The Brussels Post, 1918-6-27, Page 1VOL, 46 NO. gw fal.5LI Per A211111111 all. Advance BRUSSELS.
r t , 1 p7 1
�., ' ,,'�,�.L11ia1i:,,ail..f0t'�:l'.
ream Dreams
and sec: Visions, but to make
your Dreams come true --and
your Visions materialize -gen-
erally means having a. little
capital to start with.
Tile way to get capital is to
save a. part of what you now
Decide,now, to let us help
you to save, Interest paid
every six months.
auk of Nova Scotia
Pela-up capital $ 6,500,000
Reserve Fend • 13 006,000
Resources - ]30,000,000
Brussels Branch •
Now Advertisements
Lye Rea atnliet-,T. R. Wendt.
'ow Iia• Leis -Gordon Al cDonnld.
diode" to L•roditors-J. Leckie estate.
Mummer kbhoo1-r+pottoi Business College•
s1 l ext l ew s
Dr ED, -W, t;, Southgate sr., aged
00, one or the beat known commercial
travellers in Canada, flied at his home
here, Saturday, from heart trouble
and complications.- He was a resi-
dent, of Oanada for nil years, liviug in
Toronto for about 35 years after com-
ing from England, For the past 12
months he has made his hotue here,
being engaged in the manufacture of
elot hing and latterly returning to hie
hastier vonatinn as representative of
several of the beeet known American.
and Canadian raeLories, Ile was ;at
proud tient Mason and Black. Knight
•h,r•i••t+d••b•i••F•A•t••t••t•+ +4••i•d••F@•d••i•3••Nd•i••4•
.t• •i•
• ,
sweatost ts.
+ +F
•F r +
+ a.
• Grupe
' ,ee d
N Toronto Eye Specialist
+ Will be at
.+ I 4'
1, �J . . e n dt s .ti
k7• Wednesday and Thareday •II•
1. doily
,i, i•
Eyes Tested Tree, F
,y .F
of the Orange Order and took an
active interest in each of these socie-
ties, Being afluent speaker his ser-
vicee were often sought for in this
eounectinu, lie leaves a widow, a
son, W. L. ,jr., who was his co-worker
on the road and n daughter, Mrs. R.
A. Wilson, New York.. The remains
were taken 10 Tomtit° Monday, for
interment in the family pica in Mount
Pleasant Monday afternoon,
Lugar Hodges, who has been at Clin-
ton, is home again,
George and Mrs, Hodges, Clinton,
spent the weeleand with their parents
and friends here,
Ales. Geo, Robertson and children
spent a,few days last week with the
foi love's patents at Donegal.
Miss Edna Joss and Miss Proxy
Smith, of'Torouto, ate spend lug their
hnlidaye at the hone of Alex. Menu.
Airs, Roy Lethbridge and son and
Miss Nellie Matthewe, of Owen Sound
are visitkug with their eksters, Mrs.
Gen, Graham and Mrs, limn. Har-
The chopping mill belonging to
Frank Harrisnn, which was
burned down a few remake ago has
been newly erected null is now ready
for wort.. Chopping days will be
Tuesday redo. and Friday of each well. un-
til haying time.
Wm. Mann who has been serving
his country as a sailor for the last two
years is expected home next Monday
for a fere clays. He arrived in Hali-
fax a couple of weeps ago; He has
*one 'o Dummer Sask: to see his par-
entst , s p
ents and o • mer relatives before coming
to hl0nerietf,
A KINDLY Ace, -On Sunday after-
noon, 01.11 hist„ the congregation .of
:Trinity church presented Prayer
books to Pies. William "4rancamp and
Garry Nilson, accompanied by the
following address :-
Peni1e. W. VANOA PAND G, WiLsow.
1/LAB, FIzrt lvns:-Olt the eve of your
departure to join the forcee in dormice
of our emintry, we, the members of
Triukty church, Belgrave, whit] to
express to yon one appreciation or
yonr action and at the same time
assure yell that we will always talte a
keen interest in your welfare. Yon
have been good and neeful boys at
home mud his the neighbmhood and
loyal members of the church we all
love. We. will always pray for yens
success and may the God of battles,
even one Father, in whom we trust:,
ever keep you in Ills loving carni,
6F 61'.0000000fL5r@i(aQD0®tteD0PBftji'�ITJ+0i001 ',I4'INW 478:tifIf.D0iS6?6t00
r, eeetete)*.,
tea OST BUSINESS COLLEGES take Summer Holidays but
nrirr-hn rren in attendance,t L + le 1 'n
the et; v 1, gh and the �ucaL demand I t
gradu,LtrS of the Spnbton Business College, Rringl)aun,
Ont,:, has made it imperative that no holidays be taker this year.
Students may theeefnr.c: enter any day andursue their course
throughout, thed all Term without interrupt on. This School is
pnprilarly known as the "'Model filminess College. of Ontario,"
Mk our graduates of the past fifteen years, ti3ey are Le be found
in auch peel thins as :--Supreme Court Stenographer of the Prov-
ince or Saskatchewan ; Principals or Busineen Onlleges (among
them principal of Commercial Department: of Detroit Business
University), Brieinese tMauatgees, Private Secretaries, eta After
Len to fifteen year's experience in Oa naclian and a\mencean fillies
otte t;raLdiaates look back to the old school and say "No Better 1"
This selmol employs no agents to prowl around the country
telling "fairy tales" to Llrm,ct:ing. If interested iti a Rind -
es before deckling on interim.
L'll7n Write fns' he41'tl`lYla 1 ( 1 1 nl
Hees lldnai6 1 e, g
schools. This school enrolled five times" Its many students as
any other school iu this district last year, ".Ther;+s a Reason,
Write for it, TL pays to "investigate" before "invealing," A
few have not and then regretted,
psi•r000eloesaeoee•taoeemeaelatotes it o emote os•rawi••o• •
TS 27,
Plenee accept, these Prayer Titmice as
tokens of one leve and esteem and to
you unite in the services tnay Yon
over be reuaiuded of pleasant asecieka-
tinna in Trinity church, Belgeave.
Signed on behalf of the congregation.
W 13, IIAWKINS, Rector,
Ii. Pitoc-rtett, lI �yarclens,
A, 131t1'OttICR, 1
fnteeesting lattersare being received
from Pte. Fred 13unter who hent
Overseas a few months ago,
Mrs, A. :Leitch is visiting her
clatughtere, Aire. W, J. Laurie, Lond-
on, and Mrs, O. J. McLaren, Chatham.
A good many from this locality took
in the FArrliella' Club picnic last Fri-
day. Although wet and threatening
weather were against it a tine time
was enjoyed.
A fine 3 year oldsteer was killed on
Tames Perrie's farm, probably last
Friday night. ft tvnfl disc11vered on
Sunday. Vice PreeitleutEdgar, ofthe
Howlett Metual, came to inspect on
M outlay.
Our former Oranbrook old bny, in
the Berson of Bev. J no. Knight, NL A.,
will move this vent. from Heiman. to
Milverton, Fre slid splendid service in
his teat olmege and will no doubt dupli-
cate it on his new field,
nee, (Rev.) Thomson has been quite
poorly Ott'. ree hope she will soon re-
gain her vigor.
13elegalion from .Bluer..le Women's
Institute will attend animal U"morcn-
lion at Ethel Thursday afternoon of
this weelc.
Rev. Prank Burgess, who has been
at W illcesport for the past Oonfereuce
term, will be the new Methodist par-
ann. Rev. Mr. Thomson will go to
Ottiengorm, Steathroy locality, ashis
new charge. Changee supposed to be
Made for theist Sabbath of July.
Nevoid Swann, who recently returned
from overseas, visited over the week-
end with friends in :Exeter communi-
ty, Lieut. Swann for 3 years taught
school at Eden and on Friday everting
the residents of that section were en-
tertained at the hnme of Alf. Coates
in his honor. On Sunday 'Lieut:
Swann gave a very interesting tallc to
the Young Men's Bible class or James
street Sunday School, Exeter, • of
which he was a former member.
Lieut. Swann was with a battery and
was throngh all the big engagements
the Canadians were in last year. He
wt's taken ill with pleurisy and hits
been granted 0 months' leave of ab-
sence. He left for Vancouver where
his parents, Rev. Prank and Mrs.
Swann, reside, The Swann family
will be remembered here, Me. Swann
being the pastor of the Methodist
chtu ch years ago.
Picnics are 110iv or the program.
Schools close this week for the &m -
me vacation,
Road work is once more busy spoil-
ing the highways,
Clover cutting has been o1 the pro-
gram during the past week. Crop is
said to be good in most places.
Miss Emma Taylor is visiting friends
y g
on the 10th Con, She was a former
resident, being a daughter of William
The 'Union school picnic is to be
held in the Bennett giove Grey bound-
ary, Friday afternoon of this weer..
There is always a good time at this
. g
Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull and son
have gone for an extended visit with
her parents, J. J. and Mrs. McGavin,
McKillop. Wilbur is all smiles,- His
baby is a fine boy.
The No. ()school pitenie announced
to be held in D. Dunbae's grove on
Saturday has been postponed indefin-
itely owing to the illness of Miss Lilah
Sparring, the teacher, wild has been
threatened with appendicitis,
De. J. W. Campbell, St. Louis,
Mich., accompanied by his neice, Miss
frene. Hoovee, who has been attending
college over there, motored to the
hitter's parental Home, 11th 0011.,
this weer.. They are welcome viek•
tot d.
•l .anainRs' Mon PICNIC. -:The union
picnic of Brussels and Cranbrook
1!ariners' Clubs, held lust Peiday after-
noon in the Davidson grove, on the
bank 0r the nitthtrld, 12th Col, Grey,
turned not quite successful notwith-
standing the rain of the. rnreuoou.
There was a good crowd when all got
there, Jas. Dunrtidsor, the well
known elweseuhan, of Atwood, presid-
ed and in his address fired some hot
elicit in defence of the rights or the
femme. Addresses followed iron
Reeve Preset., of Mai ris township, and
Secretary Morrison, of the Central
organizal ion of Ontario, both of whom
spoke with good effect. Al: the con-
clusion lunch was served. There was
also a refreshment booth on rho
grounds, in charge of J, henry Hoov-
er and 'loos. Miller, who did a good
business notwithatauding the cool
arty. The rope swings were net pee -
mi tied
ee-mi.tied to be idle long, l:iad the day
been fine there would have been a
great crowd no doubt. The grove is
beautifully located far ench gather-
ings, A genie of .Base Ball was play
ed in Hugh Lamon's field between a
nine fron Brussels and a macle•up
team. 13.obt•. Downing was the um-
pire and the score was 1.7-14 in favor
of the country boys in a 7 innings
match. Teams were composed of
Blussele, I): Onreie, 0, Best, A,.11ox,
A. Stewart, 'W, Buchanan, W. S,
Scott, S. Burgess, R. Stewart, and W.
Burgess, Country 9 :-J, Work, P.
Duncan, W. McDonald, H. hoover, J.
rmetenn R. Bowman
A g, , R. McCall-
um, O, Hemingway and W. Hendee-
aoa. Ettch side had a coat of white-
wash arid VV, Henderson was credited
with a Rorie run. There was some
fun over the game,
Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, old reel -
dente of the 10th con., ate visiting with
their nephew, Oliphant Smith, Oth
Con, Grey,
Isaac Olarke and dmight,ers, Misses
Annie and Mabel, wotered to London,
with GeorgeThompstn as chauffeur,
and visited Plies, Thos. and Isaac
t,ee..k;c who are training at (,ding's
Heights. Mrs. Tthos Clark: went by
train and made a short visit with her
husband. Mr. (Mhhrke htts quite a
farming proposition on his hands with
SOO acres and both sons called away.
The Garden Party, under the aus-
pices of the highland Band Red Oross
Society, amionuced for the 12th was
held on the 13th owing to unfavorable
weather conditions on fleet date. Jno.
Pearson's homestead made a splendid
spot for holding it and a fine time was
spent. Program was; excellent and
with Sam. Oanlpbell in the chair
everything went happy as a marriage
bell. Major Mclieever's reminiscences
and battlefield trophies were most
interesting. The splendid amount of
$1.31.00 Was cleared and will be devot-
ed to Red Oross purposes. The pro-
moters -are to be congratulated on
their success,
SUDDEN DEATH,-birs, Robb, Mc-
Callum, aged 53, died Sunday night at
the home of her sister, Tyles. John
Hay, Tuckersmith township, very
suddenly. She motored over from
Blyth with her son and slaughter -in-
law, on Saturday to be present at the
Oddfellows' decoration service at
Maitland Bank cemetery, Seaforth.
She attended Egmonciviile church in
the morning and the' deemati0n ser-
vice in the afternoon and retired about
midnight in apparently good health
with Mrs. Hay. At daylight the
latter spoke to her and getting no re-
epnuse thought she must be sleeping.
Ott a second attempt to rouse her she
found she had passed away clueing the
night. Iler husband died some 10
years ago. ,She is survived by 2 sons
Duncan and John) and a daughter,
Mrs, Albert Sanderson, Funeral ]ace Wednesday afternoon
took o
from her late home to Brussels ceme-
tery where her husband was buried:.
Mrs. McCallum yeas a former well
kuown resident of don. 10, Grey, and
afterward lived in Brussels before
ullet . She wa
moven t0 h t s a fine
i i' and beloved h de le, c tc
woman a y a w
Her eldest son married Miss Grace
Hoover, 0th Con.
Connell met here last 141onday.
Ethel deangereen will probably go
to Listnwel on July 12th,
• Mrs. (De.) Ferguson was visiting her
daughter, Miss Edith, in Toronto.
Pte. Fred. dole, teaming atNittgara-
ol-the-lance, spent a few days with
Ethel relatives last week.
Miss Edna Oare arrved home front
the Stratford Normal. She is enjoy-
ing the week end with Wroxetee
Tuesday evening of next week a
special meeting will be held in the
Orange Hall to which all the members
are asked to attend.
About', 200 registered at the school
house last Saturday. Registrars were.
Misses Mel:Aland, lialIan tyne and
Miss Barr and Mrs, Archie McDonald,
who olid the work well,
Last Sunday afternoon 'Miss Camp-
bell, a returned Missionary, gave a
most interesting story of her wart. in
India at the Presbyterian church.
The preacher announced was not able
to came.
A bouncing baby boy-Etnest
Ohriatopher Baynard -has taken up
lodgings with Ernest and Mrs. Ackert),
Holyen0d, Ont, he is malting a good
startlout weighing 11 pounds and 10
o1110e8. :The proud mamma is a
daughter of Cl. and Mrs. Raynard, of
Blast Heron Distriet Women's In-
stitute meets in the Dilworth Hall,
here Thursday afternoon of this weer.,
Airs, S. S. dole is the energetic Presi-
dent, The amen will hold their meet-
ing In the Township hall the same
J, H. Ratcliffe, of 1018 donmeroe
and Financeclass of Toronto Universe•
ty, has been awarded a scholarship of
$50 from the Board of. 'Trade. ham
IA the sol of T, G. and Mee, Ratcliffe,
Atwood, Congratulations, The
Ratcliffe family (1. G, turd parents)
were fo+mer residents of Ethel.
AUNT DEAD, -On Sunday, 0th inst„
Mrs..Tene Gael), an aunt of B. Turing,
Ethel, passed away very suddenly nt
her home Luther township, aged 7$
yeaes, She had eaten her breakfast
as usual and collapsed almost imme-
diately. funeral took place Wednes-
day, Mr, and Mrs. Laing attending.
Burial was made aL Arthar aenhetery
Mr. Gael, died 20 yenta Iwo Aii a,f,ut
family survive. The family Wel•,, old
and well known resident, el• that 'te
cality and were highly esteemed Ly tt
wide (*trete of friends,
TA vs Poultry wonted. W. G. Nsel.
Lasl Sunday afternoon tha service
hi Duff's cltuteh wits in Outage of the
Elders aLs ltev, Mr. Mann was at Bel -
Walton Steil (lions Union will le Id
their m<mthly lett 'Tuesday aflte no, n
July 2nd Tickets 25c for 1.111,
Everybody welcoWe.
Dan's forget the lac=tic in Mr. 1,• esu.
ing's glove Saturday afternoon of ill..
weelc, 'There will be all kinds of ftio
at it, Good list of spot t1,.
Next Tuesday evening the Pm lir rt.
Chep will meet. Jiv. Bowman, :.i. I' ,
North Huron, and ,I. Mettieh, 'J P ,
South Hulot), lines hero invlt •d to
give ouldresses,
Next Sunday rapt idol; at 11 (,',,Ind,,
Rev. NIL'. °rail: will paereh hi. rate.
well sermon as pistol of th- ',I, tie"•
dist chnreh. Mowing.; of the O an, -e
eider will also attend ti.. eulvi•e.
Mr. aril Nil.% °milt .vilt lesve fu, ,?,.•h
new charge, Dawn Mill., next
PIC:US; AND PROORA:1f,- Salto (1ity
efleentem of this week tin• annual ma-
nia will he hold hi Lhe hu,h ai 1C111.
Leeming 0,1111 con. McEdl k•, tem N".
0 school) under the auspiees ,.i the
Methodists of Walton Curoit Fun
commences at 130 ai elaek, Foot las,.,.
for risen, women aced chit ia'eu Lod
other attWolk sports, aitch two rugs of
vv... A gelid time in ex eeted and
everybody invited to share in and oil.
'joy the lar•. S i L; will eupply fur:i...,r
pert leftist .
Council suet Monday.
Don't forget the Red Climes pienie in
Councillor Yuill's bush Thinsday
afternoon of tike week.
Mise Hond, or Blyth, hay returned
Mine from an extended visit with
friends in Detroit and Saginaw, Micky„
and Guelph and Paris, Ont.
Thursday afternoon of this week a
barn raising is 011 the program at P.
Ament's farm, 5th line, The 0111 barn
has been split and a goodly extension
The service in the Jackson church
was taken last Sunday afternoon by
J. A. Irwin, Clinton, Rev, Mr, Me-
Oormick has not been able to resnme
his wort: yet.
Mrs, :Barry McGowan and 2 child-
ren, of Kelfleld, Sask., are here for a
holiday visit with relatives and friends,
The former is a daughter of George
Henderson 3rd line. They are wel-
come visitors.
ENLISTED. -Harold °MTh), son of
Robert Outrie and grandson cif Wm.
and Mrs.. Bryans (with whom he nude
his home), has enlisted with the Ar my
Medical Corps, He is now in training
at°ailing Heights, London, Ont.
R, and Mrs. Currie, Mrs, 0. Davis,
Miss NI, Brvans and .f. Bryans meter-
ed to London last Sunday and spent
the day with Pte. Harold Currie, who
is in training at Carling heights,
London, The trip was made in- Rus-
sel Oer'tie'S car.
1-rmBl EAE, -A ver sett
I y P y June
wedding was solemuized at the home
of Jas. and Mrs. Speir, OLh line Morris,
widen their youngest daughter, Coca
Adelaide, was united in marriage t0
Edwin. T. Bell, B. A„ of Toronto.
;The ceremony tvas performed under
an arch of evergreens and. orange
blossoms. Bride who was given
awayb her father looked charming
in hetravelling suit of cream Jersey
cloth with hat to matchand corsage
briquet of sweetheart roses. Rev. A.
J. Mann performed the ceremony.
Miss Elizabeth Speir, sister of the
bride, played the Wedding Marell.
The young couple were unattended.
After the usual wedding breakfast the
happy young coeple lel I.for a trip to
the 1'hmnsancl Islands. On their re-
turn they will take up their residence
at 700 Dovercourt Road, Toronto,
Newsy letter from
Rev. R. W. Lundy
To the Editor of Tarlo Pose:
In response to your kind request to
write 1,r 131tUsstms PONT re our inr-
pressinnsolr the Great \gest• and its
problems, I am sending yon today this
short, letter.
Our trip out West was very Melte-
ant, Vire came by the Oatitulian Nur.
L•hern 13,11,11 Way through Muskoka, New
Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
to our new Mission field for Jane,
nSeptember at Stor-
Allgllet and .c1, 1 tem b `a
noway, Sask. The country is pictur-
esque, full of beautiful lakes aur} large
rivers and a great abundance of pulp-
wood, spruce, tamat'ack, lice. The
crepe here in the great wheat belt of
Saskatchewan, look very well indent
Etta.' the whole couutr Bide is given
with wheat fieltle of great promise.
Acreage is pitch larger than last yeau
and Intel boom is on. Many farnmre
aee becoming very wealthy with gond
crops and war times,
Edimationally the country is suffer-
ing, 1,000 public schools in Alberta
elm elnsed for the want of teachers.
Many foreign settlements IlavO n+
schools, no teacher or leader. In
some cases 17 pear old boys and gids
are given a petenit to teach in a school
at $105 a month salary. This ggroat,
';Vest needs hundreds of good, loyal
coneeceitt:ed teachers to save the day
for this West -land,
Religiously there is a great Ileal of
indiffereime and carelessness, Materi-
alism is eampant everywhere. Sab-
bath desecration is seen of every Shand
and wealth ore are
greed and pleasure s
greatly sought atter. :The church is
very often the school house and the
i a)r 1 :.t.4 fgr: IN t,li rl�
hills to. st JRiitl Isiia�G p iltrD�i Y
or, Thursow Frazier Frcttohet,(i.rontg
hor ,,om,.
littil r;lm a1, dr 1 t ":.u:y .hty
in 1^ 1 -•, 71 .n. tl Ii r 15" I 1 I'ta .hy•
t eria lir^I: '1 h,• ,:. r u• r \Vats
111,,.E Yn:.u.ahl.• 11114 i••.r ,e .rl Ho,a A -
t,(1 rnhr,f„••t tri a-, lie .1: ,•.
:11.,• t1 _ tl.n• 'h -en kir
pb,o, d
it; ill. tar 1 - !•••• 11,11/11/•11.,111.1'
tilt, asst. hi;+iter• AIi•tit.,,li•.t 1.11111•,•11
:terve r v.::. +1 0a ,r ,1,,1 ie tlr.e . V.11111,11*
11111 14 remte,:y to it,.,. ,^.r• rlrru+'h
and it large i,topo,.111 f th •, gal ion took the 'rppniy :atteud-
ing Melville ehnreh. Th'• .41.:.111 -
the large audience was most inspiring.
Rev. Dr.'1'hnlrblW H'rayel', or Ow,•n
Sound, has been secured as the tilt ill•
verset v Are:achcr nail his corning tvnS
louketl fnrtvrtrd to n9lh pleasut•a Lhn[
cvttsnrnply rewarded hl his presents•
tions of the, 'Pt nth. 'Pile reverend
gentleman is a fluent, ready speaker,
With clear voire and good presence
and impresses hi, meesege with ear-
nestness and power. His large and
varied experienre has geven him a
Wide outlook and pureed Ott his dis-
posal a fnua of information of high
valuation, Capt.. Prilt.,t'S par ticipll.-
tion In the great World wet• as Chap-
lain gave flim views of matey phases
of humanity, both good and bad and
Lie Weaves into his discourses litany
interesting inlidents. Morning theme
was "A life for a life" and brought
Close home tho law of sacrifice and
suffering tLy ill • thitiltvelY in 9ertiee
studbhssedness, Inthe ,Veniug"The
only Refuge" was the subject el' the
discourse. Gods unfaltering gnud-
nesa 111 mankind and the Lower Ile is
able and willing tc, bestow on all who
abide in Hint Was impressed, The
opening prayer of,the nreaeluer was a
sermon in embryo and no doubt ,lid
many an auditor good.
Iutrnductnry to the sermon Dr.
foresee Complimented the enngrega-
Hon on their fine edifice, meed tile
wiping out of the debt- open it and
encouraged the glace of liberality,
particularly as a Ieken of appreciation
for Gnd'S provirlcii .l dealings to the
Canadian people.
t o' sa
The rn rsiral ilit 1 lir analyst l v
program Was in chug; t f the rh rl,
MissMinerv't Inns ptesiding at the
organ. At the mot•ning service hiss
Isabel Mtertchan rendered a fine solo,
entitled "llnw long wilt Tion forget
e" a 'e o e e a.
m mud the f the anthem was
"Let God arise." In the eve uiug In
heavenly T,t)ve abiding" wus Well sung
by °hob, and :a Ladies' Cylnartette,
composed 1' )it.s S. Scott, Mrs, Ii.
Thomsen, \fisc, Nellie Hix and Miss
Isabel St 'sedum gave witch good effect,
"Abide with me,"
SIAM was asked ss atoll v ersiu•y offer-
ing and about $(125,00 wits placed on
the plates on Sood ay, w'hiell Was vet y
gond and will lie simplemented ltv the
primeval. cif the 1,eettire. The delft on
the Otto is 5111,01111 in , „ttml lienrrs,
bearing bum est at. ti pot rent.. The
completed e,kitire eeet about k?u,anu,
Monte or Tho prnRleasits• members of
the chin eh ndveeialt• a hustling cam-
paign this Fall to pay elf $5,0011 of the
debt and thereby ctrl en' :Mon annually
in interest. They think the rengre-
gaton eonld do it by la 11,111ty united
systems! it, effeit. Nelincr or bet se
appointed clitivelt property is to Ire
found in Ilntot County anti the
rnembet.ship have n Stood right to feel
an honest pride that their elimeh
Mune is sn enntple le,
A Patriotic. ser ve lana, 11,1,181111day
afternoon in r, nnection with the Sltb-
baLh Selby)]. Dl. FriiNer gave nn in-
l.etratfng talk On Thr Children of
'Pilo TATA ore,. width was announce'
for Monday evening, lead to be chang-
ed to Wednesday, owing to it &Wit in
Rev, Dr. FritS1•14 congregation and he
had to rel urn to Owen Sound Motley
morning to attend the funeral. As a
consequence reference to the Leeture,
whish bore the interesting title :--
"With the Canadians at the SOmtne„
Will be held over nnt[l next week.
The pastor, Rev, A. J, Mann, B. A„
and congregation is to inn entii ratulat-
l nth the 317 � ..99 of the anniversary.
e l L rCe 1, t
cnngregattione aro very smail with
poorly attended Sunday Schools.
Oommimiliee differ greatly but this
great Westmust get: a new reverenco
for God and His house and His day.
The greatest menace of the West is
the foreigner, The 1e Lho nsantls of
Slaws of Central Europe and Aeia,
many of tihem are ignorant and hos-
tile to everything British and Clana-
lilt. t i'•t v i 1
comima,:aier, hoe
�r oit,tel i""-iirellnmrl. Titer ate
11., `.,lime t• ,? of the lh'.11tkr•1au and
Lnry rail 1,111111'01 Lin'i }{. carutnt•nt.
1'11 V should not he sea.11,c1 it, Coloniee.
nut :1110'411d t 1 "n 11111, here tart int
r:tal ipt. "l'1 r.. h•-1111) Itt1iik hi• It tent.
rid frithtehirl• ted rtlaze to -hip.
; lv mei I etre nicely settled
our 111,111Sin at Stornoway. Our
field l: talo, :e iir„ing Mention Will -
?r tied tit.....o 1y, 50
nett,e of a un + a•very same,tb., hot,
yy •are ;• nr , it, VV'e will write
•r; un \V,• f.n ia-rndie;*, t,.nh stud
-It we u:lti,rndxour v,•tyheartiest,
'view! ! '. VVe will he glad to Shear
Ciotti you ail 1'1 :. •.e -scud '.Tits" 1300.1'
V+ t y nuue r,ky yours,
IV. C. I, County Convention
'!L•. nit ,tate• ('-.n..•niints of
,Itil ' Itl,.i, i lit h.
I'' r 1 e tr ,lilt fi•rpiu al 1.30
\G, .be -e F,y al lou,. •, a:, t+hen
re•pnrs rd' the y•kW, Weal.
-viii du• given by lilt. (*WI..t,.+ol (tili,;ers
a of !+Iltsc•t•ietll•udt•t,t.., tb,cogtienl, the
lily ii, •':11 trr:n-tr . , a.,i ,i. e: h•,tli+'t•
eta u e •t1, o,it;, t\'e,be stl.•y eight
amnia' G.e.I �L•ri:J r vol.:.i a,: iug'ng
a"d- iS , :. <.,: ,yiit iske pl' ,u• an,i in
(Li -..,i(,<•7ti Meriitl
e•+1i t iri h•1.1th. smil•.•,�veuil,,r,
the ie •i .• n,.• -t held inlint,. . nn,),
1 tor it•rn ti l:ar•n, r linla.o,
I:. Let, I', +• ._,4 tViogii •'e: Lod Myth,
_•• .,:ropete ,i. f:i••natiy rivalry 1..0.
tt -- nintn1 .11,131, ikikni ',,,:• ilr:uul (411111
:Ueri,ll 1hr:,. run "-,t• are in..
r coo. '1 lig In ilii Oar.,1 every yritr. Last
year Heron Couttly wnSotwarded the
beautiful satin f'ruvineial ltfedal Con-
ies! 1330net for the greatest number
of Sletiat r ntr:1.y held i=t. ?,1,0 11x0-
role of , s. it, during tete year.
'Thursday forennnn the annual eleetiot
of rfhuers and Muperintetidents for
!imam Cis, ftir lo•xt year will take
t Peopie We Talk About tt
tt tt
ToroTonrnto. Arulstrong. B. A., is home from
Mrs. D. Kennedy, Goderieb, is visiting
with relatives its Brussels
Miss Ada Fulton is home from the
Norms! School at Stratford. .
Mrs. Fletcher Sperling was visiting in
P.Cmersten for the week end.
Miss Wi ntreal Gantt. Lueknow hits
been visit 1,r Miss Ruhr Plum,
Harry Aulent repu•trd to military
authorities at London Itet Rarnnlay
111.: L.a 1. ;• tiioc tit, ty:r, is attending
selasd in Tet h+anr no a visit.
k atm Snid (4.ilt. is visiting rela-
tives and old friends in STI Sells and
'vltc Dm'caity Rimes,++, nl Yerktcm,
Rns'.t . is ii:- r. •a v •t' •• ilk her ann'l,
511 1„an Otuyh,•I
I „ ipa li ti Rr n '. at Myth this
week as presiding examiner di the Dep•
art menta' exams.
Colin 41cArthnr has been visiting in
town He came. nom Lueknow to at -
1 •nd the !an t.rl at bins brother Duncan.
Mrs Charles Pringle, who has been
axe; for the pest two months visiting
in Denve• ‘7611.,1(14), !!ri, re, unedhome.
Chas. Rowlett, (Qn en street, has
hardly, be at as 1,111 a. atsna
1 during
pat wet]c but we hope he will soon be
t k
'4 1 t .. rree, Rogers .
l 5 ,, Rot,c ,and Miss Niva
Rogers, 111 Mount Forest, were renew-
ing a Id friendships in Brussels during
the past seek.
Mics Add ism. Taylor, of Rhein), Sask...
arrived last week. She is a sister to Dr.
McNnteli. nt amd Mesdames Jne• Lowe
and Mrs P. Stewart.
Miss Gindys MacQuwrie is home
again She has be,n visiting her sister,
Mrs L A Wriglt . of Carberry, and tier
brother, W L , or Saskatoon
A and 11 s H•ogston, Winghant,
were ead.lig , r. r..!stive•s in town least
Sunday. The former is a son or hiss
R. r Singtcon, John stn rt, Brussel,
1, T. Wand, M ss Arae :1Od Fred. and
Merrier were in London, tar the week
er1r1 visite' g relatives. M1,, \flood; Who
had been in London, came Itself with
the m
I F.. and sirs Gosnell and dam:hiet's.
et. I1;{hs;s'1,, weir here roil a visit at the
home of 1'. and hlr: Brett, making the
trip by rooter, the visitors are relatives
of Corp. F Rnrcll ill.
Athol NI...Q :u'rie, "Toronto, was here
for a frier crsu with his mother, who
ha.i not been feeling very well. The
former is in the Goodyear Tire do. ad-
justing office au,l lakes his job
F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy. and Barringtou
.ire away for a few weeks holidays, W.
L Lawson, Toronto, is supplying the
fo m
t tart , post r4S Manager of the Batik of
Nova Scotia during the vacation,
Mass Ev o Brvans was taken to Toronto
last Monday morning to receive treat-
ment for her broken ankle which was
not knitting. as it should Miss Lizzie.
Bryans accompanied the patient. We
!tope for early restoration.
Herold Armstrong, son of Win. and
Mrs. Arnistiong, Queen street, who en-
listed hu the navy some time ago, is now
ceiling the hint seas. He has been pur-
suing a medical course at Toronto and
we hime he may return in dire course to
complete his College training,
Lorne and Mrs Pringle and twins,
Toronto, are enjoying a holiday with
Mrs. T. Maxwell, john street, 'Mue
twin babies deservedly attract no small
attention and are fine children whom we
hope will grow up to tepresent the }hesr
manhood and wnmaehnod respeetively.
Mr. Pringle is one .of our Brussels old
hews but altheugh he has lived in the
Queen 'city for a good tutu, years he
still retains a live interest in town,