The Brussels Post, 1918-7-18, Page 4r a. °?».?'" a ...•41411. :. .:, ..,.... .,.. { __ t 1 � !Wad r. -. 4.4 ?` r,r � Ram y t\ Ila? a •, ^ t• a '$ ' Abe � � flsx i1111pg �, Is)'1.11111e Mcart n e re. y r, e rte •vis t.,.cle �{ y vond7ret,re and ilria lite (tweets, dreier Ii�ii XIIQfill! THURSDAY, IDLY 18, 1918 whouatm be, mess hot loot at 1(at either Serve o1 Swerve.e. Beautifying the Cemetery. PIM12 is a good motto. •inti often eel Seconded by Pull. Dent be rs +lsekr in either Peace or War. I?sr.Rarsentle reader you cellist s1 pare g time to take a glance at the address label and see whether your solve: p m to THE POST iS paid, Sosomosv suggests the propriety of Canadian parhamentariaes economizing by remaining at home instead of touriug in England and France at public ex- pense. There may be something worth while in the suggestiou, eerorntNo to official reports the fruit crop this year will be far short of even au average Yield and will show the ne- cessity of close conservation. It is a genuinely felt loss when anything hap - neve the fruit supply. Vegetehles will heip oet. r _¢ s i Ili:,.i.r.'r i)tirG. --t tWe-ire .4a late Ili the Canadian Fuel Controller le re- sponsible for the ,low movement of next eVintet's seppiv of coal reaching the many anxious consumers someone should get after him with a sharp stick. Unload every car as esuckly as possible and hustle them back for fresh supply. Wake up Mr. Controller, wake up and if the coal is to be had let us have it. WE are hoping and expecting a great sweep by the Allies in France in the near future het iu the meantime let us give the Loy, over there the best back - lag gezeible Iry men, intentions and food erodes,.. Au optimistic outlook is worth a good deal so let us remember we are bound to win the day. A good idea is being prectically set before the farming community by the promoters of Toronto Fat Stock Shote by eliminating this Fall all female class- es from their Prize Lists, The hope is that by so doing the thought of keeping these animai:, for breeding rather than for slaughter will aid in reducing the shortage and draw attention to the ne- cessity of concerted action to this impor- tant matter. Now is the time to get ready for the Fall Fair, Iu the line of stock, vege- tabie and fruit exhibits, there is not the slightest doubt of the advantage of giv- ing ample time to preparatory steps in selection and fitting. You often hear likely people say "I em not mnking any entries as I left it off too late." Bill that excuse by making a rommencetnent this week, East Huron Fall Fair will be held in Brussels on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. September to and x8, just two months hence. Yon can also be iestre- mental in your unwillingness to help. Let your motto be "Posh." IF everybody attended church services as you do, would tbere be a ctowded house or a very select Few ? The person- al good from going sbould be of no small value to the individual and the reflex in. fluence on the family and neighborhood of a good churclegoing example is not easily estimated. People sometimes say "Let every person be a law unto them- selves." It would be a very badly mix- ed up old world if we all set out to be law makers, as it would not he too long until such a course would lead us to be law breakers. "No man liveth unto himself' continues to be as true as when first spoken and folk are often responsible for what they leave undone. What is our example worth in the community ? WHEN a man says he is doing all the business he wishes we sometimes wonder why he changes his window dressing or exhibits new goods at the shell door? Why does he hang out a sign ? A so called "dead town" is one where ambition to grow or develop does not exist and dry rot sets in. Customers have a fancy to trade with a man of optimism and dash and will sometimes go mites out of their way to suit them• selves. This is the day of the motor car and tide limit of reaching and attract- iug trade has greatly changed for this very reason, Tens PosT met a man in Brussels last week whose home is iso or Ie miles distant and whose usual place of doing business is much nearer, who said he was giving Brussels a trial as his car gave his wife and family easy access to our town. If this is true it is up to the business folk to bestir themselves, to announce their respective lines anti Se- cure and retain trade while in the transi- tion stage, Not necessarily a cutting of prices but an intelligent presentation of seasonable facts and figures regarding what is carried in stock. Why do the big departmental .stores load the mail bags mud flood the country—every home —with their catalogues and advertise- ments several times a year at tremendous expense ? lust for fuu ? Not a cent is expended for that reason but because it brings back thousands upou thousands of orders. People read anti test for themselves. Perhaps just as good or better bargaihs could be bad at their local store if would-be customers were el me of your 1111,1,••,11ui; pnblfreriten that yon ar•4 .0071,21 n i, , tel ntvat(eu the wilt& 1 `t ee.r of beautifying; I11P l'oldjull place "t the both, of std man). deseiviug, liar depottot ours. tin the tetanion of 4.t It('eld visit l l0 - marked 1110 need of such a sliming up, and would suggest to tho-e interested tit note the dealer's mune where antis - feet ion evidences. All exp,11a1V, I Peterhead shaft, of recent playing;, in I position suggesting the leaning tet\',. of Pisa, did not etrike lite tte it profit- able Ad. for a person in the monument- al business, Beautify is the wind. Move power to you. (1. lS, 11 te.1-1:1, Duilale. Methodism in Brussels. Interesting Review from Rev. D. Rogors, London, afoemer Pastor. The following from the ready pen of Rev, D. Hoge's. who is now the as- sistant pastmi of the first Methodist ehurch, Loudon, a gentleman else well known i1( this locality for his kind words and good works, will be lead with interest by many :—On the 20th of .111110 last ele yearn ago/ I arrived to aesuule the dutiee of junior preacher on Brussels circuit, That fart lute Piet suggested the penning of these i few lines. Cif those who were adults comparatively few are now living to read these lines. Here and there will be found an aged one who lingers with us a little while longer but soot not one of them will be left. This in a 0hasteuing thought. 111 1851, what is known as "Alums Mission" was supplied by ministets frnru Clinton and in 1855 the first Aiethodist minister was stationed in Morris, Rev, A. J. Dew•leu•. He was followed by D. hunt, I. Crane, J, Hough, J. \Vebster, and in 1872 Rev. R. Davey began a pastorate of 3 years. During his term the church at Walton was erected. He was followed in 1575 by Rev, C. E. Stafford, (father of present Methodist pastmd under his superintendency the present church structure was erected. The wtiter was present at its opening; on 11, T11111 day forenoon early in January 1577, when Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. J., preached from Romans 12 :1 and fol- lowed it with an appeal for funds for iLe coy, Mr. Stafford had associated with hitn as junior colleagues, R. R. Maitland, A. A. Bowers and A. I. Stith and they did aggressive work. In 1573 Rev. W. Hayhurst told the writer were appointed pastors and, as above noted, I arrived on Saturday June :Nth and m4. Sunday the S. S. Anniversaty tette held, the writer penciling in the evening Ihmnt the words "Her ways are way: of pleas- antness, and all her paths me peatw." Revs. F01^2)11soll and Jnno< wort, lots. 1.01's of the Prevby'Iltlian 1.11111 ohs., and as the latter esperl:tll-v wee s cordial, hemty old gen: einem we heieune very well argmainted. From among those whom I labored I with I can readily lrcnll the names and pleasantly remember Thins. Hall, Marsden Smith, Gen. Beer. henry Ball, S. B. Motive, B. Gerry, T. Wat- son, E. Leavens, Jante. \yard, W. H. McCracken, J. ,Till, H. Mooney, T. Fletcher, S. Fear. C. mike, Rnbt. Attnstrtlrg, C. Parker, David Watson and others. I am not sure thatany of the abnve are now living, save Mr. Gert y, whoun 1 believe le no longer a resident of Brussels. The two out- standing features of our work that year were special services emudnoied at "Johnston's," in October, and n4. " Whitefield's" in February. On New Year's night. (1870) a most violent Rtlnw storm game, lasting for 36 or 48 hours, completely blocking all traffic for about 6 days and \vas followed by bad roads for the rest of the Winter, owing to "pitcholes" which, for num- ber and sizes I cin tlnt 1'0mrinher their cep LI. I also recall that in Oetoher 1378 Fletcher's jewellery store was broken into and goods stolen, which cleated all 111111.111M excitement ill the ordinarily quiet little town, I was not of town that night and happily no suspicion reeked upon ate. THE PosT was toren published by the McGilldcudy Toros., the pi esent. editor assumed the management of the same 2 op 3 years later and huts con Hotted itspnbfleatdon nninlerrupt- edly all these years, and I fancy its mmnerone readers will affirm that it was never mare spicy and 1•rwlahle thltn it IS now, Surely, Mr. Editor, yen have been "in Inhere abundant" and varied for neatly four decades, and have earned the gratitude of the people of Brussels and the contigurnie communities. I must also recall the names of some who were not my parishioners, yet they have a claim for kindly 1.P mein. berance: G. A. Deadman, J. R. Grant, De, Graham. Pen T meet conclude. I am sure that all your readere will not be interested in ancient, history but an Abraham Lincoln mere said "For the people who like this kind of tiling it is the very thing they like." Yours truly, D. Hookas. London, July 10th 1018. Criticism About all you hear from some people are criticism. No matter how great the. speaker, how famous the orator, or stow earnest the worker, they see noth- ing but blemishes, ddscrepencies and irregularities, They behold no good- ness or greatness in anything but them- selves. Good for them, but the world, too, that the Lord doesn't photograph the interior of their carcass, and with the great stereoscope of heaven flash it on canvas to the gaze of the public, We are spared an awful sight. Many an unappetizing left over can be used to advantage with grated cheese In a baking dish, Lest \Ion:lay Peter titewer1, 1(l' toe re wee telling' Tile Poser that ow ing to n bail hail stolen the crop or his flu twlrirh is in clutlge of a tete are ',11 utile. front fereigdon, North Pelota, I' 1\ ,4 piatetieidly wiped out, no acre, , t \ t, wee 4.t InLd loon, T1,010 WAS 111(1 ked e•, of wheal, i;r le•re4 et .old 341 all OS of buries all of whirl+ sutfrrl=li mole rot 111,8, it 001110 rages Ind It head left This is the etteerel time Gtr. Stowatt has suffered front hail. 1'11 give rOntlion of Tut. PosT cul adrgnateidea of the severity of the stnrti w0 subjoin a report of the stolen given in the Cavalier County Itepubli- van, Langdon, 1(l' Julie 27111 t --- Tuesday WAS lin uuunually hot argil sultry day-- at typical storm breeder. Ahem i n'eloek in the evening the •boon began to gather i1( the West. The citizens. saw them gathering aril sweeptug o1( in ,just lite Sallie rlitrtrre as i1( May Mee when .Langdon was badly tyreeked, except that the fol tear storm snore frit' the South-east, As Tuesday's sue ea me up Stud moved rapidly, many took their autnuwbiles and hastened mut to 1 -Ile vountry Lo gel mut of the path of the storm, which seemed to he headed straight, fin 'Angeline It did not stripe the Nettle of the omit lint followed airing the South side at'thorn the litre of the oar yards and tracks. Nurter:me small buildings and hams wete smashed to kindling wood in South Leugdun and Fairview, '1'w'o box ..ars on the siding were moved and run out of the switch and landed on the ties of the cutin line. The Crawford flour mill WAS twisted and so badly wrecked that it le a ruin. Ale, Crawford's house was also badly wrecked [Loci his barn was completely de11lrilished. The Crawford's were eating slipper when they saw the cloud corning and they hitched ftp their 11111•140 uud drove North past the fairgrounds to miss the storm. They returned in to minutes and found their home a total wreck and their toss i, the heaviest in Langdon. They have a large amount of poultry and the fowl were scattered all over the pasture with legs hroken and crippled up nl tetribie shape. One Morse in a pastute WKS ale° Injured. At the Lai:plot) Elevator Company lion bee yard considerable ditinage WAS cline, as the fences were all torn clown, the piles of lumber scattered unci numerous pieces were blown through the doors, roof and sides of the sherds. At \Vales and i)resfien a terrific: hail storm. struck the country and an ellor'I mum amount of (tentage was done by the hail. It covered a Wide stretch nl' country and was most severe. Chunks of isle of enormous size fell and the rain which followed was a regular flood. North Itud E est. of Langdon a very lieavy rain fell and so far as was re- potted on Wednesday morning no hail losses resulted and no buildings were wrecked. ee'oei and it little North of Langdon a great d,•ad of damage. \tete done to N.rups and buildings. Uozeus of wine. mills and all light bnihlitge in the near path of the storm were demolish- ed, while in the centre nothing WW1 lett standing, Al the I. N. Kilehin farm the barn and all small buillillga welt totally wrecked. Andreas Albtecht, of Mos- cow township, Inst his barn, some stock and about a dozen pommies on his big farm. Octel Dnnlres, lost his 1 esidence anti »early all of his other buildings, In the Petreon settlement in Moscow township, the buildings en the Ed. Peterson fere: were wteeked with those Or S.uu. 011udele011 :The 1111ildhlgi on John Hunt's farm are reported Iry being totally wrecked. On the Kessler farts just two miles Nest, nP Langdon, the granary was torn oil the foundation, moved about. 00 feet and turned partly arounel. It -seems mote. unnyuml thin un one was hurt in this storm and en far as we know or can lett n not the slightest injnly was received by anyone as a resnl t. The damage done cannot be esti- mated at this time, and as but. a small per.-1^mage of the insurance p helps provide for losses by cycl0tes, it is presumed that the loss will be 11,11110st total for t hose who hacl their buildings destroyed lit iu,jnrcd. The he'tviest damage was undoubt• edly caused by the (rail strum anti that seethe to have covltt•ed 4.t large area, The crop hit is badly in,jnred if not totally rented. The rye prop hit will a ndnublediy be a complete loos to; it is ton far advanyed to come agate and .flake any kind of a crop. The South half of the comity did not feel the. Riorm at all and on a lice I ll11 sting \V ret of Langdon plant ieally nn rain of consequence fell South of the state road. w _ 111 s i s 4.t x4. s ar •a ra ;t it * SOME TIMELY ECONOMIES •x e -0t to at. •! !t •k .. •% •P * {: * An excellent trench dressing for salad is made of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and paprika, Save the water in which peas, beans or potatoes are cooked. This makes good material for the stock pot, Fish is the only food which has not risen in price, and the wise house- keeper will take advantage of this fact, Iodine should be in every medicine chest. If diluted with alcohol or wat- er, half and half, it is the best disin- fectant, In making plain cream sauce, it should always be remembered that the butter and flour should be cooked thorou.;hly before aiding the milk, it is best to cut cantaloupes In half the long way when preparing theta for the table, This gives each per- son the stern and blossom end of each melon. The blossom end is s,veater than the stein end. 'casseroles of pottery or china should be soaked in cold water and brought graduallyto a boiling point t before using for he first time. This toughens theta, =14. f.r lllltl •• YVhrt .41A1VII' i,rill I Will Organize Sale for Whole of � Canada a a After New Victor s L.aan C t ,•, Jul— , _ it i• old 1-444,1,1 i /tat .lit It.., beet Alike ha, bereft asked to l+Fr that!r it: tee e:rnpaige lin the stele .,t Wal ';'rving, Stamps throaehout Illi.: will be the last \ear that the Canadian Patriotic Fund wba run es a private enter- prise. There will be 110 further cam- ,:. 4;x:1.s 3tv41i7 ti' - 3 Sir Herbert Ames, W110 will organize the sale of war savings stamps in Canada..-.,,._��,-...♦.�.,,.-,.,�..�.r..,,... ridges, and the Government will con- tribute all or most of the tunds need- ed. As Sir Herbert has been secretary and organizer et these campaigns, he will heve time to devote to this new enterprise. Sir Herbert has a genius for organizing, and it is felt that he is an ideal choice for the work. 1l t; 1. o-h.♦t _ n l flee' ut.]t Victors ,r+ ,t all is floated, aboel liCtt. it is felt that the sale tri Oh, War Statues might interfere with the loan. l his is said to have been 1119 ex- perience ell the United Stales Sir 7 hienas White r. ht'slly eneaved Ila} pile' g , 'g 1f11..11: WI' the lain l"•ilt:- 1 ii. „hiC}r if , nope,1 'will b: an etei, t1c.11e1 Mete o, than lith of ,t laai age the 011.20iial11n1 i> heirs, Lei t,r1r♦I. ,Ilia it e: toiled i:, ♦Dirt• alis",011:111+ rl f+ 1 vldo11 lit the 11011F mien While the last campaign we. a :treat tillseeSS, 11 \5,1,1' olganlzed hurried- ly and in seine Provinces, particularly Quebec, only the larger places were 15,907 REGISTERED IN SOUTH HURON Mr. A. J. Grigg, Registrar, Makes Au• nouncement of those Who Obeyed The Law, Tuesday of this week Mr, A. J. Grigg, Registrar of South Huron handed in the totals for the carious towns and townships in South Iluroe,, in this Riding there ale glen men who are available her week in harvest fields, if needed, 'their mimes algin; with the f top manes trent Porth Huron are now in the hands of Mr. S. B. Stothers, the District Agricultural Representative for Ilene,. The following are the figures tad• rural and urban municipalities:— Towns Alales Females Clinton 61(1 95 t Seaforth 335 1,006 Meissen 31.1 3S1 Exeter 6144 570 Bayfield 133 leo Townshtpi: Gtderich 4113 4'42 Hullett -5i 7.1.1 Stanley 611 1‘;t3 Ila\' 10:2 1151 Jlephdt . ... 1,031 1 0: T uekersieith .. .. So, 52S Meliill?,p 51 it 107 Usborne ;66 375 Totel 7,453 Sel25 Grand Total ....15,907 INUITS Hf a r! 1 11 �I "FRUIT•., 1'IZF ,1 Dyspcomo. and lben101.y l }it .•4th MR. RO'r3:::IT1 4.J!.1.i f stilr•:I!1. 13, "I a as SL heel 1l^ teen leesef fyGtaud<'.tra, I hail 1,::i1( ;d'4., r , t Constanthyctrlaclu• ,air l '.•I 1 , n''Lrp well at nielil. 1 li,:.t i, tel, \, i Lt -- going, from 1.it, Ilii pound, - that.1 I tooatot. alturlr,l:lid aaw several d,,, tots 4..1:. , 1 •Is,'\or, dill the no trona. Fiu:111; , :t lett ud toll ane to tris 1'lut cc nstipation ea, N.x:, ,•t, I ; and. soon I was free of pain, lo,adaelies and that mtseral,le it • d' I ; that aeeompanit t Dyspepsia, sin, 1 c ntitinec to take this splendid. fruit nt,:rl;c:ue and ton• T 11111 .:0110 tool .}Morins". 1tlN11',1 : tide. a 1,ec,li for $2.:,o, rel At all dealer, or swt g: „._alio on receipt of price Ly 1'ruit-u-tires Limited, Ottawa. - r© .ice el .tis R. George McLaren Brown, European manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway in London, has forwarded the accom- panying pictures, which allow those of us who are safe at home -a glimpse of those who are keeping us safe at /the risk of their oven lives. The first illustration portrays musketry drill aboard a British battleship in the Mediterranean Sea, and the sec• end sbows a number of Jack Tars loading a naval quick•firing gum. Undoubtedly the greatest force en- gaged In th,e present conflict is the British navy. Ever since the out- break of war it has guarded the motherland and the dominions jealously as a tigress protects her 'young. Silently the navy moves about the waters of the deep in search of enemies that might be out on erran,da of destruction. Seldom they appear In sight, but when they do appear a taw barks from her mouth terrifies and chases them away. For the deck, it was their fleld of fame, the ocean was their grave. Thus wrote Thomas Campbell of the old-time British marines. It is true that the ocean Is to the sons of Britain as familiar a field of activity as the land is to the semi of other na• tions. Lord Byron represented the thought of the average Britisher when he wrote: And I have loved, thee, Ocean! and my jay Of youthful sports was on thy breast to be Bone, like thy hubbies, onward; frotn a boy 1 *mitred with thy brealters—they to Me Were a delight; and 1f the free'1lning sea Made them a terror—'twee a pleasing fear, Fel• r was as it were it child of thee, And trusted to thy billows, far anti near, And lald my hand upon thy inane— as I do lire. can live, amu llgtit, and die as well on But tho sons of the British film. land as on the sea. The third plc - rt portrays British soldier dr 1(w am amphibious a taturea They turn s drag - ed yI p Y ed RI their winter where in France !n the trenches. mothfng some• tide vieMity et t. a s m l4 11 4..0 "yr". 1•.441 r11. .1tI, ,n 1:,dnn1 „, 1.!. •n 11^• 1 !n,• 1'ewll•1011 sl \1 , ts !J Ir (',.nnty al flu!t,u, '1•! td 41 1 .' , i'. • ht •1 , 1111-1011,1 144 7111. 1'T 11 ,.. , 1♦ • i, t -t! 1..,1, I.I. 11,00111.;1• In l• I, . U, 11 .•, i, lot., iib' :to 1. t ;no t. 11 1 I 1 toter, Orr + 144 ,i111144 4 N).•; I, It B 21o. 1!11 1.:•"1 rho „ .11,0, •u'„1 Ibetr ,,. .110. Ino 1 o lir dors or I In I was- 11 - 1 rn nl ,•t 111,•1( nY,•squlhs!Intl I Ito suit iirt••l lit 1' n•d v , t any -,Indo by l)lma dist v.'s Hitt!, Pu 110, 1 I ,Shutt slitsSefie In t moa' , !-Ili, 1.. enter. rT Shy t+aitl estate ,.! 111 di.tuLi, h, 1/111 10..0, lir $1161 141•. , 1 non 141,1 lite portion entitled tlutreto. h-n':In• r• ar.1 only to lite Hain, oP witirll tllev -11oit ih I11a4. 1144114414 1141 nr4)rrv4n1(1. Imt Nntt 141.,4 4•1,1141 w,It nal lir lea+il' fol' 8111.11 n.44et1i ,r any owlI TO 1.4•44r 114,11) 1,4 Non nr person, lir n•h 111 a hull ,,..t bore Peen (0c011- rl ,•t, r iii.,•11 0,1 ihnti,11 1.It.,t„Ie 1 1101•'. tali day uf.lilly, leis. .IAitIIRo Nit farNAl,lh t • Ul•:t ihtd l: li l:LLr, fM,xunttnrs, Notice to Creditors Ir 1'1 1. 11,,114.•. 1(1 U e ,.,';ale of lona 11. V;it tge of Bros• 111111 - l'tom.y 4r1 Wolff gen- -- til Ill, rie 1 a - .t 1 ... h. 14 viten tnrsnowt to the us• to. , f: e u , hilt t Cusp 1!1, Ihnt all per- ,.Isr.lnti rhsinrs or d,anantb, npnnst lbo on- to, of I! ,• i lobo l.e.•ht,, do temett. a 1101110d I. a 1 1114••nls 11:1{. or A1,1114111., sit the 44,1 It, h sue i, titoretl, 011 4..1' pefar•a 4.h 'd rev, A IJ lab), to nrud by poet, I 1 dr. ter 1., .I rl I Holo,•, Ihr F:xee. , ile 1.t.i well or Ihr Inti, n4. lit .sod de• onto, t Ihr 01'11,41. 4.,f 111. n • o44,1 with �, thele rel ole•+ Dud ad t ,+ wui full pert,-nol'thtm•rlxinls u.4..koc„nt or their lens 1(u. od !he out ore oPSh«vunriU•Ilhtnvl Kehl by +hose duly vcrined g' a -, h - take coca, that after ;hp Inst men• Con -1 s t lip Ihs. ntur of Ili, .ted s•stnta ter'! WI .41110 dish Shute tlimsii.setu nr the void ':1,c 11118 1;•4. Ihr Pus ti anutleri 4hln'eto, )10,111 rtgnrd •Wye to the claims of which he shall 11.1111,r,• netfee us aforHsa+ld, and Nnlrl li.. I wsi I n st 12,11,24 for styli n.net$ or sun toil t r t 114.• pel.nn el' )•ersunts or \els•In 1 n ha7hahea ve p rocv td „4 n4.I_.•!i•4p 1"- n':,d1. O loon. Id) ,\'bILL. 1111111. Moat & 1112#(31171, d' 1 111 n,: •4.t ! rL st,'!'uromtr., 4..'Iits 1iir 111aid Ay00utIte. Ilila d ,et Tos wd , then 24111 day or .)ung, Horns for Suva Ein1 iER DICKSON -rslszc A. T. n, 229$ C. Al, n. Form A L Enrolment No. 4881 IRAt'E MECt IER Ynola •rho Grand (Irmo! boot, •.n.1 .show Hon.., lot � wiuecr 116 ars.torth not Clint ,n any • plutp Fh„u ♦i. Th,• only ,/aide le r1v^ r'ounly of 11111•,11 Ilett Herr „floe, d Ili,• norvi tes of n •gnllion wilts a r. moll of 8 1i. or better. Elinor leirie o.n 1111 !surd n4. Ory ewtl n101,10, (',anuli mal •iotel barns. L1yfh, with excep- tion or Mc!m1mh Ing route 94. e:�Ut+Y.. '.+'dl "rave hi„ own nbdde null Iu•or,•od !„ •4'6urn for no,ae t thrnt•e by why of Nor to (4. 11oNnl1's for idght. \ Y -will ;moor d to (lelLnrnt. Hettsn, tit loriob, ho, noon, mrd remniu there nun/ W..,bu•sllut• n4,nn. \y 4.•atti tasil Ar ' wail pr.,eoe11 LV tvny 1(P Herr miller to lily th who r1• Itis will revmda until tlla teihutyiug a. arninr morning IKE rvbsoli rvi a1e28 A. T. R. 1070 C. N. R. form Al. Enrolment No. 20313 The sllenito,l 1•rttl:as, mot'1'rotlbig Stal• 1•ollhuothsrlo•Du, 1•n2Ulaand(nenAl. ':1(1.1 NV •• .11uwu1..tiuro, 11 tImo flint and tiro.• Pao'd idiom wi!l,Ito,d torn.. ooccovvnu•nt:. id.nna.. ilii+:•a+o•i 114 r0110wst ll'::•IL11' %CHI hove Ina owl, slnb11o, lCyth, tom 1,1444.4'44 t Boleti to 1414;1'11W 1'4)1.110(1111 1W , NI rb.• 14113.1.14:+' Jlamr, Meghom, for Meat. RuIU.\Y _WM pmeccd to Rho vale to I#nlNx, tot. nrn4u: them, Ili tiotnint htoDovmld's (Hotel. Itrnn•tl:,, ;or tight. 8A't'U1111.1y-\y1111.11,0141.11111111s M1411 $11111110, I,ly!h, t1.11•-1 ho will 1,1011111 1311131 the Follow• n•p Thur-dn non ntnp g,'.•r fu')Ina• ohtlionln,s and torno4 ,f theuo well bro. h,.r•:.... ,. hill., or rrggsro of THOS. COULTER, Prop. NIEl13URN 2N i) ituHO h:nruLlivnt Nu reit. ]rotml 1. wet stand rev tbe• h otray...cot or stork dur- ing file pres,alt son.on of Homy lin, lin .stable, Lot •;u, con :I, .NlurrN faamMie, H. BONE, Proprleter. i'G HL Mtn/ 01.PhA1sl)Al,lt STAtd,TrN PRINCIs IiINNAIRU ilo:,rra ICnrnlnwof No BUS,, berm I 1,'0/111',1 .Igv::U, 1111:,1 11111411 by 4111111o. y1e4114. Nlre, line n iu•il i'IIi, I'. moot LI !Intl Ili. toil; Niro of sire, 'Settle.) Isior I,l;gl 113.1101 I/tun Mmire,. IC810 rW.)" )1; dour, Inn ;Ito Ionn Apnin Li;tlla5l. Sire ,f dam, 'Royal Par It tion. ) ililefd (11utMO lituu a'dpnl. ( on.». by Lord nF the ,Honor (im r 1 t11651 i'Uil; Will stood for sse Mell 4nring 1110 -rnson nt ht+awn ,[mots, Lot till, Otin.11, hlnrrlN, or \conal, Icy np;nintulent, moat s!Iletumm•a. .IAB. SPI9114., Proprietor CUM N I) GI, 41,1 la_7ii UUeaol mnrnhutvtf N4), 13,17-1,7•gle0tntl and Approved Furn, I. N1111 ennui ler 11iei IntlaivinlHtlt of ntook during the Orr+rnA Namur Ill; Jnhp J. Mnl4nv Dent:481lb., leseihnrv, Lot se, eon re hlcltll• pop, 0.11111$, $1:3 to 11181111`, 011341h111a r01311111r9 1-t,11/111. J J. alM4APIN, Proprietor. Bull for Service Tito mnlelvicnt l n III kern for ettevics, o1 WA Lot. al, l•oa, 2, hbt•rie to\VII8I11n, Lhat11oroe•111410 •hart. limn Hull, tin1Mord lir Salm, No, 17000/1111 ars i dtVlhirqlR(1ynslhellm1,11al60(1)Uol'Ilhll 121n,• Tony bo stall 011 00011011G1011 'a'urnng— (400 for gender and $.0 co for thnro'•br;ds, 11.1108 PII.I12111C, Prti,rictop, Farm for Salo Uonfnfnblp 2(111 ucr11e, viz , 8;4 Lot 00, (ton at Morris 10W11,hhl, and 1,06 It (3011, 6, Gatley town• hip Well watered. aolnfortnblo home, bn nl[ OMNI 111111 manure rhel, driving hMlne, whld 11011, 01'011113, &,? 211 ninon North of thitesols m glvrvel road, 1411111 moil and rued leleme. 11( retie do scheee will sell caller or batlt holes lour M-11mr particulars apply In, AI,MX8, 1rOHs]':I'tl, Pr(1prlutor. Brunnlan, o' I+. N. 74(:fl'r'1't fir uxsrdn, A:1 For Sale a Good Value A,nut ltvall0res of 111117 with eomfnrinhln ,.n.„hews., ninthly tool hen bonne; gond well; u•,..,1 collo• end wt rlshed • also boating Prnit 11 Abort 1 ul(nntusi went from eoetoltlee• Phealetvn ,repert,v ie nitutlod on Jameeetn Itru$vnls 11nr G7rimiarn Doty ba 11nd on ongldry from Iltc owner ant LIM brominps, SIMON GRANT.