HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-25, Page 1r
VOL, 47 NO, 4 dx.50 Per Alumni in Advance
M 111111111111111111111tH IIIIIIIIIIIII oo 1111111111111111101111 11nfoonoml on out I hill!!fill 11f11111111110111 IIIiMtI-;
it I(V
Se nsI lee Men
adi men
do not keep surplus money in their
homes, or carry it around in their
They put it in the Savings
Bank so that it may earn more
money for them.
Decide, now, to let us help
you to save. Interest paid every
six months.
Bank of Nova Scoria
Paid-up Capital - 5 6,600,000
Reserve Fund . . 12,000,000
Resources . . - 1$0,000,000
j ks'
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Darter lost -Tutt POST.
Cattle for sale -Pletcher lioe.
Voters' List-Town/1 tip of Grey.
Tenders wanted -Brussels Council,
Notice to Creditora-Duna. McArthur estate,
M istx .ct Ream
Seaforth civic holiday is August 5,
and there will be a big "keep watch"
celebration in aid of tate sailors of the
British navy and merchant marine,
W. A. Oriels, baker and confection-
er, has been appointed Inspector of
bakeries fur this district and is now in
Toronto getting instructions covering
his duties,
The weekly union intercessory pray-
er meeting for the :moose of the
allied natione in the war, which are
held iu the churches in rotation are
being well attended.
In the recent Lowrey School examine.
tions, Seaforth Collegiate Institute
had seven candidates to obtain honor
standing and 20 suecessful stud nuts
out of 23. During the last three years
the Collegiate Institute had only 8
teatimes on the Lower School out of 71
h next
Sunday rlooming l be Beveacher . nox Mc.
Cnngeatulattons are extended to
blisses Evelyn and Lizzie Balzer over
their success at the recent department-
al examination at Brussels,
1'he following worst has been clone
by the Orambrook branch of the:ted
Otnss ;-.•126 suits py,janete, 340 pillow
eases, 113 towels, 32 sheets, 4 quilts, 10
stretcher hearer caps and 150 pairs oe
The tNIiesetiStvilzer arrived at their
Nd home last week for holiday visit.
Theft' nettle and emit, W. A, and Mrs.
Pollard, Listowel, have been enjoying
a holiday with them during the past
Cranbrook and locality wee very
sorry to hero• that an old and well
Icemen resident, in titel person of A.
Reymann, WAS taken ill last week, at
thenor. r ,
!u lir his son at London, We
lrnpe he will snow be restored to his
accustomed gnod health,
'l, },•i•,y"If•1„(+,I"I„i„}"t"i•,y"+i„t'.I„lr't"i'•t„i"t•he p'i,
Farmers' :�
+ Car of Flour and .li'escl is expect- +
u+ ed to arrive in the /1(340 fill:1100 ±
,i, at McNaught. In ft theee will be. ,
:f +t+
Cream tine West Flour
Rye dour
er Car of Soft Coal expected
.+ at Ethel this week.
Corn Flour
Standard Oatmeal
Rolled Oats
Monarch .Dairy Feed
Monarch Pig Feed
Samson react
Ed. hair
t, ton
„none 28
Sec. -T
h't tr3'+F'F-b4rrN3'4rrHil`drr6+F+4rirrhrF'N'NrN++
The 50 acre farm of Victor Spatting,
12th Con„ has been purchased by
Peter Baker whose farm adjoins the
newly purchased property. Price
was $2,000. This will give Mr, Balzer
a fine farm of 125 acres and the hope
many a big crop may ha garnered.
Mr. Sperling expeets to bey another
farms, probably 100 or 150 acres,
The choir of the Methodist church
was royally entertained at the home
of ,John anal Mrs. Bray, een interest-
ing event of the evening was some
reminiscences of the wee by Mr• 13ray,
jr., who 118.61 been on active service in
Frame. The choir greatly appreciat-
ed the loudness of the Bray family,
Mr, Lester, Toronto, is visiting in
the village.
Mrs. Wm, Hall spent Sunday at the
home of Wm. Yeo,
Miss Mabel ()maces, Toronto, is
home for a few holidaye,
Pte. Hate Aitehisoh, Niagara Camp,
spent a week with his parents here.
Mrs. Oadntte 1111c1 sen left Saturday
to visit friends in London awl Detroit,
Mee, .Toseph Jobb, who has been
seriously ill, is improving we are
pleased to state.
Watson Smith, 0, P, IL agent,
Zorra, called on old friends in the
village on Sunday,
Jas. Elliott, 4th line, has been grant-
ecl 3 months leave from the army to
look after his farm.
The new plebe'', Rev. Mr, Burgess,
is doing good work in the introduce
bevy stage of hie pastorate,
Leonard Rattan is kept very busy
these clays booking coders for honey
and attending his 20 hives of bees.
Ferule's tare about through haying,
which WINS a fair crop, Spring crops
and roots are in 11101 need of tarn,
Mts. (Dr.) Ball, Toronto, and riles.
Bt&yt St. Helens, are vieiling at the
home of Robt. Musgrove this week,
bliss Laut'a Hennes, who recency
untleewentan operation at Winghrun
Hospleal, is home and improving nice-
ly. ovata Stewarb, who has been
working at Bowling Green, to hntue
for a couple of weeks rest as lie has
not been enjoying good health.
Ales. Ohas,'lurvey, who has been on
the sick list einem alba, Easter, does
nob gain as vapidly as her moony
friends would like to see, bet we hope
for early restoration,
O. W, McRae and daughter, of the
Ottnadian Saute, rue here ml a holiday
visit with H. and Mrs. Mathere, Mr.
McRae is City Tl•etta11001. lie was a
menet. resident oi' Morrie township,
OMT,• -The death Of Sant way Paid,
ttt his home le Bluevale, 1Vednesday,
I'd inst., cable as 11, sheep to hie num-
tons feientle. Mr, Paul hod been in
boor health for 2 weeks, but on the
day of his death wits able to be around
nd had tea with ilia enmity, Death
tune very suddenly, shortly after he
ad retired, lie wits boon) in Guelph
lid was a son of the late Rev, R, heel,
who was one of the pioneer Metho-
lee preacheee in Bluevale and died
t Brussele, StihjPet of this noun('
ad been a resident of Bluevale and
iserict for g
f 40 years, residing of farm
outh of village for `;7 years and for 13
ears had been engaged in business in
he village. He wits :highly esteemed
the cnnmtswtty in which he had so
t1 resided, idtd )eel I
g s , tete a useful ritiz0n
tel he will bo nuoh missed by his
tinily and large chole of friends,
or sone years he had been Secretary
reastree of Bluevale Cheese 1,,c Hotter
o. and had recently completed
ending Itp the m(1'rtils of the Oout-
uq, Tn t•eligion Me, Paul was a
esbyterinn and in politics 11, Liber-
, 40 yeare ago Mr, Paul was mar•
ecl to Margmet Duthie, who, with 3
lighters (Miss bleed, Pittehtteg, Pit„
d Aliases Minnie tenet Alice,) survive,
re. Joseph 'Pugh, of Wingham,
a° sister of 'deceased. PCl nand
e sincereL
e m r1Lt
a of a
y fro
g° it
1 y circle
f • t r' -e ,
tie ods +
Funeral on I tiday after.
on to Win ham cemeliery Was
rgely attended, lisrvlees at howl
__..__ ..
cud geave were condecteed by Hev.
D. Petrie, toying to the ilhn-ee of tie.
teteed's paster, lops, to Tate,
WksT LoUNr:.---ltev. John \V. An-
drew:, aged 70, tine of the well lowly!)
Methodist ministers in the Loudon
Coate peep, died at his horror iu Nest
1.8,0110a1.1.00 a leeglhy ilhteee during
which he had spent nh his bell, Ile
was it eon of the late Rev, J. ll. Au-
dreve, and burn in 1.,(1111101t County.
lits early days ware spent in Belleville,
and later entered Albert College to
study for the tninistty. Since eomitm
to the London Ceuferenee s0111e years
ago he occupied the followingchatges ;
---Merlin, Newlemy, Dawn Mills,
Courtr'ight, Coverlet', 1.0111.10818,00,
Vienna, Parkhill, Crediton, 131uevalw,
I od
r tend \
vest Lot •
et 's
lel last
Outage. , r
P. IIo
R watt m
df UrH
Masouie fraternity, and known Ds a
tlne speaker. Ile leaves hie wife and 8
eltiltleen :,-Mee. lembeeand illus. Me -
Cormick, Manitoba ; Mrs. Boyne, UM.
don 1 Mrs. Stringer, :Medicine lint.;
elrs. Cornell, Windene ; alt's, higgle-
ton, Amherst burg ; George, Alberta ;
and }tassel at home. •I'lit. 1.11000ei
Wits held on Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock to :Vest Lurie cemetery,
Miss Erna Bloom, 811,011111, is on a vis-
it with her cousin, bliss but Many.
Rev. Mr. Padden, Milverton, will
preach in Knox church next Sunday
The hay fork is an implement much
in use this 1Veek. Crop fs light 1118001e
phtres but well saved.
390 boxes of the June make of cheese
were shipped remit Silver Corners fac-
tory to R. Johnetan, Woodstock,
Price was 22 cents,
Mrs. Will:imam and a friend, blies
Livingeeon, Toronto, are visitors at
the home of Thos, and Mrs, Inglis.
The former Dent the hostess ate cous-
A new teacher lute been engager! for
Monceielf school in the person of Mies
Mae renbertsnn, Wimghttm. Salary
will be $050 and deities begin Septem.
!tet' 1st, While sorry to hart with
bliss McGowan we will welcome her
Township Council will tweet next
It is said Earl Bernard has purchas-
ed a fine driver from H. B. Alcock,
6th line.
Mrs. J. L. Humphries and daughter,
Vera Muriel, are Isere from Sarnia on
a holiday at the former's parental
Get a Brussels Fall Fair Prize List. -
Show will be. Tuesday arid Wednesday
September 17th tool 18th this year, so
it's time to get long.
Morris will send a large representa-
tion of Liberals to the Nominating
Convention in Wiughant Thursday
afternoon of this week.
During the past week Mrs, S. Wal.
!ter took a holiday trip to Parkhill,
Wyoming, Sarnia mud Ieneihm and
called on relatives and nitl friends,
An invttatfon has been received anti
accepted by Jas, Spree to act as Judge
at Atwood Lull hair en Beef cattle
and Boots and Vegetables, Ile's an
old hand at' the business and WAS there
!Let year.
Last week John Blaok, an mid and
well known resident of the 5th line,
underwent an operation for hernia
and is making a gond recovery, bar-
ring the fact that weather has been on
the cosy sidle for a big man to be corn -
pelted to steep his bed.
Last week rte Trusteee of the
Miller school, 5111 line, engaged the
capable services of Miss Amy Roe,
13rossels, as teacher for the coating
year, at a srtlat•y of $026,00, Bliss Sew
has met with splendid[ su0eess ill her
work told will no doubt eontdntle it in
het new post of fluty,
Grey Township Voters' .List, for 1018
is iu point.
The limn of the moven:t aro to bre
heart! in !hie locality.
uries to a ripe bet will be very
seen 00 It the don't get lam.
Pte, Will. Gram to home helping tris
1100 oll Ito Patel for areas weeks,
i\'(. etre pleased to slate that lin
sc/u'Ipl. Epson' eases are doing as cellae
ran he expeeted,
Cordon Powell, Levan, Is holiday.
b, g * e
v,lh his uncle and tura!, Chester
and Mrs. A.rine Leong,
tiny ernp will be very generally
etrn'ed by the close of the week on
many fertile in this township.
bliss Dot Deetnrnan 12th Con, has
returned home after spending a couple
of weeke with friends in Flint Mich,
Mrs, (Die) Robertecn and children,
Collingwood, aro enjoying a visit at
the home of Mrs, Hugh McKinnon,
7th eon„ the reenter's mother,
.111NoAll'ellrttNT, - Joseph and Mrs.
Ames announce the clgagement of
their cla»ghter, Gertrude E„ to John
Arthur Snell, all of Grey township,
Marriage will take place in August.
The 7.rusteee of Mimeos" School,
Kincardine, have re-engaged Miss
Henrietta Denman at en increased
Miss Delman y ACis tan bus
done n e exrel-
lent work andwo wish her coutinued
W. J, and Mrs. J1Lcklin are 1101110
from a trip to the Nest, Mr. Jacklin
travelled over quite a stretch of
country but says be has seen the land
more ttidely to coram the
elevators than it sloes this yeer.
Sone parts will respond in good
DIED IN CLtlYevhr,LL,-Dr, /George
Calder, of Clayeville, Pennsylvania,
II, S., a format resident:, paesed away
on July' 21st
at the advanced age of
34 year
e, lin 4
vas a brother or of i ma.
and Jm
Ca 1st formerly tyeli known
residents of the :2th Con„ and au
Uncle to Tar, Margaret 0, Calder, of
base Ball Match
Morris vs, Brussels
Thursday Evening of this Week
Offering taken for Red Oross
Take in the Game !
bliss JPssiP Cunningham and moth-
er, o£ Drevton, 1v01e visitors at the
home of her son, Hughil Cunningham.
Blies Hatomersley, Toronto, is a
visitor with Miss Beth Hoover, Grey
township, and bliss Laura Bryan%
Elva Ramsay, Christie Forrest,
Sperling Johnston and George Fell
were succeseful pnpile at the recent
exam. from No. lib Mies Viola El-
liott, of Allendale, is the hard work.
ing teacher and as she has about 50
pupils on the roll she has her wnrk cut
out. Congratulations to all concern-
Henry ,Man.,
b eLsle, WaskadnMn have been
visiting relatives and friends in this
locality. The former is a brother to
Mesdames C. B. and W. S. Forrest
and Joseph Robb. Mr. Robb holds a
good position on the C. P, R. It is 15
years since he went West. 13 years
since he was here so you may be sure
he is welcome.
There will be no meeting of Ghee'
Patriotic Club on Monday evening.
Presbyterian chore) pulpit will be
oceupied next Sunday afternoon by.
Rev, D. A• McIZenzie.
The Lomond (Alberta) Press , of
Jane 28th speaks as follows of a term-
er resident, who is a brother to Har-
vey Dobson Ethel: --Aa far as tin
Press ie informed R. H. Dnheor bottle
record for raising heavy ihnrses, Mr,
Dobson weighed n black filly this
week, 2 years and 13 days old, that
ecaled 1330 pounds. The enit is front
the stallimu "Presbnrg" formerly
owned by John Holo,
Pte, Oamerot Ged(IPs is hone from
Carling Heights on a 80 day leave.
bliss Turnbull, of Rock Teland, is
vieleing at the manse, She is a sister
of Mee, (Rev,) I3nyle,
Rev. J. L, and Airs. McCtillorh, of
Carluke, spent Saturday at the Manse
eenewiug gild friendships.
On let Sunday of Atigust quarter-
ly Communion service will b. observ-
ed in the Methodist church.
Rev. Walter iAle,Leam of Hanover,
took the work last Sunday for Rev.
Ate. Boyle who is stall laid up with his
disabled lint b.
Mrs. Campbell, Goderiele Rennin-
'd,.anied by her sister Ails. Robson, of
Rochester, motored from Godoeicll'
and epent Sunday with Lhe former's
entente, Chits. and bIrs, Campbell,
Archie and Colin Oamphell, former
residents of 11110 51.11 Iona, Morris, were
visiting ecenes of their childhood and
lalling nil old friends last week.
They hold positions with the Michi-
g},au Central with headquarters at
The service Sunday evening, under
the auepiees of I he 0, 0, P. and held
in the Methodist church, w&61 well tended, Brethren feon Wingham
and Brussele jellied with the home
Court. Rev, 5. Davison preached a
sermon suitable to the occasion,
W roxet
bliss Jessie Pope has returned from
Mise Irene Steaks is the guest of
relatives in P00011to,
Miss Bate Hazlewood visited Clif-
ford friends last week.
Mrs. A. Mimeo, Mise .Annie and Jno.
are holidaying in Cleveland,
Mee, Lambert Stinson, Toronto, call-
ed on friends in that village on Felday.
tiV n
xeter Cnuncll
blhlntas may be
read on page 6 of this issue of Tt3m
Joint Rutledge, Ileatnpton, is aesist-
ing A, McMichael during the harvest
John 13rawrl, Toronto, was called
bete last week owing to the illness of
his mother,
Laurie VatiVelsor, aceompntried by
itis mother end sister, Rona, are
spending even weeks at Vienna,.
Mrs. W, IL 13t'awn ,was taken ill
euddenly on Veiday evening, stllferieg
Ton apoplexy hn rte
x <d • in
to n t ti
1 1 y c t eel
nti 1,
Hugh leti
)lat r
� ill
V tort Doig &lid
Helen Gibson were temolig the success•
fel students at the Lower School EX.
mutilation, Congratulations,
W. H. Is'ERR, Proprietor
iDecoration Day at Cemetery
Western Star Lodger, I, O. U. I Brussels, Remembers their
Dece !sod Brethren.
„Absent but
Last Holiday afternoon 8. g„o+
number of mclnbere tit' W'sst01•1, ti
Lodge, el No
. 119. O. O
R 1
, 1•' 3 s. e
' l their r visit. 1, animal vl. a to the Wile
pity of the dead anti called to toilet t
core,'tit'se of the old sarin
"Absent hill not. forgoten" by vi;
ing each Oddfeliow's grave and pit
hug upon it a scarlet, geranium as
love token from their brethren.
The 28 burial plots were marked o
by small emblematic ret? liege t
blur+ standards with L 0, (1, f' i
scriber) in white, indicating the 'Tie
colors of the degrees of Cdtifellowslit
As each testing place 0000100d i
Bower after being designated its
who slept there, suitable seleclin
were quoted, the fiat,= cyan lifted at
company moved to the next grave.
A short, eerviee was held tel the
lodge room after which the brethren
were conveyed! to the cemetery by
cars, through the kindness of the
owners, Proneedlinge were in eharg0
of A. .McGuire and Ir, S. eleott 1te
nineshale, F. H. Gilroy read the settee
Clone, Cileplain Lcathertlale (dept.('
the payers and the Noble Grat,d's
dutiee were taken by CV, H. Kerr,
the service concluding with "Nearet
my God to Theo" and prayer.
Time was one deceased brnthete
Serge, Roes NORmeOa, whose grrtve
lies in far tiff France but the kindly
reference made. eo the brave eoldier
lad who flied doing his fluty for
King and the Empire, proved that the
chain of Odd Fellowehip circles the
Contineute anti its principles can
never die even though its repreeenta-
tives have to fait before the Great
Bro, H. R. Scott, Seaforth, Paet
Grand Conductor, was present. and
responded to an invitation to address
the brethren. After a brief refeneuce
to Bro. McKinnon he made D few
remarks regarding the Home for aged
and infirm members, located at
Petetboro, in which 8`« btethr'eu are
Not Forgotten."
ify ploy tr•iu;* rat rd Fry'. Ile also sprtlP
Intl of Cha Inotfu'riy work 1:1-0 carried
, II 111 providing
told o
I 13 �h'
n be•
ut lodging to d inked hem hers who
he bode the 811[1 •iti,• tolthae ov00s0as
g, in liy11,11T fur the uv/nthi'r+tv of up•
ii. pr,• .,i •u ;, n" er,nunl•udad Ibes'• F0a-
a'' ures of this grain 21101 110610 Older
it out only to !hos,- associated "NM, it
lint to the puhlie tot targe. Bro.
tit Sewt's visit nits appreeiated.
Cil Following isIie lid of gtaves visit -
11' eil Iasi Sunday :-
p, �.tdrd DIEL AGE
I" •1u.,. P•nkev, Apr. 16. leen 42 yrs.
ns 1.:i. O'Connor, Aug. 13 1007 76
rd Ti Lt, Speitne, het, m', 19x2 tf�
Geo. Hayeroft, het, Vii. 1h359 58
Jots. Wilson, Nov, 13. 1894 73
ios, Hunter, Oct, 1911 3C
Ira Parker, Oet. 5, 1.900 32
Arellie Me_Nail, Nov. 27, Ii11t1 3(1
'rhos. I+'letcher, Pei) 5, 191;3
Net. Altimeters, Apr. 4, 19111 14
Adam Good, lnly 16. 1805 ill
Hugh Ramsay. Nov. 3, 1911 42
Gen, Baeker, July 17, 1900 50
Wrt, Roddick. Nov. 5, 1895 43
Win. Cornish, Attg. 7, 1857 51
Alf, Hamilton, Dee. 26, 1876 37
Alex, Stewart, alar, 8, 1851 20
Donald Scott, June 8, 1883 07
Daniel Scott, iniy IS. I804
Alex, McKay, Nov. 3, 1004
Alex, Webster, hale 4. 1000 41
W,H.McCrackeuSept. 20, 1913 72
I'hns. Neevettm, elan 1914 56
W. W. Harris, June30, 1916 61
W. le, Stewart, Apr, 25, 1917 70
R. McKi»non, Ape, 10, 1917 23
P, Thompson, Sept, 5, 1015 02
Dixon Smale, Sept, 27, 1591 34
It will
be observed a number of the
brethren went to their rest a good
many years ago but their memories
are evergreen and the eo-called duty
is surely fraught with a benediction
to those who ;join in this minuet dec-
oration service.
A pageant entitled "The Call of the bride was a piano, to the beidesmaid a
Country, was well presented to the
`town hall Wedneeday evening of last
week by the Wroxeter Improvement
Club, 38 young 121(1108 taking part.
Proceeds amounted to $80.00.
Pte. Gen. McDonald, London, was
here over the week end,
Gen. Shannon, .Drew Station, called
on friends here Sunday.
Mies Pearl Ashton, Ford wich, is
visiting bits, W. McLennan,
Miss Hotta Mitchell ie spending the
holidays with hoe sister, bliss Laura
Mrs. Reeve blitchell and daughter,
8.rs holidaying with Mrs.
Robe, blitcltell.
Pte. Hance McDonald, recently re-
turned from overseas, went to London
to report again Tuesday.
Alisaes Kate Mc, Donald, Annie ale..
Donald, 'Pena A'lcDnnald, bliss bda1.
(mho and Mr. Malcolm, Ripley, visit-
ed with elies Annie Elliott, Sunday,
Gemmel. PA iTv.-Thursday evening
of »ext. week the annual Garden Party
under the a.neptoes ttf the Women's
Institute will be held on the Public
school grounds here. After supper,
which wilt be served from 6 In 8
o'clock, e, choice and varied program
will be presented by Mr, Easton, Tor.
auto, assisted by local talent. Pro-
ceeds to gn to Patriotic Food. There's
always a first class time at this annual
event SO the crowd will likely be as
large as ever. Miss Laura Mitchell is
President of the Institute and bliss
Ella Fraser Secretary,
The frame work is completed at Geo,
Jackeon's and brick veneering will
collie next.
Peter Murray, Winnipeg, is a vkit.
or with A, and Mrs, Gateliiler. The
gentlemen are cousins,
fn the absence of an expected eeealc-
er Elder Duncanson took charge of
the service in Duff's church last. Sun-
day afternoon
Rev. Dr, McOrae, of London, will
peeach in Duff's chureh next Sabbath
afternoon, He is supplying at Brus-
eels for a Sunday,
Reed Grose meeting next Tuesday,
Lunch will be served and everybody
is invited. Werk will also be given
out as meetings will be celled orf for
following 2 weeks owing to heat and
busy season.
MATrtremer2.--A very preety but
quiet weddingwas solemnized on
int 10
. 10th, a .
t otic home me of
Robt. 7 iLintl
Mrs, .Blair of Dinsmore, Seek,
etl of this locality, Y
when their see.
and do
uginter, Dawsin& Lillian, was
united in holy bonds of matrimony to
Adam ,Toseph ignoble, of Lnverna,
Sask. The contently 4vas preromled
by Rev, Mr. Roilosto), of Macrorie,
The pride, who ryas given away by
her father, was gowned in Maize
Georgette Crepe with pearl trimming
end carried a bognet of carnations,
snapdragons and maiden hair fern,
Bridiesmaitl was her Meter, Miss
Mite -
gavel:, who weft ri pink silk &lid nate
tied a h
nunnf pink )looksnapdragon
q a t
amtna is
t ue Genera was e supported
by W. J. biellen s while Master lf,d.
Ward Morgans made n charming bear-
ev earrging the ring in the !heart of a
ravnatian. The groOneit gife to bite
cameo ring and the grmonnsmau a set
of gold links, After the ceremony
was performed a sumptuous suppee
was served under an arch of pink and
white ctu•nations. The many beauti-
ful gifts shote how highly the young
couple were held iu esteem, After
remaining few clays in her parental
home they motored t0 their home at
Lnverna. May their joys be many is
the wish of old friends around Walton,
CALL= 11 HIS YOUT1.1.-We are
very sorry to state that John Heslip,
eldest son of Wm. 'J. and Janet
Shortreed, died at the parental horse
last Sunday evening, at the early age
of 18 years, 2 months and 19 days.
Satutday evening he was riding home
from his uncle Robert' Shortreed's,
0th line, where they had been hauling
in hay, Wm. Johnston, 13Myth, came
up behind the wagon with his car and
Rubt. McFadzean, who was driving
the team, pulled off Cha road to let
him by. One of the span was a colt
and took fright at the auto and the
horses attempted to run away. To
avoid damaging the ear the steeds
were turned out on the side and in
doing so the bayraek struck a tele.
phone pole, the jar throwing John off
on the road, the team continuing
their lace for 100 rods. The injured
lad war taken home in the nae and a
doctor sent for, A nasty cut on the
leg was sewed alp but feat's were en-
tertained of internal injuries as the
was 1 as a sturdy boy of 160
pounds Who landed with great. force.
Sunday indications proved the feats
of Saturday night only too true. An
operation 1v118 undertaken and dis-
4uy was made of a ruptured spleen
and other eerious complications.
Deane followed about 8,30 p, m. It
was a great shock to the neighbor-
hood amt the bereaved are very deep-
ly sympathised with in them great
sole ow, John was horn in Morris
township and was a most exemplary
youth, Funeral took place Tuesday
afternoon, Rev. Mr, Carswell, of Win-
thenp,eondueting the eervice in the
absence of Rev, R. A. Lundy, the
pastor, who is doing Miseinn woik in
zntrhewau. lrrlermentwas made
in Brussels cemetery,
Howick Council
°outwit met in the Township Hall,
Gnrih., on July 17th, pursuant to ad-
,jetirnment. All members present,
Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last
meeting read and on motion of Arm.
Rg and Spottontitin 1
ed.PhosB& Pr and
wife, if 1301
c wait-
on Council .M presenting c1 n.eear.i
1 1 t nq a illi for
$300,00 for the keep of Henry lewin,
now deceased. braved by Spotton
and Lynn that matter be left over for
ennsideretion, until next [meeting.
Carried. Mrs, H. Holmes waited on
the Commit glee bars, Robert Nay and
Mrs. R, Milligan on behalf of the Pat-
riotte Sewing Oieeles of Gorrie and
Lakelet asking for grants to buy ma-
terial to make up supplies for our
soldiers at the front, Moved by Wil-
iamson and Spotton that Council
make & , 1 ;
tart ttf T
210 n
. t
$ eneh,-•- r-
t; 0&
A boll for ' '
$ was presented
by 0, .1, Steinminer for replacing a
e bring that was broken in his car,
claiming the road was not in proper
condition' M+ived by Jvgnn•-'Willtam•
A Newspaper bargain
IV(idsummer Special
Tux llitusetb.s Pes'(r ie in a posi-
tion to rifer residents of tits sec.
tion a real hat•gain in the way of
newspapers. 'We have concluded
tin arrangement. with The Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Mont-
real, by which we eau offer that
weal, Weekly and Tile: Porter until
January 1st, 1910, for the small
mare of tel til in ad Vallee.
The Family Herald publisher,: 11,00
r 1n'ti0s ft
tile be
suggestions to improve that paper
and the offer 11.10/1011 to all its read-
ers, Girders fun the two pewee'
may be left at office of Tenn Pose'.
40 conte gets The Family Herald
for balance of 1018.
sen, teemed take no itetinn in mutter,
(Carried. Alexander Wright: asked for
damages, his horse gelling hurt by
tweaking through n culvert. Moved
lr.y Armstrong r
r / tr ug turd LS'n+l thetl. Council
give air. Wright :moo, (`arried.-
4loced by Spotton and Armstrong
that. By -Law No, 7 borrowing money
be lead tate third lime and p.tesed,
Carried, :loved by Williamson and
Lynn that following eteeounts be
paid :-
T. Wright, culvert on Cor A$ 8 50
Jacob Willits, removing lugs
and gravelling on B line 4 50
E. Newton, putt•iog in culvert
lent 5, Con, 18.1 8 75
H. Douglas, gravelling on side
line 5 tend 6 ............... .
C. Hubbard, filling in ditch,
Lot 10, Con, 13 .. 4. 00
Gen, Horton, graver 7 20
A. Jaques, shovelling gravel.:. 3 00
Geo. blclepight, grave! 3 20
G. Hubbard, epreadiug gravel
mud taking legs out of road 23 00
Johe Griffith, work on road.,. 7 60
J. Lambkin, use of seraper 50
J.1lR�,,eichard, sheep killed by °
Joliet Ilyud ialan, tile 25 2q
C. Kreoller, drawing tile and
putting in catch baeiu4 25
Geo. Reidt, gravel ...,..,,. 4 25
John Stewart, gravel 10 30
Bert Longely, gravel
David Galloway, gravel ........ 1 75
H. Seehaver, shovelling gravel 8 75
W. Leonard, 2 00
W. Weir, gravel 3 50
R. Harding, gravel 13 70
N. Jaques, gravel 24 00
B. Riegler, gravelling and re-
pairing culvert 115 95
T. Bradnock, gravel 13 30
J. Strong, compensation for
wire fence .. 8 Ofi
J, Waters, gravelling Lot 12,
Con. 14 and 15 ......,,,,, , leis 50
J. Wailers, putting in ditch
and drawing tile, Let 18,
Con. 1« ,
D. Harriett», gravel /toil elute,
ening gravel,.. .............
C. Maxwell, gravel and work
on road ........... ........... . 35 :35
R. (Caudle. gravelling Lot 13,
Con, 10..... ..... 112 oU
L. Murray, spreading gravel9 00
Wm. Wright, plank and re-
pairing bridge 23 2,5
A. tat. Manes, gravel 8 Olt
J. J. Hiller, breaking Winter
road :3 50
E. Jaques, gravel and shovel-
ing gravel '139
Mee. Milligan, Patriotic Sew-
ing Circle, Laketet .. 100 00
H. V. Holmes, Patriotic
Serving Circle, Borrie..... „ 100 00
S. &Mtigg, gravel ................ 8 16
ohn Zerkee, gravel 1 65
Porterfield, gravel..... , ,18(1
W. I;ood, 2 culverts and shoe.
ening • 2100
W. B. Matheson, compensa-
eine for wire fence 8 80
Harding drawing gravel.- 8 00
, Wade, equalizing ration
schema 8 (10
&Igoe', shovelling gravel
and work ml roan ............. 10 til
Dnwuey, gravel ... U 00
Mile's, gravelling Lot 29,
Gnu 4.,.., .,.. 9(i 00
. Reidt, geavel....... ....., t3 40
01)111a Harrison, gt•avet 3 35
McCracken, gravelling and
shovelling ..... .. ....... 0 65
, Markley, gravel...... 3 55
. Steinbein, gravel 3 60
'ramie Greets, gravel ........• 7 35
hn Drummond, gravel.,•.,., 10 40
. W. Rea, gravel... «30
eo, Robertson, gravel......,,., 6 95
ul, Doig, gravel 8 50
to, Ball, gravel • 3 05
°beet Baker, gravel8 00
Semmens, shovelling gravel 3 00
Weitz gravel. ,
m, Abram, gtavel.....,..,,., „ 12 66
Palmer, gravel 2 Olt +
s, Hart'is, gravel 2 00
o. Jnhnslnn, gravel 1 70
W. Wellcer,
m. Foster, gravel . 20 15
s, Gibson, gravel-,,,, 7 05
Foster, shovellingraael, 7 50
Walker, IE, FS al gg
ker , part salary as
Jeri .,
100 IX]
DwaineeO , crushing
ravel ...r ................... 100 00
Henry, gravel and use of
meter 4 50
Henry, grading ort Minto
ud Howiek bdy...,.., ... e0 00
Icing, operating road
&chine 275 00
J. Mitchell, work on road 18 50
Wright, damages to horse. 50 00
V. Holmes, grant to .Public
heavy 2G 00
Wm, Goggin, grant to
ublic Library 25 00
(wed bArmstrong
and 1 ,:
S mt
tihnt Connell adjourn to Inept
Township Iia):, 'Gorrie, 3rd Watl-
inU rnr gd t when rate will be
0, hl, i�',d LI011rt,, 41043,
60 W
21 plot
9 25