HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-11, Page 1VOL, 47 NO. 2, $1,50 Po, Annum in AciVance-- -: LRUSSBLS. ONTARIO,. THURSDAY, ft7LY xx, xg18 -� 1Eif1 tllle;ilt Uiti•.wwaG4 Gw 11112 ilia e€ the r �, % 1yy W C �. I there will be many opportunities during the reconstruction pcnoci, But they will need a little ready money to !"swing them,,, The question is—are you willing to save money now to grasp the opportunity then Decide, now,to let us help you to save, Interest paid every six months. —THE Bank of Nova Scotia. Paid-up Capital - - . 5 6.80000 Reserve sound - - 12,000,000 Resourcco 190,000,000 P. IL GILROY ?,tanager Brussels Branch $]tl11111 New Advertisements L veil—John Logout. Por halo -15104.13, ;Snider. Duster found—Toa Poer. Tnaohor wanted—John Hopper. Teacher wanted—T. H. Bolger. Voters' list—Village of Wrosetur. Notice to Orodltoro—Robert Lawson estate, istrict cll�S �. �. _..._._._ _ .. -- - Cranbrook Rev, Mr. Kennedy will be the preacher at ( ratibrook Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Bl u eval e Alex, Magee, Guelph, spent Sunday at his heine. Pte, thigh 5iunamnn spent the week end with friends here. Misses Janet and limy Mowbray are V4411111; friends in Wingharn. De. and Ales. ]tattoo, Fordwich, spent timidity at Milton Sinn h'e. Ali -e Flo, Ailebeson i% vieleing her friend, Mrs, Buchanan, Wingham. 11rv. Neil Hebb ittul son Alvin tine vi• ii ing with Jim. and Aire, Brooks. Aire, NV. M. Mitsters, Toronto, is visiting a1: the home of Jantee Masters, Miss Velma Bowley, Toronto, is speeding the holidays with Mrs. Mc- Leod. Mrs..fohn Mental) and daughter, Mies Edna, Clinton, spent the past week visiting friends hem, Walton Tr ustees are acdvertieing for a teacll- er for the 21111 room of our school. H. and Airs, Got•salitz were guests of Roy and Mrs, Bennett Sunday of last week, Next Sunday will be the last service. for Rev. Mr. Mann, Btnssels, as he takes his vacation for several' weeks. Mrs. 1:1. Lloyd and grandson, Clif- ford liingston, Wigghtun, visited at John and Joseph Bennett's for a few days, Miss Jean Richie and Mie, Peter Biotite are here oto a holiday vigil from Saaketehewan. Old rebinds nue glad to greet them. Walton ]ted Cross Union will meet as taeuid Tuesday afternoon, July 10th. A liheial offering is asked for in slid of the "Yeencln Relief.," Doo. Waghnrte John and Mrs, Iianle, and Alden and Mrs. Megavin motored to London on fiatueday. They made the trip in the former's cer, Miss Clack, of St. Helens, who holds a let class certificate, has been engaged as principal of Walton school for the Wining year, At salary or $675.90, Mist Dickson, who taught seat year, purposes staying hotne for the next terra, Next Sunday morning Rev, Mr. Bentley, the new pastor of the Metho- dist church, will preach his introdne- toey disenueso. We bid him and his beide welcome to Walton and wish them sucess. Walton Women's Instiente will meet Thersclay afternoon, 19th inst., at8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs, Oliver Harris, Mrs, John leinDoneld will give a paper- on "How to Inane our meetings duterestng apcl entertain- ing," and Miss Iva Harris will discuss "'cable Decoration," Everybody svel- cutne. Thursclay evening or last week a jolly ronpany assembled at. the Metho- dist Pateynage, read an appropriate address and presented Rev. and Mrs. Craik with a fine iron enamelled man- tle clock, bronze trimmed, as a paeting gift before their removal to Dawn Mills. Grey Hay cutting is on the program of the farmers, Mee Wuh. Rands Inas been etejnying a holiday with Seaforth relatives and friends. The Trustees °f Tnenbnll's school 15th Corr., have engaged the aetwices of bliss McGowan, of Blyth, for the coining terra Rev, Me, Fair, who has been at At - weed, occupied Union Church pulpit Sunday afternoon last, and preach- ed a good srtnnm. J, lel, trod Mrs, Hoover warp al. Au- hin•n last There lay taking inn tawny picnic in which role/ ves from Ottlifile uta stud Mhelnigann were guests, We are sorry to hear of the poor health of Mrs, A. McDonald, lirtl Con. Mrs. It. Eakel, of Mooeejrtw has been with hes' for the past few weeks. We wish Mrs. McDonald a speedy re- covery, Last Saturday evening the Union Football team went to Monkey» and }}played of rrieudly match with ehe Maitlands of Elute Score was 2.0 in favor of the roomer. Frets. Tuck was referee. A relearn grime is expected. We cougratulate Lorraine Blake. daughter of J. D. and Mrs. Blake, ].3ch Oen., on winning the Silver Medal for vocal music at the compe- tition in Brussels last Friday evening under, the direction ot• the W. O. T. U. Last Sunday moaning Rev, Mr. Fair, father -its -lee of Rev, Me. Johu- son, preached in Rue's church giving a fine cliscnur»e ATM II Timothy, 1-6, He is superatnmatiug and will make hie; home in 'Totoneo with his daugh- ter, The program at Union church on Dominion Day svaa succeserully car- ried out although weather °miditons were none too favorable. A quartetee from the choir gave the opening number and Rev. and Mrs. Devison, ofBcalge/tee, proved themselves to be royal entertainers. Peoceelde of ete teettinment were x;1.10, Rev, 1411',. J011nson presided, Lunch was serv- ed. A letter front the Olins. Love ftmtily, former residents of this township, and writteu on June 27th, ettys •—We en- close our subscription Lo '.Cissa Po T, which we value so highly as it keeps us posted ae to all that takes place around our oiel home and netghboe- hood. iVe had a very dry spell which threatened damage bne as we have been having ehowers the trouble i» checked. Our eldest daughter was mat ried tot Btu• lmune in Edmonton to ltev, Nigh ti mettle, Mrs. Lave goes to this city to live with the girls dur- ing the school and college Lorin, '1'lne two eldeet girls creme attending Alber- ta College and the youngest one going to school. We spent the holicdaye ab the ranch at Czar, Alberta, LI.VIA .ADZES' COLLEGE (Canada's National Residential School for Olds) OPENS ITS THIR.TY-EIGHTH YEAR ON SEPTEIVIBER SIXTEENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN Thorough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, Nigh, School, Busines8 College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training ns Tor terms, address: R.I. W araer,117f.A,,x).D„ ,President, St. Thomas, Ont, I'le, Wilfrid Whitfield f9 llinne fox. 10 f nYs leave from London Cann), Mee, Cuthbert,Ilutchinerm and son Robert and bliss. Corlirene wine at Londono last Wednesday. They motored, Mrs. Tindall Ititnhle and Hon lames Stewart., of Winglutrn, have retut ned home after spending tile )ass week with the 1'ormer'H either and brother. Andrew anti. Mtn, Breckenridge, of °Wong°, have been visiting at the house of Cuthbert Iiut lliu»on, return- ing 1101110 01 Monday, The former in hrnther of Mre, Hutchinson, Wednesday evening Pte. hue AI - wink twits waited nu et the parental Mane, 14th eon„ by a large company or nei •labors and old feleude and pre- sented him with a Safety razor and ehavhng outfit, a Fountain Pen and a stun of money. The address was read by Louie Blake and the presentation made by Geo, Blake, A reply befitting the no/melon was made by the soldier boy. Rev, Henry Smith, Brussels, occupied the chair and made a speech, An enjoyable evening was spent after which lunch was served and the com- pany separated with many good wishes for the lad in uniform. He is a son of Thos, Aleonk. McDoerer.n—Mc:KEE.—A charming wedding took place on the morning of July 81.d, at 7 o'clock, in George St Methodist chinch, Peteeboro, when Miss Rosiland Pearle, slaughter of Mrs. S. A, McKee, 31 Dennistotin, aveune, was united in marriage to William McDonald, Tugaske, Sask., the ceremony being pperfoerned by Rev, A, J. Thomas. The bride, who svgs unattended was given away by her brother, Olarence McKee, Sud- bury, She wore a travelling suit of gray tafxetta silly with a corsage boquet of Richmond roses, Wedding March was played by the Conserva- tory orchestra, accompanied by J, H. Renwick, organist of the church. During the signing of the register, Miss Laura Logan rendered a violin solo setting of "0 Promise Me." Mr. and Mre. McDonald left for a sheet trip to points ire Western Ontario. Thep will snake their home in Tug- aske, Sask. NioncriefF Joseph and Mrs. McKay spent a few days at Arthur this week. Pte. Harold Livingston was home from London for the week end. Last week Pte, Frank Boyd was home He is now with lisp artillery at Petewasva in training, Rev. Mr. Allen is the new Methodist pastor at elonlcton as snness011 to Rev. Mr. Doan who went to Hensen. Miss Mee Joes and Miss Mary Smith, of Toronto, who were visiting et with friends here, have raine home. Ptes. Wm. Mann, who enlisted in the Engineers, Wm. Parish and Harold Livingstoir spent the week end at Moncrieff. Miss Beulah, Charley and Miss Lillian Joss, of Tolnnto, are spending their holidays with feiencle and rela- tives in title vicinity. Miss Bessie McQuitrrie, teacher, is taking a special course during vacation at Totemete We Nisi, her encess. She has been teaching at Campee- down during the past terns. Seaman Wm, 'Mann, who has been with King George's navy for the past year, WAS a welcome visitor with rel- atives and friends at Monerieff, The sea evidently agrees with hiru. We are sorry to state that D. K, Livingston had his right arta broken at the elbow Sly a kick from one of his horses while unhitching. It is a very busy time to be laid aside just now Mat we hope D. K. will soot) regain the use of the ant, Morris Council tniuutes may be react on page 5 of this issue. Mrs, A. Robinson, .Detroit, slater of James Russell is visiting him, Miss Jennie Robb is home from her school near Harriston for her vacation. Herbert and Mrs. Manning and children were visitors with Olinton vela, Ives, Miss Nnhle has resigned tie teacher of S, S. No, 3, known as the Miller etelintd, 6111 line.. Teacher wanted for what is known as the Stone school, 2nd line, See ache, in this issue, Joe Bowmen, Cobalt, was here at- tending' the runteal of his brother, Wm Bowman, aid line, He was a Entente. roiiident of this locality, Mrs. Win, Steettou anti daughter, Alis Bezel of Hamilton, have been visiting aL the home of 1'. and Mrs. Claris, 5th line. Mr. Stretton is also bele I his sweet, Wm. T. BOWMAN CALLED AWAY. -- The haws of the death of Wm. T. Bowman Thareday of last week cause as a great surprise to many as com- paratively few knew he was even ill, 14e was ailing for about 3t' weeks. Deceased was the 4th son of the late John and Sarah Bowman, who resid- ed on the same farm which the eub- ject of this notice was born on and where he continuously resided Si Lot 28, Con, 3. 18 years ago Mr, Bowman was metaled to Miss Jeanet, daughter or Allan and Mre, Speir, 4th line. She, 2 sons and a daughtee survive and share largely in the sympathy of the commtutity in their deep sorrow. Deceased was a Peesbyteriatn in chnech relationship and was also a Member of the Orange Order, He enjoyed else eespeot and esteem of a wide circle. The funeral was held Saturdity afternoon toad service was condneted by tiev, A, J'. Mann, Brus- sels, Pallbearers were G. Hendeeson, Joe Hogg, Thus. Bone. ,Toe Shaw, J, Sellers and A., bleCitihun, Inter- melte tvas made in Bruseele cemetery. Jas. Bowman M. P. islebeother to the deceased. Mrs, Bowman and family will continue to reside on the home- stead as the eldest son is nearly 17 years of age and with hell) will be able to look after farming operatiene, Robt ' } dos e s 11 re v'. t I and delight t r h and 1 tller'e hushttud of Kinr;ardi township, motored Bore last Satur l to vita the tanner's beuther, Ja Russell, all lisle, Pte. Harold Currie, who has beet) in training with the Army Medical Corps at London, sous sent will a draft. freest that 'ur » 4 u L I etplVn a ' p w Lump on Monday. Russell Currie, Harvey Bey. ails, Mrd. Wm, Boerne, Mies Mantle• Bryans and Mies Jean Fox motor ed 4n Londa u Sunda and emelt the Sunday 1 t clay with hint. Many old friends here wish him aUCnesH. W. H. IirERR, Proprietor et mother, Mrs. Jane McDenald bete, ne for a few days before ul Y going to 'Tug - ter t mike, Sank., %tit. where t they will take t s, houewkeeping. Y i la Ethel Ethel School report may be found on page 4 Of ibis issue, P. J. and Miss Lizzie Bishop are malting a visit at Weston, J, A. and Mrs, McArthur, Paisley, vieited at John Me.Donald's last week, Next. Sunday afternoon Rev, Mr. Kennedy will occupy Knox church pulpit, Robert Elliott; Forclwirh, renewed old acquaintance with R, Dilworth this week, Wm. McInnis arrived home Frtclay night after spending five months in the far West, Pres, N. Addy, Jas. Bremner, Cecil leekunier and O. Cochrane vleited at their homes here Sunday. R. J. Murray has bought the Gill store from T. Vodden and has moved: The change will he more convenient. ,T, and Mrs, McRae and Alex, and Mrs. McRae, brother-in-law and nephew, visited at Jas. McLelland's last week, Russell Love, wife and daughter, of Hamilton, visited have last week. The former is a son of W. H. and Mrs, Love, of Ethel. Gilbert and Mrs, Love and Robert Love, all of Barrie, were here nn n visit with NV, H. Love and family, The men are brothers. Mrs. Allen Barr and son, Reuben ; Mrs, Wes titian and daughter, and Mrs. McCourt, Milverton, visited R. and Mrs. Dilwelth and other friends in the burg. It and Mrs, Dobson and Miss Pearl were driven to London last Sunday by their brother-in-law, Mr. Oongram, of Lucknow, to visit their son, Private Elwyn. Mrs. Ed. Fletcher unfortunately made a step in the wrong direction and sprained her foot so bad it was found necessary to have it set M-"ples- teeeof Paris. We are sorry to hear that Howard Strachan is reported in the list of wounded. His injury is a gunshot wound in the leg. Hope he will soon be better. Will. Laing is here from Weyburn, Sask., for a short visit. It is 6 years since he was here, Will. is still a bachelor but no telling svhat may hap- pen, He is a son of B. and Mrs, Laing and will visit his sister, Mrs, Lamont, Brantford. Mr, Laittg is in the dray business. ,Tas. Me,Lelland received a telegram last Smulrty saying his son, Ser, Gan, A, A'ler,elland, was atltnitted to Boulo- gne hospital from a gunshot wound in head, on June 29th. He has been in France about 14 months and his broths er, J. H., about 17 menthe, This is their first injury. We hope for speedy recovery,. Wroxeter Miss Helen McLean left for Toronto on blo clay, Robert and Mrs. Black spent several days in London. Miss Sadie White returned from Galt on Saturday, John Rutledge, Brampton, was in town on Monday, Miss Etoil Reis, Galt, is Visiting friends in the village. Jos, Rieke, Guelph, sent Friday with his nephew, J. R. Wendt, Mrs. E. Lowry and sou are visiting relatives in Beussele and vicinity, A.Sanders and little daughter, Wel- lesley, were recent visitors here, Lieut. Steware McKerciher, Toronto, spent the weep: enol at his hone. here, Aldred Wearring has returned fron London having been grented 30 days leave. Miss Alma Raun was te recent visi- tor with the Misses Henneherg, Ford- Nirh. bliss Annie Harris, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. M. Mc - 'ravish, bliss Buelalr Patterson, Hatriston, is spending a few sweeps with bee aunt, Mrs, Win. McLean. MAAS SHIPMENT FOR RED OROS8 WRRE 1—Pyjama suite 54, flannel shine 12, pillow cases 6, towels 60, face cloths 12, stretcher caps 12, For Belgie ns, 7 quilts, 1 pair flannelette blankets, Molesworth Mrs, Murray, Pinkerton, is visiting at T. Gummi t mn ngs, Clifford McKee, Seaforth, spent Dominion Day at W. Feaser's. Mrs, R. Davis and danghter, Toron- to, are visiting at S, G, Sangster's. Alex. McDonald was ill London a couple of days last weep. Business Alex, P Mrs. D. Rogers and Mise Islay, of Los Angeles, are visiting at D. H. Campbell's, Watch for the announcement of a Garden Party in aid of Red Cross work, It's coming, Quite all timber from h'er'e went to Listowel Monday' evening to help welcome Pte. Bance McDonald home from Femme, where he has been for nearly 2 years. Mrs. Will, Elliott and bfi's, John Genital and children, of Pilot Mound, Matt„ are visiting their mother, Mrs, rano McDonald, Miss Mitbel Robertson met with rather a very severe shaping up, when 2 byricles collided, one on which she was riding but we hope she will soon be o, k. Will. and Mre, McDonald, (nee Pearl McKee, .Peterboro',j visited with hie Clinton The local tax Collector itae returned tote the town Treasurer the•» ' Hr 4 In sla . 1 mentof the 1958 taxes atnouuling to a little over $14,000, which de about ae mneh as the whole year's taxes a few year% ago. The ease ref 1V. T. Grieve, vs. the Township of Bullett, was heard be- fore Judge Lewis, of Godet lett. Grieve entered anion againht lira township for inktrieR sustained by being thrown front his cutter on tte- cunnt of his horse ehying on a narrow road ae a time when the road wail flooded by a Spring freshet. 1V, Brydone, Clinton, acted for the town- ship and J. M. Rest, Seaforth, for Grieve, Judgment reserved fur fur- ther argument at Goderieh, Belg;rave Mies Minta Reid Allen, of Wing - ham, is visiting her friend, Miss bland Bell. Joe and Mrs. Brandon are away on a pleasure trip to the West for a couple of months. Miss Ella Oloakey, Wingltatn, lnaa heen spending a few clays at her form- er home in Morris township. Mies Ceases• had the misfortune to break her arm, near the wrist, while visiting friends in Wingham, Rev. and Mrs, Davison took part in a program at Brussels last Friday evening under the auspices of the W C. T. U. Miss Viola Isard, Wingham, has been engaged by the Trustees of the village school to teach next year at a salary of $026,00, Dave McGill, who is a gifted vocalist sang a fine solo in the Presbyterian church Suu clay morning entitled "Guard our Nation." Miss Annie Geddes has given up her school it) Hullett township and has taken it position in the Bank of Com- merce in Wingham as teller, The Minstrel Company, of Brussels, gave an amusing and well rendered entertainment last Tuesday evening, to an appreciative audience in the C. O. F, Hall. Proceeds wenc to the Pat- riotic Fund, Joe Sproat, who has been ill in Wdughatn hospital for some time, has retnened to the village and is now able to get around quite smart with the aid of crutches, being minus a limb, we are sorry to state. Rev, Mr. Boyle is slowly improving from the effects of a recent broken limb. Rev. Mr. Abery, Londesbnrce, took his work last Sunday and Rev, Mr. McFarlane, Bayfield will preach next Sunday at 12 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, who for the pest 2 years has taught in S. S. No. 5, Morels, has been successful in securing a position to teach on the staff of Gtimsby High School. 130 applinatinue were lined up for the position, She is now tarring n Riveted Sommer Course in Art at Toronto, The Patriotic Snedety aeknowledge with thanks the following donations : —Mrs. Margaret Wilson, $2.00 ; H. McOlenaglaan, $2.00: Mrs. Thos. Proc- ter, $1.00 ; Obas, Campbell, $5.00 ; Nast bV awanosh Oounr,Sl, $140.00. The collection on Registration Day from 8 schools, $20.29. Pateiotic Society shipped to Hyman Ball, Lou- don, on June 240, 48 pair of socks, Registration Results in North Huron The work of compiling the registra- tion returns for North Huron has been completed at the officio of the Regis- trar, H. Bellamy, Dungannon, and for the information of the public the re- sults are published below, A total of 10007 registered before and on June 22 —7440 males and 8027 females, This is regarded as very complete ; in fact it exceeded the expectation of the Registration Board at Ottawa and made allowance for a certain percent- age not being able to attend for Re- gistration because of sickness, etc. However, due to the diligence of the capable Deputies and assistants move of these were looked after prior to Re- gistration any with the result that it can be definitely stated there are no more than 50 unregietered persons in the Riding to -day. In the 'Townshi )s it will be noted the male and female population are about equally divided but in the towns the females are in the majority by several hundred, tide be- ing due to the fact that there are many husbands overseas. The following is the standing of the varices townships, villages and towns h Male Female Total AshliNld 737 741 1478 W. Witwanosh 307 800 618 E. Wawanoshe 409 515 984 Colborne,. 400 456 946 Grey 775 789 ]5(14 Morris 507 640 1'2.17 Howick 749 733 1482 Turnberry,..., tin 570 1112 &tweets 250 806 -625 1Vroxeter, 138 180 818 Gorrie 185 158 203 Ford wich 130 158 288 Blyth..,... „ 221 276 407 Dungannon,147 109 316 Wingham 018 951 1560 Goderieh 1180 1030 2760 7440 8627 10067 Question 13 on the male cards eAre you willing to do farm worst 7" woe answered by 1300 tnen in the urban eentres who are floe at present engag- ed it fartniug hitt who era tvillin to help out if necessary. Tile total male population by the urban centres ie slightly over 1800, en that the per- eentage is nearly 70, This reflects well on the pateiotiene of the people of North ,urs l Huron. Information to ion n ore e t nl a cards has been extracted by the Regie - tear for the Organization of Reeources Committee, of Toronto, who will make immediate use of same. The totals for the different Lowes and villages are He followe :—Goderich 4Tf V in 6ho o 3q 5 Brussels 9$, Blue - vele 25, lilyth 116, Walton 80Dun- egmnion 59, Wroxeter 63, Ford wich 48, Gerrie 72, Ethel 34, Belgrave 36. The total number of Deputies ap- pointed wa» 110 and the number of as- sistants 200. These and others who "ifeted their sel•vlCes the Registrar heartily thanks for the %piendld work they diel during Registration week. AS Anfnl as the returns are received from Oltewa the Registrar hopes to publish iu the local press a list of the wotkers shushing the teeigned remuu- erntlon to the Reel Cross fund. Registrevalso thanks the people of North Hewn for responding sc rend• ily and willingly to the provisions of the Itegistration Act, North Duron liberals A Nominating Convention will be held fur telae Constituency of North lenrrnr, in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday, July 26th, at 2,30 p, nl. Large attendance of Liberate, whether delegates or not is asked for, Ladies are expected as well as gentle- men. R. M, McGuire Dies at Joplin, Missouri Surgical Operation prior to entorinw Military Service Resulte Fatally. Thursday of last week a telegram was reeeived by A. and Mrs. McGuire from Joplin, Missouri, U. S„ inform- ing them of the unexpected decease of their eldest son, Robert Milton. He was a splendid young man and wide- spread sympathy is expressed for the bereaved, The Joplin Globe of July 5th gives the following particulars that will be of interest to many old friends here of deeeased :—"A determination to serve his country as a soldier, cost Robert McGuire, widely known photograph- er, Rotarian and Mason his life. He died in St. John's hospital at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, a week after he had undergone a minor operation, necessary to make possible his accept- ance into the Canadian army. McGuire was 34 years old, He was born at Brussels, Ontario, and was in the Canadian draft. which extends to men 85 years old. McGuire was mar- ried and could have claimed exemp- tion, but he had determined to enlist and had settled up hie businees affairs, placing an old friend in charge of his studio and going to the hospital to be made tit for military service. Al- though the operation was a minor one, certain complications developed that caused his Beath. Sincerely patriotic expressions from his mother in Brussels figured in Mc- Guire's decision to enlist as a private, although he previously had planned to select a branch of the service to which he felt most fitted to serve his country. Some time ago he wrote to his mother explaining that he was contemplating enlisting and was then trying to decide in what branch to enlist, Mrs. McGuire already bad given one eon to the service, Sergeant Norman McGuire, who has been in the fighting since the early days of the war. But loyal to her country she felt that the other son, too, should go, if he felt so inclined and could arrange his busi- ness affairs. McGuire arranged for the surgical treatment. I•Ie did not tell his wife of his plans until she had gone for a visit with relatives in Sedan, Kam, which information was contained in a letter sent her just before he went to the hospital, Although several Emends knew of McGuire's plans to � join the army and of the needed opera- tion, he slipped away to the hospital with very few aware of his going, 1'he operation was performed and ble- Guires recovery WAS expected. Early Tuesday night McGuire called for the Rev. W. M, Oleaveland, pastor of the First Presbyterian nhurch. Me, 0leaveland hurried to the hospital and learned that the patient's condi- tion was twines, Messages had been ren t to Mrs. McGuire at Sedan, dut•- ng the day, but through some error in address she did not learn of his con- dition until so late that she arrived in Joplin at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, three hones after he died, McGuire came to Joplin a few years ago and pnrehased the studio at No. 812 Main street, He had been meet - ed only a short time previously to Miss Della Bryan, of Sedan. He was exceptionally proficient in his twerps - :ion and he became prominent in business circles, When Rotary Club was organized a few years ego he be- came the member representing his profession and always has been active to various wort in which the Rotate inof the most papular members or the ns have participated, lie was one organization. He also wee a Mason and belonged to the Presbyterian e mrell, attending the First eburoh here but retaining membership in a chtmolh in another oily, The surviving relatives are his wife, his parents, A, and Mrs, McGuire of 13russele, n, brother, Sergeant Mc- Guire, in France, a sister, bfrs. J. 111, Mason, Funeral services neer the body were held in the Presbyterian ehurch at 2:80 o'clock Sunday afternoon, can- duoted by Me, Oleaveland. 13urial in Mt, Hope cemetery. Mr, and Mre, McGtaire oeettpied I aart'ments i n Ii building, whereN their studio 'H ]reated, Mrs. McGuire new ts at theharnenf Mayor J.P , and Mrs, Osborne, No, 123, North Moffat avenue, Mr. (/leeveland paid this tribute to Mr. McGuire, when disnueshng his death :--"We recognize hi e a m a soldier who gave leis life for his country. He wee a firitieh sula- ject mud a British casualty," Mr, and Mee. McGuire reeeived letters refs sympathy pal'hq ft•°nh Joplin, in which the life and character of their departed son were referred to in words of praise and commendation. letter from Sergt, Dorman McGuire Following letter was reeeived last Monday from • Serge Norman Mc- Guire, who is figuting in France, by his parents, A. and Mrs. McGuire, Bluest -de :- DEAR MOTHER ANO DAD.—Another little epistle to say I'nr enjoying life as much as possible in foreign lands and haviug a fairly decent time lately. Things look serious enough at tittles but I dou't think there is much danger of the Beebe getting much farther. Isis hammet-like blows seem to be losing force, although he is not spar- ing his men. This week I have had 2 parcels from home, one from mother and the other from the Red Cross Society, also mother's letter of May 12th. .Evidently mother is not in the best of health but hope her head has ceased to bother her. A strange malady is prevalent through Europe, sort of an influenza. The sufferers have a high temperature, ,headache and soreness. 1 haven't been uufor- tunate epough to be a victim and hope it don't come my way, I wish all the Huns would catch it and it would hang to them like a lost brother for about umpteen months. Don't worry about me. If 1 never worked harder than I'm doing now 1 won't grumble. Since Job's comfort- ers have forgotten to worry me I have nothing to grumble over. Glad mother had a pleasant visit at Milver- ton. So Milt. Ss going to try his hand at war. He would hardly do as an in- fantry man but will be able to do his bit at his own work. Aerial photo- graphy is now quite an important branch of the service. The planes fly over the Bocbe lines and take pictures of trenches, ammunition dumps, etc. The guns are all camofluaged so its pretty hard to locate them with a camera, You might be within a flew rods of a bunch of big fellows and never know they wet there, so clever- ly are they concealed. I suppose the big brother will sign up in Yankee - land but it makes little difference, we are all out to finish up the same job. Had a nice big rake from Aunt Sarah !Mrs. S. Jackson, Moose Jaw,) to -day. It Inas been on the way over 2 months but is as sweet and moist as if it were baked a week ago, 1 sup- pose everything is going, so high °ver home itwill be finite an item to pack a parcel. Don't bother too much, a little candy or chocolate once in n while, if you can get it will suffice, I bad a letter from a chum of mine the other day, who was seriously wounded at Vimy Ridge and has been operated on 0 times since that battle, giving hien a pretty tough time. He sent me a 10 shilling note, saying he hoped I would be able to buy some good eats and that I wasn't as hungry as he used to be. I'm afraid they suffered more than es. We happily have one of the hest army cooks I ever ran access. If you could taste some of the grub he dishes up out of hard tack biscuits, you would aura be surprised. I must confess there are not many like him but it is a case of ,riot worry about the rest at this game. Will try and obey mother's instruct - tions to weals and be Mean, if it is possible, Trust all are enjoying usual health et hone. Love to all, France, June 10th, 1918. NORMAN, Church Chimos Rev, 'c, ;j. Snowden, or Ailsa Craig, who is eaperanuuating this year, has purchased a resicleuce in Clinton and will retire there Rev. A Fletcher, pastor of Christian Church, at Keswick, reports that his car was stolen from the driviug shed of Christian Church at Newmarket. At a meeting of the two Presbyterian churches in St, Marys it was finally agreed to unite under one management, union to take effect on Sept, Ise Rev. H. D. Moyer, of London, who has gone to Seaforth, was pleasantly sur- prised at a meeting of the tlembers of the Adult Bible Class of the Hyatt Avenue Methodist church one evening when he was presented with a silver- haedled umbrella. Mrs. Moyer was given a piece of cut glass. Au address represeive of the good work the pastor and his wife have done was read by Mrs. Stalk, the Vice-president of the chats, and the presentations were made by the President, Mrs. Cooper. Mr, Moyer replied suitably, TrOwJorldssee Mrr, Sterling pwl o pro w hedsthis initial sermons ou Sunday, Mrs. Code and leliss Lottle Code were in Gerrie to attend the funeral of Mrs. Edwin Tames, who died at Elora Hos- pital wlitle undergoing an operation, Amos and Mrs Smith, Mrs, E. Rea and VV. Cosens motored to Parichill cod attended the runeral of the late limb Istirtnea former' resident of ' totenship, Who died Saturday, sett' Osili Y in his gist 'vear,