The Brussels Post, 1918-7-25, Page 51111011y88 CARDS,
11 ea 80e/1'T Ali AN AUG'J'It)N-
i e mat, will gull ter bettor mires, to
41: t•Or !nail, 1n leas 1.11a4 anti less euargus
titan tiny bleier Auctioneer in Past Huron or
4P :r nn't ollal'Eo aaYthing. Dates mutt ordorr
tont morays "re arranged al Lila taboo or by
t• • is teal npplioatleu,
'ht^2•14T •1-+ :cele>.,t.,;
Advel'ti cin;J; Ft',' res
FOII,'iiu,wPUHJ1Nl1 ur,• thoAdveoUsing !totes in
Oit --. -
1'0 Dent, 1 aHt, Ponnd, Wattled, me- leirst
m t lino idle, ..12selJ subs, yiu 111 itioet tion
Lenunl!tender,- 100 per for it t 111H.1
1.11. /,1/1.11 uo 11111:11E, 111.-..1.11,1111.
All toea •rl Not mete oto nr+ SO '•,•ta
r6ut 1 r •,ii,•ln,utlitu lit•.I or et til
.•,11110, 111111,:t hltitt nee r.tett n, tit. •or
See re,- some
I eoto ne via tt-itte toe owl ., t et' til.,•
rote • tit t boot, ete
Wedemi; notaono'. utetti ,Lor
P.uplet b•hgthl,nlmg w•areetitins trill lite bold.
responsible for the payment.
fee 401•+.1••[••t^N•h•h•N•1.0e+•1••e•Q•++.1•did•d :•d•
L5' )AL AND CONVEYANCING. amievie 2i' rr. 'u gar. 11,1r
,7 sf
I. M. oils CLA.tli- e lJ:s@Ls
= Barrister, Hollnitor, Conveyancer, Golan `marts tiotNo No ru
NeltrY l'ablia, he. Orilon-Htewarl's Block' 6xprreH ;:nl n mt,lhail..,....... . It ream
f doer North 01 Centrad !lobe Nspreas ".... , a:a; 0 m j 1'.11 press ....... t•.17 p m
Soholtor for the Metropolitan Bnuk.
WM, SPENCE QatA°e 01.1 r!° Pawl,/ CI
mea in oto 141st muss, route,, so -4
S Cards
Sttoco,em• to Al. Ii Moore. (Mies sr Ander.
son Bros. 'Avery smote, I,rib thio Ten -plume
No, 211.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Collogs. Day and night (Mlle. °tee oppotete
Flour loll, Rthel.
T. T. M' RAE
M. 8., M. C. P„ 4 S. O.
AI O. LI Vni•ei:o of Brussels.
Pb -ban, burgeon, Atmuueheur
Office at :,-nde•noe, opposite Jnelvllle etanreh,
Wilburn .4', 4.
Graduate Toronto University or llodoone.
Special attention given to diseases or Mold! on
and surgery.
Office 4 Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone 46 Brussels
Personal grnduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, Macon -nick Medical College, Chicago,
ill., 1s prepared to test eyes and at glasses at
.her ogle. over Ailex huuan'a millinery store,
Onl(eda,vH-Wedn(Hdey, Thursday, Prides,
and Hnt•urday of every week. °Moe hours -10
to 12 a. 111. ; I to 0 p. nn. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phone IatO.
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Hate dnntion assured ; !'barges moderate.
Write or Tetepl,onelr not eooeomont to poll,
Both Brussels 1111(1 North Huron Phones.
ItlehtlltA CIC P.O,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries nubile,
hales 011 the Square, and door from Ha illt•on
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W.141(41uor»o'r, K. .t, f,, Kit.l.mtAA
H. J. 1). 0001c1C
':efeee•4•'F•F✓r1i•-t•r4.4-•t•^9^1••t•':'911•r'✓r++ 4
is assured in every offering of this
store. Whatever the price paid,
we personally guarantee the _
goods to be as represent- •
ed at the time of s "
ale. -4 f _>-,,J
Ask to see the new-
est pattern in
R. Wallace
'I,et US show you our come
I)lete line of WaterMall's
'I' Ideal I'oltlitahl PenS, and
.+1 Clon't forteret that We have
. a toil'iie of
•0 Kotdaks and
Brownie Cameras
+ Jeweler and Optician, Weoxutne •+F
4.+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
Killing Dogs in Britain
it isti
estinna ed that there areet ee
b tv
four r
u and live million n.
v Ind i IS tie
Kingdom and a committee lhasDbeen
considering the question of rationing
dogs arid' of killing off a certain per
centage, Many dogs have already been
destroyed in order to serve food, There
are conte around 'Clinton that are no
good to man nor beast that might also
be destroyed,
To Toronto Tu Glover h
Express lass
- at !
}txprnss... 2.2e p lit Iexmresa • 11;V m
00ing. RMet - 7:11 e. 1n. and N :+' 0 tn.
Owns West - Masi and Sa.o0 111,
All trams going least eonneet with , r !t. at
°mageville fur Owen :sound, Alts„ and 9' '
G. H. stations.
GIB'. ALLA~, Lir,., Agent. ,
a +, •l 1011,4 11A tt110, t • 111,01
her hdp in the Habeas Corpus t -:urn ,
is Growing
Last week The Zurich Herald start-
ed en its 20th ,year tot publication,
Editor !Liss Issues it n: •.e': piper
for tilit ouninuuita'
la, 6 Vier.' `a'h N ar-,-ictal
Pie Let 6 Weir hI the al e tiro ire
:•r,,liou, uetl .1 lei oriel nnnplt,' ee ul
the KM Al Danl., t'.liutlao, war ,hip
wreeked when the boat was 7u miles
(runt nitgland, but he reached land
rd el y,
For Patriotic Purposes
All the registration officials ctl
South Huron assigned their renum-
eration fur .lune 22 to the general
fund of the Red gross, It is ex-
pected this will amount to nearly
:+ Lotto,
Nott, that soaps are se high priced
it is up to every glad housewife to
economise as touch as possible. When
eons cake of soap has been used down
sit snrdl that you cannot get results,
simply set it beside until you get two
or more pieces Ot a like nature, put
them in a cloth, tie a string around
them sit as they will be bagged, and
then rub the bag as you would a cake
,f soap and you Will have hetet' re-
sults than if you had a cake of soap
if your hands. Try it,
lural elvs c►ll'y
Jackson received a letter last wet•k ft'
his brother, Leon, lonmmly of III wise
who enlisted over 3 years ago aad I
seen over a years active setvic,
Brance 011 the. Ttll of April last lee
was mentioned ut d patche, lot • pee
bravery by Sir Douglas II rug l li•, 1
ler is full of Canadian optrmi :u as
the renal (weenie of the wet, out do
not minimize tae feel col Germany i
hard foe to heat Rew at home reals
what the bovs at the trout are goi
through in this great struggle for t
worle liberty. Previous to this w
Sgt. Jackson served for 31 years du t
South African campaign.
Now R.USS1i1.'S TREASURER. -1. F. nt
Kay, for the past rg years business ma
tiger and treasurer of the Toronto Glob
has resigned to become the Treasur
of the Russell Motor Car Compan
which will include a seat on the boat
of the Russel suhddiaries, the Cana
Cycle Mid Motor Co., and the :meld
and stamping Co. Mr, McKay was of
of the best known men on the busine
eucl of Canadian papers, having been
director of the A. N. P. A, for utau
years, His going marks the passing
a third member of the old stall in le
than as many months, Francis Nelso
rot. many years spurning Editor, havn
led the way, to be follower! by Viet
Ross, financial editor, who is now a
sistaut to the President of the Standar
Oil Co. of New lersey, Mt. MCRa
is the third. The office of 'Treasurer i
the Russel urgauiz.dinu has hithert
been unfilled.
FiteseeTeettne -Before leeving Wye
owing for Ilderton Rev, S. J. nett Mrs.
Allen (formerly of Brussels) were pre-
seuted with a parse of Sso,00 as a murk
of appreciatiuu. The Enterprise speaks
of it as follo.vs t -The capacious and
comfortable home of F. E. and Mrs.
Rice, was the scene of a pleasant as-
semblage of about 6o members of the
Methodist congregation who assembled
Wednesday evening for the purpose of
spending a last evening together stud
saying farewell to their beloved ;pastor.
Rev. S. ll
A eu and his amiable • J uteble i
tv to on
the eve of their departure acture to their 1
P taw
appointment. The con au
1 p p y gathered
in the parlor aril Ellerby Steadman,
Who presider!, called ou Mrs. C. liter
for fl piano solo, whfcln WAS followed by
a duet from P. E. Rice and Mrs- Bier,
and a piano solo by bliss Alma Hallam,
A kindly framed relch.eett was then
real by Miss Adeline Steadninu, Ao-
cant ponied by Um presentation of an
envelope by Mies Alna Hallam contain-
ing tits° oo contributed by those present,
Rev, Allin made a very felicitous reply
expressive of their appreciation of the
kindness and goodwill evidenced by the
large representation present, sual regret
at parting, He be i std that tlisy had
been guided by Pluviduuce in having
built the uew church last year at smell a
comparatively l elY small cost, which If erect-
ed now would cost at least $2 uuo more
Though abseut, they would cuutinue
their intet•est fa the increased prosperity
of the Wyoming congregation, Rs !testi-
meats were served and short compli•
mentery addresses were given after which
a friendship circle WEIN formed surround
ng thej guests of honor and n pleasant
social event brought to n close by slug•.
lug "Ando! Lang Syne" and the "Nation-
al Aulhem,"
et -
cl a
Fall Wheat Seed.
Steps are being taken by the Ag-
ricultural section of the Ontario Re-
sources Committee to have good fall
wheat seed for sale, to encourage far-
mers who now have it to hold it.
and to advise those who have not a
supply to purchase early. Within the
past fete clays the district represen-
tatives of the Agricultural department
were circulated anti instructed to
make a symtematdc survey of the
wheat situation in their counties:
They are asked to report to the de-
pat•ment the number of acres of fail
wheat killed during last winter, the
number of acres in heed, and also
to locate any possible, supplies of
Huron Deputation Confers With Board
A deputation from Iluron County,
including Inspector Joann Torrance,
A, T, Cooper, of Clinton, and S, A.
Meow ,of Goderich, conferred with
the Ontario
License Board at Toronto
O Tuesday nesd'a I)
a the u
n estin r
Y q t of a
federal order -int -council, passed two
years ago, reversing an order for the
confiscation of certain intoxicants
seized in Huron 'County. As a result
of the conference it is probable that
the citizens of Iluron Comity will
send a deputation to Ottawa to cone
fer with Dominion Government offi-
Legal Weight Of Potatoes
Under the. Dominion inspection and
Sides Act it bushel of potatoes must
weigh 6o pounds; a peck must weigh
15 pounds, and a gallon 7 e pounds,
A bag of potatoes must weigh 90
pounds and a barrel must contain 165
pounds rif potatoes. A purchaser of
a hag of potatoes who receives less
than 9ci ',minds may invoke the pen-
alties provid,•tl by the Ael---fior the
!Hsi offence a line nut exceeding.
for each subsequent offence a tine of
ao less than „So, with imprisonment
in default of payment,
New Provincial Dog Law
A new provincial dog late has been
passed by the Ontario Legislature
which will put the can on some of the
surplus supply mongrel canines in
Clintn0, idbu
the dug theft) tonfutnureof a dnuugldowucrgep
must pay $2 annually for one dog and
$.1 for each additional or $4 for and
bitch and $6 for each additional. Oth-
er clauses provide that any person
nifty kill any dog which is found pur-
suing, worrying or ,sounding sheep,
or any dog which is found straying be-
tween sunset and sunrise from the
premises on which such dog is habit-
ually kept. In the days to cone
when a stray dog ;appears on the hori-
zon we will hear harmer Corntassel
sing 'Johnny Get Your Gun."
CI in on
A petition is out asking that Mon-
day August 5th be Clinton Civic
Ale Alonzo T. Macdonald, a former
Clinton hoy, and who has had con-
nection with many newspaper enter-
prises is now, it is learned, business
manager of the Chicago Examiner -
LaSt. week Messrs. Stevenson and
Neidger took over the Clinton Motor
'Oar Co„ and they go under the DOW
name of the Clinton Motor Truck told
Machine Co. Both gentlemen are too
well known to require any introduction
to Clintonluls
Mrs, Wm, Cooper, of town, an -
till "e,'I '
t 1L engagement
daughter, t Olive to Mr. ni
of Long
Beach, California,
at the
honk of her sister, Mrs, J. S.
Armstrong, Saturday , July 27th,
The offer the town had from Mark -
dale, trill not he cimsidered by the
town. After freight paid on two'.
railways, and culling etc., the wood
would cost nearly 56.01 a cord, 12
inciles long, and this was considered
out of eetsun.
Aiiss Belle Draper will take the
Entrance Class for the Model Term
and Miss Elizabeth Ford, who has
passed her Normal Exams Will tench
Miss Draper's room, bliss Wilson
who contemplated resigning will teach
till Christmas time. The salary
has been advanced by the Board,
Clinton Lodge L, O, L., No No,
captured the first prize at llensall on
the 12th for having the biggest
membership on parade. and Al r,
David lieueone a member was the
eldest member on parade and won
»aareowp t4•o As.. A ts..**110094410 AA,
63111 Weinstein
eIs I rop:kneel to irly tiro Z
s hitihest price. kir Q
a ScrapAaron, •
0 Rubbers, a
0c Rag, -s,, 81.c,,81.c,,0
4 S" 4
OP t WariteLl 7
4 e,
iHighest price paid, Sec +Ata
i me before you sell,
I Highest Cash Price for •a
4 4
Live Poultryand Hides 4.
i \Voile or Yhiue (12v p
0 0
0 o
es ♦o♦
♦ ♦tie♦40♦♦ •''
♦ ♦t♦♦♦♦A40$I
FEINT OM ot Grey
41 ,eventual t„ 1,11' lulple t.• n,
P. u t err i, i1J, aH uu
re need tel e
.11p Ian rt,%enl, 11011 !teed 1111, 111 tel
1(1'1y,• 11111 11,1»Ig 4011011111p 1.1/11'1•~,
ttliell \ttu do it i,nyiig 1'rnn,
Ilieto. I sell ilia• Slot:lantielt tool
of lite Ith•runli,•na) burl,! lino),
Intuits, nod ()liver l'lows, (111 11:n-
giues and Implies. l'MII Int rue
std save Itis; money,
[favid Milne - Ethel, tint,
a prise. The Pipe [land also made
t decided hit leading the Clio ti
Woxeter Council
liegnhtr Hooding uF 1Vre.xelt r c, si -
tat wa. Marl tit rt,unrlil c11au1i ••1 ,111
Jul), !!sell, al 11 tielntk, Moto Itets
present .Inn, Adalu;, Il. t'. Popo, Iort,l.
IJ,tvey, 'Phos. Ileq,erofl will) Reeve
In•• Oeticel r in Ills teeth.
Moved by I). C. Pup , stern 1, d by J,
Allures tlnelmemo.. nl' Iasi. rueetiug
611 adepled ,t. I Ind. tee reel.
Aetemeie : "- It, !slack, v.,b'r parser
and 11.11, 1/1001/1 431111e $37 ;i0 ; I+red.
Kitchen, Idling graved one tiny. IFI'• till ;
Ile! t S.Ign, dr ovine: gravel Its days at.
$3.un tFlS,llil : Fba t Nage 2 days ten, k
in venire ry, F7 ear ; A'd. Nhtlnnp, 11
days filling gravid $2 JU , $27,50 ;
It'd, Mlolule, putting in tulvvri, $2 Oil •
%Vizi. Motility seem; Ill, teaming, till lin;
iVm. Oneenwte•, Il tiny: sprending
ge eve] ti.o Stu, eiteeJo ; A. 11. AL filet,
emining 1.1tull toottlli Pune, ,$35.nn;
Sehool (,urn..,•.:, ;; luNI. Total
$1/241 sin
Moved by Jim. Adam., tit -emoted by
D. C. Pupa that, above m.1.01nlls' he
paid 110.1 orders drawn un '1'111i0.11110.
for .ante. Carried.
Alovt•d by !,Cued, Dayey, seconded by
'phos, IIoporofl.lhat Monday, Atlg. tlh
be Civil. 1101 ;day, Oto vied.
Moved by Tbig. Hopei oft, eecauded
by Fred. Davey that rnnncil teljenre
netil Tuesday Attire L'nlh of at the call
Or Itttevc. 0:11.1 sect.
D. 111, nLeol'AvrHu. Cknit,
(Irvin S. t,.obil In Saturday' It.ven- )
Mg Post). r
51+ ,. for 1rut lu.i
1, ,t lu;h; r iuJe J eaG•l.,ld SL:i,.
tai` !suit ::1 nolo :,loll ;,, ,,,•
t,lhrr 44411014r-, t d ;+d 1.11tile.:. Y 31
II when m tills culnee ttorl 1 '
speak of our soldiers el k:anada jf
as • well as the soldiers et the
United States, Any luau
!ells you the contrary is a liar, t .
and the truth is not in him .;'that
is nett an offhand alibi; statistics e '
compiled by our own surgeon,
form the truth all it; and env nein
who elands up anywhere on our r 1
continent and says that the s..1 -i I
dims wilt, have came burr, our
side of the Atlantic lit help lick a
Germany are contracting hxl.ii';
of drunkenness er that the. :tr.; ?
being ruined by the spretdine t.f
sexual disease among them lit- +
tors a deliberate and a cruel
slander against Nerl11 Anieriean r
manhood which should eetitle
him to a suit of tar -and -feather
underwear and a free ride ,•n a
rail out of any community."
where some 2.0oo patients are accom-
nv,daed. is a revelation as to the
part dental science is playing. Here,
thanks to the recommendation of Lt -
° alDftwa 11111
Tested by !'scree, panic
and War
4-' TLRIk r.,419120,ir4.rsieitt
It 40:3 «i at' is 'rut t 1•10141102 r1711« eepie
les 0.0 Ant (LA 11 :1.
tUtltei lit up. 411 t ;alto +attest,
But through ttH ftre excitement nand strife;
of war, Srandard Seetfance Lebenrurte
have stood the test fur security of princi-
pal and permanency of Interest.
A SIO0 Stundnrd Reliance Mortgage Debenture ix
still Borth it 111170 and nays 5':•'11 interest In molt on
the day it is due, at your focal bird:.
IVIortgage Corporation Debentures
The debentures are issued in amounts of sine and
upsnols. and taro repayable al a Ivied period tis
cult lt our convenience.
Thousands of penpio have Investen their r.;nlaQ11m
thew debentures e1100110 the ]nus n. one tlolltar
t1' -Ito to -day for our tnterewtintt ho.ltlet
atoos "I', Its PROM .:*t'INOS,••
Pool on c o etre' and,ce,rrA„ Trend, i, -ts,7, .-a,s; a
Branch Offices:
llnli111n11111110N111 ; to
THOSE FOOD ORDERS is intens„, but riot much at a time if I
Col. Richard Reid, the Agent -General
am warm; if yon want me to keep well
ell the Province in 1.1.11101, who, since -^ don't teeter me tee soon after f have
the totimitiou of !telt he,.1;121. ha': A4,4,441110; vn
It„ .en nnlri seiner! bt v:den'
t l..•n a teottculat telex:,t Aft leis the 1.teads feed teeed Lea wee1t, fie tenuld 1..tti. -•
nplieAe ill ,I, nnik, elle OtitatAi Ose all 1•a1.<a •eteeteeert ' hat When the stip 1;
counts -tit lf.ts spared ' j otfi eat r t l air ,u.king bat m breathe
f u'ed no expense tel net; lou. :.nil pn.;ttc h eu.rin,lds m a n.lidr ue the shade lit Somc
stake the equipment of this as well are wattled to use sub- house or tree; it you have to leave ine
special department unrivalled. At stitutes ter cheat lour ton an of on the street leas
d ter a me n the shade if
Orringtun, Lt. -Col, (i. G, Hume, sof July i. If this ,n drr means ;tnv_ possible. Anything upon ,i •
Torento has been installed since April thing it means that since Mo ' P t } head, is
Monday „f tweet n,v ears, b) keep off the sun is
1916, with a staff which, at the time this week, substitutes such as bar- bad for me it the air cannot circulate
of the writer's visit, included Capt. ley, corae oats, rite, rye and tapioca freely underneath it."
W, G. Trelfurd of Toronto, and Carts.: should be used instead of wheat He would talk of slippery streets
Oliver Leslie, G. B. Findley, A, E. Ward flour, but it is doubtful indeed if the and the sensations of falling on cruel
H. A, Stewart (Kingston, A. 11, L.. average citizen has tirade any change city cobblestones -the pressure of the
Campbell, and E, li, Crite'ford, , in his private home, or has there load rushing him tet the fall
•I'o those who have been accustomed been :Inv noticeable changebruised knees •old
in thewrenched the
to regard the work of the army sur- public eating houses. These food tate feel of the driver's lash
geun dentist aS of eery minor int- orders are very puzzling, and cer-
porhtnce or interest compared to that , tainly are not given their due
of the physician or the surgeon in publicity. When the teed controller
field or hospital, a visit to the ela-' issues an ender the proclamation
borate dental clinic at Orpington is a should be published in such a wee'
revelation, Here you have the upper -that there can be no doubt of it
tunity of hearing from their own lips I reaching evert last citizen of the
Ottawa, July 16. --It has been the stories of men who had suffered Dominioe. But, instead at the -
brought to the attention of the Minis- such grievous, even hideous, jaw in- I sent titne ver • fen l re
ter of Finance that man holders of ) v have any poorer
Victory Lunn bonds, Y juries that in the olden days their cases 1 conception of lust what regulations
particularly of would have been either hopeless, or ! have gone 1.!11!4. from the food b ord,
small amounts, are not aware that the if life was saved, they would have suf- The people are very anxious to cons
coupons are payable semi-annually, fe.reci permanent exterior and some- form to the very letter tri any hays
;Old consequently have not cashed times repulsive evidences of the that are Laid down by there er
them The Finance Department points cruelties of modern warfare. Among authorities, but the proclamations
out that the first coupon was due and the numerous case records which the must be very explicit ;cid issued in
payable en June 1, The coupon writer had the opportunity of inspect- such a tray that they will be seen
should be detached and presented ing at Orpington were, in several in- bye ,
at any chartered hank for payment. stances, photographs everybody. rn Car as the present
1') r Jnrhs of officers and oiler is crmcrrned, the price of
men taken upon their arrival front the wheatflour is soaring so high that
clearing and base hospitals at the front most people will be glad to use some
which gave and only too faithful re- substitute, but more information is
cord of the distressing sight such dls- needed from the food controller as
torted features would thein have been to what substitutes are reeemnlend-
to relatives ;and friends; indeed, ine ed, especially since most of those
•lnuest gave a gasp of surprised re- suggested in the intimation of last
lief when, thanks to 'Col, flume, one week are ton high In price, and corn,
was allowed to have oeular demon- for example, is imported very largely
stration of the marvellous work of from the United States, Carders
healing and reconstruction which has must be obeyed and they will be ,•
al tt w
been performed upon faces so terribly cheerfully, but this - not possible #
and to hear r fromthe lips
of s
t unless they
aproperly eels enders tto
more than one individual case the re-
The penalties imposed for violation
mark "that photograph shows what I el the new regulations are very
was: see what I look like to -day, thanks severe, and consequently Canadians
to !hese clever men. Only when ine have a right to demand the most
was permitted to study the detailed complete informelion at once from
records of such eases, to inspect the the food controller as to just what
various plaster casts, made as the cures his desires ere and what his ma, -
progressed, to handle some of the de- dates mean.
lieate implements employed, to look
into mouths in which all sorts of in-
genious mechanisms were installed, WHAT THE HORSE
performing with absolute ease and WOULD SAY IN JULY
comfort the masticating functions of
outraged nature, was ft possible to
realize the value of army dental sur-
gical work as practised to -day.
When it is remembered that, In
some of these cases, for weeks before
any really effective remedial artificial
steps could be taken, the upper and
lower jaws had to be scientifically
fixed and held together in an unalter-
able rigid position -night and day -
while nature took the 1st healing steps
while during that vested ail food had
to be artificially administered, it need
nut be wondered :t that a mere record
of the total number of operation per-
formed forms very inadequate testi-
mony to the time spent by the surgeon
on individual cases, to his ingenuity
in surmounting difficulty after ditli-
eulty, to his personal pride in achiev-
ing 1111111 success, The work of the
amputating surgeon is generally mere
play to that of the mat who has to
reconstruct the inside of :t mans mouth
and restore that necesssary movement
of speech as well as of the powers of
Of course, it is only the scientific
expel'! who can thoroughly appreciate,
the nature of the work done and the
ingenuity with which the difficulties
in individual cases have been overcome
but even a casual visitor to the mag-
nificent Ontario Military hospital at
Orpington conies atvay tnpressed with
the fact that in its dental departments
he has seen ulrlgae evidences of the
way in which science is being employ-
ed to ameliorate suffering and d,shg-
urement. The enthusiastic interest
which Col. Ilunte and his professional
staff evinee" in their work is shared
b titer
v 1 little band of mechanical as-
sistants, who have the rank of N. C,
(.sThe Ott- C' '
e c l ,» need v sec. at the
g d
lr the
t'inn + t
,, writer's visit
WIIS a resi-
dent e
os -detf cvf„rt photographer,
Its Splendid Work In Mending The
Ravages Of War Among The
Canada is due the development
of u•lut •
•and '
indeed all the
other allied
have followed
her lead in this direction." -Sir Ed-
ward Kemp.
if eminent independent opinion is
needed to confirm that of Canada's
Overseas Minister of Militia, we have
it from the president of the British
Denial Association, who said at the
Mansion House: "The Canadian
Army is the only army in the whole
world that attempts to send its
soldiers to the front dentally £t";
while, in his inaugural address as
president of the Association, Dr, W.
fI, Dnlarnere also said: "It is diffi-
cult to criticize the arrangements in
our own army, but one feels that it
might be possible and desirable to
follow the example which the 'Can-
adians has set."
Col, J, A. Armstrong, C. M. G„ of
Ottawa, the Director of the Dental
Service of the Overseas Forces, came
aver in ,lune, 1.915, with a staff of
30 officers, which lit -day numbers
nearly 200, The Deputy -Director is
Gibson, of Ottawa, the
headquarters t,aiug at Pembroke
House, tai Oxford sb•eet, London,
W. The Assistant Deputy -Directors
are Lt. -Col, A, A. Smith, of Corn-
wall, Ont. (London area) ; Lt, Col,
1, W, Bentley, of Sarnia (Shorncliff'e
area); LL -Col. J. E. Holmes, of
Saskatoon, formerly of Clinton,
(13ramshott area) ; Lt. Col, Claud
Brown, of London, Out. (Witley
'Cul. Amrstrong attributes mucic of
the success of the. Canadian Dental
B^ores to the fact that, unlike the
ritish, it is an independent organiza-
tion, though, of course, intimately
associated with the Canadian Army
Medical Service. Its requisitions go
direct t6 the Government; the selec-
tion and promotion of its members
rest with the Director, Consequent-
lvwnifrictded,ion, overlapping and delays are
We are a long tray from the days
when to the average man a dentist
meant a mere drawer of teeth and
dental treatment was a job for the
medical ratan or even for the chem.
isl s assistant, .
This war, however, is raising the
status )
s f the surg .
eon t n dentist to
far tet hl h
level, Take
trench h mouth,
for ins
trancef 1
in !.
(esus stomatitis)
Which has been proved to be so
infectious that isolation nod special
treatment is essential. Save the water in which vegetables
It is in cotleetion with jaw In. or rice are cooked for a soup (militias
juries, however, that the Sargent' tiore
dentist is proving filmset the great- All glass Mottles in the house sihould
est benefactor. A visit to the Ontario be saved to hold preserves or dried
Military Hospital at Orpington, Kent( foods,
Ile would tell of the luxury of a fly
net when at work and a tly blanket
when standing still in fly season, and of
the boon to him of screens in the stable
to keep out the insects that bite and
lie would plead for as enol and com-
fortable a stable as possible in which
to rest at night atter a day's work un-
der the hot sun,
lie would suggest that living through
a warm night in a narrow stall neither
properly cleaned nor bedded is suffer-
ing for him and poor economy for the
He would say that turning the hose
Lin him is altogether too risky a thing
to de unless you are looking for sick
horse. Spraying the legs and feet
when he is not too warm On a hot day
he would find agreeable
He would say, --"Please sponge out
me eyes and nose and dock when I
come in tired and dusty at night, and
also sponge me with clean cool water
under the collar and saddle; of the
.11 :; a ,; ,•: et le• tt
Australia, which is 26 times larger
than the whole of the British Isles
has a population net exceeding that
et Leiden,
A recent exhibition of carried pig-
eons in London showed many devices
used to protect the •birds in their
flights at the front. Several pigeons
were shown painted in camouflage
coloring, while gas masks for use dur-
ng gas attacks were also exhibited,
Miracles happen for some folks.
town's coal supply gave
If a horse could talk Ile would have
(From Our Dumb Animals). lust when his to
out exeav;uors digging in a cellar for
many things to say when summer, an Illinois eitizen uncovered a two -foot
tomes. rein of coal. Now all he has to do is
Ile would tell his driver that he feels dig a little in his cellon when he needs
ilre heat un a very warm day quite aS 3"3-1
much as it he could read a thermome• o -1'he analysis of cane and beet sugar
ter, is precisely the same when pure -12
He would sae, -"Give ole a little parts carbon. 23 parts hydrogen and It
water many times a day, when the heat parts oxygen,
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