HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-11, Page 4THURSDAY, IDLY try 1918 Harold lirmstrooH Writes Nome MT, DRAfi'Jl0 HPI?i I> aL -rhe-i aur $ret (ley at sea toad lrerire I go It bed 1 tuttet drop yot, a btu+ althu»gl this will not be posted before I react my tlestinatiou, but will write a MAI evert' day and gall you holy it is going Our information regeeding movement is striate, private so lousequently eat not tell you as awful lot, All I eat say is that everything is fine and w are tieing need white, travelling witt the best on board. As regards ex penees we are getting eve/ythin paid and were told on starting tt spend as we wished it would be all u k. liked very much to have 1 mnpie ref dap; more on shote bu couldn't. The seat to -day is perfect! grand with everted), ripple as w steam along. Sky is as elear as ery etal and the water t beautiful deet blue color brit weals cannot describe the view or express the feeling expetienees on looking on ttil atoned and see nothing bat the water, 1Ve are 'awing one hilitricue time ; last night we had a real dance on hoard whke•h broke up about 11 li elnrk There is a good supply of talent on board.' :Second stay ---got rip at 7 it. tri, and leaked out on a beautiful sight, deep hit, sea with here and there el white -an as far as the eye eau remelt itl every dirertion. Nava• n sollple of noxing hoots and sparring on hoard to -day also loads of tousle as well as 3 big meal.. The weather is ideal, :Saw a porpoise this morning. f+i±nll day. -Lovely weather to -day with s rougher s,ri Mut still flee. The boat 1 ises avid falls slowly just like an 's a »• 1;r f stream v i / « tit t [i il ale a new tool mut see lots of sea treed, water is alkali, ;tlc F. and every person 4,1:ng euonnd as if it were the middle •f Saintlier. Had quite a talk wlilt „1/e of She sitip':otlieets tosiay. fiat up on tit, toil deck with him tot a caps.• of h,itirs atter slipper :and he dire has s,ana great old yarns to spin. 'ie has tiavelled over this coater for e ars and is Sts Ne"leh as they snake luta. 'When be gets hie old pipe tiled he is all set for the evening. Lovely moonlight tonight and all ens i;• ars is the wash of the sea and the login,;. Believe ate this is one grand exiierirnre, ol, we are sure making :ikstoty these days. Fourth day. -Mill floating along night. and day. The sea is beautiful in -data with a distinct roll to it. Spent the lay playing quoits on (leek. ::hur'ch service in the morning anti iota of mash! in the afternoon. Wit- nessed oils of those sunsets which you read about and seldom see, rut as to .cur where -abouts you know as mach as ws do, aye know not. The sea fails nehind and rises in flout as if it were really endless. Nhay 2,Sth. -- This morning finds me bobbling along across the deep. It ,s a beautiful morning fresh anti cool. Possibly by the time this reaches you the hot Suiwner weather will have utived but out here the even- ings air ,mire cold. The sun is Warta and in daytime have been enjoying ex,relleut weather. As yet aur lora- tion 14 an unknown gaantity, but we must it, drawing close to the danger zone. Life belts have been worn by all saner the first day out at sea and are al taays within reach at Illealtime so that we are role aerustewed to waddling around with a mass of cock tied to one'+ pet so u. Sri far every thing is going fine and as faar as the ooze is w"mrrned the ship is absolute- ly b antelly which of stints., does not at - tea we io'the least. Each day brings )few conditions at sea and one day lint bong ago the ,hip gisat as it is, did sons, great old tossing The waves were lashing her all the time and tending In the corridor one could see the :alter end risirue and falling like a dream. The whine vessel ersakrd front homily tinder the strain of the haves rad tcourse quite safely. I like to stard utas watch her t•ld stein 'writ' t ! In .1r 4' yd,Id tap -1' til ftw'tl t+l t'1 ,:•cc*•p i ri in tCl til'",. ons „1 .i' t.'.. ts,•a .c-.. _mirk the Irl to a gas are eicr i . .. ...1„ 'lei,.•, W ,,ne ' 1:• a t r * IVIh;N AND k * F * # :k g \, 4 I. F EVENTS * * * * . MR. E. R. WOOD, Chairman of the Committee which will superintend the sale of the next Victory Loan. tT ti.- _, . telt; - cer2:ul,i: ... -.. - ller the oriri:,. s _. the 1,-: z • -- . goes like !' ... tlo ra.v; .a 111 Ali • are in ger eileg:. .. ! pa icil0ge, ""l- rooms many ..•Wa o .i a lr,s wAi t !iris `ip,ut a m,n•idrraLL- pat t or neariy all of one ,va•n;ng down with the er.gireet, Fitik aitu»a any !Wart b,7tg Ocelot of his engines. They fairly werehi}t them and no wonder. Great !eviler/w- etting engines attached to the hog, - shaft leading buck to the verews, work with inroneeivable reguhnity and are under absnhtte cu»u•°7, A Mtge electrie plant, coaling plaint, puntpe, etc„ etc.., form only a ft wtion of what I would like to tell you. May 29. --Still to sea but enjoying it fine, Nothing eventful hail happehed since yesterday, apart from the ap- pearane of a atlnrtsw of destroyera, They sure appeal to me as most exeR- ing and rain travel like Hghtniug, ctrclieg about and darting here and there around us, Every person wel- clotued them and to -day all are wear- ing a broader smile. The .British Navy, the very »ante of it makes everyone feel mote confident, May SOUL --•-We ate now drawing near the end of our voyage across the pond and looking hack it seems to have passed quickly. Have [nude the aequaintanee of some 8ne then and also run into it few poor toots who last about 15 minutes, Met tit fine Chaplain, viz. Rev. Dr. Johnston, of Montreal, and lila acquaintance I cote eider worth a great deal on a trip like ads. Also tit Y. M. C. A., Secretary Inas been on board, he is a little witty Irishman and ka continually (wanking}, jokes, Drawing near the (,oast td' Ireland we could hardly hold him, Through the telescope of one of the ehip'a ofiiceee, we have viewed some beautiful country to -day, at. u tile• timer of some utiles along the Coast. Little villages at the water's edge with possibly :a e•avtle lutek o1 the higher grout4d And rollingah;nicultuttil land beyond. Or again o1/ o, as they terra it one may see a light home with [he store steps leading down to the landing. Great hills, not so high but gradually or 'abruptly rising ,Ina behind tlo other tthd eirsh •„e t e•t '1 a . ! a l l l , .t Ino 1 Lotze have hero in sight all day. T'ae w a her 14 beautiful turd the set t train] as it pond. I will harts to learn soma i f the old Cou»t'y geogiaphiree teernts il' I Sun to Ir.ide anywhere around here, 1Vir have cotta thrnugll Very daulgr•tous L041111111 1.1111il g the past eompl.• of dar4 but l'rov.- denee tins 'Well kind le, ns and given tit;asafe ,j:nuney. Unee or twice :a spitz from .smite shipwreck tures mks - taken for lhe p,tiieope of a subrout- ine and the glow boomed across the mighty deep, while ;moth, time a porpoise was trine,' oral' tot' gliding tee, ueatr III, nil: ides. (;rvat ❑autbar. of jelly lien hese bee» yeethle to -day, like huge till ties it tray fsst Le1nW tins surfaces. are baring ,i urs -1 ir- terestMg, time and rats say fr.o:kly, I am game fin t destroyer as ta n as we ate trained, should it rain. to it. During the whole trip I hare oojoyrd the hest of haalth, a 81118.1 it.. and call sleep 'like ;t top all h4atul, I pv,ll say the Lott Wits !irking ronsi.L•tuhiy a enttlrls (if dugs. Hut ticd orders Write Foo1L NFn: LlErT. H.. G. AFtMsTltoNt4. CO IlarihhvtIt, SECOND VICTORY LOAN COMING Preparations Well Advanced by I Finance Department. -Amount Asked Will Probably be $500,- 000,000. -Needed to Keep Industry Going. Preparations well in advance are being made by the Finance Depart- ment at Ottawa for the successful flotation in October next of Canada's next Victory Loan, which will prob- ably be the greatest financial effort of the Dominion. While the amount of the loan has not been definitely fixed, it is reported that the amou'it asked for in the prospectus will be $250,000,000, with a real objective of 55 00, 000, 000, No doubt is entertained as to the ability of Canada, even after four years of war, to raise this huge SUM. 11/1 tke effort will be a prodigious r,ne, backed by the most efficient or- ganization which can be brought abemt during the next four months, The money is needed to meet the Dominion's growing military expen- ditures, and to furnish Canadian credits from which Great Britain may purchase Canada's production ;,f munitions, airplanes, grain, meats cheese and other foodstuffs and sup- plies. No other means exist whereby Canada's products may be purchased. in this connection, it is painted out that the Victory Loan of last fall furnished a distribution of money which has kept the wheels of Indust- ry humming ever since. in that dis- tribution, all classes of the comun- ity have shared directly or indirectly, The organization of the last Victory I Loan had to be undertaken hurried. ; ly, to meet the sudden and unexpected I necessity of furnishing immense credit:: in Canada for the Imperial Government if our products were to fond a market j and our prosperity maintained, The Dominion executive cont nittee, formed by the Minister of mance from the leading security experts of the Dominion, in co-operation with the various bond selling organizat- ions, set up a nation-wide organization to promote the loan. This work of organization :and the preparation of the publicity and press advertising of con- tinuous work before the loan was launched. The benefit of a gerat part of this pioneer work will ensure to the ad- vantage of the new man, but the organization, which was necessarily incomplete last fall, will have to be greatly amplified and extended this year. One handicap which Canada has to overcome in an effort of this kind arises out of the fact that, while a territory as large as the United States has to be covered, it contains only about one -fourteenth of the population of that country. Nevertheless, in spite of this disad- vantage, Canada's last Victory i.-.ta ::`te•H•t n:cra '•1•,:- int i';.i..t marko t war loan ae' nicvetnent i2 v relative population Aoki wealth are taken into eceount C'aunada raised in that effort over 310o,o0o,Poo, whieh is 5500 per head e f her population. The last Liberty Loan in the United States, witiClt v:is rtc•st reccessful, raised four bil- tl d•tilar - acetage A 3400 pet held est I n Lime. As the 0114,4 'tel,', hat ltd ll 'V t„ntt tun', the ,y 0.11t11 t,i' fl.ttt, Canada's churl, alter three ,and a halt years of war, was about equal to a United States liberty Loan of from ten to fifteen billion dollars, The Minister of Finance believes in one great effort every year, In order that the business of the. Do- minion may not be disturbed by campaigns at intervals of four or six months. Ile is entirely confident that the coming Victory Loan will eclipse all former efforts, both In the num- ber of subscribers and the aggregate of their subscriptions, MAYENTER YOUR HOME IN SEARCH OF HOARDED FOOD Food Board Granted Wide Pow- ers to Prevent Hogging Supplies. Ottawa, June 2,.-111 order to facilitate the operation of the anti - hoarding law, an order has been passed giving to an authorized representative of the Canada Food Board the right to enter and search any place where it is suspected that food is being il- leeally held or an offence being; com- mitted against the Canada Food Board reetilations. The order provides that nv person duly authorized be the Food Board, who has reason to suspect that any building, vessel, vehicle, re- ceptacle;or place contains any food or foodstuffs in excess of the quant- ities prescribed by law, or who has reason to suspect that any offence against the regulation of the Canada Fond Board is being, or has been committed, upon or within such premises, may enter the latter at any time of the da\• for the purpose of ex- annination, search and inspection• Any justice who is satisfied that there is reasonable ground for be- liecine that food in excess of the legal alhew•ance is held, or that there is any - thine in such premises which would afford evidence as to the commission of any such offence, may issue a war- rant of authorizing search and seizure Refusal or failure to admit any per- son authorized by the Canada Food Board or any constable or other per- son acting under the search warrant issued by any justice, or any attempt to obstruct the entrance of any dul; authorized person constitutes an of- fence involving a penalty of not less than $25 and up to $t,000, or lin- prisonment for three months, or both fine and imprisonment. When any person Is charged with any violation of any of the food regu- lations, the burden of proving that food held by him or under his : tetr •I is not held contrary to or in excel of the quantities prescribed by law shall be upon the person charged. A penalty of from $100 to 8t,000 or imprisonment are provided for vio- lation of the new regulations, PEOPLE ARE URGED TO FILL COAL BIN If They Do Not Get Coal in Now It is Not Fault of Dealer Toronto, June 29, -"Because peo- ple can see the sun now on both sides of the fence they forget what we went through last winter," said M. A, Bar- rington of the fuel controller's depart- ment. "At the same time we must ack- nowledge that the coal is not coming in as it should." lir Harrington explained that if people did not get coal it was not the fault of the dealer. lie was there to sell coal, and if he could get it he would likely be glad to sell it to his re- gular customers. For those who had no regular dealer it would be a sad lookout unless they could see to it that they were sure of the coal in the bin before winter. It was entirely up to the United States fuel administration, now called the anthracite committee, said air. Harrington, lie said that allotments fur each of the States and Canada were made and would be out the first week of July. The amounts would be for the months of July, Aug- ust and September. GASOLINE SHORTAGE Believed Probable in Canada Before End of Year. Windsor, ,lune 29, -- Although at the present time tate gasoline supply throughout western Ontario, and par- ticularly west of London, is sufficient to meet ordinary demands, garage men and oil dealers agree that before the year is out a real shortage will be ex- perienced, Tank cars which have been convey- ing to all parts of the country, and a majority of which are awned by Amer- ican railroads, are being rapidly called in by the United States railroad admin- istration, as they are needed to carry fuel to the seaboard, and this will meat that many interior points far from the main arteries of railroad travel will be left witihout facilities for obtaining gasoline. "It will not he a shortage of gaso- line itself, but of means of transporting it," said one big garage man here to. day. "Even if we had more storage tanks than we have already. I doubt if We could get them tilled up, as at pres- ent we are only receiving enough gas to keep us going." Prices in Windsor for best quality gasoiime remain at 35 cents a gal. IVIEN AND gi i * 4 4 � EVENTS o Grand Duke Nicholas, uncle of the late Czar, who is said to have been chosen to rule Muscovite nation, Ion, while further east the cost gradually rises. At Ridgetown, 80 miles east of Windsor, the price of gas is 38 cents, and at London, 140 miles away, it sells at .lo cents. PLENTY SURAR 9 � CANN ° No Limit to Quantity That May Be Purchased for Fruit Preserving. Ottawa, June 20 - Orders govern- ing the use of sugar promulgated by the Canada Fond Board are not in- tended to restrict the use of sugar in canning or preserving fruit. There is to be Ito limitation of the quantity of sugar that Wray be used in preserv- ing or the quantity of preserves which may be made in fact preserving is to be zncnuraged. Sugar purchased for that purpose, however, must not be emplaced in contrecention of the or- ders against hoarding, PUBLICITY THE BUSINESS BACKBONE Are Our Merchants Working to Keep Trade at Home. - New Mail Order House. One of the best proofs of ceaseless advertising was given in the daily papers last week when the plans for the new T. Eaton Co's. newamail order building was given publicity. A huge 53,000.000 building is not put up nowadays by anyone who hesitates wavers, asks does it pay to advertise HAI' do you think of a city et 60,000 people --secure, serene, rose -vaned by the blue Pacific --that has sent 13,001) soldiers to the \ear for freedom, fully seventytive Ler cent, of therm her own native eiti zeas! Victoria, British Columbia has given units of every uteded variety from grave bespectacled and benursed hospitals to her latest unlieked mime, of bearertbs, the 143rd Salmonslint at all the famous rat;iments in Can ada, not excepting even the Montreel Highlanders, nor the Queen's Own of Toronto, not one has ouldlstanced el cau outdistance the record of Vie• torla's adored riUth Gordon Highland ers, which three menthe ago had 8,000 of all ranks to its credit, 11/ April, 1913, when spring was smiling sleepily on the North Pacific. Alajor P. ,I, Riddell eucceeded in Nath ening a hi adred representative men at the Empress Hotel, and the Gm, don Highlanders were born on paper aid 4tve mI letting t'a' I tla'he know whath v h a t e have tor sale. In- stead of considering tutting down space, increase It. Do not give the large city firms the chance to carry olf your patrons trade, bacaulse you are afraid to spend the money letting the peopie of your vicinity know a - feet the C•argains you can give them , 'rum. THE FLAG A flag is at national emblem. It Is the visible insignia of an established ! government. The accnred sentiment of a nation of people is expressed in it flag. its presence inspires comment and a malt is expressing loyalty when he talks pridefully of his flag. Loy- alty is winder -emotion. it is closely allied to faith, which un- wounded, knows no obstacle. Faith is their leader carried •a ragged, weary band of fagged soldiers through a winter of suffering with Wellington a hundred years ago, Loyalty has help- ed the British army to -day. Faith and loyalty, staunch comrades, have wan surae of the stiffest fights in present day warfare. Confidence in the flag means trust In that which it stands for, Faith in the leader who directs the government which the flag repre- sents implies patriotism. 7'he bulwark of any country is its national feeling. Display the flag, It is YOUR flag, but why not call it MY flag 7 Staff it in a conspicuous place in front of home, office, public building, everywhere. Give this visible assurance of your attitude toward the country which gives your priceless freedom and asks but little in return. Talk of MY flag. Display it and have faith and be loyal to those at the head, irrespective of petty beliefs in party sectionalism, P, S. -Where was the town flag on 'Canada's National birthday r 11 YL kIC NIA E1 .1 !j i �I i I, fi. [ EAIraortii6lt;tfy Yu-cgtes( "Frult-a-dyes'° Hes Aeia'v l one 1•rnsou why "Fruit -a -tiles" is so extraordinarily sneer t.sctl in giving relief' to those suffering with Constipation, !'erpi.!Indr;,e.r- fiou, l %reale• Ileadarhes, .1 ettral:; la, -lilituo, and PladdeP TrncN's, Rheumatism, I4riu is the !;arc*, !'r:rmv and other titan Alleelions, is, because it is the only nu«iiriun in the wuid mule front fruit juices, It is composed of the medicinal principles found hl apples, oranges, figs ted prunes, together with the nerve tattles and antiesptics of proven repute, 60c, a box, li for t 12. i0, trial size ^1/c. At all dealers or sent poop:lid by Frit ilet-tivres Limited, uttate-a. A WESTERN ANNIVERSARY It may be interesting to those who are not any tau Lunilkar with the early history of the Northwest Territories of 'Canada (in which Alberta and Sas- katchewan were included) to know that it Wats just 36 years ago last week that the old Territories began to assume constitutional form and shape, The Iirsl move was to plaice Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assinibonia and Atha- basca under the administration of lieutenant -governor and a council of five members, subject to instructions given by order -in -council or by the Plan to attend Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition IIII I $30,000 IN PRIZES �teyaa- Full Programme of Attractions twice daily Two Speed Events daily Fireworks each night Great Pure Food Show 'n Process Building Plenty of Music, Education, Entertainment and Midway Merriment LONDON CANADA Sept. 6t to 14'h 1918 N.B.-New automobile entrance cor. Dundas and Egerton Sts. Admis- sion $1, covers auto and driver, including parking of car. Prize List, Entry Forms, Application for Space, and all information from the Secretary Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, Secrefarp a 0 to fitment, In mentality the followle:t spring, Financed to the rune of snout() by their honorary feeutenant-(lolonei w H, Croy, We ran searcely imagine the blithe , releesnese with which the regiment welt nito roup three hundred stroul, that warless summer of 1914. It looks so "long ago aid far away," as we sear It through the haze of Ypres and the turn night of the Somme, When the world, tts we knew it, came to bit enc in August, the 140rdone vetin leered ant masse, under their colonel (now Aiajor-tleueral) A, W. Curry, and they went to serve "Somewhere in Frame." nut the Canadian "itueett of the. Pacide" Isn't the city to be contented with its last year's batting average. 'Pile Bantams have just been sen tor ward, and everywhere the visitor goes, from the swarming dockside, to the loneeome heights where the IJo- minten Government's Obser•vutory stares at the stare, there is s (lash of khaki in the column: color scheme. Oak ratty, once sacred le the motorist s.ed the tea basket, now forms part of tho reit°• lotion route march to harden up Iht troops, bit, Baker, down In lite h' 1/t of Washington, frosted against Ili Italian sky, looks near enough lot aeroplane reconnaistmee, and sn1Tl (lenity solid to prefigure benevolent neutrality, The w'indine drives et Beacon mil Park are full of llnlrlttly majors and hustling sergennla and a,f •night the greet branches et the Piing Can Era quiver to "Lula poli["'Thal bugle call that playa the dark In rrolt the Pacific, and tucks a comrztla !mar der lm far Prance. I n'taural. t'cx,na hecatat_fir scat of local eta et - e + u a tumult fol II the, four dr, tri t., .,holt had a combined area of 5irt.r;lo squtu'e miles llltse four ths- anat. Irad been lermed is 1870, Mod war l lost governed. by .11anilul+a, folltrulto4 the acquisition of Thee terrk- tor, Ioc the U ,minion 111 the lludson's f.at I,aIIy ens ir: 35:0. In 1838 a Leg- ist. As.;embl; c't. •:reated for the eeettioe,"t I l ;eke -els Iatet Ilio• d, t! t.. neer ,nr-u 1 11.e.r stat eei le the 11 enitf„u vat kinked, 'mei "Melte at haloed re,poesibte government. The Ilam step was taken in 1905., schen the 1'erriteries \vete formed into two pro- vinces of Alberta 'usl Saskatchewan and adnnitted into the Dominion, Notice, e, to Creditors I1/ the !oar r td !Lsnni de ed lulus Lasd: e., lon•t,l he Vl 1/;e of liao s-'-., 11/ the Conroy of tho ;I, gel Ilrtu'pl, de.c,aid N.,14, 1s h, 1 I v 1v .n 1' t nt 1,,a'1•us- t,•1•,1•1, (n 111 ,9111 I 111/11 all Per- ron, b "Inc. elnim.< a d,•nml l: ac Bast fin era• uo11l•nhudn•rl the:llllb doe lel \Wit, Pals, nt Inn, \•Irma •,' 1117,14,4•14, nr,• r• ylir••l, ,.n tar brfuru a lt,•'::,rh day .d,lttly, A i' 1',0,. to post, tel ei„illi, 1/r tinlivnl•.1 ti I.4 erne, ale HAM, til , f illt, la. r Will 11 1 l r nt ,p .aid dr• en 1 t tan ntlion of ihs 111..1t.t.n.lgond fol k•!r ,r 111011 n..1/. nn l nJdr s 4:- 111111 Ynll ria 114 11'1110 of tin, Tillie s a •nava. at 01'1114,1r rlre,,llnt:la1d Ilio oat 11, 1•or h„.,, on: 11,1' lit env) 111111 11.,111 duly ver11L 1 I a 1 tar 11 11 111,111111t 1' Inn. Iasi 111,4 Ci. I tr ih. 1 1.r rt shy said estato w of til ,s., ,41(11.0111111.4, t of the sold nn••amt thy. !nodes nuul 1...1 Ihrref0, 1„h,luly I,, I1r.1•Inuos , which ho O mit ehiL 11 v.• 11c,11.,• n• hurl nal, turd .Old IL it Ilea, fur snob 11.14,14 .r al j.,41-1 11 Ie,f t, env ieeeet, •a• 1 1. )mspf yah,,., 01111111 n„n •,•.hall , t have bn,•n il¢loiv- rd r.l 111 ,131.• ni -u 91 di.trnottiun. kntf BLL, RN71 U. Winn) S wituatir, ail It Icing 'terser West, d'.ramto. satieitnrs I'nr the Hit laxer tier. Unhd at '1',11•. nt , this Int day of ,Tann, 11118. HONES for Service ELMER DICKSON 51525 A. T. R. 2295 C. N. R. form A 1. Enrolroent No. 4.881 LAPP: Cil, v,1:U'oil 'rnu(hemi rin•.n, Lm, -and shote Morse, I -t 18• nlan•r 1/1. P.;11'•11 t1, and e."alts❑ !afi rr:ug Sb.na 'ill , n1v ,.,nbh• is ,h • r.aulty nr Itco•n 4mt cv.r 411', -•rd 111r. sig vara+ 1/1: n rnlll un r. It h it r r•-.,.1 .r •! niter Letter. N:lun r I Ii,9a.nn Will on. it .,t hi„ nun sink], , 1,au in4 n i:•1 Ho'n1 N.H.., •tela-th, with excep- tool .f int; None : ,ylUN1,Ay--scall Iran•,• Ins own sti,bh• nod Car ria m; Ihu,rn• Ls' way or N1'•„1,`(4 roe nicht. J l'li'U 1 -\VW prism d to relk,r 1/r douse, <4 ,J,a•irh, her noon, and r,vnain tlu•rr until Wr•UtO-sine nnu,l w I L1IatAC tvtll ie .1 le way or Iinn- Jail 'on tI1I-•It Ih tic h., ht. a' 11 „ NAM until the rat •wul•;.011d8) to ,nll,4 IKE MEDIUM 51522 A. T. R. 1070 C. N. R. Koren A 1. Enrolment No. 2980 The r;nundnril eared =haw end Trotting Stn! 11.01 1'1111 brotl.•r• to (Itr•tyit Hi, nail Inez 31, :,lir-, Ws+'knelt 15 tinuus- 111nito tint atilt ua0r.eerrnd. - TIM A11.dtum will ••tio,d aur the mn141%,p❑d11 of t, 1: rill....:1-'0r :is f.Il,rtas: THl`ft�U.\1 -Will leave• his r1W. .InLir, li.y111111en, 1\sitar n,l 11,•1.111..11, ih, 1 tit OW Iluulnly til 11 \l lalrhum, for night FIJI/VS' -`Vial preened lo Plonv Onto Hall's, for enol:; tinswe to (Amami allo1.1,81d'8 ltol el, trms.eis for night. SATI,114.1)AY..tyil! prnroed to hi+own stall•. Idytb, a bore lin v, u! remain um it Ike follow• nil, Thur. -48v Innroing Ver further pnl•tieahers nail term, ,F these well 1.r.•-1 hors,•. w••• bills or,mgniro of THOS. COULTER, prop. • Mlz., BURN 2N1 ,1An3a1 pinrelmont No 4,U1. b•nrm I. Will stand for H.,. iwpruv, numt of rluck dur- ing the prt•.ent ..,mson n011"ury Rnr•r'x stable, hot 911, Con 3, )l urrl• o.wnsldp, H. BONE, proprietor. PLINK 13itti1i STA I,IdnN PRINC;IE KINNAIRI:) flb852.I 19nrnlm ont No. 505x, lfnl'lll7 Yonka slay ,Cee, Isis: bred Iry damns Spon'. Sh•e,Rur nnirtl lhirY. time,) [1271181 (1031171; 4b•e se sine, Bei tssll Ono( I+tell (118001 Dom or sire, Rate (i0571; dont, tomoe Senn A ash) tit Sh•e or ti tm Royer Perk (nap 1 ;leo (thew Dein 1/t' (1011 (lagan, by Lord of tLo Manor stn i ) flli,al (92111 win stung for service during twin Fortson xt Id. own stable, Lot au, fou, II, Morris, UI• would, by appoinNnent, sleet mtstonmre. .IAB. SPEW., Proprietor CUMBERLAND GEM 110481 11008.1] Enrolment No. tan--In:pooled end Approvrd Form I. Will tend for the Improvement of stock cloning the prevent season at John J. Alot4tiv- in'axlebh,s,Lendhtn•y, I,nt22,(Ims.la, Atoliil- I lot. Perms, 812 to insure, payable Irebrttnry i 1st, 1(110. J J. 1,.1e(4AVIN, Proprietor. Bull for Service ! 'rho toldersigned Maser for sery9ae, nil Lot, 110, Von, 2, &loris towns11ip, the thorn'•brnel� Short Horn Buil, (-Juliann' of Snlom, Nu, -90418:-. S)rsd by (.4ainfnrd Mal qui. I106001 ; tem 8ltldrrtl Vl ]' by tioyel Seiler (181151)6 Ped- igree luny b1/ aeon on application. Terms- : $11,80 fur grottos host $10110 for thm•o'-breds. THOS. PI813081, I Proprietor. Hog for Service Thn undersigned wili steep far servile on Lot 28, Clmi, I.,, trey, the thero'•11red Yorksldrm o Hog, "Amherst ldef," broil by 13, Armstrong E Solis, Cndrhiigthorn. Terms, 49,00, n Hum 1/r servino, with privilege of returning. Pedigree troy be seen on eppliention, 82.3 101f f9 (I. SP IilIIIA N, Proprietor, Farm for Sale emitadning?-ell soros, viz.., S!.j Lot 80, Ono, II, Morrie townrhip, and I.nt I, eon, 8, Geigy town, shlp WnllWatered, Omni ortabl,house, bank kern end tnnnttre shed, driving house, wind mill, orchard, Se a% utiles North of lirmxsola on gravel rend. Rural mail and rural 'phone, %mllsto school, Will 8011 either nr bulla Minns hone rurfher pertieninrs apply to MAX, VOIISYTII, Proprietor, Brnseele, or P. S. SCOTT, 1.31 ussels.• n-4 For Sale. Good Value About two artists of hand with onutfm'191110 finnpn lmnse, stat In nod hen horse; good well; good oldie -rand W0.81811181 • al,o hearing Fruth braes. Abora I ohm Urs' wnlit (rem pnstoinee, The above property la situated on ,lames st„ Itrusssls. Partimlla•a may be bad on enquiry Prom tho owner on the proms os BIM Oil GRANT.