HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-25, Page 7GNADIANS IN PERILOUS V®YACllt SAW THE "ORISSA" OF THEIR CONVOY TORPEDOED, Shell Was Meant For Them—Des- troyers Sunk the U -Boats With Depth Charges. Everyone reullzed the peril of nnr poet - tine. levet•yone momentarily expected to hear the craelt, to feel the shudder um Ir u,rlutdu :;!ruclt our euro chip. Tt wits a U'S'ing time (iu ilio Ntrnngeal torii--but (vel'min smiled, aril the womeh their behaviour tons beyond all eyelet.. Though agonies of anxiety must have tortured thoee. mothers, not u whimper did they utter, not an ex- ! Dlamutiou of fear. With their arms about their tittle ones they eat there There is a Big Ucht Owing to the esaitiug the worst, ealtly, bravely, heroic. kim;womeu of the Canadians I Medical ;filen in France, Who ut the Front. OUR SPLENDID ARMY DOCTORS THE MEN WHOSE MISSION IS 1'O SAVE. All I1 i time those congregated on "Garry Oa" Unfalteringly, to each other for dear life, truat.ing to din almost imperceptible movement oiiENEMY BLINDED the man who led. the hand there, the tans?, farms relax - They started at ten at. night. It eri and the enter flowed hack ea pale wee three o'clock next morning when eheeke. the doctor staggered bads, soaktei The fate -Conner, with resin and mud, to his "pill -box" At length the waves of cheering --- I Many people have difficulty in in the line, which had greeted the advent of each stai+tln and operating gas engines, AFTER RESULTS OF GAS SHELL: • g P g ,• g , _ le_ ship trent the withered ern," died particularly the stationary farm en- BOMBARDM ENT. gine, In many cases they fail to get their engine ready so that it ran go before 'they begin to 'turn it. I very New Weapon So Subtile in Its Effects Y �l UW CAS, The Automobile Starting the Gas Engine. Dispose of ()Id Hens and Breeding away, and the ever• -thickening barrier Stock Early, of mist was unbrukt•.n by black hulls. As soon as the In ceding season i$ Ther the young brie of the Prim- nwer, et rid of a male beds used 3n rose'` firet-lieutenant turned from the g windows to her friends with a queer the breeding pans. When ore egg little tramp. Her eyes sought theira yield (trope in the early summer, or piteously for some reassuring look. For her ship alone of them all had not eerie in. One of them mtt•etched out quick ante, and murmured some brave ex- has not always worts i three tlnngs to mitde sura of: rf we planation of its absence which deceiv- c"1 or wholly to the ndvant.age of those have lbw gas, n grand spark, and goo<i ed no ane, and silence fell upon the employing it. In the recent offensive compression the engine must start. By group. Thu loam intimate quietly the Ittensivr gam shell bombardment this I do not mean simply that you slipped away, leaving two only with with which the (;ornnan preemies his have gas in your tank, but that you the girl, Quarter of an hour ptosed; attacks has had arraadonally unfore- must know that it gets where the en - then one of thorn, who still .stood by Been after effects upon the Germans gine can use it. the window, raised her field -glass hum thems,.l+es. For instance: if your (=mine is cold leg the purpose of the offensive the rigidly. Surely --surely that wap' p it may either leave to be primed or something moving through the fog! n'•my employ's a shell r ,ntrdning a the needle valve may need to be open - For a moment she stood, tense; them, double: Purlruse chemical. affecting ed an extra turn, or a little dirt in tiro with an incoherent cry, turned ami test the eyed and then t_,r. skin. ! carburetor will necessitate the open- grskirulated wildly. The other, who a nuditicatiou of the normal "tear ing of the needle valve another turn. had her arms rouul the young wife, gas" shell, and the usual distinctive YOU must. elose it again after the en - looked up quickly, draggers her to her`. odor is very moth reduced. wu tt,at gine starts, ram the ,owe feet, and thrust the field-glusses into. tate gas is not ort east• to d i ct. :\,eni Again, when the engine is hot, waters, leo bigger vessels glided on the dead no second that can be gdv 1917 with Leghorn thickens, the stile ,her ]rand. ;who miff r t'ruul its effect are priming or extra opening of the smoothly along. A crowd of women ha -multi. *etetls of black smoke and s rn shot sic ward at each thunder- . en to the living, seeing nothing but of the cocks ei; paid all expenses for War C'loud's Silver I6ning, wearily blinded, and close contact needle valve will cause- flooding. If and children retuning t0 C'anadn, a p 5 Y sits detonation. broken manhood and the anguish of.. incubation, brooding and feed For Dazedly she looked where she was with the fum•-a Ut'c,dnres an ttnpieav here things are attended to property sprinkling c,P invalided Canadian of the newt wounded, with death ever. themselves and pullets up until ihr' directed and then a great burnt of ant skin irritation. For the average and the engine faila to start promptly flet+rm and tt Party of discharged C'ant> Two sly periscopes, nlnust invisible Y Io the choppy great sea, were busy hovering near and raging outside first of September. When the pullets cheering ran through the town, for rase eight or ren Buys' hospital teat• after three er font• turns, you may as (tion tun, invalids and cI'SPPIws, going aeon whilst he steadily, methodically, swift-' went into winter quarters on Noveu there, +tategering valiantly in, with tent is necessart, but the gas is well begin to look fur the trouble. Do home conpreted the passenger ust of trying to spot more victims g 'tl ' when the eg yield does not pay for g liack fry:�it the per•110 of the Bea, deck had been witnessing a terrific I Few women—and not all men --will the feed, sell cif all }teres osier• twe eared u03racntrinhly frOIn the rate that performance of the sett 010$0 by A ever realize what they owe to the un -(years aid and evert the star -skis roll, befell the leandevery castle on the moment after the torpedo hit, our faltering courage and the calm skill pretty well. Poultry at this time of seine 11,15• ill the same deadly Irish neighbors, the destroyers, whisked of those who mend our Army, the year will bring a better price a ,uttn whose! ter and feed and space will he water:, a number of Canadians, Ir- pu(uud ]the live thingsan 1, Pelting Among the results of teams i 4han la i elndire, a contingent of Tr rontonians, on full speed, rushed through the setts business is to destroy work the men saved for the beat. of the year-olds have the events of their rv•c•0n1 trans- in the direction of the hidden ItImat, whose mission it is to stave, While; and the •gnawing c•1 ir.1 Old hens, as Arlauti • cryngn stamped luloflhly uP rat' welch we no our cess el caught not the bayonet, rifle, and gun do •their; a mile, especially of the heavier eerie - en their memories. the slightest glimpse• (deadly work, the delicate instrument ties do not pay for their feed in late 9'hr rul,at of Ireland had l'adcd into Drop Depth Charges. 1 of the doctor is there also, saving the summer eggs. the herizon as the convoy steamed A series of heavy explosions sound- shattered ones. j Sell the young cockerels whenever westw en Duet• rt pleasant tranquil mea. heir depth All the skill, all the nerve, all the they are ready throughout the sunt - pre eroau was not uN tranquil h the c•d um the warships dropped t n , •ec.vLL•il mill -,rand, but though the charges luta the sea right and loft a strength of the Army doctor is tried mer: Don't keep everything illi the l r I mile, or mere away. At each explo- to the uttermost in days like theee.' fall. Whenever the price is good, sell long, gl irde torpedo-boat f destroyers He must work on with clear brain and the cockerels as broilers or as small which gnarled the fianitm of the r.na- cion of thean fearsome under -water , vuy' of some eight ships, pitehed and bombs, even at that distance, the stout unfaltering hand, hour after hour, roasters. trawl IIN they plowed through ilw steel plates of our ship rang as Lhough operating under fire in cramped dug- In an experiment carried on at the f tl 11 or a telant's sledge outs making quick decisions, wasting' Experimental Farm in the spring of 1 N seldom have occasion to turn my sta- tionary gas engine over more than once or twice until it starts ready for Greater Injury, business. (:ernutn Ingenuity in producing gas Nearly all engine trouble is eaused with which to overwhelm the enemy by the ignition system, which is easily l .d at r. aN intend- understood if studied. There are just our ship. We were practically a hos- the convoy, but though the Huns ly welts for hf0 wi ern. pita] ship of convalescent. eases. It fired six torpedoes all told, nye went II Seventy-two Hours at a Stretch. was about 9.30 in the afternoon of wide of the mark. 1 The valor of those surgeons of the Tuesdey, 25th June, and many, follow. Phe clang of our ships plates the' line who man the advanced aid -posts,! paid t0 sell the cockerels early, but it lieutenant's wife waited till her ship New Weapon Two Edged, apotsitple for mcss,t of the engine trou- ing saloon enjoying were sitting thievery Lf t was rather trying o t the dressing -stations, and the casualty also demonstrated that pullets could ten saloon onjny!ng a cup of tea and , nerves 0P Lew passengers, weer felt in drew near enough for her to listing-' i•'ron the Berman point of view the bees, and the sucecsfu] engineer will a biscuit. The writer w•as Mending on each impact the blow of a torpedo it- clearing -stations is magnificent, the. be raised much cheaper than they uish the little group on the bridge, weapon has prov-d`viecidedly &elide attend first to all minor details, the deck In ropcersntion with a Toronto self, though for that matter the rx• strain on them terrific. Subject to could he bought in tea fall. i One of them lifted a hand with a edge], This imus especially the case chances being that the major troubles lady, who has lost. two splendid sots • plosion of the missile made actually shell -fire and bombing-raids—and ex- I .— I quirk gesture, and, with a glad cry, nn the Somme dining the last ufPr-n- will not materialize.—H. C. i4i. it W e about. the only less noise than the depth charms Posed to the whole gamut of war ber 1st, they had cost over and above one funnel clean blown away, and a neither fatal nor does it lnllici Pt'r not, however, tear the engine all to what had been paid by the sale of the heavy list to starboard, came the manent injuries, for our mien are not pieces the fires thing, am you are Wert cockerels just 3.9 cents each. This. Primrose, With every nervi Bir'etclo- r>,XpbY.ed to it long. So much for our likely to have to go very deep. It is experiment showed not only that it Pel to the limit of endurance, the first- stria of the question. usually the little things that are re - 1tt to must•. ' e were p .. depth -charms, • passengers nn that side of the deck The effect at close quarters upon the they themselves often pay the su- TPE RETURN OF she fainted in her friend's arms. rive. The chemical was so room -ultra - Thus was the fashion of the coning ted that it was markedly less volatile Valuable Tire Code. Jost then, and ne leaned over the rail fragile peals$ of a II -boat can well be pyrite price for those they seek to in of the "Yth" Flotilla, covered with than the usual gas content, and where- Here is a "code" for motorists gazing out across the sunlit sen imagined. If within a certain radius, . save. laurels, and with an incredibly short ever a "boll exploded a const&eraLte which if closely followed will servo watching the "Orissa;' a small freight. the C7 -boat's plates aro dented by the Those men 3n the midst of the THE FLOTILLA list of casualties; and happy were the proportion of the t Barge Siupregnatad many dollars annually in tire ex- er of over 5,000 tots, wbleb was plow- shock, and water pours in tilong the clamor of war know little of hew the faces, and joyful the hearts of the the surrounding ground, The fumes pens"; tug along right abreast of us, and started rivets, haven if too far off for the battle goes; they are there to little community whose anxious time suspended in the air dispersed fairly Keep tires properly inflated. some GUU yards away, this, and fee undersea boat asrape8, save, and it is only the result they PEN PICTURE" OF THF. GRIM RE• of waiting is lightened by the expec-, rabidly, but the actual site of the ex, Be sure to repair little tread cuts th• i a hurried tation of such a day as this. plosion remained virulently poisonous. regularly. Torpedo Shook Ship. 4Ler delicate interior machinery is see. Sometimes eta s exit from their temporary hos ital, Suddenly a metallic clang sounded,ALITY OF WAR liable to serious damage from the jar• i ring• quick orders mice directions p are swift - and a violenth eros shook our ship. last after our unfortunate exit ly obeyed, and the great work of ram "What 3 that?" exclaimed my had disappeared herr up into the sea paratlon is coolly tarried on in health- neiglri•or Lt a startled voice. amid a cloud of steam, some 24 mit ier quarters. Then, even as she tittered the utes attar she had been hit, a de- • Tommy himself often has n very words, a dull rear enure over the eiroye• w•h•elessed us the Joyful news hazy idea of what happens to him be - 1 and trent the stere of the that they had got the U-boat. A cer- fore he reaches the base, or is entrain - "Orissa" ngeyser oP water and vvhlt0 tar up t se lar as the Brandenburg and .Pins• Stat" omitted to it culculatinns. The • hoe front wheels m alignment. smoke shot up. Almost immediately tate black volcano we had seen up- ed for Blighty, its a tiny town consisting of sato p } stricken urs r .e ;,, 1tr+need from the ocean's dt±pths had One drowsily opened his •eyes in an Sian portion is concerned. The In• Carman artillery lathered the Allied Use talc in the casing, but avoid the ...s.t lagan to droop been her fnnetal. Seine tea later an advanced aid -poet. Ito Pound him- fifty cottages, two inns, and a tin- retial di:stinetion was Then 0ti15 of ten stern and to drop behind. She roofed church. Its streets are narrow. i positions with gas shell:+ in the most using too much. enc been hit , torpedo. Ler sister U-boat, tt'710aP. pl'emellCe had self lying an a trestle, his wounds seventeen t'eat's' wending. lavish manner. Every redoubt, sup- Avoid ruts and save the aide walls. 1 n i t 1 1 a r p do. And that and cobbled, and all lend, sooner or , torpedo had hien aimed at us, the I.. detected before she had dnue any comfortably dressed. With the slow later, to the great harbor which is the Raiser Wilhelm the second assumed port line, ruined village and road cen- Don't drive in car tracks. largest vessel In the convoy, and harm, met with a similar fate. 'stare of returning consciousness he lees of the village's prosperity—fur . the power immediately on the death tea was plastered with tete stuff. The Apply chains properly. (And use placed 311 the centro of the convoy for Gallant Ship's Otfigers, made out another bandaged man on a X-- is a naval base, of els father, the Emperor Frederick, great assault teas launched and tin only when they must be used) gaiety. By a strange Chance, the The, finest traditions of the British stretcher near by, and then his eyes Its two inns—harbor View and the who reigned only threw months, Wk]- allied line yielded ground. The Gor•'• Avoid sharp obstructions. "Orissa" had est quickened her taro merchant $eyries were lived up to all full on a figure that lay on the flexr Mariner's Haven --and every room of liam, the Imperial Wangler, had pre- mans moved uP and occupied it. Their ! Remove grease, oil and acids from j i between them—a man in a scarlet- y g vious to that exercised considerable benthardnlent had been utiles deer): ' your tires at once by using a cloth anti moved up abreast nP us a few through the voyage by the ship's of- ! stained overall, who had wnrlcecl the fift cotta. es, hold uta many of the power, for, during his grandfather's testy advance was in proportion. moistened in gasoline. minutes before the Ilan lilt he, fiery$. For days the gallant Did through the rush for seventy -tiro mothers and helpmeets of the afiicers.last illu,•s and while his father was Examine ditcher rims occasionally In less than three minutes' time the . white -bearded Scotch captain never of his Ma7esty'N Grand Fleet as their, p Poisoned by Their Own Gas, hours without a break -seventy-two: P stone walls can he compelled to at. Sin Remo, struggling against the for irregularities and rust. tnrpcd0ed vessel had stopped coo- left the bridge, Never known to swear, • sleepless hours of bloat, noise, enc}''y ' P incnraLla disease which canted hilt Thousands of German troops poured Prevent damage from rust by using pierces and stewed around, and ]ray the skipper broke his record this' accommodate—and criminally great a Into the gas infected area, sat down' there with her exhaust blowing off time. The first officer, a splendid type I pain—had dressed his last two cases, � is the profit of the catty ant web . Regent, athe udit Prince William L11Bismarti> as for cover in virtil,'utiy poisoned shall rim paint. and then collapsed. } Carry spare tubes in a bag. and momentarily settling deeper at of British seaman, told the writer that; and proprietors thereof, a promising Pupil, who litre drrawed holes, billeted them • res in abandon -i Keep spare tires covered. the stern, By this time her lifeboats the old skipper paced the bridge all Only the lector himself knows the One da a whir er assnd through of victor that comes to him I y P P that less than two years later—_March ed hutments sprayed with their own j Be sura that nothing on the machine were in the water and bobbing around through the submarine attack, heart-; :PrideY the town --always on the qui wive for lute, 1Sti0---h0, the Chancellor cud gas --and only began to notice tLa ef•'scrapes the tires as they revolve. like writs on tete slight sea, with the ly cursing "those d•—• dirty dogs of . when moments have snatched a pian' such intelligence—"tea Fleet is cum- l tr of Blond and iron the "Pilot," fact about six began latent During crews rowing hard for the nearest Huns." As for the Canadian military ;from 1t. ing n is afternoon," and soon a wan be loured" by his Imperial and the action our men to been expose( officers in charge of the civilians and Tommy yea ass atmosphere c o L D WATERS. invalided soldiers, er., o much sine 0 11'd death, having lain two headstrong [Waster, the young rotor to the fumes for a n cin period, , days in a rain -filled shell-hole—pulse nlunity, for had not a rumor also stol- tubo is to gra ciotvin to posterity as the a erma said for the manner in which they • • privua ntlsch!e:-maker of all time. once literally steeped themselves in Every Care Should be Taken to Pre - Meantime managed things all through the vog- gone, heart beating so faintly as to • en abroad that there had been an The Faison succeeded to a dna pro• it. vent Contamination. Women Very ensue. I be harries discernible, life ebbing away "action" in the North Sea, and that age. Major (Soldier of t Grant form- wars n•in 'n in its perty, so far ae size is concerned. The Exhausted men lay down In the dusFind vent onto has clireririvers ssl,thing's were the :aboard eyes seLieut. H. A e the 16th, was every second. Such a Cal-IC—and m they the and Flotilla s bringing g Empire has been widened by acts of on clew wet ground where the stufftendon to the inland takes and errs cosset, though not tea slightest p,C,; Lieut. H. Andersen, a Toronto come frequently—is a matter of dead and ship's wounded? d at - panic prevailed, Everyone, sipping lawyer, and formate secretor to Sir minutes, Doctor and orderly cuts Aak any ship's censor (whose own brigandage. It !s a pity It inn theft had burst.; they tcUlte le.ter on to find to Canada, a that from shin much a few stragglers who were sipphtg tea illiam Meredith, was adjutant, and away mud -soaked clothing and boots,'' letters home contain little more than of half Denmark and the seizure of the venom actnaliy corroding their of the fish beteg marketed in intortor and playing bridge in the saloon, had t, W. Marsden, of tea P,RC'.L.I„ the man is rolled in hot blankets, sa_ Hanover are ncearn,ked whin tea day bodies through than clothes, For- towns and cities is some. , The pro- p the infemation that he is still in ex- of ;teal rekouhh tomes aeon ward machine gen units dug emplace t.ectton of thee waters, zherwfore, be - and first actually not known what was who holds the proud position of being line is injected, hot water -bottles istence) which of the members of g g' i faking place, trooped in orderly fast- No 1 in the C.E.F., was O.C. civilians, placed round him, and then the two of ward -room or gun -room has let fall William opened his first Parliament tents in innocent looking shell holes, contra a paramomt duty, and Dna ion to the lied to them stations which had It to no exaggeration to say that them wont over the almost lifeless the most ambiguous of hints as to the on Juno 26th, 15:18, tie made arum- Two hours ]titer the morn were vean' ' co eh must ar strictly enforced. Leen as:li nrd to them but a short I every passenger sighted the const oP bodY, massaging, rubbing untiringly, flotilla's destination, and he will in- K} a lonnkDd ts ihis cfat]aer's ibriet'�rei •r, lost heit•g pain and lted and screaming in an The opening toesummernn resorts LIMO before. North America, not only with a feel- while n machine -gum splutters its de- dignantly inform you that these gal 6 their p It was,, indeed, a pathetic sight to n thankfulness r fiant staccato bullets outside. Neither lent gentlemen "have •miller aril}nary Thirty years has brought a complete A day or two ei wit wenthwr seemed carters with it a threatened danger, r. g mg of profound t F ss to P o chnngr• In the tn0thcd rat German wdu- fn clear the infected areas: new troops In many places, little attempt is made sea those grotips of women and child-;vidence, but with a true sense of the men pay any heed; their concern is horse -sense," and will add that nn ren teas exposed to the violence of vont: of the British navy the fight they are putting up within, letters could be more guileless than cation. The Educai ou Rill of 1590 ef- were marched up, the remnants of the to protect the waters; in fact, the ma ` a y, frc•tua11' sbac11 ,I the Cannan pea le old divisions w-ithlrew•n and the ter- lakes and rivers are considered a con - THIRTY YEARS A KAISER. con - ' In the usual way the spot where a gas Prevent blowouts by avoiding :shell has burst le dangernus for forty= severe jolts and by maintaining full Three Decades Last Month Since Ger eight hours or so, but this coneentra- air pressure. Scene at a Naval Base in the British ted chemical rantahte,l active for a Have mud boils cleaned out and re - Isles When His Majesty's man Emperor Cama to the Throne. ' much longer period. paired at once. On the fifteenth of .lune, 1389, thirty The result was decidedly comic, for Be careful in applying tubes. Ships Come Home. years ago, the present Raiser ascend- it was evidently one of the many little Avoid sudden stops, quick starts • n tet north of Brdtadn nest- ed the throne of his ancestors --that is, things that the 'Grosser G«.neral and skidding. f tl gathering. shadows �' { this ft 1 bad b } destroyer. The whole happening had One wounded Tommy was brought b the t then f expectancy h t i d but PROTECTING INLAND been inconceivably rapid --from steam- lid d Ili s to t ch cannot b in pallid as c ett , a g • prevailed throughout the busy coo- U n3 rami and in their igno- ing ship to sinking wreck the IT -boat murderers. Not a man whose swift ships and gallant sailor• aboard but whoee blood boiled at sight men outwitted the Hun, sent him to of it. The plight of these women and the bottom, and convoyed them safely children, and how to help them should through the dire peril to the dear it have been necessary to take to the,home land. boats, was the sole anxiety of every se.—.—_ man, I Grey-haired mothers there were I Successful Cantouflage. with grown-up fighting sons and with' It is well known that the Germans grandobildren, mothers with little ' compel prisoners of war to praise the children who hugged Teddy ears as treatment they receive and permit no they sat waiting for the worst, 1 letters to pass which contain corn - mothers with tiny babiea, One ma-' plaints, but one prisoner evaded their jor's wife sat in a corner of the deck vigilance when lie wrote to his parents with her little family of four. Every, in Toronto the following apparently one of these tots was under five, Two , laudatory letter:— ' we•o twins of six months, sittings We are having the very best treat- Lhere without a whimper in their big . meet. The Germans provide us with wieker basket. The other two were the best of everything, We could not a fiaxea-haired boy and girl, "Sonny" , be better treated if we were with our and "Cissio," cute kiddies in bare legs , own people, There is only one thing and pink sweaters, These last two, we could wish for, and that is to be at like a dozen other youngsters of their , Mount Pleasant." For the enlightenment of our read- ers, it may be added that Mount Pleasant is a cemetery. e,--.. It Was Cerrect. own ttge on the boat, carne scamper- ing along the deck clad In the hig, down -filled adult -sized life -belts, which they like all the grown-up passengers, had been obliged to wear continuous- ly since the veseel started on her I 'Side teacher Was having seine perilous voyage. trouble with to certain pupil in grain - Trying Time of Waiting. grain - ' rear, Naw, little girl, would it be pris- tine 'You baby girl of throe, who had cut ,per to say, You canat learn ma noth- a droll figure the first day of the voy- ing?'" age, running about the deck crying t'yes'm, it would," replied the girl. and trying to pith off her unwelcome • "Ohl Perhaps you'll tell me whyl" life -preserver, now toddled along quite resigned to the utwieldly pe etra.tes, fagging on the leather leading stings "'Cense you can't!" _.}.. .., No Argument. to which her mother kottt her buries• A returned missionary tells the ed. Near them sat a mother whose story of how in Darkest Africa two husband was one of the Canadine doe- natives were watching a leopard chea- ters killed in France as he was opc't' ing a very large and very fat white Aral every little while the doctor steals those it is his reluctant duty to exam - archin lance at the grey face of. o. o of the and put the present generation into ror of their own gas bushed up and vetient means of disposing of refuse. a se Rn from the shall -(tole. tie, Yet the wife f every one leading strings, forgotten. Then came rho blazing sin It is not possible 'Por inspectors to the m. t f numerous N,O. s ut the I th I']ot.il- His Vigorous Offensive, la Knew, mysteriously, that "her" ill};un was kern n as the Steiso 'drying up the clay and limit, heating visit every neelt and corner to see g Raise•, the traveller, early on. IIe the earth surface inches deep. The that cottagers or campers ars obeying And at last, brining with it the ship was coming to Y-- eery soon. ,r . w'tim eter on the move. FTs found a latent poison awoke again and for no the late. The responsibility must rest Tattered and 'Torn, real pleasure in garisonalarms, Ile a p y mystery and wonder of that moment apparent reason shelters and dugouts . upon and be accepted b the PARD e when the tide turns, cones a long- By noon the streets were full of was as proficient at this az he teas at that that been safe and habitable for themselves, drawn, shuddering sigh of absolute people hurrying to share the mingled Socinlist•muzzling. Munich wits rids- days became deadly se puff adders. 1 The inland waters belong to the weariness, n violent perspiration, and joy and apprehension --and, incident- outing him in the nineties, The uneuepecting troops were neer• ' Canadian people; and it Is net too then aleep—heavy, healing sleep. Into ally, a meal end a window—with bo- His eye was on the Britlah Empire whelped, much to asst that every care be taken the doctor's face, as he catches the som friends, and by two o'clock every as a future suburb of Germany many : The Germane are sorry that they to prevent contamination, either orderly's eye, flashes a gleam of con- window held its crowded group, hav- years ago. His journeying$ hrought ' ever started gas; still sorrier that !directly or by drainage or seepage. tented triumph. Old Man Death beat- ing as central figure someone kneel- him to England In 1891. On duly loth they improved lt, But one can feel , Only by the people exereletng tele en again! Another life saved for ing on the window -sill, field -glass in in that year lie reviewed twenty nee no pity for then. 'The effect on their !rare can the waters be saved fmtn pol- hand. thousand Volunteers at Wimbledon, morale le bad, for no man can tell now ;lotion and this educe of food supply Towards three o'clock a light mist: One way and nnother a glance at. the what terror of their own :owing lurks ; he can"erred. hung, like the smoke of some super- three &nettles is very illuminating, In in the ground that they oeoupy at the ; ''' _ Britain! A gassed man at this base spoke to tyle of a medical officer, whose name he doesn't even know, but whose deed will be a life-long memory. Seven of them were blinded and choked with a tear -shell one pitch black night. Only a doctor and his orderly were in the advanced aid - post in the line, the dressing -station bonfire, over the leaden waters of the 11Sg0 Heligoland became a part of tiro cert eP t1lUtti;Alid3 r.+' lives. .lust a Matter of Tape. harbor; And at four o'clock an excited .German Empire. in 1SP2 William was ou can buy a yard of tape for a exclamation from little Mrs. Dunstan, busy lecturing his more or less faith- —J r I pd,»try, It is one o3 the cheapest and the wife of the lieutenant of the fol Braudenburge•s on the duty u1' not It Was l� girth a 'f'ry' most commnnpiace of aitiDles related Buttercup, who occupied the window grumbling at his wishes. On March 'Tl,e small boy stoncl at the garden . to fem3ndno Apparel• Women use it of the front bed -room of. 1lnthwl' View 3rd, 1599, severest nrnvspap, vvera' gate and howled and howled and howl- for all :sorts of purposes. Inn, hailed the Appearance of the first rannsented in Marlin for cisme to ed ;ln old early paused beside him. It seems surprising to consider the d i • being some three miles behind. e."0 darer hull sliding ghostily through the quote what '"Pete Times" said of the �Vhnt's rho matter, little man?" . fact that a century ago icemen had have kept the blind, suffering men In mist. From every house carne iho Emperor's apeudi. About this perdedl''she asked in a kindly voice, 'to melte their own tape, They wove the post till daybreak was dmposm3b10, sound of windows hastily flung up, Potsdam fell foul of "Punch." • •q)-o•ohl" walled the youngster, it with a special apparatus called a as by that time the fumes from their and heads wer0 craned eagerly for The foundation was laid. The Ger: .,I'a and mu tvot'i. take me to the plc• I „tape loom -•-a board with slits elothing would have gassed the others, ward. As the ship stole nearer, the ulan State became a Secret Society a. tures to -night.!" through which threads passers To leave them otttside was equally int- veracity of the rumor re the "action" year after the death of the old Penn �' "But clout make such a noise," said' This takes tea bark to the days possible. was dramatically confirmed. Never or, The advantage of the Juniors wag the leme admoniahing}v, "Do tines' when every household was a factory, Quiet Heroism. one would imagine, had such a batter- worked for the: benefit of the dlahoaeet ever take you when you try like' producing clouting and Most other ed, disreputable craft rttamiged to and corrupt emnerilia In Berlin see tl t„„ necessaries auch as we now obtain by man laced his hands on the; "w -sometimes they do, and and the proeess of "going shopping.” sightless n t p stout---tnotil the ]text, her witty rwvrlatnns of ic'n yertt8 etnrn, ' Nemetintea they d -d -don't!" bellowed "doe's" shoulders, the others followed:less dismantler) and 011e funnel ieanin 'rhe Fifteenth of ,tune was a date the 8---- -'-boy. "But it ain't any trouble !o Pa that frOsit wt,t.c•r is before this snit, the orderly bringing rap the rear, i at an angio of fifty degrees, loomed of promise. William's inheritance was ye.111" ehiclts all duly long. and in single file the nine started their ea of the mist, Faces Brew while in n fairly flourishing t•ondition when ghastly throe -mules walk in that inky,1 with a i eehcnsion as :hip titter shi r, he took It ever err ,Time letb, 1883, He 'f liens should not he permitted to 1 P t [ properly Beep tete out animals growing.; tFtlre young broods out in the morning shell -strewn sten, each bearhrg fearful talons of rorrnt hoe brought the iron»•Iy to weli,' young At times the (trick-iroardinlrhad hone, strife thew slowly ill to the harbor. threw whose busbies it will he f0 look A calf, pig or colt will never wholly while the dew is on the grass. c t h blown away, yet one dare not tisk aI On the deek of each crowded the mem- into the aceeimtr and integre tete, the recover froth stunting in youth. 1 Tillage sloes these things; It in - Ming, She wee taking her little man, gleam of light for guidance- ,ttrmhl-:hers of ward -room and gme oout, and balance., sheet can be lett to oto the I It was estimated in 1907, after se creases the plant food supply, do: - daughter 1ia1•ar. I Snicl one native to the nLhOrc "('an ing in end and darkness, it teak this 'anxdone eyes were s t•nintel to search work. , full inquiry, filet the annual everage stroya wveedm and influences the moiee Rugs, shnwla incl wrnpe end cups of you !pet the winner?' tragic little platy an hour to crawl for beloved feces; till, on seeing a loss emitted in Great Britaie by each i t.ure rontett e£ the soil. it is, tea were brought out to the unseen$ erne winner is spotted,,, reptird lbw route gine Nhel]•hnhr, moven of {.hent htrneeeree.of somewhnt ostentatiously Thrift is only ir,eie:•e' over the' rat was $1.80, in Preece, "$1, and in' therefore, mamn'e, a hoe, and tx waling groirs ort women and elilldrou. other African, crying, choking, blinded met, clinging drawn from a breast pock^t here, or wheat crisis. Denmark, $1.20. I:sprayer, The doctor tools the lend. The first) crawl into harbor under her own tho Eulenherg and Liebeihe•g Castle ia;•