HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-7-4, Page 1VOL, 47 NO. I $L5o Per Annum in Advance 'BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, jULY 4, Ig MI111 II it AW 11111111 11111111 tillf111111111001111 t 111 11111 11111111111I 111111 IIIL tierce Bin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11JllI1111' -a• Jllr If You Ever Want Credit at a bank or elsewhere, the fact that you have built up a sub- stantial Savings Account vvill help you get it. The capacity to save regu- larly indicates the quality of character that justifies credit, Decide, now, to let us help you to save. Interest paid every six months. -THE Bank ®f N Paid up Capital - $ ceact000 Reserve Fuad - 12,000,000 Resources - - 130.000000 (Ole, <it sa, va Scotia r. F. FL GILROY Manager Brussels Branch .010 41111g r="1 zllllllr New Advertisements Onrd-Dr. White. — Brooch lost -Tia Potw. Paris Green -Jas, !Pox. lvfouutnents-A.11/ Ramey. Summer sellers -P. It Smith. Salo ronblnues-Carswell Bros. Cultivator NW sale -S. Carter. aistrict ROD% Jamestown Tuesday of this week 011aci. Simpeon was operated on for appendicitis. We hope he will SOOci be as hearty as ever. A Chevrolet touring oar has been purchased by Chas. Forest. bliss Viola McLeod handles the Oar in good styl e, Last Satutclay Rev. A. J. Mann, 13. A„ Hameln, tied the matrimonial bow between Robert Stewart Scott anti Miss Janet, daughter of Andrew Simpson all well known in this locali- ty. Ceremony was performed at the home of the Merle's father, Hearty congratulations are extended. Mr. and Mrs, Scott will continue to make their home in the community residing on the groom's fine farm Bluevale Rev, Mr. Tate, Bluevale, is home from the hospital, whither he went for an operation on his throat, We hope he will soon be Its well as ever. Rev. Mr. Buegess, the new Metho- dist pastor, will preach his introdne- tnry sermon here next Sunday night. We welcome him and his good lady to Bluevale. Last Tuesday evening Rev. and Mrs. Thomson and family left for their new home, Cairngmarn circuit., adjacent to Strathroy. They will make their home in that town. Many good wish- es neeninnany them for success. LADY BADLY I3DENED,-Mrs, McDenald, of Oliesley, wife of the tnember of the Legislature for North Bence, was badly burned on the right side. right arm and hands by her clothing catching fire when cleaning a deem with gasoline, Site was alone in the house at Ilia time and with great presence of mind put the greater part of the flames out by wrapping a rag around her body, before a neighbor girl arrived and beat out all the fire. Her medical attendants are hopeful of saving her life. Mrs. McDonald is a daughter of Rev. W. Moss, a former pastsw of Bluevale Methodist church, Cranbrook Next Sunday morning Rev. J. S. Edgar will preach fn Knox church. The School report for the past month may be read on page 5 of this isene, School closed last Friday. Following the removal of A. t. Helm eo London the Methodist Sab- bath Action! hag been taken charge of by J. Bray, recently of Stony Creek, We wish him the best emcees. The holism and stable on the Steele property has been eold to Wm. •Warcl by John Hunter, the owner. Build- ings are being torn down and lumber will be need for farm bnilclings. Miss Jean McNair, Toronto, ham been enjoying a short vacation in this locality with relatives and old Mende. She is well pleased with the Queen city and ib appears to agree with her, NIteumenA.LE-LOGE.-Th e Minn it - ton Journal, of ;rune 0th, inakee the following reference to a young lady who was a former resident of this Ineality ;-"At the home of Chas, and Mrs, Love, 88th ave., the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Ovawford, to Rev. Sohn Henry Nightingale, took photo on Wednesday, ,Ttine 5th, Rev, A, S, Tuttle performed the ceremony, Mr. Nightingale is a graduate of Al- berta College and was Ordained to the Methodiat rninietry Sturdily last. Me, and Mra. Nightingale motored to Cal - gars, for their honeymoon, On their. S return they will proceed to their nett/ home ab Athabasca wheee Me, Night- Y ingale is stationed." Old friends here wish them merry haelsY nears. On June IOth Jno. Heather, a well known Oraubtookite, and Miss Bossy, who matte her home with Rev, and Mrs. McCulloch here linked up in mat- elan:tidal alliance and have now settled down to housekeeping on the groom's farm here, Many good wishes are ex- tended to them for a long, smooth and happy voyage ou life's matri- monial sea. A great job NIS been done in Stat- ute Labor this season, under the management of Jacob Long as Path - master, Nearly 270 loads of gravel were hauled and the men worked well. Last year the labor was not done, hence the double work was put on this year. Part of the road was graded before the gravel was hauled. The gravel came from Jno. McNab's pit, Walton ToviaPonitry wanted. W. G. IsTaAL. The foundation is ready for George Jackson's new house. Our school teachers have reaigned, it is said. They did good work. bliss Emma Taylor, of (Minton lo- cality, is visiting at her grandfather Smillie's. A ellacessful operation was perform- ed on Mrs. Riddell last Sat:many. She is making favorable progress and will soon be) fully restored we hope. Sabbath evening next. Mr. Savuage. Seaforth, win occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church, and the following Sunday morning Rev, Mr. Bentley will commence his pastorate. Last Monday S. Forbes, D. Craw - feed, D. Boyd and Rev, Mr. Oraik were at Clinton and received the Black Degree in the Orange Order. Vi7. Kinney and Jos. Hamilton also attend- ed, having previously graduated. The 8r annual pic-nic, under the Methodist church, was held at Wuri Leeming's grove last Saturday and was a fine success with a big crowd. A loyal program of games and sports. Receipts wese $188.00 which will go to Pareonage Improvement Fund, Friday Rev, and Mrs. Ovaik and son leave Waltote'carrying with them the best wishes of the community for a sirccessful term nn their new charge at Dawn alills, tient Co. 3 happy, successful years were spent here and Mr. and Mee. Craik did their pale spleuclidly and made a worthy record. W. A. Hislop, of Arcola, Seek„ has been renewing old friendships in this locality, He is ti brattier or rano. 1-1. }Halm of Wallem, and came Rest to attend the Presbyterian Asseinlily nl LOtidoli, It is about 30 years since Mr. }Helot) went West where he has prospered, He was a former remittent of the 10th Con, of Gray, beim; the 3rd son of the late ;Runes Hislop and is welcome back, L, C. Is -Sunday morning last the Orangemen of Walton Lodge, pine a few visitois. attended Hendee in the Methodist chirpier, when Rev, Me, Orailc, who is a inenilaw, preached a very appropriate HerrilOii from the Leen "Be of good courage and let us play the wen for our people arid Por the cities of one God," II Samuel 10-12, He showed that courage was the dynamo of the alinrch ae well aa the battlefield, Referring to incidents it) Kingston and Guelph in connection with In O. institutions he said while .he Melted that, ohuroll no harm he etood for fair play and no favoriteism. The supremacy of Jesus will give us true courage and will inerease our daily cliligency in the randy of the Bonk as we learn how to live a, life Well pleasing to God, Four things we should do to be good Orangemen are :-(1) Knowledge of the tuttne and spirit or the Order ; (2) adapt Order to present day obligations ; (8) submit to all honorable exigetreiee ; (4) guard the shrine of yollr leiGge. The rew gentleman made brief reference to his emovel from Walton and like the to King Edward could say in his 8 eat, pastorate he had done hie day as far as he knew it, Choir romp; "Ride alai foilow jester" mill at. tit close of the semen Rev, and Mrs Grails rendered an appropriate due "Waiting for Asunilv." The depitetiti pastor commended nee, Mr, Bentley his successor and urged the Baal cordiality and helpfill»ese extended a was shown to Mrs. Craik aini himself Wednesday of last, week the annual picnics of the Adult Bible class it) Duff's church was held at the hotne of the veteran teacher, las, There were about 601n attendance mid a fine time wive enjoyed hi games, lunch and sordid that. Me, Sinilli who bas taught this Glees foe the pas 0 years is 85 years of age but retains his vitality of both ruind and body to a marked degree. We hope he may be spared for some years yet before being called to enjoy his reward. geleeleteieleleete++4.eieielefee++++++++ • "TIME. is nOtir Only a3Set. 14 EACH moment is a golden e treasure and the Way you Spenel it shapes your life " .V0 r. Belgra.ve Rev. and Mrs, Davison, attended a social evening at Ethel ciramit on Dominion Day, We are sorry to report that, Rev, Boyle had the misfortune to break one of his legs, netar the ankle, last Friday afternoon, while taking part in a foot race at the Calvin church picnics, It is to be hoped he Will 80011 be restored, MINSTREL Snow. -Tuesday eventing of next week the Brussels Ebony Minstrel Cloy, will give thele humor- ous and entertaining Show in the 0, O. F. Hall, here, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, for patriotic purposes. There will no doubt be a crowded house as the admission fee is only 25 cents and no reserved Beene, Don't miss in CREDITABLE. -The annual Frontial Report of the Methodist church hae been issued and is creditable to both people and pastor, Rev, S. Davienii. Belgvave ranted a total of $697.72; Brink church. $478 20 ; and Sunshine, $28862, making a. grand total of $1461.54, A pleasing feature is that each appointment reported a reedit balance. Pastor'e salary is $900 ; $222.05 was given to Miesions ; $48.45 to Education and Social Service and $85 20 to Connexional Funds. During the past year Mrs. Jos. Clegg, Jno. Campbell and Eliza Corbett were called to the church invisible. Jno. Beecroft is Recording Steward. A good year is anticipated. MATRIMONIAL, -Thursday of Met week at high noon a pretty wedding was on the program at the home of Juo. and Mrs. Scandrett, when their only daughter, Miss Edna May, be- came the bride of Cecil Wheeler, a prosperous young Mortis farmer. Ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of 80 guests by Rev, S. Davison, Methodist minister, Wedding March was played by Miss Mae Wilkinson, of Brussels, The gond looking bride wove a very becoming COSInine of Ivory crepe de chene. After congratu- lations the guests sat down to a fine wedding repast, House decorations Were pretty consisting of pink and white peonies, Wedding gifts were choice and valuable. The happy couple motored to Wiligbaui and took the train for Toronto and other points. Bride travelled in navy bine serge suit, with black net hat. On their return they will take up veal- ence on Mr. Wheeler's fine farm, Many good wishes are extended for a happy, prosperous life, The groom is a son of the late Chas. and Mrs. Wheeler, 4th line Morris township, Ethel Miss Kate Panabaker, Hespeler, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, S. Chambers. Mr. and Alva. Stahles, Winnipeg, are visitors at A. L. McDonald's. bliss M. Pair, of Ryerson school, Toronto, has beeu visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson. Quite a number from Ethel attend- ed the Lecture given by Rev. Dr. Fraser at Brussels and were delighted with it. G. W. and Airs. Addy are visiting their son,- Pte. 'Norman, in London, over Stinclay and other relatives in that vicinity. Misses Ella Hansuld and Mary Mc- Lelland are home for vacation. They 1/01.11 engaged in same echools for itmehersyean, Robert and Mrs. Bremner, Misses Ida livettiner and L, Ballantyne mother] to London on Wedneeday, Grover Gill being the chauffenv. A, L. AlcDonald has been treating his house to a new roof and also a sun room in front over the verandah which will be somethiug new in the burg. Rev. Mr, Ballantyne occupied the piripit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday in Ethel and Oranbeook. Rev. J, D. ledger will preach next naliballi. Sidewalks are being built this Week one front the McDonald store to the new office of Township Clerk McDon- ald and also from C. Raynard's resi. datum clown Spadini, as far as Jno. A meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo, Krantee'Thursday, July lith et 2,30 p, tn. to do Red Oross sewing, Ladies harvested in Red Cross work are in- vited to attend, When at the G. 'R. Its station last week, Harold Love was holding the licirse when the anima.) got frightened eta ear driven by Miss Menzies and became unmanageable, clearing itself from the wagon, After the horse had gone Harold had the end of both lines in his hands. Illiee Margaret Wallace, only daught- er of Mr, and Mrs of the city of Toronto, had the honor of winning the Gold .Bracelet watch for sell- ing the most tickets for the Children'a 'Welfare Fund and also had the pleasure of singing and dancing at the Grand Opera house on June 17th lam PLACE your Order NOW and make sure of having your memorial erected this season, Engraving Neatly done. Brussels Granite & Marble Works A. E. HERSEY, Prop. +++++++++++++++++.1.44++++++ Jelin Patrick, who was employed with John Jackson vvIren he enlisted in the navy, is home on leave after spending over a year on a mine sweep- er in the North Sea. Jack is looking fine and is a typical Sailer itt appear- ance. He reports in Halifax on July 80, MaTrumontase-A quiet wedding took place at the home of W. and Mrs. Eckrnier June Tab, when their eldest daughter, Mary Edith, joined heart and hand with Melvyn Gilkin- son, formerly of Toronto and who is now farming on the 7th Con. Bilde who was gowned in white silk and carried a briquet of peonies and ferns, was given away by her father, Cerreony was performed by Rev. S. W. Johnston, Ethel, in the presence or the itutuedi- nte relatives. The wedding march was played by Miss Peryl Gilkineon, Lietowel, sister of the groom and the young couple were unattended. After dinner had been partaken of the brid- al couple left on the 4 o'clock train for Toronto, Fergus and other points amid showers of rice and eonfetti. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue serge, On their return Saturday night a quiet reception of neighbors was held at the home of Mr. Gilkinson, East of Ethel. Pres- ents were useful and numerous. The young couple commence married life with the good wishes of the connumii- ty DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT. - The Saskatoon Star of June 250, speake as follows of a highly esteemed resident :-Lawrence A. Mason, a re- tired fat tuer, 72 years old, died at, 2 o'clnek Monday afternoon at his home, 823 Twelfth Street, after a prolonged illness, with Sciatica, Me. Mason has lived in the West the last 12 years, He came to Saskatoon from Radisson, Sask., where he had lived 3 years, more than a year ago, Previous to that he had lived at Ethel, Huron County Ontario Mr, Mason was born in Devonshire, Eng., May 0th, 1846. He came to Canada with his -pare.nts when he Was 8 years old. Mr. Masou was well known throughout Saskateh- evvan and the West few his interest in Sunday school work and church matters. He will also be remembered as being marine/It in political Mettles, having taken part in numerous Liber- al conventions. Mrs. Mason with these children, survive Mr, Mason : William Mason, of Parkside, Sask. ; Mrs, G. E. Iveson, of Fielding, Sask„ Walter. Mason, of Radisson, Sask. ; Fred. H. Mason, of Edmonton ; bliss Emily Mason, of the home address. Funeral service was conducted at the borne on Wednesday afternoon at 2. 30 o'clock by Rev. Charles Endicott, pas- tor of Grace Methodist church, of which Mr. Mason was it member. Mt.. Endicott was assisted by Rev. A. Hen- derson, pastor of Grace Methodist Church in Radisson, was in Woodlawn cemetery. Old friends here will sympathise tvith the bereav- ed. Qrey Mrs, 1, I', Collins keeps quite poorly but we hope for speedy improvement. Mrs, pis) Hutchinson, of St. Thom- as, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Henry Hoover, 12th Con. Mra. Sohn A, Wilson and children, or Atwood, are visiting the d'ormer's parents, Louis and Mrs, Steger!. Miss Amy Roe has given up her position as teacher in the Turnbull school, 15th Con. She is a competent teacher. J. Sanderson, A, and Mrs. 13righitin and Mrs. Jas. Moses were visitors at Stratford and Baden, Trip was made by motor, John and Mts. Xing and daughter of Wiarton, visited at the home of Wm. and Mee. Ward, Con. 6, Mrs. King is a daughter. Tnesday of this week Miss Mabel Menziee left nn a holiday visit, with relatives and friends in the West. She will probably be away for a few mantles We wish her an enjoyable time, EsusaoRatittre-James A. and Mrs. Curnmiege announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Pearl, to David Merton Scott, eon of James NV, and Mra, Scott, Newton, marriage to take place in .1 My, Tneeclay afternoon of last week a stvawshecl 40x50 feet was raised at the North side of David Inglial barn, 7th Con, A cerneht wall is under it. About 50 men were on hand and the work Wee handily done. This addi- tion will give Mr. Inglis plenty of barn room (Or his crop, ^-^ !?../. Hoevcr end feu etreilded the Sitheral sit the late 3 D. aletnitturn lied Tuesday. T1 Net . Jou, (lrerar's ear, O. and Aire. Smith, tiviti daughters and ,lien trimmed with Alelvin mid Mrs. Taylor to Stratlinel and called on II, and MIN. flimsier, J. and Mrs, Hol- man and other old friends. The many friends of Mies Christ ena Learmont will be ;defter -it to hear elle is recovering nicely from her severe ifineee. 811(4 is now visiting her tieire. Alm 1, Hollinger, Mortis township, The Trusteee of 8, S. No. 1 have en- gaged the servieee of bike Clivissitra, Dickson tag Itilleher tor the smiling year as stierassor to blies Jeseie Mem ziee, Miss Inc:keen ehould do well in the school aS her record proves lier to be a good teacher, ,J. AV. Campbell, of St. !milk 'Melt., his brother, W. 114 Calltlthell, Weettiehl, Mrs, (Dt.1 W. It. Cart, Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. J. !tinily Hoover, (Ivey township, motored to Whitby, their old home, fey a holiday vieit lain week. It WWI an enjoyable trip. Pte. W. Lorne Huddleston, of Port; age -le -Prairie, is at ptesent spending a few weeks with Louis and Mee. Stelse and ether friends. John A. Stewart, ltith Cots, is an uncle of the soldier boy, The latter is now station- ed in Toronto hospital being fitted with an artifieht111101), which he lost bravely Going bis duty in Mance. Duni eT Reef:ea.-Robert Leslie, the second soil of Robe A, and ales. Robertson, Smith of the city, pursed away on Juue 26th. On May 25111, the little fellow was taken to it gener- al hospital to undergo treatment, fur hip disease and atm. being there for 10 days was taken with para bowel infection, He was getting over this when lie contracted dipth Leiria and on Jnire 13th he was transferred to an iso- lation hospital, where, in spite of all medical aid and care of two special litirties, he peesed away. SenootAIReoRT.-Fellovving is the report of the Promotion Examinations at.S. S. No. 1, Grey, Sr. III, exam, in all subjects, -Norman Hoover 84 ; Marjory ROOM' 83 ; Margatet Al- cock 50, ,1 r. 111 exam. in all subjects Elva Hemingway 84 ; Itoy Askin 71 ; Arnold McNair 52 ; Lena Miller, 50, Jr. II exam, in all subjects. -Ethel Davidson 73 ; Johnny Fischer 00 ; Kenneth Tyerman 66 ; Ida Cochrane 65Johnny Pervie 49, Ise elms exam. in Writing, Reading. Arith., and Spel- ling, -George Davidson 83 Clifford Alcock 79; Carl Hemingway 78; Elsie Pinker 78, Primer. -Sinclair Hem- ingway 981 Lorraine Blake 80 ; Wil- lie Cardiff GO. YESSIE M. 1112xszuss, Teacher, MISS JESSIE MENZIES RECEIVES GIFTS. -On the closing day of school in S. S. No. I, Miss Jessie Menzies, the esteemed teacher, who is giving up the school after 4 years of success, was made the recipient of a fine club bag and a box of handkerchiefs, accom- panied by the following address, which was read by Marjory Hoover, Margaret Alcock presenting Lite gifts ;-- iily The annual visit is being made try T. ruin and lentil" from Vanderbilt, ley Mieh. The trip was rnasie in theft ear. Arise 141Reasnts, DEAR TEACITER have been requested by the girls and boys of this school to offer you a slight token of our affection and regatta I cannot, tell you how delighted I ane to be the means of conveying to you the expression of our united love. What we offer you ie a poor symbol of our feelings, but we know you will receive it kindly ne a simple indication of the attachment each one of us cherishes in our heart of hearts. You have made lessons pleasant for us, en pleasant that it would be ungrateful to call them tasks. We know we have tried your temper and forbearance, but you have dealt gently with us in nue way- wardness, teaching ue by example am well as by precept, the advantages of kindness and self control. We will never forget you and we will look back to this school in after life, not as a piece of penance but as a scene of ineptal enjoyment, where the paths of learning were atrewn with flowers, Whenever rneraory recalls our school days our hearts will war= toward you its they do to -day. I have been requested by my schoolmates not to address you formally but at a beloved and respected friend. In that light, dear Teitcher, we all regard yen, Please accept with one little present, our earnest good wishes. May you always be as happy yon have endeav- cited to make your pupile and may they -nothing better could be wished foe thein -be always as faithful to their duties to others as you have been in yonv dutiee to them. Miss bienzies was completely taken by sum/rise but her reply was very kindly and appreciative, A short program was given with Ostvald Hemingway in the chair, followed by a base ball game and lunch. There were a num- bee of visitors from the homes in the Section, alias Menzies is an excellent teacher who has aceepted a position on the attar of the Manning Avenue school in Toronto, No. I will follow het, with no stnall interest. Morriss The luty press is busy dealing with last season's surplus crop. A number from this township spent Dominion Day at Goderich and Blyth, Misses Annie IlIcLitachlin and Millie McFarlane attended the picnic in Wilkinson'e grove, Clifford itticl Mrs, Shurtie, Galt, were here on a visit over the holiday with relatives anti friends. A, 1-1„ and Mrs. Cochrane, of Water- loo, were welcome visitors in Morels and locality daring the past; tveek. They motored tip for a holiday, Sebbitth next Rev. Mr, Burgeae, new Methodiet neater, of Wilmette circuit will preach at •Johnstcm's church in the morning and at Browntown in the afternoon, About 71) urea aillnI4Pd the barn raising at P. Ainerit's farm, 5th line, Thursday afternoon of last week, The barn is Luny 56x50 feet, 20 feet be- ing added to the middle. After the work an excellent supper was served On the lawn on Herb, elatinitig's farm, avow; the road in the shade of the orchard. Werlineelay 18$i. week Mise Dora Waterer, 4th dateline: of john and Mess Watson, 4th line, and Emerson Stanley Helmer., of West MonkLon, were maned in marriage by Rev, W. B. Hawkins, at the rectory, Myth. The grorgri returned from Framer where he bsicitiged to the 4th Canadi- an ;deemed R•iles. %Vt. wish Mr. and Airs Holmes limey happy proeperousi Yea] A fieet.ehree 11111P wen enjoyed at the Red Crass picnic held iu Courieillov grove, Mutt:clay afternoon of (tot week. It was tinder the direction of el S. No, 0, of which Miss 5Thill is the tearing. The proceeds of the day were $128 10 width wee handed over- t(' the Red Orosa Treaeurets A booth did it rushing busitiese in charge of R. J. Buena end R. Bowman, They eleared $28.00 which was hided - ed in the above receipte. A live Base Ball game wits one of the attractions. ••••••••••01%W. BRUSSELS SCHOOL REPORT Continuation School PROMOTIONS -FOR al I, Passed with Honors -Edna McCall 85`S, Marguerite Wiltou 83, Margaret _Maunders 78, Mary McNabb 78, Pass- ed 40% in each subject with average of 00% -Sadie MeNitir 70, Edwin Martin 87, Bernice Cole 64, Andrew Turnbull 02. The following etudents wete slightly below on average of 60% and failed in subjects noted. They are re- commended for promotion on basis of term work and on conditions ;-Re- commended-G. Baeker (Lan, Gram.), L. AleArter (Latin), A, Stewart (Lat,), H. McQuarrie (Gratz, Lat.. Fr.), V. Harris. Passed at Easter -Granted Fat na Leave ;-:Muriel Hoover, A. M. JARDINE. 13, S. SCOTT. Public School The following are the Promotion re- ts of the Public School Department. For the first time in years the Uniform County Examination papers were used. Results quite satisfactory. Students who wete promoted at Janu- ary, and whose rooms were subse- quently closed, were of course greatly handicapped. Ill the case of recom- mended candidatee, required progress must be made in Fall term or promo- tions do not stand, B. S. SCOTT, Prin. JR.. IV To SR. IV. Passed - E !have ..... .....71 Ill Wood. ..... ....62 n: 01)1eitetetni,son .... 69 0 Strachan E 65 A Sniith...., ..... 61 A Ballantyne,64 Recommended - F Oliver J Walker........ SR. III To 3R. IV M 73 L Thuell .62 X Ferguson 71 P 13 Thuell 68 G Stewart.......60 G Best 65 Recommended - L Flatt .....,. GRACE FALSER. !Nadler. JR. III TO SR. III A littgie°r!.7 R 566 Pass - Ballantyne ..,501 D Thompsiins, 482 0 AV hi tfield 407 L Clouse. 482 M Little 481 C Lott 449 M Ferguson 435 E McLaren433 E Pollard .428 Reconnuended- N McDowell A Thompson SR. II TO ,Irt, III Honors— J J Ferguson ,...476 Pass- es 423 J McCracken...873 G Stafford. .408 R ,370 AI Walker .. n3118 AI Cook ..... 365 JR. 11 TO Stt. IT Honors- Sniit ..... 464 Pass - AI nese ....382 F Dennieon....861 Stretton 375 P Baekev ..... .,360 AI Thompson -389 Recettatitended- D Warwick...... A Davidson..., A. Grewar........ S Scotts ..... K, Wnsrox, Teachers Su. 1 To JR II In order of merit - E tat, A Logan D Ennis X Snider Al Lemur JR. r TO SR. I W McMillan M Somerville D Kyle G Kellington 3 McKay D MeArter M Ritchie SR, Prumna To In, I M Strachan 13 McLaren F Semis L Rutledge 0 Ennis A Thompson Ii Henderson V Wilson 113 Wilson G Btxrgess INT, PRIMER TO Sti, PRIMER L Harkness S Snider L Thuell JR, PRIMBR TO INT. PRIMER Is Alarming lf, Biernes 11 Ryle X Thuell I/Rutledge DJ Thompson F, J3tIORatra,g, Teacher, W. H. KERR, Profirietor I People We T Rik is b r Lloyd itieUsOrt bonze from Family, at Toronto. Bobs Campbell is home front the Lon- don Normal School. - Miss jean Armstrong is home from Tot onto for her vacation. Miss Maggie Stewart is receiving treatment at Fergus hospital. Ales. Gourlfellow, tersnto, has been visiting her eimer. Mrs, A. Bryarsin Mies Grave %Venus, tea, lee, has gone to (...lintou, to Ilmntl part ut ner vacation. Airs. N. 1," Getty Vti.m vrtling her daughter, Mrs Merklinger, at Hanover. visMitissysitIbsInmnIres.1ZwrIIIIHigo,:neeek,y.edtainshnoerr! kip. Jno. Pugh, Mitchell, was renewing day at Hamilton. 1-;;:titt,y 5C(.0111pani. tOakibierritie:abhipt: ltri.V11 for the week end. I. T. Wood itt.11; spent tine boll - Mise Hattie Downing arrived home last week for ;ter v:eatir.li from the city. Mies Berva Bryane, is hum, 101 a holi- day from Toronto where she is iustruet- ing the youth. alre. E (Stith and her lather. Richard Roe, were visitors in Clinton last week, going by motor. Miss Mary meNanghten, Princese street, enjoyed a visit with ofd ft ieuds in East Wawanoeh. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Thos. C. McCall's illuess but hope she will soon be fully restored Miss Gertrude Deadman Who was here from her school near Mouktoo, has gone to Hamilton to visit. Miss Pearl Baeker was here for a pert of her bohdays. She has gone to tette Summer classes in Minim. Misses Grace 'Thompson, and Vivian Taylor motored to Biyth on Monday and spent an enjoyable day, Miss Hazel Lovry, who is teaching school at Welland, is enjoying her vaca- tion uuder the parental roof. Kenneth and Mac Ferguson are holi- daying with their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs, Lackner, Kitchener. Alfred and airs Beaker and R. F. and Mrs. Downing were visitors iu Goderich ou Dominion Day. I Friendship, Detroit, is here on a visit with his sisters, Mrs. A. R, Currie and Mrs. J. T. Ross, john street. James Irwin, Toronto, was here for his annual visit over the holiday, Ho was a former well known resident. Vernon Scott and J. Pollard, Toronto, spent the holiday in Brussels at the home of Mrs, Alex. Bryans, Queen street. Alex, Stewart, and Alex, Sperling, Clinton, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Geo, Sperling. Church street. Miss Stewart, wbo has berm assisting Miss Mary Ross as milliner, has gone or her vacation to her home at Perth. Mrs. Fred. Mee and son, Stratford, re here on a visit at the home of Walter and Mrs. Wilbee, the farmer's parents. DeWitt and Mrs. Holmes and child - en, Wingliam, were visitors with the wDeoewkcitig families Wednesday of last Mrs. Curtis Rathwell and daughter, lean. of Cald.01'. Alta , are visitors at Mrs. George Sp;; ileg's the farmer's mother.jeo.s t. Amour has not been enjoying ery rugged health for the past few outbs but we hope he will continue to MprOVO. Miss Pipe was called to Belmore ow. n:ttetro, the illness of her sister. Miss Pipe. We hope the patient will soon be Miss E'sie Mayberiy, Toronto, was ere last week for a short visit. She has warm spot in her heart for Bruesels ntdi it:ere:tint va.zel Lawry, Kathleen Wilton tid Nurse Henderson and gentlemen iends tnotored to Palmerston and spent psi.eaRsatiatedd day. Crerar and children, orouto, are here for their Summer vaea- on with relatives and frieutis in Bros - Is and locality: Miss Carrie McCracken is spending a eek or so in Muskoka before ttnIri:gwlimurniiswfittitt her holidays from aching in Toronto. and ?dies Alice, Mill •eet, are visitiug at the home of W, d Mrs. Hall. near Ethel. The latter a daughter of Mrs. Jewet. Mrs, L, W. Stephensou anti F011, of rerfileVe, htieerr,e John lt tvitl' Manning,tt.ie d other relatives and friends. C and Mrs. Hord and son Fergus. Mitchell, were visitors at the Methos t parsonage over the holiday, Mrs. rd is Rev. Mr. Stafford's sister. alies Utah Sparliug was brought me frnro her boarding house. sth Con, ey township and is making favorable Kress turd we hope she will soon be k. Its Arthur Smith and children end ss Olive Bailey left Seturday on the urn trip to their home at Edmonton er a trip East enjoyed with relatives 1 friends in town. obt. Ross, Kincardine, and his son, gt. Gordon Ross, borne from France, Thos. and Mrs, Ross, of Mosley. their son, Pte. Glenn, who was erely wounded oversees, were here week visiting with relatives. George Heist was here from Chesley the holiday, visiting his parents add eds. He has been r8 years in eervice Krug Bros., the well known Furniture ufacturers, which is complimentary oth employers and etuployec, ies Gladys Ross, &tighter of Robert Mrs, Ross, Kincardine, Was operate n last week for appendicitis and is ing Along It was a serious pthe appeudix having burst. Old als here wish her speedy cotivales- e, inane Lewitt was presented with a with buquet of carnations and meee er Sunday. School OlaSS at Spring - We congratulate ACAS Jewitt on graduation in vocal musk et Alma iea' College, St, Internee. She la a cl daughter cif Mrs, Wtn, Jewitt, a h a a a fr T ti se 00 le sti an is Bo fo an of dis Ho ho Gr pro o. Mi reit aft ant Ser and and ses this for fele of Man to b Ai and ed o gett ease frie 06130 vase by It field her Lad grau