The Brussels Post, 1918-7-18, Page 1WV
VOL, 47 NO. 3 $1.50 Per Ana unt its Advance
1111 11!1
"Opportunity" means having a
capital to invest
t the right
The way to get that "capital" is
t0 save something each week so
that you can make your money
work for you when the time
Decide, now, to let us help you
to save.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid up Capital - 1 11,500,000
Reserve Fuad ,. 12,000,000
Resources 130,0(0.0RO
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
xoesk—W. R. Satoh`
Strayed—Roy Turvey,
Winghnru Ithautaunua.
Brooch lost—Tlli) PORT.
Potato Blight—Jos. Fos.
For sale—I. C. Richards.
Harries FIrss—A. F.. Remy.
12 more days—Carswoll Bros.
Car or Peon—Ornnhroolc Farmers' Club.
oicrtoexBusiness uttNtit over—Spotton tMaA. Nil estate,
Mzstxcct Retus
T. It Bennett and M. J. Graham
had a close call from possible se) inns
injury Sunday white not for It ride in
Bennett's car, and Graham was at the
wheel learning to drive, They were
going down Scott street, toward the
gravel road, and on reaching the lab,
ter, instead of jilted/1g to the right,
the machine Look a header acmes the
road, leaping act ass a considerable
space and lauding in the marsh along-
+4•t••i+•1++h+Y+E+++E++b+1++f++F•+t•++ ++ ++ +•f++ ++f•
r. --
p is my earnest endeavor to give
real set vice—iii the execution
of every order—by which I
mean eareful selection of the best
material, painstaking and expert
workmanship, and an artistic
settee of the fitness of thiel s,n
this basis I respectfully solicit your
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
A. E. HERSEY, Prof,
side of the roach and half way np.
There the ear remained until recovered
by a number, of men. No one was in•
jured by the accident, and the MT
suffered very little damage.
Jas, O. McKay and Wm, and Mrs.
Peet visited at Winglran over the
week end.
Quite a number from this 1ncahty
took in the Orange Oelebration at
Listowel last Friday.
Wm, and Mrs. Peet, of Hamilton,
are spendtitga few weeks at the hones
of :las. and Jos. McNay.
Ptes. Wm. Parish, Harold Living-
ston, Davicl Harvey and Iderbeet Tull
were visits» s here over Sunday,
Rev. Al r. Thomson, Monk ton,
preached a fine sermon in Knox
church here last Sunday. ile will
have charge of the eeevice here next
Sunday afternoon also,
Miss Lillian Joss and bliss Beulah
Charley, who were visiting with rela-
tives and friends in this vicinity for a
couple or weeks, returned to their
home in 'Toronto last Saturday.
Misses Ora McKay and Lorraine
McKay ]lave been successful at the
recent Toronto Conservatory of Music
examinations in elementary piano
held at Listowel. bliss Maty Laid-
law, Atwood, is the teacher.
Ora rtbrook
Both our leachers, Misses McNair
and Houston, are re-engaged for the
coming year. Faithful work is clone,
Huron 0o. Tempe -pence Secretary,
A. T. Cooper, of Chianti, will give ten
address next, Sunday afternoon in the
Methodist church here. He is tt good
The services of Rev. Mfr. Kennedy
in the Presbyterian church -last Sun•
day rimming were much enjoyed,
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. McLean will
be in charge.
Word has )leen received from Pte.
Leslie Pestle that he is now instructor
111 trench warfare at Witley Oatop,
England. He has got along fairly well
from his wounde.
• In the recent Entrance exam. Oran -
brook school pupils who passed were
Pettrl Alderson, Robert 0, Otrtu+rnn
and Edith M. Davi:. There were •L on
Farm Leave, 'Tide is a good record
tend compiituentaeyto both 1.111.00 1111(1
pupils, Miss R. McNair is the Lonelier.
++F•1 ++t•++i•+++d++++1•+•E++l,+l• 4'++4++++1++4 +h•;-•E+•:••1+++++f+a++h+f•+N++++Pd•�a+++F•i+4 +p
a• +
Think It Over I
Miss Margaret V, Scald, formerly of Gr•end Vltlley, geed neted
1'roln the Spotton Business College, Orangeville, Revell years sign
and is now enjoying a salary of $1.16 her 111011th, ($1649 per year) in
the City of Detroit.
hliss Martha Duffey, also fo•hherly of Gland Valley, writes
that she is eeceiviriga salary of $1500 per year iu Tot (Mtn.
Miss Louise Holmes, formerly or Clinton, is drawing the meg-
uilicent salary of 1$1800 per year in a Western Canadian (3ity,
!arty graduate is the 0(cy Olerk of the City of 4Ve1•
We will give, the addresses of the above successful students
and a thousand others, to anyone who is in doubt as to what
School Lo attend.
All graduates are not so succesefnl as these, but we cal fit an
girl, who bas even a comnon sobool education, it six months, to
earn move money the Beet year than a pnblie school teacher, with
the opportunity of reaching the above figures,
Mothers I Do you wish yen)• cdatghtees, /titer+ you ate gone,
to be "Dependent" or "Independent?" Would it be a good thing
for her to be able to earn a good salary in years to comet? Site can
start now as we take no vaeatnrn, and have her diploma es a
Christmas meant with a position absolutely gutteanteed,
Write for inftwmallan of oar Horne Study and 0ollege 0ourses
to -day, to the Spotton 13usinees College, Wingham, and then
A+i++•1+++8+h++t+•F+++d+d+++++ +++F+A+I++++il
�1lt't; �� [_ tr, . (JlYT':3I�IU. TI1 UR
There am , a rumor that Nor' -int;
4i..tor, l[i-,v i3 •al t es. U r, cis tntlo
el' the tier Pest io,eit a• McNeil., who is
doing duty In Elam*, had 11e•11 1;1110,1
i» the bombing ofilhe hoypilui. iVhilc
Lhe building tette al111.01(0(1, tv0 are
glad to elate Nurse McNa suffe•ed
no injury time 111011 11011001S shriek,
We hope she tvill be epared to retina)
horse in clue elan Ne,
F. Faulkner, ledges keeper, Dominion
Bank hete, has 1110(11 tranyfar.101 W rt
61 prILr
n isir),
me 511nl.
1 r
Ioie:aril leper need fits
au old AleKillop Township reeident,
is dead at his home near Seaforth,
He suffered from a stroke six weeks
The Canadian Flax
Mills 1 shipped
r teams of horses 6o Seaforth nn 8111.
nrday from Brampton to be used in
harvesting theft' heavy crop of flax in
this dsitrict
Bel grave
Miss Rintoul, Wingham, line been
engaged as leacher of S. S. No, 5,
Norris, for next; year. She is a rerenL
graduate of Shut fold Normal,
Next: 8•tbhath evening, at 8 reeloek,
the menthols; of Court Belgrave, No.
4.8 O. O. F., will attend service in the
Metlindist.chin eh, Rev. S. Davison be-
ing the preacher. Brethren and vtsi•
tens are a4i.ea to assertible tt4 the (J,
O. F. Hall at 7.15, new time, to march
to Hunch,
Mfrs. .las. Lever passed away at
Winghttre hospital last Friday, De.
ceased had been iu14eetions condition
for alength of time. Little hopes
were entertained For her recnvery,
Deeeased was a 11101111100 of OBIVIII
chute!) and leaves a grown family.
She was a daughter of the hate henry
Belgrave \Wernen's Institute appreei-
ate very touch the kindness of the
Miinstrels of Brussels in presenting
Haply melt pejuved entertainment,
last wePlC here, Program tuns wPll
rendered and many a hearty laugh
Was oecasioned by the local jokes told
funnyisets. Proceeds will he applied
to patriotic purposes,
Pte. Howard Bolger was home from
London camp for a short visit,
Revds. Messrs. Atensteong, Wing-
hatn, and Stafford, Brussele, were
canape at the Methodist parsonage
last. Monday,
\Valt•on Orangemen spent the
"12th" according to their individual
pleasure as the Mein hers did not go in
a hotly anywhere.
A Plymouth Rnek hen owned by
Peter Barrows is determined to make
a record so lots set out to lay eggs 7 by
9 inches. Gond FOP hula. ItIlek, she is
doing her bit all right if she keeps
that pace.
Esrom EMENT,—\V. S, and Mrs,
Forbes announce the engagement of
their youngest daughter, Onra E., to
R. 0. Gowland, of Willesden Green,
Alta, Marriage to take place at
Ponnke. Alta, in July.
Ouastaz or 'NU:E.—The travelling
pmblic would do well to take not ire of
a new Lime table on O. P. R. Going
East morning train leaves at 7.12
or 20 minutes earlier and &Mentons
train time is now 2.20 or half hour
earlier, Going West mail art•ives at
I2,03 or 10 minutes earlier and evening
train remains the same, viz 0.0.11.
Prize List is being prepared for
Ethel School Pair, to be held next
Rev. Ail„ Kennedy's ministrations
in the Presbyterian clime]) were very
acceptable. Rev. Mr. McLean will
pretteh next Sunday afternoon,
The pupils who wrote at Entrance,
liyrtle McKee and Rhea McLelland
were successful and with those on
farm leave will no doubt pursue new
Gelds of knowledge.
Regular meeting of the \Voman's
institute will 110110111 at the home of
Mfrs S, S. Cole, Thnlslay, July 2iit.h
at 230 p. nt, Suhjec•t, "Rod Cross,
its needs and methods," In be taken
y Hive L. 1 -hull, lLnll dell answered
by tear time recipe, Music. All
ladies are ontdially invited Lo attend,
FAMILY Rdv`IINION,--On July 1st It
rust rhes Lime was enjoyed ata family
1naLheritug, held in the Hell belonging
to Relent mid Alrs, Dilworth, well
knetvll » esiClenls of Ethel, when Lhe
brothers, *s el*stPly 1
]el +v
hits !tutees
grand tltenea and ne11110WR ill (1011tienti-
on with the Sharpe family. The
afternoon and evening passed all too
entekly in social chat, games, nitwit)
Mitch, Sic. In tt game of parlor quoits
the nirie+st brother (James Sharpe,
Brussels, aged 82years) joined in the
run, hale and hearty as a boy, Mfrs,
13urtsh Hubert, SL. Thorr)es, a sister,
who is in her 79th yarn', was 1111 110110r.
0(1 guest, and was the.ohampion of the
ladies game. 36 sat, down to a war
1:110(1 bomb everyc ie doing fill! justice
to this depart remits, Mrs, Hubert and
grandson, (Stewart Hubert) Alilton
Hatch and wife (the lather being Mrs,
Ifuhert's (taughter,) all motored to
Ethel to be present on the occasion,
Other guests cattle from 13teissels,
Cranbrook and Henfryn+ The fittest.
tion was to hold the gatheringin the
grove on grandfather Shadehome-
stead brit owing to unfavorable we ,h•
er the plan had to be changed to the
which rmaclP a Geegathering
centre. The Ueeasioll will be long
remembered ed as 1111 had a great time and
hope to live to repeat it. next year Ales
and Mee, Dilworth made
Al host and
hostess, Wesley Dilworth, Mount.
Forest, a nepbely of 11, and Airs. Dil.
worth, was one nr the company, An-
drew Sharpe, of Crystal city, Main„ a
veteran brother enol well known
here, While not present was spoken
of more than once. He is 84
years of age and hew with his son and
4 Y, ,1' UrL k' 18. 1918
tri, •: $
41 The 'Three-day Festival
4 here was only a taste of
4 the Entertainment that
will be provided at the
4 big "rent in Winghaln.
c r-yr"v t —w—ap r-Nr.r- `Y7•
Gen, 10hd Mrs,
Sharpe, When James Sharpe Gest
carne to Ethel loettlity in I854 he took
up Lcte 25 sod 29, Con, 7, the only
while people there at the time being
the hate. .Lawrence and Mrs. Dobeon.
No settler had located up to !hie tune
Nnt+th and Past in the townehip. AYE,
Shaine acted iu the capacity of guide
to the newconers fol• the first year.
Many a time he heard the wolves how-
ling in the swamps and usually kept a
gun handy by. Of the pioneer settlers
perhaps Pile, Sharpe is about only one
left. $20,00 was 1st payment on land
to the government, the price being $2
an arse 2 acres to he cleared annuldiy
and a shanty 16 x 20 feet to be built
on posseseion. 3 years absence for.
felled first claim, when land was re-
sold at $1.00 per aere. The late. Jno.
McRae, Brussels, was appointed agent
to see that owners lived up to their
easily Rept obligations.
Mfrs. W. R. Oroone and son Leon-
ard, of Toronto, were welenme visitors
at the home of Frank and Mrs, Ker-
OAnn cre Tassexs,—We wish to
heartily thank the many neighbors
and friends for their kind deeds and words in the time or our
bereavement in the great Ines we
have suffered in the death of husband
and father. Yours gratefully,
BROICR LEFT A1ta1..—Ons day last
week while haying Edward. Bryans,
8tb line, had the misfortune to fall
from the load and broke his left arm
near the wrist. While it is a busy
time to be laid off wok we hope Mtr.
Bryans will soon regain the use of his
e Ea
Theterly side of the township
has a goodly representation of suc-
cessful Entrance pupils this year, In
the number are Elva Ramsay, Christie
Forrest, Jas, Duncan, Eldred Miller,
Helen Scott, Onra McOutcheon and
Milclred Afaunders.
The Trustees of the Stone school.
211t1 line, have secured bliss Ada Ful-
ton, Brussels, as teacher. Por tine emm-
ing term, eatery. being $000, Alias
Fulton has just completed a term at
Stratford Normal school anti will no
doubt male an up -to -Date. t.eachee,
Robert Currie, 4th line, is home
feon1 an enjoyable visit of 3 weeks at
Hamilton, J. and Mrs, Bain and Miss
Grace Arnold, of the same. city are
here now on a holiday, Mrs. Donald
Currie, who is in her 90th year, is a
remarkable old lady and held in high
esteem by a wide (emir of evgnaint•
tutees and old friends. Mrs. Baits is a
daughter mid bliss Arnold a grand.
(laugh tre of Mfrs, Onrrie,
A'liss Latera •Wheeler+, is horse from
Toronto foe a visit.
Miss Oita Armstrong ie lunnie frnnr
Acton for her vacation. ilitltcm On.
alt' appears to agree well nil 1 her.
bliss Jessie Thomson, Harristnn,
silent part of her holidays with Airs.
Gus, 'Wheeler, of Grey and hiss Jeal
Rad, or Morris,
Fred. and Airs. Tempt in, Kincardine,
motored to the hone nf,I. Henry and
Mrs. Hoover Por the week end. The
visitors are nephew and neice.
We oongratnlate Misses Ada Fulton
avid Kate McDonald on their success
at the Normal School, Stentfo•d and
wish them the success they hope for,
hike Jean F. McNair, who has been
spending her holidays at the tenses of
returned brothers, Jno, A, and Neil McNair,
utned to her pnsition in Toronto
this week:
Mrs. Tnrflhnll from Galt, is visiting
friends o1 the 15th Oon. and in and
around Brussels. She is a sister nF
Mies Janet end Andrew and Thomas
Turnbn[l, of 15th Con,
'Trice homes of Levi Whitfield and
Louis Steles are both under guava»•
tine for scarlet fever, the former for
some weeks but the latter last week.
All patient» tire doing nicely so far,
GREY LEADS TI117 WAY --.-At the
Entrance Examination Grey township
pupils gave a good account of them.
selves,Jett» Tornbu[l took ism; place
among those"writing et Brussels, scor-
ing SOS out of a possible 050. In the
honor list ere Jean Turnbull, Margaret
Nolan, Annie MEeFadzean, Jessie Mil.
let, Russel Grants 11.1101a 1"1111:1111 and
Thelma Burgess, Other students who
passed aro Pearl Alderson, R. 0, (lams
(iron, Edger Hollinger, Harry Johns
Myt tie McKee and Rhea Motel -
dire ti. David Ii .+>rtr ri f J urr•,.
tosrt J
J. Henry Bouvet Ilth Con. 1 A
and Mrs. Hawkins,. formerly of llru,-
sels live next dont' to the visitor in
Cempliteeits nye flying eouid in S,
S. No, 2 over the vet,uhii of Iles regent
bletrame. Examinatien. Out of 4
pupils wit. wrote i tonk Meter, told
all p eyed, they are Harvey Johns-
ton, Anuir+ A1r•I+Litz •earl, Alargaa el
Nolan lust Jean Turnbull, The latter
headed the list at 13rnisels centre
with ,i6A mil of a possilole M
Amy Roe was 1.110 10r0110r 0/1(1 .10. +, t e 4
u ti Viet for hal• 'Leal and i/1te r e t,t.
Weil done No. 2.
(JOlin and dAtck-
ne Cnrupbelk o(' Bay
City, aid I)etr,tt r'espeetively, have
heel renewing old friend hip+ in this
Nies Fern Eektnier lute given tip
]tet• school 1101(1• Fortrvfeh cud 0xp00t4
tc go to Toronto next Fall to take a
position as teacher, She does good
F. A. Wood, mineipel of Benetton
Busineee College, accompanied by Elie
laughter, Mise A111110, WILN 1)010 ('a) a
Visit with I). and Mts. Ramsay. The
party motored in the latter's cat• In
1`ara, Wittann 11.11(1 Northern points
for a holiday outing with old ft ienrls
and enjoyed
a fine Hine.
A Dtinge rtnn temit•ter says :--Mt,
and Mrs. Hayden and family, of Grey
township, were visitors at the home of
J. Savage, Sunday. In the party was
hies Haydetr's son Pte. Hayden, feta)
erly with G. Oo, 58th Batt Frames
He went over with the Gist 1111.1
Mart, along with the writer and carry
ing ou until the Vimy serail, when
he was wounded, Ile is now in eivies
and we were pleased to greet him its
one of the old pals of the 58th.
O. D. Simpson and family silent
Sunday et Hehsall.
Wed. Davey and family were VW -
LOIN in Ayton on Sunday.
Herbert Patterson made a business
trip to Toronto, on Monday.
Pte. 'Tindal McKercher, Loudon
camp; vieited over Sunday at his home
iu Turnberry,
Geo. Black and Aldred Wearying,
returned on Monday from a holiday
at Sunderland.
Thos. and Mrs. FIoperoft were in
Toronto last week attending the fun-
eral of the farmer's cousin.
Miss O, Kitchen, Toronto, is spend-
ing two weeks vacation with her par-
ents, P, and Mts. Kitchen.
Mrs. Thos. Gibson andl daughter,
Miss Anna, Winnipeg, are visiting
relatives here after au absence of
Pte. Roy Sanderson was here frnnr
London on Friday. He leaves for
overseas this week, Before ills de-
parture he was presented with a wrist
watch by a number of his friends at
East Duron District
Women's institute
Annual District meeting of the
Women's Institute of East Huron was
held in the Methodist church, Ethel,
Thursday, June 27th, at 230 p, m,
District President, Mee. S. S. Cole,
Ethel, occupied the chair. The day
being delightful the attendance was
large, although a delegation of 1.5
from Gorrie was unable to be present,
owing to the sad demise of Mrs,
James, a resident. of Gorrie.
bleating opened by *singing the In-
stitute ode and Mrs. Alex. Gardiner
led in prayer. Ales. Wm. Sternum»,
Ethel, warmly welcomed the &le-
gates in her address and Mrs. P. D.
King replied in behalf of the bole
President's animal address is al-
ways enjoyed as Mfrs, Cole speaks
Iron the heart and it was certainly
not disappointing. Mfrs. Cole spoke
of the wonderful rennet) brought
aloin by this terrible war, BR we will
have Dondoinn wide Prohibition next.
May and we have also been given the
Franchise, We will have learned
Weill and economy through this war
and there is a more brotherly feeling
between rounlries, We »»de•stand
this in molting to the Itepnblic to the
South Of
Minutes of previous annual meeting
were read by Mrs. Jho. Robb, Brus-
Repot hs from the 9 branches given
by the Presidents were most enrourng•
Mg, Total membership is 221, com-
iiared with 219 last pew. Last year
hnaneial proneeds were $2,304 33,
while this yea• they a•e 1$3,34367,
showing an loci ease of 31039.34, Ex.
pen ditnrtl last year was $1084+01,
while this year it has been $2944.22,
showing that we have expended
$1000 CI more that last year, In lis-
tening to the reports and hewing of
the vast amount: or Iced Cross week
which has been clone by our lnetitutee
we cannot help saying, "Surely out•
Institutes were organized for this very
necessary Work,"
Reports of Nominating Committee
by Mrs, Pattersen, Shakespeare, ens
ggiven, (Meese being :-- President,
Airs. S, S, (irate, Ethel t lye Vice
Pte '
silent, firs. Robe, .Black, )lhle•
vale ; 2od Vine 1?resident, We, ,1, J.
MiaGavill, Walton ; Seo,-Treas., Mrs,
Jobe Rnbh, Ileussele ; District Rep-
reset+ative, Mee, It, Thomson and
Mrs. P. A. McArthur ; Auditors, Ales,
Ii, S. Scott and Mrs. John Hewitt,
AR ten were favored with two
speakers this year, Mrs. Jas. Patter-
son and Miss Gertrude Gray, Toronto,
We had to (entail our mtnsleal pro-
gram but bad 2 choice solos during the
meeting, Miss Lillian Ryan, Walton,
14.'. H. KERR, ProArietor
a-1,sei++4,...)-y;•,,,•d..,,.l.t.;.•N^F•F+++ Potter, lin rr•I ,lnytt,,l,t. Ellyn.
4' + .r„ we.r+.t. Ella Toll, f romtelda, woher,
SEA) „
ran b rook
+ Car of flour and Feed is expect
It a: ',+"�i
1 u, .be near furore.
a• in ,t there will hr
• Cream ti:,,, West Flour
12)'1 Flour
+ �r
• � Cil i'
• rahtun r,ur
+ • :•itanrlrlrllHlC) anneal
+ dolled Uals
Monarch Dairy Feed
• Monarch Pig Feed +
+ Samson Fe..ed +
• Prices Right. 1
+ • (let your miler in early.
• Ed. Fulton
• ,
I h )nc z$j Sec. -Trees, �
fnror•i„g with elle and lure, Nivel'
Walker, Mussel., aang the rebels
Molesworth extended a kind invite,
tion to hold nextannual meeting in
their village and it was accepted with
.\lies Gray, Tot onto, Provincial
delegate, gave 1L very fine address on
the subject "What women alt• doing."
After reviewing the work hone by
primitive women, Miss Gray said,
"T11eee was Lo -day a land force of 1300
women in England working on the
laud, In France women do most of
the agricultural work while in Ger-
many women work as navvies, using
pick and shovel, Women have been
found fighting in Germany and Rus-
sia and we have all heard of the Bat-
talion of death in Russia which is
composed wholly of women." Miss
Gray concluded her excellent address
by exhorting ns to nonserve food and
left with us this couplet, "Out out the
eat in meat and wheat and toot the
tate in smbstitute."
Mee,. P,atteisou, Shakespeare, in her
address dealt with praet.ical home
problems and hints on lessening wort:
in the hntne, especially on the farm
and her hints given in spelt a kindly
manner were well received.
Meeting &need by singing National
31 wrote, 29 passed, 11 took honors.
Possible marks 650. For honors 457,
To pass 390,
Best marks village of Brussels, tak-
en by Kathleen McLaren, 533.
Highest marks taken by Jean Turn.
hull, 563. (Turnbull's school Grey
All names arranged alphabetically,
Jessie Brown
Thelma i3urgess
Luella Fulton
Russel Grant
Jessie Miller
'Wm, McDowell
Annie A1eFadzean
Kathleen McLaren
hiagaret Nolan
Florence SlewatC
Jean Turnbull.
Pearl Alderson
Eva l3alfour
Robb C. Cameron
Edith M. Dark
Jas, Drincate
Christie Forrest
Edgar Hollinger
Harvey .Johnston
Adeh ne Love
Mildred SI minders
Eldred Aliller
Cora McOui.cbeon
Myrtle y MCIiPP
Rhea McLelland
AfMoe Oliver
EIva Ramsay
Helen Scott.
i IIIharine Thompson.
Winnie 'McNeill obtained highest
marks, 560 : of the enunlry candidates
trying at Clinton, Emily hunter, of
No, 4, Tnckersmith obtained the
highest, 510 Following Is the list :--
Adyetle Armstrong, Jessie Ball, Nellie
Beacon, Asa Bolton, Eva Boeck, Hyl-
ton Butt Barrie,Cotnhe hon., 0, Cook,
A, Corey, Margaret Otee, Eddie Dale,
Vera Dodds, Jean Farquhar lion„
Glen Ferguson, Isabel Glazier, Violet
Gleddnn, Pearl Gould, Helens Grigg,
Rota Haniltne, Anima Hill, Jean
Hogg hon„ Gladys ]holland, Emily
Hunter hon„ Clarencie Jackson, Hat,
Old .LRWS011, Annie McFarlane, Win-
nie Mcblath isoh., Malcolm McTag-
elat't Mar
'a y Mair, Frank Mulch, Mnrl•
Potter, I{elan Roberton, Nellie
Rutledge, Edith Sanpson, Annie
Shobtwook, Bert Shobbrook, Garnet
Smith hon., Leona Taylor, Robert
Thompson, Willis VanEgmond, Grace
Voddetn, Francee Yesbee.
Aubrey Baintot, Laura Beaeohl
hoe„ Violet. Bell, Margaret B. Brown
hon•, Mildred Brown, George j0owan,
Viola Fraser hon„ Mary Heap, Frank
Lie$Janet IiousMills, James NtA, Elizettie a,
Maty Laing obtained highest, marks,
572. Uf the semidry candidatas,trying
at Seaforth, Wilhelmina Chesney, of
No. 5, Tuekersinith, nhtained the
highest MB. Only 0 candidates at this
ventre faitad, the smuttier obtaining
honor's was mitieually large w--Ken-
melt Auteht, hou„ Joseph Andrew,
John Atelrihtdd hon., rMsry Bell hon„
Hirve L
4 tion„ Le.: '.
Lhtf„rd Lt ittoe. Edea Campbell hon.,
1 'titennnr a (ht -1 e y hon., Minnie.
Cronin, Thelma a 1 4,1+, Libel Daley
hon , Aliee Daley, mittit iJotmage,
Agnes Eckert, Lnev hickelt hon„
(hare Ogle, Muria Flannery, Hilda
i , ns hon„ nl•, J,tuOt Grieve hon.,
Margaret Grieve, hh°rt lhthkirk hou„
Vera IIandily, Maria Hills bon.,
Moody Ifollaud, Atnrue Hugbee, Willie
I:(111es, Ataxy Laing lion., Mary Mc -
Brien hurl Gertrude McClure, Mary
Me.Gtalh Gladys M1 Phee hon., Mary
Mei/unlit, I+rark Melady, Willie
Montgomery, Joseph O'Leary, Cecelia
Putpoll, Margaret Purcell, Frank
Rankin hon., Cyril ReyneldK, Jean
ticntt hon., Hazel Sluumou hon.,
Gwendolyn Snowden hon•, Claire
Spinet hon„ Mary Stewart hon.,
Aruohd Turnbull 11011., JPBB Wallace
hon„ Margaret Welland ham„ Minnie
Wheatley hon.
The marks required to pass are 300,
487 are requited for honors. highest
marks obtainable are 050. Mary
Cosecs obtained the highest in the
Inspectorate, 595. The results thin
year are murk' ahove the average, the
number obtaining bottom is very
gratifying. Complete list of suaeess-
fol candidates is given below :—
Velma Arnsbury hon., Violet Ander-
son hon., Mabel Armstrong lion.,
Annie Blackball lien., Georgina Bow-
er hon„ James Campbell, Mary Cos-
ens hon„ Rachel Currie, Leslie Deans
lion„ Mae Dinsley hon„ Keith Dun -
Weiss), Laura Illlanott holt., George
Fell, Elliott Fells, Isabel Geddes,
Agnes Gibbons, Stanley Harrison,
Gertrude Hartnett hon„ Jno. Hart-
nett, Margaret Henderson, Van Hop-
per, Kirkwood Hutton, Tessie Irving,
Arthur Irwin her.. Norma Isar&
Lezetta Johnson hon„ Snarling John-
son, Verna Joynt, Lyla Lever, Louise
Mckenzie, Anna Morrison, Tony
Nichol hon., Howard Pocock, Minnie
Pringle, Addie Procter hon., Muriel
Redmond hon., Eva Rintoul hon.,
Alvin Smith, Max. Stewart hot.,
Lewis Storehouse, Hazel Vanstone,
Margaret Vanstone Iron., Norman
Varey hon., Isabel Watson hors„
Helen Wilson, Donald Yonne.,
Margaret Ashton, Alice Ball, Alba
Carson, Dora (lathers, Cora Coles,
Nellie Dane hnu., hazel Foster hon.,
Jennie Franck, ILuowlson Hueston,
Ethel Hindman, Velma Lowry, Mary
McMichael, Allah Munroe, William
Rae bon„ Mabel ROBS, 11011„ Myrtle
Short hon., Lytta Sperling, Evelyn
Stephens, Louise White,
Eva Onwdeu, Harold Cowden hon.,
Eldon Del imam Rem Harris hou„
Olara Holton, Bessie Kent, Margaret
AlcKenzie, Agues Mahood, Seita
Mapletoft, Louise Matthews, William
Montgomery, Lylet Ratz hon., Daniel
Walkout hon,
Junior P. S. Graduation Diploma
Normal Students Do Well
Only 8 of 232 Candidates Fall to pot
Through, and only 18 Unable to
Make Second Class.
The record of this year'N class at the
Stratford Normal School is an excep•
tiotlally gond one. Out of 232 midi.
dates writing 8 failed and 18 were
unable to Make Second class and are
awarded Third class certilleatee.
Dr. S, D. Silcox and his staff are to
be congratulated on the splendid show-
ing made by the ()lase. One of the
Thirds, Elgin 1+, Seliatz, of .Dashwood,
did »rat try his examinations as; he
was drafted and missid the Third
group of the Ntndit.%
Sarah O, Armstrong, Goderich,
Cadre, r . Asquith, I Auburn,
Florence Barber, Wingham.
Edna 1. Cart, Ethel.
Annie 0, ()low, Wingham,
Winnie H. Draper, Clinton.
Grace J. Dyer, Goederiph,
Aline Ehlers, Dashwood.
Ella H, Elder, Seaforth.
Almeda Finkbeiner, Omit ton.
Elizabeth L, Fot•d, Olfnton,
Dorothy I+nw11PN, BntyGeld.
Ada I, Felton, Brussels.
Ella J. Granger, Auburn.
Julia M. firma), Oreditnn,
Laura (Jan.) Holmes, Bluevale.
Lila M. Howatt, Auburn,
)Margaret M, Lansing, Lonacebaeo.
Elva hi, gait) Little, Seaforth.
Anna I. MicDorald, Zurich,
Bate C, McDonaid, Bluevale.
Rebecca D. McGowan, Blyth.
Marie (4. MIeagben, Dublin.
Agnes Murphy, Seaforth.
Olive M. Rintoul, Wingham,
Elsie (1. Robertson, Wingham.
Helen Rodaway, Clinton.
A. V, Shanahan, Clinton,
Violet Sharpe, Dashwood,
Lavina Smith, Crediton,
Ruth I , Sothern, igisao fel,
Itae Stnthere, Don •alpon,
Beatrice S. Wads, Fordwieh.
C, A. Hoffman, Zurich,
Irene J. Alla), Wingham.
Jessie Chesney, Seaforth.
Zerehln Churchill, Olintan.
Mary H. Gibson, Wroxeter.
Mae MlcOlinchey, Seaforth.
Elgin'. Schatz, Dashwood,