The Brussels Post, 1918-6-27, Page 5sr, ,11.11 r,•ra.ra f' r c\ .... .-.x
Bt.:mei/ler anti Putt Albeit
y�n p t Advertisingfust (Miceli '1'u Close
JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS We understand that after July 1;1 Jr
di..'ol"lettrileiofieeieleloi-44444444,44d,4• ant liar l}Ji•. tt.ivrttl Niife nhuu ,l lar ro
Brussels Studio
13:LOS I
•F s! J.
----•---- the posfdllces at lieniniller anti Port *
Only a Rumor.
A current rumor has been ally
that i shortage of gasoline exists,
hill be well to note that there
Ae:Mame of he motor fuel, but t
temp, tory aholtage i, cite wholly
the shortage tit Link cars for trail
pert:Won trout the refineries to 11
LIMITED Ced.le,. TNG are L,
y„ a wRaPVCir 1 .hdrertl.tug titles Int
0'rV7Nit lfl, tO
OS iv 1�J Int#iV6, `.l'Ei2;
�t` S.:,t'::l'T Att> AN AtJii'1'llt',
n rn, hill non tor orLo., Ar a! ,
IA, t 111014, III Il'a11,611tutu
tl nn nay other Anotlr eee jn "Inst It ono ,,,-
tie aunt ohareo seythute tions and meter, -
eau vi'vityB r e rrro.ngr d ill inn, r't CO oC "t
1."1b.rnJ allpllcatiou.
I l ,1ll UONVEVANCi;t;f3.
�I.yp % iki. HINU1.rAtit-
Y V n marlstor, Holim'or. Convuyaner•
Noa,u h' Pablie, 6:e. °Mee -it eeen'::owe
1 Aunt North or ries, trod Hid,:
Solicitor for tho Lt etrootht:u {look,
met, in the fust oBlee, lapel. NH
Burictees Oareas
Hnrcew,n• to 3I 'IL i „ +ilii,••• at .t, •.tar
No. c5,
DR. W ouot.ow
Honor mutant.- of Chu Ontario vetvrnohy
College. Day on•Jt night calci. °dice „ppe,-.ire
Flour Mill, Et to•,.
M, i3., M. O. P., a S, O,
H., Vi, roue of line:sets.
Phy-i. MU, Surgeon, Aeconcheur
OHncv1111110-ifv 3le1r1111. (11111 •14
Willit!m 41'144.
MA(JfJ4: O. IJNY`4I1 S
Pereonal Kradnnte Department of a hthul-
Inotngy, MOOormink Medina) College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes And at gins»a, of
her office over Miss Limmn'a millinery atom
011lee days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. t niters hours -10
to 12 a. In. ; 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phone 1210.
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Hilt wfaotion assured ;Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone isnot convenient to call,
Bid Brussels and North Huron Minus.
Barristers, Soneitors, Notaries Public,
S Mee on the Square, 2nd dour froin lblmlltun
GODE151011, oNT.
Private runes to loan at lows it rate%
W. PirotinroeT, K. l;. .1, r,, KILLoitAN
H. 1, D. uongn
Steady Werk red Rock
- blip
ito 1:, l T U, n d Warded,
',1Loo tem. l' !t-ni ',{a l,l insertion
1 ,l lteadel, ,u Apr line tor !te t hteer-
1 4 I I ,: ee cit .4s rl :r `11,14,
:1 ,1 i 1. 11,1,0.110 h, I , .0 114
oar t r.,hl.. t', r1u,w hu ,,,e pimp
11ni • s 1411, nr i -t ,..t Lr 11Al of.
,i ,
! � , le 11•yni n,• :.nJ J, per 111m
n . u,.,, 1111.11{., .nr different localities,
1'11 Iulvphoomi le,trortioun will Lr hoe
ee.enm tole.
for the irny mast,
�••rata•�••t•a••:••rr�•�•,t•�••ra•e.•w,t•.;....�•a' a'•:•a'
Albert will be closed
h, h, J. Ali Photograph., Frrtnit•H, 4;t"ek, M
to •t, te„ will he sold !tt tednrted
IC •t• Stutl O
� pritlea.
..pp.. i Open urtoh weak
t Closing June oath ✓r
is the time to have your dam•
+ Roto, takers to PHIGES LOW• ✓r
•+t, Mit THAN 13EFOHE 1'71h.
♦ WAR,
G. S. FREE 4.
.P*4•a•a,a'a••B•t•++a'a•i••h •T,•b✓i•'Pa•Boa•a•td•d•
tFt.4'd.'k-d"Sulr1'd4 ��,161rIf"at"'
(i uci Sotut - (1111 No NUJ l`tl
at'r •, .- "•I tam131niI. 1i 'ia>n
U.17Ap to
CArva.t.7*Ive 9:9012-10
2r 'r„ionto To Owlet. ell
xlr-.. ! ,m I+..pias'+ 12;13 pm
1Lor to,ut !2:04pm
Going Mast ;11 n. m. end 9:31 p in.
tiolnr Wt -,t 12,10 and 825 p. m,
An Rrnttu, going MVO' uonne•'a with r, P. R. nt
1 n•aogvvil lv to,• oleos Hound, fit.,, n anti T
54. 1'. s•atime..
if 2,1'. AI,1,A N, [meal Agent.
goat i ckvs
7,AaT Friday was the longest day in
the year.
1'tn+, number of Canadian Oraegenieu
who have enlisted fur serv,ce in France,
•s placed at Go,ont,
HvBON Old Boys of Toronto will go to
Queenslou 110ighta on July 24til Jur an-
ti eat exeotsiuu mateadof to Homo Co.
ou accomlt of inability to secure tlilha ac-
l'ae:rry soon the urea wilt have to
carry mound knitting bags to hold their
faith cernlieate, marriage certificate,
ow:spouts, m emcal exatntuation sheets
aunt leg:ea.-Mon cards,
Rev. T. T, Shields, of Jarvis Street
Baptist ehmeh, Toronto, has received
and accepted a cable invitatiou to take A
vacation incumbency o1 S_purgbou's
Tabernacle, London F,nglaud.
Rev. C, A, Eddy lieamsvtlle tendered
his resignation from the Methodist
church and Hamilton Conference, and
it tuns regretfully aearpted. It is uoder-
stood he will enter the ministry et the
Anglican church and become a lecturer
at Ridley College, St, Catharines, Mr.
Eddy was the predecessor of Rev. Mr.
Wren at Mount Forest.
GoN6 FARMle0.-C. H. Dodds, Van-
.ouver, B. 0, tormerly of Brussels, has
taken charge of a big farm at Albert, B.
C., owned by Mrs, Alex, Thomson and
should make it go as he was acquainted
with farm work years ago. Mr. Thom -
won, who was a brother of George Thom-
son, Brussels, is deceased, Airs. Dodds
is a niece of Airs, Thumsou,
INDiceTtuxs are that the Summer
sebum at the O. A, C., Guelph, this year
ge,vial !{colt nil records. p
r ( U .hat a-per,ons will takIte theisexcoarseected
lasts lasts five weeks. Arraugemeuls
are now beiug made for their accom-
mudation. The school starts on July end
tend the I
ase two weeks the Rural
Con fereece Will also be in session,
Tine Wallaceburg News has putebased
the Wallaaeburg flerald-Recoid from
Earl Wagnorue, who has owned It for
some time, The Record will be pub-
lished now ou weduesday anti the News
ou Friday, giving Wanaceburg practi-
cally a semi -Weekly paper, The owner
et the Record is now in the Presbyterian
ministry in charge of the church at Both-
well. W, Scurr, who has managed
the p;.per for over a year, is now on the
stall of the Chatham Daily News. The,
Colwell Blus„ proprieto's of the papers,
are cousins to W. A. and Miss Millie
anti :tars. J, D. Warwick, of Brussels.
Girls ad km
Apply at
Excelsior Knitting
iVlilds d Brussels
OaH Phonon 20x or 86.
Spring Time is
I`here is no time of the year
when eonditio Is are Melee
for Photography than the
Spring, as Hie. biighl, (dear
days make it ideal foe mien -
shots, The stere lheught of
ollt-boot• activities suggeet
the Kodak,
The prices of the Fitettnan
line of Cameras arc Hueh tis
to sleet the tremb ernent.e of
all pockets, We carry it
complete :neck of three Cam-
eras, also all It'ihns, Paper,
Powders, etc,
We invite you t.n mill and
see one complete Thur,
J. BAH Wendt
Jetvrinr and OWieian, \Vroxe't,•t
0-04104144.4 i00A00000.00440-**00
Huron Old Boys.
At a largely attended meeting of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of 'Tor-
onto, held in the Sunnyside Pavilion on
hiordav evening last it was decided that
the annual excursion and Mettle be !held
at Queenstou Heights on Wednesday,
July 2411e The railways were unable
to supply any special trehl service, and
accordingly the annual excursion to the
Clad County had to be abandoned.
LIPF. NI101nxasx1P.-A Hensel! cor-
respondent stays of a former Brusselite,-
At the close of the Sunday evening
service in the Methodist Church, Mrs,
D, McMartin was invited to come to the
front, when the following address was
read by Mrs. J. M. D. Wilsou, curl the
presentation made by Mrs. Henry, and
it soeaks to • iaeif :-"Heusal', Juue gut,
tet8 To Mts. I). McMfir iA lienszdl,
Out, ; . We, the Mission Baud, and Mem
burs of the eVomeu's Missionary Society,
through love and eppreciatiou of you!
work among us, 113 our church aid also
Sunday School, present you this Life
Member Certificate, May God make
you a more efficient worker. Signed on
behalf of the Mission Band enol W. Ai, S
Mrs I
A . R. Wilson, Currespout,1
Secrttaiy." Recipient wa: a resider
of Brussels for surae years and is :tu oc
castanet visitor each year, She is a
sister-iu law to :vire. W. Wlllau, of
Are You The Blocker ?
If you can think of anything that
can be done to beautify or build up
our town, go to it Keep your capital
at home ; patronize home industries ;
help your merchants so they can sell
cheaper; always get your wank done
in your own town If possible ; sub-
scibe :11d pay for hone papers, don't
stet or borrow the reading of them.
If you follow these suggestions and
Your town does not improve and
build up, It will not be your fault. Try
Pheacription Only.
Patent medicine remedies for ven-
ereal diseases; unless on the pre-
scription of a physician may not be
sold by druggists in Ontario after
Jul Thi '
Y i, s Is in effect tl1t; state-
ment of Hou W D, McPherson, pro-
vincialsecretary, s e i y, in explaining the Act
for the regulation of vede'eal diseases
which was passed at the last session of
the Legislature, "(July legally quali-
fied medical practitioners are permitted
to attend patients or prescribe drugs,
medicines and appliances for allevl-
Min +* or curing the disease," said Mr.
McPherson, Any person else at-
tempting to do so maty subject them-
selves to a penalty of from ,$100 to
$500. prescriptions are then tilled by
chemists and druggists in the usual
May Stop It.
Many auloisls are looking for new
reslrictiuns in connection with pleas-
ure jaunts from the government.
There is a well-defined rumor that the
government propnsds to eliminate
pleasure trips on the Sabbath, and other
pwise curtail the week -end eonsumptlon
of gasoline for all except business pur-
Must Report Flour.
According to the latest government
order people who have more than the
regulation supply of flour may keep
what they have sad report to the deal-
er, whom they bought it (ruin before
June 15th., the amount they have on
hand. This (wrierreplaces the ealier
circler which required the flour to be
returned to the dealers -
Measles Prevalent.
:Measles were prevalent throughout
the province- during the month of
May, according Ito reports recOvedt
by the Provincial Board of Health.
'Fortune and Hamilton had almost an
epidemic and the cases in the two
cities totalled 166i, with Toronto re-
cording no less than 979 cases, The
total for the province was 1935.
Trees Were Killed.
Now that the trees are all out in
heavy foliage the depredation of last
winter's severe frosts are very appar-
ent. Most plum trees are said to have
been finished and grapevines were
mostly done for. On the lawns many
oramental shrubs also succumbed to
the bitter cold winter. The winter of
1917-18 has added to its m;tny records
the name of being the worst winter on
trees we have ever had.
Can't Send Parcels to U. S. Soldiers
Postmaster Scott is our authority for
the statement that It is contrary to
regulations to send parcels to United
States soldiers, without the permission
of the: commanding officer of the bat-
talion, and this authorization has to
be attached to the parcel, This is the
restriction the U. S, Government has
seen fit to impose,
Old Huron Boy Worlted Novel Scheme
to Boost War Chest in U. S.
From the Springfield, Ohio, paper,
we take the following which makes re-
ference to it brother of Major Dr. Shaw,
of town;- Many from the Saturday
crowds who had not already placed
their signatures on War Chest pledge
cards did so Saturday as the result of
a clever stunt of team No, 2 of the re-
tail employes division, headed by Ed-
gar H. Burgoyne, J. I Keller, jr, and
'Colin C. Shaw, of the Edward Wren
company. A tattle and chair were plac-
ianed at the main entrance to the store,
with pen, ink, blanks and buttons, and
members of the team wore oh guard
all day sllit.ilm4 from the passing
crowds. A large sign with white back-
ground ;end red and blue lettering read,
Friends and Patrons -The War Chest
committee has built up an organization
for the purpose of reaching every man
woman and wage earner in Springfield
and Clark County. Some good patriots
farmers of Grey
If wanting to buy Implements as
netts• Cost Peace as possible call on
Isle. personally, No need of pay-
ing an agent and head agent uh
drive the toads soliciting eiders,
which you do it' buying iron!
them. I sell I he AlcOoenliele end
of the International line of Duple -
memo, and Oliver Plows, Oil Be -
glees anti Tractors. (loll on we
and save big money,
flnvid MIIIle - Ethel, Ont.
Successor to
I\tl, Yolleck
Is -prepared to pay
highest price for
Scrap Iron,
the e
6 Wool Wanted
Highest price paid. See °e
ole before you sell; A
t •
'SVt•ite. or Phone 02x 4
✓ e
• w
may be missed or overlooked in the
vast work of recording. If you have
not been solicited you will render a
patriotic service by giving your name
here and signing the War Chest
pledge, America first." Ten men of
the managerial staff of the Edward
Wren Company took turns in soliciting
subscriptions from 9 a, til, to 9 p, m,
The total amount taken in was 31,2.79.
62. Wilbur Hughes, 407 West Main
street, a barefoot newsboy, pledged
five cents a month and put down his
first payment in pennies. The Doug-
las Debating Society, comprised of col-
ored boys, subscribed $30 to be paid
out of their combined earnings thio
summer. Subscribers generally ex-
pressed pleasure at the opportunity
given them of doing their duty,
War Bond Interest
The interest payment which is due
on Canadian domestic war loans will
amount to over $16,000,000. This
large sum, which will be paid out
chiefly in Canada represents the first
interest payment on the Victory Loan
and the regular payment on the 1925
loan. Considerable amounts of these
bonds are held in 'Clinton and coa-
pons have been presented (Jurist, the.
p:tst week,
May Re -Examine Everybody.
A large number of men throughout
this military district, who have been
raised to higher medical categories af-
ter re-examinations, are being ordered
before tribunals These men will be
given an opportunity of making claim
for exemption on some other grounds,
as they cannot be exempted on medi-
cal category grounds alone if found
either in A or B categories. Prepara-
tions are being made for general re-
examination throughout the district
when medical boards will sit in a num-
ber of towns and cities.
What a "Watt" Really Is.
A current of electricity flowing
through a wire is like a stream of
water flowing through a pipe, And
the pressure of the boater, the speed
with which it flows' we cali the
"volts" or the voltage of the electri-
city says "The House Beautiful."
The size of the stream of water in one
or hyo -inch pipe is "ampers" when we
measure the same size of an electric
current. But the actual vohume of
water that is flowing through the pipe
is so many gallons while with electri-
city we measure in "watts" -so many
watts for an hour or so many "watt-
hours "
Benj. McCormick left for a trip to
the \Vest.
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, Wingham,
visited in our village.
Joseph Ferguson, Collingwood, visit-
ed at the home of Henry Aloore.
Miss Clara Johnston, who has spent
some time in Toronto, is hone for the
Miss Johnston, Porters Hill, receiv-
ed a call home on account of her
mother being sick.
Miss Stella McCrae, Dunham, is
spending a fete weeks at the home of
her grandfather, O. Onsens.
Sunday was childrelr'e day. Rev,
Conway delivered a special sermon in
the morning to the children.
We were sorry Lo learn that our
merchant., O. Oozens mel will) an ac-
cident and had the rtlisfoinune to
break his collar' hone.
Rev. W. Oiniway returned home
frau conference. Many are express-
ing their sorrow over his depeetnee
from this circuit this year, He goes
to Nat tem, Easex 0o.
Omens srel t
a alld daughter ht 1 Emma
turd 0, W. Omens attend d the funer-
al of Mrs. Oatharine Oosene of Palm-
erston. They motored over in R.
Johnson's car,
Huron county Temperance Workers
Phe annual meeting of the Temper-
ance workers of the cmnHv was held
al: Clinton on 9'neshay, of last week,
those beam liruesele in attendance be-
ing Rev, Messrs. Mann, Stafford and
Smith, J. +@. Wood, A. AlcGnire and
S, Carter and MOritlftmos Davit and
The reports presented by the tonal
wnrkere established the fact the Tem -
permute laws in force in fJnron have
accomplished a great deal of good
through an honest en fore( men on the
part of the officers and magistrates
and the assistance of tho county or-
The question of whether Huron
ahould petition the Government to
have the Oaliacla Temperance Act
euepenrlld in favor of the Ontario
Temperance Ant was fully dieenssed,
Intl it was decided to stray by the O,
T, A, until the Ontario and Dominion
measures of Prohibilant had been fin-
ally placed on the etat ute beoltx by A
vote ol'thn people. It watt also point-
ed out that the 0,1% A, ivrt4 tuna'
Oriel- than the O. T. A, in the loader
of personal nae and as the remaining
sleeks of liquor were now confined itt
the cellars of Lim homes, it is import -
1 ..'ph l;ihsuu, tin w1Jl knutvii Toni.
pet ungee adorn:ate, Ingersoll, wits pre -
sold null gave Due of Liv eh:t acteuntie
a1,11e0404 1'01 tit [ir t blue ninee
the(1.nullt alg,toiZat.tlnt was 1•"Ii1u+d
E'rltnk Hu bon=ul, \i7iugh 1111, one of
Brio!hot,: of the Movention, wits eb-
ennl AMINO ('ouveutioo Auld to flee
k,tr t; •,l i,tlntl t'a 1+614111 1,i, el' sytn-
I?alit' taint 114,,at1.
Resolutions of amokv, ore pa•sul
(mm4•I 611;4 the 'splendid Wol k doer by
tint relit cul, „threes laud lu Iia guvei
meats for Ill t 1n04tsuren of Prohitulion
adopted dutingthe year; abet tpiest•
log the Government to take over all
sleeks of liquid now in bout{ to be need
for nitwit hale.
A. 'P. Coppet, of Clilto0, was slit
pointed Field Secrete' y, and \V, T.
Pekoe, of (helm fell, as speeial (noel.
MR. !fusion, of MXeler, tvALs eleeeh
Honorary Pt•veldt-tit, and 1Jr. A. J.
Irwin. Winghnin, Pilo:Moot. Vire
Presidents are : H..i. Alegaw, (lodet-
ich ; J. T. \Voud, ti tissels ; and ,I. A.
Inlets, (dildoe, Riding representa-
tives. -f;. Bennett, IVinghtun ; .1. ("ow•
an, Heaferth ; C. lin vey, Egel •• ,
Secretary, A, Al. Boyle, Hel a ave :
Treasurer', A. M. Boberlsan, (ioderieb.
Dr. Colin Fletcher, of the Huron
Presbytery Elected to Head
Office at London.
Dr, 'Colin Fletcher, Al, A., fe D.,
the moderator -elect of the General
Assembly- of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, was born in 1847,
on the island of Islay, Argyilesihire,
Scotland, and received his early edu-
cation there.
He came to Canada in 1864, when
17 years of age, with his brother,
the lata Rev. Dr, D. H. Fletcher,
tvhti w:eg also destined le till the
high office slow oecupied Iry Ur
Colin Fletcher,
The moderator -elect settled in
Searburu, Ont., and resumed his
studies at Upper Canada College.
He later attended Toronto Univer-
sity, graduating with degrees of B.
A., and AI. A., and began the study
of theology at Knox College, gradu-
ating in 1879. In that year he was
ordained and was offered and ac-
cepted a call to Thames Road
Church, where he has been ever
since. It is his first and only charge.
His ability was recognized from
the first and in the councils of the
church he has occupied an inter-
esting position. As a scholar his
reputation is widespread, and for
years he has been on the examining
board of Knox College, In 1906 he
was elected moderator of the Synod
of Condon and Hamilton.
Several times Dr Fletcher has
been asked to consider calls to other
(X �Iiliillllllifi
lk*eelII 111111111M
rIi� ��al
$Inn An , 11.1 ut 6 clout+, 1...•If In ies
than l it,ours.
1100 saved at :i r ts. yrta, /4 do rho
rt %,6,11,1T'e e J ln:, t .431.40
al only J', wtnetly 0,1 1'.11.1 cit Ali ni til
equal sotrt,v cud coeveinende• It wt Pitt
GINO be equally footi=.11 to endanger s• out.
savings to order to oucuro a olu,ittly
higher rare a interter. But your ntolti'r
CAN earn i,e`, r.ithuat rink of lues, by
investing It int
Thousands of people have inveated their sus-
tains in these debentures without the Joss of
n dollar invested.
The debentures are hailed in SIMI of 5100
and upwards, and the nO:rest is paid I -: pour
local nankin yeah on the a ty tt 1s due.
T3'rvb f e, our booklet ental .,/ .r ht i rveg.,'•
JI , ,, 6,in What t! a Urhratto . + . da d-ey
ung :v enui a :grant?.
Paid up Coolie( nod Suo,Ia+Funds - : 53.362.378.63
�STTl rrr,t37 ONC ;i
Branch Offices :
EO =:�0 tiII1111I1i(IIIIIIIiNllllitl%I1i111tflt1ifUli{IlllllttlilliV+•lei.
congregations, but he preferred to
remain with his country charge at
Thames Road, which is situated five
guiles from Exeter, Ont. Here he
has done a big work. He has. been
indefatiguable in Iris efforts to in-
duce young men to enter the minis-
try, and it is the proud boast of
his congregation that it Inas sent
probably the lung eat euuber cit seems:
men to this high calling thdlr Atti
ether of its size in Canada. Among
these is the fatuous Drs Meldrum, of
Lr, Fletcher is a widower. He
has no children.
His brother, the late Rev. Dr.
Fletcher, was for num v:ars min-
kter of McNabb Street Presbyterian
3,11tIrch, llamilton. lie w:t'. elected
to the moderatorship tt V'anrouvee
,n ly(N
O 04090#0840•,20 000000 SOA 0.56447 #0049049.4040408-8,0.009:10G84.0 'P
Al a s Room at the To •
That is where you always bind our Graduates. If
you want a tip-top position, j;°t a tip-top training,
the kind you get in the
O it. and Wingham, Ont. •
Write for Free Catalogue.
• 4449444♦4•4040041:00044♦0444.04 000♦4144.4.444440P400490•0904
Classified List of 9,706 Con-
secutive Fig; rd Sales
Farmers 5062
Gardeners, Truck -
eters 47
Creameries and
other Sundry
Users 173 1,73
Metals -All Classes 36
Furniture 5
Packers, etc. 98
Building Materials 14
Printers and
Publishers 24 .24
Sundry 146 1.50
Bakers 66 ,66
Butchers 122 1.30
Coal, Wood 27 .27
Cleaners and
. Stores
Dry Goods
Flour and Feed
30 .30
61 .61
25 .25
14 ,n4
9 .09
Total Cant
Fruit and Vege-
tables 32
Grocers 200
Hardware 46
Ice 1
Jeweers 10
Lumber 62
Plumbers 43
Stationery 14
Tobacco 5
Undertakers 8
RSniesmcn 44
Sundry 227
Oil, Paint, Grease 7
Hardware 18
Building Materiel 6
Dry Goods 17
Groceries, etc. 46
Sundry 144
Machinery, etc.
Real Edtate and
Baggage, Express 89
Bus, Livery, Taxi
Cab 271
Railroad 38
Sundry 17
Buildings, Con-
tractors 121
.05 Painters, Decora-
.08 tors 40
al Engineers, Mech-
antes 130
2.40 Sundry 91
Doctors 202 2.10
Veterinaries 20 .20
Bankers 43 .43
TOTAL -Prim•
only for business
use 8,590 68.0S
101 1.04
92 .95 SUNDRY
258 2.67 Not ovelu lad in
above claesla-
PUBLIC5ERVICE cation_ 1,156 11.95
,24 Crnnd Totnt 9,70E 100.
Gallons of ink and acres of paper are sometimes used to convey the thought summed
up In this chart which states facts.
Out of 9,706 consecutive sales, 8 550 purchasers regard the Ford car as a necessity In
either agricultural or Industrial activity. Only 11.95 per cent of these cars are being used,
other titan primarily for business. Prepare to meet business competition by buying a Ford,
Runabout • • $575 Sedan - $970
Touring • • • 596 Ono -Ton Truck 750
Coupe • • 770 Chassis - - 636
F O. )3. cera Ontario
ar o
An *plea etauicet to lour taro eharaos, e.respt truelm and °Math