HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-6-20, Page 8♦ 0.1.41 ''J•-r'e teteeJ.feee1^b.1 ihr 9•? *40 i'e e.esse essaa fia :'sae -d 4.. 'i> i'gal nee es tr F. R. r IVY 17`" 1-1 rah Store }}.. Tooth Brushes , Hach bristle is head drawn mull that's why the last so much long• er than the ordinary machine. made brush. That's also why you need never worry about their bristles becomiug loose !dean, Tooth Brusher are made � u France from carefully - selected .r i risrlts, Each lerneh that n.,. the Isseet lei detective i., discarded end tee peeled oues are packed ¢i each in separate cartons. Learn be using it holy pleasant to the teeth a well made Tooth p Brash can be. -`r lifeliINZO TOO'rel BRP'SHES come in several styles and sell at eoc and ;5c each, :re •3• d 0 For a Good Dentifrice Use Rf' XALL PEARL TOOTH PASTE Stakes White Teeth, A large lithe for 25c. REBECO TOOTH PASTE After being unable to get it for some time, we have just received A sandy of the well knowu Brit. .Y ish Rebeco Tooth Paste, c3 Price sec a tube Let Your Kodak e iM fSC.OfirVell 95riEI-0S'kaFi(9@`.8h`OBS471 $0 + TomiDAy Keep in Mind the good times yeti have this Summer wheth- er at out -door work or play. Opportunities for good pic- tures are always at baud and Eastman Films Papers and all other supplies can be bad promptly from this store. Goad Finishing Ione 4. Leather Bill Fogel and Card Cases 0+ 4 t* 0 0 0 4Y 4) 0+4+0d•03•e40+0+4.1-4#+0+4r•1•♦•F ass+0+,0+41+0+0+444+d +0.1.0••••+.* Very necessary for carrying Registration Cards, arc. See the line we have at hoe each Fs Rs S rhe ;70/x.C",7A•K.rd .Store ETH Druggist and Stationer fi ♦j is THE vikv^---for t0 - Morro til day will have ll'rl°`'Pd ftreVc'r. r1;' LACE path order TO -DAY for r.that Metutnent you intend q : to erect of the Engraving which you should have had done. Brussels Granite & Marble Works R EY ,t A. E. H E , Pro. S p ,•f$••••••••••••••••••••®••• ug { eba$ Stents SOME eases of whooping cough in town, i5 sleets gets Tree PosT to ian. 1st leas Wool. season is at band. It's good stock too, 1 COON IT rate of taxation for ter 4 will be i 3frn mills on the $. STRAwItERRIES are a good crop and ere now on the market. ; THERE was a gasoline famine in town for a few days last week. A NUMBER of delegates went to Clin- ton on Tuesday to the County Temper- ! anee Convention. How does the label ou your your pap- er read ? We are very grateful to those i who are squaring up. CARsWELL Bates. Big Double Header Sale opens Saturday morning of this week. Read about it on page 5. AN automobile took an upset to itself in the ditch near Brussels cemetery last Friday evening. No serious damage was done. THURSDAY evening of this week Brus- sels Lady Minstrels go to Listowel to present their program for the benefit of that town. EAST Haeme District Women's In- stitute will meet at Ethel Thursday afternoon of next week. Fine program will he presented. Vb.:Tea/a Park had the grass sheared off las,. Thursday, 'Chis is the second time this season. Base Ball is indulged is almost every evening. NEW valves and rings have been put is the town Fire Engine and in the test following tnachine proved to be as good as ever, notwithstanding the passing . years. Nothing like keeping the fire fighting apparatustn A t shape. ST. JOHN's church Garden Party will be held on the Rectory lawn Tuesday evening of uext week, 25th inst. In- teresting program. Tickets, 25 and t5' cents. Refreshmeuts on the grounds. See bilis for further particulars. SATURDAY of this week will be Regis- ' 'ration Day. The Council Chamber will 1 the be used in Brussels for purpose, i?ose, with B. S Scott as Registrant assisted by others. Get there in good time, 5 r , Hours 7 a, m. to TO p. tn. it uece.sa l. Tests week Principal Naylor, of Sea• forth, was here as presiding examiner at the Departmental Examination, known as Form Ii, There were a candidates writing, completing their work Tuesdny ntteruoou. eentranee Exam commenced Wednesday, with Priucipal B. S. Scott presidiug. Mokonv evening Pte. George Man- tling was expected home from overseas, according to a telegram received by Reeve Plum. A goodly number of citizens went to the depot but the soldier boy failed to show up, He has been on the sick list from asthma and was not able to get to France, although most anxious to get into cite fray. George ar- rived home Tuesday. Famt FoitT WILLIAM._. -A letter front B. Gerry, former well known Brusselite, now of Fort William says he and Mrs, Gerry are going to the West to visit A. V. Gerry and family at Indian Head for showers, just hat is o tin. Flue o w month. l land. Every industry needed forlight la r k ver is in full blast and woe for everybody bod y with big pay. Bre-mess fairly gouts but not much new building but numerous repairs to properties. Several big build- ings on the way, such as elevators, also a targe milling concern for tnannfacturing cattle foods, using up all grain screen• ings and waste from elevators that was either shipped to the U, S, or dumped in the river, The war has taught men economy. Intend ceiling on the Bebb family at Sydney. Mrs. W. H. Willis, Wingham, will meet us at Indian Head. THURSDAY afternoon of next week is the picnic in Walter Vein's grove, North gravel road. BRUssELS Girl Guides are expecting to play a Base Ball match at Blyth on Do- minion Day in connection with a pro- gram for Patriotic purposes, SATURDAY evening last saw a big crowd of people in town, Automobiles were here by the dozens and accommo• dation for horses and rigs was at a prem- ium. ST. Jonx's church Garden Party will be held on the Rectory lawn Friday evening of next week, 2Sih inst. Good program of vocal and instrumental music, readings, recitations and short addresses by ministers and others. Re- freshments on the grounds. See bills for further particulars. 0 Two Girls wanted at once. Apply to Mas. H. JAMBS, Lars Poultry warted. (dean up your breed- ing stock and old hens, R. Tao:dims, Brussels. 0 York Sows for sale, all bred, some to far- row soot! Apply to Gan, SNELIHNO, Lot 85, Con.18, Grey. Monkton, PERson: desiring information with regard to purchase of the store properties in Brussels and farm land in klorris Nnrth of Wall= teat' obtate'ams Walker F. R. Sc Ott. Piano may be inspected at Walker K Blank's. J. G. LEOxrE. HOUsu and Sg flare lot for sale, Comfortable and well located. There is a good well also a good stable. Apply to Gao. CRnons, Breese's, To LET. -Comfortable dwelling rooms above stores. Soft water, aro. I. C. 1210RARDs. SHORT HORN Bulls for sale, several ready for service. Choice bred stock JAS. SPRIR, Lot 20, Con. 8, Morris. Phone led. Pea sale at a bargain, • two sets of second hand single harness in good condition. RTCHARDR &CO. BUaOY for sale, Apply at TIER Pose.. LAWN mowers sharpened and adjusted. Now is the time to get them ready. Geo. BDWARDs, Mill street. Hours and lot for sale in +Brussels. Well located. Early possession. For further par. Menhirs as to price, terms, ac„ apply to Mas, T. R. Tamtsott, Seaforth, or ROST. Taousott, Bruissels. BELT. Organ and a Washing Machine for sole at a bargain. Apply at Tax PORT. DR, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic: and nervous diseases snceessfully treated. Visite residence8, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. 0 Scauot, closes en June 2Sth. EARLY haying is already at haul. SRNu THE Post. to your friend out of town, He will apprec•ate it. Only ese to January is , 191.9. Tee. Entrance Entrance to the High School ex- aminations commenced ou Wedeesclay, of this week luue 19'1i BRUseELa MlustrelS Will put ou their Show at Listowel Thursday evening of this week for the benefit of the Red Cross. FRIDAY afternoon of this week a local Base Ball team will contest the boners of the diamond with a Cranbrook 9 at the Uaioa Farmers' Club picnic in the DaV)dgo strove, cath Coe, Grey town- ship. 1V HAT we may expect. - Pic nice, F,y time Big hay crop. Slimmer visitors. Good iesulls from gardeus. General registration on 22nd, Ease' BOARD OI• AGRUMI,TI/RI2, -'rhe annual meeting of this organize. tem will be held Thursday, 27th lust , 1u the Township Hall, Ethel, at 2 3o o'clock. Business will be the reoeivieg of reports, appointment of deices, &c. Amos Smith is the President and P. A. McArthur, Seeretary-Treasurer, ALL OVER 16. -As a misunderstanding exists as to the ages affected by the Registration Act, it may be well to state over again that everybody, man or womeu, over 16 years of age, must regis- ter, according to law, 'Chis was an- nounced in last week's POST end in the press, generally and is here repeated that no mistake may be made. OFFICE CLosEs Yea 3 MONTHS. -After July 13th the office of Miss Maude Bry- aus, ophthalmologist, will be !closed for the fullowing 3 months. Miss Bryans goes to Toronto to fill a position in con- nection with optical work for that term. Will persons desiring to consult Miss &rims will at office ou or before date meu'•oned FORDwiCD Record says: -J, G. Jones, the well known travelling jeweller, whose home is hu Brussels, left on Mon- day after a week's business here, On Sunday evening ie the Methodist church he rendered two very appropriate solos in spleudid style, Mr. Joues leas a fine baritone voice and is alweys sure of a good hearing wherever he sings. His visits are always looked forward to with much pleasure, LAID UP wins FEVER, -A letter il•orn Corp. Alf, Dennison to hlrs. Dennison, of Brussels, says; -"I was taken nut of trench in France on May igth, suffering from rheumatic fever, spent go days in hospital and was then moved to Napa. bury, England, 18 miles North of Lond- on, where I now am. My hands are sore yet and find difficulty in writing, Things were a trifle hot across the channel wheu I left." We hope Corp, Denuisou will be allowed to return to his borne as overseas does not appear to agree with him. MoerrHLY meeting of Brussels Wom- en's Institute will be held in the emit- ence room of the Library, Tnesday afternoon next, Juue 25th when Miss Gertrude Gray, Toronto, will address the Institute Some of her interesting topics are, "Are we giving ourselves a squat° deal"; "Some Canadian War Probieme," e'c Miss Gray has a wide experieuce in Institute work end comes highly recommended. We hope sll the women will avail themselves of the op- portunity and not miss this interesting lecture. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to ladies of outside Branehes • OPENING NEW STORE -On page 5 of this iseue may be reed a big advertise - meat of Carswell Bros„ merchants, Brussels, that should not be missed by readers of 'rite. Pos-r. They recently purchased a mammoth stock of general Dry goods, ready made clothing, suit- ! ings, floor oil cloths, blinds, window l shades, &a, that was in first-class condi- ! tion and at the price they secured the stock, are able to give sweeping bar- ; gains to the people. Many lines they have cannot be perchased at all from the wholeealt houses today and other lines have advanced so much as to be almost out of reach. The new store, where the Picture Show has been, has been fitted up to aceemmotlete the great stock of Mets and Bove ware of all varieties and prices will astonish you. Jpn. Fergueou, of Brilsse18, has been In staled as menager of th's store, which will be ample proof that business will be well It eked after. Carswell Bros. other store, formerly G N, McLarenat is liter: c lines ally packed with all the cared the of Dry goods and a visit to either store will surprise lea t1.a purchasers xr hnsers bo th as to quan- tity, uan- tity,quality and the bargain prices at which goods are offered '!'hey invite the public for 20 miles nut of Brussels to put their big stocks to the test, feeling . assured that such genuine bargains, with so wide a range to choose from, rarely nre offered and will repay folk to drive long dis'ances to share in the pro- fits. Save money by testing the positive correctness of their aclvertlsing as they know they were very lucky indeed in I securing this last big fine stock at the price paid, The public will get the beuefit. J `arc atd'i;a."x 'Aa'Mw'',ZVOI&•iroOi':'rk�' r"" .n+7i:'ti •.•. STANDAilb BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter - ieT'o tare est at current rate. 236 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, D O CI Manager. People We Talk About tit i �liScG.allaher, Wroxeter, was reuewiug all frteudships iu Brussels: Mrs. S. C. Wilsob wase visitor with Wroxeter friend. this week. Mrs, R.'1`. Hingsou was a visitor with S. S Cole Ethel last week Miss Kunz, Detroit, is visiting with her sister Mrs G. C. Mauuers, Brussels, Miss Eva A1eCrackeu was a visitor with Mrs. ([rev ) Wren at Mount Forest, Geo. Lowry is working at the brick- laying on the new Collegiate is Listowel, Miss Gfheon, Guelph, is a visitor at J. H. Kyle and -children were the home of S and Mrs. Bailey, Johu street. Mrs visiting will• Chesley friends for the week epi Mrs. George Jackson has returued from a visit with frieuds at Georgetown, Milton anti other points. Mrs. W. W. Harris and Miss Vivian are visiting et Toronto, Cayuga and other points for a feta weeks, David Ross is -still able to get down town although in his 92nd year and en- joys a chat with old friends. F, el, erd Mrs. Gilroy and son spent the week eed with telatives in Muuut Forest. They went by meter. Mrs, S. T. Plum auct Miss Ruby were visiting relatives anti friends at Clinton last week. Reeve Plum wag else in Clinton. Austin and Mrs Ross, Toronto, were here for the week end et the home of Mrs, Win, Ross, the former's greed - mother. Co. Secretary Elliott, of the Children's Aid Society, was In Brussels and locality this week calling on the wards of the Society, f.ieut H. H Chill, son of Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Cluff, Stratford, has arrived from overseas. He was wounded some mouths ago George Kerr and Ino. Sburrie are at- tending High Court this week as repre- sentatives of Court Princess Alexandria, C. O, E. Brussels. Corp, Leslie Lowry is now instructor at Mychett ranges in England. He has recovered from his wounds and is en- joying good health, DeWitt Holmes has decided to remaiu iu Wingham and will continue his shoe repairing business on a much larger scale than herename. hlrs. Chappel, Hamilton, has been visit. ing her sisters, Mesdames Edward rind Alex B,wau , She is now visiting relet.ives at Wroxeter. Mrs, (Dr.) aavanagb and Miss Irece have returued to Owen Sound after an exteutled stay in Brueeels, owing to the fee meths serious Hiness, Mrs, Benson Wheeler and children are visitiug at the former's parental borne, North of Jamestown. A trip may be taken to the Great West later. Jas Olivet, who is on the stat? of the C. P. R., Towel% iu the freight de- paitment, is hume for a short holiday. He likes the work and will uo donut promote, W. A •tut! Mrs. Lowry, their son Mc Curdy, alit; Geo. Lowry and Harold Lowly moored to London last week anti spent a few clays with relatives and old fnends bars E Apra, Oven Sound locality, and your g sena are rt lewing old friend- sh'p- iu !insets and locality, Mrs. Apra was formerly bliss Eva Cameron, of 13111ssels J T and D C. Ross, Archie McCal- lum and Alex. Anderson motored to Chesley, Tem witty of last week iu the lathe's car, link ill the races and called on 'relatives Pte. H, D McRae, a former Brusselite, writing THE POST on M.y 22nd, from France says ;-Am doing nicety ; feeling well and still smiling. Best wishes to you and 'L'aR Powr. Mrs D. C. Ross was a visitor in Tor- onto last week with relatives and friends. She met her daughter, Miss Doris, of Fort William, and they arrived home last Saturday night. Nurse rse Hand. ersop attended the gradu- ation exercises of. 32 nurses at Fergus hospital last Friday. She is a graduate of the same Institution hence the special interest she feels in it. Pte. Harry Wylde, formerly of Brus- sels, is back from France. He was seriously wounded at Virny Ridge and has spent most of the time since in hospitals, Harry hopes to call ou his old (Heade here shortly, Mrs, i. Manning is a visitor at Ham- ilton at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Ed. and Mrs. Ruffle, They celebrated their wooden wedding on Tuesday of this week and received hearty eoegratulatious along with the gifts. bliss Irma Kennedy, daughter of Dr, Kennedy, Wingham, who recently pas- seci her Oh year exatnination in Medicine at Toronto University, lett for Toronto where she leas been appointed House Surgeon in the Private Pavilion at the General Hospital, Cadet T, F, Seuderson, of Wroxeter, who has been training at Toronto and Beamsv(lle iu counection with an aviati- onin1't on akl friends ''Or 5 was calling 1 nn c v g P town n fast Monday, He i a a n ool Y, ` soldierly voting man, nson ot D, D. ban- dersou and expects to go overseas in the near future. Pte. Harold 'Town, son of Harry and Mrs, Town, Winnipeg, was here this week on a visit with J. and Mrs. Sim- mons and Mrs. Crawford, relatives. The visitor is at Camp I's/legate with the Transpert and Engineer's unit, His elder brother is overseas wearing the Kiag's colors. Pte. Town's parents were Conner Brusselites, Fres -Tuesday evening the fire alarm was rung owing to a fire in the ltrge 'sfactory. S`arks t at le at P. Amen abP from factory had set fire to the roof and the building was soon ablaze, Fire etas gine teas soon on duty and with the help of a busy pail brigade added the dames were fortunately confined to the stable. It was a very hot fire but by hard work and a favoring breeze other buildings were preserved. There was a large quantity of hay in the stable loft, oats, &c , that went up iu smoke. The building was insured. Stable was large and a good one, so as to accommodate Mr. Ament's numerous teams. It was a Fortunate thing for the town as well as the proprietor that the factory escaped, Mr, Ament had $t800 insurance on build- ing and $S3oo on the contents, Proba- bilites are a new building will be built nt once. HELP IMPROVE'rHE CEMETERY. -While many plots in Brussels Cemetery are nice• ty kept many others receive little or no attentiou. How would it be if part of the 'Ph ersday half holiday were spent iu doing some work in the silent city on your pia s 7 R. Dark, caretaker, for R .roeIl fee per a • tutor d will n the work K r It is a matter r you if you so arrange, e, T fo Y g v of regret the ca relessuess exhibited over giving a ine to the of the dead lnod we hoperesting nthedecided improvements merle during + the past few years will continue, 1f volt go to do some work dont interfere with other plots by making them a clumping ground for what you throw awey, Now is a good time to get busy. A visit to the cemetery will show the need of vigorous effort to beautify many a plot Mr. }lark's telephone is No. 645 if you Wish to make an appoiptijlent. George Edwards is making a visit at Goderrch, Mrs, J. Howard is visiting relatives in Grey township, Mrs. W. K, Whaley, Belgrave, was a visitor with the Misses Hunter, Brussels Jacob Weber, George and Mrs. Bettger and daughters and Miss L.zzie Denman were here over Sunday from Monkton, visiting at the home of J. T. and Mrs. Ross. Official word has been received that Flight -Lieut. J. C. Wood Kincardine, who has been missing since May 8th is a pt iSoner of war in Germany. He is a cousin of Mrs. L. A Bell, St. Marys Miss N, McDonald, formerly of the 9th Gen , Grey but now of Mtll street, Brussels, has not been eujoying very vigorous health but we hope she will speedily improve. Dr. R P. and Mrs. Feild and child• ren, of Owen Sound, were holiday visit- ors in Brussels during tate past week The Former practised here before going Northward. Mrs, Feild is a daughter of Mrs. Edward Brsans, of town. slauB, and Mrs. McLauchliu and ghters, of Salt COALS, Sask., are here on a holiday visit with the Misses Mefeauchlin and other relatives and friends. Mac, was a former well known resident who is always welcome back as well as his household. Mrs. Matheson Richardson anti her daughter, Mrs Wm. Moffatt, both of Sault Ste. Marie, ere visiting at the home of George and Mrs. Kerr sod cal- ling on other relatives and old friends. They were former residents of Brussels for a number of years. A son of Mrs. Moffatt accompanied the ladies. Goderich Star says :-Mrs. I. B Thomson and ber son, Lieut. Muir Thomson, and slaughter, Margaret, of Seaforth, have beeu visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. J Andrews, Newgate St -F. Barlow Holmes was in town the past week. He is at preseut enjoying his three -weeks' vacation from his duty iu the post tRice at Toronto, and took in the Greyhound excursion to Detrot. Fred and Mrs. Adams, former resi- dents of Brussels, but now of Toronto, called on old friends here last Friday while en route, via Fordwich and Trow- bridge, to their home in the Queen city. They had been on a motor trip to Loud- ou, Leamington, Detroit, Wyaudotte. and other points in Michigau and stop ped at Forest, where Mr. Adams has business interests, on the way here, Both me real well and look the part, Mr, Aclerne has a grocery at t906 Queen street East, Toronto Their only son, Will., is looping a motor transport in France and the youngest daughter, Edith, is married to B. R. Williams, Toronto, The eldest daughter, Mrs, hd Aytesworth, is also a resident of the sRme city, It is r3 years ago siuce the Adams' left towu, after the burning of their pump and batter mould factory. Mr. and Mrs, Adams visited Jas. and Mrs, Turebull, former Brnsselites, in Londou. Mr. Tnrnbull's health is much improved we are pleased to hear, Church Chimes 6iFrs^•©�Fdtly� tmimn'l�fY'�ilg prpyy n • • ••• • • • • 97 Piece • The Set Comprises the Following : • • • r r 0 • • td • 0 m 6 • e • d • • • 0 • • 0 0 • • 0 • fl Di }ill; QOfn` tnefr4°•'Qie :i1."Mlle k?srletittit3410 �a Cr.?MPL.F.TE Very? 19lrriaiwe�ale Pattern Rev Mr. Mann gave an account of the General Assembly last Sunday moruing and "The 2nd Mile" was the evening topic, Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Mann will preach at Belgrave for Rev. Mr. Boyle, who eoes to Owen Souud to supply Rev, Dr. Fraser's pulpit J H. inmphries, Chatham, was elect. ed President and F. B. Holtby, St, 'Phomas, Sec. -meas of the Laymen's Association of the ,London Conference. Sunday evening last Rev W. E Staf- ford's theme was "Empire Building," as evidenced in the life of Mesa. Next Sabbath morning he will speak specially to the children. Rev, J. E, Holmes, Loudon, was elect- ed President of London Conference to succeed Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, Exe- ter, Rev, Byron Snell also of London, was chosen Secretary, Sunday June 30th has been uamed as success of the n• et. for the sac ,s a da of prayer Y 1 Y allied cause end the return of Peace to the earth, This clay will be observed throughout Canada in all churches, The pulpit of the Presbyterian church in Chesley is vacant. There have been 6o applications for hearings, going to show that either the ministerial supply is not so scarce after all or desirable charges are scarce. Rev, H. Dren, Kincardlue, chairman of Wingham District, Rev. E F. Arm- strong, B. D., Wingharn, and W. H. Kerr, Brussels, were elected by London Methodist Confereuce,aslepresentatives thorn this locality to the General Confer. once, which will convene in Hamilton next October, ao ministers and a like number of laymen were chosen from London Conference. General Confer• ence meets every 4 years. NeXt Suuday Auniversary sermons of Melville church will be preached by Rev, Dr, Fraser, of Owen Sound. Morning service at It a, tn, and even- ing will not commence until 7 3o o'clock. Dr, Fraser's subjects will be "A Life for a life" and "The only Refuge," for that Sabbath, Special music by the ml ad -ria of Stoop is mel Shea. d• choir a g � l asked fur 13uildlug Fund Monday evening Dr. Fraser will deliver his popular Lecture, re coifIled With the Can - adieus at the Somme", (t'usu'afed by a map 12 ft. rquere) which cannot fail to be or live intesert as he was a Cheplain oversees and gives his story first hand 19ekets 35 and rg cents. Dr. Fraser' is'a plaashng, forceful sneaker and will uo doubt draw large audienoes on the occasion of his visit 'Sunday and Mon- day to Brussels. i 11021`11 Kenner. CHIS and Saneer; I deist Bread and Butter Plnte.1 1 dozen Tea Plates I dozen !linnet. Pinter, 1 dozen Coupe Soups 1 dozen Fruit Mimeo 1 Platlet', 10 inch 1 Platter, 14 inch 2 Classerales 1 Hallett Hoag I Salad 1 dream and Sugar I Bowl Our Price for the above. hand- some Dinner Set is tri -See it in our Window this week, 11 0. ✓'RIW.b �1 27.00 9 STORE DRUG STORE EeeSeIROSS5DEOESCOSOCZOIDOC m2. 04000,20 00000*600r®eatGOa DGInentyerae 0001 srttaronnxaesat***e i BORN EOWAUDH.-h1 Brussels, on ,lune 1st, 1013, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Edwards, a Ron, RueLRnoe-In Brossels, on Sone lith, 1018, to Mr. and 5IPR. Alex. Rutledge, a daughter. MARRIED BENTLEY - STUM1 .% - At the bonze of the bride's parents, on June 15th, 1913, by Itev. W, R. Osborne, Rev Harold J. Bentley, of Walton, to Miss TheodoRla Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B. Y'. Stumpf, mf Kitchener. k1oPAurtnAN-k10DoNA -A t k+elvlilo MatlRe, BP118Sxls, on June 10111, 111M by Rev, A. J. Teacher wantedfor ti. K. No. 1, Grey Town. Besnsie McDonald, daugMr. Witt, hter of Diet to late Jas. . ss days. dttAPpies ienG i n i withtrqualifcations lanf.d McDonald, both of Grtw toweshi e. testimonials received an to Amu Teel WE iTBIE1,D-TUCK-At• Fairview Farm," on ANIHtRW LA kInN'1', June 12th, 1018, by Rev. J. 11. Lemon, kir. 5th S Kee,-Treas., Brussels It. 12. N,,. s. Lewis T. Whitfield, only non of kir. mid �+ Mrs. T.E. Whitfield, Brussels. to klivn Corn strayed steer k1.., saeelld daughter Of MI•, anti klTs, 13en n - min Tuck, both of Groy township, Strayed Sow Stray,,! on the premises or the melereigned tot B,t'.on 18, Grey, oYork Sow. Owner fe requested to prove proeert r, pay expunges and take her Remy. JAS. CARD:HE N, 111•,ne •1217 1 Teacher Wanted DIED MOARTAnit-At Fergus Flospital, on ;lune 15th, 1018, Duncan NeArthnr, of Norris township, in his stud year. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat $t 07 Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs Hay Potatoes per bag Wool 2 25 1 25 93 95 17 00 1n 00 1 50 92 Strayed on the preudsee of 1..I1A undersigned, S?' Lots dH and 40, Cor. 1, Morris, about ,June Suit, It 2•yea••nld steer. Oolnr red roan. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expanses and rake him aWny. Phone 3417 ;JAMES PEACOCK, $2 ir 01. Hog for service n 25 125 The undersigned will keep rcrserviee on NM Ot 28, 0e11.1% (Ivey, the Mame-bred Yorltshh•e 85 Hug, "Amherst Chief," bred by Ii. Armstrong 17 00 C Sons, Codringham, Terms, $1.00, at time or 10 00 service, with privilege of returning. Pedigree 1 50 may bo seen on application. 610.4 N5 T.URE C. SPEIRAN, Proprietor, { Nin the Warr By Pre * aring the Lard, Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops Work In Joint Effort the Soil of the U. S. and Canada -Cooperative Farming in Man Power Necessary to Win the Battle for Liberty., The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking (or greater feed production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat can be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the efforts of the United State, and Canada rests the burden of supply. Every Available Tillable Acre Must Contribute; Every Available Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assiat. Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power -is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seeding operations. Canada's Wheat Production last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; the demand from Canada alone, for pia, is 400,000,000 Bushels. To securelthis she must have assistance. She has the land, but needs the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can effectively help to do farm work this year. it wants the land in the United States developed first of course; but it also wants t*help Canada. Whenever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied, we want to direct him there. Apply to o interests. est ment Service, and the will tell where you can best serve the Western Canada's help will be required not later than April Sth. Wages to competent help, $50 a month and up, board and lodging. Those who respond to this appeal will get a wenn welcome, good wages, good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and rebels, For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had, apply to 11. U. S. Employment Service, Dept,. of Labor • LGwI ` •� .*: *Te::'r 111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111 JI 111111111111111'.0-=may.-:r�� i1.!! id�i 99 r$°G+i its from � r�.moT .�.5 a apent = E E ,,-. o = .mow e.,aa:.11 o..m is the subject of a little booklet that we want to place in the !lands of every reader of this duper who is anxious to s t invest Si h, flue, and .•c I v st I a or er savings where the;' will earn 5?'a4b with safety of principal and regularity of interest. Many of the maple to whore we have this book, as a result of receiving et, have invested their funds in Standard. Reliance 5%%n Mortgage Corporation Debentures The debentures are issued ht amounts of $E00 and upwards, and aro made repayable at a fixed period to Stilt your eonvenienen. Thousands of people have invested their eavinas In these debentures without the loss of ono dollar In- vested. Wo know Oho book is Interesting, and we will send it to you free, write for ona today. a 0 3Y 3 Paid up Capetal and Surplus Fund •- $3,3 G?.8,G a _ -- ja o - 9 m 'Cr QD ,Oar} pf ,4po.:104ni <ip Q i. t, o M R t �7 p..1�.,�..y. ,t i� r,_ ,,,N �l ,p4- 0. t �� �v. n -�a f }� n �iB� �..1 tJ. i. ,� -T S 0 �r. "-"aYD x:, t`i ? i' dk ; R .r I, �l s, •?,. { . di,' .,0t. C Pr. . r �.. ,.} : ' Branch Offices r AV.. BkOCRVILt E CHATHAM Ijlg��t� . etM1Ra M Bw HAMBURG NIOOOSTOCB WV b: ik9 dN 14):1 • nt1W11111111111111111t3a iytom':clew II IIIIl niu111 IIIICIIIIIIIII ii O H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels 1