HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-4, Page 84,4+1144,4 44.1't 14. i6 * 644- iaiats.fSile,ie 1.44y :14,' u• 1: 4 fi wqmet:Efrpc..cvnoomtiufraracop000tkgotofo4t4eoomwe,if,4iw ;Ai "14 ',':".;(*. -.7 1 I , her. Mrs1 2 STANOARO r j ilen.i., i in w.11 eothe 411. 0 • I 1111..i, ol the ly l'all atty. they letce .Summer egistration ha," Net Suppe Kills the odor or galts , REXALL NICE 25C pkgs. CRqifientP g Leag Perspiration— •• REXALL CREAM OF ALMONDS 25c hots. ORCHARD WHITE Takes off tan—• soc bots. VIOLET MIDGE Shampoo Cry- stals— 25C Holders Neat Cases for holding Regis- tration Cards, with Ceiluloid transparent top, so that name and number can be read with- out removing the catd. These come at the Icw pric, 15c each alaktat au Etta/. voscaut health• tul drink and is very cooling for ' 150 illIS Citrate of Magnesia Tartaric Acid EffeffeF.Celli Phos- phate of Soda Pure Paris Green The Potato Bug season is here and the smiler the work of destroying this pest is attended to the easier a will be. For this purpose Paris Greeu is generally used. We have received our new supply and it is to be had in lb., lb. and -} lb. pkgs. Secure your supply in good time. _ . A high flexall Glycerine Soap grade Talcum With the true Floral Odor Of Violets 25C Tina Two kinds — Rose or Violet. Transparent, fragrant and absol- utely pure. The biggest value •going in a good Toilet Soap. 2 large square cakes for 250 !Patna Straw Hat Cleaner IWill clean your Panama Hat quickly and without much trouble. 250 bots, • • • • • • • • f • • • • • • • • 0 • + • • e 0 .1. • • • • — • . S 1TH • : • + . rhe.'440.1)...ed Store Druggist and Stationer G + 4. a. • sor ,L=2tHEE • 4. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••+.4.49+•••••••••÷04.04.0+4., 'I S.7 , Pcal 11 etas Pins JULY THE POST gives the news. NIGHT train is often late. EGG market is on the rise STAWBERRIES are a short crop. READ the advts. and save money. COUNCIL meeting next Monday even- ing, FRIDAY of next week will be the "cath." MR. BROCKLB, or Galt, is in charge of the Chevrolet garage. Some of the rose gardens have some spleodid specimens in bloom. KEEP the lights burning on your car and run no risks of being fined. MONDAY was a quiet day in town, There was quite an exodus by motor. SEVERAL townsfolk attended the Orange service at Walton last Sabbath morning. SOME great vegetable gardens in Brus- sels this Summer, There will be no doubt EIS to what the harvest will be. Masonic Grand Lodge is ineeing at Windsor this week. A delegate WAS not sent from St, John's Lodge Brussels. PEOPLE are usually pleased to receive registered letters but the ones coming to numerous young men these days are not always very welcome. ONE of R. Thomson's sorrel team had to be shot owing to a broken leg receiv- ed from its mate from a kick while run- ning in the pasture field. Tmeas is to be another Victory Loan Campaign shortly, and there is no reas- on to expect the response of the people will lae less prompt than on the last similar occasion. TAKE in the Sunday School pic nic Thursday afternoon of this week in the Davidson grove, Lively Base Ball matches. Collection taken for Red Cross. A number of long past due accounts for subscriptions to THE Foal' are being handed over for collection in the Courts. We don't like to :take this course but if people won't settle without we are not to blame as we can't put our creditors off they have to have the cash. Consult the address label on your paper. OFFICE CLOSES FOR 3 MONTHS.—After July /3th, the office of Miss Maude Bryans, ophthalmologist, will be closed for the following 3 months, Miss Bryans goes to Toronto to fill a position in con- nection with optical work for that term. Will persons desiring to consult Miss Bryans call at office on or before date mentioned. REV, DR, FRASER'S LECTURE, —Melvil- le church waslwell filled Wednesday ev'g last week to hear the Lecture by Rev. Dr, Fraser, Owen Sound, on the inter- esting subject "With the Canadians on the Sotnme " The rev. lecturer wag a Chaplain at the front and added many personal experiences in the cannel of his address of about ti hours, By the aid -of a large map he showed the geo- graphical lay out of various battlefields and gave data not often found in print. The Dr• is quite optimistic as to the outcome, is full of praise for the allies and their splendid morale and thinks the Canadians are not superseded by any of ! the fighting forces ou either side of the struggle. Many a compliment was I paid the Red Cross nurses, doctors and chaplains and the good cheer that is manifested by the soldiers boys, whose bravery and heroism le of the highest and best. A vote of thanks wasnamed to Dr. Fraser at the close.In addition to anthems by the choir solos were sung by MISS Isabel Stsahau and Mrs. Mead• oWs. Rev. A. J, Mann presided and • Rev. H, Smith offered prayer. Einem. cial proceeds of the lecture were $157.00 Which with the offering On anniversary Sunday totalled $844.00, A Very credit- able ettM, LOCAL news on page 5 also. ROBBING bird's nests is now a nation al crime Bxussms had numerous rearesenta tives in Goderich last Monday at the Celebration. ARRANGEMENTS are being mscle for the annual decoration of Odd Fellows' graves in Brussels cemetery. OFFICE Nonce—Miss Maude Brvans announces her office will be open every day now until Saturday ju'y Is`h THE Minstrel Company will go to Bel - grave next Tuesday evening and p1,sent their program for Red Cross benefit. _ 0 CAMEO Br000h lost in Brussels. Will finder kindly leave it at TEE PosT. Two Row Corn Cultivator for sale at a bar- gain. S. CARTER, Brussels. Ano OT 12 acres of good pasture, with plenty of water, to rent. Apply to W. J. BETIMES, Revere property, Brussels, 9 PIGS, 6 weeks old for sale also a few head of young cattle. Wm. Romoriniscer, Grey. Phone 2016. ONE good cow, due to calve this week, for sale. GOEDoNMODoNALD. FOR SALE.—A few dry helfrey cows. Phone 5513, J. P. AloINTosn. LIVE Poultry wanted. Clean up your breed. ing A/wit and old hens, R. TrroMsoN, Brussels, 9 York Sows for sale, all bred, some to far- row soon. Apply to GEO. SNELMNG, Lot 35, Con, 18, Grey. Monkton. Palawan desiring inforinntion with regard to purchase of the store properties in Brussels and farm laud in Mortis North of the Village, may obtain same from P. S. Scott. Pled() may be inspected at Walker & Black's. J, G. LECKIE. HouSE and acre lot for sale. Comfortable and well located. There is a good well also a good stable. .Apply to GEO. CROOKS, Brussels, TO LET, Comfortable avrelling rooms above stores. Soft water, &c. I. 0.1210nAgns. sePir lalgicInglesdr°srt::116' IvArgetgq°ort .0, Con. 6, Morris. Phone 100. Beim Organ and a Washing Machine for sale at a bargain. Apply at THE Pon. Fon sate at a bargain, two sets of second hand single harness in good condition. RTORAEDA &CO3 Brussels Mond afternoon of each wee DR. PARKER, gliteopathio lilltyslolan, visit.s Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences, Consultation at Queen'a Rotel. UattoN Sunday School Picnic Thurs day afternoon of this week in the David - sou grove, 12th Con., Grey township. Attend it. MEDAL CONTEST.—Friday evening of this week a Medal Contest will take place in Melville church, Brussels, com• mencing at 8.3o o'clock. • There will be contests in Elocution and Vocal Mosie, Rev, S. and Mrs. Davison, Belgrave, will give a duet. Admission 25 and is cents, half proceeda going to Red Cross. Contest under direction of 131 -easels W. O. T. U. BRORE LEFT ARM —Wednesday even" ing of last week as Councillor D. Walk- er was standing on a step ladder, doing some painting on the verandah et his home, the ladder slipped and in the fall to the cement walk Mr. Walker broke both bones of his left forearm and also injured his shoulder. He is getting along nicely but will be laid aside from his usual activities for a little while. CELEBRATED THE 02111D BIRTHDAY —On D01311111011 Day a happy family gathering assembled at the comfortable home of DaVid ROSS, EliZabrth Street, 10 Cele. Matte the geed birthday of the host. All the members of the family wets able to be present except Mrs. A M. Matey, of Tyvan, Sask. Mr. Ross received many congratulatious over the wt/ y lie is stamilog the miming years. He is wonderfully hearty and Active for his advanced Age, Mr. ROSS was greatly pleased to be surrounded by his tatnily end enjoyed the OCerlSiOn greatly Jno, and Mrs, Smith. of Brendan (the lat- ter being a daughter of Mr. Rosa) weited over for the glad event leaving on Tues- day. THE POST extends congratulatious to Mr, Ross. an Auction Sale of thea [area inapt.. -meets, Rae, We wish the new proprietor suecess. Wyro are the Irty breakers who bathe at the mill dem without bathing suits ? A ff"r then) will be asked to appear benae s Reeva after they get their on, in mower ,v1iy 7 •aing Poll t win, desire to go Walling' da not Vale to have e'Vlibili011S of sauea naked- ness doiag '`funey” smuts, Better take this secuud waruing as it will be the last. allay DOCTOR, —In another column may be road the professional card of Dr. I. lI White, B A , a graduate ot Toron- to University, who has taken rip reaicl- eoce in Brussels in the apartments te- ently vacated by Dr. (Cepa) F. T. Bry. ans, He has been 6 years in general practice at Whitechurch and other points, and gives special attention to ebildreu's diseases and surgery. Mrs. White and young eon have accompanied Dr. White to Brussels. Miss Eva Bryans, who went to Toren. to for X ray examination on her ankle, arrived home Saturday night. Her many friends will be glad to know that no further treatment was uecessary as the bones were found to be in good posi• tion and united The surgeon assured her she will be able to walk in ¢ weeks from the time of her examination, It was a bad fracture, with severe lacerati- ons et the ligaments, to have happen- ed in such a simple manner. Dr D. E Robertson was the orthopmdic specialist Miss Brvans consulted. A SUCCESS.—The Lawn Social held et St John's Rectory last Friday evening Was a decided success, financial pro- ceeds totalling over Sea cm. Rector Smith was chairman and introduced an interesting and well rendered program including short addresses by Rev. Mr, Powell, rector of Gorrie, Rev, Mr. Manu and B S Scott, of town. The musical awl literary bill of fare consisted of the following:—Solos by Misses McNeil, (Gerrie), Straehau, Crump and Hingston and Mrs. Wallace and Reeds. Messrs Powell and Smith ; piano solo by Mise lames and recitations by Annie and Edna Thuell. Lunch was served and there was else a booth on the ground that did a good business. SHOWER.—Last Friday evening at the conclusion of choir practice in the Metho- dist church. Miss Carrie Hingston, who has been the successful leader for the past year but who has resigned intending to make an extended visit in the West, was presented with a generous handker- chief shower by the members of the choir and the cfficers and teachers of the Sabbath School. Poetic contributions, grave and gay accompanied the gifts. A tasty lunch Followed after which an impromptu orogram of brief coinplimeut- ary addresses having reference to the truest of the evening were given. /vitas Hingston made a very appropriate reply, "Rest be the tie that binds." was sting suet the pastor pronounced the Beueclic• tion, Miss Hingston will be greatly mis• sed, PRESENTATION TO REV. A, J. MANN, B A —At the close of the Lecture in \ielti tr. church Wednesday evening of last Week a surprise was sprung on the pastor who when about to anuounce the National Anthem, WAS asked to sit down and Elders Alex. Stewart and Walter Yuill were invited to the platform, The latter read the following address, Mr. Stewart presenting a pocket book containing $125,00 :— REV. A. J. MANN, Pastor or Melville church. DEAR PASTOR. AND FRIEND — On behalf of the members and adherents of Melville coegregation, we take this anniversary occasion as an °pooch:Will; -of expressing our warmest appreciation of the devoted and faithful service you have given to this portion of the Master's vineyard. During the period of your ministry we have entered upon large material undertakings for the further- ance of our church's work and despite the unusual conditions occasioued by the great world wide holocaust, by the blessings of Providence, we have been enabled to make successful piogress. As our guide in spiritual things you have by worthy precept and example, labored earnestly mid faithfully to implant in us the highest Christian ideals, aspirations and virtues, that we might welk stead• featly in the way that leadeth to lire eternal, In happiness and health you left us us be. ter than you rotted us. In the dark day while clouds of sorrow and suffering have cast their shadows round about us, by ready sympathy and under- standing, by kindly word and deed, by your unflinching faith in the ultimate goodness and kindness of all things that the Great Creator permits to happen, you have taught us to courageously en- dure the pi esence of that dark hour and to look forward to the future with the sure hope that the Son of Righteousness would illumine the way and make smooth the path our feet must treed, And not to this congregation alone but to the community at large, your energies and services have always been at the disposal of every good and worthy cause teucliug to better the conditions under which we live, We desire to extend our appreciation and regard for faithful and able services by Mrs:, Mann, who has ever been your ready helper in ad. vetoing the interests of the VariOlIS branches of the activities of the church. In token of the sentiments herein ex. pressed we ask yon to accept this purse accompanied by the best wishes of Melville congregation. We sincerely hope that you may both be granted many years of service and that you May be blessed in seeing the seed you are now sowing tenet forth into the Abun- dant harvest for which you so ardently strive and earnestly pray. Signed ou behalf of Melville congregation. Although completely taken unawares the reverend gentlerneu made a terse, appropriate reply in behalf of Mra, Mann and himself, heartily thanichig the congregation for their kind words and geuerous gift and hoped the pleas- ant relations would conduce to the best possible results for all concerned. He believed in thepower of prayer more sincerely than ever and hoped the pea., pie would unite their faith and good works in seeking the exteneion of God's Kingdom, Mrs. Mann and himself would do their hest to promote the wel- fare of the congregation and the coup munity in general. The presentation was a very pleesaut surprise and all the more appreciated, EaVo 1E7e BR G. H. SAM1S, OF CANADA MAO OFFICE TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 239 USSELS BRANCH, ME GI Manager. seaseanameorseeraneeset Pte, Elmer Ewan was home for the week end frvin London Camp. Don't let your counter check books ruu tcra low. We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co,, of Hamilton the largest concern of this kind in Canada. You can buy as cheap From us as from the firm. SHELTER.—County Clerk Holman has received quite a few offers of property, io answer to the edvertisement regard- ing a Children's Shelter, There are 6 from Goderich Bud 2 from Seaforth, with several others in prospect. REGMTRATION,—Registar H. Bellamy, Dunganuon, says the returns for North Huron were quite complete and Very satisfactory. There were 20,000 regiS tared in this riding. He also indicated that several evaders of the M. S. A. were discovered by the registration. Mrs, R. T. Hingston and Miss Carrie, left Tuesday morning on a holiday trip to the West, where they will visit rela- tives aud old friends. Miss Hingston will go to the Coast before her return. The latter, who has beeu leader of the Methodist Choir' and a leadiug sopreno in the town, willbe much missed, We wish thein a pleasant journey, an enjoy- able time what• a yay aul a safe retain, to Brussels next Fall. a They weut by boat from Port McNichol. Mrs. Edward Bryans and daughters attended the wedding of Dr. F. T. Bryaus, in Toronto, Wednesday of last week. The bride was Miss Barbara Mc- Kelvey, B. A. and the ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's brother, Dr. Altx. M cKelvey. Maul, good wishes are expressed for Dr. and Mrs Bryans, who are both well known in Brussels and locality, Capt. Bryans is wearing the King's colors at Carliug Heights, London, preparatory to going overseas iu the near future. Ram CROSs Clecur.—Tuesday after- noon at the Red Cross Circle a hearty and appreciative vote of thanks was passed to Brussels Womeu's Institute for a $5o no cheque and to Miss Yuill's school and dia. tact for the splendid sum of $123 ro, proeeeds of recent picnic. Circle is greatly euheartenecl by the im- proved condition of finances. Not only has the deficit of $365 26 been cleared off at the bsnit but $4e.00 has been paid on wo.,I and a tidy vest egg re- mains to help purchase yarn for Fall and Winter work, Sewing may be had at Public Library, either pyjamas or hospi• tal caps, both of which are badly needed overseas. Another shipment of socks is being packed for Hyman Hall, Loudon. Circle work is most encouraging. LADIES' MINSTREL SHOW —The Listo- wel Standard of lest week says:—The music ball was crowded to the doors on Thursday evening of last week when the ebony Minstrel Co. of Brussels, gave a minstrel show under the auspices of the Wenn.° street knitting eircle. The company WAS composed entirely of ladies mad f or an amateur company gave a fine program The jokes were good as were also the choruses. The work of the pickaninnies was worthy of special mention. Mrs de la Penotiere was al. tsarist an rutertainment in herself and her work as cud lady showed her to be a real artist The ladies of Brussels gave their sent ces free of charge and their kindness in coming to Listowel and providing such a fine entertainment for the good of the cause is highly appreciat- ed. AS a result of the minstrel show a inrge sum of money was realized to as. sist the women in their patriotic work, Church Chimes A public Baptismal service will be held in St, John's church, Sabbath morning, July 14th. Parents or guard- ian with unbaptized children are asked to attend this service. Last Suuday morning Rev, Mr. Smith took as the subject of his sermon in St. John's church "Humiliation" and in the evening spoke ou "Intercession," Wroxeter Geo. Wearying spent Dominion Day in London, T. G. and Mes. Hemphill spent Sun- day in Galt. Miss Janie Howe is holidaying at Mount Elgin. Herbert and Mrs. Edgar returned to Regina On Thursday. R. Gilmore, Winnipeg, spent Thurs- day in the village. D. M. and Mrs, McTavish returned from Toronto on Tuesday. Robert Barnard, London, WAS a recent visitor in the village. Dr, Wesley Montgomery, Winnipeg, was a visitor bete on Saturday. Jno, and Mrs. Bray, of Grey town- ship, called on old friends in the vil- lage on Saturday, Chester and MPS. Snail PaIlai visited the. forrner's parents, jno. and Mrs. Smith, over the holiday. Mrs. Ritchie and Misa I. Ritchie have returned from a 2 month's visit with relatives at Toronto and Galt. MiSS Madge Lovell, who is in train- ing in a Chicago boleti:al, is spending 2 weeka vacation with relatives here. The girls of the Y. L. R. 1.1, are ask- ing donations of cigarettes, gum and money to send to the boys overseas, Donations may be left tvith any of the rectribere, M, DOUGLAS, Sec, Amonget the teachers who are home for the Summer vacation are— Missea Pearl and Lyle, Realm, Annie and Winnifred Mimeo, Jennie Allan, Beesie Lovell, Eleanor Hamilton, Elva Huffer, LIWAie Sanderson and Margar- et Anderson, Mille1116115211=M00410 Atwood HYMENEAL,—The home of Hugh and Mre. Rtchniond, 12th line, Elam, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tnesday 25th ult., when their daughter Mabel A., became the bride of Thomas Cleland, 4th line, Biwa. Ceremony, which took place at 12 o'clock, was performed by Rev. S. W, Johnson, Ethel, Ont. The Bridal chorus and Wedding March were played by Miss Marguerite Stewart, cousin of the bride. Groom's gift to bride WILIS a anthill:at of pearls and to the organist a necklace. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland left for Chicago and Bartlett, Ill., bride travelling in a navy blue taffetta suit and grav hat. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received with good wishes, showing the high esteem in which the young couple is held. Guests were present from Montreal, Toronto, Newmarket, Acton, Strat- ford, Listowel and Atwood. Miss Lillian Richmond returned home from Normal school and is now visiting her sister, Mrs. Philmore Hamilton, Newmarket. The 12111 line, Elmo, held their an- nual picnic at Ethel picnic grounds on Fticlay, Sone 28th, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat $2 07 Oats 80 Pea2 25 Barls ey 126 Batter 84 Eggs 89 Roo 17 00 Wool 65 Rev 00 Potatoes per beg 10 1 50 (IrOGNiontaran•••••• • • • •• • • • as0 0 0 0 •0 • • • a _A9/1144144' a • • STORE • Pure --F 0 R tato Flu farEl • • • EN 41 E.4 14+ • • • •• : 1., GO 0 DRUG STORE o o o aa irmaagaseatseteeerataescomeacceskeeeteeosessooccaecaumeteamopeooseemesse BORN RiPpEnutronn.-111 Elmo township, bn June 26th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rutherford, a SOIL MARRIED CLELAND—RIOnmoND,—At the home of the bride's parents, on June 256h, 1518, by Rev. J. W. Johnson, Mr. Thos. Cleland to Aii‘s Mabel A., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buell Richmond, both of Elmo township. GILTEINSON—Katousm,—At the home of the bride's parents, on Auto 18th, 1918by llev. J. W. Johnson, Mr. Melvyn Gilkinson to Alias Diary Edith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dleltmier, all of Grey town- HoLhilirs.—WATsoN —Ai the Mete' y, Myth. Olt 31.111D 26th, 1018, by Rev. W. B. Hawkins, Mr, Emerson Stanley Holmes, -of West mailmen, out„ late of the 4th Canadian *2 07 Mounted Riflaa, France, to M las Bora, 011 80 daughter of Mr. Ulla MIT • John Watson, 2 26 Morrie totvnahin. 125 NIGETTROALE—Love.—Ab the home of the 86 bride, on Jane 6th, 1918, by Rev. A. S. Tut. 89 tle, Rev John R. Nightingale, of Atheists. 17 00 ea, to Miss Margaret Crawford, eldest 85 daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles 10 00 Love, Edmonton, formerly of Cronbrook 1 50 locality, Ontario. Solum—SDiesoll.—At the Imola of the bride's tattier, on June Ithlt, 1918, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B A., Brussels, Mr, Robert Stewart Moott to Miss Janet, daughter of Afr. and the late MN. Andrew Simpson, both of Jamestown, Ont. WEEELEE—SCANDRETT.—At the home of the bride's parents, on Jour 2701,11118, by Rev. S. Davison, Dir, Cecil Wheeler, of Morris township, to Miss Edna Nay, only daugh• ter of Mr, mrd Mrs. John Scandrett, of Bel• grave. 1pE Boomm.—in Turnberrly.Don June 28111, 1018, James Hooper, aged 90 years. 11,1A,.0N --At. enNkR10011.. SHNIC on June 24th. 191S, Lawrenee A. Dia.pn, formerly of Ethel, aged 78 years, , DR. J H. WHITE, B, A. PB23:203aN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto University of Medicine, Special attention given in di,,,stses of children and Surgery. Office: Or. Bryant/ Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels • 004.••••••••••••••••0•••••0• .00 • 44.444••••••044••••••• •••♦00000♦♦0040.0400.000.0 • O•• • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • •• • • * • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • ♦• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$ •••••••••••••••••••••••••N4 The Double Ilea ale ontinues 0120309222200611116026591660152235E022ET,Ear222.,=',Zrag:E211,5 Bigger anti ftettp • i4 a p 011101020.10E92211107 atgatemEmeemmilangieta01.7010,100000100220112320112KOMEMSEENESSEES 5511111111155151081111 cI4 Oa yESI We had a crowd, a great big crowd, every clay an enthusiastic good natured company of busy, buying people. Never before has such high class merchan- dise been offered at such cut-rate prices. New records have been established in'selling that warrant our doing even greater price cutting this week. Many new lines are on display that there was no room for during "our great rush. Each clay brings something new to the front. Closing the Second Week of our Sale with these markable Values 19c moo yards Ouetain Mater- ial in plain white scrim and colored bordered mils - line, a big variety of pat- terns, old dyes, 86 in, wide, worth 80c yard, Sale Price.........,..19e 75c 10 doz. Women's fine Cash- mere Hose, full fashioned, spliced heels and toes, sizes tii• to 10, our big leader ab $1,00, Extra special for this week 75e 19c 25 doz, Women's Fast; Blk. Cotton limes, high spliced heel and toe, old dyes, sizes 814 told, regular 25e, Sale 190 or 3 pairs for. ,.... 50c $6.95 12 only laullere Silk Poplin and Parma rata Rid nOcra le, fawn and tan dilutes, belt- ed, all seams cemented and stitched, SiGee alto 44, reg- ular price $10,00, Extra Special 6 95 29c 10 dozen Boya' Heavy Rib- bed fast black Cotton Hose, double heel and toe, extra etrong wearing hose, size 8 to 1.0, regular 40e, Sale special... ....... 20c $1.39 MiSSeS' Panama Sport Hats new drooping brim, color- etisilk bands, finished with buckle, good value at $2.25. While they last. 1 89 95c 20 only Ladies' Waiels, made of fine quality Voiles, Repps and Piques, long sleeves and low necks, reg- ular $2.00 for 950 29c 10 dozen Ladies' Summer Vests, deep lane yoke with tape draw string, half sleeves and sleeveless, POT, 40. Sale price— 20o 65c Boys' 2 -piece Wash Suits, 2 to 6 years old, made of Striped Galatea, regular 90a. Sale price— Otie Boys' 1 -piece Wash Snits, made of best English Ottambey, ages 2 to 6, reg. 75c. Special Sale 50c 79c 15 pairs Child'e White. Calt- vas sizes 'd to 7i, regular $1,00 for......,70e 18 pairs WeisWhile Ottu. vas Pumps, eizes 8 to 166, reg. $1,25 for..,-,.,..... 95e $2,45 $25.00 10 pairs Women's Dongola 20 only Men's fine quality Patent and Calf Oxfords navy blue serge and worst - and Pumps, in tan and ed tweed suits, made of black, regular $4.50best imported materials, While they last: 2 45 pure word and fast dye, to- day's price $40.00. Extra special sale price,.. 25 00 $1.19 50 pairs Dongola Ox- fords and Strap Slippers in black or tam sizes 8 to 1%, reg, value $1,75. Sale price 1 19 $1.69 80 pales' Women's Dottgo. la Oxfords aria Pumps, old quality leather and will give excellent wear, reg- ular $2 50 , 69 95c 35 doz. Men's fine Negligee Shins made trout good quality Shirting material, in neat fancy assorted pat - teens, SiEeS 14 to In ,., re Mar $1.25. Special , 950 or 8 for ...... 2 75 69c mews fine Straw Sailors trililined with black sills band, with bow at side, leather intimr band, sizes Oft to 71, regular $1.25 for only ..... . ..... 60e $3.95 100 pairs Men's Tweed and Worsted Trousers, made of best English materials and a fabric that will wear,well sewn and good fittings, neat narrow stripe pat - teens, sizes 32 to 44, value $15 00, Extra special 8 05 $2.95 30 pairs Metes Calf and Dongola Boots, old stock, solid leather, broken lines and sizes. While they last —a great bargain at... 2 05 $2.95 Boy's heavy all solid leath- er Work Boots and fine Calf and Dongoln, Boots old stook, sizes 1 to 5: Special bargains to clear tyt 2 95 $1.69 Misses' Dongola Oxfords, Straps or Pumps, in tan or black, bt okeit lines and good values at $2,50, While they last. 1 00 Carswell BITS Two Big Sale Stores Every Day is Bargain Day ib