HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-11, Page 6This dvertisement
may induce you to try the first packet of
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour
and quality to make you a permanent customer.
\Are will even offer to give this first trial free if
you will drop us a postal to Toronto.
Arthur Stanwood
caarritent Houghton AlltTlin ComixtuY
by eneetal arrangement with Thee.
and ask herself how she van best helPI crea
in taking care of the harvest of 1018,'
AShe does not need to lie a trained
farinerette, though if she is, It's all SWEET OR CHURNING CREAM
the better. We sunray cans. MAY express ehargca
If She is a city girl AO wits brought' a" "mit "i'v'
-- .. , 0, 1 Our price now Is forty.six cents _..-
up on the farm, she ehould be useful
Canada .kppettle to 1. --ler Datighters to Rally to Her Aid in This the , mania Pittry 'anti Oreamery On.
. right out on the land. FRANTIC CALI. FOR HELP FROM
7434 xing rot, West - Toronto
Greatest Crisis in lliStory-Etilist For Food Saving If she is a good housekeeper, sho : - I A TORPEDOED VESSEL.
and Fated Production. can volunteer to help the farmer's' Women in this country must tato the
If she knows of any male loafers, • power when called upon, Damn:vs .
wife for a time. I places of men to the limit of their'
ith the hisistent rote of a clarion
call to seryiee, the me., cage hag gone
forth: the forms!"
1'07' months 11:iSt it 110,Ni NV:IVOM1
across the country. and the echo hes
been caught up and thrown back
from time to time. But now it comes
with a direct challenge that is as ir-
resistible as the soldier's bugle call.
It sounds from end to end of the
eountry. Men and women are
hearkening. They are thinking about
it; talking about it. But there is no
time to play battledore and shuttle
cock with such an lesue. There must'
be action •• •imm ed late, e'en r-eu
whole hearted action.
The challenge is to 01E11 and women
alike, Equality of service is demand.'
ed of them. Empleyer and employee'
are asked to help; the rich and the .
poor; the busy and the idle. There
is ro intention that any industry be
put out of joint or business disorgan-
the teems woeld have retied had they. alto ESTI renort them end have them' must recognise the neeessities of war :\ Mint Hatt% Germany More a Tercel
men were suddenly rallt.,1 1,1 rims hey. ?so
to "pastures netsto pitch hay,. and the public in publgeneral must unite
not harvested them that the women' f h I " t ' t save the harvest of 191e, Than Ile Who Has Picked Up
first showed their mettle and rose to she can
the oceasion voluntarily, As Lloyd porarily in the city, then by all 111CallS
G'oorge said of them: I let her do it and add one man to re-
lieve the labor situation. New V"rk liner, an•.Ie because of InY
"They know their country is in the —
grip of grim tragedy. In Flanders, If she can give up her holidays this • The Army Bed is Really a Serious
girls harnessed themselves to heavy, year to work on the farm, she will be Subject at First Acquaintance, interest in wireless telegraphy, I aits
barges and plod along tato towpath, tieing a plueky and patriotic thing. A mere civilian does not know what permitted to spend most of my tiine
thanking God they've released -not a' If she is a girl of leisure, it is up to a bed is. To him it is something soft en route in the wireless cabin', Aelyil it
1111111, but a horse to help in the war." her to go out on tho land or send a and yielding, something the body can "wsl'"I'ur writ".
In Russia and Italy the women plow,' man from the city while she tills his snuggle in and the soul can dream in, Three thine; we were called by Ger.
sow and reap. Even on the beautiful shoes. What a delusion! I speak from ex- roan submarines. eapparently they
Riviera the shadow of War has fallen,! In short --every W0011111 and every perience when %pay that a bed is no knew just when we had left New
and the y•amg girls in the work 0. teen-age girl can do SOMETHING such thing. Thtie, is only ono kind rork, Apparently they knew test
stagger under kegs of during July and August towards as- of bed nowadays --one kind, at least, where we should have been- in j01070
Wine or water weighing eighty pounds.- miring the country of the full benefit Worth reckoning. It vonsists of time -son our ocean lane. If we had
In Sealant!. girls single turnips,' of those crops which Nature so bounti- three boards, a couple of low tressels, not been far off our usual course. I
plant potatoes, drive horses and carts fully yields, war or no war. It is one' a mattress more or less stuffed with have no doubt we would have been
in the fields, and help in every kind of of the biggest things ever asked of a straw, and three blankets. : sunk.
farm work. In Britain to -day, there' woman. It is for the sake of our "No 'ot-water bottles this trip," I. 'rhea' called us in the line's .:wit
are 5.000,000.women taking the places Allies. But most of all -for our men says the red -checked sergeant. 1 ',ode. All three calls came ahartnad-
a men in various forms of work. °over there• They provide the ir- You grin, to show your apprecia- i night. "II 13, li 13," came the sell -
An "S 0 8" At Sea.
I have just 'A:Tine! a. hore from A
. ized. There is every intention that There are 300,000 engaged. in agricul., .
CHAPTER IX. • I viees overvalued. Mrs. Donohee, all the reseurces of the country be tural work alone. , should turn her hand to food conserve-
! tion, to food production, or to both,
'Order was restored, the mills were' after working briskly ali the in,,ening, judieiously used in malting the most The women of Caneda can do these.
running full time, Millvale was pros. had suddenly collapsed with grief. In of Canada's harvest this year. The . things. They have been spared the:. •:.
perous again, The regiment which the stripped upper roon that had held need is imperative. Nothing, can off., suffering and the humiliation of the • Food C
had accomplished so much for the her most sacred possessions she rock- set this feet. • women of invader) countries. They'
our call.
t h petit a
If the •-ear 'vent
place was breaking camp••• -and on the ed and lamented, while the three
lchil What the women of Eurone have have had few material privations,E
same day a number of families were `lien eteo, a goutcr, inure., e, an . dune to ..
,,verawed . : none te save the crops is an old tale; even in three and a half years of war.)
Moving awes- from their homes.Bolsheviki doctrines have brought boards. There is nothing yielding or Each time the captain was not med.
Walking through the town for a! "It's taking the heart out of my yet ever new in the wonder of it.; They have worked splendidly. and'
Russia down from one of the greatest elastic about them. To look at them,' "Tell them to give their message," he
last survey, Roger Trask paused in body to be taking me out of this What: the women of. Canada have done time and, again they have reiterated food producing countries on the globe you Wright take them for innocent deal . said. "Probably a submarine," he eon -
on the sidewalk; at the curb attached ""n1 nlY man died, with his head by in Eastern Ontario, and for years past, they have pleaded for a wider field of
h' ask d of
front of a house that was belng dis- room," Jerry heard her cry as he, in this line is negligible yet, although their desire to clo everything mg , e . to a condition of starvation. Drunk boards in need of a scrubbing, But: tinned, and evinced no surprise.
mantled. Chairs and be.dding stood climbed the stairs. " 'Twas in this there has been some brave pioneering. them by the Goverment. Inde2d, with liberty, which they did not when you have spent one night on i "(live your message," replied the
yonder windew, where he cotild be in the West, when no other labor was activity. ' • understand, filled with idealistic no. -
to an open wagon, a gaunt horse eyed them you have a fairly vivid notion; operator,
the furniture dejectedly•, a small soy looking to the ma in the west; and se. obtainable, the farmer in desperation. They have had the answer now.. The' tions about the equality of men, tend of how the ancient martyrs felt after ' "Can't give message unless I teeny
at the horse's head. The thing, it was I have been thinking to die all enlisted his wife's help in the outdoors..: way has been clearly indicated. lacking individual initiative, produc- your position.- Please give positimt."
that had caught Trask's attention these years myself, with my fingers -tit aver . , tion in Russia has practic.ally ceased, a course on the rack.
And the mattress! It is a snare But it was too old a trick to work.
was a white dove, a trium h
o plucking. at the same quilt that his' tsen the deeds of the thous- The greatest need of the hour is for: according to the evidences reaching
of the taxidermist's skill, wfth hands went straying and wandering- ands of men who are daily sacrificing labor on the farms. Mr. Henry B. the outside world. Transportation and a delusion! It has lumps in it., On the seventh night out from New
There are some big lumpe and small , York I heard two ships torpedoed.
an arrow thrust through its' about on. and the same bit of sky! - ...„.„,... ..,...,„:„..„.......,..-„,,,,,,..„., ... Le e ......, sesees,,e--,„. i and distribution is so disorganized lumps, and there are al -so spaces; Neither call WITS in code, but the
breast; It repeeed against aback- sending the last light to my eyes as F!,.,:L.,,,'',....-.L..:::7,..,,,,,EWII:l.!!!IM.7:MA..:7!:'W''77:.,::::!:!!:,:t:::!:,Il'Ii;•L,:,,;,-:::LLi,:'!!!:.,:::,4.',1 that even were the peasants of the
ground of rushes and was encompass-! to his. When you're old, you veant! ..;:::-; . 49°' • • : • • se: where the top and bottom meet first was very short. Poor devils,
ontrol Corner
says so, it is so. And then you es-! Each tune the operator -a 1'.. ty a
going! nineteen who has been torpedoed elle()
amine the st•ructure which is
and shelled twice -answered the eall.
to turn you from a flabby, 11N11111y-
pamby, puny molly -coddle (the scr-' "lIave important message for yeti,
geant'a phraseology, this) into a real : Mecum give position," the message
live man. ran each time.
The boards, you discover, are really ! A Far, Faint Call.
ed by a gilt frame. Underneath the no change whatever to come to you, , l land producing their usual amount of
' .: civoval pa.
s‘,, ...... .:-... .. . ,..,..„..,... ...., . 1, .., , foodstuffs, the people in the menu- they must have gone down in a hurry.
bird in illuminated characters were and when •you're poor, its only a,
through lack of straw.
Still, with luck, you occasionally The latter call, however, I shall
the words, "At Rest." This memorial change for the worse that does come "4').',..:':'''''''s''''''''''''''.....''''''''''''''''''..4'''';''''."`Y .54''' •' 's t''1:311St114111,!.. i facturing population would still be fall asleep on the lumps, and dream' never forget. I can put down most of
emblem had been placed for the mo- t" Yea*" .
Where are you going.. son?" Traek''TerrY broke in cheerfully. "Do you' e • - etintereelors !!:. 'Unless the people of Russia steady '
•• , allow other authorities to organize "S 0 S, S 0 S, S 0 S," it come with-
! them there is the possibility of one of ,svon't last for ever, There are earl -
out warning out of the slow crackle of
"My father's dead." the colonel of the regiment, him that , ' ons ways of waking up One is by
without the necessary food supplies to that your ear is on Mount Everest lit from memory, for it is fairly burnt
ment on a table. "Well, there you're wrong now," . iatt8tIMS sustain them in safety and comfort. your shoulder in the Thames Valley., into my mind.
Keeping in Touch.
asked the boy. know what kind of a change is cm-- down and organize 'themselves or But you need not worry. The dream
and your legs on an escalator.
is VioinetiYq
"Into she city." ing to me? Wait till I tell you. I've
' vaail ill.
"What will your father do there?'' just found it out this minute, from,
neeeVe2 .: 1 nation and a great people that every I suddenly striking the ground with
"Somebody's caught it," "Will we tin-
of recent oceurrence; he touched the the look -in at the job of a cop. It's, .::- I Without authority .
i your hands, for the tressels raise you
sorer?' I asked hint. "Fat chance!"
told Trask that the bereavement was You cling to so miserly. I'm to have; , occurred in history.
boy's shoulder and said sympathetical- wearing. a blue eoat and brass buttons' only a few inches above it. Another •
, for whom they have fear and respect, ! ° he sai•l. "It's too easy to fake an
ly:- !and a helmet that ril be, with a small'
Ettoland the most stupendous disasters to a the night. "Hallo:" said the operator.
The gulp that followed the words ! handed Peter the five -dollar bill that.
n peat i Russian peasant seems to be with- is the collapse of the treesels them-
theS 0 S. We generally tell the Old
"Oh, I'm sorry. Have you any , club hanging at my side i • ' , out motive or initiative. We read of selves. There, somebody's picked
sisters?" dignity. And from being a cop PIE peasants in their anger against the Well, never mind! You have three' Alan -e-•
her up. N'o fake about that.")
"Mother's dead too." , general or an admiral or something of: blankets.
something white. and fluffy and soft ly, distinctly the voice of some etran-
"Two." • be made a lieutenant, and then I'll be , property holding class of the late I could hear that answer very faint -
"And a mother?" ; a captain, and after that, no doubt, a' ' aristocrat regime, destroying. not only : The civilian idea of a blanket is
"Who looks after you all?" ; that nature, with gold lace as well as the personal effects of the nobility
Old itis' Donohue." I brass buttons on my blue coat. And; and the owning class, but the very, . and warm. The Army blanket wets ger in the night,
"What ship in distress?"
"Well, will you give this to Mrs. i you'll be a very important and re-' crops which they had themselves . .
not . designed to fulfil these require -
A long pause.
Donohue and tell her it's for you and spected family, so there's no use under the former social organization meats.
l "Who Are you? Ilurry. Sinking
your sisters?" He slipped a five -whatever to sit here lamenting for: produced for the nation at large. In rapidly I''
dollar bill into the bay's hand. ! the good old days. Get up now, and their re -action against property own-:
"What ship in distress?"
The boy looked at him, then at the we'll pa) out and meet the grand 'good' mg, they have destroyed the goose.
money, and said gravely, "Thank new ones
you." I "What 'kind of a rigmarole is this
Just as Trask was starting. ra1 his that I'm hearing?" Said Mrs. Done-:
way, Jerry Donohue, carrying a rock. hue with asperity. "From a cop to
Ing chair piled high with pillows and an admiral! If our ill -fortune has!
blankets, came out of the house. gone to your head, it's no more than
"It's you, Jerry. 'What are your I've a right to expect." I
plans?" ! "It's the sober truth I'm telling
Jerry set the rocking chair down you; it's the look -in at thejob of a
and drew his sleeve across his moist cop that's promised me. And he's;
forehead. Ione of the most influential men in the:
"I think some of getting a job in a • city, so they say. Now won't you be'
blacksmith shop. I guess an iron the proud woman when first you see
worker might get a chance in such a . me in uniform?"
place. If I don't. I'll find something, "When that time comes!" Yet in
We've rented our house here to a wo- spite of her accent of skepticism Mrs.
man that's going to take in boarders. Donohue's face had brightened; and
I tell you, that's a load off our minds.' she rose quite cheerfully when Jerry
Now that we've got to move, mother's t said, "N'ove I must be stealing the
quite keen for going into the city. She chair out from under you, for we've,
thing to do. Got to. I've got quite may -be that won't wait for a lazy
has a good spirit. Oh,' fin
d some. got to he on our way; t s a job
e• e:
Men Must Fight -and Women Must Reap. , visions to tide them over next winter. i
two girls and this boy.' I "I don't believe you're going to be themselves on the battlefields of Eur- Thomson, chairman of the Food Board, !
• --- ' It is difficult to imagine China, one
; of the most densely populated areas in
a family to bring up and educate- man. ,
"Well, no," Jerry admitted. "But! "Why not?" , durance, the patience of the women of of Canada in no equivocal terms. the world, living largely on rice and
"Relatives of yours?" I a cop," said Peter. , ope have eclipsed the heroism, the en- has put it up to the men and women
they've got nehody elee.--Hello, what! "I believe you, Jerry;' said Peter's France, Belgium and Great Britain. Theewomen can answer this call to I very meagre fare, having sufficient!
you got there. Peter?" 1 older sister, Kate. ••I know you're They have known the extremity of arms in one of two ways. Either surplus to feed 150,000,000 people in
starving Russia.
suffering. They have tasted the dregs they can go out on the land them -I Bolshevism is sometimes quoted in!
"Very kind of you," said ,Terry.!Jerry. asked curiously, pausing with of the excitement of war. 'Yet they the period of the harvest.
o war. They have lacked the stimulus selves, or they can release a man for 1 this country as an ideal, worthy of
"What are we going to buy with that, the chair hung on one arm, imitation, The pass to which Russia
Peter ?" I "I know that you'll always be what have nobly "carried on," Even as The farmers have clone their share., has drifted is a warning that Bolshev-,
Fingering the fortune, Peter con.' •you say •you'll be." The trustful- their men have fought, they have They are working like slaves, and ism and insanity are not very far
eessed himself at a loss. 1 ness in Kate's gray eyes was as calm worked, their wives are doing no less. They, apart. The nation that will weather
"Shoes, maybe," suggested Jerry.' as in her voice. i What they did in the fields of Bur- responded splendidly to the Appeal for, the storm of this war the best, is the
"And a hat for Kate and a dreas for: Jerry felt absurdly embarrassed by ope ten-more:Hy staved off the wolf increased production earlier in 'Che nation that organizes most efficiently
Betty? Lott arid lots of things maybe . the admiration of the little girl. "Much of starvation from the doors of the year, with the result that it is estimat- and disciplines itself most strictly.
that we'll buy. Only don't be toeing, obliged, Kate; you're my friend," he people. What they did in the mini- ed that there are now 2,600,000 acres Production must be carried on to a
it; you'd be the wise fellow if you took ' said. "Come on now, everybody, tion shops kept the guns supplied with more than last year under the princi- limit of our power, Deetructive
it in to my mother now.' ; and set sail for the Cape of Good
The boy seemed willing to earn a ' Hope." shells. What they did in office, in pal grain crops in Western Canada. criticism and petty fault -Minding are
reputation for wisdom; at env rate, he' That amused Peter, who bad recent- factory, In work -shop, in every phase It stands to reason that if labor weaknesses and dangers. Unity of
went indoors sobediently, -walking with ly rounded the Cape: in geography's, of industrial life, kept the wheels of WAN scarce before the war, the greatly purpose and constituted leadership is
solemn steps, not running like a boy' and confirmed him in his belief that commerce turning and steadied the increased acreage, coupled with the essential. It is a case of a strong
At all. I Jerry was a great joker. And at the fluctuating pulse of an over -wrought exodus of young men from the farine pull, a long pull and a pull altogether.
"You're a well -set-up fellow, Jerry," 1 same time it made Kate even more nation. to join the colors, makes the situation Men must be found for the army, for
observed Trask, "Why don't you try ' sure that Jerry always meant exactly It was in those early days when the Infinitely more serious; it has been munition making and for feed ereduc-
for a place on the police force?" I what he said. -...e...--- _ estimated that over 100,000 men are tion. Non-easential industries must
L ••.•:!
'.4u4e4:4C4.',1s ' '"UleavAlittLeAMVillt=
iiia xiel��is
C ntar o. 0.
that laid the golden eggs. We read
of peasants in certain villages having
gone to such extremes as to seize Lhe
cattle of the local land owner, now ,
deposed, flay them alive and turn
them loose. Without the old motive:
of compulsion to cultivate the land fox
the land -owner, now that the land has '
reverted to the peasants and they,
themselves are the owners, they have ,
neglected to work and to produce thea
, necessaries of life. To such a pass ,
' is the nation drifting that recent die -I
,patches have reported that the so-:
, called Government of present -clay ;
Russia are sending plenopotentiaries1
to China, the formerly despised and'
so-called decadent neighbor to the'
' east, to make arrangements for pro -1
"He gave it to me," said Peter, going to be a cop."
showing the bill. "And what makes you know that?" f
Terryflarested his handted against the!
horses nk and meditaa moment.
"fidon't know." needed to gather in this year's harvest, provide men for essential industries.
"I would kind of like to be a cop," CHAPTER X, "as Dave found
a job yet?" The teen-age boys have been called' ----
be said at last. "How would I go At the corner half a block away He has not, upon, and have responded gallantly.
about it, Mr. Trask?" Jerry saw his family take the trolley "I haven't either," Jerry tried hard Some thirty thousand Soldiers of the
"You'd have to parse a civil service ear for the city, where they were to to conciliate her. "Bot I Voss we'd Soil will help the farmers through the
examination -physical and mental, I enjoy the hospitality of his aunt, both land something pretty moon. Is i
arc uous period ahead of them.
4I any doubt that you could- Mrs. Murphy, until he should arrive Dave at home now, Mrs. Scanlan?" , •
.,ow bout the women?
with a little training and study. The with the furniture and distribute it "He is. But e'snot to be seen
Police Commissioner calls on the civil among the four rooms of the apart- by any 011C- neither him or his father, Canada needs her daughters to rally
needs the help and the in -
Service Board for men as he needs went that they had hired. I suppose, though' -there was a. now, She
them, and choose from the list, of As he drove past the Scanlans' gleam of sly malice in the woman's spirinion of every ono of them. There
them! who have passed," house, he felt that he roust run in for eyes, ---"it's really Nora that you're is none so weak that she cannot do
"It might be worth trying," Jerry just a moment and find out what wanting to see?" (something, and surely none so craven
admitted. "Studying for it needn't in. Nora had in mind to do and bid her "Yes, of course I hoped to see that she WOULD rot do something.
terfere with my working at some other good-bye' he wanted to ]et her know Nora," Jerry said eagerly. I No tree Caine.nan woman would let
job?" that suddenly he had gone) prospects, "I've got to disappoint you. Nora's: Gmgerain spoil on the etalk were sho
'`Not in the least. When you get and that he would be working and gone off this morning with her hus-I actually to see it wasting before her
settled in your new (marten, teem and waiting for her. So he stopped his band. They're buying furniture for
I k rhoP l' C i wagon and ran up :the steps, and their new house," , eyes --the grain tinea is now more pre.
eines than gold or rubles,
Bnt when it begins to rot would be
too late.
The time to act, is now!
It does not matter a scrap what n
woman is or ever will be; what her
social statue, ]ser occupation or her
share of this world's good.. There
ie a new clemency abroad- a won-
derful levelling of grades. Useful-
ness and service are the things that
tvery Welton must search her soul
tioner, and I'll get you all the informa presently Mre : Scanlan opened the. "Nom's not married) Jerry A eyes
tion vou per' door to him. There was even leesno less than his voice expressed in -
"ell, I'l gio that, Mr. Trade, And cordiality in her virago than usual,' credulity.
I tha dc you very kindly." and very much less charm; she looked' "Married she is, as the Reverend
They shook hantia; turning the tor- cross and tired, and her alatternly, , Filth! who performed the ceremony
iter a few steps away, Truk looked dress and di h veled hair betokenedin this house last night, will be tell.
hack and saw Jerry carefully packing
the memorial dove between •two pil-
lows if a little leter he could have
reend into the dismantled house and
ard what messed, Trask might have
en both amused and touched, might
bawl left, too, the &imputation of the
careless bessefector who Rude his ear -
a dejected tip L.
"You see We're moving," said Jerry.
"I thought I'd stop in end say good.
"It's $0011 eald," replied Mrs,
Scanlan. She held the dont and gave
him no opportunity Lo enter.
"You're going to etey on here?"
mg you.
"Who?" asked .Torry with an ef-
fort; his voice sounded strange in
his own ears. "Who was it?"
"Her husband you mem? Oh, 't
will be no surpt•ise to you at all. It'e
Charley Cureoran."
(Tv be continued.)
It is
81Ntp the
• „fim,
. 4'
ok; r 16, etc., without
1. '
ITouble. Saves flour
'anal helps conserve
the Nation's food
'------...-.1-\- IVIIIT4 C"el:elYnien,quic.ic
?Al i and clean -hands
do 110110116 doom!,
.4.:4 G.' ' Delivered all charges
era paid to your home, or
i through your &net-
her loaf size , $2 75 ,
. •t
eight loaf ,Ite $2.25.
41. :"*.-4° E.T. wm-ir co.
i,11.4, ,
to/9 111114111111111111111A1110 tomIninumnin 40)0
er. 0:4
Vi.7/ I L 4— 7
leOuls XV Model, $050:80
Canada's Oldest and Largeet Plano Makere
rTH E example of the late
1 Queen Victoria In se-
lecting the Williams New
Scale Plano has been fol-
lowed by many of the
workl'e most renowned
muelcians. Vila fact has
caused It to be known as
the Choice of the Great
11 111 1111 11111111111101 11ffi
..„ . ease ette.e5"..,224
"For God's sake, burry. Who are
"American; destroyer —. Coining
Lu your assistance, full speed."
"How far off ?"
"Sixty miles. Shall we be in time?"
"What speed have you? Hurry.
We are the —, I.ondon. Sixty-two
all told."
"Will arrive in two hours. Can you
keep up in your boats?"
"Two boats fouled already. Hellish
"Hang on. Wo aro hurrying. How
long will your wireless last?"
"For God's sake, hurry! All over
in a minute."
"How were you sunk?"
"Torpedoed, No warning. Too
late! .Another boat capsized,"
Too Late!
"How far have you settled down
"I've got you. Our bows are un-
"Save yourself. We are coming
"What spe---"
"Can't hear you."
The —, of London, had gone down
in a hellish sea.
British Sergeant Held Six Hundred of
Enemy at Bay.
Announcement ;of the award of
three Victoria Crosses, including one
Lo Sergeant Albert Mountain'West
Yorks, whose act was au outstanding
example of supreme fearlessness and
Initiative, is made in a recent number
of the Official Gazette,
Mountain's company was compelled
to fall back before the advancing en-
emy mass, Volunteers for a counter
attack WEIVO being called, when Moun-
tain and ten men stepped forward. He
advanced on the flank with a Lewis
machine gun and enfiladed an enemy
patrol, of which about 100 were kill-
Mountain rallied and organized the
party for defence and covered the re-
tirement of the rest of the company,
With one non-commissioned officer and
four men he successfully held at baY
800 Germans for half an hour.
Later he took command of a flank
Post and held On for twenty-seven
hours, until finally surrounded,' Moult -
lain was one of the few who managed
to fight their way back,
We have gathered a bunch of posies
from other men's gardens, and only
the string that binds them is our own.
Some eager rAfillflrieS at'Honolulu
have installed furnaces that laurn
heretofore waste molasses AS tier,, the
,:lies being valuable as N. fel. likek,