt t Y
k tl +
1 u.•
( r•
r 1 ,s• o
t from
111. ,
ati forme
r1 o
r dulled
• •r B
from , •l•
m l} ( '
u h u,.
1i11N 1 e
t 1 HH ('n
u 1 tie re O
t, rant;eville, 33e yen seta's ttKo .y.
1 + noel is no+v enjoying a salary of 4/40 per motltb, (11111180 per yew i in
Ili- .p the (lily of 1)••61,011, 4.
Miss 11 a 1
full )
,til ,a t1 e•
) tf ,deo formerly
I lit N•
Y, rl 11 n
f Grand \'
Y n i elle •
, writes
Iltll +-,
]p ,h she t re r,+}wing a salary of tjllCdfl per year iU �'w col u' ,
_ ul e
der -in -Council P (,. (1543) cies Juni
iWati�'17g,WM,fd ,`�+ifp,airAle Attu woo. 2'-ud, 1918. The enforcement of the
t t
orders and regulations of the Canada
BRUSSELS , food Boards depends principally p P tt til upon
��1rygq t�
P Y X11 f
ti ,
(lenge ,cuul n=
• r 11
C;'m1Nu 1 u I 4patriotic
u co-operation of the tnttn-
f9xpreks.....,�..S;15aW AIn11 I, ,anm lcipll( police authorities. d
i9apraks e'el n I , 1 fix reuse 1
No License Needed
Givfis�°d atom' r�`'eit au. d a � It is. not necessary to secure a special
—.— license from the Canada Food board
WALro1v l in order to serve refreshments at pic-
a'.Toronto To Own+ h I flies, lawn socials, bazaars, public or
•ass...,,,:. n;t2 11'3
m Ex rex y0,41)11;1, t, G 14•ni1S dinners, '
;pj fairs, linage
Chili and fraternal society meetings,
1&xpt 9 .,
Extress .. ret Buuruxx' Prlv'lt • itlu `l
., P ,.I ... 1
WRo�XBTER even when more than fifteen persons
cluing fetet 7u1 a.m. end ti:ai t :n, are present, according to a ruling re -
Going weet - 1.3:115 and 0:f , t, ,n. ceived by Mr, James Gray, district
All trnina going Rad 1
H I,ftrx enSutwlttl, r. R. at representative frrinl the r;;ulada Food
Orangeville.1•Ifor Owen Round, 191 '•rx and T
G, n. rant,u„r,
WV'. ALLAN, Loon. „dent,
The Financial District Meeting of the
Goderich district will be held on Sept.
15th in Ontario St. Methodist church,
P. O. Box Numbers
The Post (lice has received a special
notice from the Department urging in
the Interest of war -time economy and
eaiclency that box -holders use the No,
of their boxes on their addresses. In
this way a great deal of time could be
saved in the distribution of mail,
Must Not Wander Now
No gypsies are to be permitted to
pursue their wanderings about On-
tario, this summer, the order thet
everyone must work being clue for
strict enforcement, and Mores trading
and fortune telling not being rated
as work ,
The Home Merchant
Give your trade to the merchants
who keep store the year around, Buy
of the man who stands at your side at
the tax collector's counter. Buy of the
man who is your neighbor, Your ac-
quaintance, your friend. Buy of the
man wh° is a factor in the town you
live in, who helps to make a market
for the things you have to sell. Buy
of the home merchant that advertises
in the home newspaper,
August 4 "Remembrance Day"
August fourth will be celebrated
in Great Britain, France, Italy, China
and Japan and the Dominion of
Canada as "Remembrance Day," .be-
ing the anniversary of the day Great
Britain declared war on Germany.
In London the King and Queen and
the ,
tl members of
s Parlament anent will par-
ticipate in the morning in a proces-
sion at St. Margaret's Westminister,
when the Archbishop of Canter-
bury will deliver a sermon in honor
of those fallen in tattle,
Soon off Program
Garden parties will soon be a thin
of the past, If the tear continues an-
other ,year and indications are that it
will—it is improbable that garden
pertles and such functions will be heli
At several affairs held thus far this
year r there tuns a conspicuous absence
of meat and those large dainty layer
cakes with tasty icing and tilling, and
sugar, instead of being displayed on the
tables, was passed by waiters in small
quantities, all of which impresses one
with the fact that war conditions and
food regulations will soon play havoc
with these events.
We Have Them Here
Some of these days somebody will
"be pinched" for allowing his car to
be driven by a boy or girl nuder 13
years of age, A number of owners in
this vicinity are violating this regulat-
ion, Motor cars tare so numerous note
that great caution should be observed
in the public safety. Where two swift-
ly moving vehicles are coming into dao
gerous and unexpected proximity a
young driver cannot be depended upon
to do the right thing and serious, if
not final, consequences are likely to
How, Even old drivers 'often ,incl
themselves in tight places unexpected-
IY and frequently they fail to do the
proper thing, Several have complain-
ed to the editor about fourteen year old
girls and boys driving cars up and
down our streets, They have threat-
ened to enter complaints to the const-
able.—(Renfrew Journal)
What the Press Received
Various estimates have been made
as to the amount the press received
from the Government in connection
with the press publicity for the Vic-
tory Loan, but the actual figures paid
were clearly set forth in audited state-
ments submitted to the annual meeting
oP the Canadian Press Association
held in Toronto our June 13th and
14th. The total amount paid by the
Government for advertising space was
$165,419.81, which was distributed
among 1,400 newspapers and other
publications. The setting of type and
making of (duplicate plates of the ad-
vertisements for the various publica-
tions used and the fees paid to the
five co-operating advertising agencies
for their services cost hl the neighbor.
hood of .$37,000, staking the total ex-
penditrre $208,186+ As the total eost
of floatingh
the loan W13 approximate-
the '
Y (xovernn
t s ex-
penditure 1 't
e Idl ur o
e n res I
ns publicity
sents less than 5 per cent, of thol
expenditure, i
t t interesting P s er stirs
to note
also that the press publicity cost
on1,y one twentieth of i per cent, of
the total amount subscribed to the
,card, Ottawa. Recently, many in-
quiries in this connection have been
received by Mr. Gray, and he finally
wrote to the capita( asking; for a ruling.
Although the food board orders must
he observed, a special license is not
required. On such occasions, how.
aver, the board requests that foods re-
quired for export be carefully conserv-
ed, including wheat products, beef,
veal, pork, cheese and butter,
Miss D. Shaw, of Winnipeg, is the
guest of her brother, Dr, J, W, Shaw.
,Mayor Thompson has announced
that Monday, August 5th will be Clin-
ton's Civic Holiday,
Mr A. T. Cooper has taken over
the C, P, R, telegraph office and will
operate it along with the G. N. W.
The S. A. Corps held a meeting at
the douse of Refuge on Monday even-
ing of this week. Special music was
sung by the songsters,
Clinton I, O,'O, F. Lodge have order-
ed _an Oddfeliow's Honor Rall which
will be placed in the Lodge room con-
taining the list of members who have
cloned the King's uniform,
Apple King Dave Cantelon reports
that the winter crop of apples are
looking decidedly better, as apples are
forming good, without the scab, as the
summer apples are,
Miss Freda Fowler, the twelve-year
old daughter of Dr, and Mrs, W. J. R.
Fowler of 'Toronto formerly of Clinton
is spending her holidays at the home
of Mr, Albert Izzard, Goderich twp,
At the recent examination of Havergal
Ladies College which she has been at-
tending the past ,year, she (von a prize
for general protliciency taking first
class honors in a number of subjects.
The following is a complete account
of French Red Cross donations:—
Clinton Girls' Auxiliary . , . , 3225.80
Clinton W, P, S, 225.80
Varna 25,00
Y. L. of S. E. of G. T. 25.00
Turner's 'Church Society ... 21.00
London Road Society 15.00
Unity Club 10,00
Hohuesville 10.00
Summerhill , .... , . , 10.00
Bethany 5.00
Stanley Maple Leaf • 5.00
Total $627.60
fi:luta Council met aattteday,
Will. Love is able to be around oriel
an operation for nppendieitis.
Miss Carrie H. Roe, Elmo, has tab`
rained het A. T. O. M. at the period.
Toronto Ounservatory of Dlusin exam-
Miss Iilnid McCnort, gcgonage muse
who has spent, the past 3 months at
the home 0r tiny parents, S. and (Urs.
klOOMirl, town, lefl file White Plains,
N. 1r., where title will visit. for a
week with her sister, Miss Dorcas Ale -
Coln I R. N„ 1Z 0, N, at the home of
VIillinnttire O, A, Andaews, prior to
taking her position at New Britain,
Ftltls' INvtWaANr1a COMPANY.—Pu,-
soma to n,i,jntltnotinl the Uirerwis
of the I,:llda (Partings' lnsurruu+e (tum.
patty suet in the Agricultural hall,
e4•ae•a•aee•e c,•o•r•a•••e•e••4
Sano Weinstein
$ Is prepared to pay lite •
• highest price. for •a
• e
eScrap iron, $
e•° Rubbers,
Rags, &c. $
e •
Woolk. anted
Highest price paid,. See
s me before you sell, •
3 Highest Cash Price for :
4 ' '
s Line Poultryand Hides ;
gg i
Write Ile 1 1 Phone n.
1 1 m Ills
,L StR1vI11 Iltt)1S61th,S
The 'Three -clay Festival
her t
c, was Only a taste of the Entertainment that
will 11 he provided at th(.
bit; Tent in �';'tingham
.Al wood, Tonsday, 10,11 ult. ,VI the
nu•mbrt's rllo• Hoard were pteseul,
the President presided, ;Whittles of
Nat meeting were lead, eon lit mod
and signer!. tilititna flu' losses by
lightning, from the following mete t)
pair! : -A. AleAlemuuiu,;fayh0rd, rnty
killed, $75 00 ; J -bet Heellte nl, b11(ua, a
Rime] killed, ti5,i00 Rohm t Me(`rurl, u
Mina, SIM till, 3 beifets killed ;
spot t,;Inrninglun, steer killed, $70,00; fi
D. (I Alt (?uttrrle, (Ivry, eats killed, a
$125(1(1:,I I: Rowland, (Ivey, house sf
dantttged, 1;1.00+ Jas, Ilastinga, Sinrn• j
inglon, 111a1'e killed, $1�1:iOC: 'I'h,w, e
Norm 1lornington, wits paid Stun un, is
for his hoose and contents by file, at
rinsed by spark 1'ronl rhiwnry, and w
thr> NrwhigginK 1')atNCe was still it
$2011108, for the lues of harm land P
rentente by fire, enuse uol(nowe.
Applications fill' 111.11111110. ty..te uc-
(cited to anitn:it of 6,188,.',011 Meet-
ing ad,jnurded till Augmt 20111 to
meet. at the usual thou and place, l
It 1
. and ',Nailing a l\Ilss f,
t Margaret a a
., vendetta 17 I Kt t t V hrnaH fr 1•t<
u + "1 i
dt1 11 from o
-S-C('11t Kuhl
,,oust , , 1 t:,,dc;• 1 la id s strand
the one-piece bathing suits on G.
� S
1"„14 1
coast. t. Ate'•
11 n
u .
L use
Het nputting
1n Fars eseopt 1114 h',rv,rynldovt
i.1 f
Pre su ye Wilt aid thr war' l'
Somme ww, m big jar of itl
\'.•rttuu w.r•• hither Co
sized jar. But the biggest jar of
i the lar that contain; preserves
Let your motto l , "Jar the frt
and jar the Kaiser :"
'There have been millions of ne
utgled inventions designed to asci
Yount; wives in defeating apple
cherries, •tpelcots, tnnheis, strit
beans and carots. A juvenile wi
Will ;attack the canning game wit
more paraphernalia than :a drunun
has t, play in 1 1aer band. She tv
buy automatic sp.ems, collapslbl
jar lids, folding stove lifters, doubt
action kitchen lin ,leum, three -p(
cooking books and ;ik-r:linder conk
ing pots. And her canning tourua
+ dl,s 1 ui a Holmes, Jut luel'Fv of (Ni n
dilim, Wit n, 17 dr•Itt4InJf the ixlay..
1I a w•
d• t aha Y of ;kl ,00 pt t 5'enr in a \Vtst•ecn ('lbdadnul (31 toy.
he H• Another lad mudoalr l•- the Pity Pier11 of the (lily i,f %%rNl'
Il I I, +i
all iYe 1%di give lie adduesnes of the utboVe sueeewsfui students
amt a tions+,tot} (Ohms, 111 anyone who is in doubt ace to what
lit Sehuul In allele).
All til aihett s are nal so ser eessl'ul as these, tint we can lit any
tv- gi11, 'silo Iota even a r1g171unu school eduratho11, ill six months, to
st emu mere money the first year than a puddle. school teacher, with
the oppot•lur l j' q .
s, 11 y o lean ling the above figura., n
re Alotlrels! D,' y gone. ,p:
tc y", u'iah your datghters, otter you tae 4'
h to be ••O..pendent" oI -Independent?" Woulcl it be n gout (Wog. ,i.
fig h, 1 It, lin able e
l l I,
t Tutt
ere n good salary r
slur '13,E111.11.1
f, I I, .g.
tr r( e � •i'
ill a tont,. `+lar ettn 4.
41.0 l u„n ,ts ud take nu yarration, and (rave Ile]• diploma ax a ,i+
e chi ,• Iu 1, present with it position absolutely guaranteed. 4.
e \\'1 its for ioforintoI'm of our Burne Study Awl College (Ionians •f
y I •. J ,y; t., f lu• tip ,Bou Ilu.iness (:allege, \Vint luun, and then •b
merit twill turn out to be a foul bal
But when granny and mother star
to do a little tarring. all the appara
tus they nerd is a set 01 elbows an
to old wash-ootler. They toss th
pples int, the old boiler, cook 'en
ntil they g„ Democratic, shovel 'em
ut into the jars and result is tit
nest jelly you ever aimed your he
t multiplied by six. Bo, when You
ser some of that old -tangled app(
ell• toward your spiglottis you don'
are whether school keeps or not. 1
the treatest stub in the world
id it was cooked in an old, battered
ash -boiler without the aid of add-
)'; machines, safety razors, dieto-
hones, whattzigraphs and whooze
Kitchen Statistics furnished by the
National War Garden Commission at
Washington show that the wash -
toilers equivalent to a battle cruiser
of the first line. An ancient wash -
boiler with mother at the steering
wheel afid granny stoking the fur-
naces has a cruising radius of lo,000
preserving miles, And washboilers
e being launched all aver the U. S,
the rate of 11 boiler to every 14
et of laundry on the old back yard
sh tine. A fleet of wash -boilers
loaded to the gunwhales with boiling
preserves is steaming up and down
each neighborhood in each city in the
The only vacation the old boiler
gets is on Monday, and then it is
full of ctothes. So that aint much
of a vacation. On Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
the holler is loaded to the ears with
steaming preserves buzzing away
like a soused cricket.
The slogan of the National War
Garden Commission is "Can veget-
ables and can the Kaiser.” They be-
lieve that every spoon is a bayonet,
every wash -boiler a battleship, and
t . d^4-•t•-:.:.,ti;„.,-,..p•t•+.4.4.4,4-#•+h$•-7•+,;;;+4•oi,e•7••t••F•i•`t•i••F3••7-i••S'•'r-1-•1•r'-F•i•t••F•4.3••8+4.
e every housewife an admiral in the
F ,e,
d fleet.
And that every tilled Jar is another
e jar to the Kaiser,
(Copyright New fork World) wa
That stuttering noise which sounds
like a family of wild dishes clatter-
ing the wrong way up a one-way
street is the old kitchen orchestra
tuning up the cooking aeeoustics. The
kitchen band is the only orchestra
that is led with a spoon, Whip
granny is tuning up the G string on
the old wash -boiler, mother is test-
ing out the treble on the kitchen
stove. Sister is running a few prac-
tice octaves on the colander, while
daughter is rattling oil- a fete b:us im
the recipes,
This is the thee of the eiette ,when
Noted Canadian Author and Minister Tells of the "Flaming Forth
of the Divine" in Men at the Front.
There are0
It CDI11111UI7 Il)elt."'
Type cannot convey the meaning
that Major Charles W. Gorden put
into the words, says a New York re-
porter who 'recently interviewed Ralph
Connor. This famous chaplain of the
Canadian forces at the front has, as
he said, seen "the sudden flaming
forth of the divine in men." For Mtn
emotional bravery and unquestioning
self-sacrifice had become a common-
"Why, I remember one little in-
significant beggar," he said. No one
knew where he came from, and no
one cared. He had been nobody back
home ; he was the last sort of nuater-
lal, yeott'd have thought, from which
herons are made.
"Then, one day, he was on duty
in afrout bay, an outpost position.
Men aren't supposed to get together
in such places, but a half dozen had
bunched themselves there—the hum-
an instinct for companionship, I
suppose. A live bomb dropped in
their midst. Five men rushed to one
end of the flay and cowered down,
awaiting the crasit that would meati_
death to them all ; but the sialic
dropped oil that bomb and smothered
the explosion with his body. He
was blown M bits, but the others
were saved, It was the Iitile beggar
from nowhere in particular,
"Such acts have become almost
commonplace," said he. "They are
strewn through the story of this
war like stones le a field, and all
conditions of men have had part in
them, They told us before. the war
that in the "blue-blooded" aristocrarcy
of Bngllmd the blood was running
thin and the bodies getting soft.
But hosts of young men from what
we call—for lack of better term—
"the hest families' (1 hate the phrase)
have shown their ability 1'o endure
tremendous physical strain, carry-
ing on through the dirt and the lice
with unruffled temper and calm as-
surance. Call for the heroic, and
these men are "there" just as often
as those bred to hardships and built
for fighting,
And the devotion of the men to
( another 1m tltar i
e s just as splendid, Two
e ,
hums were '
t m a raid
v I,
1 N
Land. n As they
cams back, one was
wounded and fell Ilea 1
r ati trenches
The n
actd e -g
un Etre was so fierce
that no one was allowed to go to
the wounded tan's ofd, Elis chum
however, ifuletly got together some
water bottles, bandages, and bis•
cults, and begged so hard for per.
mission to make the attempt that
his commander said to go,
"Ile crawled out to the wounded
man, tied up his hurts, gave him
water, and Tilade him eat soltte
cuits to hearten him. And then they
lay thele, waiting for night to come,
when v n th rev could crawl to safety. As
they waited, a bullet found the re-
Wt. ' e k
t to know w when a man
has a ictal hurt, and this loan's chum
sensed it.
"\> 'r „
tilt ain't e
1117 i'
J he
And the: other answered:
"Guess I've
Bot it,) cl '
an died.
aA few minutes t Holt.
S 1 the set,
s t
and the man whose churn had died
for hint crawled back into the lines.
ooh, yes; °tree ill a white a pian
does "break" but there are few in-
stances of the Yell°w Streak"
The new era in women's work and
citizenship has been significantly re-
cognized in the first report of the
Executive ('.m nittee tat' the Canadian
Industrial Reconstruction Association,
The Executive Cmmunittee recommends
that a "post -graduate scholarship or
MFenARe MeeMue
fellowship be offered in the depart-
ments of economics at McGill, Toronto
andMani I t,
t aUniversities,c
sively open to woman grauates of
any Canadian university, for the pur-
pose of carrying on research work of
an economic character in the indus-
trial or home -making occupants of
women." It is also proposed to offer
a matriculation scholarship at various
A Newspaper Bargain
Midsummer Special
Truce, finrssm.s PosT is in a IMO.
lien to offer residents or this sea
lion a real bargain in the way of
newspapers. We have concluded
an arrangement with The Family
Herald and \Weekly Star of Mont•
real, by which we ran offer that
great. Weekly and Tut: PosT unlit
JaolltIPY 1st, 119, foo the small
sum of 11 00 hl advanre.
The Ftunily Herald publishers itre
offering $100 in prizes rnr the best
suggestions to improve that, paper
and the offer is open to ttll its read-
ers, Orders foo the two papers
maty be left at office of '1'T)t: POST.
41) cents gels The Family Herald
for balance of 1018,
':anadian universities for essays by
girl matriculants on the economic im-
portance from a national standpoint of
household buying or on the training
of girls for skilled employment.
Prizes are to be offered in the differ-
ent Provinces for essays by school
children on national indutries or on
the value of trade training in finding
advantageous employment.
miss ,mejor: MacMtlrchy, who is in
charge of the Women's Department of
the Canadian Industrial Reconstruction
Association. Women graduates, under-
graduates, girls at school, teachers,
home -makers and women belonging to
organizations will be specially Interest-
ed in the phots for reconstructive
study in Women's occupants propos-
ed by the Women's Department of
the Canadian Industrial Reconstruc-
tion Association.
We have noticed a number of our ex-
changes making very plain statements
of their advertising rates the past few
Yveeks. Local newspapers have always
been pestered with requests for free ad-
vertisments of one kind and another,
but more espeeially titled the develop-
ment of patriotic work and entertain-
ments. It would be well if the public
would bear in mind that advertising ser-
vice is the saleable commodity of the
newspaper proprietor just as truly as
yarn and shirting are saleable commod-
ities of the merchant, and that it is lust
as absurd to ask for free advertising be-
cause the obiect is patriotic as it would
be to ask the merchant to give the yarn
free because it was to be made into
socks for the soldiers. The newspapers
are asked to do free work for every
I ,'•
p.2t x ht, charitable and benevolent or.
ganization in the country.
In the future men discharged from
the Canadian army will be allowed $35
with which to purchase civilian clothes
This is instead of the $ s paid when a
man twits discharged in the summer and
et -4 in the winter,
If wanting to buy Implements as
tea (lost Print. as possible rail on
fur personally, No need of pay.
ing au agent. mid head agent to
drive the taada s(lieiling orders,
which you do if buying front
them. I sell the ,McCormick end
of the Intermit -Iona) line of Imple-
ments, and Oliver Plows, OIl lyn-
girles and Praetors, (`•all on me
and ,ave big money.
Hasid Milne - Ethel, [Iota
(Canada's National Residential School for Girls)
Thoroughcourses in Music, Art, Oratory, High School, Business
College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training as
For torus, address: R. I. Warner, M.A., D.D., President, St. Thomas, Ont.
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Always Room at the To
That is where you
you want a tip-top
the kind you get in
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always find our Graduates. If
position, get a tip-top training,
Stratford, Ont. and VNinghlarn, Ent.
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