The Brussels Post, 1918-6-27, Page 4gbe rin,safie gosi WOuINCH.
ElUlanplt int the soldier lads • ti overseas
and the brave tants who ane going to
their support
PROaAollterxs point to a titie
in North Huron tut the Legielatere
with favorable chenves for a Liberal
candidate if a good standard bearer is
placed in the field.
OYER a million more acres of hay and
grain iu this Dominion in tete than iu
um. This proves what may be done,
even in the face of a shortage of help,
when a united effort is made.
WHEN are the untidy and unkempt
premises in Brussels going to be set to
rights 1 Here it is nearly the est of July
and no attempt has been made to clean
up. lees a give away to the town and
sbould not be permitted,
Pe rox RUssEL.'s £oliowers were rath-
er ancermoniously treated by the C' S.
in their recent trial. 20 years in prison
may teach Ihe.rm a useful lesson that they,
perhaps, should have been taught ao
years ago.
'tars is the season when. women folk
who have a right to vote r•heuld see that
their names are property placed upon
the Voters' List so that when the tune
ones for them to mark their ballot they
will possess the fult privilege. 'Phe op-
ponents of granting them the franchise
:aid "they would not use it" and it is up
t,e the fair ,t•:: to prove to the contrary.
WE will nevet throw ally more stones
et the banana man after the hero'crlt evi-
denced by Italy's sous in the terrible on-
slaught by the Austrians and Germaus.
Some of their sky -battles are almost un-
believable in their daring and dash under
the most hazardous conditious. Sunny
Italy deserves to win.
Scunonett across the Atlantic by air-
ship, in eo hours, is on the program and
after the initial trip proves the feasibility
of the voyage Uncle Sam's Air fleet is
ready to pay a fraternal call on Fritz at
'Berlin and other important centres.
This will be to return the visits Wile
belm's sbips have been making to old
London. There's goingto be something
doing in the nearby.
SATURDAY of next week will be the
29th anniversary of the marriage of King
George and Queen Marv, who share iu
the lore and loyalty of millions of British
subjects and also enjoy the high esteem
of millions outside of the great realm
over which they rule. We have a half
uotion to Bend over our silver cruet or
pickle dish but probably they bave more
now than they know what to do with.
God save Kiug George and Queen Mary.
Tong may they reign.
PEOPLE who thrnw stnnes at F. M, C.
A. and kindred associations are giving
themselves away more than their malign-
ing is iniuriug such institution:. Millions
of dollars have been invested in this class
of work and the thousands of hearty re-
commends coming every day from men
and women who have shared in the bene-
fits and proven that they found friends
indeed is ample evidence of their geueine
value. Tbere always were carping, nar-
row steeled people in the world and prob-
ably always will be, but that is no reason
the Rood work shruld cease. Huron
County did well to make generous grants
to such God -like enterprises,
THE recent visits of the Duke and
Duchess of Devonsbire, to varions
points in this Province, as representa-
tives of royalty, is along commendeble
lines. By such a method they become
acquainted with the country and its
people, learn of its needs and its advam.
tages and constgaently are better able
to understand situations that may arise.
There ratty be more money spent over
the entertainment than is necessary and
everybody may not Ret a chance to
shake hands with the "Donk" but the
exchange of compliments and breaking
down that old time aristocracy is acconl-
pliehing good in this democratie country.
Canada has no use for snobbery or the
antics of the: so-called upper To and the
people who are "good mixers" have a
leverage that aaur,ot be gainsayed. The
Governor General and his lady made
many frteuds on their itinery.
TEMPE1tANcli Convent lone being held
throughout Canada are voicing no un-
certain sound as to the fixed purpose of
the Prohibition forces to "see the thing
through," The test during war time is
ringing true and every loyal son and
daughter of Canada must see to it that
the White Banner shall never be hauled
down, A record of empty jails, police
courts almost wiped out, improved
homes, sober fathers and mothers, to
say nothing of removing pitfalls in the
feet of the youth, should inspire every
lover of sobriety and good morals to
make a solemn pledge that intoxicating
liquors will never be manufactured or
put on scale with their vote and approba-
tion, Keep tilt taw and make others do
i ikewise.
'Pile road and bridge rouunittee e+
ported that. it bare agreed with Cl, 111,
'Kidd on a *ell lenient I'ot $10111{ of ids
vomit tee lb t t( rt•v
r'against h a 1
, [ t t
1 al n
y E,
oil a•'t•linil1 of a F reel toll-lellglne going
tltrotO: a 1'10k 1•11 .11 Ila+ 1B'tyfb,lel
.nt' •eul,l nl t, d•..+ re.° 1111111'mtled
Fbni !ter111e1,1tt• 31•11,111111111 1hee mainten•
meet eel'the port ten of the toad Smith
, of Feet ete, bridge, 1n tioderielt town-
: ship, and that en account or $31.00
ftrrn Godeeielt tow :peep ceimen, rot•
wont dune on thin road, be paid. The
mnnm•il, refused to nevem this rinse
nl' I Ile wpm% Mid it wan strook mit, the
rep011 ay anteilded being then adopted.
The county wool{ tors fn their repoi l
j advised that all old Merl l:age!moon nts
of the county be closed tip els soon as
possible, a, the vomit ran iuity io•
Vest it, motley to better advantage.
The spooiahranrntittee deported as
follows r -re resnlul leo of Weill
county on "daylight -.:wing," we en-
dorse the resolution in opposition to
daylight-saving, as it is dittrimental
' to agricultural production, Re vont-
unmication of 1\ellandcounty regard-
log statute labor, ars natter has been
since remedied by legisle lion, the te-
commend that no action be taken.
PLN emuniilnieation of the city council
Of Toronto on abolition of the Senate,
the recommend that it is desirable that
O. note of the people of Canada. be
taken at the lies( general elerlion fur
inetztbcts of t.lie House at 'eltmtot[H 1.D
the question of asking fer art amend-
ment to the British North Amerit%
' Act tet provide for the abolition of the
`senate of Canada. Re resolution of
Perth mouuly minuet! to increase feta
ou homeetead hands in the hest, we
recommend that returned soldiers be
granted hoinesteitels free, thataliens
be charged X8.00 pet ache as suggested
and also be ',imbed to take the oath
of allegiance, and that the fees to °th-
ets of British and oeutlal nationality
be the saute test before. Re circular
with reference to catling wood it) Al-
gonquin Par k, as this i it matter per-
taining to Meal uruuicipalities we re-
commend that no action be taken. Re
matter of Walkerton meeting remod-
ing ,jails tend ehildren's shelter, we re-
con rend that the counties be group-
ed in supporting a ,jail and that the
have a separate shelter of our own,
and that a delegation of two be ap-
pointed to act with other counties in
the tuatter of a jail,
The report wile adapted,
The Executive committee brnnght it)
the following recommendations :-
That grant to the Red Cross Societies
be one-half mill on equalized assess-
ment of the county ; that no action
be taken regardtug the [natter of
soldiers' insurance mentioned in the
communication from the city of Lond-
on ; that no action be taken regarding
the invitation to join the Ontario
Municipal Association ; that amounts
called for in the statement front the
Provincial Secretary's office for the
euforceueent of the Canada Temper.
ante Act be deposited at once, and
further we are of the opinion that the
work (multi he done with one inspector
and that the money saved thereby
could be used to better advantage at
the present time, and in that this
eouncll petition the Government to
that effect ; that no action he taken
at peesent on the tettuest. of F. (z, Ne -
elm In crnneetion with the operating
of the tractor plots in the vicinity of
Setaforth, but that Mr. Stewart be ask-
ed for an explanation regarding work
done; that the sum of $54,000 be
granted to the 'Se M. U, A„ to be paid
in monthly inetalments of $2,000 each ;
that the sum of $1,000 be granted to
the Salvation Army, and $2,000 to the
Knights of Columbus.
The report was adopted,
The council went into committee of
the whole. to consider the question of
equalization as has been in effect for
sante Yente, rejecting a motion by
Messrs. McNabband Powell to appoint
a committee of three to make a new
The county ptcipmtty committee re-
ported, much of the report dealing
with routine matters in eolneetimr
with the county buildings. Richard
Delong was recommended for the posi-
tion of caretaker of the court house
and regietry office, at the same eatery
as the late cat etaker. Another recom-
mendation was that .Jailer Griffin's
salary be increased $50.00. This was
struck tint, the rest of the report be-
ing adapted.
A second report of the Executive
enrumittee was submitted. It was re-
commended that a grant of $100 be
made to :\'tics Hat'land, oeganint at the
house of refuge ; that lite sum of
$3,000 be appropriates{ for a children's
shelter for the county ; that a grant
to Women's Institute be not made as
irroposed by (Messes. Mallongh and
Fraser, the commiLtee believing khat
a resolution of council expressing ate
preciation of the week of the 'Women's
Institute would be ashore, suitable;
that no action be taken with reference
to the grant to the Patriotic Pund as
proposed by elessrs. Siong anti lbtr.-
Nabh, and that balance due to the
estate of the late County Treasurer
Homes be paid. This report was ad-
The report of the Finance committee
cleating with a large number of act -
counts, was adopted. Treaturee's
statement of estimated receipts and
expenditures was accepted, requiring
a rate of three and three -tenth trills on
t:he dollar,
A committeenntheOhildren'sshelt-
er teas f wined, consisting of uMessrs.
Livingstone, T.nhb and Ilarhtnro, with
the authority to purchase nit rent a
Hutt able pine°.
The following applicttt.ione were re-
ceived for the position of caretaker of
the Court Hoeec and Registry Office t
Richard De Long, Biles Jen khis,
John Dean, (Jenrge Oriekfield, Robert
Standish, and Wm. If. (mode.
elle report er D. Patterson on Lhe
county road and bridge: work wile pre-
sented, with plans for br•idgea to be
erected this summer•.
The county road comtnission report'
ed that work was required in the nate-
ons townshipm as followe :
Stepben--Drainage and grading It
bridge and culvert to he built, estimat-
ed nost $5,500.
Ueborne--Drainage attd grading,
two mires to be conatrumed $8,500.
Hay-lereinage, gentling etc, t 2,500.
...,, 1.u'—'K'•T +wa+..nex'�i..T-n w:-�H,,.�.M,•C•,n>Y'e•,....1•r. a.1•rtTF M, -..,¢.M -.w. �.�,vw'rif+,•MF
~ :..�I etkeu. 145+1i. Peep tlttdh;'1e,1•i,:+t)
l hi inekes the scow stand twelve
to etiee vatives and nine liberals, or
eleven `t.nhlservattivea and nine Lib-
erals if, es our contemporary claims,
Ilan. Mr. Robertson, the Labor rep-
resuht.ative who was appointed to
office by the late Borden govern-
ment, be placed on neither side.
(aur euntemporary will please show
wherein The Expositor is misentorm-
ed, of else Allow the charge of nee-
inforrrhatiot to lie at his own door•
"Fruit-a4ivesl} Quickly
Relieved This Chronic Trouble
• 5:40 C.tstilt lli STREET, NIONTIGIAL.
"fumy opinion, no other medicine
Is so curative for Constipation and
lutligestiou as elerufteetivese _
Iwas a sufferer from these con•
plaints for • five years, and my
sedentary occupation, Musi e, brought
about a kind of Inleslinal Paralysis;
with uarlr IL•adacher, belching gas,
drowsiness after eating, and pain in
the hack.
I was induced to try `fruit -a -tines'
and now for six months I Imre been
entirely well", A. RtheENni'RG.
;tors abox, fi for 442.,50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa,
Favorable Weather and General
Conditions Promise Excess
Over Last Year.
The crop reports for the month of
May, issued by tine Fruit Commission-
er's Branch of the Agriculture De-
tment sates tthat 1
par t troughout Ont-
erio the weather has been very favor-
-- .._ able for fruit growing. In Nova
Scotia it was dry and almost too warm
during the greater part of May, but
heavy rains occurred in the latter part
of the month, followed by cooler wea-
ther. Conditions in British Columbia
were favorable until May 24th, when a
very heavy frost struck the coast and
inland valleys. Tomatoes were par-
ticularly affected and strawberries
a hlnrris —Brading and repairing road Were also seriously hurt. Damage is
between Morris and Grey, $3 000, reported to stone fruits in certain
Tittnberr'y--midge et) road No, 31 districts.
to be repaired fit once and a new abut-
ment built, grading and repairing,
etekersmith-Gendiug, etc., $1,000.
\lriiilinp-Drainage aid ,=riding,
two miles to he culletltinted (one-half
of the two miles to he paid roe by
county of Perth), $2,500.
Bocleirll township -Drainage and
grading, a bridge opposite lot 10, con-
ression 1, it grader t squired, $3,50(1.
Hallett -Di amage and grading,'
$750.00 for toads, bridge extea.
Grey -Grading and sonic construe -
tion, a elumher leo be bought, $0,000,
Stanley--Gtacling, etc., mud abridge
on road No. 3a, concession 10, $2,500.
IIowick-Drainage, bridge on con-
cession 3, suite construction and a
cl usher required. $10,170.
Ashfield-Connliesionees recom-
mend that load No. 21 be taken off,
but as Ashfield wants this road kept
on we reeommend that action be tak-
en to do away with bridge and buy
a toad. A bridge on read Nn, 27a may
have to be built. lestimate,$15,000.
Colborne- Grading and repairing
a bridge on road No 23, $8,000.
west Wawanosh-Grading and te•
pairing $1,500,
East Wawa nnell-Grading and re-
patring, an arch culvert on toad No. I
between East Wawanosh and Morris,
The committee recommended
against allowing the claim of Wm.
eleteregoe for damages on a road on
the Morris bounclary, but in council
it was decided to allow the °helm.
The amount involved was $$.
The Warden and {Messes. Ford,
Powell, Mallnngh and Govenlock were
appointed as the deputation from this
enmity to ,join with a deputation from
{Middlesex ()faulty to interview the
Government with regard to having
the London road accepted as a Pro-
vincial highway.
The engineer was instructed to have
some of the county bridges painted ,
Lhis year,
A motion was adopted that D.
Patterson, county engineer, be paid a
salary of $1,500 for work on the desig-
nated county road system and $200
additional for work on county roads
other than the designated roads, and
that all former by-laws relating to the
county engineer's salary be repealed.
It was decided also to provide tilt',
Patterson with a Ford car,
There will be big doings at Godetich
on Monday, July 1st, Program will
occupy the whole day, morning, aftete
noon and everting. Morning, from
0 30 o'clock -Trades procession and
floral parade, juvenile games, baby
show, Ser.. These will take place on .
the square ; no admission fee. After-
noon program ttt Agricultural Park,
'three horse races for aggregate purses
of $750-210 class, $300 ; 2.50 class,
$300 ; green rare, $100. Some of the
best horses in WesLern OuLario will be
there. Baseball-Olinton vs. Bode.
ttell, Automobile race, Patriotic
demonstration by school children.
Highlattcl dousing anti piping. Oline
Lon Kiltie. Brass Band in atLetdance.
Evening -Musical program on the
Square. OpereLic performance "'Phe
Lass of Limerick Town," in the Opera
House, followed by a dance, Proceeds
of Lhe day gr to patriotic funds, Spend
the holiday at the lakeside town and
have a great. big clay's sprat.
(Brantford Expositor)
The London Free Press accuses
The Expositor of lack of informa-
tion and want of fairness in stating
that one of the promises which Sir
Robert Borden Inas not carried out
is that of placing his cabinet on a
fifty-fifty basis. It declares that the
tine -up is nine to nine, with Hon.
Mr, Robertson, the Labor representa-
tive, not counted on either side, and
that the Liberals hold the more lin-
portant fortfolios, The Expositor
may be inaccurate, but as it under-
stands the composition• of the cabs'
inet, according to party leanings, it
is as follows:
Conservatives --Sir. R, L, Borden,
Sir George E, Poster, Hon, Arthur
Meigheen, Sir Thomas White, Horn,
Dr. J. D, Reid, Hon. P, Biondi!),
lion, C. J. Doherty, Hon, A. B.
Kemp, Hon, J, A. Lougheed, Hon.
T. W, Crothers, Hon. le Cochrane,
and ]ion, E. D, Robertson. -12.
Liberals—Hon. N. W. Rowell,
lion. p B, Carvell, Hon, S. C, New-
burn, lien. J, A. Calder, lion. T.
A. Crerae, lion, A, 1C, MacLean, Hen.
ft'4��Eit'tSi.Kn+�M�t"•Fff�M9'?'*a'v .i•. ^.�wv�•..,y...e-•ti{K�m,.n.; +•..,,.*nr�..'..
C'IIRa+3U9 1401.1bAY *PAC IS
ee 1 of a}!lelo 14111
,an.t id, ixtl
below that ut 1917,
that in ullrlo promises to greenly
ceed last year's. In spite of the frost,
it is quite -possible that tike total out-
put of apples in British Columbia will
equal that of last ,year, owing to the
large number of trees, lust cooling in-
to bearing. Reports from the Annapalis
Valley iuld Prlaww kdward Island are
not generally favorable. The crop in
Quebec is likely to be less than last
yeti. Prospects in New Brunswick ap-
pear favorable,
Known in Nearly all L- ands, It Has a
Famous Family Tree
The name John is o- ne of our best,
also one of our oldest, It is found in
nearly all languages, and no matter
how disguised, from Juan to Johannes,
it is almost certain to be identified.
The Johns have a magnificent family
There was an apostle named John,
and also a John the Baptist. There
have been twenty-two popes and one
anti -pope by the name of John, Three
kings of Aragon and Castile, one at
least of Bohemia and several of Portu-
gal, France and England have borne the
name of John.
There was John Sobieski, the great-
est of the Poles." There was John, sur-
named Lackland, who was foreed to
sign the Magna Charts, There was
John the Good. Running down the fa-
mous list, the find also John the Fortu-
nate, John the Perfect, John the Fear- `
less, John the Constant,
If old King John gave England the
Magna Charta John Hancock helped
to give the United States the Declar-
ation of Independence, If the histore
cal and symbolical Johns seem too
numerous we might add John Rocke-
feller and John Doe.
I • ', v national �••�[ list
pert 1. n U 10 reg, t i l (l,lv
in the United States.
leve 'Christian countries do not ob-
serve Christuhas as a legal holiday.
New Year's Day is the outy holt-
day observed throughout the world.
Eleven dates • are observed as New
fear's Day in dill'erent pawls tit the
International business will be inter-
ferent with by holidays or auod.0e 1.r
281 dad's in 1918 ; of these eel will
be holidays.
This leaves only eighty-four days
in which universal banking business is
November, with twenty-six holidays
in different parts of the world, leads
the months,
Marcie, with nineteen, has the few-
est holidays,
Brazil leads the mations of the world
with eighty-four holidays, •
The United States comes next with
it a1. it e x at s e x
or a1. e n e x x• at if 1a
Put a thing away when you have it
in your hand. Don't lay it down think-
ing you will put it away later,
Whenever possible wash dishes that
are used in cooking as you go along.
It will save much time and confusion
when the dishes from the meal are
to be washed,
Always put pots and pans to soak
as soon as they are emptied. You
will find them easier to wash if you
do this.
Don't forget to put a kettle of water
on the stove to heat, so you do not
have to wait for dish water when the
meal is finished,
Wary Service et 1
Glen 19 and 20 Years of ,,ge.
Harvest Leave„
Leavy of Absence on Ground of Extreme ardship.
Procedure to obtain Leave of Absence.
Men Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age.
It has come to the attention of the Government that there is a widespread
impression that young men of nineteen years, and those W110 became twenty
since October 13, 1917, as well as those who may become nineteen from time to
time and who have been or will be called upon to register under the Military
Service Act, are to be immediately called to the colours.
This impression is quite incorrect. No date has yet been fixed for calling
upon such men to so report for duty, nor has the question been brought before
the Cabinet for decision. In view of the need of labour on the farm, it is most
unlikely that consideration will be given to the matter until meter the harvest is
over, although of course the Government's action must be determined primarily
by the military situation.
Thele is no further obligation incumbent upon young men of the ages
above mentioned who have registered or who do so hereafter, until they receive
notice: from the Registrars.
Harvest Leave.
Some enquiries have been received as to the possibility of granting harvest
Ieave to such troops as may be in the country at that time. No definite ascur-
ance can be given on this point as advantage must be taken of ships as they
become available. On the other hand, harvest leave will be given if at all
Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship.
It is desired that the Regulations respecting leave of absence in cases of hard-
ship should be widely known and fully understood. Such leave will be granted
in two cases:— (a) where extreme hardship arises by reason of the fact that the
man concerned is either the only son capable of earning a livelihood, of a father
killed or disabled on service or presently in service overseas, or in training for
such service, or under treatment after returning from overseas; or the only
remaining of two or more brothers capable of earning a livelihood (the other
brother or brothers having been killed or disabled on service, or being presently
in Service overseas, or in training for overseas or under treatment after his or
their return from overseas); brothers married before 4th August, 1914, living in
separate establishments and having a child or children not to be counted,
in determining the fact that the man is the "only" remaining son or brother;
(b) where extreme hardship arises by reason of exceptional circumstances such as
the fact that the man concerned is the sole support of a widowed mother, an
invalid father or other helpless dependents.
It is to be noted that in all these cases the governing factor isnot hardskip,
loss or suffering to the individual concerned, but to others, that is, members of
his family or those depending upon him,
Procedure to obtain leave of absence.
A simple system for dealing with these cases has been adopted. Forms of
application have been supplied to every Depot Battalion and all officer of each
battalion has been detailed whose duty it is to give them immediate attention.
The man concerned should on reporting to his unit state that he desires to apply
for leave of absence on one or more of the grounds mentioned and his application
form will then be filled out and forwarded to Militia Headquarters, Ottawa. 1n
the meantime, if the case appears meritorious, the elan will be given provisional
leave Of absence for thirty days so that he may return home and continue hitt
civil occupation, while his case is being finally disposed of. e
DEPARTMENT or el'UsTion.
t ,' r + e
! t i1 c u tae•
i u .! 1
rt Led
Will i
-f, i 114,1 V.l all ,
,.oust 1 n e},
! s
ready to make :diel the downslur,
work is done.
No Vet' get upstairs or downstairs em-
pty handed when there are ihlnes to
be carried above er below the ground
Ito i
I'M a newspaper on the door in front
of the slot when you take out the ash
pen L Iteuta suis a:,lir:: be spilled you
will h. r,: I.. s,.rk r. l:r.ul th:•nn ah
Noisier to Creditors
In the matter of the: estate of 1: z,beth
Askin, 1310 ul [he'I'ownsllI ul (}(t y,
In the• County of ll moil, widow, dc-
rt:r.r d.
Nobe ohs elven pus.uaat to fhc Tries•
too Ael RH. O,lel 1, Chop 121, theft all pul•
eons lowing eh item er demand. agnunsl the <•s•
tate of the olid I;lir, noel h A..khu, d, sensed, who
died on or about the sixth dor or mar, A. 1).
nee required tu:,rnd h)' 1•u*4 Pr epitid, eV
d1•It•cr to blue end 111.,14;111111 Execator of the
sold estate on or before the First day of July,
A. U. lflim, their moo). and addresses with roll
Wirt or
n i h ort 1..Inolo, ms,n .statement of their
or the -.rarity Of Me()
hold by them duly verified
Further r take note*, flint after tate last men•
trained (Into the Mseouter of the said estate
Will pr.ceed to did ribute the assets of the side
lloensrdnmoegstthe mulles entitled Plieret
harlot) regard only to tine elaiuts n° wllrlt he
shall then hove antro) ass areceet id, and side
Exeetter nrd nei be liable fur sash itis or
any part thereof to fins person Ile len. ems of
who .Malin moire 11411 ai t bin a been ecce{V•
lel att1 a lion. of.•nrh •dr-o•eb rb,n.
Laud mt Stoat'urd the. sfh day .Y.I ne.
SA51010. AsEl N.
Fina 4 Ndr-Bt,re11t, Soot Cord, Cnt,
Horses far Service
61625 A. T. R. 2206 e. N. R.
Foran A I. Enrolment No.41381
1tArE REru10U 3.01;44
The tirnnd Virewit Ibtor•nnd Show Horse, 1st
prize winner nr nt ne-ul'f.etli and Clinton 1017
Spring Shoes. The only feeble in the (`minty
et Berm, That. er,r,•IT.v ti lh•• services of a
stallion with x Veeord of 2 to or butior.
Ebner 1ei.•hson Crib Hard at his own stnble,
(Iouunerelei Hotel Horne, Blyth, with esrep•
tion er the fnllnwiug mute
aIONDA Y -\yell leave los own stable loin
p7_roceed to Auburn for noon; flumen by way of
Nile to O. 51eYolt's for night,
TU1581)d Y -Will prop, l to eolhorne House.
(.nelerieh, for noon, and remain there until
Wedneadoy 11111)11.
WEDNESDAY -Will prefeeed lay way fir Hon -
mil ler to Myth where he will ronnlu until the
following Monthly merman.
61522 A. T. R. 1070 C. N. R.
Form A I. Enrolment No. 2036
Tbr standard Gerd show aril Trotting Stat.
lion. Null brother to mit:.112 14lq nud Inez 51,
2.1753• Was shown Li times -14 time gent furl
ono() )(proud.
Ike Medium will stand for the improvement
of stone this sens(in as follows:
THURSDAY -Will lenvo his own stnble,
Blyth, and emptied North to lic+lgrave for noon t
Mon to the lentwors' Thome, Winghnol, for
PRIDAy -�Wili prareld ae Bhheval. t1) Bnlrs,
for noon; there to (Jordon SlnTunnnld'.s Hotel,
Brussels. for Melee.
SATURDAY -•will preeeed to his own stable,
Blyth, where he will remain mail the follow•
ing Thursday morning.
NOT further part urnlans and te•nns of these
Noll bred horses see hills or enquire or
Enrolment No. 4701. Poem 1,
Will sinful for the Improvement of stunt dar-
ing the present season at Henry Horias stnble,
Lm. zo, costa, Morris township,
H. DONE, Proprietor.
' ateeet Enrolment No, 0053, Farm 1 Pooled
i luny till, 1015; bred by James Snob% Sire, Nth -
ranted Chief, dim n., 11276s1 (lira671; Niro of si ro,
British Chief Im ll'il tr150at, Unfit of etre, hate
00572e dem, Iinunle Joan Again latBNl, Sire
' of dumb Royal Pm If line 1 1E5051111020). Dion
I of (lion, Queen, by teed of the ahmor (hiltt, 1
Ill5551 pdHli will stand for service during the
Seamon nt his own stable, trot 00, C011.11, Morris,
I Or would, by apuointmc•nt, meet customers',
,IAB, SPE112, Proprietor
lianas Pawl]
harohuentNo. laa7--Tnspented and Approved
Patin I.
Will stand for the improvement of stork
(lilting floe prement seaman at Tolut J. MoGnv
ill's stables, Lentlbury, Lot 22, Oen. 18, blcSit•
top. Terms, $t2 to insure, payable Nebruary
J J. MottAylN, Proprietor.
Bull for .Service
Tho undersigned will keep for entwine, on Sl'
Lot 00, Lion. 2, Morris township, the thorce•breol?
Short Horn Bull, Gninfnrd of Salem, No.
'-90418-, Sired by Gainford Mitennin (1000001 ;
Dm Mildred Vilify Hoye] Sailor 118000). Ped•
igree only be seen on application Tunisia
$8,00 for grades mol $10 00 loo• thorn'•breds,
TH08. PIELtaE,
Hog for Service
The undersigned will keep for servlee of Tet
28, Ont. 15, Grey, the thora'•heod Verkehh•e
HOg, "Amherst, mist," bred by B. Armstrong
& sons, Codrbnghant. Tornis $IAO, fit time of
service, with privilege of returning, Pedigree
may basun on implication. 504
LUNE C. SPIOIRAN, Proprietor.
Strayed .Soars
Strayed on the promises of the mulereigned
Lot 4, Ono, la, (key. n York Sow, Owner is
requested to prove properly, Tiny ex onaoe end
Hike iter fealty. JAS, OAMEILON,
Photo ten 1
Fa,rrn for Stale
elontainiug'2001101T viz., S%Lot ED, Con,
Morris township, and Lot 1, COs, 5, Grey town-
ship, Well watered, comfortable Winn,
born mul manure shod, driving house, wind
)pill, orchard, &a. 241)111os North of Plimsoll;
engrnVelroad. ltuwrl mnilnnarural 'phone,
15 tuna to school. WM sell either or both
Parma. For further partienlars ninth' to
ALEX. FORSYTH, Proprietor, Ihl•assels, m•
P, S. SOCTT, Br essols, 0.4
For Sale - Good Value
Ahoot twoaorns of hind with einnfnrtable
frame house, motile al,d lull Immo; good well;
good (feller nud woodehed ; also hearing fruit
trees, About 4 minutes' walls from postoiRco.
Tito ahnvc property is situated on Jalousie,
Brussels. Particulars only ballad on obgniry
from ilia owner on'tho premises,