HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-8-1, Page 1't
1 it
VOL-, 47 NO, 5 $1.30 Per Annum in Adrance
f+Iew a illtertlRealeilY;S
mosorron iGl: HA,
Ron• kir mnoel -.las. Foe.
Mode- for std.. Tee ewer.
A,u, a fnunelm inn -A e ii°n.py,
h.q. wile esh•an 1111 t'ursivell (lieu
conerrvetion c nett talete f. it. Smith.
Tenders Went•^i •M1I •Ritlop Township
\rotors' List •-M itae•/it lits of Brussels.
Oatmeal Mone-eratesel+ Farmers' Nal,.
*1•i tstriC% tws
Miss Jean Hastings to vieiting Willi
Airs. }i. Roberteon I'ur re fete it ceks,
Atte. Robert Milne told son, Arthur
speut a few days with 1'orlrler's parents
in McIeiliop.
NI lee Have iel.te McQutterie spent a
few Jaye with friends and relatives
near Lb:towel,
Pte, Harold Livingston, 'lists Cora
Meletty, John AleCoovelle mud Mins
Viola Srhnnek spenl Sunday at Cleated
Betel. Arnold Meletty wits eletelretln,
The Miasiort lined livid their tunauid
Week: in Mr. 1'Imreisniee: °tem,cf.
'rho retlity afternoon. The meeting
Was in the lot n of a Birthday Party,
'feeders ate, tasked let• the emt9tl tic -
tion of the Peyce Dean) in McKillop.
See advt,
The chopping mill has not been t nl-
ning tegularily of late in the conserva-
tion of frr J,
Sprint crops are showing up gond.
T. B. \I rt.:Legate has oats that meas-
ures 0 fe••t, 2 m01108 1'1 height.
Rev. Ale Jelmstnn, fin mer resident
of this locality, tell) supply the pulpit
of Dint': church foe Hormel weeks.
Mr, and Mrs, Stumps', of leitcheter,
have been guests at the Aletimalist
Parsonage. Mrs. Bentley is their
Last week Alm Jun, Bennett under-
went a serious operation. She is im-
proving its well as can be expected
and het tuany friends hope she will
soon be as hearty as ever,
A letter from Rev. W. J. Oratik, now
pastor at DatVit Mills says they found
everything satisfactory on the new
charge with people ready to co-oper-
ate. Have excellent church property
and a wide territory to cover for
Methodism. We hold a patriotic
rally on Augnst .401. Trustees have
already n nicely engraved Honor Roll
worthy of any church.
CARD nit' THANKS —We wish tn re-
turn our thanks to the many kind
friends who were so thoughtful and
generous in tendering sympathy to us
in one sodden and Bare beeettvemeut,,
in the death in one home circle, It was
very highly appreciated we can assure
you. Yours Truly,
W. J. A.tn Muti, SHnRTREED AND
� t
Sure Foundation
'THAT is the one great essential, to
have your monument firmly
placed in position, in snch away
that nothing can possibly injure it. I
am especially eareful in this part of
buy work—indeed in all branches of
monument building I ant satisfied with
nothing short of the best results,
Any order entrusted to me in Mar,
ble ot• Granite worlc will receive the
eattentinri for which this shop is noted.
No item leading to perfect accomplish.
went will be neglected,
Brussels Granite & Marble Warks
' A, E. HERSEY, Prop.
Shop 23 —PHONE— .R,esidence 81x
4-1•,1.444••P4444444.4.444444444.4h4 ,
C cw nbrook
N • Farmers'
4. ,-
S 4
.g Oar of Flour and. l�'e • 4
4. t "a
tl t expert -
ed to art p
dve in the attr future ti
j at McNaught In it there will be
4 t.
a.• S
4, Oar of Soft Coat expected 4•
at Ethel this week.,p
4, Ed. Fulton
4. Phone 285 Sec.-Trehs, '
+44.1,+A4A•F4B,).4,.1i4.) h•6.i4
Cream the West Flour
Rye e Floor
Corn Flour
Graham Flour
Standard Oatmeal
Rolled Oats
Monarch Dairy Feed
Monarch Pig Feed
amson Feed
i1'etBfr Oiliest (bees-, eel hrtlo,•&ill h-
t,'t•, t'f't',t .1.,,,',1%'11. ir•I11,11,;. :IP 11,
\ I[
ld. e J ; t .4 1
a xv i
L u k
lte•IIl'tl IV,
C�c'vl'�11L10. II�UPSU9 Y. A UG( -15'I I, re T8
Mime lest week, after. an Pei .y tl to
visit of .i weeks, with velali. 4 end
old friends hl this locality, The rot car•
er IS the only dnughtet of he er and
Mts. McA,Dew, well known r, -Ilett,
of the Oth Con. of Morrie te,s1,11 p,
and wits lt pepulnl young lady,
es Aire, Ahll'eare6Air•lennzieand .L.ugh.
ler, Nike Lama, of Prince Amort,
Sasit., have retureed Term.' I. ;after
spending-- Iwo weeks at the twine of
J, L, end'fte, Miller.
Pltt SENTATION.—A goodly mon
of ne ighhor4 turd rrie FIdF asFenrLL•d nt
the home of Hey and Mrs. Saotl,•eson
for the stake uP presenting n wrist
watch meminpartied by an address to
Senidetnon, Archie Mes.er very
ably filled the def y of chtairmlul,
eIrs, .l. D, Miller read the fell• .ving
address and Airs. \Ven. Nish Mem
pewter:toil the watch : -
We your neighhuts and friends, meet
to wish you well. The eaten, .a' e ight-
mat-mesHamong the Nations um •t, be
sustained and our people are e, king.
their sacrifice gladly. The ,I0, [flee
necessary for arigltteeu, cans i nes,
let• in vain and its you lel a among hose
tiow celled to share in the sate, ol,.0 we
earnestly wish yon God -so r,i anal
pray I.he Fettle' of us all than you
may bit Reptt steadfast in yr m fa;.I) in
Hire and be kept safe Emcee 'hoe I , His
divine will. That you tees 1 now
that. we will think r f D,.t, ,.lieu in
your abeence we I. 1. it o carry
always this ells, it • t°b :t, a mark of
our fiend h)p le Y. it eigned on be-
half of yeti, new,Itteas and friends,
1W. Nitenmsorr.
Hoy replied very briefly in a few ap-
propriate words. The evening wale
spent in speeches, recitations, singing
and eociat chat,
Win, Booth, Toronto, is holidaying
at his home here.
Howick Matual Co, Directors will
meet next Tuesday,
Stewart McKereher was !tome last
week for a short visit.
Chas, Phair•, Toronto, called on
friends in the village on Saturday,
Jno. Lanttnlby, Telma°, visited his
son, A. Lamonby, het a Inst week,
Hiss letutt, Bownetnville, is the
gneet of his father, Jas. Stitt, Howiek.
Miss Jean netts Black, Bart iston,
WAR a Visitor at het' horse here on Sun-
Jon, and Mts. Barnard and Jos, and
,\Ire. Barnard, London, spent the
week end Isere,
Miss Annie Anderson has returned
to Loudon after apettding two weeks
at her house here.
Robert Rae, Toronto, is spending a
fete days in the village before leav-
ingfor Winnipeg,
Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Gorrie,
was the gueat of her eonsbu, Mrs. G.
Davison, hast week.
A number From here attended the
LiberalOonventiou iu Winghatn on
ehnrsday of last week.
Misses Altua Bann, Eleanor Hamil-
ton and Alargaeet Gibson tonic a weeke
course at the Guelph 0. A. O. Simmer
Wilfred Weir, Toronto, who has
been indisposed for some lime, is visit -
ug his mother, Mrs, Wrn, Weir,
Daniel McTavish left for Gilbert
Plains, Alan„ on Saturdiay to attend
tis brother, Peter, who was taken
°Homey ill while vieitieg telatives
A most enjnyable union Sunday
School pic-nic was held in the park
Friday afternoon, Racee and Base -
all games were the principal featnles
f the (afternoon's program,
The following candidates from the
Vrnxe.tetOontinuatiot School ween
nectessful at the recententt•ance to
Normal examination :—Jean 'Weaker,
Geo, leettlirk and James Rae. We
The fitment nt ne Leola Jean, I lie h
nonths olcl daughter of Milton and
Mrs. Naylor, Toronto, holt Owe.
atnrday atm noon from the home of
he ehild'e grandmother, Alts. Time.
I3)ggins, where ahs had been fir
ansa months, 1'he child had tree).
leen very ettgged, and heart trouble
olnbined svitit the exit elite heal, wits
he cause of delLLh. Me. anis Aire,
aylor are deeply evmpal:hized with
1 the loss of their lit Ile girl.
After being ht declining heath fir a
umber of years Amanda. PmIte, VP.
et of the late Jun. Mee,'tchew), ease-
d away at her hone in Tnrnberry
aturday, aged 68 years. Decreased
who was of Irish letter, had silent ell
er married life le this locality, She
as a good mother tied her genial,
indly disposilimr won her tunny
Mends who regent. to learn of her
She is survived by 3 note,
no. and Charles, at home, 3 danger.
ere Mrs, S. ]pox, Bruasele, Mee. lis
ixon, Winnipeg and Mise Tuella nL
owe, Tnterbnent milt piece tat
he Wroxetee cemelely Teem -lay
fte'n n
Lon Sar '•i
V lel wee conducted by
v, Mr Stride,
The death took plane nu Satneday
f J'no, Mclean. The deceased,
ho was ie his 77th year, had
peralytir, eleolto some men ago
nm which he never eubirely recover-
, T wee t a ,
w F t most, r
st rrt+ssltrl faarrrncar,,
inning from Wellesley Lnvneltip
bout 40 yeaes ago, he Nettled
r the farm owned by the late
n. t 1 erfv
I n h ,rd, where he re.
led Lentil his death. He married
Ruse Rntherfotel, Who itte-deceesed
m 0 years ago and le sltrvived by a
n, Wm, at home, turd a daughter,
re. Willits, of :Cnrnberry. Another
ughtee, Alts, ,lno, Ilupfer, (lied r3
ars ego, i ,
n A t, Alrl t
tE int tVa,a
H e t1 Mall rl
{,:limit reputation. Before over.
en e
rl h s'e • cert.
t ,
v , Lu ., he s\
tt i
t et tl lel 'i •
t t
f.end,utt of the PrE-.1 y t. r)an ehgrrM
sold It Liberal in instil,,. raneenet.l
look place to the Weeee•lor {enact, ry
Mnnday afternoon, Ree. Me, Maietam
WTI oral iug.
ltninis badly needed,
Goma ptoepecte for Sprint; Rltle
harvest in Morris,
MN, (De) AV, I„ McCmtchen/ spent
last week with Alts. J71t. 'Wright, of
ATes, ,inn, Engel and :laughter, of
Hatstings, Allah , ate visiting here
with the forntet's sister, Mrs. Id. Al.
Manning, fills lion.
" Six days shalt thou labor and do
all thy worst," le one of the/ Coronatel-
metts some or the sporty 1'iettise•lit f`y
appear Le have overluokpd, judging by
the fishing pa rt.iee lbnl. visit. Horne nl'
the Alorris streams. It would be well
to set tt bet tet example before the
We are very sorry to Item• that the
Wife of Drngeist Thos. Dark, son of
"Wan. park, (lilt line, Morrie, who liv-
ed at Biggar, Saskatchewan, died Inst
week and was buried at L'Nook Ont ,
her parental Miele. An influit a few
(Jaye old is left to the oar', of leltal.fves,
Old friend,' will sympathize with the
Barley harvest is on and is la good
Bliss Stamm% of Anton, lute heen
visiting Miss 011a Armstrong. .
L. \Vireeler, who is quite an extens-
ive bee man, says this i-, only an aver-
age sees)». IIe has n t r t 3,00 hi ver.
J.hefamilies of Lewis SteiseandLevi
GWhitetleld are now out ef,:qunra:uline
for scarlet fever, It being ti very mild
Idea. Only one menthe'. ht each
family eonteacled the disease.
Mrs. James Aernettung was celled
to Pickering, Ont., to attend the frtu-
eral of a relative, She will make m
Visit ,vibe relatives and old friends
before returning. Her sieter, Mee,
Thunipsrr, of Dungannon, accom-
panied her.
Alias Minnie }Islet -nen is borne from
a visit to Benotiller and Goderiell,
Ed. Stephenson and family, of Niag-
arm, are visiting at the parental hordes
Alias Maude AfeKee, Toronto, is a
visitor at the home of A. and Airs. Mc-
Kee, Ethel.
Wm. McInnes who arrived home
from a Leip to the West, is back to his
farm, Stir, Con., Grey.
The basement of the Methodist,
church is morn completed tants will he
really int• occupation elro•tly. it will
be aL great ennvenienee,
Land week \V, O, and ,J, L, AleKee,
Toronto, ,vete callers at A. AleKee's.
They cause to attend their' uncle's fun-
eral at Molesworth on Friday.
Quarterly service will be held next
Sabbath morning in the Nlethodist
0hurc1l, commenctng at 10.80 o'clock.
Paetov Will preach. The eveniteg
service will be withdrawn.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Ale.
Pair preached a fine sermon in the
Methodist church, Text was "Many
etre called but fete are chosen." The
rev, gentleman leavee for `Tomtit() this
week, where he intends making his
hotne. He is Mrs. (Rev,) Johnson's
Next Sunday afternoon, at8 teclocic
a special Sabbath School service will
be held in the Methodist• church in
connection with the opening of the
new Sunday School moan. Interest-
ing program, ineludiug special] music,
address by \V, H. Kerr, of tIl; POST,
Brussels, the pastor and others. A
gond time is expected,
A letter was received helm Pte,
Howard Strachan, son of 1Vm. and
Airs, Streatham who teas wnluaed in
Franke ou J tine 201.11, l e says he was
hit in the right leg below the knee,
some she/cowl itt Wound yet, Is able
Hi Walk ahout toad expected Lo be hark
et wank within a rnMttlt, so will. not
get to 131ighty, Ile is in a hospital in
The well drilling outfit. of 1V. ,I,
Alexander has been hilly on Win,
Mit 1101)100H farm, Baal. of Ethel, Got
ate alb/nclanl•SUnply of exe(4411., wallet•
o.. Bali feet, 20 ttlet in the rock, Witter
could not be lowered by the pump.
Well is et the barn, Me, Strachan is
laving another well drilled on his fill
act a int across the tablet cad as he is de -
le milted that leo more thy wells
are on his proglattn, with all the in-
conv(ntenee, even tf it is costly to
severe plenty of water.
In aL lettee received from the Mason
family recently, the following
purtienlare are learned caneeming
the death of L, A. Al aeon,
tell() died on ,lune 211,11 in Saskatoon
city, Mask,, whish notice was made in
Tits Yost a few weelte ago :—Alt.
Mateou ;had been tailing fir abate!, 8
months and in epee of all medical
skill taint nurses canld do, togethee
with devoted family help, he grad•
nelly slink until the enol cattle and re-
lieved hien from sutfertng, which was
s vers at 4inleB, I -le Was well tants
revovably known in this locality, was
boneet and honorable in his dealings,
Widely, read and always had a live In-
tmest in matters of church and state,
which he maintained till near the end,
Funeral was `VetdnesdeyJune 20th to
Woodiewn cemetery, Saskatoon, and
ivas in charge of Rev, Mr. Endicott
assieted by Rev. J. 1V, Henderson ana
hie, Mime. The hymns, text, and
pat) beavers were of deceased's selec-
tion, "('•lid of my life througli all toy
days," "I am waiting:to a the Alaster,"
"Thanks be tanto Gtod who giveth us
victory through our Lod .'esus
°heist." 13eareem were his 3 sone,
NVen., Walter and Fred, his etateitelaw,
G. Tveson and Mr. Edwards a L an olid
friend from FordWich, Teuly a
great. than Lits fallen in 1 ,t t!l, it
might he said.
FINE Al . l' steer, Aos •liriday
A. P, a:m1 stir+. Ale leee ea. -tided Ilse
fetter:0 of lite farmer's little-, +lndre w.
A1eKie, who died at loortltvicb bit
was burled et, Moleswet tit. St•tripe
wee in eltege of the Orange Oa der.
R+ v M1`. Clystlale, Methodist uaiuisl°r
MIleiating. Only ono brut Ler is left.
\its. Alcieee, who waw eeeel Iy
Miss Lizzie Mcl)onnkl, "1' Alol. swan th
lurlulity, and 4 daughtets survive.
Deeeasml Was it line, Mnnor•ttble, up-
right wan, who enjoyed the esteem of
a wide fertile of friende. Ile wits in
his 74th year and had beeti in poor
health fot• same time. The a/nl ratue
laet Sunchty art0000n, peep sym-
pathy is expressed for the het Paved.
-Oran brook
Thr• high ivied last week blew saute
of the grain down.
Rev, and ales. ATt(lulloch, of Car -
lotto, were beta for a elites visit,
Rev. Samuel "Amine will ( Ille:rte in
Emit; rluueh nest timidity nesetleg,
Next Sunday tate'' 111/.,1/ II,e quarter-
ly C m munion will be Mewl veal itt the
Alethnlist rLwrh.
tVnl. Ballantyne, of Flint., i4 renew-
ing old friendships in this locality.
He wits a former resident,
A. HAYMAN'S Teter; AT .LoNnoN,--
While visiting at the home of his eons,
T.ondon, A, Reymann, an ribs and well
known resident of ercutbrook, was
stricken with paralysis nod passed
rawer .
y eat Monday trimming. He was
in his 75th veer. The fuuetsal took
place here Wednesday afte.enonll, the
casket coming by the noon train, St.
Johne Masonic Lodge, Brussels, of
which Mr. Reymann was a {member
for yeau•s, was in charge of the funer-
al. Deceased ivas a fine than of whom
a more extended notice will be given
in /est week'a issue of TItE POST.
,Ino. and Mrs. Brown, aetmaupauiml
by Wm, and Airs, Currie and Mrs,
Jas. Brown, of Galt, motored here and'
epeut a tew Jaye with relatives anal
friends. Our old residents at a looking
good and are busy assisting R. J.
Brown, near Ayr, a cousin to care for
his harveet. ''here was a story that
the ex -Deputy Reeve had sickened
and died but he was the liveliest
"corpse" seen round these paLrts for
many a dray. Mr, and Mrs. Brown ex -
pest to be back here in the Fall and
will likely go to Montana in Novem-
ber for another Winter.
The following letters were received
trout Joplin, Missouti, by A. and Alrs.
McGuire, of town, cotleeruing their
son, who died there recently and will
be of interest to the people of this
community from the fact that our
former town boy had deservedly ,von
an honored place in the hearts of the
people over there :—
Brussels, Ont. AIY DEAR AIR. AND
Nus. McGmuE :—I write you this
lisle as aL friend, and one who knew
well your son, Robert, who died here.
I mane to know him fleet through
his work as a photographer+ and ivas
cal Ways an ,admirer of him, He was
one of the very best artists in Itis pro-
fession, Because of his skill, gentle-
manly ways, sincerity of purpose and
square dealing with {nen be very soon
built around hien a great citcle or
friends, so great in number that 1
marvelled that. a Hutu could live in a
city like this, 3 shunt years and have
such a following, The grief of his go-
ing away has been well nigh universal,
I knew him alae as he attended, store
or less regnlarly, the services of my
church and I spent the last night with
hint. He -ureas be was seriously ill
and questioned whether he would get
well. We talked frankly of the
future, He was hopeful and brave
and declared he wee not amid to go
if his days wet dame. I had part in
the service Sunday, which was held in
my church and It was a large number
of good friends anti acdln(t•er s who sat
in the gloom that; day, if there is
anything you would like to inquire
,about regarding your son and 1 cart
answer it, I will be very pleased to do
so: Commending yin Lu the love and
tender care of our Heavenly Father,
1 atn, sincerely voice,
(R tv,) W. M. CLevl:t ten.
—I know that you ire interested to
have the report rem Joplin as to the
futimed and burial of your son, Robert.
AlcOuire. The funeral servicee were
held al; the first Ptesbyierian church
in Joplin, last Sunday diet noon at.
280 o'clock, Theee wits a large and
sad Netted present, O. P. Al. Waley,
one of the organizers and former
President of our local Rotary Olub,
gave a short talk in the nature of an
appreciation of Bob's splendid eharite-
tel' and work at at Rotarian and its a
citieetl. Dr. Cleveland, the minister
of the leeeebyler•ian church, delivered
a most impressive and forceful funeral
address, De. Cleveland, is also a
Rotarian turd was With Bob during
Ida last lho r.
u v. There `berm were ionic •o
r us,
beautiful floral offerings front -the
many friends who mourn Robert's
death, 13urial teas in Alb, Hope ceane-
Lery near Joplin, nue of the most
beautiful eemeteries in this part of
the country and hie body now tads
under the shade of one of the big
sheltering oak trees at that beautiful
spot, The Masons had charge of the
service et the cemetery and practical•
ly all of the Rotarians in the etty and
their wives avert, at the chneeh and at
the cometeey. I want to repent ,shat
T stated i11 my t.elegeam to you, abet
iB that the entire membership of the
Rotary Ohrb extend to you their
deepest tayurpathy in your bereave-
ment The loss o
o f Bob will araaso a
broken link in our Rotary (Main,
whiPla ,tel ;trig tiettkety it:, f.�r INSTALLATION Ni
ftltllrr hlt'1 1" 11e• wrl.•i ;site of mit. jn ill L
bast Irtetobs and rn4mit.t r• : bot, lie.
mei/Amy :.t' Ihdt will iuspiae us nn to
greater teeth rind I Ruins that ew
W. Hs KERR, Pro tido'
Good Sane B l
Tho 4tir of a Borlos
have all tPrt•ived enols benefit ft.uo i "j' botwoon Brussel.
"nv t"Plai"laltei• and aHs'`t i,al;Hu li'net � and Myrrh, Ninos
lips- C. R. Durrant, D. D, a. M. and Aaeiet• SL title 9oason r-- 10
hint iU the pn•.I. l bag In ly l ra)lt4 ants Fraternize with Brussels {p"q"rr Offerinp•• fir Rnp
1'nlu•s terry truly, Oddfollows Yh Oross,
Tllurelleve r-
iltg of lustay work a
1ltto_l I'rb I,t g1Lti,
haves, Jop]au Rotary Chu'
Ds..se alit .s.s» Alas. 11c13i:'Ittx.--A
letter athe Brltrtnnt punt daughter,
Mts. Mason, reached ole this ulort.il.g
And I thunk you. I .Lhultgbt pet haps
you would like to know than peat
respect. ivas dusts{: Robot t'a reatar:os
by the people of Joplin. Robert's
burly was taken In i he °hutch at 14 Su
'Crud lay in state until the lien:+ of the
funeral at 2 30. A gra at. many le'.
pie sent flwvecs tend inn tigst Ile•m
was a Maple leer in I! ,,vers
Canada aelli,s it. )o gilt lel Thi.,
i'rnm an old (.tnnndi.ui tl Hoed by the
n.uneol Seoll••14, of tau.•,go. M
Senlieid all iced in Joplin 1 h.• nt : bion
or Ruherfhib•ath. Ile w(,(ttn spriog-
field bat telttined to ,1"plica tan the
funeral. A nunthet of pve„pre from
Kaoeus City v°uL tlow,as. The
WItel covered with tre II” it1,11 fl ate.
ted on !.hie lay AIt.s. Melwit+ s fi.,,t.
els. The service while siurpti• was
beautiful. Rev, Dr, Cleveland. ehn
Men was with Robert. when he died,
pre•ttched the fnneud seV ni nt •u,+l an
address was made by V. P. Al. 1\'il
es% Itwasvery timellieg Iszl he
broke down in tine midst of it atud nus
unable to finish. Mr. \Viley ?•pre-
sented the leaner y Club and is u.,, .rt
the leading citizens. A.male quartet to
sung three hymns, hwo or Lhrm wile,
"Neater my !dud to Thee" curd "Abide
with coo," The large church eeliflee.
was filled with the best people of the
city. Some 50 automobiles went to
Muunt Hope and the Masons conthate
ed the service. The 'Vorshipful
Muster, who conducted the cetenruly
was overcome with his feelings and
for a time Was unable to continue the
service, The lot is very pretty, situat-
ed in the nicest 'nation of the• ceute-
tety itt a grove of trees and a fine oak
tree, a foot 111 diameter, stands in the
middle of the let, sit you may reel: as-
sured lint every respect and honor
was paid your eon's memory. I am
taking this liberty in Writing' you
again because Alae, and I were very
good friends and aur sure it would be
his wish that I do it and it may corm
fort you to know he Was sit loved Lind
respected by all who knew him, f
mise hitt so much for we were togeth-
er a event, deal and I got a home paper
froth Ottawa, Cantata, eanh day and I
would read it With a blue pencil iu
hand, marking the pointe of interest
and then at the next meal nr ill the
evening we had derided the fate of
Nations together, Iliac. was a vets
thoughtful man, a fine citizen, homed
as the sun and e, fine companion. He
Was of a most sunny dispoeition, a
born optimist. I am sure you will be
confoltecl in the knowledge that he
has dune his clay, that his life Was
given for his comitry, and in Istat he
was a t•ettl male. It le of rets we east
say all these things. A further bond
drew ns together, and that Was we
were Canadian born and from old
Ontario. AIac so often spoke of seeing
yob in the near future and he was
lacking forward to vieilieg you all
again so soon, You will have had the
papers I sent you by this time, It
was Dr, Cleveland who supplied the
information to the papers, Mrs. Mc-
Guire is very poorly as the shock was
vety hated on her. She hats Written
you I understand, but said she 'twiny
knew what she was writing, with
all sympathy, I aro, youts sincerely,
Joplin, July Iltb, 1018,
The candidates named below, have
passed the Middle school examination
into the Normal schools.
'1'1)0 ans Wel. paper of each candidate
whose marks would appear to ,justify
an appeal have herrn already to -read
by the Appeal Examiners. 'Where
Burl, a candidate has still failed, the
statetuent of marks will be stamped
ne re -read and no farther appeal will
be allowed, In all other ease» of fail-
ure appeals will not be refused ie made
before Sepl ember 1, and accompanied
by the fee t r $2. If mode after Sep-
tember 1, the fee is $5, Nu appssi
received after September 10 will be
Certificate and statements of the
marks obtained by aucaessful candi-
dates ate h, 0011.80 of prepetratitu eel
will be mailed in duo course to the
principals, to whom nil candidates are
refer red for further iefot tintion.
elneeessful candidates who deal's, l0
attend the coming erosion of the Not,
teal Sehools are advised that !.hell• me
Oblations foe admission Intet be ensile
to the 'Deputy Minister of Education
not later than Tuesday, August 20;
application should be made tut an early
date. If applicants will Slate elenely
on the forms when.. vh re
t e they
passed the Lower and Middle 8cbnnl
examinations for entrance into Noe -
mai Schools, they need notdelay mail -
log such applieatinbs on aceonntof
not having received their evetiticatee.
H, V, Armstrongt, 1 L. le, Adtuns,
J. S. Boyle (twilit L. S. Aet), M. r„
Mechlin., T. 011esney, (honors), G. le
(lentos, G. O, Duncan, T. Al. ()rainier,
TO, Deem, G. A. U. P,relick, E. Gold.
Ahoepe, TI, NL Godkin, (honnes), ,1. A,
Hume, M. G. Ilttrvey. E. P, Hume
with r„ Schoch with.) NT, A. Have
honors), M. Al, i]terieot, 0, A$. Jervis,
0, E. letter cher, U, le Tenn te, V. Ell -
%trick (honors). It. S. Livermore
bettors), A, T.I. Mar, uarcie . O.
O W-
G. O. Niacl3~ayi bI; X, Atlaqntid,
I'te• term of office holding in cnn-
neetion nab Canadian O.ldl'ellowship
is ti months, helive twit, a year the
dh'put.y Distriet Grand ;Alttete r ie ex-
pected to visit tine earoae. lodges un -
del hi4Pkatge anti install the newly
REV. (', It, UURRAN'f
eleetsd tamers, These gat herings are
looked forward Lc. with considerable
Matt est and the wink dune by the
visiting of iehtl mud suite ie touch its
advance of the old regime,
Torte:day evening of last week Rev.
C. R. Durrant, Teeawater, the new
U. D. G. M. of this district, visited
\Western' Star Lodge, No, 149, titnd
uesisled by L3rns. Rmymond, b`owlar,
Melvin and Linklater, attended to the
installation of the brethren who are
to till the chairs and govern the Lodge
for the next term. Work was well
Fallowing are the officers t—
Past Grants, Robl. Heinle] son
Noble Grand, Sate, Wilton
Vire Grand, Wm. Clouse
Ree.-Semetati•y, AI. Black
leiu.-Seet•ebctry, A. AicGuire
Treasurer, Ie. S. Scott
Warden, John Evans
Conductor, Jyhn Evans
Chapletin, It, Leatherdale
R. S. N. G , Jas. Thoth
T,. S. V. G., R. J. Hoover
R. S. V. G., F. McCracken
L. S. V. G„ J. T. Wood.
R S. S., \V. Fenger
L S S., W. Little
Inside Guard, D. Ki kennnell
Outside Guard, W. 'Williamson.
After the perfoetua nce of the official
duties tt little time was spent in
speechmaking, Noble Grand Wilton,
after voicing his owu sentiments,
called upon Dr. Fowler and .Rev. Alr,
Durrell), who complimented the
brethren on their comfortable and
home -like lodge room, the good work
being done by Benesele lodge and the
heroic part being played by the thous-
ands of 3 linked Canadians who are
battling on the fields of France and
Flanders for the same principles as
every local lodge is expected to exam -
Wire, viz, Frlendship, Love and
Truth, The speakers hoped to be able
to get back for another visit at some
future date. W. H• Kerr replied for
Western Star eulogizing the work of
the D. D. G. M, and his associates.
A social half hon followed during
which refreshments Were served and
thanks expressed and at 11 le n, the
visitors attid etyma -bye and hied them
by Motor, In their respective horses in
Teeswater. They will be welcome
Western Star Lodge was inatitttted
probably 50 years ago, has a member-
ship of 120 and as substantial balance
to rhe credit of their bank Recount, a
well arranged lodge room and a gond
degree Leant, Thein Lodge ronin is
located in THE PoeT block where
regnlar meetings are held Thursday
eveniteg of Bath weep, Under the
mete nflleiary a fm•ward march is ex-
peeted dining the Fall and \Winter
and every Oddfellnw is invited to at
trend as frequently as possible and
asked to use his intinence toward aug-
meeting the membership.
J, McAlilhur,
G. le, Pocock, D. le.
Ross (honors), 11. T. Ross (with L, S.
alt), G. U. Ross, J, F. McRae (with
S. geog.), H. A', Stewart (with L.
art.), 0, I. Shepley, V. J, Snyder,
V, Stewart, H. Wallace, 1+:. AL Wag
hnrn (honors), F. J. Walker,
L, V, Brownlee, 1;, 1 Brueckner,
R. R. Cit tis, E. T. Clifford, J. H.
Dewey, v R, le. Din°t
G. Fisher, A. M. Garay (telt)] L. S.
arith,), At, Gibson, P. N. Garden,
L. Holla/d, M. 1+,, Hood, W. VW,
I'ieyndman thonotH), H. G. Icing (with
L, 8. B. and O. hist,), H. Lorimer
((wild, L. S. R. and O. hist.), L. M.
Lloyd .1 G. Marriot, le, Iv. Maloney,
M. Ain•ray, M, C. McDermott, L. n.
MoTa>;ggate Ohms), G. NT, Moore,
AL O'Leary, J. Orde (honors), L,
itnache, Al. .T. Riggs, S. Robinson,
T. F. Itustoe, M. C„ Smith (honors),
H. AI. Thorne, N, E. Wright (honors),
bet melts tat advance gets 'lire POST to
earl of tel8
It is becoming quite the fashion on
these hot Stream/8 for male worshippers
to discard their coats at church services,
Base Bali battle
royal was waged
on Victoria Park
between a "tine de-
signiLled aB .Mor-
t is ']'ovvnship," al -
itholtgtt evYal
, Gr,,v townsehipertal•
warts lent aL hand,
and ere Bl'uasela
leant. There WaS
good /attendance
anal hearty ape
ptatus, tptls hestoN-
ed on Rood play no
tea ter W111011,1(1, did It. While !wore
wv: huge if ,tat+ rl e the victory
W ,Iw ue de,glr ;DIG)' I)n• L• n i,�oaega.
Tire visitors coot to bal lit sl. ate
did not Pease touliog the baves anti
6 n ell hall 01•oHxetl the homer plait
13,usselsasscty,d tar du{rlirate but (l
\jr•(•yal(I1CIf'H pitching, supported h
g.. ed field wet k, 1'I eze them out are
although eters tate high paired 6hi
"goo -e egg" Was not: witch apin eein.t.
ed. in the 2• al innings the lads ft a,ot
the harvest fields ,ileal n 1 4 mote r
1 1 nib
but with le neatest them and !:are in
their eye land Pt;r t kettle of advice
from the epectatorsi the Lowest hula
rattled out 6imuntere and while white=
washed in the Std and 4th timings
scored 0 mote in the 5th, leaving them
only 1 behind diet, opponents. The 7
innings totalled Morris 15 and when
Brussels facet] the pitcher for their
last try out, score teas a tie. The win-
ning run was scored by Jim Oliver
and with only one Hien out the excit-
ing game came to a close with cheers
for all concerned.
Gond work was done by McCallum
and 'Work as the battery and heavy
batting and good fielding ,vele notice-
able features, Bobs Campbell and
Cardiff Beat held the points for the
locals and could not be "tineezed at"
attd many individual plays were wot-
tby of old time records,
John Stewart, Belgrave, and R. le.
Downing were the Umpires and dealt
out even handed justice anti fete de-
cisions were questioned.
Extended setae was as follows :—
MORRIS Runs Oute
J, Dunbar, c f 3 8
J. :Werk, 0 8 L
F. hIcO(allum, `Lid b 2 2
G. Alcoalluin, p 1 I
\V. Henderson, s a 1 3
F. Duncan, If 8
1V. McDonald, 1st b 1 2
J. Armstrong, 3rd b 1 2
It, Currie, rf 1 3
�15 21
\Nellie McDonald tvas credited with
a home run. Foot Bali is not Iris only
forte athletically speaking.
J. Olivet, s s2
L 2
1 2
A. Fox let h
A. Stewart, 2nd b
W, S, Scott, 3rd b
A. Currie, If
W.f u
A cQ aerie, rf
W. Buchanan, of
O. Beet, u
B. Campbell, p
'L 2
2 2
O 3
2 2
2 2
10 19—
Beussels-0 0 0 0 0 3 1-10
Morrie —0 4 2 1 0 1 1-16.
Winning run seeped with only 1
Ante. afew i n trocitic tory words by
Rev. H. Smith, an offering was taken
after the the 5th innings for the local Red
Cross funds and the respectable sure
of $30.00 was received anti passed
over to the Treasurer. The visiting
team generenely declined anything
for expenses aril the lural boys were
settled With on the salve basis. Offi-
ciary of the Red Grose expvess their
thanks for the coin and will see that
it is well expended,
This was the 4th match this season
between these opposing teams and the
nubile would not object. if 4 more were
added to the• number, especially relent
athletics have had to take a Merit seat
owing to so teeny of the boys going
overseas to battle for Cuticula and the
Chautauqua at Wiagham
The Ohantauqua On, announces that
that there will be a Sunday evening
concert at \Vingham, by the famous
Welsh Glee Quartette and a lecture by
Dr, T. W. Davidson, of Montreal.
This will be 0110 of the greatest patrio-
tic meetings in this part of the Do-
minion. Or. Davidson will give a
special lecture along patriotic lines
and the Quartette will render scored
and utt o
) it lIC rtlllalC.
w 1 be a
ttudon service vr, at; • the
tent for all churches, beginning at 8
o'clock p. tu.
A silver collection from children and
a minimum collection of 25 cettts from
:Ldp is vi1I be accepted
at the gate.
This collection will be used for patrio-
tic. purposes,
Let us all be at the big tent Sunday
night, and make this meeting a big
stirring roily where the can hear good
Music and a glorious message froth
one of the leading lecturers in Oanada,
Buy your Chautauqua tickets front :
M. Telfer, mgt., Batik of Hatellton, knyth.
W. J. McUra01k n, aronor, Brussele,
A, A. Larnonbb Mgr. Bank of Etamiltot, Wrox-
31. V. Rotates, Mgr. slink of Hnmtttom Cicrrle.