HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-11, Page 8,- — w 40.1 ,,cn C:urt as held hero ,a h Se _..—.. —... _._..—.,.._._____., _ ._.—...__.._..._..�. , .t. 4p y< v 4• • ee ee G i' ra es Summ rSellers • ••d• O Registration th Salta• Certificate Holders Toilet Supplies REXALL NICE Kills the odor of Perspdratioese 25e ',kgs. REXAL L CREAM OF ALMONDS 25c bots. ORCHARD WHITE Takes off tan- 5oc bots. VIOLET DULCE Shampoo Cry • - stals--- 25e Noxa Cases for 1 (titling Regis- tration (cards. vith Ce.lulord transparent top, .n that name and number can he read with- out removing the card. 'these come at the low price of 15c each M elves an F.ffel.- veteent health- ful dunk and is %coy canting for the blood— i5e tins Citrate of Magnesia Tartaric Acid Effervescent Phos- phate of Soda Pure Paris Green The Potato Bug seasou is here aud the sooner the work of destroying this pest le attended to the easier it will be. For this purpose Paris Green is generally user. We have received our new supply and it is to be had in r ib., ; Ib. and 1 lb pkgs. Secure your supply iu good time. A high grade Talcum with the true Floral odor Of Violets 25C Tins Hexall Glycerine Soap Two kinds — Rose or Violet. Transparent, fragrant and absol- utely pure. The biggest velem going in a gond Toilet Soap. 2 large square cakes for 2se Parvo Straw Hat Cleaner Will clean your Panama Hat quickly aud without much trouble, 25c bots. F. +. SMITH Theeft .s.x.i Store Druggist and Stationer C eees e+eW -044 PO•FO•F04.040.1•@d•040 +•+•+•+•+•+•44.4.41Y••i••4±1.4-Po Taal. lletts Pr FRIDAY will be the "12th." IN oue section of 6 miles in length on the 4th line of Warwick township, there are 16 cars, owned by farmers. OFFICE NOTICE —Mis5 Maude Bryans announcesP her office will be open every clay now until Saturday July 13th. A fete Brusselites went to Listowel horse races Thursday of last week. Races were postponed from July est. THE Maitland river has been so low the chopping mill has been compelled to add steam to the usual water power. Cool. weather for July. Some days tee: more like November and we some- times wonder what has become of the good old Summer time Lase. week James McCallum, Albert street, underwent au operation and is making favorable progress, which at his time of life, (78 years) will not be as rapid probably as at an earlier period. He has been a rugged hearty man and this will aid in his early restoration we hope. HURON OLD BoYs.—Wednesday, July 24th, is the date chosen by the Huron Old Boys of Toronto, for their annual tenting to Niagara Falls aud Queenston Heigbts, going by boat from the Queen's city. Program of games, addresses, &e., will be put on. Return fare to Queenston Heights is $2,00, A fine time is counted on. Inability to secure train accommodation to come to Huron Co. is the reason of the change from the annual trip. A GREAT GROWER,—Monday afternoon Alex. McLauchlin, gravel road North of Brussels, brought THE POST a sample pea vine pulled in his pea field that measured ❑o less than 5 feet and q inches It is the Canadian Beauty variety and the seed cost $5.5o per bushel, The crop is growing on what was sod land for a good many years and is a wonder- ful development. A dandy crop should Ile harvested if nothing harms them. KINDLY REMEMBERED —Owing to the resignation of Miss Millie Grewar as manager of the Central Office of the Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Co., she was waited on last week by the operators and lineman and presented with a cut glass sugar and cream ac- companied by a kindly worsted addrees expressing appreciation and esteem, A e citable reply was made by Miss Grewar. She has been y years with the Company and has been most attentive and assidu- ous to the many duties in connection with the hundreds of patrons. It is mild she will likely go to a position in Tor- onto. ANG11s KERR MAKES THE SUPREME SACRIFICE. —A cablegram came to Mrs. Alexina McDonald Kerr, Brussels, last Friday from the Director of Records containing the following sad news ;— "Deeply regret to inform you 654389, Pte. Angus Duncan Kerr, infantry, officially reported killeel in action June 25tb, retie" The young man referred to hr a son of Mrs, Alexina Kerr, Brus- sels, and well known to the people of this locaiity. No other word is to hand yet but no doubt particulars will arrive t latter, "Nipper,' as he was familiarly called, was 3q years of age and born in Bruesels, enlisted with the Mist Huron El:Mahon and event oveaseas with the boys. After a lengthened stay in kin. laud he was drafted to the fighting lines in France and there met his death doing his duty as many another brave snuck It isquite abowtoM Mrs, Kerr to near of her son' de e S C Rhe ,S P Cla 1 s e 1 aA .he 15 p Y well advanced a cod fn years and norm too rugged, Deep sympathy is expressed with her in her bereavement, Her daughter, Mrs. Horton, Galt, and son, i Daniel, aud Mrs. McDonald, Hensall, i hive been here to condole with her, .,..1111051115.,e OFFICE CLOSET FOR 3 MONTHS.—After July 13th, the office of Miss Maude Bryans, ophthalmologist, will be closed for the following 3 months, bliss Aryans goes to Toronto to fill a position in Con- nection with optical work for that term, Will persons desiring to consult Miss Bryans call at office on or before date mentioned. -- n -- F R SALE.—A quantity of building lumber, 0 q y and other building material. Apply to MRs. to MRs, scantling and CNIDEA. Elizabeth at., Brussels. BUGGY Duster found. Owner ntar have it by proving property and paying for this notice at TEE Poem. WILL RrN 3 DAY. BAcp Wgm—During haying and harvest Brussels Chopping Mill will run Dlonday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Aa steam has to be usedust now this is done to accommodate the public and stili conserve fuel, dons LOGAN, 2-2 Proprietor. Two Row Corn Cultivator for sale at a bar• gain. S. CARTER, Bruesels. AnoUT 12 aeras of Rood pasture, with plenty OY WRGel', tc rent. Apply to ro J. B, Brussels. Revere property, Brussels. 9 mos, 6 weeks oft for sale also a few heart of young cattle, WM. BUTainNsoN, Grey, Phone 2016. FOR SALE —A few dry helPrey, cava. Phone 656. J. P. MCINTOSH. LTYE Poultry wanted. Clean up your breed- ing stock and old hens. R, TnoMsoN, Brussels, 9 York Sows for sale, all bred, some to far• row soon. Apply to GEo. SNELLING, Lot 86, Con. 18, Grey. Monkton. PERsoris desiring Information with regard to purchase of the store properties in Brussels and Yarm land in Morris North of the Village, may obtain same from F. h. Scott. Piano may be inspected at Walker it Black's. J, G. LEOHIE, House and ei acre lot for sale. Comfortable and well located. There is a good well also a good stable. Apply to GEO. CrtoOES, Brussels. BUGGY for sale. Apply at THE Poem. LAwN mowers sharpened and adjuster'. I Now is the time to get them ready. GEo. EDW.& Ds, Mill street. BELL Organ and a Waehin6Machine for sale at a bargain. Apply at TnE Poae. DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physinian, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and aervons disesees euceessfully treated, Vleets residenoes. Consultation lit Queen's Hotel. --0— I, O O. F.—At the annual session of the Ontario Grand Lodge, I O O F. held in Hamilton• the following officers were elected :--G. M., Rev. W. Cox, Gananoque ; D. G. hi„ Dr. G. M. Hermingston, Toronto; Grand Werden, H. H. Robertson, Barrie ; Gr. Sec„ W Brooks, Toronto ; Gr. Trees , J. O. Donogh, Toronto ; Gr. Reps., L, [i. Cooper Belleville, and S. C. Parks, Tor- onto. The meeting next year will he held in Toronto. Goop 'rite.—Thursday afternoon of last week the colon Sunday School pic- nic was held in the Davidson grove end attracted a large attendance, The clay wagbeeutifui and the time yens enjoy- ably spent on the bank of the Meitland. 'there were swings, foot races, paddling iu tete river, lunch and a very lively Base Ball match between Brussels team and a nine from the country. R Downing officiated as umpire. Ao offering was taken which totalled the line sum of $2r, The refreehmeut booth at the picnic brought in 520.00 profit. 'there was plenty of good plain cookery and it was not a very difficult matter to have the crowd "fall in" to fill in. After lunch Mrs H. Spelt' put on games for the children. 'There was a happy admixture of people miring the afteruoon and the union idea was carried out. le'vet the parsons (Revels. Messrs, Mane, Stafford and Smith) joined in a lively foot race in which contestants might have been closer matched harl not one of the clerics take a fumble v n uml Rev. Mr Smith, while hard) u n to r tali 1 al 0 s in w weight, fc t n w. ht Y d 1 f: •took a hand re more properly speaking r both feet) in a fat man's speeding event, Thauks are due R. Davidson and el. Lamont for use of grove anri field, the folk who aided iu getting people to and from the grounds and the Committees who looked after tate bootb and supper. weeeeeley oece.re judge Levee. We, A.•,1 1 t5•et El price winner to an auto ra'e at WWI on Dominion Day. Dottier for est the speed limit of auto- mohUea is not t,, mild: :u1 hour in litu:l• SOS, Aha1'T another week will finish the working up of the stock of heading at the Ament factory. AFri Mere, were matte Monday anti Tneeley teeuines to hold a Council nu•e�tng First date only the Sams, sliwyeil lip anal next time the Clerk anti Con perllers 'eraser and Walker were absentees. 3rd time is said to be the Chaim Bouiner PRoexteev —D, eleDouald, Ileneall, lots pnrrhased what is known AS the F C. Rogers property Turn - berry street. South, from J. 11. Kerney, and gets po-seeeion on October 1st, Mr. McDonald, is an old Brussels boy, known to many in this locality and will be welcome back to town. GOOD STUFF —County Clerk Holman has ee itele letter krom his son Gerd - en, the Youngest of two sous now in France, in wheel he says he was offered a e months furlough recently after 2 years and 5 moutlies hard service be de- clined it saying be was more needed in France than across the voter. He does not tell this boastcngly but be deeerves honorable clientele for it all the sante. ORANGE STAND KILLED MAN —A plat- torm or grandstand, erected Ior the Orange 12t11 of Juty celebration in Wing - hare in ig17, collapsed, and james Stacey died of hie injuries. Friday, nt Osgooda Hall, Toronto, a damage action was launched by the daughter and the wid- ow against the Orange Demonstration Comtnittee, Individual defendants in elude T. R. Bennett, A. G, Smith, and Elmore Mahood, of Wingltam• Tnet Women's Institute held the Summer meeting in the Audience Room of the public library on Tuesday after- noon, lune 25th when bliss Gertrude Gray, Tntonto, gave a splendid address on "Individual and Community life", and pointed out value of co-operatiou, public spiritness and enthusiasm in our present day need. She ranks as one of the best speakers we have had the pleasure of hearing in our Institute, Mrs O Walker sang a very fine solo. Meeting closed by singing National Anthem. REM GYED To Toeotern —'Chis week Jas, Bowman, man M. P for North Huron and Mrs, Bowman left Brussels for Tor- onto where they have purchased a home and intendmaking theresidence. In g ir the near future their daughter, Miss Vinie, who is on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia in town, will also go to the Queen city, We understand the Bank will promote her to one of the city Branches. While sorry to see the Bow- man family remove from this locality, where they bave spent their lives, en- joyed the respect aud esteem of the we wish them community, Y ha man PPY years in Toronto. They will be back- ward and forward as they have interests here vet, Miss Bowman will be very reluctantly parted with, particularly by the young folk. FROM THE BOYS —A Field card from Pte: Harvey Milligan from France says: I am4 uite well. I have received parcel for Apr June r th.— Ser t N,rcon McGuire writes as follows under dote of June Ieth :—DEAR N HIEN Inc.—Accept my sincere thanks for pareel of ewtets which reached me a few days ago. The delicacies from home not only act as a good tonic for a digestive system weary of the unvaried army grub but also remind us the hearts of the homefolk are with us. At present we are having an enjoyable time. Being past the starve where we expect jam on both sides of our bread or our eggs turned over, one relishes a spell of quielness even though your shake -down is but a rubber sheet spread on old Mother Earth. Kindest regards to all Brussels biennia, TRINITY CONGREGATION HONORS REV. GEo. JEWITT --After the service Sunday afternoon, June 23, the following ad- dress was react to Rev. George Jewitt and his wife, by the Trinity eongregati• on, Springfield circuit, and a purse of $25 oo presented to thein : 'To Rev. G. Jewitt and Wife ; DEAR PASTOR—You being about to leave for other fields of usefulness, we, your congregation of Trinity, would like to express to you both our appreci- ation of the sympathetic and kindly mau- ler in which you have ever ministered to our wants, both spiritual Red social, during year twc years' stay among es 4Ve May not realize the fact as we should that a pastor's life is not altogether a bed of rosea, but this the do know, that by your tactful way of doiug, you have always made things pleasant and profit- able to us at Trinity. You will carry with you our love and prayers. At the same time we would ask you to accept this purse as a slight reminder of the Trinity congregation. Wishing you both Godspeed in your new home, Signed. TRINITY CONGREGATION Rev. Mr, Jewitt made an appropriate reply. He has gone to Wyoming for the coming term, The reverend geutle- man is well known in this locality being a Morris township old boy, He ie a son of the late Wm. aud Mrs. Jewitt Brus- sels aud does good work wherever he goes, • SoMRTHING LIRE A PRESENT.—Dr. Fred, Gilpin, formerly of Brussels, who is the Malinger of the Milwaukee branch of the Ford business, controlling the Wisconsin State as well, was presented with a Hudson snper•six touring Sedan and valued at $3 80o by the 23o Forel agents of the breech as a token of ap. preciation. (-lassie is the product of Kimbels Chicago It is built of Allem- Mum, painted dark green with black trimmings and and has an 016 English G on each door. Trimmed in gray whip cord and is complete with foot and back cushions, hot air beaten and has a full set of !edict anc7 gents toilet articles, &c., 4 passenger, 6 cylinder, 75 lip., end is one of the best American cars. This is not the first gift Dr. Gilpin has been favored with from same source but the kindly action that prompted the present is very highly appreciated by the recipi• ent, Some young fellows appear to have been horn with a silver spoon in theirh but As ' e moot it a s not 'always 9 tat e to trust to legends Ur. Fred, has hustled to promote the beat interests of both the Forel Compeny and the numereueagents under his charge and it trust be reassur ing to know that the friendly relations are so agreeable and reciprocal. Meet people would say "Thank you" for such a car as the one presented as a surprise, REVD eels STANDAh BANK OF CANADA MEAD OrPICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parte of the world. 234 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, E ® ri Manager. 10111d. OWING to the installation of a new newspaper press last week the W ingl un Advance was tillable to issue their paper. SPoters.--How would it go to have a nrogram of sports, games, &a, ou Victoria Park on some uearby Thursday afternoon aud give the proceeds to Red Cross? Thersday 25th would be a good date. MEDAL CoNTEsT,—Last Friday even- ing a Silver Medal Cuntest was held in 'Melville church school room, under the auspices of the local W. C. T. U., which proved most enjoyable and reflected credit ou all concerned, Rev. A, J. Mann presided and after a hymn Rev, Stafford offered prayer. The contests were keen aud every number put on in excellent form. In Elocution the con- testants were Cameron Strachan, Eldred Miller, Charlie Smith, Alethia Smith anti Gordon Best. Fur the Vocal Music Competition Lorraine Blake, Gerald Staffercl, lacer Oliver and Margaret Wil - sou were in the list. It was not easy for the judges to awned the 2 medals but their judgmeut was that Gordon Best took it in Elocution and Lorraine Blake for singing. hers. I. Parker pin- ned ou the silver trophies, with appro- priate trO•ds ni bliss F,o. Buchanan presented emblematic pins to each of the other boys and gig's ludges for elocuti- on were Rev. S. Davison, Belgrave, Miss Moses. Jamestown and Mrs, M. J Slemmon, al,Be' • and for music jack SlemmouAirs Davison and Mrs. W, King During the eveuing Rev, and Mrs. Davisong ave a choice duet Mel- ville church Ladies quartette reudered R well sunt; selection and the Male Quart- ette of the Methodist church snug two good cumbers, A vote of thanks was passed to all who took part op motion of W. H. Kerr and Rev. Mr, Stafford, Brussels, has a good future if the senti- ments expressed in song and story that eveniug ere lived up to, The W. C, T. U. is to be congratulated for their zeal and the youngsters for the excellency of their preformance from start to finish. $ People We Talk About $t tt# Miss Isabel Strachan is visiting friends in London Chas Richards is home for 1•c n o a holiday Y from Toronto. hire. J, A, Kyte and son were visitors at Toronto for a few clays. Mrs. Glszcer, Stratford, was renewing old friendships in Brussels. Alias Juneve Taylor is home for the vacation from her school at Stouffville. Miss Minnie Edwards was a visitor at Megaw, last week, with her sister, Mrs, Churchill. Mrs, Habkh•k, Seaforth, weft a visitor at the home off her son, Orville, during the past week. Miss Hattie Henderson, nurse, has gone to visit her cousins in Toronto for a couple of weeks. Joseph and Mrs. Brandon, Belgrave, were visitors with Wm, acid Mrs. Robb, Thomas street, Brussels. S, Askin, Stratford, was here for the week end a tending to business regard- ing the estate of his deceased mother. Miss Vera Hoover, of the Bank of Nova Scotia sniff, is enjoying a holiday with relatives and friends in Michigan, Dau, and Mrs, McDonald, Hensall were in town for a few days.. His moth- er accompanied them to [delimit for a visit. Mrs, de la Penotiere, of Kincardine, and ;Mrs. (Rev ) Robinson, Clinton, were visiles with Mrs, W. H. Kerr this week. Misses Georgia and Beth, Kerr were home for a lew clays from Toronto. They were accompanied by Miss Alice Gezey. Mrs. Cavanagh and Miss Irene, of Owen Sound, are visiting the former's sister, at Colpoy's Bay. Mrs. Cavanagh's health is much improved. George Howlett, Elora ; Mrs, J, L. and Miss M. reedy, of Harriston, were visitors at Chas Howlett's last week. The first 2 mentioned are nephew and neice of Mr, Howlett. Mrs. Albert Carter, Edmonton, Alta., Miss Fulton, of Portage La Prairie, Man , and Mrs. Harry McArter, from Burford, Out., ere visitors at the home of Mrs. James Fulton, Brussels. lack Smyth, of London, was a visitor at Alex Strachates last week. He has been serving in the Imperial Army for 2} years most of that throe being anent in Gelman East Africa. Mr. Smy.i1 is home on a short furlough at present, J J. anti Mrs; Gilpin and nurse Hen- denten motored to the latter's home on Huron lake shore last Friday aud spent a delightful time, Miss Olive Henderson carne back with them, S. Carter was the chauffeur. Clenso Salter, Clinton, has been visit- ing with the family of Reeve Prem and H, M. Meeting, Morris. He is a son of the late Will. Salter, formerly of Brussels, His mother was a sister of Mrs. Manning—bliss Rozell of other days, At a social evening held at Drew, Pte. Harry Wylde was presented with a purse of $87,00, accompanied by a com- plimentary address. The recipient matte a suitable reply, Harry is now at Guelph hospital receiving treatment for his damaged foot. We hope it may prove effieamus, Russel Moore, of the R. A F. Camp Ratliburte DeSt c r oto was s oma for the holiday, Mussel has been flitting in the ln considerably and will S0011y be a full fledged filer. His experiences in- cluded a soo foot drop that wrecked a machine but left him without a scratch. Rus. Is a eon of M. H. and Mrs, Moore, Listowel, formerly of Brussels, MARRIED DIODONALD—MOKiast—In St. George Melte. dist church, Peterboro', on July 8rd, 1918, by Rev. A. J. Thmaa, Mr, Wm. McDonald, Tugnake, Sask., to Mese Romiland Pearle, a daughter of Mrs, H. A. fficlieo, 1 ebm•horo, DIED BOWMAN,—In Morrie township, on July lilt 1918, Wm. T. Bowman, in hes 60th year, MOGGIRE: In Joplin, Mo., U. S., on Suly 4th, I918, Robert Milton, eldest son of Arthur and Mrs. McGuire, Brussels, aged 84 yore. BRUSSELS MARKET OWheat 42 e7 ats Peas Barley Butter 4a 07 90 225 225 125 1 25 89 95 Hoge 17 26 17 26 65 S5 $x4Woo1 10 00 10 W Potatoes per bag 1 60 1 50 Voters' List - 1918 Municipality of Viilage of Wroxoter, County of Huron; Notice is hereby given that I have transmit• ted or delivered to the persona mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Vetere' Lists Act, the copies required by said Scotian to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list made, purauant to maid Act, of all persons x pouring y the last revised Assesament Roll of the Municipality et Eleetione for Members of the ' Legislative Assembly and at Dinah:1nel Elec- tions ; and that the said list was first poated np in my office, In Wroxeter, on the 0th day of July, 1018, and remains there for inspection. Electora are called upon to examine the said list, and. If may omissions or any other errors are found therein to take innnedinte preeeed- Inge to hive the said errore corrected !mord- en . to law. bated this 10th day of Jnly,1018. D. M.MCTAVISII, Clerk of Wroxeter. r OteetilegteSS'UIeeea9yi^+et1Pft eltOeti ibeetethit tookteePYveuit'irrtwlG7tJC eeteGl ee t, EI CO d f.r e; 0 e� E 6f e; v� a: ea r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • et. u • 0 • m to • ip • • • • • . ,.. �. • fin. 'F:.. � . 1.':s=�a« • STORE DRUG S7r0RE e 'gvtir] re tato B C, r r. �1 U 0 O U' (3 U tv 01 c9 • rR 00(3 a033000ehtB0g0gOggriiCBe0 a ith2dee6i0uog•teicteeettgo00006,Ir'A000•00•4 Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 7, Morris town- ship, duties to COM lit mire after holidays. Ate eningJ1iand teal - mon ply, salary, HOPPE, 2-tf R. R. No. 6 Brussels. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for Junior Department of S. S. No. 11, Walton, dutiea to ementenee after holidays. Application+, with qualllleatimis and experience, received tip to JIGS :MIL T. H. BOLGER. See: Treas., 2.8 R. R, No. 2, Myth. DR. LI H. WHiTE', B. A. PHYSICIAN Y ICIAN ANP SURGEON, URGEON Graduate Torontoni U t•erre ty of Medicine. Special attention given to diseases of ehtidren and Surgery, Office t Dr, Aryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels Notice to Creditors In the matter of lht, estate of Robot levivson, late ,:,f the Pnwnship of Morris, in ale ettuoty of Hutou, faruterr. decete<ed. Notice M bcrebv given pursuant to the 'Priv tee Ant, R. s. O , 1e14, temp. 121, Buil. ell per. eons having Reims or time idols against them-+ tette of the E61 Hebert Lawson, reoeeneed, who died In trtulre an er 'Lout the ,nth day of October, IUl7, art• r, quirt El, on or before the 2nd div of August, Pee, to -send by post, pre- paid, or deliver to Jaei,-a .11vDonnld, R. It, No, Brussels P. O., enc of Ow Exe entore of the list will nod Testament of said dee,mwd, their names and aildress„s with full pa•ticnlnrs of their clanne, a statement of their acenunts and the nature of the seenrlty of any) held by theta duly vsriaed Further Mice notice that after the last men Untied date the Excenturs of the said estate will ',mewed to distribute the nssets of sell deceased ant nget the puttee entitled thereto, having regard only to the elnimn, or tvldeln they shall then have p nntirw R. m'lesRlll I111d stint 11 Executors t •' c t tet n t bw cape, for loch's„env or env pert thereof to any not h e e miens uP wliase 1,E tin motive shitll not have l,wwn reosD. nee xt the t4nlw ,.P:.u,•h .li'u ihntinn. Dated a± 4lnrri. t h . loth Oily of J any, 1916. l A MI1s Mel el STA 4D' ([:x, eutor:., GEORGE RNLI,r, 1 000000000000000.®00300000.000e9.00 900A40r e 6 7 5 a+ . u The i .. or FIL1111�� 10/1111111110003181015 pctpy;szcnvr�taa,.,-wv.;an. cnn•vsaer _ =,. @5"w•.Tdfa�,:.Li'a"�.sRa”-^'e-. ._.�i:��a`TS---"�.'; . ,*. .--a..e .5 - ..viv2 F tialas11 f _A; r „ a t Bigger andBetter . Or .,.:�I: y rwwe .•rte -.r -E r.:a: lmt..,.,,•p,... C1=,27591t.2t12,221 • ES ! We had a crowd, a great big crowd; every clay an enthusiastic god natured company of busy, buying people. Never before has such hl gh class merchan- dise been offered at such cut-rate prices. New records have been established in selling that warrant our doing even greater price cutting this week. Nfany new lines are on display that there was no room for during our great rush. Each clay brings something new to the front. Closing the Second IN'eek •'f ®Lir Stale with these Remarkable Values 19C 1000 yarde Onetain Mater- ial in plain white swim and colored bordered knee- ling, a big variety of pat- terns, old dyes, 36 in, wide, worth 30c yard. Salo Price 100 75c 10 doz. Women's flne Oaeh- mere Inose, full fashioned, spliced heels and toes, sizes Sri to 10, nue big leader at : Extra special for this week 75c 19C 25 doz. Women's Fast Blk, Cotton biose, high spliced heel and toe, old dyes, sizes Sh to 10, regular 25c. Sale 19e or 3 pairs for. 50c $6.95 12 only Ladies' Silk Poplin and Paramatta I$ainCoate, fawn and ten shades, belt- ed, all seams cemented and stitched, sizes Bit• eo 44, reg- ular price $10.00, Extra Special,.,., 6 05 29c 10 dozen Boys' heavy Ilib- bed fast black Ootton HGss, double heel and Lee, extra strong wearing hose, size S Lo 10, regular 40e. Side epecfai.......... ........... 29e $1.39 Misses' Panama Sport Hats new drooping brine, color- ed silk bands, finished with buckle, good value at $2,25. While they last. 1 30 95C 20 only Ladies' Waists, made of fine quality Voiles, Heppe and .,Piques, long sleeves and low necks, reg- ular $2,00 for ........... 05c 29c 10 dozen Luella Summer Veete, deep lace yoke with tape draw atrium, half sleeves and sleeveless, rel, 40. Sale price....," „ 29c 65c Boys' 2 -piece Wash Softs, 2 to 6 years old, Made of Striped Galatea, reguler goo. Salm prism,,,....,. 65c Boys' 1 -piece Wash Snits, made of best English Chambry, ages 2 to 6, rog, 75e. Speeial Stele 50c 790 15 padre 0111104 WhiteCan- vas Pumps, sizes 5 to 7h, regular $1.00 for.,..... 70c 13 pairs Girls' White Cau- 97tA Potties, sizes $ t0 10t}v reg, $1.,25 for 95c $2.4.5 40 palm Women's Dongola Patent and Calf Oxfords and Pumps, in trot and black, regular $4.50, While they last..... 2 45 $1.19 50 pair's (,iris' Dongola Ox- fords and Strap Slippers in black or Lal, sizes 8 to 10e, reg. value $1,75. Stile. price 1 10 . $1.69 $125.00 30 only Men's fine quality navy bine set.ge and Svorst- ed tweed snits, made of nest imported materials, pm'e wool and feet. dye, to - I day'u price $40.00. Extra special stile price,. , 25 00 I 100 pairs Afen's Tweet' and Worsted Trousers, made of beat English materials and tt fahrir, that will wear,well sewn and good fittings, neat narrow stripe pat- terns, sizes 32 to 41, \Tillie $5 00, Bette), special 3 06 $2.95 $8.95 30 paive' `Voinetes Dongo- la OxfOrds and Pompe, old qualileather' tww) give etyxreellent wearde, rrl;- ill ulat $250 for.,.., . ,,,. 1 00' 950 15 doz. Men's floe Negligee Shirts made from gnot.' quality Shirting mah=rittl, in neat fancy assoeted pat- terns, sizes Li to 17;, reg- ular $1.25, Special ... 93a lir 3 for 2 75 69c AiOWS tine bliraty 64.ti1Del brimmed with c t Hitt It silk band, with bow at side, 14etelher inner band, signs op to 74, regular 81.,25 fot only 60c 31 pairs Men's Calf and Dongola Boots, old stoelt, solid IeaLher, broken lines and sizes. While they last —a great hargain u.t.,. 2 05 $2.95 Buy's heavy all amid leath- er Work Boots and line Calf and Dongola Boots, old stock, sizes 1 to 5. Special bitege.ine to clear at 2 05 $1.69 Misses' Dimple 0 Oxfords, g a 0 ls, Sie•aps or Pumps, in tan or back, Molten litres and good valnee at $2.50, While they hast 1 60 i 4+ u c' c> u 4; f: v 3� <l 0 v' 0 0 4 • ,, @ Carswel[Bras% T 4 Sal , r. 4 Stores. O Every Day is Bargain ay a • 00••••006.0069.060.00_bYl*•••••••••••••••••400•••••0••@040414.44••N0,0i0C1*t r h h j